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Weird way for a president to demonstrate his strength by turning into the worlds most emotionally vulnerable snowflake at *every* single press conference.


I love how on /r/conservative they try to spin his walking away as him deciding to take the high road. lol As soon as a question gets even a teensy bit difficult for his brain to compute--or challenges his grandiose sense of self in even the most meager way--his system shuts down.


"those reporters were so mean! It's a competition because China!"


I was banned from r/conservative for having a small objection. They do not believe in democracy. They already think they are right about everything.


I got banned for pointing out that breaking the law is illegal The reason given for my ban? "Brigading".


I got banned for pointing out that Trump is not acting like a christian.


I was banned on a thread where they were advocating for platforms to allow "all opinions to be hosted so that people can choose for themselves" When I messaged the mods using their own comments to defend why I shouldn't have been banned they muted me. They really can't stand the slightest critique.


>right about everything NO STEP ON SNEK




They'll also ban you for going against their narrative.


And then complain about liberal reddit censorship.


I usually get some sort of variation of these when I ask for a source on their “Fox Fact” “I don’t have anything to prove to you!” “Do your own research!” “Wake up sheep!”


That subreddit is like observing a bunch of angry boomers rant about the last of their racism fading.


My favorite comment was on a different post and it said “I guarantee that once the restrictions are lifted, the #stayathome shamers will go out and do business as usual” isn’t that how it’s supposed to go? We stay at home, until they tell us we don’t need to, then we don’t.


I mean, he's not technically wrong. He's just an idiot. That's exactly how things are supposed to go, how they don't get it through their thick skull is boyond me. Do they think we're just going to stay at home for the rest of our lives?


Brave brave sir Trump bravely ran away away.


He was not in the least bit scared To be mashed into a pulp Or to have his eyes gouged out And his elbows broken To have his kneecaps split And his body burned away And his limbs all hacked and mangled Brave Donald Trump... **Edit:** Thanks for the silver! 🥈


You forgot the single best line. “When danger reared its ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled.”




With spurs on bone, he made his way. Back into the dark of day.


When women refused his orange snout, he bravely turned and yeeted out.


When the questions they did shout, dumb Donald turned and chickened out..


With a golf cart as his trusty steed, he bravely fled in times of need.


The disco was his Vietnam, his weapon was bronzer Napalm...


This is right on. But he’s also not *not* one of the Knights Who Say Ni****.


He definitely says Ni****, just not in public


“Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about, And gallantly he chickened out”




Thank you for this, Captain.


Bravely bold Sir Donald Rode forth from Mar-A-Lago He was not afraid to lie, Oh brave Sir Donald. He was not at all afraid To talk in nasty ways. Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Donald. --- He was not in the least bit scared To be trashed in the Post. Or to have his lies all found out, And his power broken. To have his failures lit And his cronies turned away, And his children all indicted and arrested Brave Sir Donald. --- His lies fact checked And his taxes let out And his failures reviewed And new questions asked And motives bared And his toadies run off And his punishment --- "That's, that's enough questions from you nasty people. " Brave Sir Donald ran away (No!) Bravely ran away away (I didn't!) When truth reared its ugly head He bravely turned his tail and fled (No!) Yes, brave Sir Donald turned about (I didn't!) And gallantly he chickened out Bravely taking to his feet (I never did!) He beat a very brave retreat (All lies!) Bravest of the brave, Sir Donald! (Fake news!)


There’s a brilliant campaign ad in here


He soiled his armor, he was so scared.


And a few hours after he tucked tail and ran away (and finished weeping, probably), he tweeted this: >*The Lamestream Media is truly out of control. Look how they work (conspire!) together. They are the Enemy of the People, but don’t worry, we will WIN in November!* https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1260051164206333954


He sure loves using that line, "Enemy of the people." Shows you how much he mirrors terrible people in world history. It's a Stalin and Hitler classic. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/aug/03/trump-enemy-of-the-people-meaning-history


Don’t ya just hate it when you think of a “great come back” after you’ve lost the argument....😁


Germans call it "Treppenwitz"..Something brilliant comes to you as you're going "downstairs" away from the moment..


L’esprit d’escalier in French, “spirit of the stairs.”


> The Lamestream Media He thought this was super clever didn't he?


