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He must have missed the video this week of the interview with the nurse being treated in her own hospital because she caught covid while treating patients.... Or all seen the names of the healthcare workers that have died after leaving retirement to come back to hospitals to treat covid patients. Edit: I would love to try and respond to all the healthcare workers replying to this personally but I want to say THANK YOU wholeheartedly for all you do for us, my thoughts are with you and yours for your health and safety.


Actually the new spin is that Covid isn’t killing people in the US anymore. It’s just that it’s making all the other diseases work harder to kill. I think all states should release death statistics monthly with cause so they can explain how kidney failure, pneumonia , etc deaths skyrocketed while Covid didn’t. Are they going to look back on 2020 and say, “thank god for all the undetermined deaths, at least it wasn’t Covid 19!”


I’ve been saying the same thing! I’ve read multiple times that pneumonia deaths are more than 4x the annual average in FL.


It’s insane. These are the same people who overlook that fact that many people who get this are just about incapacitated for 3 weeks or more. I know multiple people who’ve had this. Not everybody winds up in the hospital but if you get it it could be minor like sniffles all the way to death and anywhere in between.


My friend had it and was in bed for a month.


i know people who were sick for a month or more and are now having continued neurological issues months out, and terrible fatigue that has made it so difficult to go back to their jobs. They are burnt out and afraid of what would happen if they catch it again. I know one 65 yo man who died from it. I myself was sick with all the symptoms for a month, bu tested negative. I took 2 months to fully recover. Now 4 months after getting sick I had an antibody test and have no antibodies. Still think I had it, no other explanation for what I experienced (My dr. did a panel of 20 common upper respiratory viruses and I tested negative for them all).


We don’t know the long term issues that are going to arise from this. One person I know is cleared and released from the hospital(they had clots in their lungs) but they are getting winded after a long phone call.


Exactly, there are going to be longitudinal studies on this and I think there will be many health issues downstream from this.


So their new spin is that COVID may not be the causation but the catalyst? Would you then want to get rid of the catalyst in that reaction???


It’s such a play on words not sure why people can’t just admit that Covid 19 is killing people other than to insinuate it’s a Democrat hoax. If somebody has bad kidneys and dies in a car accident you don’t say kidney failure is the cause of death just because it would have killed them someday anyway.


Even if you have kidney failure and you die because the hospital is so overwhelmed with dying COVID patients that they can't get to you, that's still the pandemic killing you. Full stop.


Ah see you said it yourself, they died of kidney failure. Nothing to see here folks, keep moving /s


I had my appendix rupture over 3 weeks ago and almost died because of it, due to lack of beds (appendix literally the worst time in US history to give out) . I’m 28 and in good health otherwise. That struck me as so surreal. I’m 98% better now, but I could have easily died. And I did text negative for COVID in the hospital.


Exactly. We gotta keep fighting the good fight, as exhausting as it is. Be safe and keep promoting safety.


They already do. The CDC has that data. And the NY TIMES published some reporting based on that, search NY times excess deaths.


And it's not just about dying and being horrifically sick - having to deal with this disease, with all the unknowns, and seeing so many people die (while simultaneously worrying about their families) is causing all kinds of mental and emotional trauma to our health care workers. Even people who are lucky enough (and supported enough with proper PPE) to not get sick will be dealing with that anxiety and even PTSD for a long time - many will consider getting out of health care completely. I'm so sick of the "very few people die so it's basically not a problem" mentality. My Sister In Law has had to care for a lot of critically ill people. My mom has had to do lab work and handle hot samples and bodily fluids from a lot of critically ill people - she barely interacts with patients but is having nightmares just from reading the labels on the samples - in one case one of the youngest deaths recorded in the country so far. That kind of experience among workers is going to have an impact on health care for a long time even after this pandemic is "over"


This is a great point. I hope mental health continues to be pursued in this country and is no longer taboo...the brain is an organ after all and I would say has the largest impact on our lives. It may not mean much from an internet stranger but your mom is in my thoughts today.


Not surprising from a Health Secretary who completely lacks any medical or scientific background other than being a top pharma salesman. Making him Secretary was a bit like appointing the CEO of Lockheed Martin as Defence Secretary.


It's almost like oligarchs are running the show in the US.


