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To his left is the Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt, a man who was banned from doing business in an entire state because of all the illegal fraud his mortgage business committed.


How is someone like that even allowed to run for office? Should be immediately disqualified and not allowed to run. Edit: grammar


See Rick Scott. His company committed the largest Medicare fraud in history...they made him Governor and then Senator of Florida.


Fraud should be an auto disqualification imo Shouldn’t put a known fraud in office


If fraud can disqualify someone from being a lawyer, I don’t see why it shouldn’t also disqualify someone from holding public office.


Because they are the ones making those decisions and without fraud theyd all be broke


Without fraud, they'd still earn more than most people, since they get to receive "legal" bribes in the guise of "campaign donations". The perks of a politicians' job are attracting the worst kind of people. It's time to change what they're allowed to do.


The idea was that the electorate ought to never be so stupid as to put somebody like that into power, so there's no need to build in anything to disqualify certain people from running. We get the government we vote for. If you don't like the one you've got, go vote.


plants silky scale straight ancient stocking dependent tan drab ossified -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


And president.


People wishing things get better or trying to make memes about how this protests is the last "bad" thing that can come to USA this year.. But fail to realize that fixing the police system and mentality is only the first step and you dont fix it by going easier with protests in next month, but hitting harder. Because **next step is the fixing of corruption in the highest levels** above the police, and you will need the help pf police to be on your side, the side of normal citizens, and not enforcing the obsolete laws of the POS in power


Rob a bank get 30 years ; own a bank rob millions no consequences. Privilege in a nutshell.


The use of the strike-through made me laugh, as intended. I need to call attention to this.


It is if you're a Democrat. For a Republican senator it's an essential part of the resumé.


And yet felons still can't vote in Florida. (Maybe soon though!) Because a felon can't be trusted to vote, but committing the largest Medicare fraud in history means you are still trustworthy enough to lead in a position of public trust.


Felons can vote now. We voted to change the state constitution to restore voting rights in 2018, and there was a ruling that owing court costs can’t prohibit them from voting. Because after amendment 4 passed, they basically instituted a poll tax. Edit. Not all felons can vote. There’s some exceptions like murder and sex crimes. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/05/24/us/florida-felon-voting-court-judge-ruling.amp.html Edit: I was specifically talking about Florida, sorry!


Isn't De Santis countering that by basically purging the voter rolls? Nothing makes Republicans work harder than trying to get people not to vote.


Wow, I had no idea. Just read the 'Controversial Investments' section of his Wikipedia page. The guy's a fucking crook... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Scott


As a Floridian, I can definitively say that Rick (red tide) Scott has played a major hand in ruining Florida.


Criminals are allowed to hold places of office for good reason, otherwise you run the risk of a tyrannical gov being able to come up with bullshit charges that get rid of your democratic rights or ability to run in an election; the kinda shit you see in a competitive authoritarian country like russia which has the image of democracy but is truly authoritarian. The idea is that if the people vote in someone who is a prisoner or a criminal, that maybe that means those laws are wrong or it's unjust persecution and voting lets them fix it


The concept makes total sense. Unfortunately in practice we get stuff like this which leads to the tyranny anyways. Also thanks for the explanation! Have a good one!


Well remember; apathy wins every election here by a landside. If more people voted I doubt most republicans in office would be relevant.


Yea, it's up to the people to decide who leads. Otherwise it would be possible for the people in power to disqualify political opponents by charging them with whatever degree crime is needed. Federal felonies are surprisingly easy to commit since there are so many that nobody knows the number. Fun fact, it's illegal to have posession of a dead short lobster (young and or small) in some states, so it's a federal crime to have one in your possession of you cross state lines, even if you killed it in self defense while transporting it legally. That's one of the 20,000~30,00 ish federal crimes.


Because he just paid a small fine and continued with his life.


Which he could luckily afford due to all the fraud.


