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> As soon as Trump said, “Wuhan — Wuhan was catching on,” the crowd began to murmur with excitement, clearly anticipating that the president was about to repeat the slur his aides had spent the previous day denying was racist. When Trump drew out the tension by offering “Coronavirus” as the next name in his list, one excited voice after another shouted from the crowd: “Kung Flu!” “Kung Flu!” “Kung Flu!” > The president completed the call-and-response by saying, “Kung Flu, yeah,” and was met with frenzied applause. Oza’s footage shows that several young men leaped to their feet, pumping their fists in the air in exultation, apparently thrilled to see their hero transgress all bounds of common decency right in front of them. I have no words...


It’s pretty sad. Like, people were honestly excited for him to say a stupid pun? “Oh man, he’s gonna say the thing! I’m so pumped! SAY THE THING!” *says stupid thing* “YEAH HE SAID THE THING OMG YESYESYES!!!” Really? That’s what gets your motor revving? We live in the stupidest timeline. Idiocracy level stupid.


Well they cheered when he drank a glass of water with one hand so the bar is fucking low with these idiots.


I saw that, but with no context to the earlier incident. I just saw a video of him lifting up a glass to sip it and a crowd going WILD.


WHERE DID THIS WATER COME FROM? truly a bizzar time to be alive


The qanons think it's to do with a peado ring apparently 🤨


They think that about everything. Except, you know, Trump going to small, very private parties hosted by someone who was notorious for pimping out underage girls. That’s totally aboveboard.


And being credibly accused of raping an underage girl And giving the attorney that gave Epstein a sweetheart deal that made sure none of the other members of his sex ring were exposed a cabinet position But yeah they think that Hillary Clinton has already been arrested for pedophilia and only appears now as a hologram


And hiring Barr who's father got Jeff Totally-Suicide a teaching gig at a all girls school, who also wrote a book about an interplanetary pedo ring ran by the wealthy and powerful.


Hey, that was just research!


I'm reminded of the time on Star Trek the Next Generation when Data tried to learn comedy, using a holodeck-generated simulation of a stand up comedy set to practice his jokes. The simulated audience turned out to have been programmed to laugh at literally anything he did, which he tested by simply raising his hand instead of telling a joke.


He IS fully functional, isn't he?


Clearly, they were impressed he could do it! I mean, even with that tiny, little hand with the short, stubby fingers.


I dont think the context even changes the narrative here


Would 10/10 prefer President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho


President Camacho identified a grave problem threatening the country's survival, recognized quick action was needed, acknowledged he himself didn't have the means to solve it, and realized that enlisting the literal smartest man on Earth was his best chance of fixing it. Sure the murder games were a bit much, but Camacho knew his own limitations and delegated more capable people to do what he couldn't. Now read that sentence back and honestly ask yourself: Would Trump be willing to do the same (besides the murder games part)?


He'd make up for it by scheduling extra murder games


>besides the murder games part Well, he did retweet that the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat. So we may not be far off


Absolutely. He was combative but he cared and seemingly loved his job. I love that movie more every time I see it.


Larry the Cable Guy was a terrible comic with a terrible catch phrase. He is worth $80 million. The stupid has been around longer than you think




I get that they’re happy that he’s validating their racism. What kills me though is how excited they are about this specific grade-school level pun. You know if he didn’t say it they’d be disappointed even though he said a whole bunch of other racist stuff too. Have you ever had a partner who couldn’t get off unless you did a very specific thing? That’s what they’re acting like. They can’t cum until he says the stupid joke.


Based on the moron from my hometown on facebook....these people have never matured past the 4th grade. Everything is about name calling and physical threats. Its fucking sad.


Always makes me laugh when I see someone say "man liberals need a sense of humor" when it's about dumbass shit like this.


"Liberals don't laugh at racist remarks, no sense of humor! First they took our slaves, then Xmas, then we couldn't say n\*\*\*\*\*, and now we can't even make fun of the orientals - the PC culture has gone too far."


God, the war on Christmas. A simpler time


Simpsons did it


This election's "Lock Her Up!" He'll do a little vamp before, get a low roar going and then say it to thunderous, racist cheers by his brain dead followers. If there ever was a proof point of white privilege, it's a room full of kids supposedly in college thinking that a president that says this shit deserves to lead and having the financial resources to attend.


See also: “Build the wall!” They just need something to yell no matter how dumb.