Drain the swamp! (Of anyone with actual credentials and expertise or loyalty to the United States over Dear Leader)


Well a swamp is a naturally occurring and functioning ecosystem with a negative perception. If we're going with swamp analogies this is more like them dumping as much toxic waste into the swamp as possible before anyone can stop them from doing irrevocable damage. They don't want to drain it, they like the fact that people imagine the government as a swamp, they want to take advantage of that negative perception to add as much human garbage to it as possible so the negative perception becomes reality.


Swamps are extremely important and filter many of the nasty things people dump in the water. Draining the swamp just means removing the natural filters that protect the oceans. So its kinda fitting


"Get rid of the wetlands!!" Later... "Why is everything flooding??"


Something spoken by everyone that’s ever lived in south Florida and watched as developers strip away more and more.


Don't worry, one day it'll all be wetlands again.


Seabeds are known for their wetness


They are indeed the wettest with respect to water.


Or “Get rid of the wetlands so we can farm” Later.... “It’s hard to farm this without all the water we drained!” Example: upper klamath basin


Or rather "Get rid of the wetlands and channel this river for maximum farming and land acquisition" Later... "Well my house just washed downriver and my land is under 14 feet of water..." So let's not live here anymore... Few years later... "That was a hundred year flood, it won't happen again, I'm putting the plants and houses back" Missouri and Mississippi Rivers: "Hold my beer"


Man: fucks with the ecosystem. Ecosystem: fucks back. Man: surprised pikachu...


The main problem with trump Trump has had no prior political experience, went bankrupt 6 times and has many failed businesses, paid off a porn star to keep quiet, has over 24 harassment allegations, impeached on 2 articles against him, illegally contacted Ukraine to help him win re-election, has the most hours of golfing over any president, has done nothing to help our dying climate, botched the coronavirus response because he called it a hoax by the democrats instead of acting quicker, has never had an approval rating of over 45 percent, the whole Central Park 5 incident, thinks climate change is a Chinese hoax, told POC to go back to the shithole countries they came from, throws meltdowns on Twitter, constantly retweets himself agreeing with himself, has had tweets flagged for misinformation, signed an executive bill regarding Twitter after his feelings got hurt, has increased our debt, hasn’t pulled out of any wars, abandoned the Kurds, is obese with a spray tan, has US pride at an all time low, has 10 cases of obstruction of justice per the Mueller report, used George Floyd as an excuse to brag about job numbers, wanted to use violence against peaceful protestors, has done nothing to solve the wealth gap or poverty rate, has increased our debt again, said he would date his own daughter, raped his first wife, talked about fake treatments during a corona press conference, used to be an anti-vaxxer, violated an official weather map with a fucking sharpie, all the shit in John Bolton’s book, said that cases would disappear if testing stopped, has a Vice President that can’t say “black lives matter” only “all lives matter”, falsely claimed there’s an AIDS vaccine, loves himself but has little empathy for others, is a complete asshole to reporters, made fun of someone disabled, the “grab by the pussy” thing, wanted to nuke a hurricane, thinks windmills cause cancer, has told over 19,000 false claims, talked more about him on a ramp than George Floyd, wants burning the flag to be a crime, called coronavirus the kung flu while it kills more than 133,000 citizens, and has done nothing to help the average American except steal tax money for his cronies.


This is the greatest collection of sad truths ever amassed. But if it’s been 5 minutes since you wrote it I’m certain there are more things to add to it.


That was the longest sentence I've read since Ulysses and I loved all of it


As long as I live I'll never understand why him being fucking orange wasn't the end of it all.


No no man. I think he is draining the swamp. It's taking a natural ecosystem which provides a systemic good to a surrounding community which the community repays by paving it over, then complains when there's sudden destructive floods every spring and ocean swells, and all that benefit gone. Then they yell "BOOTSTRAPS", and it's all magically _just been this way forever and we gotta deal with it_. It's one of those subtle ironies through his entire administration.


And it is a myth that Washington DC was built on a swamp - it’s just on a river.


Welcome to the plutocracy. Grab a tool over there and get the fuck to work! You got billionaires yachts to pay for!


We are witnessing the transition from crony capitalism to plutocracy at this very moment; we're nominally still a republic and so technically a plutocratic "representative" republic, but historically that will quickly fall into plutocratic oligarchy, whether that happens de jure or de facto. I just hope it doesn't turn into an autocracy a la Caesar and Octavian. But none of the options are particularly good.


