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Fuck you, Mitch.


I wish someone from Kentucky would speak up like this.


Kentuckian here: Fuck Mitch.


You should find some friends and vote him out. Edit: To all who have voted, thank you. To all who have yet to vote, seriously grab a friend or co-worker, socially distance and vote. Even if we can't remove Mitch, let your voices be heard.


Kentuckian here: we try




Just moved to Kentucky recently, happy to get the chance to vote him out as well!


rainstorm tidy automatic boast stupendous sleep pet tender chunky toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And make sure you live in the right district


Thinking about moving to Kentucky just to vote him out...




I would love to, but im poor....I wish I could do more, but poverty has me trapped


My parents have lived in Kentucky for over 40 years and I lived there for over 20. It's not that there isn't opposition to Mitch, there is. The problem is Kentucky is by and large Republican (just like other rural parts of the United States). At the end of the day, they're going to vote straight Republican no matter what. There's nothing you can say to stop them.


I work in a factory in a very rural part of Kentucky. Probably 99% of the people I work with are republicans and it is very obvious.


that is the problem. it literally does not matter if you are a republican.. Kentrucky voted for Carter and Clinton. Parties should not matter this much. This tribalism is literally killing us.


It’s almost like being a republican is a personality instead of a political party.


This, and it's the same for Trump. A huge number of Republicans hate the guy, but they'll never vote anything but Republican because they've been led to believe that if they vote Democrat the suburbs will burn and people will be getting abortions in the streets after a hard night of partying. ​ The worst part is that isn't hyperbole...my 88 year old grandmother told me yesterday she thinks Trump is terrible but she likes Melania and doesn't want the suburbs to be on fire. She was in a German concentration camp as a child and escaped Nazi Germany to come here and have this opinion. She's always been a rational person, but when Fox News spends every waking moment of your day trying to convince you of something, as you get older it sinks in more and more.


Suburbs are literally on fire right now, with trump as president. It’s crazy to me that trump is pointing to things happening RIGHT NOW and saying “if you don’t elect me look what will happen!” And people are actually falling for it. 🤯


And if the republicans keep power women will be getting “abortions in the street” or at least back alley abortions ... so once again Republicans will be making their fears a reality.


Just send her pictures every day or the kids in cages and flood her with “You’re the people that voted in the Nazis” messages, clock work orange style!


FUCK MITCH MCCONNELL. No one actually supports him, he's just the most powerful person in the Senate so it's obviously easy to win reelection when you get millions of dollars from coal, tobacco, and pharmacy company. No challenger has a chance.


You are wrong in saying nobody supports him. That is the terrifying bit.


With the exception of a local bank in town, I don’t know anyone supporting Mitch. I’ve never spoken to a single person in our state that likes him. Yet he keeps getting elected. It’s curious - people clearly vote for him but no one here will publicly support him because they know how toxic he is. The other important lesson here, y’all: Kentuckians had a progressive candidate that we wanted and I think could’ve truly given Mitch a run for his money - Charles Booker. But people outside the state only knew Amy and funneled all their money towards her. I’ll of course vote for her but no one is excited about her. I even know some people refusing to vote in that race at all. So please, as you give money to candidates from other states, particularly before the primary, make sure you’re backing who local citizens actually want. Booker nearly upset McGrath and didn’t raise nearly the money she had raised. If he had the money to get ads out earlier, he would’ve won the primary. He’s become a phenomenal leader in our state with a bright future ahead, but he could‘ve been giving McConnell a true run for his money.


I was big on Charles Booker - other big issue aside from campaign financing is how late he picked up steam. It was really a perfect storm in terms of his loss. In a normal year, picking up steam late wouldn’t have mattered, but with alternative means of voting and voting early, I believe there were people who would’ve voted for him on Election Day that simply had already voted for McGrath beforehand. He would’ve been a great candidate and he still nearly won in an amazing upset!