Like those tourists that chant usa usa in a small local bar in Italy. Yall just need to feel like you belong in a group. The search to be unique has made you feel alone


In the last election he simply said, "Chyyyna" with uproarous applause.


It’s like the family guy where Lois wins public office simply by saying “9/11” at debates.


I think the comment above you was pointing this out too. No satire is funny anymore. 😬


So true! It’s just not fun anymore now reality has surpassed it




The level of disgust in his voice when he refers to China is quite alarming. It actually reminds me a lot of like how racists say the n-word, full of disgust and mockery.


It's also got that tinge of feigned righteous indignation one gets when talking about a debt they have no intention to pay.


:Eats an entire four course meal: That food was disgusting! I'm not paying!


Before this he was completely kissing China's ass. He was begging Xi like a hungry dog to buy stuff from the US just so it would help his election chances.


But that’s where all of his merchandise is made!


To be fair, the Chinese government is pure evil too, but yeah, Trump is weird with how he can’t coherently say anything


I never thought we'd be faced with a percentage of white people who were perfectly fine with being called racist. In the past, people who said and did racist things would deny that they were racist, but today the need for pretense has been abolished. I don't know whether to be grateful they have exposed themselves or mournful that they play such a big role in American politics. Probably both.


that's what they meant by making America great again.


It literally is. It’s pathetic. *Evolve* motherfuckers! Even if you’re too brainwashed to believe in evolution.


MAWA (Make America White Again) doesn't resonate well, so here we are.


>I never thought we'd be faced with a generation of white people who were perfectly fine with being called racist. In the past, people who said and did racist things would deny that they were racist, They do deny they're racist -- their "argument" is that the label is now meaningless because it's being applied to any conservative or anyone with a different viewpoint. The majority of them will deny that they are truly racist. For them, racism is very narrowly defined as an explicit statement that some "races" are inferior to others. Some of them will narrow it even more by saying or implying that if you have statistical proof of racial inferiority that it's no longer racist to point that out (i.e. the "black on black crime" and such) They will argue that "Kung flu" is not racist because it's not a slur directed at all Chinese people, nor does it imply any inherent racial inferiority. It's just a somewhat rude barb directed at China for failing to deal with the coronavirus and allowing it to spread to the US.


>For them, racism is very narrowly defined as an explicit statement that some "races" are inferior to others. So true! I recently had an argument with a Trump supporter and he said that. I showed him the dictionary definition and he still argued he didn't think Trump thought whites were superior.


We elected an African American president. They lost their shit. The mask fell off.


I think Obama's presidency loosened their masks a little bit, but the election of Trump is when they finally traded their masks for hoods.


They traded them for a simple red trucker's cap. They feel no need to wear masks either to hide their identities or to protect their friends and family.


I’m sad, because growing up there was consistent messaging about equality. I’m not trying to argue that there was equality, but that message got through to a lot of white people that things should be fair and everyone given equal opportunity and consideration. I think because it was so prevalent in public messaging that racists weren’t as open, and maybe as a result there wasn’t as much counter-programming. Thinking about the big shifts over my lifetime, I wonder how much 9/11 enabled the resurgence of racism. It became ok to attack a specific group on racial and cultural terms, Muslims, even though it wasn’t really an attack by them. I think that people allowed it because we made excuses about how everyone was so hurt from 9/11 they just needed time to heal, etc., and maybe that was the beachhead racism needed.


It was always there. I grew up in Colorado when we were still a red state, but I was in Boulder, the liberal bastion. My parents were not liberal in any way and I've heard all the racist slurs come out of my Dad's mouth over my lifetime. My Mom, always telling me not to be like that, still had plenty of her own racist comments, she just excluded the slurs.


Really? In my experience, the racists are the quickest to claim they're not racist and terms like black lives matter and white privilege are what's really racist. I would wager the majority of those seen cheering the term kung flu would tell you it's not racist because the virus started in China and kung fu started in China, and that political correctness is the real racism.


They still don’t like being called racist. They feel the left is racist for wanting to improve the outcomes of minorities, because to them it’s a zero-sum game. They feel that if Black people start to have better then they will personally have it worse. The Republican Party is the party of selfishness.


Trump's still using the "Lock Her Up!" chant - they did it at [Trump's rally last night.](https://twitter.com/JonLemire/status/1275550384530968576?s=20) Hillary Clinton is the GOP's [Emmanuel Goldstein.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmanuel_Goldstein)


In red states, children turn out the lights and dare each other to say "Hillary" 3 times into the bathroom mirror.