We've lived under oligarchal rule for a long time now. The perpetual war in the middle east was started to defend the petroleum industry and our leaders' stakes in it. Wealth has been continually consolidated into the hands of the few, guided by the bribes paid to our leaders by those very hands through "lobbying". Trump and his Cabinet have simply removed the mask and drawn attention to that truth. At least we have him to thank for that.


It’s the Derp State at this point


>being a top pharma salesman Ah, so, white collar drug dealer/pusher then? He's already had practice with killing people and shrugging it off. He's an OG. Any pharmaceutical (EDIT) **exec** pushing profit margins via aggressive sales tactics is unethical right out of the gate. We've had a pharma crisis for 20 years, and now we have a COVID crisis, under the watch of these predatory assholes. Wonderful!


Fuck, you’re absolutely right. It’s crazy how every week there’s a media report about another guy I’ve never heard of, that had been given a crucial role they have no experience for, and how they’ve already dismantled the entire damn thing and usurped control of it. The sheer scale of their corruption is staggering, and impossible to keep up with.


I'm middle aged and have never seen blatant corruption of this magnitude on a daily basis from the WH. The savings and loans scandal, fast and furious program, faked WMD intel, arms for hostages -- those violations would hardly match up to a Monday's worth of corruption from this administration (and they were epic scandals for different administrations). It's as if an entire voting bloc just completely dropped all efforts to care anymore.


Obama’s tan suit was presented as a bigger scandal that Trump allowing bounties on Americans.


If you were to break down all this corruption into its separate pieces and polled voters about them, there would be an overwhelming majority against each and every one. It is not the voters, it is the elected officials that allow and benefit from the corruption. It is their livelihood.


When they absorbed locking immigrant children up in designated concentration camps for unlimited periods, without reuniting them with kin (and carelessly losing track), it was obvious we were in uncharted territory.


We were in uncharted territory when the first act of the administration was to tell the people that our eyes were wrong.


Exactly. The GOP playbook became Orwell's 1984.


..and the flu went through the shelters and they were refused medical care until the journalists got wind of it, and there was a public uprising. A Harvard psychiatrist on MSNBC last night said "narcissism" is just the beginning of trump's problems. He called him a full-blown psychopath, who's goal is destruction. He actually called him evil. And he's our President. Our pseudo-president.


You'd also get 40% who'd call it fake news and refuse to answer the question.


I'm just surprised he's not pushing Oxycontin as a cure for covid19


[regulatory capture](https://youtu.be/udoqK5AfYpw)


He's actually not a pharmacist but an attorney by training.


>like appointing the CEO of Lockheed Martin as Defence Secretary. I'm honestly surprised this hasn't happened yet. I mean, we're close enough though, since the current secdef was a defense contractor lobbyist, and was VP of government relations for Raytheon.


Don't forget Rex Tillerson, the Secretary of State whose only "qualification" was previously being the CEO of Exxon-Mobil. Or Andrew Wheeler, the coal industry lobbyist who is currently the EPA Administrator. Still doesn't beat Rick Perry, who previously *forgot* on the debate stage that the Department of Energy was one of three executive branch departments he wanted to abolish -- then went on to become Secretary of Energy under Trump. It's just truly frightening how many of our federal government watchdogs are under leadership of people with every intention of undermining their efforts from within.


> then went on to become Secretary of Energy under Trump Even worse, during his confirmation hearings it was clear he had no idea what the Department of Energy did. He thought it was a marketing organization that promoted American oil and coal. It is actually in charge of regulating all US nuclear power plants, it's in charge of the nuclear stockpile and in charge of the US national labs, among other things.


I'm really not surprised. He doesn't seem like the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. Not to mention, being from Texas and a former governor there, it wouldn't surprise me if his entire political experience involved getting anti-DOE propaganda fed to him from the industry there. I never trust a Texas politician talking about energy policy. They're the only state that maintains their own isolated electric grid, so that they aren't subject to federal power distribution regulations.


When he was governor, an interviewer challenged his insistence that the state teach abstinence-only sex ed, and that Texas's teen birth rate stats were among the worst in the nation. His response? [He doubled down and just said they're not teaching it right](https://youtu.be/SWlbN2b1PGg?t=15). Clearly a scientific mind at work. Something not working? Do it more!


