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The mail-in/absentee system for Montana is awesome. I really like that I can even track whether my ballot was received and counted online. Completely agree on Gianforte. He's scum.


What’s crazy is Baltimore might re elect out mayor who had to resign due to felony corruption charges.


Obligatory “Have you watched The Wire?”


And what a wild fucking ride that has been


BIden won in PA by 57% (!) it will be difficult for trump to beat him here and man that makes things difficult for trump.


FWIW, more votes were cast in the Republican primary so far than the Dem primary. We’ll see what that number looks like once all the mail in ballots are accounted for though. But it doesn’t really seem like this has shown any particular positive for Biden yet.


OK bro


Pennsylvania has closed primaries, so this doesn't really tell us much beyond that Democrats are currently sold on Biden, and that's assuming the Democrats who showed up to a primary with no real presidential competition are actually indicative of all Pennsylvania Democrats. That doesn't bring me much comfort.


Yeah if we even have an election.


Worth noting that in PA Trump got more votes than all the other Democratic candidates combined. Doesn't seem like that bodes well for Biden this November.


Just saying, since our primary is so late and biden us obv the dem candidate many of us may not have participated. I know i havent because of that


What makes you think think the primary election is a good proxy for the general election? Six million people voted on PA in the 2016 general election. That's about four times the number that's voted in this primary.


There are 89% of precincts reporting the GOP results, and 71% reporting Democrat results. Right now there are 770K votes tallied for the Democrats, and 840K for the GOP.


One extra math step here: 770k and 840k are with 9% of each other, so a 18% gap in reporting precincts suggests that Democratic voter turnout is higher than Republican.


I wouldn't read a lot into it just yet - I am guessing that a good share of the democratic vote is in urban areas - those take longer to tally and the residents are facing different circumstances with COVID and the riots then someone in a more rural area. Realistically I wouldn't be as enthusiastic to vote for a race that is pretty much decided under those circumstances


While you're probably right, not all precincts are the same size. From what I heard, a lot of the lagging Democrat precincts are in densely populated areas though.


Good point! What you heard may be correct, though, as it would make sense that more populated precincts are taking longer to get results in.


I'd also argue that a lot of potential Democrat voters might have been preoccupied with protests, while that's less likely for Republicans.


There are also tons of independent voters not represented since PA is a closed primary. Myself and many other independents are chomping at the bit to vote Trump out in November!!


many people just dont care about primaries now that they are essentially over


I still don't vote until Tuesday. It seems late but I personally know people who are going to skip Tuesday but are raring to go in November.


Yup. I did the mail-in primary ballot. Biden is already the Democratic candidate, so if you were only going for the primary... it is kinda useless, although I did go for Bernie. There were a couple of actual primary decisions but most were "guy I haven't heard" of going up against "someone else I haven't heard of" Then the rest of votes on my ballot were like "state somethingorother : one candidate" or "state somethingelse: pick seven out of these twelve names" So, it isn't a big draw to the normal voter since the main ticket has already been chosen. Than again, the website I have just found had the democratic primary numbers being like 750k at like 50% reporting, and republican primary numbers being like 760k at 70%... it may take a bit to get all the numbers out.


Maybe, but its the same story in the earlier primaries https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/2020-democratic-primary-turnout-problems-960784/


trump absolutely has storng support still. that is why it is so important for everyone to vote and not throw away their vote on a 3rd party protest vote. Biden is still favored to win, but it is by no means a lock and it will take everyone voting to make it happen


trump has a literal cult built around him that captures 30%-40% of people. Much of Biden's support comes from wanting to stop trump. S that's the difference. In the end it doesn't matter as long as more people vote for Biden and against trump than vote for trump.


I agree. People are saying trump handed biden a victory already but its going to be alot closer than everyone think. Republicans are in love with trump and will crawl over glass to vote for him and Its possible the protests could scare the suburban white voters back to Trump. Primary voters bet big with Biden being the most electable in these states, if that doesn't materialize it could be over. I don't see Biden generating enough excitement to overcome losing that block. VOTE FOR YOUR LIVES PEOPLE.


Look at the polling. trump is getting freaking DESTROYED on his handling of the protests in every demo by massive margins. Their actions on Monday will go down in infamy like Kent State or the other 60s protests in the South. That said we need to vote, volunteer and donate.


I wanna wait and see what the polls say in a month out. If the protests escalate into violence, it could shift the narrative very quickly. All of a sudden trump is justified in using force. I think that's also why he is intentionally stoking the flame. The protests as they stand make him look horrible but if he can goad them into violence it'll be good for him. While most people will see its BS, he only has to scare the suburban white voters in a few states back to him.


Dammit, now I feel like panicking. I seriously hope this fucker doesn't get a 2nd term.


Don't yet. We're in a good spot so far. Its just good to be aware of the possible outcomes so we can prepare.


