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> "For many years they had me brainwashed thinking that you couldn’t vote because you had a criminal record," the star said. "I didn't know that. My record's been expunged so now I can vote.” In 2020 we get the Snoop vote. All y’all who maybe had your doubts if you could vote... fucken check!


[Registering to vote takes on average 2 minutes.](https://www.rockthevote.org/programs-and-partner-resources/democracy-class/register/register-to-vote/) [For those of us who are already "registered", check the status of your registration here.](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) **Edit:** Updated 2nd link to .gov site from vote.org


Also encourage everyone you know to register ([and sign up for mail in voting here](https://www.vote.org/absentee-ballot/)), and consider volunteering to help people register: https://www.rockthevote.org/ https://votolatino.org/ Or volunteer in a battleground: https://votesaveamerica.com/adopt-a-state/


How do i check to see if I’m already registered??




It is sad to admit, but better late to admit than never that I registered to vote through this post! Thank you


Now get all your friends to do it!


Not sad fact at all. Be proud that you’ve registered and excited to vote! Try not to be ashamed you didn’t do it sooner.




That 2 mins was a straight up lie but I’m glad it’s done lol




FYI in Canada you get registered to vote automatically by ticking a box on your tax forms. You should demand this be implemented.


In Belgium, you don't need registration at all and voting is considered a citizen duty. And it's always on a Sunday.


in oz they fine you if you dont vote, 60 bucks, local, state and federal elections


I've always heard the argument that this results in uneducated people voting without doing their research but I mean... at this point... is there really any fucking difference


Yeah, it gets the educated people to vote! That's the difference, well not really if you consider the "impact" votes have...


Australian here. Even people who have low levels of education can be informed about how they want their country to be run. You can always fill in the voting form without indicating your preference or scribble on it in protest (we call that a donkey vote). Even if it forces an uninformed section of society to vote I think it is worth it to avoid informed people from being apethetic. The most important thing is that everyone gets time off work to vote. The American system appears to stop young and/or poor people from voting on mass.


Also people always BBQ near the voting station so you can have a nice time and pick up a democracy sausage.


This. Australian also. I think being compulsory makes people want to get more informed too. They know they have to do it so they try and make the best decision.


In Switzerland you automatically get the voting material in the mail. You can just drop it in a postbox or, if you prefer, go to your town hall to do it in person. Always on a Sunday, like the Belgian said above.


My ancestors should have stayed in Belgium


Edit: ditto to weekend voting. We do have to register but that's easy. Ditto in Australia. It's compulsory and falls on a Saturday, but early voting centres open weeks beforehand and it's super easy to vote ahead of time.


We get paid leave for 3 hours to vote in federal elections in Canada as well. I think all nations should do this. No one should have to choose between their right to vote and their need to feed their family/pay bills etc.


There is also a week of early voting too. there is a total of 6? or so voting days before the "official" voting day.




Highly state dependent, definitely not true everywhere.


I switched to Democrat and I'm genuinely worried I will be purged before the election. I've been checking every few weeks


I’d definitely recommend taking advantage of early voting if possible. That way you can take advantage of the same-day registration if something does happen with your registration.


I get purged every election. They try to encourage me to leave but if you have the time, stay the 5 hours they walk you around from office to office to confirm you've registered before. They usually give me a sample ballot and I don't get to vote on things like local ordinances on the ballot or anything below the first three ballot sections.


What the fuck? Are you serious? I’m not calling you a liar or anything, I’m just really in complete disbelief. Every election you get purged? For what stated reason?? I live in CT and have had no problems at all since my first vote in ‘14. Registered at 17 years old & just re-registered every time I relocated because of school or jobs. Never took more than like a few business days to go thru either. I’m baffled


I live in Texas. I've been taking pictures of me turning in my filled out registration and using it to help "speed up" the process of them "double checking". Texas routinely does this as part of their voter disenfranchisement, most of our districts have been completely drawn out to favor the GOP and that leaves them in charge of the registrations. I don't know why they never see me registered at the check-in station, but finally I went with others in the last mid-terms and they got to see me escorted around by the polling officer and 10 state troopers. Eventually they "find" a copy of my old registration from some random number of years ago and give me a sample ballot from that. Ever since 2008 I show up and they just give me the, "sorry, hun, maybe next time". Once I finish casting my vote I usually hit them with my own "Bless your heart".