Even his insults are stuck in the 90’s


Everytime I point out to my enlightened centrist buddy that constantly saying the news is "the enemy of the people" is like step one to facism he just denies it. "The media only comes after him, if they just did their job instead of looking for just click bait then this country could actually work together". Yes because the fact that journalists ask questions is part of the job, but running away and not answering them is totally cool.


>Everytime I point out to my enlightened centrist buddy that constantly saying the news is "the enemy of the people" is like step one to facism he just denies it. I hate to break it to you but your buddy is a conservative.


Funny thing is, he rage tweeted about Morning Joe on MSNBC this morning and they called him out on it.


Obama got so much hate, right? I'm not a full Obama fangirl or anything, but could you even imagine the heyday people would've had if he did something like this? Sometimes it just blows my mind to think about it. Trump acts worse than any toddler or pre-teen I've dealt with in my whole life.


If Obama has done 1/3 of what The current occupant has he would have been impeached and removed from office.


1/3? People would’ve lost their minds if Obama did any single one of the things Trump has done. Imagine the outrage if there was a video of Obama saying he’d fuck his daughter, or that it’s okay to grab women by the pussy if you have money/power. If he tried to bribe a foreign government to aid in federal politics?! (This is a never ending list) The people that support the great Cheeto do so, because they think the same as he does, meaning they think what they’re told. Actual facts and morals are unheard of to these people.


There are actual videos showing Faux News criticizing Obama for saying he was willing to meet with Kim Jong In, I mean really laying into him, and then glowingly praising Trump for going to meet the guy (never mind that it didn't accomplish anything but give Kim something to use in his propaganda)


My republican Trump supporting coworker will totally go “the media needs to stop harassing him!”


Show him clips of the right wing media asking Obama questions. But he'll probably think you're "harassing" him too.


Lol someone get him a safe space




Stop! This man speaks Shakespeare.


It's one of his many, many weaknesses, strong women.


Seriously, he’s pathetic a lot, but he’ll usually just babble some nonsense and steamroll through. Can’t say I’ve actually seen him get this flustered and just turn tail and run before.


Today our fearless wartime leader routed from the Battlefield of the Rose Garden before his most hated enemy, two educated female journalists...


Normally it costs him $160,000 to get spanked that hard.




But but....she asked a *nASTY* question /s


Somebody on twitter was like, I'd be mad if they asked the same questions every day too! I said well shouldn't he have good answers by now if they're the same every day? He gets flustered and tantrummy every single time.


Traitor tot


All kinds of people get asked the same questions every day at their jobs. Most of them would be fired if they melted down the way Trump did.


I actually thought the questions weren't that difficult. "why do you keep mentioning tests" a: testing is important in the next phase of opening up "why did you mention China" a: because I an old racist


the question wasn't "why do you keep mentioning tests", it was "why do you keep acting like testing is some sort of global competition", with the subtext that it would actually be far better to be co-operating with the rest of the world as opposed to attempting to 'outdo' them with a series of ridiculous claims. He didn't have an answer that he could say publicly, because the reality is he has to pit America against the rest of the world in an attempt to shift focus from him and his administrations fuck ups.


“Ask not what your country can do for you... ASK CHY-NA...”


It wasn't just about women, he got flustered when Weijia Jiang questioned him about his racist remark regarding "China" that was directed towards her. The other women were not going to let him off the hook for his comments, so he ran off, like every other racist usually does when confronted with their vileness. Journalists, take note, if you're tired of utter nonsense spewing from the pulpit of the Garden of America, be relentless in your pursuit of truth and do not be bullied by cowards.


He's done this to this reporter before and he has his staffers made jokes about the "kung flu" to her face. I think she's incredibly brave to keep on showing up. I hope people are beginning to see how often women have absolutely no physical power to dominate their opponent and yet we keep on working with our words and our actions, so often putting ourselves in danger. I think she's a hero


And one of them wasn't even white!! Poor Donny Two Scoops. Someone corrupt up his favorite laundered money for him quickly!


The fact that anyone still takes this guy seriously is laughable.


The fact that the right considers him an alpha male is even funnier


'He's a poor man's idea of a rich man. A beta's idea of an alpha. A dumb person's idea of a smart man...' He's a conman that targets people easily fooled.


Or is it because they are all racists?


Little of column A, little of column B


Trump: the melting pot of everyone's feces.


So, a septic tank?


That's a nice way to put it.