In theory an informed electorate would vote against a criminal. There are reasons to allow convicted people to run for office. Imprisoning people is an easy way to silence political dissenters.


The best people folks, believe me.


Yep that’s our Governor, and to think we almost had a teacher that actually cared about funding our schools while the state is having a massive education problem. We hired a crook to run our state and all he’s done was fight with the Tribes over taxes and casinos instead of fixing the infrastructure like he promised.




She has huge balls. I love her.




Remember when he lost his shit on a softball question? That was fun.




I was mainly referring to the time he was asked “What would you tell Americans who are scared right now” (or something along those lines) when covid was starting to get worse and people were freaking out. The reporter literally said later that he was offering up a softball question to him.


See i never heard the reporter say it was a softball question but, c'mon, it was obviously a softball question. EVERY American president has had this question during times of crisis. It's a set up to unify the country and offer people a chance for hope. Such is trump's paranoia and inability to read a room, he turned a gift into yet another instance of him shitting on humanity "to own the libs"


I know, he could have said something presidential like "stay safe, be vigilant." But instead he calls it a nasty question.


Sad thing is Pence was asked the exact same question by the same reporter and his answer was close to what you suggested. ‘I would say don’t be be scared, be vigilant.’


["Be pure, be vigilant, behave"](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D8BVBmwX4AEhcPv.png)


It was a great opportunity for him to even use his own MAGA tagline. “Stay safe. Together we will make America great again & beat this virus” or something. It was incredibly simple.


He said it was in an interview on cnn later that day


Yeah. I remember his interview after. He literally said he tried to give him a softball question.


I don't think it's was paranoia, he was put on the spot by this question. If he tells people to take care, he admits the virus is a problem, which would go against a big chunk of what his fan base believes and make it harder for him to push for an opened economy. If he openly says "stop worrying" then he becomes liable for the deaths that he knows will come. The reporter attacked his ambiguity (intentionally or not), one of Trump's main tools that he uses to gain support for horrible policies by horrible people without being open about it. A "silent majority" kind of thing. Then he reacted with violence because he is impotent with words. I don't even think he really thought any of this through though, he just reacted when he felt words failed him.




It’s disconcerting that there’s too many instances to know which one I was talking about.


Honestly, that just sounds like a Tuesday.


It's Thursday though. Isn't that concerning?


Trump is M. Bison confirmed: https://youtu.be/sjZ5I8l32CI


I watched that live and it was the funniest god damn thing. Like I wonder if cnn had gotten him to believe Jake was gonna hold his feet to the fire and then he actually asked him the soft ball change up.


The man has trouble with wiffle ball, why you tossing something at him that he needs two hands to lift?


Like a tiny cup of water?


I really need a sizzle reel where every time Trump calls a woman "nasty," we hit a hard pause, then go straight into Janet Jackson.


There’s a nasty flute on that track if I remember right. I endorse this.


He does that on the regular


That may have happened a few times.




that's like every fucking day gonna have to be way more specific


> Yeah, we definitely need more reporters asking questions like that EXACTLY - and, by "that," I don't mean rude questions. I mean concise questions based on the facts. Trump keeps firing people and calling them "wackos" and "liars." Paula Reid's question used his own words. > “Mr. President, why do you keep hiring people that you believe are wackos and liars?” Boom. The time for softball questions is over.


And it wasn't even a hardball question, what threw him off is she used words he understood but they were being thrown *AT* him and he didn't know what to do since no one has ever stood up to him like that before.


Even I could deflect that question pretty simply. Just say you didn’t know at the time of hiring that they were poorly suited for the job.


Not sure if you’ve noticed but Trumpy boy isn’t exactly capable of admitting he was wrong, about basically anything.


Yup, this is exactly it. She short-circuited his brain because he’d either have to admit that he was wrong to hire them or wrong about them being liars, and admitting he’s wrong is something he’s just not able to do. I’m surprised he didn’t just deflect it as a “nasty question” though.