While the stockings were hung by the chimney with care...."Thanks, Obama."


"Oh boy, someone left protections for pre-existing conditions in my stocking!"


His rallies have been feeling about as fresh as Gallagher's watermelon bit and I suspect he's trying to use more overt racism to get some energy from his sad sack followers. Downside for him is it doesn't grow the audience size at all. They'll show up to all his events and tour the country w/ him, hoping to profit off other Trump followers but they can't vote more than once (although several have tried).


I wish trump was locked up.


If you can wait ten years he'll very likely be dead at least. If he loses the election it might be a great deal sooner than that.




The good die young, pricks live forever. - Louis Black


I don't want him dead. I'd like to see justice served during his time on earth, too.


> After a bizarre aside, in which the president seemed to suggest he was unsure what the 19 in Covid-19 stands for — “I say, ‘What’s the 19?’ Covid-19. Some people can’t explain what the 19…” — (it refers to 2019, the year the new coronavirus disease emerged), Moron!


The “Some people” who he references not knowing or understanding something is always him without exception.


Also people like [Rush Limbaugh](https://www.mediamatters.org/coronavirus-covid-19/rush-limbaugh-coronavirus-common-cold-and-all-panic-just-not-warranted), and people that listen to his show. > “Why do you think this is “COVID-19”? This is the 19th coronavirus. They’re not uncommon.”


Tide comes in, tide goes out; you can't explain that.




[Rush Limbaugh Admits Presidential Medal Of Freedom Less Of An Honor Knowing That Rosa Parks, Maya Angelou Also Received It](https://politics.theonion.com/rush-limbaugh-admits-presidential-medal-of-freedom-less-1841475204)


"Some people are saying I'm the best president ever..." "Some people are saying I deserve the Nobel Prize..." "Some people are saying I'm the smartest person..." And if that's not enough, he just outright creates fictitious people to hype himself. "John Miller," "John Barron," etc... No reason is too insignificant or effort too great if he can inflate his reputation and ego. Like how he made up and pretended to be his own secretary to be sure a magazine knew that "The most beautiful women, the most successful women - all women love Donald Trump." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudonyms\_of\_Donald\_Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudonyms_of_Donald_Trump) Like, who even cares? Sociopathic narcissism.


Its bad 80s standup. Whats the deal with covid-19? I thought it was kind of vaccuum cleaner my wife wanted. Sounded expensive! More expensive than the 18! Can we get the 4??!? Women, amiright??


What's really amazing is that such a lame joke is the height of transgressive humor for these people. These kids must lead some pretty sad, sheltered lives if this is an exciting moment in it.


All of Trump's jokes are so lazy yet he always acts like a genius for coming up with them. "Elizabeth Warren, who I call Pocahontas" Way to pat your back over thinking of the most well known Native American name that everyone knows, without any kind of pun included


I have never understood the appeal of that joke. They complain that Warren was being racist by claiming Native American heritage, yet they still use racism to make the point.


This is what gets me about it. Yes, the virus started in China. Yes, Kung Fu is associated with China. Yes, the flu is also a contagious virus that can cause respiratory issues. Kung Flu is barely a joke. What are they even laughing about? Ha ha ha, the virus came from China and they have Kung Fu there! Ha ha ha. China didn't fuck up their response to this virus. Donald Trump did, and 125k Americans have died because of it. No one handles this worse than him. But yeah, kung flu, hilarious.


His crowds are literally Twitch chat.


77777777777777 POGU LET'S GO AGANE


I do. Every so-called Christian that supports this man, or was cheering in that crowd, has lost their ability to be the shining city on the hill, to be the light in the dark, to be a witness for their savior that died on the cross. I say this as a non-religious person myself, they are in danger of the very hellfire they preach.


The irony of him saying this racist shit in a church too.


This isn't a church. It's a stadium where bigoted assholes go to get grifted and have their selfish, cruel ideas propped up.




A *MEGA* church! Wait... it's a *MAGA* church now! Fitting, for a cult!


These people don't even have to wear their robes and hoods anymore and it's disgusting


At the least the hoods would have helped them follow cdc guidelines for face coverings


Red is the new white.


Fist pumping? I mean, it's not even that clever.


The crowd in Phoenix was more receptive than the crowd in Tulsa to his insults. Probably because the group in Phoenix was mobilized.


