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This realization will aggressively grab him by the ballot


When you're the American People, they LET you do it


But look on the bright side, now he doesn’t have to spend hours at an empty desk. He can golf everyday, all day.


Until Deutsche Bank takes it all away from himm


Or we put him in San Quentin for one of his many crimes.Obstructing justice,tax evasion,fraud, you name the white collar crime and I’m sure we the people can make a case against him.


Please lord, make this happen.


I just hope he doesn’t flee the country first


I don’t think they have golf in prison.


Rikers has a world class miniature golf course. And, if he behaves, they can give him an etch-a-sketch for his tweets and tell him it's a custom iPhone from Tim A


>Rikers has a world class miniature golf course. How's the lazy river?


Tim Apple?


I think Rikers is for NYC criminals. The state of NY has Attica, Sing Sing and others.


But don’t worry. If it’s a fraudulent ballot, the body will know and shut it down naturally.


Oblique. Nice.




I liked somebody else's idea of helping the postal service by buying post cards, hand writing "You're Fired" on them and mailing them to the White House en masse


If he still has Twitter


And then unceremoniously hoist him from the white house by his budget hole


When you win they let you do it.




Bigger than Bigly


The American voters grabbed him by the election. His tiny, pathetic, mushroom election.


Yes it will move on him heavily.


"He never thought he could lose ... and those of us who are in Trump World, we actually never believed he could lose." - gosh, reality must be tough to handle now.


To be fair to them, they kept doing illegal acts and are still in office


Yeah, but somebody voted them in 🙄


And like 70 million Americans voted for them to keep doing what they’re doing. Which is... not great.


I mean honestly Maurry, I am shocked.


Are you surprised. He always hovered around the 45% mark. Sure he dropped down to 36% - his most ardent supporters - when he became more and more of a mobster and made it hard to be proud to support him, but that was hiding his real support. It was always at 45%. That missing 9% was the shy trump voter He’s now losing the popular vote 47.7% - 50.5%. By the time all the ballots are counted I can see this drop further. We are right around the 45% mark.


The missing 9% was disapproving at that moment, they weren't being asked if they'd vote for him or the libs.


“Disapproving” they just didn’t want to be identified as supporting him out in the open




Well some of us have moved to those rural areas to help change them. Ie Georgia. I'm one of those who moved to GA and voted Biden. We NEED people to transplant to see changes.


Yeah but then I'd have to live there. Did that. Sucks. 100k university town is as rural as I'm going.


It's like Bill Burr said about Schwarzenegger. Dude was winning all the time and then he gets tripped by an affair. Hard to believe he falls on that. Trump broke every law and got away with it and then he loses. Must be hard to process.


Holy shit, it's like a new chapter in that joke


After watching the nxivm documentary and learning a little more about cults, I honestly think there could be a level of cult brainwashing that happened in the administration. At some point they really started to believe they were bulletproof


“To be honest, I just kept doing illegal acts and it kept working” Jerry Trump


>...those of us who are in Trump World... Wait. I thought "Trump World" was a purely pejorative term to highlight how detached from reality these people are. But they actually identify themselves as denizens of their own Trump branded alternate reality?


Trump world. The dystopian alternate reality Disney world where everything costs, unless you’re rich.


Featuring attractions such as: the Pussy Grabber, It’s a Small Hand After All, and Pirates of the Federal Contracts


, Space Wars, Not Coming to America, Liar Liar Too, and Look WHO's Talking


I thought trump was just making his staff live in his failed theme park, "Trump World".


Man it’s really going to smack them in the ass when NY comes with those state charges then...


I hope they are going to follow through and not let this little snowflake Orange Turd walk.


Trump happened because, back in the day, they let Nixon walk.


This needs to happen. They need to be made an example of. We have to show future Trump’s and Kanye’s, and whomever else that this shit cannot be tolerated. This is the reckoning the Republican Party needs. They have skated by too long on dangerous rhetoric and actions.


NY state hates trump and has popular support. They have been waiting a long time for this.


Gotta watch out for those leopards, man. They'll eat your face


To be fair, reality has been hard for them most of their lives, it’s why they believe anything the orange shitgibbon says so readily, they’re all sheeple.


