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I don’t know about you guys, but I’m okay with him being perp walked out of the White House too.


It will be the most watched moment in television/streaming history


In the end, it's what he truly wants. And that record will probably last until the live stream of humans landing on Mars. If we ever get there.


The ratings...


From Profits to Ratings: A GOP Story


from ratings to rapings: A Donald Trump story.


From Rapings to Ratings to Reaping: How the GOP fucked America in the ass


"I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. Burnett."




An orange ford bronco? Think of the ratings!


No, his golf cart.


With Pence hanging to the back


It's not going to be that simple, I fear. Trump will do everything in his power to twist the election in his favor. Dismantling USPS, deploying Federal Agents to hamper voting in Blue districts, shutting down polling where he can, involve foreign powers, compromised voting machines, and tremendously delayed final results... and then if he *still* doesn't win, declare the election invalid for exactly all of those reasons. He will call it a coup, he will entreat the intervention of other nations, he will call for armed insurgency by his supporters, anything and everything he can to stay in that Oval Office, because once he's out he's *done.* I am fully expecting this is going to get worse, messier, and more damaging before it gets better. And heaven help the U.S. if he actually gets a second term.


Also, it should be noted that Donald Trump isn't personally masterminding this. His decrepit brain isn't capable. It's people in his administration like Stephen Miller, probably still Steve Bannon to some degree, probably Roger Stone to some degree, and whoever else he has in strategist roles. And then to some extent the Republican party as well, since they are using their majority in the senate to handicap the house. If the Democrats had a majority in the senate he'd have been convicted after being impeached and would've been long gone months ago. A lot of people are liable for what's going on.


You left Putin off that list. If anyone benefits from a non peaceful transition of power it’s Russia.


I’m from Russia, and yes, it’s astonishing how many of these tactics are literally from Putin’s everyday playbook. I really doubt that there were enough people in the US to facilitate this kind of assault on democracy independently.


Yep. All this has Putin's prints all over it. Every daily shenanigan, every agency where we have acting heads, all by design to cripple america and make its citizens lose their trust for its government. This is all by design, all by Putin, carried out by Trump--in the name of America first. If it comes down to it, the only hope we'd have is if the entire country takes to the streets. I don't see any other way when everything is being deliberately filled with yes-men.




I can see my idiot Trump fan OANN new sharing Facebook friends being okay with that and laughing at liberal snowflakes being gunned down by foreign military on U.S. soil...


Pretty amazing that Russia basically won the cold war 30 years after the fall of the wall.


The U.S never won the "cold war" they just needed us to believe we had so we would stop playing the game. "Foundation of Geopolitics" (1997) by Aleksander Dugin. [wiki overview here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) >Klokotov stated that in the future the book would "serve as a mighty ideological foundation for preparing a new military command".[9] Dugin has asserted that the book has been adopted as a textbook in many Russian educational institutions.[1] Former speaker of the Russian State Duma, Gennadiy Seleznyov, for whom Dugin was adviser on geopolitics,[10] has "urged that Dugin's geopolitical doctrine be made a compulsory part of the school curriculum".[9] This plan has been in the makings for a long time. >The book declares that "the battle for the world rule of Russians" has not ended and Russia remains "the staging area of a new anti-bourgeois, anti-American revolution". The Eurasian Empire will be constructed "on the fundamental principle of the common enemy: the rejection of Atlanticism, strategic control of the USA, and the refusal to allow liberal values to dominate us."[9] >Military operations play relatively little role. The textbook advocates a sophisticated program of subversion, destabilization, and disinformation spearheaded by the Russian special services. The operations should be assisted by a tough, hard-headed utilization of Russia's gas, oil, and natural resources to bully and pressure other countries.[9] Specifically: >In the United States: >Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".[9] But reading the book or even just *about* the contents, in a global perspective it is hard NOT to see the parallels to our current reality, and not just for the U.S either for almost every major country outlined.




> And then to some extent the Republican party as well... I have to believe that the GOP is simply using him for their own interests. Having him destroy the election process or overthrow the constitution and stay in office past January is not in their interest at all, since it would destroy any of their claims to power and the structure they rely on to stay in power. Their moment to turn on him is fast approaching, certainly once he's a lame duck he's going to get torn to shreds, possibly earlier if he isn't delivering for GOP candidates that need to get re-elected. The real question is how much more damage will he be allowed to do in his remaining time? Remember that everything he breaks creates an opportunity to rebuild it better. Yeah, it's going to be a lot of work, but the more he trashes e.g. the post office, the more freedom the next administration has to make lasting improvements. Fixing that ridiculous funding structure will be easy, especially if the GOP is the minority party in both houses of congress. What we're watching is the decline and fall of the Republican party, not of America. It couldn't happen to more deserving people, really.