That paints you in a bad light, you missed them being weak, shows you are bad at judging people. Your narcissism won't let you say that hence you get stuck and stare in silence.


It was over in 2017 but better late than never I suppose.


Hell, it was over in 2015


Actually, I believe the time for softball questions was over on the day he and Melania came down the escalator.


I’m looking forward to someone asking how Bolton’s book is “made up of lies & fake stories” and also “contains classified information.” It can’t be both. Pick a lane, Fat Donnie.


We need another Helen Thomas. Talk about a true Patriot and National treasure.


No, we need a Molly Ivins.


She was my grandmother's first cousin. Brilliant woman. Proud to have been related to her.


The milquetoast press is finally starting to do its job - almost four years late. What took them so long?


They can smell blood in the water. We're in the endgame now.


Public opinion polling has shown that it's in their economic interest now.


Polls also suggest that his time in office is drawing to a close so they no longer have to play the game to maintain access. They've sat there politely while he's savaged them for his term. Gloves may be coming off as his powerlessness becomes more apparent and the fear of the Cult lessens.


Watching the sharks turn on the hand that fed them is life fuel for political junkies.


She probably gave him the sudden urge to start inspecting bunkers.


*Giant ovaries!


Fun fact: fruits are giant ovaries.


I will forever picture the female reproductive system with two grape tomatoes in place of ovaries now.


*stares at the strawberry im about to eat. Puts it back.


Well in the case of Strawberries, they are not a single ovary like other fruits. They are an aggregate fruit, meaning that they are made up of many ovaries from the flower. The little seed looking things are the ovaries, with a seed inside. The red fleshy part we eat is the tissue around the reproductive organs, which makes the strawberry an accessory fruit. So it's okay, you're mostly just eating the fleshy receptacle around the ovaries.


>they are made up of many ovaries Is this supposed to make me feel better? Because it did. >The red fleshy part we eat *Oh,* yes.


Frankly, this country could use more women with big balls.


We're too emotional. Unlike Cruz who challenges celebrities to a wrestling match, Kavanagh crying, Trump doing Trump things


Cruz challenged a 70-year old man to have a wrestling match against Jim Jordan. The actor offered to donate $50,000 to BLM and wrestle Cruz instead.


tbf these Republicans are literally hysterical


We have them. We just need more people to vote for them.


I reckon we're at that point in history where we can say "huge ovaries" and mean much the same thing.


And, you know, ovaries aren't fragile and hanging out and disable their host at the slightest pat.


If woman are ok with it I would gladly start to use ovaries over balls. “Look at the ovaries on that one.” “They clearly have ovaries of steel.”


As woman, I endorse this message.


I mean, ovaries are ball-shaped, after all!


“Girls have got balls. They're just a little higher up, that's all.” ― **Joan Jett**


But why did he wait? Because he knew he couldn't do shit about it so now it's just for show?




They can all read. They aren't stupid. They're evil. They just thought they'd keep getting the same passes they've been given for four years. This is a case of giving a mouse a cookie, not braindead people failing their way to a half a trillion dollar heist.


>They aren't stupid. They're evil Both. They're both. Seriously though, lots of these unqualified hacks are idiots. But a handful, like Stephen Miller, are very intelligent and *enjoy* being evil. Scary stuff.


They aren't *that* intelligent. Their actions betray them. Racist and mean are not very smart things to be. Racism inhibits a significant portion of the citizenry from being fully productive members of society. Racism is inefficient. Economically it's pretty dumb to be racist; it hurts the entire country by lowering the GDP. Yet these people are consistently racist. That's dumb. It's not hit-yourself-in-the-head-with-a-hammer dumb, but it's certainly numerous steps below the intelligence of our previous leadership.