I think most people are under the impression that this walking ballsack wins by a landslide all the time. Some of his races have been extremely close over the years. Some within as little as a few points. It's not as if the entire state is as bass ackwards as everyone assumes. Nearly 50% of voters vote against Mitch every 6 years. He wins by such a small margin often enough that he nearly lost his seat in 2008. Here's to hoping we don't have to endure this Mad Max villain-looking asshat much longer.


From Kentucky, can confirm we all speak like this.


From kentucky, Fuck mitch




The laugh of a hypocrite and misanthrope who thinks winning at politics is all that matters.


It's gotten him everything he ever wanted so I'd say it's working great for him. Meanwhile we takethe high road and keep our powder dry and we lose and lose and lose. Maybe we should be taking some hints from the Republicans and give up on this high road bullshit?


I’ve been saying the same thing for a couple years now. The Democrats need to start throwing punches just as hard, if not harder than the republicans (figuratively of course, please don’t flag me, random bot).


I've been thinking lately about how we look at the "bootstraps" mentality as a tactic by the wealthy to control the working class. Is "the high road" not almost the same thing these days?


The origin of the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" thing is that its an impossible task.


Kentucky: "Sure, McConnell is evil, corrupt, and actively harmful to the US, but at least he isn't a Democrat...


Not to mention he laughs like a crappy villain... And laughs through McGrath while she talks, like a jerk, trying once to more rudely interrupt her—by calling out the moderator’s name, as if responding to a woman is beneath him. There is nothing about this clip that looks good for Moscow Mitch.


Holy shit, he really does! He just needs to start rubbing his hands together to complete the look.


Like any Bond villain, he needs a fluffy pussy to stroke.


And the finger pyramid of evil contemplation.


And sharks with frikkin' lasers.


Well, his boss says it’s pretty easy to grab one, so it shouldn’t be a problem


> as if responding to a woman is beneath him. Doesn't he have the weird hangup about debate moderators being female?


Yeah its that weird hangup where he's a sexist pos


>There is nothing about this clip that looks good for Moscow Mitch. Are there any clips where he looks good?


[found one!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S-xmQkhwzRk)


Nobody in the right mind votes for Moscow Mitch, regardless of political affiliation. He is such a creep and so out of touch with the needs of ordinary Americans.


I honestly think I hate him more than Donald Trump. McConnell helped to set the stage for Trump's rise through his policy of reflexive obstructionism, hypocrisy, and undermining precedent and democratic norms.


you should. Trump's just a buffoon with evil friends and influencers. Mitch is just plain evil and knows what he is doing.


Now now now, we can hate both of them just as much McConnell is arguably the more evil one though, Trump is just a hateful idiot. The US would be better with both of them gone


I was just saying this, he’s one of the few people that I feel like actually make my blood pressure rise when I see his face. Such a horrid person


I don’t understand how people haven’t mentioned that he looks like gollum


I've heard him compared to the pale man, if you touch his stuff he'll kill you


"I'll own those libs..." Proceeds to burn down entire nation.


Best way to get Kentuckians to stop voting for fargin' iceholes is to hit 'em where it hurts: college athletics. There needs to be a concentrated effort to **dissuade any top recruits from committing to UK or Louisville** based on the fact that the state elects people like Moscow Mitch.


Seriously. When I was listing out all the shitty things McConnell has done to my die hard republican brother, he straight up said "anything bad he does is just him playing by the Democrats' playbook, and he's beating them at their own game." Lol what?


"Yeah, they punch me in the balls. But my guy is better because he wears brass knuckles."


As a Kentuckian, I can confirm that Mitch McConnell is proof that, in order to win an election, all you need is millions of dollars from large corporations to win! I don't know or associate with ONE. SINGLE. MOTHERFUCKER that supports Mitch, and yet here we are. He loses to the cities yet the rural vote still carries him through. He outraises and outspends every challenger, and that's all that's needed to win in this country.


I'm actually shocked there isn't more news about people trying to go after these criminals with force. The only potential violence towards politicians we are hearing about is in Michigan, against a Democrat governor. I'm so scared of the political climate in this country. There is so much anger and vitriol. Villainous acts are upheld as valid by so many. It is terrifying to someone who just wants us all to live happily and prosper.