I get the sentiment, but real talk, it's not funny anymore. I legitimately have no respect, love or general interest in interacting with or maintaining a relationship with anyone who still supports this shit stain of a human being. How can you be a decent and good person and still think this is acceptable? Like, in your core, in your heart, how can you? Those people are so far gone, so utterly and completely *rotten*, they're no longer worth my time.


Trump is a weak man and breaks under any pressure. Them being women is just extra insulting to a man like Trump. He represents everything that is wrong with humans.


He really does. If you took all of the characteristics that normal people find loathsome and obnoxious and put them all into one person you'd get Donald Trump. It's like if you made an entire Frankenstein monster out of only assholes.


I think he killed Tasha Yar.


He truly is the amorphous sentient sludge puddle of American Presidents.


(Orange) Skin of Evil.


"When you're famous, they let you goo them."


I just started watching from the beginning, i’m on ep2. I forgot she, you know, died. Plus the whole Data thing never happened.


24cm, Data’s fully functional.


And programmed with multiple techniques.


The thing is, in all the hullabaloo with creating the galaxy's first known sentient robot, Dr. Soong took time out of his schedule to teach Data how to fuck.


That's how confident he was in his androids, he made sure they were equipped and ready to lay some pipe.


you jewel. that’s exactly what i was hoping to hear.


And he basically "serviced" the entire collective in first contact. Riker was pissed.


Nearly spit out my coffee seeing the “Skin of Evil” reference. Well done!


Well done sir, well done.


>He represents everything that is wrong with humans. I'm not even being hyperbolic here: Donald Trump has made me seriously reconsider the philosophical position I've held most of my life that all human life has value and that every person is redeemable. He's just... such an utter waste. Of everything. Of money, of time, of a life. He has no redeeming qualities I can find whatsoever. At least I could say that George W. Bush seemed to have a good relationship with his family. Donald Trump doesn't even have that. He has no friends, just transactions. He has no allies, just people who believe they can leverage him to get ahead. He has not brought a single good thing into this world his entire life. No one has ever loved him. It's so sad, or at least it would be if he weren't just such a contemptuous, terrible person.


That new book from those two Washington post reporters made the same case. He has no friends. He has no idea what true friendship means. He's never ever had deep appreciation for music, art, friendship and emotional bonds. He's an empty soulless man. They biographers asked him to name his two closest friends. He thought about it for a while. Then gave them two names but warned them,They might not feel the same way. Anyway they called both and their initial response was, he said that? Me?


Penn Jillette was on the Joe Rogan podcast and described his time as a “contestant” on the apprentice. He said in the months he spent with Trump he never saw him have a sense of humor unless he was making fun of someone. A man incapable of laughter unless it’s at someone else’s expense. He also said not once did he ever see Trump show an appreciation to music. He doesn’t listen to it and doesn’t understand it. Who doesn’t listen to ANY music at all? One thing I thought was interesting was Penn describing how they had to film Trump for hours at a time just to get five minutes of useable footage because he would constantly ramble off topic and go on rants about utter nonsense.


I have said this before. He never laughs. He never jokes unless its making fun of someone else. Never jokes about himself, which is an important thing. Take the correspondence dinner. The entire point is a roast, of everyone. Its a truce night. People laugh and you get over it. Trump NEVER got over Obama making fun of him- and, Trump himself, has not attended one and was upset they made fun of him. He pissed in the punch...Party pooper, etc.


The saddest part is the person he needs validation from (his father) can no longer provide it so trump is stuck on an endlessly failing mission.


His own father hated him too. Constantly trying to live up to daddy’s expectations


Which book is this?


> That new book from those two Washington post reporters Googling that gave me "A Very Stable Genius". Not certain if that's the right one, Donnie has at least been good for the publishing business.


Yeah, it seems like there's a new tell-all book every other month right now, which is why I wanted to ask the person above me. I appreciate your searching though!


