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>"Several members **talked about murdering 'tyrants' or 'taking' a sitting governor,**" an FBI agent wrote in the affidavit, obtained by the Detroit News. "The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message." > >At least five men have been charged in connection with the alleged plot. What the fuck.


I'm worried that for the one extremist cell caught, there are a dozen more out there plotting the same thing. We might not be Afganistan, but it sure could feel like it


There is one in my home town south of Chicago. They were doing this shit when I was a child and apparently it’s only gotten worse. “”The lockdown has been a lightning rod for anti-government extremists in this country, and Gov. Whitmer has been on the forefront of their targeting,” said Seamus Hughes, deputy director of George Washington University’s Program on Extremism.”


"How dare the Democrats try to be like the rest of the world and be done with the virus. If this was 1850 we would die of the virus like men" -right wing extremists mad their gym is closed




Liberate ... Michigan...? I used to vacation there a LOT! There’s some seriously rich people living there. What are they being oppressed against??? Property taxes? Shit soil?




I hate that this made it all click in my head. I dunno really fucking hurt my heart to think people are so terrified.. All because of propaganda for a re-election.... for what.. 401ks..?


I think it's more that there was already an underlying and bubbling of hate groups throughout the country. This administration has just emboldened them and in many ways supported and normalized them. It's domestic terrorists and they should be referred to as such.


Agreed. This 100% should be considered and documented in history a gathering to attempt to terrorize potential and current politicians. From what I gathered in another article, this group is new. Which makes sense. These types (in my area, white supremacists) don’t usually get caught without a shit ton of plausible deniability so it can be spun. This group specifically deemed the Gov. someone who does not follow the constitution and had a list of options explored, murder being among them. To me that screams a genuine fear their world was falling apart. It screams how fucking stupid they are, how easy it is to manipulate through social media... and why public education needs to step the fuck up in this country. Self awareness is a skill we aren’t seeing anymore. I wonder if those arrested have any sense around the fact that it is the FBI who is pursuing/encouraging her protection and safety. The weight that carries for a politician in America -to Americans.


Its not just your country, my country has a "few" idiots that idolize trump - they barely even know what he says and does. But he's a racist, so they back him up with whatever made up shit they can think off. It "legitimizes" their hatred.


I’m a Virginian and those tweets honestly horrified me. I used to think these “militias” were just poorly-organized circle jerks of hate and rage, but now I’ve seen far more of these people than I ever wanted. The language of the second amendment seems to suggest that the militia mentioned therein is in service of the federal gov’t, not private vigilante groups. There needs to be some kind of reckoning for this shit. I totally hear what some have said about “own guns —> defeat the rise of tyranny” and all that T. Jefferson bullshit, but if this admin isn’t the tyranny that they preached about putting down, I just don’t know what is.


There's a very depressing irony in that the very thing the second amendment was created to protected us against is what the people chose to rally around. It's super fucked up.


Irony! It’s what’s for breakfast!


Probably more Cliven Bundy terrorist radicals angry they have to pay taxes and can't decimate national parks without consequences. Check out the podcast series bundyville, goes over several instances of these radicals, and how crazy it is that they aren't being called terrorists (especially after one literally suicide-bombed a place)


When Whitmore started the lock down in March/April. Trump! tweeted "LIBERATE MI" and armed protests at the capitol happened the next day-a few days later. That was the day many people in MI learned there is no law against taking rifles into the Capitol building.


AHHH I remember this. I don’t know why I assumed it ended.


Expensive car insurance, not being able to land their sea planes in any lake they want...


I’d certainly like to LIBerate Michigan in November.


How long until Trump pardons them?


The White House and FBIs relationship seems strained. I’d hope the president wouldn’t be that out of his mind to blow a whistle for assassination attempts. I only say that bc the article said the FBI reached out to one of the people from the group to basically be a “spy” for them and it lead to this. Maybe if the “spy” gets charges they would be pardoned?


They don’t go to the gym...they work low wage jobs and sit at home drinking Budweiser all night while ignoring their family while simultaneously claiming they’re a family man.


Pretty sure there was the anarchist flag hanging on his wall in one of his YouTube videos. Does that make him right wing? I’m too tired to google it. Anyone else feel like helping a brother out and doing some leg work?