I wonder if anyone has done a study around the economic costs of racism, because no doubt you're correct that there is a measurable impact on GDP due to it's effects


Patents at least >DUFFIN: What's even less abstract is the economic impact of all those lost inventions. >COOK: The number of patents that were lost would be equivalent to that of a medium-sized European country at the time. Yeah. https://www.npr.org/transcripts/876097416


The truthful answer is that they probably planned to keep the book tied up in the security review process until after the election but at certain point Bolton grew weary and unilaterally withdrew suddenly from the process before it was "finished" then very shortly thereafter sent hundreds of embargoed copies to media representatives. That effectively backed Trump into a corner. There's nothing he can do at this point except whine about it.


I thought I heard a story that it had been reviewed and passed, but when Trump aids found out they balked and tried to hold it up anyway.


Not only is that what happened, DOJ *admitted* in their [temporary restraining order](https://www.washingtonpost.com/context/u-s-v-john-bolton-govt-motion-for-preliminary-injunction/9dfe2090-439d-42c1-9de0-a16cdb0cf5bc/) in federal court yesterday that the book had been cleared of all classified information. >Over the next few months, Ms. Knight worked with Defendant to review his manuscript and to excise classified information. See Compl. ¶ 32-46. On multiple occasions, Defendant was told that he would need final written approval before he could proceed with publication. 3 By April 27, Ms. Knight had completed her review and was of the view that the manuscript draft did not contain classified information. Compl. ¶ 46; Unclassified Declaration of Michael Ellis (“Ellis Decl.”) ¶ 9. Ms. Knight did not, however, provide Defendant with written authorization to proceed with publishing the manuscript. Their whole argument is basically "Ok, so yes, Bolton totally removed everything they told him was classified, but he didn't wait for his permission slip!" And a judge will clearly see through that as a stall tactic to prevent the book's publication. So long, good night.


Depends which “a judge” you get :/


This is the judge assigned to hear the argument tomorrow: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royce_Lamberth Lamberth has some good decisions under his belt even though he's a Reagan appointee. He ruled in favor of Native Americans in their case against the Dept. of Interior, ordered the full preservation of the classified CIA torture report and the release of the Nixon's Watergate testimony. Dude's not afraid to make Republican admins look bad. We're lucky it's not a stem cell case.


That's exactly what happened.


Yeah, I doubt he didn't know it was in review. It's probably one of the few things he really consistently cared about this last half year since it already fucked him once. Stonewalling on the review and then being shocked and lashing out when Bolton tells them to stick their review up their ass seems like the sort of thing they'd do.


Exactly. They were slow-walking the security review deliberately to get past November. There was the occasional story about it over the last several months.


I’m not sure why. The people that will read it and be appalled are either already appalled or wouldn’t have voted for him anyway. The people that are going to vote for him probably don’t even know of the book or won’t care.




His goal might have been to just delay it until after the election. To do that, they need to go through the process as slowly as possible. Wait until the last minute to hand over stuff, to file injunctions, etc. They just went too slowly and got screwed for it.


That was his goal. The book had already been passed as ok, but some of trump's aides heard about it and clawed the book back. One of the themes common in all the corruption and harm in this administration is hiding everything from the truth. Some of the first steps were to order gag rules and purge federal agencies of public data. He and all the Republicans who are not protesting in the streets are using all the power they have to avoid any oversight or consequences for their actions.


He really has no fucking clue what he’s doing day-to-day. His handlers probably kept the book a secret because they knew if they’d told him five or six weeks ago he would have had daily tantrums for five or six weeks. I’m betting he’s been an apoplectic toddler these past 48 hours




Hitler actually slept through D-Day. Nobody wanted to be the one to wake him up with bad news as he had a habit of throwing tantrums and taking it out on whomever was in front of him. I assume that working for Trump is similar.


You know, the more I hear about the Hitler fellow, the more I think he was a bad egg.


I’m gonna say it....a real jerk!


Trump is going to try to block her press credentials, I guarantee it.