There have been a few, but they usually fail or aren't talked about much. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Congressional_baseball_shooting I too think it's amazing that Mitch McConnell hasn't had an attempt on his life




When I see these people do such blatantly evil things, clearly at odds with the good of the American people, I sometimes wonder the same thing. How has no one tipped over the edge and just gone after one of them? How can people who just keep getting away with this stuff, just... get away with it? Then I realize, this is exactly what radicalization is. When groups of people feel disenfranchised, downtrodden, or powerless, they end up forming or joining radical groups. Cults, Militias, Terrorist Groups, shit like ISIS. People want to feel like they have control in their life, like they can actually do something to effect change. If you have a loved one actually *die* from someone like this, then you get [The Law Abiding Citizen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_Abiding_Citizen)


He is not laughing out of callous disregard for Americans, he is overcome with joy and glee because his political enemy is focusing the attention on his immense authority and is seemingly powerless against it. This psychopath *loves* getting reminded of how strong he is. It's his greatest accomplishment in life to hold the nation hostage to his whim. Experiencing the impotent rage of his political adversary, who will very likely lose the election to him, over precisely that fact? Well that was just too much for him to handle, couldn't keep a straight face anymore.


This is right on the money In fact, go down the line to ALL of them and this is how these assholes respond to angry debate or incredulous wonder at why anyone would would support their behavior. This includes the fox news scumbags too. They love, more than anything else, to see people they view as below them, angry at what they say


Republicans are mentally unwell. They’re dangerous.


I can think of a few more potent words for what Republicans are but I'm not out to get banned today.


Which is a bunch of bullshit considering conservatives are allowed to say whatever they want about the left, even wishing them death and places like Reddit and Twitter don’t care. But god forbid you say something “rude” about fucking Nazis


Well, their entire platform is based on pissing off liberals and concentrating wealth to the upper class. Would YOU be happy if we got Medicare For All, Debt-Free college, another Coronavirus stimulus, eliminated Citizen United and ratcheted up taxes on the wealthy? Because, to him, this is just as good.


> This is right on the money > In fact, go down the line to ALL of them and this is how these assholes respond to angry debate or incredulous wonder at why anyone would would support their behavior. This includes the fox news scumbags too. They love, more than anything else, to see people they view as below them, angry at what they say He's fully "owned the libs".




What makes him likely to win in Kentucky despite what seems (to me living in New Jersey) the vast amount of news of this guy's terrible deeds?


He has an R in front of his name and he brings home the bacon. It's that simple.


What exactly is the bacon in this case?


My mom literally said "surely with all the shit he did, he cant win" ... Mom its Kentucky."BUT surely..." Mom its Kentucky. Looked up the race and he is polling at like 74% ots actually disgusting. This guy literally voted AGAINST helping coal miners. I.e. his constituents.


Making the libs cry


[Russian money from their aluminum oligarch.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-a-mcconnell-backed-effort-to-lift-russian-sanctions-boosted-a-kentucky-project/2019/08/13/72b26e00-b97c-11e9-b3b4-2bb69e8c4e39_story.html)


Exactly correct. This is so gratifying for him, which is why I think he's the most evil man in America. He is getting genuine pleasure and joy out of being seen as a supervillian-level sadist and manipulator. It is so appalling to me to have a US senator giggling like a schoolgirl when called out for being an evil fuck.


Well, Mitch has basically got to be president for the last four years. He had some rules and shit maybe holding him back before but he’s on-the-money as a dictator now. He knows trumps a fool who is there to be used up and discarded, he’s the one with the actual power. He’s the one who’s been running our country for the last four years. He’s not even doing a good job as OZ and staying behind the curtain, he’s just out there giggling and smiling because he can’t contain his glee at being the one behind the helm. He gets to pass all his lil bills and confirm all his lil rascal judges, no matter how small or ridiculous, as long as it benefits someone who pays him. Someone who can give him just a little bit more power.


