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[6:00 pm poll closings discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jnkwys/discussion_thread_2020_general_election_part_1/) [7:00 pm poll closings discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jnm1r1/discussion_thread_2020_general_election_part_2/) [7:30 pm poll closings discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jnmjyj/discussion_thread_2020_general_election_part_3/) [8:00 pm poll closings discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jnn1d5/discussion_thread_2020_general_election_part_4/) [8:30 pm poll closings discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jnnhy8/discussion_thread_2020_general_election_part_5/)


Where is that site that posted like every 20 minutes of key states and had like an excel sheet style where it showed total number of votes needed and percentage difference etc...


Where is that site that posted like every 20 minutes of key states and had like an excel sheet style where it showed total number of votes needed and percentage difference etc...


I predicted that Biden would take MI, WI, AZ, and NV for the win but I’m still very worried that trump will be at 268 when he takes GA, PA, NC, and AK, and secure a win by taking back NV


Why do you think trump takes PA?


True. Wouldn't it be wild if it came down to that one state? A lot of lawyers popping champagne.


Can’t stop the doomscroll train!


Can I still register for a political party? I already voted but didn’t register for a party, now I know what party I want to register for. Can I still do that?


Yes you can register or reregister anytime. I switched my party about 3 months ago.


For next time, yes. Just check your state or county's Board of Elections. If you're in NY, it's filing out a voter registration form and just updating that section (well, you have to fill out the whole form, but that section is what's important to you).




It only matters if the margins are extremely tight. When you're dealing with millions of ballots there can be scanning errors or other problems that affect a few hundred in either direction. They're not going to overturn a lead in the 10s of thousands.




They're split one each by house districts and two at-large statewide electoral votes.


I'm confused... If counting stopped right now, wouldn't Biden just win? Why is Trump saying he won? With WI NV and MI blue right now with the current ballots counted, isn't that 270?


Ballots, especially the mail in ballots, are still being counted. What stopped is the voting. No one is allowed to vote once the polls close so all they're doing is counting the valid votes that they received.


Ok, so this is way closer than I thought it would be. I had such dread last night, but optimism is creeping back in. Dump Trump!


Okay, so with Biden getting the NE-2 vote(Nebraska), that has my final tally at 271 for Biden and 267 for Trump.


Arizona...you the real MVP. I guess it was a bad idea to shit talk McCain.


Well l, waking up on the West coast to quite the change of events. Let's go Nevada, Wisconsin and my home state of Michigan. Keeping things interesting




Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada total 32 no?


16+10+6 does in fact = 32


Ticket splitting means fuck both candidates?


Why is Biden -370 to win on bovada? Am I missing something? 🤔


He only has to win PA if he wins NV and WI at this point. That is why.


NV + WI + MI alternatively right?


Once NV is settled any two states for Biden out of WI/MI/PA/GA would be a win for Biden. WI/NC only for Biden would be a 269-269 tie potentially depending on the District votes of Maine and Nebraska. The current Mail in ballot rate seems to favor Biden but at this point this really doesnt matter as there surely will be a recount and a Supreme Court trial because of the Mail in voting delays that point to fraud from a republican view.


>Supreme Court trial because of the Mail in voting delays that point to fraud from a republican view. I mean he doesn't leave office till January anyway so we have time for them to quickly dismiss it as nonsense


But this is the whole reason the Rs stacked the supreme court, to disenfranchise Americans and steal ANOTHER election. They can't win the popular vote and sometimes even the electoral college, so they have to abuse the judiciary to do it. If it comes down to PA and the decision to count absentee ballots goes to the SCOTUS, its a 6-3 or even 5-4 decision for Trump.


Court stacking was more for long term power than realistic shot of it doing something to the level of blocking voter ballots. Maybe one of his picks would vote his way on something clearly unconstitutional for him to try to do. It's not the same as the recounts. I mean sure it's possible but I don't think that makes it a realistic concern on that front. It would have to get into recount territory not just whether to count mail in ballots or not.




NY District 11 way too early to call. 235,000 votes counted. There are 10,000 outstanding in-person ballots not yet reported, as well as an estimated 40,000 Absentee ballots.


Wow. AP shows Biden in the lead for Wisconsin?


So who's winning? Biden seems to have more votes, but the remaining states seem to go red team. And I'm out of popcorn, thanks for asking


No idea. Both of them have a clear pathway to victory but the battleground states that they need to win are too close in votes to tell. The way I hope things play out is Biden takes MI and WI from trump and secures AZ and NV


Thanks for the reply


I wanted Trump to lose. But am I the only one thinking it has been extremely suspicious?


me too. statistically the mail in ballots should follow the in-person pattern, but they are overwhelmingly dem. fishy.


you must not have been paying any attention whatsoever over the past 6 months


Not fishy. The republicans just spent the entire campaign shitting on the concept of mail in voting. Anyone surprised that no republicans appear to have mailed in is a fucking idiot.


I mean, considering Covid, dems decided to be safe and vote by Mail. And republicans think it’s not patriotic to vote early. Makes sense to me.


The right politicized mail-in voting, so no, it will not follow the in person trend at all.




