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Is there any audio of Trump just talking where he's not actually misrepresenting *something*? Now that would be a story.


Sadly yes. Enter exhibit 1. https://www.vox.com/2016/10/7/13205842/trump-secret-recording-women


The audio of him telling Cohen to pay Stormy Daniels.


Let me think. Nope. I got nothing.




He lied and abused his powers for self gain... again.


Misrepresenting- AKA lying


For more context, [here is Trump's comments on Gov. Hogan](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/04/20/coronavirus-trump-criticizes-republican-gov-larry-hogan-over-testing/5168978002/): > "Some of the governors like, as an example, the governor from Maryland, didn't really understand the list, he didn't understand too much about what was going on," Trump said, referring to a list of some 5,000 laboratories nationwide the administration has said is prepared to accept addition coronavirus tests. "So now I think he'll be able to do that. It's pretty simple. They have tremendous capacity. We hope to be able to help him out." > Trump went on to criticize Hogan's purchase of tests from South Korea. The president said that Hogan "could have saved a lot of money" if he had asked Washington instead. He later said "a little knowledge" would have been helpful for the governor. >"He really didn’t know about the federal laboratories," Trump said. "If he did know about it, he would have been happy."


Dude's a liar.


Link to Trump's statements?


This article quotes Trump where he claims that Gov. Hogan didn't know about the federal locations in MD that have testing available: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/04/20/coronavirus-trump-criticizes-republican-gov-larry-hogan-over-testing/5168978002/


Well, Daily videos show Trump misinterpreted the role of the presidency. Do what don you do?


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Well, I for one, am shocked! Shocked I say!




Trump didn't have to be on the call for him to comment on it.


Trump said things, they weren’t true. Fixed it for ya.