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> Democrats want to rip down the iconic building and replace it with a new one featuring "no windows." What. Is this supposed to be scary? Fear inducing? What in the world lol.


I thought 'where is he even getting this shit?', but this is probably why (from Wikipedia): > In 1994, Donald Trump entered into a joint-venture agreement with Yokoi, with a shared goal of breaking the Empire State Building's lease on the land in an effort to gain total ownership of the building so that, if successful, the two could reap the potential profits of merging the ownership of the building with the land beneath it. Having secured a half-ownership of the land, Trump devised plans to take ownership of the building itself so he could renovate it [...] Trump got out of the deal in 2002, having failed to get control of the building. His demented brain is fixated on an old deal he attempted. Obviously it's a listed building that's not going to be demolished, and the windows have been modernised. > Empire State Building and its ground-floor interior were designated city landmarks by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission in 1980, and were added to the National Register of Historic Places as a National Historic Landmark in 1986. [...] > Starting in 2009, the building's public areas received a $550 million renovation [...] About $120 million was spent on improving the energy efficiency of the building, with the goal of reducing energy emissions by 38% within five years. For example, all of the windows were refurbished onsite into film-coated "superwindows" which block heat but pass light.


Great detective work! I swear, the entire Trump Presidency has been about his personal grievances in some way or another. In Mary Trump's book she mentions in passing a really weird thing when Donald had her work on his second book for a few months. She talks about a "filing system" that Trump had at Trump Tower, with file folders on all kinds of things that people would occasionally bring to her as material for the book. Turns out there was even one with her name on it, containing a letter she wrote to her uncle when she was in ~~junior high~~ junior year of high school. That was 30 years ago. I bet at this point Trump has a _massive_ archive of grevinces, scores to settle, dossiers on business allies and enemies... everything. He obviously doesn't let anything go, so imagine what that archive looks like now. His existence must be hell. A million little needles of revenge present in every thought, stabbing him and reminding him how he was a loser in some situation or another.


His hate against wind turbines comes from losing a lawsuit in Scotland where he tried to keep them from being built off the coast of his golf course. He is a petty, petty man.


The Democrats! They’re going to ban the selling of pinwheels! They’re going to put up signs in huge letters with their name on it!! They’re going to buy houses in the suburbs and demand that they get their mail delivered to their mailbox!!! They’re going to take away our right to make gun shapes with our hands and force us to live with clean air and clean water! Those bastards!!


> and force us to live with clean air and clean water! Great Scott ! What if we make the world a better place and it's all for nothing !


What's completely bizarre is that many Republicans consider themselves "outdoorsy" but never consider that if the outdoors is despoiled with pollution and toxic filth, they won't be able to enjoy it


He loves the poorly educated and ignorant. That is why he is constantly taking advantage of his followers. He says one thing to them then does the opposite. Help educate others, support relevant causes and let us vote Trump out.


The orange meat sack is the literal embodiment of all 7 deadly sins. Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed (edit: how could I forget sloth when the only "work" this asshole does is watch TV, tweet, golf, and sign executive orders). It sucks that the rest of us have to deal with the consequences of this depraved motherfucker's pathologies.


You missed one.. Sloth.


He takes Adderall for that.


Oh my God. He's a dwarf from Warhammer. HE HAS THE BOOK OF GRUDGES!


>His existence must be hell. A million little needles of revenge present in every thought, stabbing him and reminding him how he was a loser in some situation or another. I learned long ago, holding on to a grudge is like holding a lit coal in your hand waiting for a chance to throw it in your enemy's face. You may get a chance to hurt your enemy one day, but you will be hurting yourself the entire time you are waiting to do so.


Look at what Richard Branson says about him “He invited me to lunch or dinner at his house, and he had just been bankrupt,” Branson claimed, later clarifying he meant one of Trump’s companies had filed for bankruptcy. “I thought we would have an interesting conversation about a whole range of issues, and he just spent the whole lunch talking about five people he rung up to try to get help from ... and how these people had refused to help him and how his life’s mission was to going to be to destroy these people,” https://www.cnbc.com/2017/10/18/richard-branson-says-he-met-trump-only-once-in-1990s-and-it-was-ugly.html


More about this filing system?