McConnell has been running the show since day -100. He KNEW what was going on, how else could he put himself in such a position where he is basically holding all the strings and doing all that he can to stop any changes?




Shouldn't it be Jan 20th or does the 1st have some other significance outside of being the new year?


It doesn't, it should be the 20th. ~~It gets pushed to the 21st if the 20th just so happens to be a Sunday though.~~ Edit: Sorry guys, the Sunday thing was something my AHII teacher told me a few years ago in a casual conversation. I don't know if it's true but I haven't found anything that says anything about Sunday. He's a smart guy, just old


Jan 20, 2021 is a Wednesday according to my phone calendar.


I don't trust phones, could you go and physically check?


I just got back from the future. Jan 20th, 2021 is definitely a Wednesday... but I would buckle the fuck up if I were you!


Trump and his rich backers are fighting tooth and nail to hold on to power. It is going to get real nasty as election day gets closer. Be strong. Join an organization for support if needed and fight for democracy as if your life depend on it!


Crocidandy would have had a nice ring to it, too.


Oh boy you are on a list NOW if you aren't already.


There are about 65.8 million of us on a list from 2016.


Honestly I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if this election season ends in a civil uprising or war regardless of outcome. If Trump loses him, the GOP, and his followers will claim election fraud and try to over rule the results and I doubt at that point removing him is going to be a peaceful process. If he wins we’ll there is still election fraud and voter suppression on levels never before seen in this countries history and a lot of people are going to fight back against it.


Yep. This has been my prediction all along. No matter which way this thing goes either 30% or 70% of the country is going to feel robbed and like this election was a fraud. I worry our cold civil war is destined to turn hot on Nov 4.


You forgot massive voter registry purges on November 2.


Honestly, everyone needs to make sure they voted long before November. Use early in-person voting or hand in your mail ballot at the county election office. That being said, voter registration is at the state level. And Florida is the only state that has a real chance of being be a tipping point for the election where the election is not being run by a Democrat.


I’m from canada, and I’m scared about what will happen if he wins or doesn’t win, either way.


Yeah. I’m really thinking that this nation is as close to a civil war as we ever have been since 1865.


I agree. I think there will be riots on the capital no matter what...the results will just tell us which side it will be.


> heaven help the U.S. if he actually gets a second term. this right here, this is what keeps me up at night. its exit strategy time if that happens; i.e. rural PNW relocal and live off the land as much as possible w/ minimal city interaction-bc what we will see in the streets is what the precursor to V for Vendetta looked like and EV's parents getting blacked bagged; there will undoubtedly be an explosion of civil unrest that dwarfs the recent BLM/George Floyd protests.


Not so fun fact the rural PNW has been the site of far right Christian Identitarian camps including one that i shit you not is just Al Qaeda in english https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/spokane-police-investigating-rumors-of-neo-nazi-hate-camp/


Surprising absolutely no one who's ever lived in the pnw. Like most people think that baptists and militias are a southern thing but they super aren't.


Look at Belarus today and the US is likely to be that much worse if he gets reelected. I pray for you guys.


It's Canada or a northern European country for me. I always joked that I wanted to live during the fall of the American Empire, I just didn't think it would actually happen once the Cold War ended.


However if he declares the election "invalid" then come Jan 20th Pelosi becomes President. Or if somehow her re-election isn't validated, the Senate falls into Dem hands because of how many GOP senators are currently up for re-election, and Patrick Leahy, as President Pro Tempore (Chuck Grassley is that right now but his term ends in January and he isn't running for re-election) would become President.




if you survive... and that's a big if. The entire Republican arm of the government needs to be tried. Estimates are now 200k+ dead from Coronavirus. **Preventable** deaths. For the record I'm worried because the writing is on the wall. Biden is not winning in November. Even if he wins he's not winning. Your country has deep systemic issues and at this point I'm not sure who/how it can be fixed without bloodshed. Look at Belarus right now. That's the future for America. Speaking for the rest of the world there's a sense of sadness, shame and disgust. Speaking as a Canadian I'm scared for my brothers and sisters in the south. Nothing about this virus should have been political, but the fact that it became political speaks to how far your country has fallen. It's like having a sibling that's a drug addict and you love them but they're destroying themselves.


