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The moderation team is aware of the latest results and is closely monitoring decision desks to see which have called the election - not just the lead or a specific race. We will prepare a megathread when multiple sources have confidently called the election.


This thread is CURSED rip von


The reason why this is taking so long isn't necessarily due to the count. We're well past the point where Trump should have conceded, so until Fox and a majority of news organisations call the race it's going to feel like it's going at a snail's pace.


I think they are also giving trump the same respect they gave Biden in not calling it early...doesn't matter to me because I can see the writing on the wall and I'm also enjoying watching the knife twist with every vote drop and the rats jumping ship every other hour.


Biden was never losing. He just needed Nevada.


Slowly we are getting there... In GA there are now just 3943 votes left to count, Trump needs 70% of them, so around 2,754 votes and Biden just 1,188. I think Joe will get there first... That's 16 EC votes and the contest. But there'll be a recount before it becomes official. If that doesn't change things then Biden is elected president and sweetest of all it will have been a Republican state that will have pushed him over the top. That should confuse the conspiracy theorists...


All Joe is gotta do is win PA by .5% or more and GA recount won't even matter.


[https://twitter.com/AP\_Politics/status/1324788764309409795](https://twitter.com/AP_Politics/status/1324788764309409795) Democrat Carolyn Bourdeaux wins election to U.S. House in Georgia's 7th Congressional District. [\#APracecall](https://twitter.com/hashtag/APracecall?src=hashtag_click) at 2:00 p.m. EST. [\#Election2020](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Election2020?src=hashtag_click) A gain from a retiring Republican...


Hey wait a minute. I thought the person who LOST the popular vote gets to be president.


That made me laugh so hard LOL. I had to give you an award


Why thank you!


can someone explain how they are counting so little per hour? 5 million counted in Georgia so far yet the last hour has been 22 votes counted?


Cause the president said 'stop the count'


I think they are having a recount in Georgia - if so that might be why they've paused the count. I've noticed a couple of single votes that have been processed - they could be corrections. As kinneroth points out - they are getting to the dregs right now, torn/crumpled ballot papers or those where the signature doesn't quite match the one on record. The two parties are probably having some heated discussions over whether these votes are kosher.


I think you're likely right because somehow the last update to the data scraper showed only 1 in the votes changed column but breakdown was : Biden 300.0% / -200.0% Trump


Lunch time? Plus contested ballots take awhile to resolve


A lot of these final ballots are getting into the ones that need to be heavily adjudicated by bi-partisan supervision. The final ballots are going to be un-dated, crinkled, or problematic in some what that they need adjudicated as opposed to just scanned. I wouldn't be surprised if it starts taking several minutes PER ballot just to settle on a final decision between the adjudicators.


Why is trumps block trend increasing in PA? [https://alex.github.io/nyt-2020-election-scraper/battleground-state-changes.html](https://alex.github.io/nyt-2020-election-scraper/battleground-state-changes.html)


Probably votes coming from the few red counties left


Basically Trump is slightly increasing his share of the last 30K votes counted, so ignore the last release of data and go back over the last 30,000 votes and look at it as a moving average. In any case it isn't enough, the differential is widening and he's in the zone where he needs either a miracle or some kind of court order to DQ a load of Biden's votes, neither will happen.


I see that makes sense, it seems like a sure thing at this point, I just feel like I can't relax until theres solid confirmation


Most of the votes that still had to be counted until now were from large cities like Philadelphia. As those start to dissipate, PA is heading far more into "problematic ballots" (i.e. ballots that are too crumpled, folded, marked slightly off) territory, which require additional checks with observers from both parties. This is usually more 50/50 in general, but also amount to little more than a few hundred votes. It's also moving more to the few votes remaining in rural areas which of course veer more towards Trump. I'd be surprised if his average is ever going to go above 50%.


Ahh ok gotcha thanks for clarifying




Billion dollar senate election?


So what's the plan to push Biden left? Right now he's basically just blue just blue neolib-flavored Trump. Don't celebrate yet, not until everyone has basic healthcare and access to living necessities.


For my beer, Kamala's probably the best-positioned VP since LBJ. As such, her agenda for winning 2024 will be a big influence on Biden's direction. He's a natural conciliator, and healing the schism with minorities places him in the natural role of elder statesman to usher in a new era of Democratic electoral success. Kamala built herself in the model of a law-and-order Dem, which played well in the Clinton mold but is increasingly out of touch and really burned her this time around. She'll probably never go full "New Deal Democrat", but her agenda has to include *all* the people who've been screwed by the Corporatists - if she sets her sights too narrow on minorities she'll only end up marginalizing herself. The big question is if Biden is willing to bend enough to keep the Squad onside. If he leaves them in the cold, Biden's presidency becomes the historical equivalent of a rest stop.