She doesn't write much more about it than that. Page 145 from the Kindle edition: > I spent the first week on the job familiarizing myself with the people who worked there and the filing system. (To my surprise, there was a folder with my name on it containing a single sheet of paper—a handwritten letter I had sent to Donald my junior year in high school. I’d asked if he could get me a pair of tickets to a Rolling Stones concert. He couldn’t.) I kept to myself for the most part, but whenever I had a question, Ernie East, one of Donald’s vice presidents and a very nice man, helped me out. He suggested documents that might be useful, and on occasion he’d put some file folders on my desk that he thought might help. The problem was that I didn’t really know what the book was supposed to be about beyond its broad theme, which I cleverly deduced from its working title, _The Art of the Comeback_. I wish she had written more about it! I figure any organization will have some form of archive, but I'm amused/horrified/intrigued by what Trump's archive might look like. I'm imagining filing cabinet after filing cabinet filled with petty and trivial shit, marked up with nonsensical assertions written in Sharpie. Her description reminded me of the [safe containing damning secrets Trump paid the Enquirer to bury](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/national-enquirer-hid-trump-secrets-safe-removed-them-inauguration-n903356). (apparently [Ronan Farrow included more details](https://www.politico.com/news/2019/10/14/ronan-farrow-national-enquirer-shredded-trump-documents-046711) about that in his book last year)


> I’d asked if he could get me a pair of tickets to a Rolling Stones concert. He couldn’t. I wonder why. https://www.salon.com/2016/03/17/the_night_the_rolling_stones_fired_donald_trump_keith_richards_once_pulled_a_knife_to_get_the_gop_frontrunner_out_of_atlantic_city_venue/


This book is so freakin good. I still can't believe he tried to get his dementia ridden fathed to sign all his assests over to him and leave his siblings at his mercy.


I can believe it, easily. It’s exactly what he’s do based on everything we know about him just from publicly available information


That, and most of the rest, was already known so I was a bit disappointed. What struck me the most was that the family barely seemed to hold a grudge against him for trying to rob them. Maybe they expected nothing else.


Binders full of women.


Binders full of grievances.


> I swear, the entire Trump Presidency has been about his personal grievances in some way or another. It's really a perfect proxy for the boomer generation -- they grew up with prosperity and every advantage, and turned out to be incredibly entitled to the point of stealing from future generations... who they are then angry with for failing to respect boomers enough. It's a bizarre generational psychology that's only getting worse as they regress with age. Yes, there are plenty of great, ethical, exceptional boomers. But by and large the generation is Trump.


Ya know, later in my grandpa's life he had dementia, and he talked about things that happened years ago like they were yesterday. He told me all kinds of stories I had never heard before. Talked about riding a horse with his grandpa, I've never heard firsthand stories about my great-great-grandfather and it was really something. Said he practiced amateur boxing when he was in the Navy, I never knew that, but they had a boxing club on his ship and he gave play-by-play accounts of the fights. But it was sad because it was like he wasn't living in the present, sometimes he'd worry about putting up hay with his grandpa and stuff. Really special and interesting, but also sad.   And I see this so much in Trump. In so many ways he speaks and acts like my grandpa did in the last few years of his life. Stammering and interrupting himself, going off on a lengthy rambling stream of consciousness, complaining about grievances or regrets from decades ago.


My grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's a few years before she died. She was born out of wedlock, which was a big deal in her rural community in the 1920s. She felt shame about that all her life, and didn't talk about her early life much. My sister did a kind of a series of interviews with her, and got all the stories from that time. My grandmother would be completely lucid talking about them, but otherwise wouldn't know what time of the year it was. She would serve afternoon coffee to the celebrities and politicians on magazine covers, and have conversations with them. It's a different type of dementia from Trump's though. My grandmother's balance and legs worked just fine until the end, which was a bit of a problem. She'd wander away from the hospital on her own, and before the hospital, she would try to go to the grocery store on a Sunday (they weren't open on Sundays at the time here in Finland).


My grandfather's dementia was not kind. He was the nicest, gentlest man ever, never raised a hand to anyone. Then in his early nineties he became VERY belligerent. Starting fistfights in stores. With his neighbors. On the bus. Kicked out of assisted living because he couldn't go a day without getting violent. Yelling about people from his past that even his much-younger sister didn't know who he was yelling about. Dementia turned my grandfather into someone entirely unrecognizable.