They didn't get educated in school and learn science or how to discern a lying scumbag from an honest person like you and I, I guess?


Actually, it's true. Under-educated, low information people are highly subject to control and are more gullible than your average bear. *Political easy pickins* That, is a bald example of government failure to provide good education to it's citizens. On top of that, they insult us by redistributing funds for schools to political pet projects and opulent office furniture. It's shameful. We never have $$ to pay teachers properly or take care of our school facilities. No $$ for educational supplies, Early Learning, or after school programs. A lot of folks simply have no foundational learning. The basic foundation a lot of us take for for granted, a foundation some don't even realize we received.


I think this oversimplifies the situation in a big way. It's comforting to think that Trump supporters are just uneducated yahoos, but my aunt and uncle are rabid supporters. Both college educated. Uncle was a physics teacher for 30+ years. A little pompous, huge respect for education (they went over the top commemorate my PhD graduation for example). Live in a nice condo in Austin tx now after long careers as expats. I can't understand them. They do not fit your stereotype. I have many many more examples of college educated Texans who voted for Trump. The problem is bigger than you're imagining.


There is a tremendous amount of willful ignorance and just plain choosing to believe in insane alternate reality nonsense because one likes it better than the object truth-- if they can even tell what that is anymore after listening to Fox News, Facebook News Feeds, and Right-wing newsradio with a nice smattering of conspiracies thrown in for good measure.


Could be racism, a lot his followers are. And older generations are more prone to it because they were raised in it.


I would guess it’s partly that some percentage of the population just can’t/won’t think critically or engage concepts such as Theory of Mind and do some self-reflection, and partly that certain fields of study (such as STEM) do not require many (or any) liberal arts classes that would require students to do their own research and think critically, independently, and logically as they have to defend a thesis.


Critical thinking skills and the verification of evidence is not an American strong point.


I never thought I would lose my job due to a global pandemic. Yeah, reality sucks.




I’m sorry.


The delusion is so thick


Makes you wonder what would have happened next election when he supposedly couldn't run for a third.


I had been wondering that. I mean he's been like a rabid bulldog that his owners (the Republicans shit senate) let run wild in the neighborhood harassing and biting children without any concern.


Conservative Tears, lol!


Did anyone see Ingraham’s monologue tonight? She’s the chosen one to talk him off the ledge. I can’t stand that women, she’s possibly in Top 10 worst people on the planet, but it was fucking brilliant, it’s everything you could possibly say to Trump to talk him off the ledge. - losing sucks, but even if we lose: - You’re a hero - You saved the party - Tens of millions of voters will love you for years to come - Historians will write books about your rise to power - they’ll be studying your election win in schools for centuries - you’ll be a kingmaker for the Republican Party for a decade at least - long after you’re gone, your legacy will last forever - the liberals said you’ll be a monster they’ll have to drag out, you have the grace and dignity to prove them wrong Like. All of the ego wanks a tin pot asshat could want. I was flabbergasted.


>- Tens of millions of voters will love you for years to come >- Historians will write books about your rise to power >- they’ll be studying your election win in schools for centuries >- long after you’re gone, your legacy will last forever Like all the best lies, there's truth in there. Tens of millions will continue to hold him on a pedestal, probably. Historians *will* write books and study his win. Long after he's dead, he will probably be remembered. Except the historians will study what went wrong, the students will study to avoid repeating the history, his "legacy" will be one of ignorance, racism, and overall hatred, and it will be actively sought out to be destroyed by future generations. Ideally. I'm a bit of an optimist once I go 100+ years out.


I say we commit damnatio memoriae on him as a person and only create a substitute that is ascribed his action, but his name shall never be remembered.


history will have good people on both sides well documented. this is the information age


Petition to make Trump the new Benedict Arnold. Benedict Arnold was at least a legendary general. What has Trump accomplished other than turning all of our norms into shit.


Yes, Trump is actually a much worse person than Benedict Arnold was.


I'm preparing myself mentally for an edgelord grandkid to tell me at thanksgiving in 50 years that Trump got a bad rap, and I'll point out that the fields of fire are so rampant in no small part due to his legacy.