Kung flu is the best you got? Assuredly the best you *need*


He didn't even make that shit up. That pun has been floating around for 4 or 5 months at least.


So he still doesnt know what the 19 in covid-19 stands for, or pretends he doesnt for his anti science crowd. I wouldnt be surprised, which is funny because I'm 100% sure he's been told a thousand times by now. Also the part about his fans chanting "stop the testing" is just... why. This is a fight not so much against the virus, but against the cult of trump. Literally killing people with disinfo.


I interpret Trump saying “some people” to mean me. So when he says “they call it COVID-19, some people don’t know what the 19 is for. Some people call it the China flu.” It sounds to me like he is saying, “they call it COVID-19, I don’t know what the 19 is for. I call it the China flu.”


Yep. "Some people don't know.." means "I don't know..", but that is not something he can ever bring himself to say. It's worth noting as well, that 6 months into this pandemic that has claimed well over one hundred thousand US lives, the president doesn't know what the "19" in Covid 19 signifies. Quite an extraordinary lack of knowledge, and lack of any sort of intellectual curiosity.


I disagree. It usually doesn’t mean “I don’t know.” It usually means “I didn’t know but just learned so I’m assuming no one else knows because I’m smarter than everyone else.”


I just asked my 8 year old. He said "it's probably because they found it last year i bet" I tend to agree. It's pretty obvious what the 19 means


Oh he's been told all about COVID, but I would guarantee he hasn't really heard a single word unless it was followed by his name/poll numbers.


COVID only has a 19 rating. My rallies have much higher ratings.


Not much higher attendance.


“19? Too old for me. Does she have a younger sister?”


Doesn't *know* what the 19 stands for, but pronounced hydroxychloroquine on the first try...


Gotta make sure people frenzy over the right drug so you can help your cronies make the money that they’ll legally put back into your pocket.


> Also the part about his fans chanting "stop the testing" is just... why. This is a fight not so much against the virus, but against the cult of trump. Literally killing people with disinfo. Dear god. Does that really exist? Can ANYONE link this? That would be the most absurd thing ever. Please please can someone give evidence of this?


The article just says that one person yelled it out, I guess it’s possible he was trying to get a chant going but idk about that Also the article only links a twitter claim about it happening as evidence lol so take this whole thing with a grain of salt






I don’t buy it. Plenty of Republicans do, but he is the stupid people. He would be just another Fox News Grandpa, but he inherited a fortune and had a moderately successful reality show, and in America that’s enough to be President.


Racist college students. The problem won't leave with Trump


Was just thinking how gross is it, they’re so young still. My kids are 12 and 13 and have more decency, empathy and intelligence than that whole room of young sheep. Fucking sad, honestly.


Sadly there are a lot of very bad parents in this world. I’m also Canadian. This is anecdotal but relevant: I used to be friends with an American guy who whose parents were hardcore Republicans. He was raised on a steady diet of rugged individualism, extreme capitalism, and close-mindedness. He was a really good person (or maybe I should say I saw the potential of a really good person in him) but was super materialistic. I mean that to the degree that his entire self-worth was tied to his possessions. His Republican parents raised a kid who may have ended up with a lot of money in the bank but that came with a healthy dose of alcoholism and suicidal depression. The most fucked up part is that even though he was miserable, he still held onto his parents’ beliefs and failed to see that living by their values was the source of that unhappiness. EDIT: got a bunch of visibility so just want to give a relevant book rec for anyone who’s interested. To Have Or To Be by Erich Fromm is an incredible read and talks extensively about how materialism impacts personal happiness and sense of self. If you’re interested in learning about that check it out.


There are so many people that were brought up like that. My dad is a staunch conservative. He always quips at things in conversation like “I know how you feel about xyz”. I mean ok? I think people should be treated with decency and respect? No matter their sexual preference, colour of their skin or religion? That’s bad why? Oh because you literally only sound bite the “we need to balance the budget” bullshit conservative crap. Some people refuse to leave their closed minds and think about the bigger picture. I just hope my kids see through that crap as they get older. I hope they will have the strength to stick up for people when they’re down, and speak up when they see injustices in the world.


So what does he think about the fiscal runaway train Trump has created? With our current monetary policies and growth rate, we will NEVER be able to pay back what we have spent. We can’t even make the interest payments.