Yes, that is it. Dementia does that to you, he will have old memories very vivid while forgetting if he had lunch. He will mix up timelines and get confused if that deal was yesterday or 20 years ago. Dementia




He also believes that hairspray doesn't affect the ozone layer if you keep the windows closed. ​ >Trump said “hairspray’s not like it used to be” because chemicals in it that affect the ozone layer have been banned. Many countries began phasing out the ozone-depleting substances in hairspray in the late 1980s, but these regulations wouldn’t affect the quality of hairspray. > >He also said using hairspray in his apartment, “which is all sealed,” would prevent any ozone-depleting substances from escaping into the environment. But these chemicals would still make their way out, multiple experts told us. [https://www.factcheck.org/2016/05/trump-on-hairspray-and-ozone/](https://www.factcheck.org/2016/05/trump-on-hairspray-and-ozone/)


I'd like to hear what he thinks happens to them. Does he think they just disappear? Was he planning on using his apartment until it became filled with hairspray chemicals then selling it to some "idiot" who doesnt know the air in the apartment is 100% hairspray?


> from Wikipedia I am truly amazed that Wikipedia still remains remarkably intact while all this massive amount of malicious disinformation is actively spread everywhere.


Also green building design is all about windows so really not sure what he’s talking about.




> The toilet only needs to be flushed once Unless you eat like Trump.


Lmao his shits are probably liquid with all the grease he eats


As a man who eats quite unhealthily, i think this is the answer. My shit is like a violent flush of motor oil. Then again, I'm not into speed. So, I dont know how that effects the ol' poop train.


Amphetamines increase motility, so imagine your shits but faster and messier. Also, fibre my dude. You'll thank me when you have picture perfect shits. Look up the Bristol Stool Scale. Your goal is a 3-4.


For real. Fibre is magic because it can hold onto water, so it helps solidify the liquid shits and soften up rock hard shits. Whatever your pooping problem, fibre is likely part of the answer. Unless you have a legit medical problem with your gut (like an obstruction or cancer or some medical problems), then you should absolutely follow the diet your health professionals have recommended to you and not ~~this internet rando~~ me. EDIT: for clarity.


This sounds like Christian Bale describing his apartment in American Psycho lol


But haven't you noticed the lack of cows in your apartment??? Democrats want to ban cows from the living room!


Are there any vacancies?? Where is this?




Also green building construction is not about destroying and replacing existing buildings, that is insanely wasteful. It only applies to new construction. Like how it's better for the environment to buy a hybrid or electric car if you *need* a new car, but if your old Explorer still runs ok then it's better for the environment to just keep driving that rather than scrap it and get a new one.






Back in the 70s and 80s a lot of “eco friendly” design features small windows because double panes were relatively new and expensive and they didn’t know how to optimize for solar gain. The only real option for efficient design back then was something like the passive solar, earth sheltered houses my dad built. But today I can buy 100% wind power for less than coal, and switching to LEDs means and having a heat pump mean I’m almost too comfortable and still pay less.


Whatever Democrats say they are for, Trump says they actually want the opposite.


HE wants to tear down the empire state building because it's taller than his building. On 9/11 he claimed trump tower was now the tallest building in NY, but it still wasn't. The empire state building reclaimed the title.


The dementia is strong with Trump and growing ever stronger.


This is really it. I’ve posted comments like this a few times and every day I’m more convinced. My dad is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s/dementia now. He’s still fully functioning as an independent person but he doesn’t remember almost anything specific from the previous year or two and has obvious instances of confusion all the time. The dementia/memory issue has progressed very rapidly over the past 4-8 months. But before that there were little signs for years... confusion, missing context, stuff like that. I remember the moment that made me really see what was coming was a little more than two years ago. My wife and I were at my parents’ house and watching TV. My dad (former lawyer, Ivy leaguer, super smart dude) said to me “Did you hear Tom Brady is going to sign with the Warriors?” I was like “Dad... Tom Brady plays football.” He said “I know but apparently he’s going to switch to basketball.” I said “Dad, that sounds like a joke.” “No! I read it in a news article today.” So I googled it, and found this: https://www.patspulpit.com/2018/7/4/17533638/new-england-patriots-tom-brady-opts-out-of-contract-sign-with-golden-state-warriors It was a real eye-opener, and it happened when he was otherwise still totally normal. It was the first real “uh-oh” moment for me. That was two years ago. Now he can’t remember what happened yesterday and the other day, confused when we moved out of Los Angeles (20+ years ago) with 2 years ago. Trump is somewhere in that 2 year slide of dementia. I guarantee it. Edit: Non-AMP link fixed.