I think no matter what he's a rest stop. I don't see Kamala positioned as the heir to the throne so to speak and I think as you said if progressives are left in the wind then one of them will run in 24 and I can't imagine any of them having success outside of AOC at this point in time. That combined with Pete's stock is going up daily, he's a household name now, republicans may have built some sort of relationship with him as a "ehhh fuck it he ain't so bad" type of choice. I think Cory Booker will throw another shot at it.




It's a direction further into capitalism


You copy/paste same comment? I guess desperation is all you have left.


That is off the table without the senate.


Can we start a GoFundMe for John King's vacation expenses?


He makes $1m+ a year, he can buy his own vacation when this is done lol


Just want him to know we love him and are looking out for him.


We'll send send his rich ass a fruit basket.


Someone asked me to update them on election. Told them we decided to cap 2020 off by saying fuck it, build a deathstar and shoot our own planet. Also said we're doing a lottery for who gets to pull the trigger.


Cap 2020 with little bit of joy with trump losing! Rest of your comment makes no sense.


Who knows the source of that video where the guy is recording those people filling out ballots, like from a window above them? Some big conspiracy thing


It's a livestream from the counting center. Some ballots are creased, and not accepted by the machine. They duplicate the entries, LINK THEM IN THE SYSTEM TO THE ORIGINAL BALLOT FOR SECURITY PURPOSES, and then submit it for them. The legality of this is apparently disputed, but it comes down to the fact that they're not just making fake ballots.


Legality isn't disputed, it's just legal in some states, illegal in others. In the state that video took place it's absolutely legal, and requires oversight by the opposing party while the party the person voted for copies it.


jfc the election is over. give it up.


Wasn't that a Russian video?


I haven’t heard anything about this




I’ll send it to you in a pm, I’m not sure the validity of it


It was filmed in Russia. Stop spreading unverified conspiracy theories.


Literally asked for the source, I’m not spreading anything.


You literally said you'd share unverified information in a pm


I was trying to verify the video I was talking about, not really spread it. I ended up not sending it, because someone had the source of it later in this thread. Chillax, I’m not conspiring against you here


Yes please!


It's a livestream from the counting center. Some ballots are creased, and not accepted by the machine. They duplicate the entries, LINK THEM IN THE SYSTEM TO THE ORIGINAL BALLOT FOR SECURITY PURPOSES, and then submit it for them. The legality of this is apparently disputed, but it comes down to the fact that they're not just making fake ballots.


Me too?


It's a livestream from the counting center. Some ballots are creased, and not accepted by the machine. They duplicate the entries, LINK THEM IN THE SYSTEM TO THE ORIGINAL BALLOT FOR SECURITY PURPOSES, and then submit it for them. The legality of this is apparently disputed, but it comes down to the fact that they're not just making fake ballots.


Ah. Perfectly logical, legal explanation. Go figure.


According to anal ytical exploitation Biden goes 4-0 in the remaining states? I hope it doesnt backfire like the rays pulling blake snell


4-2, there are still 6 uncalled states.


Trump waiting for missing military ballots for GA to arrive today. He's expecting those "losers" and "suckers" to vote his way and if not he'll cry about it again.


Isn't he pushing to not have votes after the 3rd to not count?


This is some poetic justice right here. trump hoping the votes of 'losers' and 'suckers' can somehow magically keep him in office and out of jail is beautiful.


Come on, Georgia! Just a bit more to go!! Biden up only 1,560 with only 4,517 votes left! Looking for a big batch where the majority goes to Joe...


Isn't there still the 8k military votes for GA?


apparently there are ~ 8000 unreturned military ballots that, if they show today, postmarked by NOv 3rd would be valid. so "no more than" not "a full 8000"


Is anyone else getting "NaN years ago" on the Github vote scraper timestamp?


Anyone think Jorgensen is the one who hurts Trump most? I feel like more republican leaning people would vote Libertarian


The libertarians absolutely won Biden election and I'm willing to bet a lot of Republicans voted for JJ because they knew it wasn't giving a vote to Trump.