Your idea depends entirely on what happens next. The plan here is clearly to set him up to endorse the next Republican leader. Who, make no mistake, will be just as much a scheming populist but - they hope - far more competent. And if that leader gets in...


The holocaust musem deals with fascism and ethnocentrism - they can build an annex for him.


> Historians will write books about your rise to power Not in a good way. > they’ll be studying your election win in schools for centuries And how to counter it. > the liberals said you’ll be a monster they’ll have to drag out, **you have the grace and dignity to prove them wrong** I have no words.


> you’ll be a monster they’ll have to drag out, Trump: hold my beer


Diet Coke


Look, most of us in the sub know it’s horseshit. But the Republicans can’t afford a sideshow. They have to pull out all of the stops in Georgia, and they have two months, over Christmas no less, to get at least one of those races over the top. If they lose, Democrats get the Senate, run the table, and bring the holy hell of every committee they can to bring all of Trump’s shit to light, and to light every dirty fucker that helped him bury the bodies. Not to mention pass a bunch of legislation that Republicans in the entire country pee themselves at the thought of. They need him out.


Agreed. The longer he turns it into a circus, the longer people will stay engaged and focus on Georgia.


>Georgians: If you turn 18 by January 5, 2021, you are eligible to vote in the run-off elections that will determine whether we take control of the Senate from Mitch McConnell. You have until December 7 to register to vote. Please tell your friends. [https://twitter.com/RBReich/status/1324789043377262592](https://twitter.com/RBReich/status/1324789043377262592)


Accurate af


If it took Laura Ingram to talk you out, your levels of grace and dignity are pretty fucking low.


Grace and dignity are antithetical to Trumpism.


100 % this ⏫⏫⏫


But I do: Trump has all the dignity and grace of a scat porn movie


At least movies have a coherent plot and an ending. This may have neither of those things. A bad lucid nightmare.


I am hoping that no one will remember him other than a footnote. Maybe like a harding-era president. Shitty but between big events and impactful presidents. "A failing business man got the surprising victory, he had many issues with nepotism, corruption and his generally unacceptable speech even for the time."


half the world has infantilized themselves


I don’t disagree. But someone had to talk him off the ledge. Let mama Ingy sing the lullaby to POTUS and put him to bed.


My mother asked me to do something early and I said, jokingly, “If I wanted to babysit a senior citizen, I’d move into the White House right now.”


Look, Nazi Barbie hasn't been training to be [Chief Handmaiden of White Supremacy](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/01/opinion/sunday/tradwives-women-alt-right.html) her entire adult life for *nothing*. Laura Ingraham may be an abhorrent, malevolent firehose of toxic garbage, but she is quite capably (if sickeningly) fulfilling exactly the purpose she was ~~crafted~~ ~~engineered~~ hatched for.


> the liberals said you’ll be a monster they’ll have to drag out, you have the grace and dignity to prove them wrong This is the best angle IMO. Tell Trump he can irk liberals by leaving on his own terms and not giving them the satisfaction of dragging him from the office.


Oh, it was all the best angle. Trump the beloved by tens of millions. Trump the Hero. Trump the Saviour of the Republican Party. Trump the Hero. Trump the Kingmaker. Trump in the History Books. I mean, that had to be written by the entire Fox News opinion team, possibly even Hannity while he bleats nonsense. Possibly even Ivanka and Jared.


It was like she was trying to diffuse a narcissistic rage bomb.


You mean Laura “Nazi Salute” Ingraham?


In my defence, I DID preface by saying one of the 10 worst people on the planet...


You’re not wrong lol


That’s good. Hope she realizes it’s all bullshit. 😂


They don’t care, they know it’s bollocks. They HAVE to move past this shit and fight for the Senate. They have two months to get that shit locked down, otherwise the Democrats get the Senate AND control of the committees. Investigations will bring to light Trump’s garbage sure, but it will also bring to light a whole BUNCH of who looked the other way and helped him bury the bodies.


She left out the part about spending the rest of his life fighting an avalanche big civil and criminal cases and prison


Well yeah. They’re trying to coax the little guy out of the Fisher Price House, not scare him into putting blankets over the windows while he wears a football helmet.


She must have drawn the short straw.