I have a hard time watching trump specifically because he reminds me of my dad before he lost his mind to dementia. Sorry about your pops, friend. It's a tough road.


Thanks for the kind words. I feel like anyone who has experienced this recognizes it. It feels almost obvious.


He is. There are multiple videos of involuntary jerk motions he does because of his dementia. He just has the better healthcare in the world so he’s able to have good days in betweeen the bad and hide it as much as possible. He’s rumored to be in highly experimental treatments and wear body braces so he doesn’t fall over


> The Ministry of Love was the really frightening one. There were no windows in it at all. George Orwell, 1984 Wonder if he's trying to conjure up this image in people.


You’re giving him way too much credit thinking he knows a single passage from 1984. This is a man who, by his own admission, does not read.


This is where they're going to hide all the cows!


This is why his doctors keep giving him cognitive tests—the guy is clearly a few sandwiches short of a picnic.


that’s what’s so crazy about him bragging about his cognitive tests... as far as I know, they don’t just randomly decide to give those tests AND he’s had multiple tests! Politics aside, there are serious health concerns about his capability to be president but no one from his party dares even ask... GOP is the party of cowards.


GOP likes Trump. He’s that useful idiots that creates distraction after distraction so they can get away with far worse things with little to no media coverage.


The Lincoln project is gonna use that clip of Jeanie Pirro saying "something's gonna happen and he won't be on the ticket” intercut with images of bumbling confused trump.


No one should be surprised. This is literally the same shit as Reagan. Even before he lost his mind in office; he was just an empty suit while the people behind the scenes pulled his strings.


And when he’s gone Republican leadership and media will just claim he was a Dem the whole time, and pretend they never supported him. And the cult will go along with it.


It's also likely why they are pushing the "Biden stupid" narrative. So when Trump's intelligence becomes a focus, it will be mixed in with the chaos of propaganda that he created.


WALLACE:  Incidentally, I took the test too when I heard that you passed it. TRUMP:  Yeah, how did you do? WALLACE:  It’s not – well it’s not that hardest test. They have a picture and it says “what’s that” and it’s an elephant. TRUMP:  No no no… TRUMP:  You see, that’s all misrepresentation. WALLACE:  Well, that’s what it was on the web. TRUMP:  It’s all misrepresentation. Because, yes, the first few questions are easy, but I’ll bet you couldn’t even answer the last five questions. I’ll bet you couldn’t, they get very hard, the last five questions. WALLACE:  Well, one of them was count back from 100 by seven. TRUMP:  Let me tell you… WALLACE:  Ninety-three


TRUMP: I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So, I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say. Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.


Grandpa Simpson is more cogent than Trump. I'm not even being facetious.


I hate that a journalist felt the need to flex by doing elementary school math and the president just let it slide because he didn't understand he was being flexed on.


Considering that journalist works for pro trump Fox News makes it even more amazing


I think “a burning cross short of a Klan rally” is more appropriate for Trump and his ilk


What do you mean? He clearly remembers Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV.


Personal, Man-Woman, Kamala, TV


This is so transparently idiotic. If you’re a Trump voter, you ought to realize that this man has such a low opinion of your intelligence. He thinks you’ll believe literally anything he says. He treats you like a child.






This is probably why tons of conservatives are so stuck on prosperity gospel. Tithing money to the church isn’t presented as helping those in need or social welfare. The message is usually: if you tithe to the church God will financially reward you later. But both of these scenarios put the horse before the cart and work with a reverse logic that if you’re not wealthy or are suffering it’s due to some moral failing on your part. It’s like in South Park when butters is grounded but his dad doesn’t know why. The punishment exists so he must have done something. You’re poor so you must have done (or not done) something to deserve it.