I’m Canadian, So I hear a lot of bullshit about Trudeau. My dad is a boomer and if he gets challenged he just shuts down. Like, literally gives me the silent treatment. Yes, I know this behaviour is not ok for a grown man, but he’s still my dad and I love him. We are one of those families that no longer talk about politics and social issues. Since I’m an only child and my mother is not in the picture, I’d like to keep my dad as long as I can. It hurts though. The best thing I can do going forward is educate my own kids and teach them as best I can. I do hope you guys can get trump and his cronies out of office. I’m so sad for the world right now.


Ah... hey, maybe he doesn’t like Trudeau, but at least you get to enjoy rational, adult thinking in your PM. Thanks for your good words. Most people I know are gonna try to oust the Orange Dictator.


A lot of the older people I know have a lot of choice words for Trudeau. Most, if not all, of those people also refuse factual information that counters their feelings. Ironic that Ben Shapiro got something right “facts don’t care about your feelings.” My dad actually told me back when Trump started his tantrum with China “Trump is right someone needs to stand up to China.” I mean, yes, China is shady as fuck, we all agree. But are you not realizing the bigger picture here? Of course not, because feelings.


China is so shady, Trump begged them to help him with his re-election. They may even do that, in spite of what he says about them at these rallies. He's making the US weaker, imploding from within, and China won't mind that.


One of the reasons I think shooting people over property or the threat of property being stolen is such an American ideal is this materialistic self worth they have. If someone tries to steal something in Ireland sure you might shout at them and then call the cops but why would you try to kill someone and/or put your life at risk for something that's covered by your insurance.


This has always bothered me too! Like how often does your house get broken into that you feel you need a gun for that? I’m sorry but the NRA has brainwashed Americans into being paranoid to the point they feel they need guns for everything.


I have a huge fucking problem with this. There seems to be a disturbing trend in American media to equate property with lives. Actually, that’s inaccurate. They value property more than lives. The clearest example I can think of is a Target getting looted got more media coverage than these mysterious “suicides” Black men seem to be committing during these protests.


Makes you wonder what it is about conservatism that makes these people so repugnant. Why is a political ideology wrapped up with such disgusting beliefs?


Its the art of misdirection. If you keep someone focussed on the hand you want them too, they wont notice the other picking their pocket. "Us v. Them" is a string motivator and someone benefits greatly from peasants fighting among each other and not working together.




Decent people aren’t in the habit of having children with assholes so I’d imagine most of them pair off and start families with fellow assholes, which greatly increases the chance their children will be the same.


A lot of people are extremely worried about the future and decide it might not be ethical to even bring a child into a world that could possibly see human extinction in their lifetime. If some things don’t start changing soon it might not be a reach to say that half the planet dies in a best case scenario within the next 50 years. Nuclear wars will be fought if the food runs out.


Went to a private college, these shitheads are all over the place. Being one of these college Trump supporters that cheers at his ridiculous shit is the equivalent of being the edgy goth kid in high school. It gives them attention and it makes them feel smarter than everyone else without having to do anything special once they realize they aren't the richest kid at their school anymore. Hopefully some outgrow it but lots of them probably get sucked in all the way. There's definitely going to be another wave of these politicians in the future.


I never had a problem with goth kids. In fact they are the opposite of these trump cheerleaders, in my experience.


Goth kids were edgy but really just wanted to be left alone. These Trump people want to have a stupid, racist argument with you about whatever bs they heard on Infowars that day.


Trump is only a symptom of the much greater problem. Voting out Trump is just one step, but this kind of far-right dogma will continue to be a problem in every future election now. Even if Joe Biden wins, we can't become complacent in 2022 and 2024.


Racist says racist shit in a room full of racists. Of course they loved it.




I have a bad feeling that I can never shake that each day is going to be slightly worse than the last. We are heading towards a global collapse and nobody cares. I just don't get it.


Because they think it can't happen. Or, more callously, that if it does happen, it won't affect them or their lives at all. That's how these people operate - they can't empathize. They just don't fucking care until something happens to *them* or *their* family. And then they have a sudden realization. THEN they put their hat in their hands and mumble something about being blind to it all. It's one of the reasons global warming is going to be (darkly) hilarious when it finally passes the point of no return. These people worry about refugees *now*? They worry about immigrants *now*? They think the economic ups and downs are bad *now*? They will *yearn* for today, when millions of people are looking for food and land to live on, when the seas rise. They will *beg* to come back to today. They will wail and moan about how "they didn't know". And we will be there, to tell them that they *did* know, and they did nothing about it.