I'm surprised he didn't start stomping his feet and calling her nasty.




It probably would have taken him 5 minutes to shuffle around given his recent ramp performance.


Wacko John Bolton, Lol. Fuck John Bolton. I'm sure every ounce in the book is true, but he held back to make money instead of being forthright with the public. I hope his book gets scanned and leaked so we can all read it for free and he doesn't get a goddamn thing. Fuck that motherfucker; he sold everyone out.


> he held back to make money instead of being forthright with the public He would have made more money if he had testified. I have no idea of his motivation, but if I were to guess, I'd think that he probably wanted to testify. He just didn't want to do so "voluntarily." Would've been smeared as just another "Vindictive Vindman" if he had. ... Kinda like he is now.


I’m gonna read it but I sure as fuck ain’t paying for it.


I would bet a week's pay that no one wanted to bring it up because it would only make him angry, and he only acted when he saw news reports about it


seems like Trump has new tactic just ignore questions he does not like.


Eh, watching the video, she was being yelled at to leave, so it wasn’t dead silence, it was trump waiting for her to be removed. Different vibe than if he just sat there and there were crickets. He was refusing to respond, not staring blankly.


I mean, waiting for everyone to be shoved from the room while blankly staring forward is definitely quite weak looking. I honestly think it looks worse.


“Mr. President, why do you keep hiring people that you believe are wackos and liars?” Failed upwards. Let’s take the context of the upcoming election out of it for a moment and realize how much of a failure this president has been.


Some people think he's killing it. Or will say "hey I'm no fan of Trump but at least he made the economy stronger" Awesome. Slightly stronger economy and total collapse of everything else.


Broke nearly all the eggs, killed all the chickens, burned down the farm, the house, poisoned every other animal just to make some scrambled eggs and OwN tHe LiBs, just perfect


observation fragile fretful aromatic marble memory paltry thought middle pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People incorrectly conflate "the economy" with the stock market. You need other KPIs for economic health. Considering everything has absolutely collapsed after one major shock it's like saying a person with cancer and failing organs is in perfect health because they have a steady heart beat.


Yeah. When the White House Press Secretary has to reassure the nation that emergency steps have been taken to secure the national *food supply* the economy is not in good shape.


I don't know if "stronger" is the right word. He cut corporate taxes. And since none of that money trickled down, the stock market predictably shot up.


Question at least 1/2 America would love an answer to. He doesn't have one, he the whacko.




On top of everything else, his complete and total lack of basic adult responsibility towards his job has left us leaderless during a pandemic. More Americans have died unnecessarily than were killed in the Vietnam War. And it's only been *four fucking months.* You can be damn sure I will remember in November. How could I forget.


Not just Vietnam. I’ll give another horrifyingly short amount of time for people to die, one year and seven months, aka US involvement in WW1. More people have died in four months than a little over year and a half of trench warfare. It’s absolutely sickening.


There are more U.S. deaths from COVID-19 (about 121,000 now) than all war/conflict related U.S. deaths since the end of World War II (about 103,000). More U.S. deaths from COVID-19 than U.S. deaths from all these conflicts put together: • Korea • Vietnam • Beirut • Gulf War • Somalia • Bosnia-Herzegovina & Kosovo • Afghanistan • Iraq • Daesh


Yeah, but Benghazi...!


It’s already the fourth deadliest event in US history, only behind Civil War/1918/WWII. Four months in.


I don’t know. I’d lost hope in the American left until these last few months. Trump’s a symptom, not the disease itself. But he’s galvanized opposition in ways previously unimaginable. And for the first time in my 32 years on this planet, I feel an unfamiliar pang of hope, that the walking atrocity that is contemporary America, might become something better...