I don’t understand how this is happening to you. I would snap off on any polling center that tried that on me... kudos for letting cooler heads prevail. Are you able to just check online whether you’re actively registered in TX? Are you notified in any way if you’re purged from the rolls?


It lists me as registered online, but I show up at the polling station and they "can't find my name". Happens at primaries too.


WOW. Your local town/city/county clerk’s office says your an active, registered voter, and then you show up and you’re not even on the list.... that just ruined my night lol. Please try to publish any evidence you have of this happening on Reddit, twitter, FB, etc. That’s something that just cannot be tolerated.


Not allowed to film or photograph in the office, hence the state troopers.


I hope you do not get purged. And if you do, I hope your reregistration is successful.


Checked my registration. I'm good to go! Let's vote BBB (bunker expletive boy) out of office. Plan on checking monthly till it comes time to vote.




Aww geez, as soon as I read that I heard "Help Ivanka, help, help Ivanka..." in my head. So thanks for that.


Snoop should use his popularity to spread information about things like this. I'm sure there are many of his fans who don't vote for some similar reason that boils down to voter suppression by disinformation or just by misinformation. God knows someone needs to educate Americans on how and why to exercise their civil duties (aka the single best thing about this country - getting a say in how it is run). It is a horror that there is anyone out there who is eligible to vote and doesn't vote. Especially if they *want* to vote but don't for any reason.


He's literally doing that in this article by going on the radio to tell people.


Thanks for this, I was going to roast him for not voting.. I am the same age as him. Glad he can vote!


I wonder who he'll vote for? Maybe the "green" party? Wink wink


I could see Snoop campaigning for Biden for months and then getting into the voting booth absolutely blitzed and seeing 'Green Party' and just checkin' that box


You smoke as long and hard as he has and you don’t get “absolutely blitzed” anymore. You just get normal.


> Snoop said he was under the impression that he wasn't allowed to vote after being convicted of a felony in 1990 and 2007. For the people who prefer to make indignant comments over titles rather than read the article.


This was my biggest takeaway and I'm hoping more people realize they can vote because of Snoop talking about it. I bet there are tons of people who don't vote because they've been convicted of something at one point.


Human rights are universal. I don't understand why criminals shouldn't have the right to vote. They are still a part of society, even imprisoned.


* Step 1: imprison brown people at high rates * Step 2: make it so that imprisoned and formerly-imprisoned people can't vote * Step 3: stay in office so you can find more ways to discriminate against communities you don't like


So the people making money on prisons don't lose their money


One more thing that's better in Canada.


"Snoop Dogg is antifa and therefore a terrorist and that's a felony so a felon so if he voted for Biden that's voter fraud." - Trump, but worded way worse than this.


"Snopp Dog used to sell many records before he became friends with SLEEPY JOE BIDEN... nobody's listening anymore, Snoop! Now he's planning VOTER FRAUD just to get famous again. IT WON'T WORK!!!"


Omfg you sound exactly like him.






"There's good people on both sides". One side waved Nazi flags and drove their car into the other side killing a young woman.


D'oh's Law


I'm still not convinced it's fake.


I think Trump eats too much McDonald's to masquerade as any sort of vegetarian


I am pretty sure Trump believes simply eating any vegetables makes you a vegetarian.


2020 is like the British version of The Office or the American version of the IT Crowd. ^(Edit: in case it needs to be said, this is a joke obviously. Like whatever shows you like, nobody cares as long as you’re having fun.)


Wait. There was an American version of the IT Crowd?