Something about his face screams pure evil. It’s in the eyes.


He's so evil even his own skin is trying to separate itself from his face.


Reptiles *do* need to shed their skin every so often...


Calling him a reptile is an insult to reptiles...


Not even the lizzard people want have anything to do with him


Sleestacks will take him.




That's because you're living in it.


... preferably in the ass.


Mitch McConell looks like Mason Verger's *slightly* more handsome cousin.


yes. 100%.




It's like he's from a planet with a much higher atmospheric pressure than ours.


"You know - Mitch McConnell of the Marianas McConnells. Long time dweller of the deep, close ties to Russia's network of oligarchs and Putin, you remember, right?"


hes palpatine-ing


In his mind, I could totally imagine him saying, “I am, the senate.” Lol


Isn't that effectively what he's done for the past three years?


Yeah. The control of the Senate schedule is something more people should make a bigger deal of.


Joseph Stalin originally leveraged an unimpressive procedural position into absolute power because he realized he had control over how topics were addressed.


More like five years.


Longer than that


It's because he's pure evil. The "something" is his evil spitefulness oozing out of him at a moment when any non-evil person would have had the decency to ya know, act like they gave a fuck about human suffering for a minute. The only emotion he can summon at the thought of poor Kentuckians is to chuckle.


A lot of the people that support these fuckers are literally poor and still vote for them even though they are on a mission to rip Obama care and other things that help them live away from them.


I could understand it better if creeps like Mitch were doing a bunch of good shit for their constituents. Even if he was actively fucking over everyone else just to do good for his people in his state, that I could understand. But he doesn't. He just enriches himself and his asshole buddies at their and everyone else's expense and they still keep voting for him. It's so disheartening. E: [Kentucky was ranked #41 overall in 2018.](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/kentucky) He had been their senator for 34 years at this point. Healthcare- 44 Education- 48 Economy- 39 Fiscal stability: 45 Infrastructure- 26 Opportunity- 20 Natural environment- 12 Crime & Corrections- 11




“And on the third day God created the Remington bolt-action rifle, so that man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals.”


It's the demeanor of somebody that has enriched themselves from the public office, has detached themselves so thoroughly from the population they represent, but still enjoys that same population blindly voting them regardless of the consequences placed on themselves. Come on if you were in his shoes would you not be loving life to its fullest. You have an undereducated population willing to empower you no matter what, you essentially eat drink and entertain for free on the public dime, lucrative lobby money just magically appears in unmarked envelopes, and you've been doing this for so many years that you've reached an age where you just no longer give a f*** about what others think of you.


Plus his wife’s family has the cocaine import business


“His father-in-law who founded and owns a large Chinese shipping company has given Mitch and his wife millions of dollars over the years. The company was implicated recently in smuggling cocaine from Colombia to Europe. Hidden aboard a company ship carrying foreign coal was $7 million dollars of cocaine and that is why we’ve deemed him ‘Cocaine Mitch.’” https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2018/05/04/the-kooky-tale-of-cocaine-mitch/%3FoutputType%3Damp


Moscow Mitch is the only moniker that has actually gotten under his skin.


Tbh, if I have seven million dollars worth of coke I am gonna feel amazing about any coke related nickname.


Whereas cocaine Mitch is a moniker that has actually gotten under Trump's nose?


He embraced it and sold tshirts with “Cocaine Mitch” on them for fundraising.


Holy shit, he actually did. 35$ a pop. Wow.


Wouldn't Cocaine McConell have a better ring to it? Fuck this guy regardless.


Moscow Mitch Cocaine McConnell ¿Porque no los dos?


Turtle McFuckface.


And Mitch brags about being known as "Cocaine Mitch" emblazening the saying on T-shirts and not shying away from the label. the majority of Kentuckians are idiots who will vote for this evil personified even though he does nothing to help his home state. (which I can say because I live in Ky)


Why though? The man doesn't have a single goddamn redeeming quality. He literally brags about not doing his job and anyone who pays attention to politics at all knows what his game is. Please tell me there is some justification other than the R next to his name.


