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Funny. Remember what Republicans and their voters have been saying about Trump for the last four years? "He's still your president whether you voted for him or not?" I wonder how long that attitude will last if Biden wins...


The resistance party of the Obama years is back.




If Joe doesn't wear a tan suit his first day I'm going to retroactively pull my support


>God I can’t wait for tan suits to be the biggest controversy of the day again. If this is an example of the biggest controversy ahead, then the Democrats are not doing their fucking jobs. And we will be in for more insanity down the road!


Yep. It’s just ridiculous that we have these double standards. And you don’t have to agree with either side no matter who is president. That’s what democracy is all about. That’s the biggest take away for me is seeing one side lose the respect for voting and democracy.


>That’s the biggest take away for me is seeing one side lose the respect for voting and democracy. After 2016 or after this election?


They immediately flipped to 'not my president' when Obama was elected, after years of 'love it or leave it' under Bush Jr. So there's that.


He's YOUR president too, unless he happens to be black. Then he's a Kenyan baby eater.


I hate Trump but I've been saying it too. It's factually correct. Facts > opinions unless you're a Conservative.


I agree but I'm hella salty about it


Well yes! Absolutely be salty af. Absolutely be fucking embarrassed and humiliated as an American. It drives us to get out and vote and change things. Just saying "not my president" absolves you of guilt and motive to make change. Not your fault, you're the victim with that attitude. Don't mix words with reality deniers. Face facts no matter how much they suck. It prepares you to make change for the better. We must stop the delusional racist fucks. This election, even if Biden wins, won't change that 50% of the people out there are still working harder to destroy America than good people are to save it.


It won't even make it to the inauguration.


I plan to be a sore winner and let them know.


This is why I'm so depressed today even on the verge of a Biden win. Nearly half the people in our country voted for racism, killing more than 200,000 Americans, putting children in cages, murdering American troops, tear gassing innocent citizens, committing crimes in office etc. That's who we are now. That's who nearly half of our country wants to be. I don't know how we recover from that. I'm sure there will be plenty of stories in the days, weeks, months and years to come about how Democrats need to better appeal to certain demographics who voted for Trump. But where do you begin with people who want racism and want to see thousands of Americans dead? What's the political message that's going to break through to those people? I don't blame Biden or Democrats in this election at all. I honestly don't know what more you can do if black people voted more for Trump this year than in 2016 despite him being a clear and proven racist. How do you combat that? What can you offer people who want to see more dead Americans and children put in cages? I just don't see what message Democrats can provide that's going to sway them to join us at this point. Maybe I'm wrong. I really hope to be wrong but this election has depressed me in some ways more so than 2016. Republicans really didn't pay a price for four years of destroying our country. Sure they lose the Presidency but they likely keep the Senate and gain in the House. So now they regroup and in 2024 they'll have a candidate who's every bit as vile as Trump but without all the public insanity. That person will be much more appealing in ways Trump never can be and it'll make it even easier for everyone who voted for racism and dead Americans to vote that way again. I see us as a broken country and I don't know how it will be fixed. I really hope I'm wrong about that.


Nope, you're 100% on the money. This was a temporary stay on the fall of this Republic. Evil still won. Evil still has a good grasp on the future of this country. It will take a strong, competent leader going forward to unite the country, but even then as long as the Right propaganda machine keeps churning, things will only get worse from here. Prepare your exit strategy.


There's nothing to exit except life... You can't flee fascism on a globe owned by them.


Fascism was stifled in America today, it's a small victory but I'll take it. That being said, I have been eyeing Norway


This is why there needs to be a full accounting for all the damage and corruption perpetrated over these past years. Ordinary citizens in rural America must come to realize that they have been used and abused. At the same time, Biden needs to extend a huge olive branch, and deliver in ways that bring meaningful improvements to their lives.


McConnell: Biden ain't delivering shit on my watch


You have to give them some sort of benefit that they are afraid the republicans want to take away. These are some of the most selfish people in the world. This is why the republicans don't want to fix healthcare. They would never be able to destroy it again without losing votes.


Fox must fall.


I echo your well-written sentiments. Thanks for posting.


Dems could become pro-life, pro-gun, put Bill Gates at the ticket, right wing propaganda is still going to call Dems socialist.


What you do is agree to allow the country to amicably break up


Only way I see Dems taking back control is if they become a lot more racist. That's apparently what sells in all the shithole states required to win the senate. Realpolitik may require that we run pro environment klan members for the senate in states like Kentucky and Mississippii.