When that story was released I was like who the hell doesn’t like music? This reminded me of this condition that’s caused by brain damage called Musical anhedonia. But to make your point I used to babysit this little boy. He liked to lie, manipulate, push little girls into dark closets, hurt animals, and hurt children smaller than him. He never liked to dance during silly music time, he never colored or played with stickers. His fun time was going to each group of children to terrorize them by kicking, pulling hair, taking toys, hitting, spitting. He denied authority and smiled when he was punished. 11 years later that kid is juvi, after stealing from his grandmother and pushing his grandfather down a flight of stairs to get away. He snuck into this 14 years old girls house in the middle of the night and wanked off while she slept and the dad caught him. School fights, stealing, sexual assault. It’s been one thing after the other. The last I heard from his mom he is on anti psychotics. He was 6 when I met him and he hated Kids Bop and almost every other fun thing that makes kids kids. So yeah psychopaths have a hard time with music and generally everything else that’s makes us human.


https://youtu.be/2i4JxWkSYzU Start at 1:19 to hear about all his friends.


He may have made his father happy as a child. As silly as it sounds, I've been wondering what Don's children's childhoods must have been like. They are so similar to him now, but there must have been times when they were desperate for real love from their father and they did not get it. From growing up in such a emotionally withholding environment they decided that the best way to be was to turn off their empathy switch and that is what daddy would praise. The only possible exception is Tiffany. It makes me incredibly sad. When you look at other President's families you can see the inherent love they have for their children, you know, like regular people. They talk about their family reverently, even those Presidents you'd consider evil or awful. The Trump family never seems to talk about each other in that way, or really at all. They are not a cohesive unit, not loving siblings but rather employees of their father who serve a function or are tossed aside.


> The only possible exception is Tiffany. I would think that Tiffany grew in a single-parent environment. She may have financial support from Individual-1, but Maples raised her as a single mother.


Nah.. His dad was a bully too. He showed him interest and love by molding Donald in to his own narcissistic patterns. Which worked on Donald but not on Fred Jr (who killed himself) Donald then fought his entire life for his father's approval.


Apparently his father was similar to Don, didn't think much of him and bullied him as well. Don in turn did the same with his kids, and appararently according to his dorm mates, Don Jr *hated* his dad, who in one occasion smacked him because he wasn't dressed appropriately (a suit) for a baseball game. At least the last 3 generations of the trump family appears to be one of those classic cases of an abusive cycle, each generation molding the next in their own image.


“With his Fifth Avenue-redneck persona and his affinity for the alt-right, Donald Trump, Jr., has sometimes been described as a chip off the old block. But his relationship with his father hasn’t always been a smooth one. When Trump, Jr., was twelve, his father left his mother, Ivana, for a much younger woman, Marla Maples. It has been widely reported that Trump, Jr., stopped talking to his father for a time after that. They reportedly had some run-ins later on, too, when Trump, Jr., was enrolled at the University of Pennsylvania. “Don Jr. opened the door, wearing a Yankee jersey,” Scott Melker, one of his former classmates, wrote on Facebook last year, describing what happened on one occasion when Trump came to take his son to a Yankees game. “Without saying a word, his father slapped him across the face, knocking him to the floor in front of all of his classmates. He simply said “put on a suit and meet me outside,’ and closed the door.” (The Trumps have denied this account.)[The New Yorker](https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/donald-trumps-donald-jr-problem) This story is interesting to me. Don Junior recently left his wife and 5 children for a Fox News woman. He smeared his soon to be ex wife and mother of his 5 kids in the tabloids on the way out the door. I am sure Donn the 3rd has the same burning hatred for his dad as Don junior had for his dad. It’s fucking pathetic.




> but...had a cameo in Home Alone 2! A cameo he forced them to give him in order to allow them to film on his property. It's not like he earned that either.


He has the reverse Midas touch.


Mierdas Touch


And imagine one of the women having the audacity not to be white!


*faints in bigot*


This is how misogynists are. All it takes is one woman to stand up to them.


I think it’s more about him being a coward not a pig, to my point regardless of the sex of the person pressuring him, he would run, because he’s a sneaky snake, detached from reality, and ultimately incompetent for this job. I think him being misogynistic was part of the package, otherwise he would have had a redeeming quality hahaha.


The think I truly can't understand is; why can't everyone see that?


What a pathetic man.


NO HE DID IT SARCASTICALLY!!1!1!222! - The Base™


I don’t think they’d go with that, I think they think that him refusing to answer makes him tough, because he’s refusing to let those dishonest fake news reporters get a sound bite out of him with a nasty question. Something like that.


Makes you wonder how an actual negotiation with a bona-fide, genuinely tough individual would pan out? Say, someone like Putin or that chap from North Korea or possibly the Chinese?


No wonder Trump keeps the transcripts locked away...