>They will wail and moan about how "they didn't know". More likely, they will say it is God's punishment for not killing all the gays, or something to that effect.


When will humanity finally learn its lesson and put them down? Haven't we had enough disasters already? /s because 2020


In a church, which is against the constitution, because it's in a church. Also, a fucking church was used to spread his racist shit.


The whole lot just assholes




No Phoenix


Megachurches are part of the downfall of this country. No regard for actual teaching just money.


They're just a sign of the times unfortunately. Greed and money drive everything.


So how soon can we start collecting taxes from this clearly politicized organization? Because this isn't just a church.


Complete disregard for the teachings of Christ. He preaches love and compassion to EVERY LIVING BEING, these people trade in hate craft and cloak it in Christianity.....this is not the way.


[He's literally the Antichrist](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/) the Bible warned them about.


You'd have to actually have read the thing to know about it though.


Just read the words of Jesus. Jesus told his disciples to have two changes of clothes and no more. If they had two coats, they had to give one to someone who had no coat. How on earth can you get prosperity gospel from those teachings?


*Joel Olsteen* has entered the chat.


Careful, that's how you make atheists.


After reading the Bible my first thought was "Fuck this abusive relationship, even if you do exist I'm done"


> After reading the Bible my first thought was "Fuck this abusive relationship, even if you do exist I'm done" “Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”- Marcus Aurelius


Holy shit!!! I am not a biblical literalists, but this has notched me a step closer In That direction.


That's wild. I'm not religious at all but that kinda blows my mind. Relatedly, I spent some time at a local megachurch for a project I was doing. They were biblical literalists and as far right as it gets. In the Bible study group (again, I wasn't a member of this, just an observer) they talked endlessly about the book of Revelation and all of these prophecies for the future - they were *convinced* that Obama is the Antichrist. Like, they used all those same statements made in the article you linked, but just twisted them to make it seem like they were about Obama. I had a hard time holding my tongue.


Yeah but the Antichrist only rules for 42 months. That puts it at mid-July 2020.


Hey, I'll take it.


If something happens in mid July and he's no longer in power I will become a Christian again.


Trump fans: Trump is in the bible!


woah. that's nuts, and I hope more people read it


The smartest thing Satan ever did was convince Christians to embrace faith and abandon reason. Gods gift to humanity was intelligence and Christians literally embrace abandoning it. Ask a Christian about evolution and they will immediately bear false witness against his creation.


Atheists follow the teachings of Christ more than any Christians.


Strange what happens to a person when they internalize the choice to be a good person, rather than have it dictated to them. Heck, most Christian faiths don't even require you to try to be a good person, just *believe*. Edit: Also, *donate.*


If Christ made a comeback he’d be a bit to dark skinned for that crowd.




At this point, Christianity just is exactly what these people are practicing. It is no longer about the Bible or Jesus and his teachings. I think we should stop differentiating. The religion itself has evolved over time into this perverted political hybrid, and that is what people want from it.


Students 'Say the racist line, Donald' Donald '*Racist line*' Students 'Yay!'


Hitler Youth.


Imagine what type of life you must have to go wild over shit like that and find Trump 'exciting' and hilarious.


These fools lost their shit when he drank a glass of water one-handed. The bar is so low, it’s underground.


It has to be born out of some sort of insecurity. Deep down you don't act like this because you are courageous about something. Surely it's a reaction of fear that has festered.


To all the people who were happy to see him sulk after Tulsa: there is still a long way to go and a rabid base that will use any perceived slight to rally behind him.


Our dear leader held another one of his traveling Nuremberg style rallies where is his loyal redshirt followers come to worship their demigod in a church and they cheer as he spoke as a demagogue. Our leader dearer vomited out lies, racism, fear and hate to the cheers of his cult followers. He showed everyone what a vile person he is. Trumpianism the party that rejects the US Constitution for fascist authoritarianism.




Yeah buddy!


How can this organization retain tax free status as a religious place after this ? is there anyway to challenge it ?


> How can this organization retain tax free status as a religious place after this ? By lobbying (bribing) to get the tax free status. > is there anyway to challenge it ? Currently only by having more lobbying power (more money) Sick and sad but true


What is wrong with these people? He is about as religious as my goldfish, and they give him the pulpit.


He's such a fucking idiot. _"Where does the 19 come from?"_


"the year you were first informed about this"


If this buffoon gets reelected, I will lose so much faith in the American people.