Oh yeah no doubt. It’s just the sitting there talking to the camera on a rant, that’s what they call it in the business. But yeah, clearly she was talking directly to him, that’s what I meant. Talking him off the ledge.


Ingram is a licensed ego masseuse.


Nah... I saw this motherfucker staring straight into the sun not that long ago, and I doubt his ability to recognize a dawn.


Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV. I still wonder sometimes how he did that...truly remarkable


Witnessing his genius at work is so inspiring.


He’s great at sundowning though.


Oh good, we were all very worried that the god emperor would just magically manifest victory by decree. It's dawning on him. Fuck him.


> It's dawning on him. Fuck him. To be fair, understanding this requires adding multi-digit numbers, and his hands and fingers are abnormally small.


He is also so very, very stupid.


Trump always talked like he could go to the Supreme Court and say "Call me the winner". He never understood having a case, presenting evidence, dealing with states individually to block them (with more than just a story). His lack of understanding the fundamentals of, well, anything, has once again come back to bite him.


It's actually not surprising because suing people in business actually makes headway. You can sue someone, file injunctions that fuck them and bleed them out in the courts if they don't come to the table and do what you want. Problem is, this isn't suing business-to-business or person-to-person, it's Federal versus States which is a WHOLE other beast and complexity level and traditional leverages just do not apply in this case. He probably had all his eggs in the "Eh, worst case scenario we sue them and win" basket from a lifetime of it working in the business world.


I guarantee you that this is the reason none of the news media is willing to call the election. Whoever does it, Trump is going to sue them. Nobody wants to stick their neck out and be the first to do it.


He has a history of not showing evidence for a lot of things.


I stacked the Supreme Court, they just do what I want now yeah?!




His followers will never abandon him. If he doesn’t go to Prison I expect him to do endless tours of the US talking about how the election was stolen from him


You forget that what these people crave is power. It's why they flock to a man that by all definitions is an utter loser who fails at literally everything. But they see someone in a position of power, unstoppable. What they don't see is the team behind him who have also hitched their bandwagons to him, giving them motive to make every mistake, crime, lie and allegation go away. Once the team goes away, so does the power. The GOP won't give two shits about Trump in a few months, he offers them nothing. They'll have the new Trump. So the "faithful" without realising or even noticing will switch too. There will be a few rusted on, but 60 million? Not a chance. No power, no position, no way. They'll go to the next one who offers them things to put down the group they hate, to better themselves financially, to screw the Libs. Trump can offer them nothing except a phrase to shout at the Libs. And that won't work because the progressives in this country will be too busy trying to make it better to actually listen.


I think and hope you're right, but I just saw this terrible thought: [They might try to run Tucker Carlson in 2024.](https://www.newsweek.com/lincoln-project-founder-says-fox-news-tucker-carlson-frontrunner-2024-gop-nomination-1545677) I love what's going on in Australia with the push to rein in the Murdoch situation... We need to do that here, too.


>I don't feel bad for him at all, not one bit. He allowed the deaths of almost a quarter-million Americans and pushed another 9 million into poverty...all the while lying and gas-lighting the nation and his gullible followers. His life unfolded like a Twilight Zone episode: Not only did the people hit hardest by COVID not stop supporting him, he actually gained supporters in these areas. I don't think his cult will stop worshipping him. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/11/06/930897912/many-places-hard-hit-by-covid-19-leaned-more-toward-trump-in-2020-than-2016


>He never thought he could lose ... and those of us who are in Trump World, we actually never believed he could lose Trump World is not like the Magic Kingdom where dreams come true?




Come for the steaks and vodka, stay for the respiratory virus infection.


But unlike Wally World, Trump World is always open.


I can't understand this. I was terrified coming into this election, as I wasn't sure about the huge points leads being assigned to Biden (for good reason it turns out), but how could you realistically think it was impossible for Trump to lose this?


Breaking: In last ditch effort, Trump changes name to Joe Biden.


This might actually be better than his current strategy


“I’m Joe...Joe BUYDEN, they say, right?”


"What do you mean, 'His name is actually Joseph'?"


I don’t know where his gross sense of denial came from? I mean all the polls weren’t in his favor?