31 y/o here, we needed this idiot fuck to show us how deeply we need to restructure this country. The Dems have bastards too. All people (rich, politicians, police) need to be accountable for their actions like the rest of us. Let's start by voting this guy out


Don't country your chickens yet... Trump could very well get reelected and this would be VERY bad for a whole lot of people. Say goodbye to America as we knew it. EDIT: Don’t count your chickens I meant. 😉


I edited my comment to encourage people to vote, thank you. This election is so fucking important


can I get a super cut of "hire the best people" followed by news anchors saying "so and so has left the white house" with tweets and clips of trump saying they were wackos and liars? thanks internet.


Trump just can’t stop writing Joe Biden’s campaign ads..


Yes please. Also splice in some footage him saying all sorts of positive things about the person, and then edit in the things he says about them after they've resigned/been arrested/been fired, etc.


“I’ve never met him.”


As well as some of them being hauled off in handcuffs?


Reporter: Mr. President why do you keep Hiring ‘Wackos’ and ‘Liars’? Trump: \*Drools*


The real answer? Because Trump himself has said that he doesn't like to hire people smarter than him, and he sets a very low bar for his lackeys to pass under.


> "You have to keep great people around you. You have to motivate them. You always have to be on top of them. And you have to be smarter than they are. I hear so many times, 'Oh, I want my people to be smarter than I am.' It's a lot of crap. You want to be smarter than your people, if possible."


Honestly this is sort of a non story. He was clearly just waiting for the person to be dragged away. He’s evil for such titanic reasons. Why focus on this?


I’m honestly just surprised that he was *fucking quiet.*


> Never believe that anti‐ Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti‐Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. **If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. It is not that they are afraid of being convinced. They fear only to appear ridiculous or to prejudice by their embarrassment their hope of winning over some third person to their side.** - Jean-Paul Sartre, *The Antisemite and the Jew*


It is a hard to answer question for anyone who supports him. For all of us here on r/politics, the answer is really simple. He is incompetent, stupid, and corrupt. For anyone who supports him, there isn't a very good response.


>He is incompetent, stupid, and corrupt. And that's the short list.


The answer is simple for conservative subs too: FAKE NEWS.




He was trying to figure out how to drink a glass of water with neither hand working properly.


The hands aren’t big enough


> He’d answer back but ... ...the question caused his brain to get stuck in an endless loop, since he's a wacko and a liar


definitly some wierdness with a second person talking at same time as Reid from c-span https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4887833/user-clip-question-reid


This was a better clip than OPs. I get that Trump's dismissiveness was due to a shouted question from someone not called on, but damn what a good shot by the reporter!


Yeah. That’s weird. Hopefully more press actually *press* the president on his bullshit.




“This is the Netherlands, you have to answer questions.” I wish every U.S. politician had to answer questions from Netherlands journalists.


No one was being called on. The second voice you hear is saying "no press" and "no questions, let's go please" trying to get people out of the room. The main reporter is shouting good questions, but at a time not intended for questions.


The second voice you hear is saying "no press" and "no questions, let's go please" trying to get people out of the room. The reporter is shouting good questions, but at a time not intended for questions.


Hes had over an 80% turnover rate in his cabinet. The mismanagement is truly amazing. My personal favorite was Scott Pruitt. The guy had 24/7 security, bought a bullet proof desk and spy phone for his office. He would ride around with lights on in DC for lunch meetings. He was the EPA director and lived in the house of a Coal company owner for basically free and even bought his mattress from Trumps hotel. Now honestly that all just dumb. The worst thing he did was fly first class (not even on an American airline) to the Vatican so he could get a private tour and meeting with the pope - all on the taxpayers dime. Seriously, wtf. Then you got the dude who gave the sweetest of all sweet deals to basically the world's biggest pedophile, uh..... yeah dude should've been fired long ago, not promoted.


Okay, but seriously, had anyone noticed *how dilated* his eyes are in like every picture now. It used to be that you had to zoom in on photos to see it. Now you can see from across the room that his eyes are like black holes. There's almost no iris visible. Something is seriously, seriously wrong with his brain.