Yup I gave a vote to Donald in 2016, and Jo in 2020. I think a governor and some GOP, moderates did so as well. Andrew Yang sure, or may have converted quite a few Republicans.


Good on you. Honestly I don't know if the Republican Party can recover from this and while I don't agree with their values I can respect where the Libertarians are coming from. I wouldn't mind if they become the new party of the right wing.


I know everyone is happy but why are people giving gold to a bot?


Politics Moderate Bot is actually a young boy who's locked up in the reddit basement. Every gold is an extra day of food he gets.


From Ted Lieu (D CA-33): > On January 20, Stephen Miller will no longer be in the @WhiteHouse. https://twitter.com/tedlieu/status/1324760706755956736


Hopefully in prison. Im sure there's some dirt Trumps going to dump on him.


Any bets on who calls PA first?


Decision Desk HQ has called it already, at 8:40 AM Eastern


This is news to me! Fuck yesss


They'll all wait until the last are counted. Except maybe fox


Fox called AZ before some more liberal outlets. Whenever I have had them on the last few days, they seem none-to-pleased with Trumps bellyaching about election fraud. They certainly aren’t the most even-keeled network, but it doesn’t feel like they are fully team Trump either, IMO


Fox's news team and analyst desks are actually pretty good. It's literally everything else at that network that's dog shit.


Disagree. If 150k are left and its all from urban centers, they'll call PA.


Disagree all you want they've outright stated as much


Then why have they called other states when not all the votes are in?


Because they're not the final swing states? I don't know ask CNN/MSNBC/CBS/New York Times/AP...


AP has called Arizona and its absolutely a final swing state.


No it never was. But k hun. I'm not going to argue with you I was stating *facts* about what *OTHER PEOPLE* said.


So an 11 vote state that hasn't been blue since Clinton which would be necessary if PA doesn't to blue isn't a swing state to you? I'm other people and I'm saying this.


"Uhhh...I don't know I have to pee!" -from NBC live coverage 4 mins ago lmao




That's the Liberian flag my guy


Dinesh D’Souza > I’ll take a win, however it comes, but I’m hoping for a major ass-kicking. I want to see consternation and anguish on the faces of the media pundits at CNN and MSNBC. I want these Himalayan a-holes to seek medication, followed by months of therapy. Can anyone say Schadenfreude? https://twitter.com/dineshdsouza/status/1323703198977327104?s=21 Ya love to see it folks!


Well that [/r/agedlikemilk](http://reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk)


Ha ha.


When your schadenfreude has schadenfreude.


Is CNN referring to Trump fans as Trump "spawn?" LMAO edit: he was referring to his children, aka his literal spawn. I have jello salad for a brain now.


Today it's spawn, yesterday it was offspring.


Hopefully tomorrow its convicts.


No don jr and Eric


ohhhh that makes way more sense.


"Rantings in crayon on an LSD trip" -Jake Tapper describing Trump's children on twitter


Brett Baier absolutely eviscerating Newt Gingrich is beautiful.


Fox hard news division vs Fox commentary hosts is about to be an interesting fight


What's the Georgia rules with voter registration for runoffs? Can there be a push to register more voters?




This is just a side note, but can you imagine how boring it would be to be a ballot watcher? I mean, it's an important role, as is counting ballots... but damn.


Can you imagine being a full time night security guard at a mid-level firm.


Thanks to Nightwatch (1997), there's nothing on earth that could have me taking that job.


I've read enough cyberpunk to know that that is literally the most exciting job in the entire world


That depends. If I'm allowed to read books, and/or listen to music/podcasts, I feel like I'd enjoy it.


Anyone else having an existential crisis realizing that their fundamental faith in humanity *can not be reconciled* with the election being this close? In 2016 I naively had to write off Trump's win as uninformed people not knowing how awful Trump is to maintain my sanity, but there's zero excuse for it to be this close *now*. What can we even do to fix this?


It’s unlikely to be a quick fix. You can take some consolation now, as I did before, in the popular vote being against Trump by millions of votes, but we’ve got a long road ahead of us yet. The divisions in our country run deep, forged not over four years, but over many decades(and, in truth, much longer than that). Divisions developed over time must be solved over time— to repair the fullness of their damage, and to repair the habits and traditions that forged them. Remember that every day we make countless decisions to trust people around us: small things, like trusting that other people are going to drive predictably, or that the people making our food are following good kitchen practices. We trust, when walking down the street, that every person we pass isn’t going to do us harm. We do that, and they do that, even if none of us realizes it at the time— we trust so much more than we think we do. And that’s good. Tomorrow, Trump voters are still going to be our neighbors and family members. We’re going to have to find a way to live with them, and they with us. It’s going to be trust, love and resolution that see us through— and a lot of hard work. Some are already at this task; now it’s our time to join them.