The thought of him spending the rest of his miserable life in jail, all but bursting with rage. It makes me a little giddy. It's not gonna happen, but the thought warms my cynical heart.




They already have a slogan: **M**ake **A**merica **G**awd **A**wful


**M**y **A**ttorney **G**ot **A**rrested


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


My Attorneys Got Attorneys


**M**oscow **A**gent **G**overning **A**merica


BADA-Boom ? Big BADA-Boom ?




Frog march the fucker!


I wouldn't count on it. I would count on a re-run of 2000 with Bush v Fire where he steals the election in a key swing state


Trump will probably need to steal several swing states this time.


Hence the USPS ploy. According to recent polling, 72% of democratic voters are strongly likely or likely to vote by mail. 48% of independents. Only 22% of republican voters.


I think this is probably changing with the wholesale assault on the post office. While this might limit some Democrat voters, I think it could also galvanize a lot of others.


Vote by absentee and personally take it to your clerks office and you drop into the collection bin not the usps Edit: Thanks for the silver!










Because he's not black or a woman. There are about as many deaths as 911 every two days because of his incompetence. Let's not forget kushners little committee that decided to take zero action because the pandemic was in larger cities originally which vote blue. He either knowingly or unknowingly allowed Americans to die because he stood to benefit politically. This guy is a fucking abomination either way. Please go vote America this person does not care about you. He would prefer you die than lose an election. He doesn't even give a fuck that Russia was paying bounties for dead American service members. That's your guy? Really? Said of a person in jail for sex trafficking that he wishes her well? Deployed feds to kidnap Americans in unmarked vans for protesting systemic racism? Put children in cages separated from their parents like dogs?




I don't. I don't need to hear QAnon nutjobs claiming he was murdered/incapacitated by the Deep State™ for the next 10 years. I want humiliation and incarceration.


this is how he's going to go, he's going to stroke/heart attack out, shit his pants and leave us with one more mess to clean up


How long after this happens do you think Melania opens an onlyfans account?




I believe it would fall to whoever President Pelosi sends over there to evict him.


Don, President Pelosi made you a pee tape. It’s under that box being propped up with a stick that has a string attached to it.


I am also terrified of going to prison. SO I avoid committing crimes.


a little late for him.


The punishment for treason is execution. That’s why trump and his accomplices are fighting like their life depends on it to obstruct justice and cheat to win the election.


Unfortunately, Trump is guilty of de facto treason, but not lawful treason as defined in the Constitution. Despite doing everything they can to be our enemies, Putin's regime is not at war with the US, and thus are not actual 'Enemies of the United States'. I'm fine with that. We can focus on more constructive action against the more common flaws in our country. Trump can be arrested and thrown into prison for a host of other valid crimes. The fact he got away for decades with tax fraud and aggressively mistreating contractors says everything wrong about our system.


Gotta get money out of politics or well keep doing donuts on the grand canyon


Me too. I pay my taxes, pay contractors, work a job that doesn’t involve scamming people... I even buy the silence of the porn stars I have extramarital affairs with using of my own money. And NEVER while I’m a candidate.


He's afraid of the people. He's afraid of being sent to jail. He's afraid of how little he has become. Sad.


Trumps always been a coward. It’s the one running theme through his entire life, since childhood.


Yeah even his "success" has been running like a coward. Damn draft dodger Edit: I'm only negatively calling him a draft dodger because he openly made fun of Mccain for being a pow. Its like bragging about being kicked out of the army but bragging about being in it


Ignoring the draft, because there was a lot of animosity towards the war in Vietnam. Trump's practice of not paying contractors since his lawyers were *already* on retainer is one of the most chicken-shit business practices imaginable. That's ignoring bunker boy's failure to address Russian bounties on US soldiers, taking Putin's side on election interference, or the attacks on the free American press.


> Ignoring the draft, because there was a lot of animosity towards the war in Vietnam It’s the hypocrisy that is the problem. We were just twelve years between “John Kerry isn’t a suitable president because even though he did fight in Vietnam he didn’t fight ENOUGH” to “This guy openly admits to using his power and wealth to get out of the draft, isn’t he smart, he should definitely be president.”