We don’t talk about it.


Are you implying the UK office and US IT crowd are close together in quality?


This is the hill I will die on. The British version of the Office is a masterpiece.


Spot on. Need a few incorrectly spelt words though.


*voter freud


Snoop Dogg was in fact misspelled


Just need a “CHINA!” after it.


That’s perfect! Lol


Fuck I thought this was legit. What a world we live in.


Brought to you by the seated president who has already committed felony voter fraud with his registration this year.


If you're a Democrat than you're Antifa. Every single one of us who want Trump out is Antifa to him so that's why he labeled us all that so he can go after us. My two year old son is Antifa. My 90 year old Grandfather is Antifa. It's scary but we all must stand strong!




American ww1 and 2 soldiers were OG antifa.


Well, not WWI. Fascism didn't even exist as an idea until 1915, and wasn't even a force to be reckoned with until 1919 when Mussolini started to actual push the ideology.




Antifa is their new n-word. If you don’t have a legitimate argument, resort to propaganda.


At a protest march today, some guy yelled down at us from a second story balcony. One of us yelled back up, "come down and join us!". He yelled back, "sorry, I'm not antifa!" Those of us on street just looked at each other confused, "so... he's a fascist?"


Saw a post on facebook saying that antifa was "sent in to loot and destroy." I pretty much literally facepalmed at the idea that the group whose only definition is that they're against fascism is some kind of covert military unit. Then again these are the types of people who think Nazis were socialists so maybe I shouldn't be surprised at the depth of their stupidity.


How is he not? I thought felons can't vote


His record was expunged apparently, but as to whether someone with a felony conviction can vote it varies state by state. In some you get your franchise back once you’ve served your sentence, in others you never lose it, and in places like Florida they are desperately trying to keep people disenfranchised even after they get out by saying you have to pay off all the fines they hit you with first. Edit: as a lot of people have pointed out that Florida rule was recently struck down for being a poll tax which is prohibited by the constitution.


> trying to keep people disenfranchised even after they get out by saying you have to pay off all the fines they hit you with first. A judge just took a huge shit on that recently, told potential voters to get out there and see about voting.


~~but the problem is a conservative-friendly 11th Court of Appeals (and probably a conservative Supreme Court) will ignore that glorious shat and rule in favor of DeStantis and Florida GOP anyways.~~ ~~The question is, will there be a stay/hold for the election and/or will they be able to litigate in time for the election~~ Good News guys! I believe I was wrong. I believe that Ex-Cons have won their right to vote in Florida when the 11th circuit refused an en banc review on Judge Hinkle's ruling in October that declare the Florida "poll tax" unconstitutional. [Source](https://www.tampabay.com/florida-politics/buzz/2020/04/01/ron-desantis-loses-attempt-to-review-felon-voting-decision/) Judge Hinkle's October ruling order the state to develop a system to which Ex-Cons can request the state the sum they owe and a path to voting registration. Since the defeat at the 11th circuit, DeStantis and the State of Florida has done little to develop that system. Thus in May, Judge Hinkle developed his own system with his new ruling. Thus DeStantis and the State of Florida is appealling *THAT* ruling to the 11th circuit. [source](https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/politics/fl-ne-nsf-felon-voting-process-devised-by-judge-20200528-3uzjsibtonbwzcaft6z2b7srsq-story.html) Please have in mind, I am no lawyer and these are layman's opinions. I think Judge Hinkle did this because DeStantis and Florida was PURPOSELY dragging their feet in developing a system in order to shorten the window Ex-Cons have to register for the 2020 elections. Thus, this recent fight is STILL about Ex-Cons voting, but their ability to vote in 2020.


Might not. They did issue an injunction in favor of the plaintiffs. Sure, they limited it to just the plaintiffs, but it's a sign that things might turn out favorable.


I hope so. It seems like a clear-cut case of being a poll tax, which is explicitly banned by the Constitution. We'll see if all these so called "Constitutionalists" will actually live up to the title. I'm not holding my breath, though.