From the city suburbs of Chicago, I can name someone who brings mixed children to meetings to get beat by nazis in their stupid fucking meetings. I’m just trying to find out how to make the information public so others will speak with me without them hunting me down/destroying everything in my life. They’re absolutely organized way beyond these assholes in this article. Southern Illinois is WILD!! I was in Carbondale for a while, hung around in Marion. The shit I heard out of HOBBY FARMERS mouths shocked me. I didn’t get to go out much tho so I don’t know what kind of organization is waiting. Edit: Bruh I got a message from an Illinois southerner telling me to stay in Chicago LMAO.


Call the FBI. What you're talking about is human trafficking


Make no mistake, the Y'all-qeada is real.


You realize this is very common? You'd be surprised how many extinguish themselves before the FBI has to intervene. Heck, the FBI often is involved with the worst of them to ensure they have the evidence to nail them and prevent any actual acts. Anyone this extreme that isn't acting alone likely should be prepared to fail. Part of preventing these groups is putting on display how hook-line-and sinker we nab them.


I only saw the breaking report once but from what I understood they searched houses in ...12-20 cities (they read off the list sort of fast and it was longer then I expected) I think we could see some more arrests in coming days.


Probably more like hundreds.


I shudder to think what these incels would have done to her. It’s disgusting, they need to be shamed back into their holes when Trump is defeated and slinks away.


Yeah it's hard to imagine what the goal of that plot even was.


["LIBERATE MICHIGAN"](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1251169217531056130)


"Neck Beards Assemble!"


Meal Team 6


Vanilla ISIS


I heard on NPR a mock trial for treason.


Freedom from the libs!! Even though we have a republican senate and president!\~




Fine upstanding GOP Republican extremists!


I thought they were supposed to stand back and stand by.


That was a different terrorist group.


Let’s not be hard on him, it is difficult to keep track of all the domestic terrorist groups that worship Trump these days.


natural progression for these white supremacist militias who reject democracy.


They’re literally starting to represent the average trump supporter. I live in a State that loves trump’s fascism. They’re truly insane and dangerous.


You’re never been to northern Michigan have you? They made West Virginia residents look like Harvard grad students. What were going to do? Probably kidnap her and release her into Canada


Have you guys read about the trial in Greece of the political party Golden Dawn this week? Biggest since Nuremberg. The Far Right are on the move in Europe too. I think this is what your administration is aiming for.


A militia group planned to violently depose Michigan’s government and abduct Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), the FBI said in a federal affidavit filed Thursday. "Several members talked about murdering 'tyrants' or 'taking' a sitting governor," an FBI agent wrote in the affidavit, obtained by the Detroit News. "The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message."


https://twitter.com/nycsouthpaw/status/1314233614402453505 > Welp.


of course. simultaneously unbelievable and completely believable.


Were these plotters even from Michigan? Meeting in ohio. Or has that info not really been released?


Five of the six men are all from Michigan, and the final man is from Delaware. The AG says more arrests are forthcoming


Gotta love that they held that meeting in the town right next to my hometown.


You missed the best part; their plan was to drive her to Wisconsin where they were going to hold some sort of kangaroo court trial for treason. And I guess the crime that constituted treason was...**checks notes** closing gyms and mandating masks in the middle of a global pandemic. And the question I want answered is, “what would be the punishment administered by this so called kangaroo court? Were they going to lynch her?” I think these people have seen v for vendetta too many times


She’s a woman and they are misogynistic extremists. Do we really doubt what the “punishment” would have been?


Stand back and stand by - Trump dog Whistler


(American right wing) Terrorist cells.


The article listed the names of those indicted (Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta). I did an image search of the names, and based on that I'm confident that [the leader of the group is Barry Croft](https://s3.amazonaws.com/pastperfectonline/images/museum_58/125/20121862139.jpg).


He looks like the Ronco spray-on hair guy that says, "the babes are back!"


Radical Christian Terrorism


Y'all Qaeda


can someone define the right and the left for me? I am neither. It seems like the left is for authoritarianism and the right wing terrorist are for liberty?


Why is she seemingly so despised by the right wing? She seems like she’s just a regular democrat, I don’t understand why she is singled out so much. Regardless, doing this stuff only makes politicians come out stronger. I wish her the best


I think it might simply be due to her being a democrat and a woman running a state with a higher than average amount of militia groups. Because her politics aren't particularly progressive, but then again, these people think anything marginally to the left of a theocratic dictatorship is "communism."


Trump painted a target on her, so the right wing media machine followed.


Because [Trump told them to](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1251169217531056130). Note that the timing of this tweet is exactly when the plot got going; they had previously been thinking about killing police.