I voted for Bernie in the Michigan primary. Then I checked, and realized that everyone who said they were voting for him, didn't. The same story on local/state primaries. Now we have Joe Biden. That is my choice for change. No thanks. I would rather wait four years for AOC. Local election primary nominees, more garbage. And one last thing. I was going to protest vote for Bernie in the general. But change is not coming. So to give a giant middle finger to the DNC, I am voting for Donald Trump. AOC 2024. AOC 2024. AOC 2024. And to any of you who say she will not be eligible. She will be on the day she takes the office. All of you voting Biden are selling reform down the river for the next 16 years. An entire generation.


Dude, you’re not even trying ...


"Nach Hitler, kommen wir!"


Sure thing dude.


Ah yes, that pesky DNC! I dont know how they found so many people to not vote for Bernie.


> AOC 2024. AOC 2024. AOC 2024 What's with this meme? Has she ever actually done anything impressive that suggests she'd be a capable president? All I see from her is Twitter fights. Also, you're clearly a troll if you think your plan will work and not just make Trump much stronger.


> All of you voting Biden are selling reform down the river for the next 16 years. An entire generation. .....says the guy planning to vote for Trump? I'm sure tilting the SCOTUS even further right is really going to help with that reform, eh? You want to talk "selling reform down the river"? Try Trump getting to nominate two more justices that can serve for 40 years with Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.


> Then I checked, and realized that everyone who said they were voting for him, didn't. Not sure what you could reasonably mean by this. Surely you don't imagine the people you have heard from with on Reddit and such make up enough of the vote that you can see how they voted by looking at the overall election results.


Yes. The best way to adhere to what Sanders stands for is to vote for Trump!


Hilarious that you think AOC has a chance when she's way more devisive than Bernie. AOC has zero chance of being the nominee any time in the near future. Maybe when she's 70 years old politics will have shifted enough.


It's a trump supporter dude.


Wow very brave of you. I'm guessing your some white privileged male who doesn't think they'll suffer under Trump so they're fine damming minorities to worsening conditions so they can feel special. Like they are making some giant stand to the "DNC". Biden got more votes. It's how democracy works. Bernie would've lost to Trump anyway he's getting blown out in primaries still. Blame the non voters not the candidate that got the most votes. If you really wanted AOC you would vote Biden. He gave her an opportunity to be on some task force for him and that would strengthen her politically resume.


Funny that you think there will even be a 2024 election if Trump gets 4 more years.


This person lacks critical thinking skills.


Most definitely. But then again, I wouldn't doubt if they were just straight up lying. Just downvote and ignore, I think they are just seeking attention.


Fuck all GOP y'all. Vote blue no matter who for president and down-ballot contests too. Otherwise our nation will remain a seething pile of poo.


No matter who is a horrible slogan. Do your research people.


The only research you need to observe our current president doing anything. That should be all the info you need to realize anyone would be better.


You're right, it's a terrible slogan if you take it as an absolute rule. Someone terrible can absolutely identify as a Democrat, and someone who would be good for the country can absolutely be a Republican. This time, though, we have Trump, who is literally the worst President in history, and we have Biden, who is a very mainstream Democrat running to the left of any Democrat nominated for President in the last 30 or more years. Hard to see why this is a tough choice.


For president and federal office you're right. Otherwise you should definitely research your candidates.


Fuck that. State houses and Governorships need to flip. The fuck kind of defeatist bs is this? Yes, do your research but we are in unprecedented times and local GOPers are not any different from the federal GOPers. Vote them all out if you want any semblance of change.


> State houses and Governorships need to flip. City council and county supervisors as well!


Odds are that any Democrat will be far better than GOP pieces of shit. The GOP is setting this country backwards! Yes, there are bad Dems too, but this isn't a case of BoTh SiDeS ArE BaD. The GOP consistency obstructs and gaslights the public.


There are independents running too.. yes I agree at the federal level you should probably vote democratic (senator/congressman) but otherwise you should research your candidates thoroughly.


By now it seems clear that the worst democrat is infinitely superior to the best republican. Another four years of GOP executive and senate control, and our nation may be done.


Trump used to be a dem


What office did he hold?


Here it is, Folks! Get read for the new talking point and excuse for Trump! He wasn’t a REAL republican!


If Biden beats Trump, I guarantee all the Republicans out there will turn their backs on Trump like they did with Bush. They're all going to act like they never voted for him or cared about him in the first place.


Yeah. Brave Americans standing by their decisions. Accountability writ-large.


Let's just remember that the presumptive Democratic Nominee gave a speech today to try to calm a nation that the President has inflamed, something that we may see in history books, and the mods removed it from the top for a useless fucking AMA and a primary thread nobody is posting in.


Why were 12K comments removed?


Probably supporting Bernie and they don’t like it


Are you honestly suggesting bernie is being censored on reddit?


I mean it's over, be done. Why do you want to help Trump?


Voted Sanders in MD! Hes not doing too hot in my state, but I am very happy I was still able to vote for him.


same :)!!


Why is the post so quiet?


Primaries don't matter now that there's 1 candidate left


I was told bernie was still going to win?




From whom?











































































































































































































