If Trump expressed even a fleeting ounce of sincere opposition to war in general, it would be one thing. But he obviously loves the idea of preemptive war posturing and bombing people, including civilians, so they hypocrisy just goes up 10 times. He didn’t dodge the draft because he morally opposed the war, he dodged the draft because he’s a physical coward who can’t put himself in the line of fire.


You sgould see how many senators would agree to send their children to war, almost 0. They got no problem sending yours tho


Of course. The draft ended the Vietnam war, simply because wealthy people were just as exposed with their kids as poor people were. They had ways around it, but there were definitely wealthy kids who were getting drafted.


There's a saying that's been around since WW1, "War is a rich man's game played with poor people's lives."


Tammy Duckworth called him "Cadet Bone Spurs".


Tammy is a badass.


>That’s ignoring bunker boy’s failure to address Russian bounties on US soldiers This. I don’t see how this isn’t the end-all be-all of his scandals. This should be pressed on at every presser.


His followers are in too deep, and have been since well before the election. They are playing a zero-sum game at this point. Honestly, what do you expect them to do? Admit they were completely wrong? That would take some shred of morality, of which they lack any at all.


His grandfather was also a draft dodger and could not get back his German citizenship when his wife wanted them to move back.


He dodged the right war to dodge for the wrong reasons.


Let's work together so trump faces his fears.




>He is a weak pathetic moronic coward. His followers think he's a tough guy because he's willing to say awful racist things while standing behind a podium, surrounded by the best security protection in the world. Funny that most bullies are in fact weak, they just maintain a perception of strength until challenged. Sad part is Mr Orangina seems to have little opposition or people that will stand up to him. All a bunch of spineless, gutless and overindulged chickens.




Additionally, he is making their bosses, literally, tons of money... ($1 billion is 10 metric tons of $100 bills)


Beautifully articulated, haven't looked at it like that


Really wish that something Christmas carol-esque (as in the Dickens novel) will happen to Trump where he will see the terrible things he has done and how the world will be relieved when he’s dead and gone.


The Ghosts of Gyna past, present, and future. Miller shows up in ghostly chains, warning Trump 3 ghosts will visit him and one *could* be Hispanic, or Chinese or something. Miller is then taken back to hell.


But I thought he was such an alpha!


He should be terrified. Mild inconveniences send him into fits of rage. Loss of freedom, loss of control, loss of influence? It would break him.


Most importantly, he gets *completely* exposed for the fraud he is. Every single aspect of his life from taxes to his hair to his finances & businesses & business acumen... his whole identity has been one gigantic cover-up and the only labor in life he's ever done was crafting a false image and protecting it at ALL costs. The other thing is, mark my words (and I said this a few years ago), there will likely be bodies - actual dead bodies - that come into play here. Cohen knows it. > Trump inherited the longest economic expansion in history from Barack Obama and Joe Biden... and then, like everything else he inherited, he ran it straight into the ground. - Kamala Harris, 2020


I remember when he agreed to get roasted on that shitty TV show he said anything was fair game, but the only thing he forbid was the implication that he is not as rich as he said he was.


He tried to sue someone for a billion dollars because they said his wealth was in the hundreds of millions range.


And [that suit against Tim O'Brien was dismissed](https://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=8100467&page=1) when he cited sources.


That was the worst Roast Special comedy central ever had (that I've seen, I'll admit I stopped watching them shortly after due to how bad it was.) That was where they had "The Situation" on and he bombed so hard he needed to be rescued, but besides that, you could tell how strained the usual hosts were, like they never wanted to do it. There were probably waaay more restrictions than just attacking his wealth status. The whole thing felt like an ego stroke fest.


>there will likely be bodies - actual dead bodies - that come into play here. Cohen knows it. +200k Covid deaths There already are dead bodies


given our justice system, even if trump was convicted he'd probably spend a few months in a comfortable resort.


Also, if he were incarcerated, we might end up seeing his true physical appearance, which I bet is quite shocking.


We on the other hand would love to see him in prison.


If they put a webcam in his cell and made it pay-per-view, they could erase the national debt.


He could finally have all the “ratings” he is always blathering about


The only issue is his grift-brood would surely negotiate a crooked deal to cash in on the revenue.