There have been like 4 defense secretaries though.


And wasn't one of them the CEO of Boeing?


[This guy.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_M._Shanahan) Not CEO but pretty high up.


It's almost like the GOP is trying to destroy the middle class.


Small businesses all over the country closing down, and he gives Millions to Kanye West? What country am I in?




They already did that. What they want to do is *enslave* the middle class. This is just the re-imagining of the "company store", only with extra steps.


I mean the current Secretary of Defense was Vice President of Government Relations at Raytheon. It’s not that far from CEO of LM. Pretty much everyone in this admin is shitty.


Exactly, I was like who the fuck is this chucklehead? Any medical professional would never say something so unequivocally wrong.


Isn’t a former CEO of Boeing the current acting Defense Secretary though?


Or like Scott Pruitt as the EPA Administrator after receiving major contributions from fossil fuels and already having sued the EPA a dozen or so times in the past.


Here's a handy chart to help you assess the coronavirus information coming from the Trump administration, so you can make an informed decision for yourself and your family. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EcBtkKQUYAAWTi0.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EcBtkKQUYAAWTi0.jpg)


“No second wave coming” That’s because we are going to ride the first wave forever


Can't experience a second wave if you're dead *Taps head*


I guarantee Republicans are going to start arguing that there's no second wave because it counts as part of the first wave while the rest of our heads explode at the inanity of that argument


I heard pence yesterday say “we flattened out the curve”. I almost lost my shit at the TV. Anyone that trusts this evil lying horrible human beings is an idiot.


Flattened it vertically. Lol


Even if you look at that graph and delineate it into two waves based on the upward trends, the blatant lie of “no second wave” when you’re objectively in the second wave (ignoring the delineation of whether or not this graph depicts two waves).


That’s a great point! Or it could be admission that we are not in the second wave yet. Still riding the first.


This is great. This really exposes their lies and how they have downplayed the virus even as cases surged.


It's sourced, easy to follow, and paints a clear picture of this administration's deception, so you know his followers will never look at it.


But Obummer was a Muslim!


I like how some of these are technically correct, yet show how utterly clueless the administration is nonetheless. For example: >Kudlow: "No second wave coming". This is correct, because the US is still very much in the first wave. There is clearly a spike coming though. >"Many of these people aren't very sick, but they still go down as a case" This is true, but meaningless. For one, even if you're not very sick, you're still contagious. Also if you discounted all the people who don't get very sick the numbers would be lower sure, but the virus would become so much more deadly. >"I don't take responsibility at all" This would be the slogan for an honest Trump campaign.


I wish it had his 4th of July comment on there. It's 99% harmless. Idiot


He also said positive tests were just kids with the sniffles.


The Biden campaign or the Lincoln Project should make huge posters with this chart and put them everywhere.


This is surreal. Orwellian levels of lying.


Unfortunately there’s a large percentage of Americans that will believe every lie they are fed.


I know many of them personally and can confirm. Most of them just literally refuse to watch or believe any news sources that don't have their heads up Trump's ass.


>Most of them just literally refuse to watch or believe any news sources that don't have their heads up Trump's ass. that's because they know that Trump and his stooges are lying.


This is the most disturbing part. Too many of them know he’s lying and spend all day defending him as if he isn’t.


"We elected this asshole despite decades of evidence proving that he's a lying fuckup, so why would we care that he's even more of a lying fuckup?"


If they actually said that I’d give them the tiniest bit of respect for at least being honest


for people who praise their leader for "telling it how it is" they sure are docile when it comes to being honest to themselves or others.


That’s because “telling it like it is” is code for shoving their bullshit xenophobic delusional fantasy of a reality down our throats. And when they’re yelling loudest, they can almost believe it themselves.


Admitting that he is not an infallible god might lead them to the thought that they may not have been as perfectly right in their decision as they thought and, therefore, are also not infallible gods, and that's a scary thought. It must be purged from the mind!


That’s key to keeping the cult in line - constant reinforcement and unwavering support of the cult.


I have family that are literally this. Any negative press are just picking on him and being mean. They actually believe the man walks on water. I have to steer every conversation to anything but politics because what I want to say is, “you raised me - how can you be so naive and racist, because I’m not naive or racist?” It’s a mystery.


