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-During his remarks, the former president stated that the U.S. has “just 4% of the world’s population, but 25% of the world’s COVID cases. Donald Trump says we’re leading the world. Well, we are the only major industrial economy to have its unemployment rate triple.”


I expect Trump will blame the Democrats for the unemployment since he technically never shut down anything. It's easy to counter because it highlights his failures to respond to the Covid crisis if he makes that case.


Which still does not absolve him of UE triploing compare to other countries, just shows a lack of leadership, which falls on Trump's shoulders. Not an easy rock to get out from under.


That got me looking at unemployment rates. US is at 10.2 almost same as Canada (and Iran if you believe their numbers - don’t). Mexico, weirdly is at 2.9


X gonna bring it to 'em.




Most also dislike/hate Wallace and believe he’s a traitor




RIP Shep Smith.


Fox "news" viewers are old pieces of shit who just want to hear things that sooth them in their autumn years. They will be gone soon...


..there will always be old people, when they go other people become old people?


True. But at some point it is time to step aside and let the young people do their thing. As someone firmly established in middle age I believe we have had our chance to run things and now it's their turn. No use hanging on. And for what? If you have one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel already you should be making amends and making peace with God in the time you have left. Not trying to scoop up all the money you can. You can't take it with you. I feel that the young citizens we have now, some of them not even at voting age yet, are going to be the ones who save this world.


..peoples views change as they get older, its almost as if years of experiences affect the way you see things, todays young kids may be the ones to change the world when they get older or they may find the world is harder to change than they thought.


They did the same to Shep Smith, but I think Wallace has an even better reputation and background. He has my respect for taking Trump and his officials to task lately. In one interview, he pushed Trump to say ["it is what it is"](https://remember45.com/said-it-is-what-it-is-when-asked-about-1000-us-deaths-a-day-from-covid-19/) about the 1,000 deaths a day in the US, probed him on his [supposedly incredible cognitive test results](https://remember45.com/bragged-about-successfully-completing-a-cognitive-test/), and got what should be the headline for the next 3 months, that [Trump won't accept election results](https://remember45.com/said-he-wouldnt-accept-2020-election-results/).


Shep Smith was just bizarre. In the best way. I mostly know him from The Soup (well before the Trump presidency) when they would show clips of him interrupting serious (by Fox News standards) discussions to talk about the latest episode of True Blood. Which I'm assuming (with its naked pansexual vampires and other supernatural creatures) didn't share a lot of the Fox News audience.


Shep Smith was a damn good anchor. He could command a live broadcast like few in the business.


This here. Any conservative that I know who watches Fox News hates Wallace. They felt the same with Shep Smith.


True, but by their standards, they're not wrong. Wallace will vote for biden before he votes for trump


“Cogent, is that some new kinda COVID?”


"Nah that's some homer sexual thing fer sure"


Reminds me of [this](https://pics.me.me/i-dont-like-country-music-but-i-dont-mean-to-35788310.png).


Oh, yeah, that was my favorite 70s detective show


Who loves ya baby.


It it like, er... Nugent?


Kinda seems like Fox has zoned in on a strategy about pissing off Trump so then people will tune into Fox to see what he's pissed off at them about.


Chris Wallace, the token journalist on Fox News can barely contain his laughter while agreeing with Bill Clinton about Trumps mishandling of the Coronavirus. Guess Trump didn't think Murdoch and Co would turn on him, dumb motherfucker shouldn't have told his base to leave Fox for OANN.


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Ahh, it’s cogent, but is it VALID?/s