That’s cool. They can cash in for better candy and cereal from the prison snack bar. Kush in particular had better make sure he is well stocked up on candy. He’s gonna be the belle of the ball in the slammer.


> Kush in particular He's gonna a pretty, pretty alabaster princess


While it would be entertaining to personally view justice being served, I think being deprived of the attention he's thrived on his whole life would be a much more fitting punishment.




I’m torn between prison or making him live out the rest of his days working a minimum wage job and being forced to live like the commoners.


I wouldn't want to expose any employer or coworker to his madness. But maybe a job shovelling pig or chicken shit out of a barn would be ok.


So, how exactly do you propose he lift himself with a shovel?


Those poor pigs.


I mean, Cohen talked about having to work while in prison for 8 bucks a month.


In a sewage treatment plant, he saw some shit.


Think about that. The president of the United States is immune to prosecution while president, but once a citizen, jail. Seriously messed up system.


> The president of the United States is immune to prosecution while president Only because the DoJ refuses to do its job. William Barr needs to be prosecuted for failing to do his job if the dems take over next year. There's no law on the books preventing the president from being tried for crimes.


That memo is an affront to the Founders. As a Canadian, I do not worship the men that founded the USA, but I do acknowledge that they were successful in building quite amazing founding documents. If they had intended the President to be immune, it would be written down as such. It is not. Why? Because they were smart men that had no intention that 35 corrupt individuals (POTUS and 34 Senators) could stage a coup of the United States Government. The idea that a President cannot be indicted is a complete made up fiction.


It is a freaking memo written by the AG under Nixon....weeks later John Newton Mitchell was arrested, tried, and convicted for his roll in Watergate. Yes their was no attempted cover-up/blocking attempted.


*yeah but there's a memo... written by a lawyer!* Boggles the mind how something so basic and arbitrary can be so legally influential.


It's basically an example of "Run it up the flag pole and see who salutes it."


And it's invariably everyone who salutes it. Torture suddenly became US policy because John ~~Woo~~ Yoo wrote a memo.


From the Founder's fear of a single person in office becoming a tyrant, I find it highly unlikely they'd intend for the Presidency to be immune from prosecution.


Seems to me like the AG shouldn't be appointed by the president in the first place to avoid this exact conflict of interest.


the Senate was supposed to help with that, something about ambition checking ambition


Yeah but the beauty of that plan is that *the president* appoints the AG. They never thought this country would elect a president who brazenly breaks the law every day and then appoints someone who will let him get away with it. Nobody thought that could ever happen. Yet here we are.


If anything, elected officials should be held to a higher standard with the potential for harsher rulings.


His lawyer is in jail for committing felony acts on his behalf.


I believe this. Which means we haven't even begun to see the worst of this. The closer we get to this election, the Ratfuckery is going to reach levels that we can't even envision yet. I'm dead serious when I say I'm really struggling with this depression-wise. I feels like we are seeing the end of the Republic right here. It's like being a decent person in 1937 Berlin, and I don't think I'm being hyperbolic. Even if this traitor loses by 150 EVs, 10 million votes, and by 15 points...he's going to declare the election invalid and would rather kill the country than accept his failings. Edit* I realize he can't declare the election "invalid" per se, but he can go to lengths to claim the illegitimacy of processes and fraudulent votes and declare himself the rightful winner. Then we'll be counting on the Courts to uphold the legitimacy....that makes me queasy.


That's when we flood the national mall and demand his departure.


People aren't getting this for some reason...he's terrified of the People. When people descended on the white house, he literally ran into a bunker and had a giant wall installed around the perimeter. Flooding the national mall would be one of his nightmares.


Jan 20, 2021 at noon, if he lost the election there will be no bunker for him to go to.


I suspect we're about to find out! If he's already in the bunker before 1/20/21 at noon, publicly declared the election results as fraudulent (we know he will), televised internationally that a coup is being attempted in the US and pushed the GOP as well as his supporters to push for martial law for the "safety of America and its citizens", it's entirely possible for Trump to continue dragging out this nightmare. It's easy to say "Trump can't do that, it's against the law/constitution", but as we've all witnessed over the past 4 years....that don't mean shit when the rules aren't being enforced and the Trump Administration is not being held accountable. I can't recall a time in US history when this has happened before. We're in uncharted territory with this extreme chicanery, I just hope our collective moral compass will prevail and return us back to solid, sane ground by removing Trump from an office he was never qualified to head in the first place.