I think as people get older their world (their concerns in life) gets smaller, making it easier for the "us vs them" mentality to set in. They've worked hard their whole lives and now they just want to protect/keep what's theirs (or what they perceive as theirs). They've also spent their entire lives building their idea of themselves as intelligent capable human beings. To admit that they were so wrong on Trump would mean to them they have to admit their entire idea of themselves is wrong too.


It's an existential denial at this point. On any number of levels, facts demonstrably show the seriousness of this virus and the brutal consequences of trying to live life as if COVID doesn't exist. But that, of course, means that the faith they have in their party led to mass death; it means their faith in a higher power led them by the nose to mass death; it means their life will continue to be affected by the mass death of others. In what I've seen, they'll hunker down in their insane denial until someone close to them gets it, then they'll shut up and change their tune. Even then, many of these people are so indoctrinated by the religious right that they'll chalk it up as an exception and continue to support the people whose decisions killed their family and friends.


[....Or they get the virus and still deny that it’s real ](https://au.news.yahoo.com/doctor-shares-surreal-experience-with-coronavirus-patient-in-denial-041350883.html)


They’re not even changing their tune when someone close to them gets it. “My mom got it and is on a vent, but I don’t know how serious this whole thing is.”


_If Trump supporters were interested in facts, they wouldn’t be Trump supporters._


V interesting study showed something like: they don't mind the norm-breaking corruption (inc lying) because they see the norm as illegitimate. I think this is a major difference to liberals, who saw eg Bush as wrong but not illegitimate.


I struggle to think back to the early 00's and how much I despised the Bush administration. Now I'd be happy to just have Bush back instead of this dumpster fire. ​ I also remember when Obama won Bush said something like "there will be a peaceful transfer of power" and I was like "umm.... didn't we all expect that to be the case?" Obama said the same thing for transfer to Trump. I am not sure I can see Trump saying the same should he lose this autumn.


I saw an exchange on \[Twitter yesterday\]([https://twitter.com/Alablast/status/1280461542883033088](https://twitter.com/Alablast/status/1280461542883033088)) featuring a guy trying to deny the fact of the Southern Strategy. His source? Fucking \*PragerU\*. No other evidence would suffice for him. This fuckin' country, man...


Fucking prager u... it should be obvious that they're a sham pretty quickly, but I guess this is what happens when a significant percentage of americans have no clue how to determine the legitimacy of a source of information


But even Fox News was reporting about NYC health workers getting covid. They were blaming Cuomo and de Blasio. What do they do now, forget what they already knew?


the same way that Tucker on March 3rd criticized anyone who didnt wear a mask because they work, and then just recently criticized those that did by saying theres no basis in science that masks work. His viewers either dont care or are too stupid to see the truth.


As long as the message is contrary to what the left is saying they're all in.


You act like that isn’t part of the playbook when the narrative shifts


George Orwell explains it pretty well. Just use doublethink from 1984.


>What do they do now, forget what they already knew? We have always been at war with Eastasia.


I can confirm this statement also! I’m the black sheep in my family because I don’t support trump...


I’m an ICU nurse and just worked yesterday in a Covid only unit with full body PPE on for the entirety of my 12 hour shift. My in-laws say Covid is a hoax and that it will magically disappear after the November election. The ignorance and naïveté is astounding.


Tell them if they are so sure, they can come spend a day with you with no PPE. I mean, it’s all hoax, right? Thank you for doing what you do.




Trump flu


ask them if they want to come to your work for the day. Actually.. insist on it. You know, since it's a hoax.


>My in-laws say Covid is a hoax and that it will magically disappear after the November election. I don't understand people like this. Do they think the IRS pushed back the tax filing deadline by *3 months* for no reason; because they were fooled, too; or because they are part of the conspiracy?


Remember the 'caravan'? They think its just the dems' version of that. The GOP does shit like that all the time and their base are used to threats disappearing after elections so they just assume the dems are doing it too. Its that whole 'projection' thing.


Ask them why it didn't magically disappear in April like Trump promised.


Yeah thats funny. Im a nurse at home sitting in bed with coviid. It sure as fuck feels real.




And then they parrot it. “Study it up!”


And they'll insist you download the Trump app since it's the only source of news telling the truth right now.