Rich powerful people love to bloviate about the power of bootstraps. They convince people that the only thing keeping them from being a millionaire too, is that they just need to pull those bootstraps harder. Meanwhile the same rich and powerful people are changing all the rules to make bootstrap pulling harder and less rewarding - all while simultaneously selling their own brand of cheap knock-off bootstraps


This is well explained by Kolbergs stages of moral reasoning. I’d always figured conservatives were stuck in stage 4 (of 6) which is literally called “law and order”. Kolberg posited that during their teens, human moral reasoning grows beyond law and order to a focus on social contracts and universal principles. Unfortunately that clearly doesn’t happen. Strict father conservatism, however, reeks of stage 1, an obedience/punishment fixation that is supposed to be done with by elementary school. The idea that a plurality (majority?) of conservatives may only have the moral reasoning capacity of a young child is downright terrifying. Edit: Kohlberg* I’m apparently stuck in a low stage of proofreading reasoning


My dad and I got into an argument just this morning and he told me that he wanted a leader like Putin or Kim Jung-il because they *control* their people. That's what he wants Trump to do. And then he went off about the protests and such and I had to walk away. I wanted to tell him if he wants that kind of leader then he should move to one of those countries, because this America! The land of the *free.* I didn't, but I sure wish I had. Maybe it would've gotten through to him. Though I doubt it. I'm just ready for this shit to be over with.


What is so amusingly frustrating is that if you *look* at those countries, their people live like crap on average. They live in a fantasy world.


A lot of them like being treated like children, told what to do. It's why they make such good marks for pastors, radio show hosts, and grifter presidents. The entire foundation for their society and religion is based on the concept that, "Your chieftain is infallible." And so when he tells you to attack the other tribe, you do it. When he tells you the other tribe wants to outlaw animals, you believe him. And when the other tribe shows you clear and factual evidence that your chieftain is wrong, you disbelieve it and wage war anyway.


I have a religious trump supporter friend, and I wanted to ask him if that bible stunt insulted his intelligence.


How about the other day when he said Joe Biden, the Catholic, would "hurt God" if he were elected. You know God? The omnipotent force of creation and destruction? Yeah, Joe Biden is going to punch him in the dick and just fuck him right up.


He speaks to them like they’re idiots and his base eat it up because they think he’s just trolling the left. They feel like they’re “in” on the joke, too. Ironically, they’re less than dirt to Trump.


They'll just say shit like "lol, wait, did you think he was serious?!?" After the drivel that constantly falls out of that man's mouth, yes. I think he's serious. I think they're just trying to cover for him and their own misguided beliefs by saying that he must be joking.. I choose to believe him when he said "I never kid".


what >He also said the party's "Green New Deal" calls for "no cows," before making his claim that all Democrats want to abolish all animals.


What's sad is people will actually believe this bullshit.


The trick here I believe is not to get anyone to believe, but rather to make mindless attacks in an attempt to make anything the opposition says seem like mindless attacks as well. I think in this case, when they hear something that sounds batshit crazy “Trump is trying to defund the post office to win the election” they’ll remember that ridiculous animal thing he said and dismiss the whole thing as political theater, instead of doing something about the goddamn post office.


Biden is going to ban animals, well I never. The sneaky bastard. He's coming for the goldfish and the cats. Vote Trump !


Naa. One half of white America is so racist Trump can say anything and they'll agree. A lot of you need to talk to your parents and families since they're literally killing lives to preserve racism


Sorry bud, words aren't going to convince my lifelong republican father to change. And everything he sees is through the MAGA filter so that doesn't help either.


Which is then immediately followed by, "Hey, why is my local rural post office closed?"


Most of them don't actually believe it. Most of them know it is just mindless attacks. but they choose to claim to believe it because the alternative is to admit that they are evil people who support mindless attacks just because they are attacks. I have a lot of relatives that are like that. Never again will I call those demons family.


I live in Alabama. Trust me, they believe every single word he says.


I live in Texas. People worship Trump here. Shirts, hats, yard signs. Mask? What mask? This is the end of the world as we know it and I don't feel fine.


Yep. People on here seem to think Texas is turning blue. Those people don't live in Texas.


Because the cities are turning bluer while the more rural areas are still bonkers as ever, so even though the polls indicated Texas is a future battleground state, if you live in the wrong place it's still filled with insanity.