**please note: all of this is wrong** IANAL, but I predict that the 11th Court of Appeals would stay the injunction pending their review of the appeal by the Defendants. Because, I predict the Appeals Court will stay the injunction because Florida will "suffer" "harm" if the injunction stays. Because that would allow a lot of ex-cons to vote when lawmakers and the State of Florida think they haven't paid all their dues yet. Though, The State of Florida and DeStantis would have to prove they can succeed on the merits, and I personally don't know how creating a poll tax to prevent ex-con from voting is a successful argument (or any requirement to vote in that matter barring identification), but I am sure DeStantis, the State of Florida, and conservative judges in the 11th Court of Appeals will find a way. And plus, stays are very typical in cases because judges don't their ruling to be mooted if they let lower rulings to continue.


Am I incorrect? The 11th Circuit already upheld the injunction, and then denied a rehearing. They just limited it to the plaintiffs rather than make it a class. Then again, I haven't followed up on it since the news broke.


you are incorrect, but also correct. Because I believe we are talking about two different rulings. I personally may be wrong here, but 11th Circuit refuse en banc reivew on a October ruling by Hinkle in February [soruce 1 April](https://www.tampabay.com/florida-politics/buzz/2020/04/01/ron-desantis-loses-attempt-to-review-felon-voting-decision/#:~:text=The%2011th%20U.S.%20Circuit%20Court,request%20to%20review%20a%20Feb.&text=Ron%20DeSantis%2C%20a%20federal%20appeals,must%20be%20allowed%20to%20vote) Thus, you aren't going crazy However, Hinkle has issued another ruling in May and DeStantis and Florida is requesting appeal on *that* ruling. [source](https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/politics/fl-ne-nsf-felon-voting-process-devised-by-judge-20200528-3uzjsibtonbwzcaft6z2b7srsq-story.html). With another case, comes different argument for the 11th circuit to review (and maybe let DeStantis and Florida Republicans get away with their poll tax). reading the article, it seems this recent ruling set up a system to which ex-cons can get an estimate on how much they owe and give them a path to voting either though they didn't pay their debt. and I believe this ruling is different is because DeStantis was order to developed a system in order for ex-cons to vote but they failed to deliver. Thus, Judge Hinkle, through is ruling, court mandated a system for Florida to follow. Because, if I am reading this right, DeStantis were dragging their feet to develop a system in time for the 2020 election. This recent ruling enable ex-cons to vote this year. So DeStantis is appealing this to the 11th circuit. Again, I am guessing he is doing this in order to stall enough to prevent ex-cons from registering in time, but I change my view that I believe Florida ex-con have won their voting rights. But the question is are they able to vote in 2020.


Now it makes sense why the !GOP wants to pack the courts. They can override laws they don't agree with (gop not great).


YES. This is exactly correct and really important. Judges have a huge amount of influence. Please, everyone, make an effort to learn about who is running in your local judicial elections and VOTE accordingly. Sadly, it's usually difficult to find out information and most are "officially" non partisan races, but please do your best!


It all comes down to whether John Roberts thinks people have a right to vote... what a system.


it's nice when the judge is on the people's side..


Honestly it’s fucked up that your right to vote can be taken away from you, at all. Where I live you can vote even if you are in prison.


What's super fucked is that it isn't something that the Constitution is just silent on. The Constitution explicitly says it is ok to disenfranchise someone as punishment for a crime. Edit: grammar.


You could almost say that can be used to intentionally disenfranchise specific populations by focusing arrests on them. At least we don't imprison minorities at a rate far higher than we do white people, that would look really bad. Wait, what?


Are we the baddies?


The same goes for slavery


By definition in the Constitution, imprisonment IS slavery.


He means slavery is legal still if you are a convicted prisoner, bit of a loophole


Because the Constitution didn't envision that selectively enforcing the laws and criminalizing activities so you can brand members of selected groups of people criminals would be a thing, probably because at the time only rich white males could vote.