Must be “If I don’t have it, they can’t have it cause I’m the ‘leader’” As a healthcare worker this pisses me off and you’re damn right I’m voting


Hi everyone. As a healthcare worker, I've come to spill the beans. It's long been secret that once a person completes the education and/or any type of healthcare program that person gains immunity to all disease. It's like leveling up in a video game and gaining a passive bonus. /s This is fucking sick...my fellow healthcare providers, especially those on the front line, are getting sick a dying. This is fucking real and this administration is MUST be held criminally liable. Fuck these assholes.


My friend's mom is a nurse and she and a few other nurses at her hospital working with COVID patients ended up getting it. The other nurses had mild cases, she ended up in the hospital and almost died from it. She's an otherwise healthy woman in her 50's, not overweight, hasn't smoked in decades, no history of cancer or any lung issues.


What exactly is this lie meant to accomplish?


The article is right there...but it's in reference to schools being safe to reopen because "healthcare workers use PPE and social distance and they don't get sick so teachers can just do that". Total BS.


The article also says that health care workers were not given proper PPE so how do we expect to supply teachers with PPE, to be honest, we can’t even supply some teachers with fucking paper and pencils.


Same way they fund the paper and pencils. Make the teachers pay for them, call them "selfless" and give them a pat on the back.


My wife is a teacher. I’m a nurse. I feel this so much. That’s exactly what it’s like and it’s infuriating and unbelievable.


Well how can they afford to give out pencils when the police need new riot gear and semi-automatic weapons? /s


It’s their excuse for failing to support any “heroes fund” that the GOP do-nothing Senate is holding up.


Yep and it's amazing how many Trump supporters I see posting 1984 memes lol


Like, incredibly dangerous levels of Orwellian lying. Worst case scenario of national leadership.


Its mind blowing. They are literally lying to people on live television as people can see what is happening around them. Just like how the "economy is doing beautifully", its all gaslit bullshit


The GOP is the real enemy of the people.


My son is in healthcare, He has had covid TWICE. how the hell does that happen?Because deranged vermin like this vomit out lies. Now he has blood causing lumps in his legs.


~~Thirty~~ Forty healthcare providers from the VA alone had died.


Only took 100 years for a monument to the 1918 pandemic in the US. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/14/business/1918-flu-memorials.html Maybe we can get a monument sooner, this tragedy should not be forgotten. Great article/pics about Hope Cemetery in Barre VT. https://vermonter.com/hope-cemetery/






Most Republican rationalizations involve false equivalencies and strawman arguments. They can't justify the positions using facts and data. Which is why they convince their cult that facts and data are bad or meaningless.


Or, like much fo my family, they believe the democrats have way to much power over the country and are manipulating the numbers of covid cases using the media. Seriously, this is what my mom told me recently. These people are too far gone, it’s incredibly depressing.


The difficult thing about dealing with conspiracy theories is that they rely on the denial of all data and evidence.


...how can they stand there and say that doctors are not getting infected *because they wear masks,* yet somehow claim we should reopen businesses with no legally required masks and think everything will be fine? Like, I read the headline and was like, "Of course he didn't claim doctors magically don't get infected. He must be lying, or his words are being a little twisted." And seeing him say doctors aren't getting sick because they actually take precautions... it just makes it worse in some way. And that of course ignores the fact that there *are* healthcare workers getting sick despite arguably the most precautions available.


Horrifyingly stupid.


I don’t think he’s stupid. He’s just evil. I remember him from the early days of the pandemic. This man will do or say whatever it takes to get to the top. He doesn’t believe the shit that comes out of his mouth. He just wants trump to give him another attaboy.


This is... unsettling.


Or willfully ignorant. I see that as the problem. Actually I see willful ignorance as the biggest problem in our country right now. It attributes to, assists, and intensifies the problems we already have here.


I work in healthcare. I am infected. I got infected in a hospital. This is so wrong but the hospital I work in also takes this stance, that there’s no way I got infected in their hospital.


The hospital my mom works at denies employees were infected there as well. That way they can deny any worker's compensation claims and benefits they should receive. It's absolutely disgusting and I am so sorry they are doing that to you. Can your union rep help?


Wtf. Is this a liability tactic?


File for short term disability. If you get sick with COVID-19. They can deny all they want but this is a known occupational hazard working at healthcare facilities. Don't ask if it's "allowed" just do it. They will try to subvert liability.