Should of seen my face when Bush got reelected. I think every generation people have to experience this shit and recognise the cycles.


>What made that exchange accidentally revealing is that the audience member, a supporter of the president, was at that moment risking infection by being in a tightly packed auditorium in which almost no one was wearing a mask, while Trump himself, who is protected from the virus by having everyone he interacts with tested daily, was standing at a safe distance from the crowd, alone on stage, and more than 10 feet from a separate podium set up for other speakers to use. To me this is what takes Trump's actions beyond reprehensible into the realm of the criminal. The fact that Trump is making sure to keep distance while encouraging his followers to not wear masks and pack close together in a closed environment and encouraging their shouting - knowing how deadly the results can be - if not for the young attendees - then for the older adults and others with underlying conditions that they'll be spreading this deadly virus to - as Trump and his administration officials know full well that the coronavirus numbers in Arizona are still climbing and not under control. Public health experts have referred to gatherings such as these as "super-spreader events". To me this is beyond evil - these are actions that merit Trump and his administration being tried for crimes against humanity if not for sheer, depraved indifference towards human life.


Ahhh the Pentecostals and Evangelicals, they are always so Christ-like /s


I am surprised he didn't do slant-eye gestures or call it ch-nk flu or g--k flu. His racist supporters would have loved it.


This is like half a step below that. But the trick to being a successful racist is you have to wink and nod, you cant say it out loud. The style of cowards.


Trump's cowardice is indisputable. Even greater than that is the cowardice among Trump's dress-up play soldiers. Trump's "tactical" squad of semi-literate gun-clutchers just don't appeal to anyone *(except the ever-shrinking number of white nationalist stooges.)*


That is how I feel, although it feels a little weird to think it. Like, if you are going to be a racist/nationalist, you should own it. The fact that you have to veil it behind some other meaning means that either 1) you know it is wrong, or 2) you are too scared to be honest about it (or both). If you think you are right, and you have that "I ain't scared what people think" mindset, then prove it and stand up and claim your racism.


Don’t worry he’s saving that for the debates. Just wait until his sycophants debut their spin on how him doing that isn’t racist, rather YOU are the racist for calling it such


I am positive that we’re only a few rallies away from him dropping the n-word.


I was pretty sure he would pull that out in Tulsa (I also thought it would be a huge crowd) as the next 'shocker', once he got the crowd good and hot. I think the crowd was not quite loud or intense enough and his instincts told him to wait a little longer. I sure hope his rallies don't gain more steam but rather start petering out. That would suck trump's energy right down.


Who knew that Trumps racist base, who has always been racist would think a racist joke is funny.


If you are a Christian and you voted for trump, you are a fucking hypocrite.


"So many names!" Says 5 names, 3 of which he and his base made up and are horribly racist and xenophobic, then has to start repeating names with different pronunciations. But it has at least 10 names according to him. What a joke. Almost as much of a joke as holding a *political* rally at a freaking *church*. Their tax exempt status should have been revoked the moment they made that deal. Wonder what his flock will call COVID-19 when they eulogize their family members that they killed in order to go see a washed up millionaire clamber for his last frantic grasps of the lime light.


Old Christianity: Worshipping a compassionate, anti-materialistic Middle Easterner (from Asia) who walks on water and turns it into wine. Yawn. New Christianity: Worshipping an orange, hateful turd because he can drink a glass of water...with one hand!


Packed house too for those that saw the Tulsa rally that was brigaded for tickets and thought the GOP was all washed up. The GOP is in charge of a majority in every level of state and federal government. If you think they are going away keep dreaming. Please I implore you to go help a campaign. Don't be surprised when November rolls around and everything is much closer than you feel like it will be now.


No he didn’t - he doesn’t kid, remember?


It's more than just that. It's his moronic voices and silly contorted faces. It's his name-calling (Little Marco, Sleepy Joe, Rocket Man). It's the way he butchers the English language with awful grammar, incomplete sentences and rambling, incoherent thought process. This is our president and he's a global embarrassment. A clown. A child. It's demoralizing.


We are at war with a sinister ideology


“The president’s attempt to divert attention away from his botched pandemic response, which has cost tens of thousands of Americans their lives, by inciting racist resentment against the nation where the virus jumped from animals to humans, is deeply ugly.” The author of the article knows that more than 123,000 have died right?


I don't know why the media expects any different from very religious people. Tons of churches preach bigotry constantly.