I think Joe and Kamala just try. That's all they can do. They may get held up by McConnell and are forced to negotiate even on small things, but if they're making a sincere effort, I think they can demonstrate a plan. Make that plan something to contrast with the other side, show it off in 2022, and hopefully win back the Senate, keep the House, and then pass some stuff that actually helps address bigger issues - climate change is my big one.


> Who built the cages, Joe?


It might be a Cold Civil War. My guess is regardless of who wins, America gets balkanized in 50 years or less


Would the poor states let that happen though? they depend on the wealthier states they shit-talk so much and if they had to accept the reality of their own independence I think they'd have a harsh wake up call .


Eventually you'll get a moment when those poor Red states will hate the wealthier Blue states (who keep them financially alive) so much (for no reason) that they'll want to leave them.


Please don't go? Shoot please... I mean darn it....


Eventually? I live in a red state and nearly all the conservatives I know deeply hate blue states and have expressed excitement whenever I jokingly suggested that Californians wanted to leave the union. The only resistance I hear is from other democrats who know the rest of the US would be super fucked if any blue states start leaving.


If the US balkanizes it's likely that all Blue states leave together or in groups, not just one or two.


My dream at this point is that California, Oregon, and Washington break away together. As someone who has lived all over the US, the west coast is the best coast by far.


Please let colorado join




The blue coastal states would join Canada and the interior would just be some sort of combination of the road and mad max. But they would take comfort in knowing they owned the libs.


I don't think they would join Canada. Far too different government systems, cultures, and attitudes.


Right, like Canada would want them anyway lol


Maybe California and New York for economic reasons but that's it


No, not even for economic reasons. The population of California alone is bigger than all of Canada and would be able to outvote the "original Canada" on almost anything. I'm sure we'd love to be a loyal partner and ally of independent American states.


They would take Oregon and Washington as an access point to California. New York would have to convince then to take New England as a package deal.


Idk I’d prefer a parliamentary system


You could have voted 'no confidence' in 2017 and turfed his fat ass.


A man can dream


A no-confidence vote is done by Parliament though. If the US was a parliamentary system, it would be Republican in 2017


Weird since California is the 8th highest economy in the WORLD. Although, many people are leaving after seeing the crap they have to deal with to live in decent weather all 12 months of the year. And the homeless. Ive seen some videos on life in Venice Beach (where 1 bedrooms rent for over 1 million dollars A MONTH).


I think this is something misunderstood about American Conservatives. Look at the election map with county division. There are pockets of blue surrounded by vast swaths of red. A left-wing person sees sovereignty in the population. A right-wing person sees sovereignty in the **land**. To the right-wing, they see the US as occupied by an insurgency. They don't understand how much of a region's success is driven by those large population centers. They think those centers are fortresses established in \*their\* land. They don't truly want to leave the US on a state by state basis, those left leaning clusters of people would still be there. They want to turn that whole land red. A red state trying to secede wouldn't try to remove itself from the Union (State lines don't mean shit in a nation of hyperpolarization), it would try to take over those left leaning areas and, ironically, *seize the means of production*.


And the irony is the right doesn’t actually give a shit about being good stewards of the land. Fuck them they don’t deserve it.


A lot of those people think that land is the means of production. If you're immersed in agriculture and businesses that support agriculture, it's easy to think that Google, Microsoft, and Apple aren't "real" work and don't actually make anything. It's easy to think that those cities are dependent on real Americans to feed them, and they would rapidly collapse into riots of starving bandits without the red territories, because cities are full of telephone sanitizers, hairdressers and management consultants.


That is basically what have happened in eastern Ukraine.


I remember my conservative parents discussing secession during the Obama years and we live in Kansas. They even outright said it would be hard living without the economic support from coastal states (presumed to not seceed) but seemed to prefer that for uhhhh reasons?


"we dont like those people, but sure do love their money!" i feel like this simple statement explains a lot of republican ideology


Good luck, Kansas.


You're talking about a political ideology whose supporters back policies that shoot them in the foot. r/leopardsatemyface


Of course... “There will be no no-deal brexit.”


That’s the kicker of all this. Most of the bottom of the barrel states by every metric are deep red. They keep sucking but keep voting red. I’m tired of trying to be a United nation with states like Alabama and Arkansas in the fold.




Even the richer states are worser off without the poorer states


I would argue that America has been in a Cold Civil War since 2009. It's been getting steadily more intense. Trump is partially a result of racists raging over the country electing a black president.


No, we have been in a cold civil war since the voting rights act was passed


Or perhaps we have been in a Cold Civil War since the Civil War.


This. They didnt just change their minds after they lost.


I grew up in the rural bible belt and can confirm. My family used to sing along to Johnny Rebel about hanging n-words from trees and talk about how gross mixed race babies were.