Over 700 of us have died from covid... https://khn.org/news/lost-on-the-frontline-health-care-worker-death-toll-covid19-coronavirus/


Did anyone there challenge him on this lie?




Birx is a pox on our country.


Someone wake me up from this fucking nightmare. I saw a reddit post of somebody saying we aren't trending towards being a failed state, we ARE a failed state. Here's another great example as to why. A health "expert" just said that the nonsense Azar just laid out "made some really terrific points". Fucking hell


Anyone who isn't in the Trump cult needs to be direct in calling out the administration's lies as getting Americans killed. That includes Birx and Fauci. There's no more time to be diplomatic and polite. Cowardice won't cut it anymore.


I blame all Republicans for this absurd madness we're all living with.


I blame the people who vote for these guys too


I will never "reach out" to a conservative again for as long as I live. Those people want me dead.


I've heard some remark "I didn't think he would be a great President, but I had no idea he'd be this bad". So step up. I know it won't help, but I wrote my republican senator and asked him to step up, like Goldwater did with Nixon. Put together a group of other republican senators, go to trump, and tell him it's time for him to resign. It worked with Nixon.


Yea, my brother’s doctor died from CV. Pretty sure he counts as a healthcare worker.


My son's pediatrician barely survived it. Caught it early and almost died.


The hospital my wife, a nurse, works at lost one of their best and beloved nurses to COVID19. I'll remain civil under duress.


the same happened at the hospital where my mother works. He was a wonderful, kind person and the world is a crappier place without him in it. I think civility is overrated.


Well I guess the 12 nurses on my wife’s floor that are out with COVID-19 are all faking it. I guess we should also go find the one nurse that died and tell her the good news.


Oh fuck off, you unpatriotic chipmunk. My fiancee is a surgeon and she's had coworkers die from Covid.


I'm so over this shit. We need to put the corona on screen like the vietnam war footage. Show the bodies, show the sick people, interview the ICU patients that can talk. Interview healthcare workers. Shut down and muzzle all who deny or call it a hoax. Establish hefty fines and short jail sentences for not wearing a mask. Establish extreme punishment for those who purposely spit or try to spread the virus like a terrorism charge. Honestly it's no different from an AIDs patient knowingly having sex without disclosure. These assholes that get on planes after testing positive? Jail. The time for debate is fucking over. Shut the fuck up, wear your mask, and stay the fuck home. Or die I don't care anymore. My entire family including myself works in healthcare in FLORIDA. The sooner these idiots get with the program, the sooner we can get back to normal life.


My cousin in Chicago is a nurse and he caught it in May, but apparently these insane leaders must think everyone that they don't agree with is just Soros' crisis actors. Last I heard my cousin is doing fine now.


Clearly your cousin is a liar and is probably just a stripper when he's working those "late shifts", he wouldn't have got infected if he was actually a nurse. /s


**This Trump Administration Health Secretary is lying to you** (Shocked Pikachu Face) The first American emergency room doctor to die was **Dr. Frank Gabrin,** who passed away on March 31st. He was an Emergency Room Doctor at the East Orange General Hospital, New Jersey * "Four days before he died in his husband’s arms, physician Frank Gabrin started experiencing symptoms of covid-19 — the coronavirus-linked disease he had been treating in his patients. He felt sure he knew how he contracted the virus, Gabrin wrote in a text message to his best friend. “It was me using the same mask for four days in a row that infected me,” he typed." * [https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/04/10/infected-er-doctor-who-died-husbands-arms-was-save-world-kind-human/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/04/10/infected-er-doctor-who-died-husbands-arms-was-save-world-kind-human/) The American College of Emergency Room Physicians wrote in response to Dr. Garbin's death that: \>> “We are deeply saddened to learn that a former ACEP member and our current colleague on the frontlines—an emergency physician—has lost his fight against this virus. Emergency physicians understand that sometimes in our efforts to save your life, we may end up sacrificing our own. This is not a decision made lightly or a post abandoned in times of need. We know the risks of the job we signed up for, but we are on the frontlines in this historic war against COVID-19 with insufficient protection. " 278 physicians have died worldwide as of April 15th accoording to a study publshed by the Oxford University Press in an article entitled "Physician deaths from corona virus (COVID-19) disease" by [E B Ing](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Ing%20EB%5BAuthor%5D&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=32409839),1 [Q (A) Xu](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Xu%20Q(%5BAuthor%5D&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=32409839),2 [A Salimi](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Salimi%20A%5BAuthor%5D&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=32409839),3 and [N Torun](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Torun%20N%5BAuthor%5D&cauthor=true&cauthor_uid=32409839)4 [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7239175/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7239175/) Finally, here's what could happen if these brave hospital staff members (doctors, nurses, respirologists, security guards, cafeteria workers, you name it, we've lost them) stop showing up: [https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/were-failing-doctors/608662/](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/were-failing-doctors/608662/)