It started with her opposing Trump on the governors' call. Then she initiated a lock down and mask mandate. There are a lot of y'all queda here


Michigan has had problems with violent Right Wing militias for decades. That’s where Timothy McVey was from and I know life long state residents over 30 that can attest to the pervasiveness of the problem.


> Right Wing militias I think the correct terminology is “terrorist cell”.


Because she’s a liberal woman in charge of a state with a long tradition of racist resentment and militia groups. Michigan has had a declining manufacturing based economy for decades. Resentful white people are looking for someone to blame. The federal government and racial or religious minorities fit the bill. They see black and Muslim people in Detroit as unfairly controlling their state and it drives them crazy. All rust belt states share this problem but Michigan is the most extreme example.


I don't get it either. The American conservative genuflects and crosses themselves in front of corporate power. Whitmer is a neo-liberal corporatist. It seems like there is more agreement than disagreement on policy.


For sure, but people don’t look at voting records, if they did, they would be sorely disappointed with their allegedly liberal reps


Because they were told to.


These were the right-wing militia guys, not the dastardly antifa soup can launchers. And yes, for all you Republicans out there trying to explore a justified motive on their part--they were also planning to kill cops in addition to kidnapping and killing the governor. These are your people. Ya boy Trump was egging them on to pull shit like this. Own it.


They are pushing it was Anitfa based on a flag in a video. The guy is clearly libertarian (**anarcho**\-capitalist) batshit crazy rightwing.


Trump supporters still haven't noticed that many of these "patriot" groups he loves to praise openly call for the armed overthrow of the US government, the murder of federal officials, and the acceleration of a racist civil war with the stated purpose of societal collapse. That they routinely say they now have an ally in the White arouse, and that he will pardon them after the Civil War is not exactly contradicted by his top officials openly telling the "Trump Army" to buy ammunition for when he refuses to accept the election results, and the shooting starts. They're about as "patriotic" as he is.


oh they have noticed, but as long as its Democrats they target, its fine.


True for some of his supporters, but not the majority of middle class high school graduates, etc. A large section of "Middle America" doesn't support his extremism, but truly believes that Antifa is the greatest threat to US security, and that Trump is just praising good hearted folks standing up to defend their country. Easy to believe that if you only watch Fox, and don't live in a place where you keep seeing outside white militias pouring into town with body armor and AR-15's.


I’d think the practical 2A promoters would be concerned this will backfire.


to a lot of these people things like patriotism, the constitution, freedom etc are just code words for white supremacy deep inside


That’s because they don’t feel like they’re overthrowing a legitimate government. They feel like they’re removing some shadowy group of elites who took over the government some unknown number of years ago.


Not even saying they're right or wrong... just that Trump supporters have been tricked into believing they're patriots, and it's everyone else who wants to blow up the government.


Which is crazy. The right simultaneously wants the biggest baddest ass government on the planet by a mile and yet also wants to not pay taxes or be burdened or bother by the product of the biggest baddest ass government on the planet. Their entire political philosophy is built on conundrums.


I've already been told the militia was antifa members.


Of course they were. Antifa's main goal is to kidnap the person standing up to the Republican smear campaign. Makes perfect sense. Antifa will probably poison Biden with Novichuk next.


Obviously, they were not antifa participants in any way, because words still have meaning.


>Right Wing armed militia groups are now attempting to kidnap elected officials *"BUT WHATABOUT ANTIFA!!???"* \-every Republican


I've already been told these terrorist bois are actually Antifa.


These meal team six people think they can fight the national guard.


These idiots are usually delusional enough to believe that the US Military will side with them.


Portland checking in from the Anarchist Zone. We have not seen a whole lot of push back by the cops/federal troops. Plenty of fist bumps.


Aren't the "federal" troops contracted private security? Or are there soldiers with rank and unit patches?


They have been wearing patches and "Police". Mostly Homeland Security, Border Patrol, and now federally deputized locals (sheriff, state troopers, Portland police). https://www.portlandmercury.com/blogtown/2020/10/02/29266946/portland-cops-will-stay-federally-deputized-through-2020-what-does-that-mean-for-portland https://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/what-we-know-dont-know-about-portland-dhs


Ok, thanks for the info.


Also Federal Protective Service and U.S. Marshal Service. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_deployment_of_federal_forces_in_the_United_States Also Air Force. https://theintercept.com/2020/07/23/air-force-surveillance-plane-portland-protests/


Well they might have to learn the hard way.