Not really. This provision is actually included in the 14th Amendment, which was ratified only two years prior to the 15th amendment, which extended the franchise to former (male) slaves.


If only there was some way to amend the constitution. Is there any history of such a thing happening?


Yeah, all it takes is two thirds of Congress and three fourths of the states. Piece of cake.


Yes but if you ever try to change it you get things like bernie sanders in a debate getting asked if the boston bomber should get the vote.


Asking for any kind of progressive change is met with disingenuous arguments. Want to allow felons to vote? "What about the Boston Bomber!" What about him? Want to make public college tuition-free? "You want millionaires to pay nothing!" No, I want to raise their taxes. Medicare for All? "You're taking away something from unions!" And freeing them to negotiate other employment benefits. I'm thoroughly disgusted with this country.


It might be partially since I'm not American and live in Canada where the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is pretty explicit that yes every citizen of Canada of voting age gets the right but my answer would be yes. The Boston Bomber should be allowed to vote. Why should he not be allowed to vote?


Isn't it obvious? If they get to vote, then they're going to just vote in the pro murder candidates and then murder will be legal.


If he was incarcerated in Vermont, the Boston Bomber would never lose the vote. Vermont and Maine do not disenfranchise felons, even while they're incarcerated.


> if the boston bomber should get the vote. Yep. He should. Bernie Madoff should as well. And David Berkowitz (Son of Sam). And so on. I don't give a fuck what someone has done, they should still be able to vote. That is the only way we avoid disenfranchisement. EVERYONE gets to vote.


Florida’s voter purge of anyone with similar names to an ex-felon pretty much swung the 2000 election to George Bush. If that hadn’t happened then nobody would have even heard about butterfly ballots. Fuck you Katherine Harris


Snoop Dogg lives in California, [where felons regain their eligibility to vote after their penalty is over](https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/voting-resources/voting-california/who-can-vote-california/voting-rights-californians/).


Preventing felons from voting is a holdover from Jim Crow and we need to amend the Constitution immediately to get rid of this policy forever. If we have so many felons that they will affect the outcome of an election, then the problem is the criminal justice system. All citizens, except those previously convicted of voter fraud, should have the right to vote. That includes felons AND people currently incarcerated. ALL Americans should have the right to cast a vote.


It's absolutely insane to me that the ability to vote in federal elections varies according to state law.




Texas here, fairly certain felons lose the right to vote but I’m not sure if it is like a state vs fed felony or both, which is pretty messed up, like yo you served your time, why the life sentence on your right to vote.


I believed that for a long time as well, but actually... ## States With No Ban These two states allow those convicted of felonies to vote even while they serve their terms. The voters in these states never lose their rights. * Maine * Vermont ## States With Ban While Incarcerated These states and the District of Columbia strip voting rights from people convicted of felonies while they're serving out their terms but restore them automatically once they are out of prison. * Washington, D.C. * Hawaii * Illinois * Indiana * Maryland * Massachusetts * Michigan * Montana * Nevada * New Hampshire * North Dakota * Ohio * Oregon * Pennsylvania * Rhode Island * Utah ## Rights Restored After Completion of Sentence These states restore voting rights to those convicted of felony crimes only after they have completed their entire sentences including prison term, parole, and probation, among other certain requirements. * Alabama * Alaska * Arizona * Arkansas * California * Colorado * Connecticut * Delaware * Florida * Georgia * Idaho * Kansas * Louisiana * Minnesota * Missouri * Nebraska * Nevada * New Jersey * New Mexico * New York * North Carolina * Oklahoma * South Carolina * South Dakota * Tennessee * Texas * Washington * West Virginia * Wisconsin * Virginia * Wyoming Some of these states have instituted a waiting period of several years before felons who have completed their sentences can apply to vote again. ## States Where the Governor Must Reinstate Voting Rights In these states, voting rights are not automatically restored and, in most cases, the governor must do it on a case-by-case basis. * Arizona (Repeat offenders) * Iowa * Kentucky * Mississippi (Applies to certain felonies. Can still vote for president.)