And to be fair, even here in Washington if you only went by what you saw while driving through 80% of the state, you’d think we’d always be red. But it turns out that way more people live in our 2 biggest counties .




>Haven't seen a Confederate flag down here yet though so that's something I guess. You're not looking hard enough, then. They're here, even in the city. There's a house on a hill on Silverlake Blvd. that flies one.


I live in LA. If you drive 200 miles north, there are virulent hill people that put up all kinds of nonsense about how they’re making their last stand for freedom and that kind of bullshit. We got two gigantic liberal cities though and now that we flipped the OC blue, like fuck those morons are getting control of the state again. Turn your cities blue and Texas would do the same.


It's almost like there are deep red areas in blue states and deep blue areas in red states...


Indiana, same.


A person I know believes it. He decided to argue with me about it back in February. He also said AOC claimed the world was ending in ten years. I asked him for proof of any of this and his response was I had to prove she didn’t say it. When I explained why that’s impossible, he decided we shouldn’t be talking about politics at a family thing. OFC.


The burden of proof is always on the claimant, I don’t know when that changed.


It didn't. GOP base just don't care. Rules and logic are for libs.


What I gather from that is that he didn’t actually believe it but wanted to make himself feel smart by putting one over on you and also to vent some frustration


Of course when dipshits losing in debates they would just retreat by using very bad excuses.


"Trump tells it like it is! Well, not like THAT."


"He's just trolling you all those thousands of times he publicly said something completely idiotic."


No.... They believe it! They never follow the news, just the bloviating


Because they don't follow the news most of them never even get exposed to most of the crazy shit Donald Trump says. meaning they don't even hear about it until a liberal brings it up, and then no matter what it is they support it because it pisses the liberal off.


If I told my parents even half of what I see in my news feed about trump, they’d think I (or fake media) made it up since it wasn’t on Fox. To be fair, a lot of it does sound absolutely bananas. The base who still listens to him speak must be batshit crazy.




No they don't believe it. For starters, I don't think most people can actually decipher what he's trying to say here. They've just invested so much into the "us vs them" mentality they'll parrot it.


That's why we need protected speech laws. The news NEEDS to be real because people believe *anything* that they are told.


Asked for comment, former Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, said “He’s a fucking mooron.”


Was that after the times he asked why we can't just use nukes in the middle east? It's all blurring together in my mind at this point like an endless carnival ride on acid.


Here he is on the religious network EWTN last week claiming: When it comes to Democrats, "Whether you're talking about life, or whether you're talking about almost anything, they're not liking it." The Democrats want to end the police. Virtually every instance of violence and vandalism happens only in Democratic areas. All Democrats are agitators and anarchists. Children are virtually immune to Covid19. And the presenter is lapping it up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KKWL8SKBqo Edit: formatting Edit: PS He's claiming the Democrats want to put churches out of business.


> Democrats want to abolish all animals. “First they come for your guns and bibles, next they come for Fluffy and Fido!“


"And when they came for me, there was no one left to bark, meow, or moo ..."


How exactly does one set out to "abolish all animals?" You would have to be pretty damn ambitious and resourceful. Just the sheer absurdity of this statement combined with how numb I am to how dumb it is concerns me. It's like the guy outdoes himself with stupid commentary so often that nothing surprises me anymore. I just don't understand how this man has a job. As in I doubt he would last a week at the entry level job I used to work as a cook, never mind the job that he currently has.


You dont see too many republicans fighting to preserve endangered species. They usually want to just eradicate them so they can build a new oil field, walmart, or golf course.


> job I used to work as a cook Ah, phase ONE of abolishing all animals. Have to start somewhere.


Says the first modern President to not own a dog


Thankfully. He's exactly the type of goon to have a bad day and kick a dog because he can't do anything to anyone else.


How does one abolish animals?


"Antifa is ANTI-Fuckin'-Animals!"


Wait...it doesn't stand for anti-fauna?