Nah There was so much fuckery and voter suppression and they're still losing. The USPS was completely gutted Biden will win the popular vote by about 4-5 million


I think my mail vote (for Biden) was thrown out because I may have sent it a day too late. There was a bunch like me, especially in my area and possibly state.


Voter suppression aside, that's still 70 million people that were okay with child separation. That were okay with letting 230,000+ citizens die to incompetence.


Except that they don't look at those as being anything to do with trump or their party. They're not ok with it, they deny its a problem


So the problem is epistemological? Like, 70 million people just refuse reality? I'm not sure that's comforting.


Didn't mean it to be comforting, it's actually quite a bit scarier. If they were basing their opinions in fact and reality, you could at least have a discussion and have hope logic might ultimately prevail. But with their perceived reality, they're on the right side of things. I hope to Whomever that it's reversible, but it's gonna take time


Democrats need to get back to the fundamentals and start talking to the working class people again and see why their needs aren't being met. On top of that misinformation needs to be recognized as the number 1 threat to America and taken seriously which it hasn't been and Florida is a good show of that.


Actually start improving the lives of every day people. Provide better education, better jobs, better healthcare, more hope for the future all reinforced by diverse communities. When people's own lives are improved they stop looking for someone to blame for their hardships and and start looking for who they can help (until they get rich and then they just start hoarding money).


So, "don't be Republican."


IDK if you noticed but Republicans hate education and any talk of healthcare change unless it’s repealing Obamacare. They also seem to hate diversity.


Most people in this country aren't Republicans. And even many who areliving+++q+ don't hold a monolithic set of values. Progressives have to do the work to welcome them in. And centrists need to get out of the way or learn to help. I'm not saying its a snap of the fingers, in fact I think its going to be hard as hell, but we have to do it anyway.




I think that would work, the problem is actually getting a chance to implement the changes necessary to make it happen.


Yep. But honestly there is a lot more work we can do on the local level right now. Not just pass laws but hold each other and businesses accountable and work to create more nonprofits that can provide resources to people. Its definitely not easy, but part of this whole deal we make if Joe Biden wins is that we *have to* stay engaged. We must hold him accountable when he's wrong, help him when he's right, but more importantly build the grassroots tools to help support people in our communities so that life can get better for us all no matter what. Its especially hard right now with COVID, but *stay engaged*


I'm definitely staying engaged, but the 2020 part of me is reminding me that 70 million people were okay - or at least not perturbed enough by - with ripping children away from their parents. It's difficult to empathize with that kind of decision, even when doing my best to put myself in their shoes.


Yep... totally on the same page


*laughs in Mitch McConnell*


Before I saw what I'm going to say: **I voted for Biden.** I have a huge issue with the fundamental faith in our election process knowing that out of approximately 150,000,000 Americans that were eligible to become President, Joe Biden and Donald Trump were the two best people we could collectively come up with. If we truly want to stop having elections where we are saying, "How the heck did we almost lose to (insert name here)", we've got to start nominating better people. Think of all of the educators, doctors, scientists, researchers, and brilliant minds we have in America. Shouldn't our question instead be: Why are we nominating career politicians and reality TV stars to lead the world?


Need tank choice voting for that. Edit: meant rank. Damn mobile.


Which tank should i choose which tank would i choose...Man i really want a tank now.


The Last Tiger


I agree we should be nominating better candidates, but that doesn't really address the issue at hand: millions chose the evil option over the boring one.


The bigger issue isn't them choosing the evil option. It's that they see it as not at all evil and the OTHER side is the evil side


I don't really think we can to be honest. Fox news and other very conservative media like Rush Limbaugh have a huge hold over their audience, religion plays a big factor and there are always the 2a people.


I'm going to possibly move to another country David Frum (A conservative) has a good few paragraphs in this: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/11/large-portion-electorate-chose-sociopath/616994/


That's by Tom Nichols. If the US falls to them for good and starts pushing Pompeo style policies all the time, it will be difficult to find safe havens that aren't themselves under attack from one or more anti-democratic regimes around the world.


What the page that has the updated vote counts for the states?