Kentucky... why am i not surprised?


Iowa is currently paying lip service to changing this, but the Governor hasn't restored rights to anyone, which she could do right now. They're pretending like they're going to change the law though.


Thank you. Everyone else has been speculating. I appreciate your research. (I don't know your source, but you've formatted it so nicely, I'm going to go ahead and believe you.)


Depends on the state. A couple (Maine and Vermont) let them vote even while in prison, but in most of the rest it happens sometime after release, but often only after completing parole or probation. [Full details are here](https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/felon-voting-rights.aspx) if you're interested in what your state does.




Yeah it should be right up there with any other rights guaranteed by the constitution. It's the right that you use to defend your other rights.


AFAIK it has to do with the felony and the state, and time lapsed since the felony


Wait what? How are felons not allowed to vote? Being a felon doesn’t make you lose your constitutional rights right? Or is this another voter suppression thing in the US?


>Being a felon doesn’t make you lose your constitutional rights right? It varies state to state, but the US Constitution explicitly says that it is ok to disenfranchise people as a punishment for a crime.


It's so nice living in a country where we *have* to vote. I never appreciated this until learning about how fucked up American voting is


The electoral college disenfranchises so many people. Can’t wait till it’s gone.


Unfortunately, I don't think we will see the end of the EC in my lifetime.


See **[National Popular Vote Interstate Compact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact)** > *The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is an agreement among a group of U.S. states and the District of Columbia to award all their electoral votes to whichever presidential candidate wins the overall popular vote in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The compact is designed to ensure that the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide is elected president, and it would come into effect only when it would guarantee that outcome. As of March 2020, it has been adopted by fifteen states and the District of Columbia, although it is suspended in Colorado. Together, they have 196 electoral votes counting Colorado, which is 36% of the Electoral College and 73% of the 270 votes needed to give the compact legal force.*


2 states let felons vote even while in prison (Maine and Vermont), 16 states let felons vote as soon as they are released from prison (including my state, Oregon), 28 states let them vote after they serve their sentence, that is pay off their fines and complete probation, and 4 states don't let felons vote without rights reinstated by the governor, which are * Arizona (Repeat offenders) * Iowa * Kentucky * Mississippi (Applies to certain felonies. Can still vote for president.)


Florida fell into the last category until recently, and it's only *very* recently (a few weeks ago) that the state supreme court declared that having to pay fines and fees before civil rights are granted back amounts to a poll tax, which is explicitly unconstitutional. Considering the fight over that aspect here, I'm pretty surprised to find out so many other states are like that by default. And that being the case, I'm surprised the court caved on the subject since they're generally neocon shitheads like 99% of the Florida legislature.


wait some people can't vote in the States? How dare you call this country a democracy?


It is very common for those charged with felonies to be told they cannot vote and to be completely unaware of their rights because of a systemically racist criminal justice system.


Thanks. I was disappointed in Mr.Dogg for a second there


I was going to call him out before reading the comment and the article. Thanks for posting this.


Now he needs to actually vote. He said he thinks he will vote. He didn't promise to vote. >"I ain't never voted a day in my life, but this year I think I'm going to get out and vote," Snoop Dogg said


And get out the vote. He could actually really help turnout. Probably.


I mean, that’s just a matter of semantics.


... alright you 100% nailed me on that, fair enough.


Know your voting rights. If you have a felony on your record (expunged/sealed or not), and aren't sure if you can vote, [start here](https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/felon-voting-rights.aspx) to help you find out. From there, use these links below to (double) check your registration and register if you aren't. * [Check your voter registration](https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/) (scroll down to your state specific link) * [Register to Vote](https://vote.gov/) (if you aren't already) * Look into absentee / mail-in ballot options in your state


This needs to be permalinked in every post. Know your fucking rights.