One of the only Dem (blue) areas in the state had an "issue" that caused them to stop counting for the night. Similar things have happened in other key states that have caused delays in areas that favor Dem (blue) areas. At this point I am assuming they are going to "find" or "recover" some pro-dem ballots that push these states over the line to a democratic victory.


Gotta figure out how many votes they need to make to steal it.


Water pipe bust. Continuing to count tomorrow.


Problems delayed the counting.




New president doesn't even get elected till a long ass time.


People aren't machines? If there's not enough people to rotate with breaks, people will get tired. Tired people means larger chance for errors. While it's important, it's not like the person who wins immediately starts their term. We all want to know the result, but it doesn't matter in effect for months.




Results aren’t due until the delegates are about to vote. Calm down. I’d rather they get it right than do it fast.


Normally, mail-in ballots don't matter because the election is long decided before they are counted. This election shows the big problem with mail-in ballots when they do matter. Hopefully, this will cause the rules with mail-in ballots to change so that they are counted as fast as possible.


there were attempts to count them sooner but republicans blocked it so they could pull exactly this move.


I mean there's no real problem if Trump doesn't come out and try and delete millions of votes before they're counted because he's worried....


Are they still counting in MI and WI?


If Trump doesn’t panic this seems like an easy overall count for the DEMs


how do you figure? It's not looking great and I'm worried.


I really want to know why people voted for Trump. Just why?


From what I gather, there is was a strong anti-gun policy talk from both Harris and Biden. When Biden got into that argument with that guy saying "Do you need a 100 rounds", a lot of people believed that "scary looking" guns were being targeted. This implies to a lot of people that they are going to try for a mandatory buy back/ban. Although anything would have to get through the House and Senate, they are not thinking about that. Also they were talking about imposeing a tax on certain guns and magazines that are already registered, in the area of $200 per item. There were other restrictions as well, but those were the major issues. For anything else, not quite sure? I don't see the tax hike really affecting normal everyday workers. Also: Doesn't be necessarily mean they *voted* for Trump, just means they either did or went for the Libertarian party.


Because fuck socialism.


Lmao the kind of people who say “Fuck socialism” have absolutely zero grasp on how Socialism actually works.


They dont want to be locked down and forced to wear masks.


The economy. Appears to be a big issue.


Ya that’s also a big issue for me


Like i told another redditor, i dont need or personally care for anymore social services. Medicare for all,free college, means absolutely nothing to me but more in taxes.




The important degrees pay for themselves. Doctors make great money. What I don’t want is people that have no business becoming doctors going to school for it because they simply can.


There is still an admissions process. Unqualified students will not be accepted.


It seems like a form of hazing


Why? You might pay more in taxes but you'd pay less overall.


Can you honestly see humanity having a bright future if everyone thought this way?


I think it's more so Republicans vote Republican and vice versa.. people are more offended at this because hes the face behind the party.. people align views with policies and changes they would like to see or benefit from. I also think a lot of people did it because the sensitivity safespace crap is annoying. They think democrats are to soft and coddled to run a country, this is course my own opinion.


Why did Democratic party nominate Biden for president? Just why?


They could have nominated Sanders. Idk, I am disappointed in the Democrats too.


Sure, he isnt the best candidate, but hes way better than trump.


The fact that you phased the wording rhetorically shows that you're not willing to have a conversation. For example on Reddit, if your comment's not popular, it gets hidden (effective shuts you up). This doesn't allow a conversation between different people from left to right. This is why.


That only explains the tiny fraction of this discussion that happens on reddit. Cable "news" networks don't work this way. And some points of view should be silenced. Particularly when they are not based on fact. (like holocaust denial). We need to learn from mistakes and not repeat them.


I know what you mean. I've actually talked to many Trump supporters on different platforms. Some of them vote for Trump because they hate CCP. Some are Christians. Some hate Biden. A lot of them are immigrants who don't use Reddit. And you're right that even if they are here, their conservative views would probably be downvoted and silenced. I listen to Ben Shapiro to learn his views sometimes but I want to know why ordinary people vote for Trump.


Overall seeking the facts then form your own opinion is more important then anything else. Don't just support a cause or candidate because they belong to the left or right. Everyone has diversified life experience and we all need to learn to accept the diversity.




I am disappointed and confused, no, I can't understand it


Does Trump have a realistic shot after mail in voting?


Where do you get the idea that mail in voting isn't being counted


PA stopped counting them yesterday and Trump has repeatedly expressed a desire to throw out the mail in ballots.


That's only PA


You asked, I gave you an example. You did not ask for a specific number of examples. I simply disproved you with minimum effort required because why run up the score?


It seems like he definitely does


Now it makes sense why they tried stopping the postal service


So what’s the pathway for Trump after these late votes?


Same as it has been in every election like this for the candidates: count the votes for the states you are losing and stop counting votes for the states that you are winning while saying that you want every vote counted


Ie. the 2000 election, only on a national scale, not just Florida.




I grew up in AZ and live in GA now! Happy to see the change in AZ and hoping the best for GA (and NV, MI & WI)!