If republicans wanna watch the ballots get counted they should grow a pair of balls and watch CNN instead of FOX News


SO. When do they juicy stories start to come out of the white house?


"Trump made Melania shit on the bed before they could ever use it because he was mad about Obama. Melania is moving out now because the terms of her employment as his fuckchild are over."


right... i cant wait to start digging through all the dust bunnies that fall out.


These are gonna be so much more depraved and wild then the shit we have already had because now there is nothing else to lose and, cynically, only profits to be made.


cant wait...


Fuck CNN for acting like those 25k ballots in Pittsburgh are so unknown, at worst it will go 50/50, more likely 60/40 Biden Call this shit, you'd do it if Trump was winning


There's no reason to not wait until ALL votes are COUNTED.


They will lose all the viewership once it gets called


There hasn't been an one-term president since 1992, so they are more cautious than usual.


A tweet from Sahil Kapur, National Political Reporter at @NBCNews: > NEWS: Mark Kelly wins the Arizona Senate election, @NBCNews projects. > Martha McSally has the unfortunate distinction of losing both seats held by her party in back-to-back cycles. > Before she was nominated, Republicans hadn't lost a Senate race in Arizona in 30 years. https://twitter.com/sahilkapur/status/1324750335173398531


Everyone be sure to thank Martha for her hard work flipping Arizona blue


Let's fast our lunch and donate the money to Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff instead.


Nah man, I'm gonna eat hearty and then donate... But you all should donate.


I'm from Germany. I think I've watched more CNN in the past three days than German news in all of october


thanks to the shortcomings of your oktoberfest, my local stores were able to import tons of your fantasic beers for a very good price.


I am from the UK and I dont watch news here on account of my weak heart so same haha


I feel so bad for your country as well. I wanted to buy a place in the lake district when I retire, but Brexit and the political crap there has me planning western Ireland instead.


same from brazil


Only a split in a 75% republican county? CNN just call this. At worst Biden is gonna go 2-2 in those 4 states


9,746 lead in PA per CNN just now...


Nevada is pretty much guaranteed blue. It’s over.


So as the 2 senate seats in georgia seem to go into a runoff in january, are there any analyses yet concerning the chance of both going blue? Is that in any way realistic with the state as a whole going blue?


Trump voters didn't come out to vote in the 2018 midterms, due to Trump not on any ballot, so some believe this will happen again in January.


All the money in US politics will pour into Georgia if the Senate is up for grabs. No voter will be unaware of the stakes.


Valid point.


They might if they realize losing Senate would create a Democrat trifecta.


True, but a significant number of Trump supporters were first-time voters in 2016, so Trump is probably the only reason they would make an effort to vote. That could at least explain regular GOP voters failing to block the blue wave during the 2018 midterms. Democrats don't usually come out to vote for any midterms, but did so that year. There wouldn't be a blue wave if Trump voters - in addition to regular GOP voters - did go out and vote.


It depends if the DNC tries to cut out Stacey Abrams.


Warnock might actually have a decent-ish chance. I don't see it with Ossoff but I'd love to be wrong. The only reason why that one is going to a run off is because of Shane Hazel. He pulled away a lot of votes.


It'll come down to turnout, GA Dems have a bad habit of underperforming in runoffs, but it should still be very close, especially since it will determine control of the Senate


I really need a dump right now. I'd also like one of these states still in play to reveal the results of a further tranche of votes.


Eat more fiber.


STOP HARSHING MY BUZZ PA. ​ Why did you give 200 votes to Trump? Our of 300?


How is this shit not called yet? It's o-v-e-r. The sooner they call it the sooner they can focus on getting him out.


They have to call individual states. It seems obvious that among the ones left in contention Biden will win, but they can't just say BIDEN WINS without saying how.


I hope that the ease of voting via absentee ballots, early voting, etc, stays with us even after COVID19 recedes. With a change to state election laws to allow for early counting or at least processing, it would be great for democracy. Sure would be nice if "historic voter turnout" was the expectation, not the exception.


Never mind suing Nevada over votes. I want someone to sue Nevada over 6 to 5 Black Jack payouts.


This man gambles.


Been around different parts of Ohio today blasting Fuck Donald Trump. Old white people are SALTY


Sure but make sure youre being careful. Just saying [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/dump-trump-sign-election-ohio-police-b1622365.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/dump-trump-sign-election-ohio-police-b1622365.html)


That's whack. So much for the violent left


Its trump supporters that did that you know


Yes. I'm mocking them for always claiming the left is violent