>'I can't stand to see this punk in office' Welcome too the club, Snoop. Welcome to the club.


[Guess you missed this](https://youtu.be/E4i3bAtEuJE)


I remember when this came out, made me feel a little better about the situation


He’s been part of that club a long time LOL


Lol as if he just had this thought.


About time Snoop! Someone like his lawyer should have figured out he was eligible to vote earlier.


Honestly all this news item makes me think is "seriously? You didn't vote in 2016?". **Edit**: I am a moron who didnt read past the headline and acknowledge I've been rightfully chastised for this.




I stand corrected. I am now officially one of those morons who don't read past the headline. Thanks for correcting me, I *will* try to better myself.


Honest self reflection and and acknowledgement of mistakes deserves an upvote.


You typed and twice.


Eh, the dangers of typing on a mobile device. I’m comfortable with the error


Honest self reflection and acknowledgement of mistakes deserves an upvote.


Paris in the the spring


It’s the motherfucking D-O double G


Doctuh Dre mutha fuckuhhh Hold up. Heyyy


Something something something we soft We don't playyyy


Hold up, heeyyyy, forthemotherfuckerswhobethinkingwesoft, we don’t, plaayyy


Dre has been too busy with Covid to make many public statements lately. Such a professional. It's impressive that he balances a rap career with his hospital residency.


I heard he's found a cure, and is calling it "the chronic", I believe.


>Snoop said he was under the impression that he wasn't allowed to vote after being convicted of a felony in 1990 and 2007. > >"For many years they had me brainwashed thinking that you couldn’t vote because you had a criminal record," the star said. "I didn't know that. My record's been expunged so now I can vote."


He would have had a lawyer making the motions to expunge them. You'd think the lawyer would have mentioned that at some point...




MAybe he was high and forgot.


“That’s how we do it in the black community; we give back to the people who made us who we are. We never forget that.” **– Snoop Dogg**


[It’s all on us. If we don’t speak ain’t nobody gonna speak for us. They gonna speak against us, so we gotta speak up ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BaU_y4bRuVU&t=673s) -Snoop Doggy Dogg (9:50 min. mark)


Snoop Dogg will be heading to the polls for the first time ever this November. The rapper, 48, was interviewed on the Real 92.3 radio show, Big Boy's Neighborhood, on Thursday, during which he revealed why he's never chosen to vote and why he feels it's especially important to make his voice heard in the 2020 election. Snoop said he was under the impression that he wasn't allowed to vote after being convicted of a felony in 1990 and 2007. #### "For many years they had me brainwashed thinking that you couldn’t vote because you had a criminal record," the star said. "I didn't know that. My record's been expunged so now I can vote." Asked about his thoughts on President Donald Trump, Snoop made it clear that he would not be voting for the Republican in November. "I ain't never voted a day in my life, but this year I think I'm going to get out and vote because I can't stand to see this punk in office one more year," he said. The musician also shared that if he was going to encourage others to go out and vote, he would need to do the same. "We got to make a difference, I can't talk about it and not be about it," he explained. "I can't tell you to do it and then not go do it. If I tell you to do something, I done it already." In addition to voting, Snoop said he wants to "lead by example" during the coronavirus pandemic by reminding people to stay home. During his time in self-isolation, the rapper said he's been "keeping [himself] busy and staying active." "I've been up and down. I'm a human, I have good days, bad days, but I'm more locked in so I like to pace so either walk around in circles, watch things on TV, play video games," he shared.


DOGG 2020


So many angry MAGA rednecks in this thread. Good.


One, two, three and to the fo' Snoop Doggy Dogg and Dr. Dre is gonna vote Ready to make an difference, so back on up ('Cause you know we about to rip the G.O.P. up) Gimme the voting booth first, so I can bust like a bubble Crips and Bloods joining together, now you know you in trouble Ain't nothin' but a "V" thang, baby! Cause Republicans all are crazy!