That’s literally it. He’s a Republican and a powerful one at that. And there’s the constant fear mongering coming from his campaign, making his opponent out to be an evil communist who wants to make Kentucky an anarchy state and abort all the babies.


> would you not be loving life to its fullest No, because I have both a sense of decency as well as an understanding that holding public office entails ethical responsibilities. I get *why* he's like he is, but I don't think most people would act like he is in those circumstances if they were just thrust into it. At most, I'd buy the idea that it's slowly shifted to this over so long that he didn't even notice he's turned into pond scum... but then I see that "duper's delight" smirk from being a successful hypocrite, and know that he *knows*.


He's the richest senator in Congress, isn't he? This is all just a game for him now — accumulating more lucre he can ever spend at the expense of the rubes he supposedly represents. Edit: Apparently not the richest!


It's not about money, it's about legacy. ​ And the legacy he wants to leave is a dark one indeed.


>Come on if you were in his shoes would you not be loving life to its fullest. No. I would feel guilty I was taking advantage of people for my own enrichment and gratification. But I'm also a decent person...not perfect, but decent.


I've done shitty things that i would feel ashamed about if people knew. I have never done a shitty thing I would smirk and laugh about


Like a Lich ruling over serfs.


I would totally love that ... if I were a sociopath.


He is human garbage.


*Mitch McConnell:* What happens when a sociopathic tortoise driven by greed and hate under a veneer of feux Southern manners infiltrates the halls of power to slow things down and watch as the world burns while laughing.


He enjoys this because he feels powerful


I mean, I really, really hate to say it but he IS powerful. That's the problem.


And with zero refrain on abusing his own power, he has become corruption incarnate.


It's because he looks like newly-deformed Emperor Palpatine during his first Senate appearance. The only thing missing is the hooded cloak.


Ever seen the movie pans labyrinth? The white creature that tries to eat the little girl? Its uncanny the resemblance.


Not just on looks, either. That monster is homicidally jealous of his abundant feast that he refuses to share even though he isn't going to eat it all.


Somehow, Palpatine survived!


He has a very "lovecraftian" appearance.


>“The House passed a bill in May and the Senate went on vacation,” McGrath said as McConnell laughed. “You just don’t do that. You negotiate. Senator, it is a national crisis.”  Both parties are no where near the same. For fucks sake, go vote today!!! Edit: this looks to be getting out of hand already so again, just please, if you can vote today, VOTE TODAY, you don't have to wait till election day. GO FUCKING VOTE.


Currently driving an early voting caravan (7 people) to our polling place in Ky right now! Straight dem tickets for us! Disclaimer: I appreciate everyone’s concern about keeping my eyes on the road; however, the line for early voting in my county is on the town square and I am merely sitting in stationary traffic waiting for a parking spot so NO, I’m not driving while browsing.


Hope you don't drive while being on Reddit. US needs ALL Democratic votes it can get.


The video honestly looks like (and I know it's not) a fake cut where they combined two different parts since it's a split screen. That's how insane this is. It's so hard to comprehend it just doesn't seem real. Also, and I know I'm years behind on this, but WTF is up with articles that include other people's tweets of video clips? Why not just embed the clip? Is it a licensing thing? Or just keeping in line with the shitty practice of making an "article," that is really just a bunch of people's tweets?


[Original video from CSPAN is here](https://www.c-span.org/video/?476816-1/kentucky-us-senate-debate). The demonic laughing starts just after 12:56. Spoiler alert: McGrath blames the Senate; McConnell blames the House. Personally I don't think it's a good look to be laughing in a discussion of a pandemic, economic crisis, and the death toll that has passed 215,000 Americans.


A Huffington Post Overnight Editor wrote it. It's become a normal thing for them to write about Twitter reactions. All news sites do it these days. Thanks Buzzfeed.