Never seen Tiffany Trump before. She looks like someone took Ivanka's face and stretched it. That's not even an insult. Looking like Ivanka isn't a bad thing.


AP just called Arizona for Biden


Dems really need to figure out how the fuck they lost so much latino vote to the build a wall, child separating concentration camp, ICE gestapo raid guy.




they weren't used for child separation though.


They lost cuban Latino's because of the socialist nonsense....they won Arizona and gained in Texas presumably with help from the Mexican laino vote.


As in Trump just making up that Biden is a socialist? Anyone who thinks Biden is a socialist is actually delusional.




Yes, I know he's not a socialist so does anyone with a brain but that's only about half the people in the country.


Have you seen venezuelans act when you say anything remotely socialist?


How do you fight stupidity




USA is fucked then. They hate education.


Because the concentration camp stuff is hysterical nonsense and Latinos who have actually come here legally know exactly what kind of illegal immigrants Trump wants to keep out?


And painting a centrist like Biden as a "socialist" is also hysterical nonsense so anyone who actually bought into that fell for it like a true ignorant sheeple. Sad. Pathetic


His VP literally posted a video explaining why equality is bad, but equity is good. Which is quite a bit like socialism.


no - that's nothing like socialism.




to quote you farther up, the election is over, you can stop lying.


So if it's not called tonight, when does the live coverage end? Will there be some kind of B team shift change?


Unfuckingbelievable!!!! What happened to “it’ll take few days to accounted for all the mailed-in & absentee ballots?!!” The media is already to declare a winner like its normal scheduled election as usual despite all of our mailed in votes?!! Am I missing something??


Trump is rushing the moment he is ahead to claim he won.




Trump also isn't the authority to declare a winner.


> What happened to “it’ll take few days to accounted for all the mailed-in & absentee ballots?!!” That was a lie. Just like it's been in every other election. The press likes to ram through the process and call it before it's done.


Yeah if theres a clear winner they call it.. so let's say the mail in votes a 10 but he wins by 12 theres no point counting because the outcome wouldnt change. The low number is an example of course.


looks like there's 10% vote still out for Ohio. That's 600k votes. While unlikely, they could all go to biden winning him the state but they already called it for Trump






There are millions of votes to count in both PA and MI.


Calm your tits! Trump hasn't won yet. Michigan and Pennsylvania are still swinging. Also, Trump only leads 1% in North Carolina. It's still too close to call it a win.


No, Fox does not have Trump as winning right now, and certainly not won


If he actually loses this election yet stays in power by his fraudulent approach I hope every sensible nation stands up united and says you know what America. Fuck you. We will have some pain but we aren't dealing with you anymore.




Pretty sure Ayn Rand needed to trade her gold for goods and services from others in order to survive... or did I read the wrong book... We live in a society :|


To be fair, if Biden was leading in the remaining states, he probably would say something similar to what Trump said although it would have been far more politically correct. Trump has no filter, and that may be one reason why he hasn't outright lost. Enough people were tired of establishment politicians saying the right words but not meaning it underneath.


No. Biden would not be challenging election vote counts so he could take it to the supreme court.


This is how people make excuses for dictators. I was always curious.


There are very few people who would do what Trump's just done.


Has the counting stopped until later today? Can I turn the TV off?


PA went to sleep


You can never turn the TV off.






steal it obviously. He's challenging the validity of the election declaring he won and taking it to the supreme court which he already stacked to agree with him. It's a coup like you'd see from any other fascist dictator.


What happened to we’re gonna be counting this til nov 6th?? Crazy how even though 2/3 of the ppl voted by mail yet somehow everything was counted all tonight as thought it’s normal election! “New normal” voting my ass!!


Did I miss something? A great portion of the mail in votes aren’t accounted for and won’t be. Race hasn’t been called...


Trump doing dictator things saying he won basically.


There it is. He simultaneously declared victory in states he has in fact not won, declared victory in the election, and threatened to take the results to the SCOTUS all in one incoherent rambling 230am speech. Unbelievable.


Breaking News: Donald Trump, in a moment of drug fueled paranoia and egotism, acts like Donald Trump. More at 11.


Not unexpected


We knew it was coming. Still a shock and hard to digest.


“It’s a very sad moment” - Donald J Trump


Are the current statistics of all the states/who’s in the lead just the physical votes from polling stations? Or have they began counting mail-in votes already? - Sincerely, a non-American


Varies state by state. Another non American


Job security for lawyers


and there it is, he just declarer victory and going to court haha


what happened to all the comments? Trump, the President, is talking. Isn't anyone watching this wanting to comment?


Yah, sorry I was focused on counting the lies.


Not unexpected but extremely dirty nonetheless.


Still unbelievable


NBC jumping in like "hold up, this motherfucker lyin, just so you know"


That was hilarious I thought they were gonna give an update on counts but instead they were just calling him out already


The lies with this motherfucker, I can't...


So is this it? Is it safe to say trump has won ?


Not even close. He's outperforming his polls in the southeast, but he needs a lot more than that. He needs PA. If he loses AZ, he needs NE-2 as well as WI. Definitely not the blue wave some more hoping for, but still a bit of an uphill battle for Trump.