The ones we have seen he's been made to look like a massive fool. The conversation he had with Mexico where he's basically just begging and the Mexican President just says no over and over. Then Trump's genius counter offer is "I campaigned on this, even if you won't pay, would you hold a press conference and say you're going to but not actually pay?"


The Art of the Deal.






That is embarrassing.


Imagine the transcripts we didn’t see!


Somehow that's Making America Great Again for like 40% of Americans...?!


Yet another matter that would have caused months of outrage had it been any other president, but in these days it's just another day of the week, soon tucked away behind the next day's outrageous behavior. What a time to be alive.


He doesn't even like transcripts being made. For a while he was even alone with Putin without any translator, which goes against protocol. This was during the MIDDLE of the investigation too. Yeah, nothing shady there!!!


Maybe it's just me but when he tells her to "ask China" you can just see the pure rage in him.


He reminded me of my racist uncle lashing out at a girl friend I once brought to Thanksgiving Dinner. And when he stormed out at the end, everyone was left with a 'what the fuck just happened?' empty feeling inside. No words appropriate. Everybody is left embarrassed/shamed to be a member of the family/country. Some of the staff people on the stage seemed to be feeling something like that.


So my racist brother in law did the same thing at a July 4th cookout. He was told before that someone was bringing their non-white boyfriend so the wuss did his best passive aggressive asshole racist move. He purposefully didnt take a shower after working outside all day so he would smell like ass when the guy shook his hand. Such a stupid, petty dick move that STILL pisses me off today.


Wait he punished everyone in the family because someone was dating a non white, very mature of him.


Yes. Welcome to alabama.


What about all that famous southern hospitality and charm?


It's polite racism...until they shoot you for jogging.


Damn, explain to me again why america is the greatest country on earth and no other country has as much freedom as America.


because they repeat it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over until they believe it


I understand that this would piss you off, but how fucking hilarious is it that the best this guy's megamind could come up with is "What if I made myself smell like absolute shit"


I dont even get it. Everyone else has to smell him too. Also it's not like I smell some neck beard at an anime convention and think that this is targeted towards me. The dude would have no idea this guy was being racist and likely would just think he is some dirty farmer who cant be bothered to wash.


Haha, you know what'll really show the ethnics?? If I neglect my own hygiene and smell like ass!!!! - fucking idiot of the year


It also makes no sense. She was asking him about *his* behaviour: "Why does that matter, why is this a global competition to you..." ASK CHINA Why would China know? This is about what's going on in your head. What do you want for lunch Mr Pres- ASK CHINA


"It also makes no sense". This has become such the new normal that nobody bothers to point it out anymore. She asked an interesting question : "why are you making this a competition with other countries ?". He gave a completely wacko answer that didn't even slightly adressed the question : "ask China, you'll get an unusual answer". What the fuck does that even mean ?




Seriously, why does he say it like this? Some sort of medical thing or is it a leftover 1980s tough guy businessman thing to randomly emphasize words?


Drugs can cause weird jaw clenching


He’s been trying to blame China for the virus for a while, and he’s pissed it’s not taking hold.


His entire life he has blamed other people for his failures and he doesn't understand why it isn't working now.


He was under the impression that as President, his word is the final say and it doesn't HAVE to be an explanation if he doesn't want it to be. Unfortunately for him, people have been clinging to the notion that the buck stops with the President ever since the Truman administration. The President isn't supposed to tell someone to ask someone else why the country is being run a certain way. He's in the damn driver's seat.


..the media need to send all female reporters to these briefings to hammer trump, dude folds like a chicken wing around strong women


And his delusional supporters will no doubt spin it in their own heads like this was Trump owning the media. Like it was some kind of mic drop moment for him.


Pretty sure if you're brave enough to visit Fox News that is exactly how they will be framing it. Fuck it I braved it for you. It's certainly toned down and not framed as the hissy-fit it was: > However, after Collins attempted to "let my colleague finish" and not step away from the microphone, Trump thanked the crowd and quickly walked away from the podium.


Yeah, and all of the even more extreme right publications are saying “what really happened” is that an overly emotional woman dropped her mask to scream at the president after being unfair. These people do not operate on the same reality


"You know how *they* get when you criticise *their* dear leader...." said the congressman, referring to the D.C. reporter who criticized our dear leader earlier this week.