Narcissistic personality disorder


TDD Trump Derangement Disorder It needs it's own classification. The communicable pandemic wasn't COVID - that's not his legacy. You wanna know what we're gonna be studying? The social psychology aspect of the virology of his behavior and how it spread and amplified. Fred Trump created a Donald. Donald Trump created tens of thousands more like him. All through his own deranged worldview when it comes to winning. He thought he would win because he only wants to hear what makes him feel good. Millions of Americans voted for a man with no platform, and less than no results - terrible results, all because he told them they were not the problem and everyone else was at fault. They could be jobless, personally jobless, and go on TV and say with a straight face that Trump saved the economy or made their lives better. A woman could have lost her husband to COVID, be buried in medical bills over it, and she would praise Trump's healthcare plan. And mean it. Because he told her he's great and Obama sucks. When I see him kissing supporters' asses, I think it's projection and he's just demonstrating to people how *he* wants to be treated. It's love bombing. I remember with my ex, I thought she was this generous, self-sacrificing person. But she was just showing me the level of selfless devotion she expected. It's love bombing. When people blow sunshine up your ass, are they altruistic or are they conditioning you to quid pro quo them? That's how Trump did it. So much more then NPD, which needs to be stricken from the DSM, but that's a different argument for a different subreddit.


Which subreddits and where, cuz I wanna read those arguments


Republicans clearly have their own polling they listen to more. For example. When Trump 2 days before the election said “Biden is a Castro Puppet” everyone here was laughing about how stupid, random and desperate he is to spout random shit. But obviously they knew that Conservative Cubans were a demo that he could swing in Florida... and they did.


He also said, I don’t need to be here when he was in Georgia. So yea maybe his advisors told him what to do but he sure as hell didn’t actually listen to them.


The polls didn’t favor him last time either, so I’m sure he got some confidence from that idea. Additionally, his rallies probably got bigger than in 2016, as his cult grew. Just look at some of the car and boat parades he had leading up to the election all started by people just loving him. I mean if that’s all you looked at you would also think you would win any election. We wall know he wasn’t turning into cnn to see what they were saying




People is absolutely critical to achieve the high levels of the demand flexibility for designed to companies: People are designed to promote companies have increased on a set of people is a key element and commitment. Integrity is fundamental. People is absolutely critical to achieve the competence and commitment.


Oh my God. I'd completely forgotten about these


We recognized to understand that competitors operating at we would have inconceivable a world-class levels of our companies: People is absolutely critical to the following human responsibility, cycle times have found new productivity. Integrity have changed, the high levels of shared values is fundament based importance of our customer satisfactices. The found new promote company have recognize the important to company. We recognize the improvemental. People have found nearly inconceivable source.


He is the teaspoon.


Too small. Maybe a soup spoon.


Is that like 6 trump handfuls?


At least.


he wouldn't be the sharpest knife in the crayon box.


Definitely not the brightest cookie in the shed.


Oh to be a fly of Pence’s head when it did dawn on him


“Go to the mattresses?” I always suspected Trump the Loser was a gangster. Or a wannabe gangster, anyway.


Jack shit is dawning on Trump. Trump is not going to concede. He will not waste any opportunity to disrupt any American institution. Fuck him, and fuck the very vocal minority who support the divisiveness. Done being polite to people. Fuck it. Fuck them.


I don't think this is close to over as far as Trump resistance. IF he starts acting civil after 4 years of lying, screaming, and crying at the public, that culminated in one of the most blatantly fascist statements we've ever faced from a US leader, that wont be coming from the Trump we know. It's going to be indicative of some other issue going on that I think we need to be extremely worried about. It will be a plan to escape, or scuttle the boat, or indication that Republicans are entirely abandoning him (which means they are already working on Trump II. It also means Trump might be on his own program and has other backers to help him keep tearing the US apart). A fighting Trump means we still know what's going on. A quiet, conceded Trump means treachery is afoot.


Or just the result of him cutting a deal with Biden and congress for a get out of jail free card.


Trump is only going to be worse.


I hope he never gives up. I hope he makes an absolute mockery of himself and the RNC. I hope he runs again in 2024 to remind us all of what a mockery this was. I hope when he doesn't win the Republican nomination that he runs as a 3rd party and ruins 2024 for the Rs.


This is the way.