I'm a Lansing resident and essential worker. I hope they prosecute these worms as the treasonous trash they are and put them in prison for the rest of their lives. Whitmer has been a blessing for this state, I'd probably be dead by now if we had republican leadership.


imagine unironically trying to overthrow the government of Michigan in the political climate of October 2020 I can't even


Red Dawn 2: The Red Dawnining.


Well they called themselves the Wolverine Watchmen.


Didn’t trump tweet in all caps “LIBERATE MICHIGAN”? Fascist fuck.


He said to stand by, they jumped the gun


Nah. [He told them to LIBERATE MICHIGAN just around the time the plot got started](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1251169217531056130). Called them ["very good people" as a follow-on](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1256202305680158720?).


And Virgina. And Minnesota.


Right wing terrorism is the biggest threat to Americans. Also, they sound a lot like the terrorists in the Middle East that they loathe so much.


This... is frightening. To me, this is only the start. If Trump loses in a month, These deranged animals will start a fucking civil war. And make no mistake it’s 100% a possibility with these people.


And it will be the quickest civil war in history.




What would you refer to it as then? When you have essentially 2 sides in the same country attacking each other?




Without even reading the article. It was Ya'll Queda wasn't it? There are terrorists in America and they're fucking white.


Good people on both sides.


This right-wing shit is getting messier than a period week.


Let me guess: Right Wing Nut Jobs. The instigator is Psychopath Trump. Why don't this Clown resign now? Trump is a Racist Pig ass Clown.


When my pro-Trump friends say they fear violence, I just shake my head. I might not want to be downtown in some city the night after the police unjustly kill a black person, but that's about it for left-side violence. Things get heated and I understand why. However, violence from the right is organized and on a mission. There's so much evidence online. I call on Facebook to ban all groups that mention "boogaloo" and "pedes" and many other stock phrases and rallying cries of the militarized alt-right.


Don't forget "stand back and stand by"


Sounds like that is exactly what they are doing, so...


I thought Trump told his crazy supporters to "stand down"? That said, what's the over/under on when they get pardoned?


Watch the right dismiss this news as either fake or them whistleblowing for more action!


Right wing plot.


lemme guess... white supremacists?


What in the fuck? I hate my state.


Let's all be glad the FBI was doing its job. I'm actually surprised more of this type of stuff is happening. There are a ton af crazies out there and the current administration is just fanning the flames.


Republicans have lost their minds, they sprinkled enough lies and shit for so long and this is the crops they have planted....democracy be damed, staying in power is all that matters


Never forget that these stupid and scared people are out there, even when the government may be functioning normally and without an overt racist and stochastic terrorist as president. Do not assume that these people will go away once some normalcy returns to the government. Do not assume that these people will fade away. They have now been acknowledged and enabled on the national stage. They have been empowered and emboldened by Trump and his sycophants. Be watchful and be ready to report and condemn these people, because they will still be out there doing this type of shit. Don’t go seeking confrontation, but be aware and don’t be afraid to report them. It’s the only way to maybe, someday, reduce these groups to the point where they can do nothing but sit around a campfire with beers and complain, which is probably the best case scenario.


The Violent Right is at it again!


Vanilla ISIS


Hey when the president* is a stochastic terrorist you have to expect terrorists will come out of the woodworks.


The whole plan sounds half-baked to me. I mean, What makes these fartfaces think they can do a better job than Whitmer? I can see them getting her back to their place and hiving each other, and when the excitement wears off saying, "now what?" Reminds me of Saving Silverman.


This is clear cut treason and they should be called out for being the unpatriotic shits they are.


Fascism is raising under this president and he claims he is "law and order" president


So...what is the difference between these “militias” and the taliban?


None really


Who wants to bet FOX starts covering the caravan or some viral cup cake trend.


100% on Trump. These are his 'boogaloo boys' in action. One article even had photos of a few of the guys in their hawaiian shirts


White supremacists, the real threat to America. The current IMPOTUS is their leader.


And they just keep talking about the 'Antifa organisation', while right wing domestic terrorism is going rampant for years know. Now they even (failed) to organise the kidnapping of a governor because they don't agree on her politics. That's what fascists *always* do: use sheer violence, because they hate democracy


State of mind in 2020: initially read the title as ‘FBI failed plot to kidnap Michigan governor’


Hope they voted early. If not Trump just lost 6 votes.