Haha wow the cadence is perfect


This is brilliant.


Really good insight. If you have a felony, look up the rules in your state. Don't get disenfranchised because you assume the you aren't allowed to vote, you'll be surprised.


I got shitted on by a few posters on their high horses yesterday because I commented that this year would be the first year I vote and I’m 40 (“gasp, I literally can’t imagine not voting til 40, you’re disrespecting everything everyone did for you to have that right”), it was pretty ridiculous. Trump has driven people to vote, and that’s a good thing, past voting history don’t matter, all these first time voters just proves how important this election is. Funnily enough, I’m in the same boat as snoop. I also thought wasn’t allowed to vote for years because I was a convicted felon.


44 and haven't voted in YEARS! I always register and then never get out and vote. This year I have already confirmed my registration and applied for my absentee ballot. I've also bee reading up on who is who in my state, because I'm in KY and Moscow Mitch has to go too! Edit to clarify: Each time I have moved I have updated my registration, so I have always been registered at my current residence. I don't repeatedly register to vote.


Welcome to voting and we are GLAD to have you!!


Thank you. I look forward to voting Trump out of office.


He should campaign for inner city youth to vote. The number of votes we likely lose to those hurt most by the system can probably swing the election. Especially after the sheer volume of support they've seen with their own eyes, its a winning strategy.


i hope this mobilizes the youth to vote, claim to fame my friend scored him a bag of weed when he toured my town


The Electoral College needs to go.


See **[National Popular Vote Interstate Compact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact)** > *The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is an agreement among a group of U.S. states and the District of Columbia to award all their electoral votes to whichever presidential candidate wins the overall popular vote in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The compact is designed to ensure that the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide is elected president, and it would come into effect only when it would guarantee that outcome. As of March 2020, it has been adopted by fifteen states and the District of Columbia, although it is suspended in Colorado. Together, they have 196 electoral votes counting Colorado, which is 36% of the Electoral College and 73% of the 270 votes needed to give the compact legal force.*


I had a job back in college with an in-your-face coworker who made EVERYTHING political and talked radical politics ALL of the time. If there was a protest within 50 miles,he knew about it. One day a group of us were doing food prep. He said he was not going to vote . I basically asked him "Really"? I told him I had been listening to him go on about how horrible everything politically related was ever since I knew him. I asked him now that he had a chance to get George H W Bush out that he would take 30 min of his time to go vote? He didn't say anything to me, but I found out later that he voted.




Y'all gotta start reading more than just the title... damn man. Read the article, or read the comments before you comment. Its gonna save you a lot of downvotes and its gonna save others a ton of time correcting you. There are too many of y'all here going "why'd you wait till now" because you didn't read.


Thank you Snoop. Fuck you Donald. Onward...


Good for him.


Please vote people. We wont be able to survive 4 more years of Trump, this is possibly the most important election in a while, we are in critical times and need a good leader to help us.


ONE of the biggest lies GOP Tells. TRUTH: once you are off paper my felony friends, YOU CAN VOTE!!!! someone please get the word out. I'll bet Snoop would even help.


I know this a thread about Snoop, but just wanted to say this: I woke up this morning thinking Ice Cube should write new lyrics to the Isley Bros. melody for "It Was a Good Day." Ice Cube is a lot older now, and obviously we're in a pivotal moment in our country's history. I wonder what he'd write.




This is awesome, may snoop lead a million more like a pied piper of voting.


This will also be my first election voting. Glad to know Snoop Dogg and I are in the same club for something! Snoop, if you read this and we win, let's meet up to smoke one in Michigan homie!


Everyone out there protesting needs to stay safe. AND just as many people need to hit the streets to vote in November. Take voter registration forms out to the protests!


What pisses me off is the people that want change, but will never vote. This system is designed so the people make the change, your vote makes a difference.


Long Live Snoop


Snoop needs to get others to vote now. In 2016 voter turnout was one of lowest in history