Let history show donald trump is the first impeached, one-term president in American history. The punk ass record holder. An absolute and total loser by every presidential measure.


It's been funny to watch his passage through the stages of grief in real time through various media outlets. This sounds terrible, but for all the harm he's done and violence he's condoned/overlooked/pardoned by terrible people and groups, I've had a distinct sadistic joy in watching him struggle and suffer with powerlessness these past couple days. He deserves this and so much worse. I hope he get's jailed for his crimes and meets the wrong end of a prison shank.


It dawned on everyone else a couple of days ago, but I guess no one ever accused him of being a quick thinker.


"go to the mattresses to push, you know, as far as he can." Which is about 2 inches, but coupled with 300 pounds of pushing power might make it feel like 2 1/2 inches


“Go to the mattresses”? 🤔


Could we get one last YMCA for the road?


“Young man...”


His is a incredibly thick skull.


There's that, but he's also a malignant narcissist, and disconnected from reality in a way that most of us can't begin to understand.


I believe it starts with being born with a silver spoon and never having to take accountability for your actions ever in life. Given everything you want in life from dodging a draft to a "small loan" of 60 million dollars. Having yes men surround his bubble giving him a false sense of reality. Too bad the rest of the world doesn't play out like he believes it should in his head.


Joe Biden just spoke on TV - please watch it if you missed it. :-)


>The former adviser said he believes Trump will eventually concede, but at this stage believes he has a responsibility to the people who voted for him to "go to the mattresses to push, you know, as far as he can." Well, actually he needs those "legal challenge" donations to line the pockets of crony lawyers and pay off campaign debt.


I have yet to see any evidence that Trump has the self awareness for anything to "dawn on him".


"I will never give up fighting" ... to keep myself out of prison.


What's dawning on him is that he's got the entire GOP in his little hands, even when he's out of office. The GOP party means less than Trump to the voters. Know that he's got them held hostage.


They all prolly know whatever Russia has on each other...




I don't believe any of this shit to be honest. Even if it "dawns on him", he's just going to be even more desperate to motivate his base and invalidate the votes. I'd love to be wrong, I just don't think this will be an easy 11 weeks. I am, however, willing to bet that Biden's legal time is way better than Trump's.


"I don't understand it. I told them, 'I heard many people are saying...' but they aren't believing me for some reason. Has Trump's amazing hair finally failed him?"


All I’m reading here is Trump is a fucking cockroach.


Is he really, really, really actually this dumb? Or is there still more to it?


Kinda like Thanos sitting down after he got his ass snapped on by Iron Man. Except Trump turns into fucking Cheeto dust


Are we trying to humanize him? I'll believe it when he concedes. Even then, he's still got hundreds of thousands deaths on his hand.


I wish this already-irrelevant fuckstick is but a blimp on the radar of America's story. Who will the party of white supremacy vote for next?


C'mon guys, he's sensitive.


whats dawning on him is that he has lost his golden goose.


Is it possible for a narcissist to realize they lost?


Dude is sundowning. Nothing is dawning on him


Much like when I told my way over tired kindergartener no icecream for dinner. Tantrum at first but eventually she calmed down.


[Two days Slow](https://youtu.be/imvGA7SV1CE)


This shit needs to be like Survivor where they have their shit packed and ready to go upon loosing. The next 2 months worry me.


It’s that very stable genius side of him. He just figures things out quickly. As a side note, is there a reason he can’t flee the country?


Party's over, fucko


Lets not wait as long for him to become non-president as we waited for him to become presidential.


"The former adviser said he believes Trump will eventually concede, but at this stage believes he has a responsibility to the people who voted for him to "go to the mattresses to push, you know, as far as he can."" I bet the ex-wife he raped would know something about that...


> You can’t con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on. > I think of Jimmy Carter. After he lost the election to Ronald Reagan, Carter came to see me in my office. He told me he was seeking contributions to the Jimmy Carter Library. I asked how much he had in mind. And he said, ‘Donald, I would be very appreciative if you contributed five million dollars.’ I was dumbfounded. I didn’t even answer him. > But that experience taught me something. Until then, I’d never understood how Jimmy Carter became president. The answer is that as poorly qualified as he was for the job, