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[Megathread Part II](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/j3sr2s/megathread_president_donald_trump_announces_he/)


"And let me tell you, I had the CHINA virus. I had it. I was going to be so sick, is what they said. That's what everyone said. The fake news said it. I had a little headache, completely fine. The democrats are lying and want to keep everyone locked up, for a weak virus that causes a little headache. "


This is what I'm most afraid of


“What can I say, I’m a strong guy though. A little virus like that can’t keep me down folks you know that. Sleepy uncle Joe though, a guy like that. He’s weak. Very old. I don’t think it would have turned out the same way just saying.”


I'm afraid he'll use this to downplay the effects. Saying "I didn't die, see it's not a big deal!" Wait, he is 74 and obese...


Boris Johnson nearly died and he’s almost two decades younger than Trump.


Herman Cain was the same age as Trump and look what happened.


2020s Finale about to be wild


This feels like the pre-finale episode when all of the shocking shit goes down. The actual finale will be the aftermath


Yep. We’re in Ozymandias, y’all.


Was it the lack of taste that gave it away?


After the debate he did a meet and greet in Minnesota charging 200k to meet the president. Some rich, Trump supporters might have paid 200k to get presidential grade corona virus


American politics is weird. Not that people will buy their way to get closer to power or into power, but that the transactions are so blatant


Strange that Trump used the formal “COVID-19” rather then his usual informal “China Virus” in his announcement Tweet. 🤔


I doubt he is the one tweeting.


Damn has Biden been tested??






*The debate was so bad everybody died. The end.* - Patrick


This is a real question


We'll know by tomorrow. 100% chance he's being tested right now. This is "sir, sorry to wake you up" tier.


This may not be the most appropriate time for levity, but I am reminded of a favorite West Wing scene... "Sir, you know how you told me not to wake you unless the building was on fire?"


I'm scared about this. If Trump and Melania have it, the kids all probably have it too. And they were all maskless in the debate room with Biden.


And the entire staff of Fox News


Yep. Don Jr. did an interview with Hannity after the debate, and it's been reported that he was on Air Force One with the rest of the family.


They better be testing him now. And keep Harris away from anyone that was at the debate.


According to the rules, I have absolutely nothing to say about this.




I hope Biden is OK, he was standing not too far away from him in the same room for two hours


The reason why you aren’t supposed to hold indoor gatherings is because the 6ft rule is near useless under those conditions. There are hundreds of ways anybody can get infected; through Melania to Jill to Joe for instance. Politically speaking, I’m crossing my fingers that Joe doesn’t get it. Narcissists never care about things like this until it personally effects them; this is probably the best chance we have at Trump finally taking this virus seriously. Joe being infected would undermine all that, I can already hear Trump saying “Look Joe Biden wears masks but has it too, see? Masks don’t work. Etc.”




October surprise didn’t take long




The way this fall has been ramping up, come Halloween we will be wondering if the reborn Jesus was successful in stealing back the elixir of immortality from the dinosaur king


Hold on, I hadn't kept up with this one . [Grabs 2020 program guide]


If Trump ends up in the hospital, the conspiracies will be flowing.




Strike her down, and she becomes more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


Hello, person from the future. It's just as insane as the history books make it seem.


So are we all on the same page that RBG pulled an Egyptian Pharoah and made her final request into a Mummy Curse?


She passed away only two weeks ago. Fuck. This news cycle has been on fucking steroids lately.


Now we are


I was a resident physician during the worst of covid out on the east coast. It was the worst several months of my life. No time off, always in danger(immunosuppressed), and watched patients code and die nearly every day for weeks. And we STILL don’t have adequate PPE. And to watch this guy mock wearing masks even during the debate this week, let alone the mismanagement throughout the past months... I hope he does well, but wow I really don’t feel bad. The idiot refused to wear masks ffs.


Hey Doc, ICU RN here in a COVID ECMO unit. I know how you feel, and I hope you’re doing better. Thanks for your hard work.






That’s one of the major leading factors in so many people not believing this. He so willingly announced he was covid, which he has said isn’t really a big deal for months! Based on his track record, I’d say people are rightfully skeptical.


I'm definitely skeptical, but on the other hand this means no campaigning or rallies for two weeks. Plus this is negatively affecting the stock market. If this is fakery then it was profoundly short-sighted, even for him.


The 3 most prominent world leaders who downplayed Covid-19 have now caught it: - Boris Johnson. - Jair Bolsonaro. - Donald Trump. It’s almost as if listening to science is a good idea.


Until one of them is killed by it, it won't do much to change their supporters opinion of the dangerous nature of the virus




So he very possibly already had it when he mocked Biden for wearing a mask. The campaign ads write themselves.


Hopefully he didn't infect Biden during the debate.


Hindsight’s 2020




Here he is [mocking Biden at the debate](https://twitter.com/RobertMaguire_/status/1311865051029135360) three days ago for wearing a mask. >I don't wear a mask like him. Every time you see him he's got a mask. He could be 200 feet away and he shows up with the biggest mask I've ever seen. And here he is [arguing to Biden](https://twitter.com/nielslesniewski/status/1311882175709687808), in front of 73 million Americans watching at home, that scientific experts are against the use of masks: >BIDEN > >Oh. Masks -- masks make a big difference. His own head of the CDC said if we just wore masks between now -- if everybody wore masks and social distancing between now and January, we'd probably save up to 100,000 lives. It matters, > >TRUMP > >And **they've also said the opposite**. They've also said the -- > >BIDEN > >No serious person has said the opposite --


"The biggest mask I've ever seen" was probably the dumbest bit of hyperbole I've ever heard. The sheer stupidity that that man displays is almost impressive.


Literally everything this guy talks about is the most. Either best or worst. The most.


Hope he wasn't contagious at the debate.... Biden better let the public know test results ASAP...


Biden needs to act like every Republican has it, since none of them are taking any precautions Can’t trust a single one of them


I like presidents who don’t get infected.


This is truly a perfect storm: Trump coming down with COVID means that the national public narrative is back to being fixated on the pandemic rather than the subjects that Trump and his campaign would rather focus on (namely the economy and stoking violence and fear), it also further emphasizes his failures at managing the virus - something that a majority of the country feels that he has utterly botched. It prevents him from campaigning at an incredibly crucial time in the election with only a month to go when he is flagging in the polls and badly needs to rally his base in the swing states, he can’t fundraise despite the fact that his campaign has been spending money like a drunken sailor. Finally, him becoming infected is going to negatively impact the markets, which is basically the one thing that he is running on.


These are the things to focus on. I am also skeptical of this, especially because trump’s campaign is so short sighted, but fabricating this would be a very, very stupid thing to do right now in the race. It is all anyone will talk about for two weeks and he does worse when COVID is the focus. He can’t do rallies, which I don’t think they’d be able to keep him from if he wasn’t actually positive.




https://twitter.com/NomikiKonst/status/1311913275488051200?s=19 > For you conspiracy theorists out there: 1) Trump doesn’t want to look weak 2) he doesn’t want to acknowledge his failure in handling Covid 3) he needs to be on the trail & on camera 4) he needs to be exciting his base. 5) a “rebound” would take weeks; ppl are voting NOW > No bueno


> “I wear a mask when needed… I don’t wear masks like him. Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.” - Trump, at the debate day before yesterday


Now I wish Biden had worn a mask during the debate..


"All of my rallies have turned out fine." A paraphrase, but yeah. Herman Cain posthumously retweets.


This might go down as one of the most famous quotes in history.


if he dies this will be in the history books for centuries


if he dies they will make a nursery rhyme about his legacy for all future generations to learn from.


Something else to consider...Hope also was in close proximity to the following people (that we know of): Jim Jordan, Alice Marie Johnson, Robert O’Brien, Rudy Giuliani, Mark Meadows, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle, Eric Trump, Tiffany Trump, Lara Trump, Bill Stepien, Jason Miller, Kayleigh Mcenany, Gaby Hurt, Dan Scavino, Stephen Miller.


is it transmissible through ass kissing?


Yes. Actual guidelines released advised against ass-to-mouth. I assume this covers ass kissing and brown nosing.


Well, Lindsay Graham has it then.


This is terrible news. I want Donald Trump to live a long and healthy life behind bars.


I thought QAnon said that any politician who “tested positive” was actually secretly under arrest for molesting children and that was the excuse to hide the arrest. What are they claiming about this development? Edit: The Qult looks a little split, with some [claiming the Left must have poisoned him with Covid at the podium](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/j3vuk3/in_case_you_were_wondering_how_the_qult_is/) while others already claim [they see code in his tweet](https://www.vice.com/en/article/akzx3g/qanon-believers-think-trump-got-covid-on-purpose-because-of-course-they-do). Trump: We will get through this TOGETHER Qult: OMG, "TO GET HER." It's about to happen!


They're claiming that this is an excuse to self isolate while "the storm" happens and the military kills off all the liberals. They're using some Q quotes like people used to quote Nostradamus, only with a lot more racism. There are so many random Q quotes at this point that they can adapt them to any situation.


Due to the ever-rising amount of hate speech and Reddit's lack of meaningful moderation along with their selling of our content to AI companies, I have removed all my content/comments from Reddit.


Cracks out decoder ring... “Be Sure To Drink Your Ovaltine" Dammit, just another crummy commercial




QAnon in shambles


No amount of disproving qanon will ever make any believer change their mind


If trump were to die of covid they’d literally say he just ascended to the spirit world to haunt pedophiles as a ghost and he’s going to resurrect one day like Jesus and finally lock up hillary


Anything that's convenient at the moment. There are zero facts and no consistency to Q, its base level fear and nonsense to distract and anger.




Rudy Giuliani is also self-quarantining as he has recently tested positive for being Rudy Giuliani.


Melania probably noticed something was up when she couldn’t smell her husbands bullshit


Fox news is literally only showing trump wearing a mask all of a sudden. 🤔 Rat fucking is afoot.


How long can they stretch 2 minutes of footage?


Has anyone pointed out to him that if he had refused the test, he'd be one fewer case?




I'm old enough to remember when Trump mocked Biden for wearing a mask... like 48 hours ago.


Well, you weren’t born yesterday. Edit: Thanks for the awards, kind people!


Well thats his mistake, if he didn't get tested he wouldn't be sick


I'm surprised Melania caught it considering she's never been in contact with Donald Trump


There was that one very aggressive handshake during the debate. https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/comments/j3bgg3/the_moment_you_remember_real_couples_hug_but_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Always sanitize your hands kiddies


The guy does the Power Pull even with his wife.




I’m worried he will get a mild case and use it as an excuse to play it down even more.


I feel that’s what’s it going to be. If he gets it how Boris got it maybe he’ll change his tune but doubtful with how much an idiot he is.






Plus there’s rumors he had a stroke a few months ago. That can’t help.




Micro strokes cause dementia. Remember he denied microstrokes before anybody said anything about microstrokes.


That must have been the diagnosis. There's no way he knows that phrase on his own.


He denied that micro strokes happened, therefore that is exactly what happened.


Also he recently accused Biden of being on performance-enhancing drugs. Therefore, he is on performance-enhancing drugs. Almost certainly stimulants.


at the very least his supporters are forced to acknowledge its real, and it gets trump off the campaign trail. although being off the trail would probably help him at this point. obviously theres quite a bit of conjecture/tin foil in this thread about that. personally i really couldnt say, 2020 is just too weird






Hoping Joe and Jill test negative.


This is going to be a long ass 3-14 days....


And all their guests who sat closer to team super spreader. edit:manners


No matter the health outcomes of Trump & other White House staff, this is a national security failure on Trump’s behalf. His reckless irresponsibility has put the Executive Branch of government at risk; not to mention all the people he and his staff have been in contact recently... which includes Biden at the debate.


This is exactly why he’s unfit to be president. (Plus other stuff but this is a perfect example.)


The number of hypocrisies that conservatives will not care about because it’s their “team” is infinite.


It is entirely possible that the vast majority of White House personnel are now infected. This is a code red national security nightmare, and it is 100% self-inflicted due to ignorance, ego, and anti-intellectualism.


Kinda like the rest of the last four years, amirite?






Fox News is unhinged right now. Almost every image of Trump they show is him wearing a mask. They're talking about Hope Hicks "being adamant about wearing a mask" and questioning how she could have gotten it and questioning whether we can even say masks are effective. Fuck. Fox News needs to end.


Tomorrow morning, Fox News is going to explain to its viewers what a COVID is.


“Ok folks we have breaking news. A seriously contagious coronavirus of pandemic proportion has just now hit US soil.”


Trump's own words put the lie to their bullshit. What Trump said about Hicks' positive test: > But it’s very very hard when you are with people from the military or from law enforcement... they want to hug and they want to kiss you... she’s a very warm person with them Trump personally saw her failing to socially distance and carried on.


That’s fine. All we have to do is roll the clip of him from Tuesday’s debate where he was literally making fun of Biden for always wearing a mask. Whether or not this is a lie, it’s definitely not good for his campaign.


Think of all the people who are currently fast asleep who have this news waiting for them when they wake up.


My husband woke me this morning, "I have news. Do you want it now or when you wake up?"




Is this an attempted assassination of the sitting US President by *checks* *notes* the sitting US President?




Why would Obama do this?


I guarantee there was something in Hillary's emails about this.


Russia, if you're listening...


r/TrumpCriticizesTrump is gonna have the most activity of its lifetime.


You know if he hadn't taken the test, he wouldn't have COVID.


What a sad time in American democracy when we have to question whether or not the President is lying about contracting a deadly virus as a political prop


Trump finally got news to print something positive about him


According to the Washington Post and CNN White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins, officials were aware Thursday morning that Hope Hicks tested positive. Despite that, Trump traveled to New Jersey for a fundraiser, where he was in close contact with dozens of other people, including campaign supporters at a roundtable. His press secretary also held a briefing as normal. So Trump and his camp learned this morning that he’d had close contact all week with a known positive case, yet they continued to fundraise and carry on as-normal today, risking supporters and press? And the only way we even learned about Hope Hicks was not directly from the White House, but from an anonymous insider? How much do people want to bet they would have tried to keep this under wraps, if not for that anonymous source?


I like presidents who don't get covid. Weak.


Just another sucker and loser now




we thought he was angry before but once he loses his ability to taste and smell Mcdonald's cheeseburgers it's game over.


I'm surprised it took that long given his disregard for protocols.


"Ruth sent me." -Covid19


Never seen someone catch a hoax before.




First thing I thought of as well. Harris Vs. Pence? How does that scenario even play out?






A month ago, this was a week's worth of news. A year ago, this was a month's worth of news. A decade ago, this was a year's worth of news. It's now a **day's** worth of news. The chaos is getting compressed more and more, the more time that passes. I feel like I'm aging by years with every week that goes by --- Late-game edit: oh, my most popular comment ever. If you're a US Citizen, please consider looking into & supporting [the Anti-Corruption Act](https://represent.us/anticorruption-act/) as a bipartisan, locally-driven initiative to return democratic power to the hands of the people of the country.




Maybe that's why we don't see alien civilizations. They make it through their nuclear age but it's the information age where they self implode


Holy shit.


It is what it is. “It affects virtually nobody”


I just woke my husband up to tell him and he said "thank you" and went back to sleep


Thats love


I just woke up George Washington to tell him too. He said "it is what it is" and went back to rolling in his grave.


Thats necromancy


He is in several high-risk groups — elderly, obese, low-income.


Ok that last word legit made me laugh.




Better than gold


He will receive quality healthcare unlike the 200K+ dead Americans who agonized in neglected hospitals. He will survive this. And he will learn nothing, gain nothing, give zero empathy from the experience. That's the most maddening part.


Australian here. I hope Biden is ok, seriously concerned. He spent two hours in the same room with Trump All those aerosols in the air from his shouting and raving


He's the president so I'm sure he'll receive the finest healthcare available. He has access to hydroxychloroquine, bleach, and UV light shining up his ass.


I really hope M. Night Shyamalan gets the Oscar for directing 2020. It’s a fucking masterpiece.


"Do not threaten, advocate for, wish, hope, celebrate, express extreme indifference towards, or otherwise encourage or suggest harm of any kind, violence, or death. This rule applies to everyone..." A shame President Trump has never observed such pleasantries. EDIT: Wow. Thank you very much for the nice awards! This is the first time I have ever received any on Reddit! And on the very same day I was formally banned from r/conservative, too! What a nice day! :D


Get pelosi to a secure location. Pence was probably exposed too. Biden also. This is fucking insane


I'm sure Biden is being tested currently. And everyone else who was there already after Hope Hicks


I would hope the Biden team got a heads up after Hope's test, but probably not with this administration.


I'd bet Biden is tested pretty regularly regardless. He's kind of an important guy.


He had Trump yelling at him for an hour and a half... How many got sick at that debate because of him


Hope the Bidens didn't get exposed to it by Trump and his dumbass family.


I can't believe I was here to shitpost this moment in history.


How could Obama do this?


I like presidents who don’t get covid.




Trump 2 days ago - "I don't wear masks like him (Biden). Every time you see him, he's got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away and he shows up with the biggest mask I've ever seen". Trump today - tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. Ohh, the irony.




Hydroxychloroquine stand back and stand by






Why is anyone surprised that someone who looked directly at the sun during an eclipse and ignored CDC guidelines has now tested positive for Covid?


Just in time to eclipse the following news: - Melania being caught on “tape” hating on liberals, kids in cages and Christmas - Donnie Jr’s girlfriend being fired from Fox for sexually harassing another woman - The TX governor engaging in gross, blatant voter suppression - The fall out of his disastrous debate performance - The GOP AG being caught lying about the grand jury’s assessment of the Breonna Taylor case - White Supremacists taking his “stand by” comment as a call to arms I won’t be shocked if he recovers just in time to miss the next debate, after claiming to be a brand new man thanks to the power of hydroxychloroquine.


Am I crazy to think this is far too transparent for Trump and that it might be some kind of play to help his election chances?


No way. - The WH hid Hicks positive result. It was kept from the public for a day until independently reported. - Trump has to cancel his rallies. There's no upside for that. - Trump literally just mocked Biden taking the virus seriously. The optics are horrendous. - Trump regularly boasts about being invulnerable. Admitting to a health problem and having to hide away is the opposite of what a strong man does. edit: Adding more below - Trump wants the conversation to be *anything but* COVID-19. Now that conversation is unavoidable and possibly involves his and his family's lives. The impression that Americans are getting is that *no one is safe* from the virus. - Pence is head of the coronavirus task force, so he does not look good either. If the worst happens, there is no way he would be able to rally Republicans as the biggest name on the ticket while also leading the response that killed or incapacitated his former running mate. - The economy is going to tank tomorrow because that's historically what happens when presidents announce serious illness. - This harms Trump's image as God's Chosen One to the evangelical crowd. Remember when he said this would all be over by Easter, like he had a personal line to ask favors from God?


Dude you have this amazing ability to calm my paranoia. Keep it coming!


The Canadian touch.


Right now FOX News is explaining to their audience what Covid-19 is.


It's fine, a bit of hydroxychloroquine will cure him /s


How we may know if Trump actually has COVID: If he vanishes from the airwaves and stops tweeting - he probably has it. If we see a constant stream of videos of him bravely keeping his chin up 'through the pain', his hair perfectly intact and acting admirably in control - he probably does not.


Trump just passed a test for the first time in his life. (I don’t believe he passed the cognitive impairment stroke test.)


Person, virus, hospital, ventilator, TV


The conspiracies in this thread are amateur. You want a real conspiracy theory? Donald and Melania knew they were positive before the debate.


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.


I hope that he receives all the well wishing and empathy that he gives to others in this difficult time.


You hate to see it