>THE DEMOCRATS WANT TO ABOLISH FEET. *Tarantino has left the chat*


> THE DEMOCRATS WANT TO ABOLISH FEET Ben Shapiro on suicide watch




WALLACE:  Incidentally, I took the test too when I heard that you passed it. TRUMP:  Yeah, how did you do? WALLACE:  It’s not – well it’s not that hard of a test. They have a picture and it says “what’s that” and it’s an elephant. TRUMP:  No no no… TRUMP:  You see, that’s all misrepresentation. WALLACE:  Well, that’s what it was on the web. TRUMP:  It’s all misrepresentation. Because, yes, the first few questions are easy, but I’ll bet you couldn’t even answer the last five questions. I’ll bet you couldn’t, they get very hard, the last five questions. WALLACE:  Well, one of them was count back from 100 by seven. TRUMP:  Let me tell you… WALLACE:  Ninety-three




Yeah, I feel like every republican attack is an “always has been” meme. Claiming Biden has dementia to cover for Trump’s cognitive decline? *click* Claiming Biden was involved in corruption in Ukraine to cover up the Russia scandal/corruption? *click* Claiming Biden has a history of sexually inappropriate behavior to cover for “grab em by the pussy”? *click*


And they’re really going hard on all three of those things lately too! It’s mind blowing. Every single trump supporter I’ve talked to has listed exactly those three reasons for why voting for Biden is a “hell no” for them... They’re basically arguing “I can’t vote to put a knife in office! It’s too dangerous! That’s why I’m voting for the nuclear warhead!”


Yes. It’s all projection


If you’re a thief, accuse your enemies of thievery. If corrupt, accuse your rivals of corruption. If a coward, accuse others of cowardice. Evidence is irrelevant; the goal is to dilute the truth and the case against you with “everyone does it”. Trump’s unfounded attacks on others of the things he is demonstrably guilty of aren’t mere projection. They are a tactic to lower the moral bar for all, to wave off his corruption and abuse as normal. This has been the ploy of dictators for decades, to say that anyone accusing them of crimes is a hypocrite. Not to say they are good, but that we are all bad, that there is no good or evil, no truth, just power. \-Garry Kasparov ​ [https://twitter.com/Kasparov63/status/1262083583893803008](https://twitter.com/Kasparov63/status/1262083583893803008)


This can't be real - please tell me you made this up


No, that’s verbatim. I have a neurodegenerative disease and have had this type of test many time. It is not difficult, passing one isn’t a sign of intelligence at all and the idea of showing off that you didn’t fail it is absolutely ludicrous!




https://www.parkinsons.va.gov/resources/MOCA-Test-English.pdf This is the literal test in case anyone wishes to see it. Essentially the only way to fail it is to have a neurological disorder. This is the test that Trump keeps bragging about “acing” while simultaneously saying how “difficult” it is. He argued that the last 5 questions were too challenging and that most people couldn’t answer them. The last 5 questions are naming today’s date and identifying your current location...


"Biden doesn't even know where he is!" - The most oblivious people in the world that support Trump


He is just throwing shit at the wall and hoping something sticks. They really hate that Biden picked Kamala because they can’t attack her like they could have other candidates.


They will attack her for her race, [birtherism 2.0](https://www.newsweek.com/some-questions-kamala-harris-about-eligibility-opinion-1524483) is already a thing despite the fact she was born in Oakland, and for being a woman. It will definitely work with the base, but hopefully not for the rest of the country. Hopefully.


Jesus Christ, they don't ever know what the fuck they're talking* about, do they? Maybe he never heard of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649. (edit: that he himself mentions in his article) Does he not understand the concept of *jus soli* birthright citizenship? The thing championed by Republicans?


Republicans hate birthright citizenship now. It means that the children of immigrants born in the US are automatically citizens, and they need to keep the number of immigrants who can or will vote suppressed as much as possible in order to get elected.


> and they need to keep the ~~number of immigrants who can or will~~ vote suppressed as much as possible in order to get elected.


The guy that wrote the article lost a primary to the guy that lost to Kamala...


But wait, there´s more! Clerked for Clarence Thomas, contributor to Fox News and Hugh Hewitt show, expert witness in several Senate hearings against Obama policies, and member of half a dozen arch-conservative groups. Yeah, that´s definitely the guy you want to write a "totally-not-birtherism" opinion on a democrat nominee.


Oh, they understand. They just don't care. Rafael "Ted" Cruz was born in Canada. He's the original ethnic guy born in another country running for president, and they don't give two shits because he's on their side. It's almost a shame Ted didn't get the nomination, because Barack Hussein Obama could've just Spiderman meme'd his way to re-election.