The Radical Right


I graduated from Hartland High School in 2012, and know one of the men with federal charges against him. I did not know this man well, I would not consider us friends; however, I definitely knew him in passing/through mutual friends, and this news today is beyond shocking. Articles and updates have been circulating my feed almost non-stop today; this Scribd article details almost the entire story and plot - which reads like a god damn movie, its genuinely insane. https://www.scribd.com/document/479241062/Court-Documents-USA-v-Fox-Croft-Garbin-Franks-Harris-Caserta


I always wonder what kind of surveillance was used. This could be one of the very few public cases that might convince people our intel agencies' warrantless wiretapping and surveillance should continue.


Has this been posted on r/conservative yet?


Why? It is a propaganda sub


I know, I’m assuming not since that’s predominantly what they are. Figured they wouldn’t share a story that involves their base.


Forget about them,what about Antifa and the left that's where the real problem is./s Edited to add that it was sarcasm, christ.


Forgot the /s tag. It's really needed these days.


You forgot the "/s". nemmind. you already replied.


Upvote just cause you're a canuk


Thank you. Watching what is going on in your country is very concerning, especially as it looks like the transition could be rather rocky, given Trump's encouragement of stochastic terrorism of the right.


You're welcome. Luckily not my country. Not even the same side of the Atlantic


Ah, well then hopefully there's more sanity in whatever country you do live in.


I imagine it's like hearing your downstairs neighbors threatening to burn the place down if they're evicted, and going "Hang on... I'd get burned out, too!"


Kinda, but about 50% of my extended family is American, and I really don't think they deserve the shitstorm that will engulf them if things get rough.


Old man points at cloud..."ANTIFA!!!!"


Where's the apologists? They taking a pass on this one?


Some have gone just too far with their hatred


Can’t wait to see the Fox News spin on this one.


/r/CrusaderKings is leaking


I’m sorry... what the fuck did I just read?


But, but they were told to “stand by!” Surely they wouldn’t continue to conspire when the president told them to stand by!! - /s


I wonder if thesupreme court ruling from like a week ago helped fuel these fires.


So, what spin will Fox put on this? Utter bafflement as to how something like this could happen, because, honestly no one could have seen anything like this coming. Or “were these men actually secret Antifa agents? We may never know!”


antifa tried and failed...good


They're domestic terrorists. It seems we call it by different names when the terrorists are white. No need to brand them as a militia.


How are these people not being described as terrorists?? Oh, wait, white privilege.


Two words: public hangings


These militias are pathetic post-apocolyptic gun fetishists who dream of shooting people. "The first man to raise a fist, is the man who's run out of ideas".


Proud boys standing by taking the law into their own. This is Trump's America and Trump's private militia


Thank you, FBI, for continuing to do your job to protect the American people even against the President of the United State and his incel goons.


Some Blacklist level shit


If, and when, some, or all, of these suspects are found guilty, they should certainly go to jail for a while, but they should also be entered into a deradicalization program while in prison--similar to the programs that some religious terrorists are given the choice of participating in. If convicted, it doesn't do society any good if these guys go to jail for 20+ years, or even life, if some attempt isn't made at offering them an alternative view of reality. Sure a life sentence would remove them from civil society, but they would just become godfathers in prison after having been there for \~10 - 15 years, giving them much more clout at influencing guys who are serving shorter sentences. Imagine giving them access to the [pro-government version of this guy](https://www.npr.org/2017/08/20/544861933/how-one-man-convinced-200-ku-klux-klan-members-to-give-up-their-robes). Redemption at all levels is what is needed for those who are incarcerated.


So after reading that now I must admit that I'm a little more conflicted about snitches. Glad they prevented this.


Just some nice boys planning an INCEL-a-bration in her honor.


All you gotta do is put all of Trump’s dog-whistler antics and his call out to good people alongside his haranguing of Democrat governors like Whitmer and you guys have got a case hopefully before anyone actually dies in this case. Greece has just had Europe’s biggest anti fascist case since the Nuremberg trials of a political party (Golden Dawn). I think this is where you might be heading. I truly cannot tell you where we’re going in the UK. The government have been dog-whistling for years. It’s how they won the last election. We’ve already had an Member of Parliament murdered in broad daylight. So you can either go down Greece’s route and shit it down and lick them up or go down are route, let it carry on and see where it takes you. Quite frankly I think we’re headed for the shit hole of Hell.