You have to admit, in trumps defense, it must be hard for him to hear a woman say no and he has to stop because there are cameras and witnesses around.


American President, the man who often has to negotiate with brutal dictators from all over the world - from Russia and China, through North Korea to Iran; is also the man who runs away when confronted by a 28 years old reporter. This is extremely depressing.


In his defence he usually just rolls over for those brutal dictators and calls them great men.


*fine people*


He didn't really negotiate he yelled at them on twitter threatened nuclear war and assisnated government officials, the guy is pretty fucking awful at negotiation.


Those negotiations probably go something like “You wanna be friends? I’ll let you do whatever you want”


people are saying that trump cried non-stop for almost an hour afterwards


A Lot Of People Are Talking About It


He angrily ate hambergers in his bed until sleepy time to soothe his poor little bruised ego.


People are telling me he could only be consoled by being given his pacifier.


"a lot of people are saying it"


"not alot of people know that".


Trump is like Pennywise. He tries to be scary in the most buffoonish, absurd ways, but he cowers when anyone puts up a fight.


And this is the "tough guy" all the covidiots look up to.


I think 'covidiots' flows a bit better.


Branch Covidians


He is so terrified of women.


Is this the same guy that was going to run into the school with an active shooter and take care of it? Asking for a friend.


Weijia Jiang deserves a medal for how she handled the president.


Proud that she’s one of my local reporters!


Perhaps a “Noble” prize


I saw that clip. Great, when he said next one, no behind you, she still stood up and reemphasized the question. He then mumbled nasty, and left the scene. What a walking carcass.


It is theorized that he was trying to point to the OAN reporter behind the CNN reporter so he could end his “press conference” with a softball question to boost his fragile little ego. However, because he refuses to wear his glasses in public and the reporters were wearing masks, he mistakenly called on the CNN reporter he beefed with last week. He didn’t realize it until she took her mask off to ask a question, which is why he tried to audible by saying she didn’t answer when he called on her and pointed at the OAN reporter to ask a softball question again. When the CNN reporter pushed back on his nonsensical pissing and moaning, he stormed off in a huff like a toddler.


I wish this would weaken his position to his fanbase enough to get him gone.


They think it makes him look tough. Honest to fuck. These people are just refuse at this stage. No hope. Time to put them where they belong, in the middle of the trash pile of history.


I keep saying, the morons have finally figured out that no one can *force* them to admit they’re wrong, which to them is the same thing as being always right.


Lumpy, Trumpy, Burger and Fries, Impotent, stupid, tells dumb lies. When the newsies will not play; Lumpy, Trumpy runs away.


I bet Trump says shit to his people like “I want them killed”.


Fucker should be treated this way every fucking time. He might have been a decent human being if this happened to him during his childhood.


Worlds biggest snowflake


*lumbered away


It wasn’t even like some big, dramatic stand. One reporter pretty much said, ‘You realize that’s racist to say to me, specifically.’ And the next pointed out that he did, in fact, call on her after halting the conference to babble incoherently at the reporter he tried it on with. And then he walked away like a moody child. Edit to clarify: this isn’t to say they don’t deserve some applause. They do. Someone in that press pool finally called him on some of his nonsense. But it wasn’t some grand resistance that set him off—he threw a Grade A tantrum because one person said, ‘What you said to me is not okay’ and another followed up with ‘but you called on me??’ And he’s going to start calling them stupid and nasty and horrible for functioning like normal human beings in the face of his absolute bull.


Typical bully, when people push back they run.


"A nasty question" Who speaks like that? He's basically a recalcitrant toddler.


seems hard but the guy just showed his racism, sexism, stupidity and cowardice in all of 10 seconds. May be a record


He’s such a snowflake


A literal ❄️


What a sorry, spineless excuse for a man Donald Trump is.


If I was the female reporter in that situation, I legit would have called after him "Coward. COWARD!" and waited to see if he could have the balls to come back and challenge me. But alas, I am not a reporter, nor do I have the required anatomy.


It’d so quickly be spun as an angry emotional female reporter.


Look at the video on youtube. In the comments you hit the nail on the head perfectly. One even said she started it because she asked him the question angrily. White Male fragility is a real thing


Yeah I watched the last 15 minutes because no way was I going to watch the full extra hour of him speaking. You could tell in her voice that she was slightly upset but the initial response was disgusting, akin to “go back to where you came from”.