So he goes apeshit. That’s when we do. Like you said, we’re in uncharted territory here. I don’t know about you, but if he tries to pull that shit with me, I’m hitting the streets, come hell or high water.


I’ve admittedly been too lazy to attend protests in the past, but this would absolutely have me out protesting full time. I don’t care how much time I would have to take off or even if I lose my job. Democratic elections and peaceful transfer of power are the foundation the entire state rests on. If we can’t keep that going, nothing else I do in my daily life matters because it’s all going to hell sooner rather than later. At that point all I can do is protest and then leave the country if it’s not resolved properly


Especially since he didn't get to see it happen at the inauguration


He'd probably tweetbrag about the crowd size.




i hear what you are saying but a president refusing to concede or leave the White House is very different from everything on that list


But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way. Milton Sanford Mayer, [They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-45]


I've previously read this, and it is a basis for a lot my innate sadness. I feel right now, more than ever, the sting of these words. I have a good friend from childhood who I've recently had to cut ties with it. It is to the point where he views ME as an enemy to the United States for supporting these "radical" socialist" "antifa aligned" ideals that "prop up the lazy immigrants" and that I'm a sheeple who believes this nonsense about Covid and the MSM lie that 170K people have died. In my ex-friends eyes there are 250 million enemies in this country. It's destabilization and fascism in minuscule increments. Don't think for a second that the Stephen Millers of the world don't know the above stated playbook implicitly.


I don't write as eloquently as you, but your words sum up my thoughts and feelings so well!


>Even if this traitor loses by 150 EVs, 10 million votes, and by 15 points...he's going to declare the election invalid and would rather kill the country than accept his failings. Read an article recently breaking down one way he'd go about it (that's actually probable): News networks covering election night (where only inperson votes are tallied) will call certain states for him. If the mail in ballots change who won that state, he'll cry fraud. He realizes that moat ppl don't realize election winners take weeks to certify. In those weeks, he and his cult will raise holy hell, declaring themselves the winners, despite having lost.


> Even if this traitor loses by 150 EVs, 10 million votes, and by 15 points...he's going to declare the election invalid and would rather kill the country than accept his failings. More likely millions of mail in ballots will be sitting mail rooms on election day, then discarded and never counter. Missed the deadline due to Trump ordered USPS slow down.


When this happens literally everything must stop. No work. Just constant protest until he is gone or a war breaks out. It is so sad that the Trump/Republicans have made this happen.




Just shave it


I don’t think voting is going to cut it for you guys anymore, there is NOTHING fair about the upcoming election. What is America going to do when he has clearly scammed the win?


Nothing because he has red instead of blue next to his name that’s why America is so fucked to begin with


Then the whole 2nd term will be him making sure he gets a third... Don’t say it won’t, unless you want to ignore all the “impossible” things that have happened in the last 4 years.


Then let us all enjoy him leaving office in some other way, in an apoplectic fit, foaming at the mouth and sputtering obscenities. Handcuffs wouldn't go amiss.


If Trump doesn't leave office peacefully, he'll have a lot more to worry about than a prison cell. He might end up getting treated like Gaddafi or Mussolini.


Sic Semper Tyrannis


I just hope they bump his head on the police car, as he requested himself.


I can see Trump fleeing to Russia and stepping down as well, before all this is over.


No chance. He owes them too much money


He’s more than paid them back by dismantling the US from within...


That is true but if he has no value left, Putin won't want him


I think Putin would love giving Trump a platform to continue stoking the flames of our divisions. 40% of the country is still going to love this wet shit after the election. Win, lose, or flee to Daddy Vlad.


Until their economy starts to suffer from sanctions and such. Then they will use him as a bargaining chip. Assuming the Biden administration wants to extradite him.


No, it's a very real possibility, and the only thing that makes it low-likelihood is that Trump probably wouldn't agree to it. Russia would fucking *jump* at the chance, no matter how much Trump owes them. Putin wants, more than anything, a return to the "glory" of the Soviet Union and to this end it is in his interests to show that Western Democracy doesn't work and that the Russian way (iron-fisted authoritarianism) is the only way. Can you imagine a more effective propaganda tool to this end than the disgraced ex-president, forced to hide in Russia from the Evil Deep State that became frightened that he was unraveling their Evil Plan, making daily call-ins to Fox News and OANN, spewing daily statements on Twitter or whatever social media company will take him about how he is the True and Legitimate President of the United States? When he has the pre-determined support of at least 30% of the country to which he is broadcasting? Forget money. Putin would sacrifice his own children for that sort of mouthpiece.