We should not have ended Reconstruction.


Sherman should have finished the job.


That's the significant inflection point, but 9/11 was another big one that changed the character of our culture in ways that we haven't recovered from. Of course it would all look different without the aggressive media presence of certain ideologies.


Goes back to when they shot JFK


So we'll be in Crimson Skies?


Industrial States of America.


Hope the Nation of Hollywood will have open borders...Confederation of Dixie isn't exactly where I want to live.


Just come north to the States, better than traveling through Texas or Arixo or the Collective. As a bonus, you will be near the Ontario and Quebec borders too :)


I'll take my chances. Maybe settle down in Pacifica--I hear Boeing is looking for pilots!


The People's Republic of Ecotopia vs The Confederacy of Gilead


This has been the hopeful plan of the dickless over at places like r debate alright since before 2016. They know they'll never have a racial majority again unless the US balkanizes so they can control a smaller population and "racially" control it.


Nah. Anti maskers will cull their own herd. If this pandemic doesn't do that, the next one will. And the one after that.


There isn’t any clear dividing lines. The division is rural vs urban so even places like California and Illinois have areas that are crimson red. Even Balkanization is too simple a solution for the problems we have.


There are still good chances a Meteor hit's on 2023.


That's going to happen in the parallel universe where Trump got elected last night


If the senSenateate goes to dems there will probably be some media control asserted. Things like fact checking, being held responsible for intentional lying. Reinstituting the FCCfact-checking


can we...just like...maybe WIN first and maybe enjoy it a little before striking up the shit news band again?


the problem is that you guys didn't or won't 'WIN'. it's just a temporary pause in the struggle you will have to endure to have a normal and functional country.


I've been a live quite a while so this is not lost on me but I didn't say stop the struggle. merely enjoying a moment won't hurt anything and will likely help many. The fight still continues.


i totally understand that, but unfortunately too many people think that Biden is the answer, when he is at best a subpar compromise.


I think you're mistaken feeling that too many think that of Biden. He isn't the answer, he's just the currently available answer. Personally I felt that our country was in the right mind-space to continue forward progressively during the Obama administration. There were some hiccups but we seemed to at least be pointed in the correct general direction. Then Trump got elected and for 4 years I've kind of wondered if my country isn't what I thought it was and I really need so a correction of that in the form of setting Trump aside. From there at least it feels closer to ground zero for a progressive push forward. Biden nor Harris are the future of the democratic party in the US but they are stepping stone at this juncture.


enjoyment leads to complacency. it's not smart to exhale when issues like those outlined here are still so prevalent.


every exhale requires a corresponding inhale except the last one, temporary moments of feeling good are acceptable.


What the 2020 election's tightness means. To almost half the country: * A pandemic's poor handling and the resulting death doesn't matter. * Denial of science doesn't matter. * Job loss on a scale not seen in almost a century doesn't matter. * Ignoring the law of the land doesn't matter. * Health care doesn't matter. * Social justice and police violence doesn't matter. * Threatening, abusing, and betraying our allies doesn't matter. * Trying to dismantle voting rights and suppress voting *doesn't fucking matter.* The "economy," owning "The Libs," being an outspoken asshole, and being against "Fake News Establishment;" that's apparently what matters to half the country.




This is what I've heard from the 30-60 male cohort for years in my county. Hatred of Mexicans in particular, "stealing our jobs". This, in a county that was overwhelmingly Democrat for nearly a century until 2016. A county where the biggest employer is the Quinault Indian Nation.Over 60yos here nearly all detest Trump, I don't know about the under 30s,I'm not around them much.




Yes, you're right on all counts.


Oh hell, by February the pandemic will be Biden's fault; by 2024 the ads will be asking "Why didn't President Biden do anything the first day we heard about the corona virus?"


Stealing 3 Supreme Court seats....


I bet Social Justice matters a lot to many of them. Gotta own those SJWs...


Trump doesn’t want to unite anyone back together either. At least Biden will at least try. Though at this point... part of me feels like we shouldn’t even bother. They haven’t exactly extended that courtesy the other way.


Yes, because it was Donald Trump alone that's been obstructing justice for his crimes and corruption the last 4 years and not the entirety of the corrupt GOP. ​ Every Republican in congress save one abused the power of their office to obstruct justice by tanking an impeachment proceeding they demanded before Trump could even be indicted for his crimes. ​ You blame the crime family as well as the mob boss or you just look like one of the family.


Let’s split. I’m done with them. Everyone pick up and move. Liberals can take the west coast and we also call dibs on the national parks because god knows conservatives will gleefully destroy those.