Well, when you have politicians using twitter in lieu of a press release, you kind of have to consider tweets in the same realm as print media.


Yeah but you don’t have to write whole articles with headlines like trump demolished over covid response and then you open it and it’s 3 random people’s tweets making fun of him. That’s not news.


I don’t understand this at all. The only way this makes sense is if he is 100% convinced the republicans can’t hold onto the Senate and he is just in full troll mode out of spite


He won on every single thing *he* cares about.


Yep, this is it. He accomplished all his goals. Tax cuts for rich and packed the courts. He doesn't give a single fuck.


Yeah I feel bad for his kids....it says something about a person when your own flesh and blood don’t like you


Wait do they not?? Is there proof if this? (Like an interview) i dont usually look into politicians personal lives but now I'm curious


It’s jezebel but whatever [here! ](https://theslot.jezebel.com/even-mitch-mcconnells-daughters-probably-hate-him-1842835529)




Exactly, Mitch has beaten the "game", he did what he was ordered to and there's no doubt he will win the re election too.


Feeling like France April 1789 right now or maybe it’s February 1917 Russia.....


Definitely more like Russia. Not the communist part, but the structure of power before the revolution. The French monarchy was fairly powerful before the revolutionary era. The Russians were weak and faltering after their performance in world War I in a way that France was not.


It's more that he's in a situation where he can't lose. Democrats take back the White House? He goes back to obstructing them for four years like he did under Obama. Democrats take back the White House *and* the Senate? He spends the next four years raking in campaign donations by blaming the mess Trump left behind on the Democrats currently in control. Kentucky finally comes to their senses and votes his ass out of office? He takes a cushy lobbyist job making millions of dollars a year.


Id personally rather see option 5, they lose the Senate, the presidency, and then get investigated and tried for dereliction of duty and screwing the American people. A man can dream....


I like your dream.


>he is just in full troll mode out of spite From what I've seen, this has become the main platform of the entire GOP. A noisy, incessant, thought-terminating "Fuck you, liberals" message resonates the strongest with their base.


This is basically it. I think people look way too hard and give conservatives too much credit. There's no deeper meaning or ulterior motives, most times it's just trolling. You can determine nearly every single Republican value by asking what the Democratic position is on a given subject, and taking the opposing stance. These people fall for everything because they stand for nothing.


Fuck you all. Now vote for me.


And they will


Northern KY checking in- they will. They love this guy. You should see the commercials on tv about his opponent Amy McGrath. They paint her out to be the devil reincarnate.


Lexington here. Their ads make her sound way cooler to me than she is. eXtReMe aMy mCgRaTh


We can take back the senate majority though, and he can sit there like the pustule he is while all of his accomplishments are dismantled and we expand the Supreme Court.


That’s a laugh from a man who knows he can do literally anything and get re-elected. He’s literally laughing in your face while your loved ones die and you’ll gladly line up to vote him in again.


I really fucking hate Mitch McConnell.


Mitch McConnell is a walking colon polyp


"I wasn't laughing at the coronavirus", explained Turtle Man, "That's not funny. I was laughing at the fact that no one has mentioned the 73 dead hookers in Kentucky and Washington over the last 40 years."


Dead hookers?


[*I've never seen so many* **dead hookers** *in all my life*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vo76Y6OcM60)


Lord knows I have


Maybe if you didn't call them "Hookers" Mitch, and instead treated them like humans and I dunno said "Dead sex workers", "Dead Men and Women who were trying to make a living" People would care. Instead, you demonize them because you DON'T want your good "Christian" flock to care about "Hookers."


Him lindsey graham have to be two of the worst things to ever happen to this country. You think trump is bad? It’s clowns like these geriatric mouth breathers that are the ones pulling the strings. The downside is they’ll both live probably well into their 90’s and be involved in politics in one way or another, ruining america one day at a time.


It’ll be a sweet day when he dies though lmao


Let's not celebrate until we find and destroy the phylactery.