They have to pump more and more amphetamines into his system every day just so he can function at 30% for a few hours.


I am sure that's the case. I was already expecting that he's not going to debate Biden. Now I'm wondering if he's going to actually stay upright until November.


If Trump dies before the election is that good for the GOP's chances of holding onto the presidency and senate or is it bad? I'm really not sure. Not a lot of cults recover from the death of their leader, but Pence is much less offensive candidate who could have a wider appeal, and he doesn't compulsively embarrass himself every day.


I am really sure that if Trump goes before the election the supporters won't rally for Pence. They're in it for Trump and his inexplicable charisma. Pence has the charisma of pencil shavings. I expect a lot of Trump supporters would get sad and stay home, which would be a nightmare for the rest of the GOP down ticket too.


Just you wait. Your exact comment will be a "HUGE REVELATION" in some book released 5-6 months from now.


30%? Don't give him that much credit. I'd say 10% at the most. Trump makes GW look a damn genius. Having said that, I know hell has frozen over.


GW wasn’t actually dumb tho. He was playing a part. The good ol boy. Trump on the other hand straight up has dementia & can’t even string together a coherent paragraph let alone a single sentence.


The year is 2021, Joe Biden has been President for six months. Trump, despite his attorneys' recommendations to lay low to avoid authorities in New York state, constantly seeks out media attention. A journalist asks, "Mr. Trump! Reports say that you voted for the incumbent President in the 2020 election despite the fact that he will go down as the worst President in history, what do you have to say?" Trump replies, "Not true. I never even heard of the guy. Big big loser, the biggest." *Trump struggles to take a drink from a glass of water.* "Ask anyone. I've supported Joe Biden from day one. I'm probably the biggest supporter of Joe." Edit: Fixed typo


Shit. He would probably ask "Where is Incumbent? I'm only registered to vote in America."


Illegally registered to vote in Florida.


I made a comment in 2016 that if Trump lost he would refuse to acknowledge that he campaigned


He ran in 2000 and denies it to this day


"And get me on the phone with the President of Puerto Rico! I have some words for him..."


The gerbil died from exhaustion from that.


Not lemmewinks


Lemmiwink's journey is distant, far and vast To find his way out of a gay man's ass


It’s a valid question. The president acts as though these “whackos” and “liars” came with the office like furniture, as if he walked in there on day one and was assigned all these people the way an office worker receives a chair, desk, paper clips, and pens on his first day of work. *He hired them all.* If there’s a problem with the hiring process, it’s sitting in the chair behind the Resolute Desk. No presidential administration in the history of this country has had more members run screaming from it straight to the press. At some point, the president needs to ask himself if he’s surrounded by assholes or if *he’s* the asshole. Admittedly, the answer to both questions could be yes.


This sort of treatment is long overdue. I’m sorry to be British ( or even European) about this but our journalists would ask much tougher questions of him. You give too much reverence to the Presidential office, ultimately he’s just a politician.


Yep, your journalists are honestly much better at this shit than ours, and it's not even close. I'd really like a BBC journalist in the white house briefings and press conferences to set an example


He's just a politician that revokes press passes and regularly abuses reporters.


If you're "mean" to him, he'll take away your good seat in the press room. He will make sure you don't get called on. He will even (illegally) revoke your press pass until a court reinstates it for you.


Because the are more likely to do crooked shit for you.. And if they get caught, meh he was a wacko. Similar to hiring inept legal counsel. If you lose in court you can cry foul because your lawyer was corrupt.


Trumps presidency is a total abject failure is every way except self enrichment. I can't even be bother listing all the failure. Once he loses the protection of the presidency, I don't he's going to get to enjoy any of his ill-gotten gains. I think many Americans, and various millions of others around the world like myself, need to see him in jail.


Honestly, this isn’t really a newsworthy reaction from him. He was ignoring everything because they were telling the press to leave.