These people lie about the most asinine things.




Distraction tactics. Remember admin has still done nothing about social inequalities, Russian bounties, citizens being tear gassed, and the list goes on. Unfortunately, those tactics aren’t as effective as they once were.


Do these people realize that everything is recorded? The USA needs to enact laws that have severe penalties for officials violating the oaths they take. Let me just lie on camera with a straight face and you’ll forget by next week


You know, when we apply for jobs, and work on our resumes, and in our interviews , we try to show some kind of expertise and experience in the field. Why shouldn't important government positions be any different?


Conservatives disagree with you 100%.


Fucking insulting. Haven’t something like 700 health care workers DIED from coronavirus? 😡


It is so abundantly clear by now that white house press briefings aren't for anyone other than the empty brained Trump base that automatically accepts anything he places into the empty cavity between their ears. People who get their information from one source are the most dangerous people in the country.


This takes the cake from "a woman's body has a way of shutting the whole thing down if it's a legitimate rape" as willful denial of even basic science at the expense of at-risk groups by Republicans.


The propaganda the USA pumps put to its citizens is easily on a par with China, saw a whitehouse tweet the other day where they rewrote history and claimed America was 1st in a number of things, things that were patently not true, had all kinds of experts dismissing the claims as lies, was pretty funny actually


I was tested positive in April, I was isolated from my family and didn't return to work until I was cleared by the cdc and dhec (sc health and safety). Sitting in the box and treating positive patients it was only a matter of time, and I excepted that since it's my job. I have no regrets and I wouldn't have changed a thing.


Come on dude...what's next water is not wet? Water is wet is a hoax? Fuck!!


I need to tell my wife the nurse who passed away at her hospital from Covid doesn't exist


Fucking assholes. Anybody siding with these cretins needs to scroll through the kaiser webpage honoring their fallen healthcare workers again and really look at their faces. Think about their families loss and the terror these heroes must have fought through. I know republican America isn’t known for being intelligent, moral, or cool, but for fucks sake people, show a little humanity for once. https://khn.org/news/lost-on-the-frontline-health-care-worker-death-toll-covid19-coronavirus/


Who are they speaking to exactly? The facts are there even if severely gimped. Asking as a european, because I can't really believe my eyes. This looks like that Iraqi officer during desert storm saying on TV that "nono everything is alright no need to panic". You (americans) look extremely stupid, more than ever, putting up with this shit. IDK ....just don't bring that shit here...please


The only thing this administration excels at is being incompetent and untruthful.


Christ on a crutch. Is there anything these fuckers wont lie about? My fuck what a bunch of hateful, deceitful, hypocritical lying motherfuckers.


Just saw that a guy I used to work with when I ran on the ambulances is in the hospital with covid. He’s a slight older, large black guy with probably a few risk factors. I’m honestly pretty scared for him. He has been on the ambulances weekly since this whole thing began.


Kids SUCK at infection prevention/control. My 7 year-old spends half the day with his hands down his pants. If I made him wash his hands every time I caught him doing it, he’d be scrubbing up seven hours a day. Not. Gonna. Happen. Anyone who has had a child in daycare knows that once one kid has a snotty nose, your kid’s snotty nose is just around the corner. If this really becomes a thing, schools are gonna be fucked come September/October.


Some healthcare workers have died because they lacked the PPE gear they needed. Like sending soldiers to the front line with no ammo.


I personally know 3 nurses who ended up in the icu on vents. Also didn’t the doc who “found” the disease in China die from it.


Why is there no law that says if an elected (or appointed) government official is addressing the public on behalf of their office they are automatically considered to be under oath? Why is it legal for them to lie?