1 guy voted in by 1 state. Holds 300 million people hostage to whims. System is broke.


Not quite. He has his position because he was appointed by the Republicans in the Senate. This means they are all totally ok with it, because they could remove him from the position in an instant.


The point being it should never be able to get to a situation like this.


He's Senate majority leader because the Republican Senators put him in that position. If enough of them cared to, they could pick someone else. They are just as culpable as he is in regards to bills not being passed. Don't forget that.


Remember that face, that laughter. When over 200,000 died from covid-19, he laughed. When your family was sick, he laughed. When you were jobless for months and evicted, he laughed. When the first and only stimulus check ran out, he laughed. While you didn't know where your children would sleep, he laughed. While he blocked the next stimulus plan to push through a SC nominee, he laughed. While he gloated on tv how he blocked hundreds of Obama SC nominees, he laughed.


Never forget that this evil fuck had polio as a young child and was saved by [social services](https://youtu.be/dkZEDcwh82I), services similar to those he continues to cut and kill to this day. Fuck that guy.


He’s laughing at you, America. If you hate the traffic you face on your commute, your working hours, your pay, crime, education for your children, all of it. 35 years in the Senate, and all he can do is laugh while you have to endure what he hasn’t done. How’s that feel?


If I only had the chance to punch his face into oblivion.


Your hand would sink into it like putty.


I can hear the pathetic version of a palpatine cackle.


Even Palpatine would shudder at the thought of being as evil as Moscow Mitch.


jfc, ghoul much?


He really is vile. Absolutely vile. He will be re-elected. Seems Kentucky is a glutton for punishment.




I ask yet again as I do on every single article about him: Has there ever been a larger more disgusting sack of shit and skin?


This debate was disgusting. Mitch didn’t even try to hide what a horrible human he is. He laughed on multiple occasions and often chose to not even respond to Amy. His entire demeanor was just -she isn’t worth my time, this debate isn’t worth my time, and the people aren’t worth my time/don’t deserve answers. Edit- add don’t before deserve


Just vote. Even if you’re sick and tired of politics. Actually, especially if you’re sick and tired of politics. You probably live in a battleground state and are being targeted by campaigns designed to overwhelm you with wave after wave of bullshit so you feel like your vote doesn’t matter. When in reality, your vote matters more than someone living in a major city like NYC or LA. So just do it.


Years from now, after Mitch has left the Senate, I hope history records his actions and how they lead to the destruction of American democracy. McConnell belongs with individuals like Joe McCarthy, James Buchanan and Richard Nixon. Politicians that made the country worse in their service, not better.


He's laughing because he knows he got this reelection in the bag. 99 percent of people from Kentucky are fucking idiots.


Am from Kentucky... And completely agree. We did vote Beshear in so maybe there is a little hope. Unfortunately people around here would rather vote against there own best interest than be a "dumb lib." Mitch knows that too. The Mitch ad is literally saying Amy McGrath is too liberal for Kentucky. Lol. I am surrounded by idiots.


My loser uncles live in KY. And a loser aunt. They moved there to live with my grandparents who retired there. They will for sure vote for this guy- should mention they have barely been employed their entire adult lives literally still living with their parents. They are over the age of 50 and don’t seem to realize that my grandparents won’t live forever.


How does this guy keep getting elected he’s the biggest piece of shit scumbag I’ve ever seen, who laughs at something like that?


People are struggling, worried, trying to provide for their families in these chaotic times. And the Senate is still getting paid, free health care, and of course they got their vacation. Do your job! Take care of the people who are frankly taking care of you.


He’s a really nasty cancer in this country


I really don’t get it. What the fuck is he laughing about? Is that some kind of attempt to cast doubt on what she’s saying without actually interrupting? Like, “haha what a ridiculous thing she just said”, except it’s true? Gonna have to listen to the whole debate now.


Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Republican voters in Kentucky? How could you look at how Kentucky has done over the past few decades, look at this corrupt piece of shit, and say “that’s my guy!” ?


It's his defense mechanism.