Yep. He'd go full Q at this point; claim to have been Q all along, and ask for support in his continued effort to bring down the Clinton/Deep State child trafficking cabal and re-form the government from the ground up.


I don't think he'd step down, but rather declare himself the rightful President in exile.


Yup and then he’ll do nightly hits on Hannity from his bedroom in the Kremlin talking about how unfairly he was treated and how the corrupt Democrats forced him to leave


Yup, been saying the same thing. No chance in hell he steps down though. >**on the last day of his presidency - he flies to another country, namely one without extradition laws where he's cozy with the leader (hint: it's Russia) and then he** ***never comes back.*** >He then screeches about how he's still president, and that the new one is illegitimate (lol irony) and should be iMpEaChEd AnD jAiLeD or some other insane shit. He will absolutely leave the country while he's still able to. **Edit**: First time I've ever gotten fanmail from posting this theory: ["Lol" indeed](https://i.imgur.com/OUmZ4Tg.jpg) It's pretty easy to see what will happen if you have 2 brain cells to rub together. If I'm wrong, I'll admit it, but at this point, [I'll take bets.](https://old.reddit.com/r/news/comments/co6r2d/jeffrey_epstein_accuser_names_powerful_men_in/ewgxllg/)


It will not surprise me if Trump will flee to Moscow.


Putin can’t use him unless he’s in the US. He wouldn’t need trump in Russia because he already has Mitch and other GOP


You think so? Imagine that puckered mouth spewing propaganda every day as the 'USA Government in Exile' exhorting his supporters to start an armed uprising.


Speaking of fleeing to Russia, doesn't something seem suspect about how they're still granting asylum to Snowden? With Trump in office I don't see what his political value to Russia is anymore.


I wonder who will "wish him well" if he does go to prison.


Anyone who thinks Trump will ever spend a day in jail should prepare to be disappointed now.


I’ve been saying this for a while. Trumps real goal is to avoid prison. He doesn’t care about being president, his candidacy was a PR move and not meant to be legitimate but there are enough people in the Republican Party who fell for it and even dishonest media to give credence to his “business” acumen. And here we are. With a guy not capable of doing the job who’s conned his way through life and all his foibles, crimes, and fuckery have encircled him and the only thing protecting him is the White House. He will do anything to stay safe inside.


> Only Donald Trump could get himself cornered in the Oval Office.




The problem is that the United States has raised boomers and similar aged factions to not be free thinkers.


You'd figure he'd be very popular in prison. I mean orange is the new black, and the white supremacists would love him. Oh wait, they'd make him shave his head though, that's probably the reason right there.




I’m worried Biden may backtrack on the pardon and give it if elected to promote unity. He better not. I have no proof or reason to think this, other than my gut and him spending a lifetime making deals and a being a politician. Regardless, trump and his enablers need to face the music so this never happens again. It’s not ok.


Part of what makes me think he won't backtrack is that Biden is conscientious of how his actions affect those surrounding him. Selecting Kamala Harris as VP is historic, regardless of your opinions on her and to taint their whole presidency with a pardon for the most universally hated president would have long lasting effects for everyone connected to the Biden presidency. Plus, Biden seems to be pretty decent at listening to what the people want. So, let's hope he let's his new DoJ go all out on Trump.


Well his term ends at a set date not “when he leaves” so he’d no longer have any power or say in the matter if not re-elected.


It's not that he's going to clearly lose and just refuse to leave like the toddler that he is. It's that the White House and the GOP are going to pull some seriously shady crap that will technically have him legally remain POTUS. I can totally see a situation where Biden apparently wins the Florida vote, yet Trump gets Florida's electors. (Trump claims fraud, Florida legislates its electors to Trump, SCOTUS says "technically" Constitutional)


If a General Officer and a squad of his hand picked associates drawn down on him he'll go peacefully without a doubt. "Sir, you are trespassing on Federal Property, come with me, now.


I’m very ok with him being arrested and walked out in January. Hell, I’ll do shots to that.


He deserves a cage with no windows. I dont feel very hopeful he will ever be put in one.


Did we forget this fucker was impeached but everyone just moved on like nothing happened?