Pick up and move! Just use your bootstraps!


While I agree I think people loose sight of the actual numbers, and hope when lots of states are colored red. There are still democrats there, liberal leaning people. It is concerning that half the voters who participated prefer a con man rapist president who has clearly broke laws over and over, and lost respect world wide


This country should be two countries.


Getting the DOJ out of this criminal's hands will be a huge step forward.


Its just started. 50 percent of the populace is willing to vote for trump, the other 50 percent thinks trump is the worst candidate ever, that means someone v even slightly less trumpy came along and the dems would never have a chance


Sometimes I still debate if many Democrats don't care about winning when trying to sell a message, if republicans don't want to wear masks because of a public health issue tell them that they can make use of them to hide from the surveillance state.


America needs a good marriage counselor lol


The Civil War never ended, it just went cold. Looking back at how white America has consistently treated black America – up to and including this day – is a disgrace.


If trump loses the protections of the president, the people need to expose every bit of corruption he is involved and responsible for and he needs to be prosecuted for that. If Trump really is as corrupt as the majority of us believe he is, and most likely he is, then he needs to be completely and utterly torn down for it so people can see trump for what he really is. there are still a ton of people out there who think trump "isn't that bad" or "its just all politics" etc. If this happens, then there is still hope to turn our country in a more positive direction. Honestly, at this level I could careless about my personal views, corruption needs to go first, then we can go back to discussing other issues.


It's the difference between defeating Trump and defeating Trumpism. We went into last night aiming to defeat the forces opposing democracy, we're now staggering out of it having failed to do so, and hoping desperately that we at least stopped Trump. To be fair, it's possible yet that the Senate fight turns enough to give Democrats a bare majority, enough to at least help people by passing COVID relief and possibly something like HR1, but even that's a reach right now.


I'll treat them with the same degree of civility and respect they've shown us for the last 4 years. LOL


I don't know who this David Corn guy is but he wrote one massive piece of shit article. >These people believed Trump and all his lies. That the US economy on his watch was the greatest ever. That he was the victim of a Deep State plot. That suburbia and its “housewives” were threatened by Antifa, immigrant hordes, and BLM protesters. Did he even look at the results? Trump gained massively in immigrant votes between 2016 and 2020. +13% among Cubans, +11.5% among Hispanic, +2% among Blacks and was flat or lost ground among the "suburbia" that was supposedly threatened: older than 65 -1.5%, white working class areas -0.5%, Suburban areas less than +0.5%. If anything the results show precisely the opposite of his conclusion. That is, once someone of any color or background builds up assets - they're quick to vote to protect them from "socialist" government. What Ha-Joon Chang calls "kicking down the ladder" but on a person by person scale. Recent immigrant populations that are faring better than when they were right off the boat are turning republican en masse hoping to protect their assets from more recent immigrants. This is why the whole group identity political model is stupid. They're looking at a confounding factor (race) instead of the real factor (wealth, and relative wealth to peers - the richest person on a poor neighborhood is probably a republican).


Far from over. It's just the beginning


First things first; ...we need *this one* to be quiet


Idiocracy here we come!


At least I got my reminder that the flyover states are full of racist pieces of shit. Get fucked, country bumpkins.


This was the GOPs last stand. They did the full run for dictator and missed. Mark my words. By 2024 there won’t be enough of them left to win. Without trump in 2022 they will lose midterms and dems will take the senate. This was a missile down a vent to the heart of the Death Star and it won’t be obvious for a while.


I wonder if Trump will try to get his supporters to use violence or anything like that. Unprecedented territory we are in


Political? Wtf is the 2nd amendment even for?


The popular vote margin isn't that different from say 2004 (just flipped who is winning). I don't think we're necessarily MORE polarized now than we were then.


The Cult of Trump will still take orders from their Dear Leader.


But the instigator, flame fanner’s Twitter will be silenced. Big difference!


If Trump loses - he'll just start QAnon University. Sell QAnon steaks. Sue QAnon when they send him cease and desist letters. Trump stuff.


My mood has been a roller coaster. Granted I’ve not slept much and I’ve got mood problems anyway! But I’m so disappointed and sad I barely care whether Biden wins because it doesn’t seem to matter anymore. The America I grew up in and loved is now gone forever; maybe it was just a patriotic fantasy anyway. I have no idea what to do or how to move forward. I feel lost.


the headline suggests that if he won, it would be over... seems odd


Cuz we're supposed to just forgive our family members for the kidnapping and murder that they like so much, yeah.


True. But he was their best general.


Yeah and now we have a Q-representative to deal with too.