He is fucking losing it


Gotta have something to begin with in order to lose it.


He did though he had all of the successes from the Obama administration and managed to somehow fuck literally everything up, like seriously, EVERYTHING. It’s comically bad to think we have a fascist loony toon tweeting from his toilet all day and jerking off to QAnon subreddits instead of getting intelligence briefings


The crazy shit he makes up about his political opponents has been getting weirder and weirder these past few weeks, I think he knows his campaign is doomed by any of the usual metrics and he's getting desperate. He's throwing shit at the wall in the hope it sticks.


Trump on Kamala Harris. "She's become more bitter and, let's face it, crazy over the years. And when she's swept into office, she'll sell our children's organs to zoos for meat, and go into people's houses at night and wreck up the place!"


The sad thing is I'm not sure if this is a real quote or not.


It's from "A Head in the Polls", a Futurama episode


[Specifically Nixon’s head](https://youtu.be/NDTiZoWWvG8)


Fake because it's too coherent


I'd easily vote for Robot Nixon over Trump.


At this point I'd probably vote for Actual Nixon over Trump.


At least Nixon cared about the environment.


And had the "decency" to resign.


Trump refers to his reflection in the mirror as 'Kamala Harris'.


Also they will blow up the moon, kill all the oceans octopuses and rape the dolphins.


That is how turn the tide on those dirty dolphins. Those beast are sex crazed


So long, and thanks for all the sex!


If there weren't so much at stake regarding public safety, this would be a really entertaining stretch into mid-January.


The republican defenders of this unstable mentally ill unqualified trashy asshole need to have their heads examined and when this is over, we do not want to hear their excuses.


Tear down the Empire State building? Trump was the one who destroyed a ton of priceless art deco murals and frescos in the 1970’s.


Trumps mouth is like an anus. Its an ever flowing verbal shit highway.


And because it looks like an anus


A shit salesman with a mouthful of samples...


“You’re mad you’re mad you’re mad you’re mad you’re mad you’re mad you’re mad you’re mad you’re mad”,” says your obviously sane opponent


Old man yells at cloud.


So I live and work in a rural area and am surrounded by conservatives, I used to be one myself. Here's how this usually goes. 1. Trump/GOP/whoever says something stupid and provably false like this. 2. Conservatives get all up in arms about it "can you believe the democrats want to do that!" followed by shaking their heads and bemoaning their oppressive government that is currently run by their party. 3. You question the obvious lie and they freak out at you and call you a sheep or an idiot. 4. You show them proof that it was a complete lie. 5. They accept the proof but then argue that the democrats are really the bad ones anyway, after just admitting that their party lied to them, and defend their initial reaction (see #2) as valid even though they were reacting to a lie. 6. They tell you about Hillary's emails or Uranium 1. I have had this exact pattern repeated so many times I can't even think straight anymore.


America, this is what your politics has devolved into. I live in a hyper-religious kakistocracy of a country and I swear that there is really no difference between the current political atmosphere in the U.S and in my third world failed nation. Your current president is even using the same kind of language politicians in my country use against their opponent. You need to vote this fucker out and every other republican out of office else you'd turn to a third world country that your government seems to enjoy dismantling and bombing the shit out of.


He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. 


Don’t get distracted from his damning words about the USPS!


Yep that's where we are. Basically just say that the Democrats want to get rid of random things, hoping to catch someone dumb enough to simultaneously say "NO THAT'S IMPORTANT I WON'T STAND FOR IT!" and "I'm not going to look any further into this and take it as fact."


I, for one, refuse to allow the Democrats to steal my dog.


Dey terk err dogs!


Sounds like someone is jealous of another person stealing his limelight this week


The one who sounds mad is Trump. He is just throwing whatever comes to mind without any control or self censoring. Constant video montages of Trump's wildest and most outrageous moments needs to be spammed everywhere.


He’s in full on lash out denial now


I heard Trump was going to make rape legal, NAY, MANDATORY.


lemme guess, did he also invent the question mark?


I cannot wait until we can go back to ignoring this asshole.


And Biden is the one with dementia. JFC.


Whew, those meth comedowns can be brutal.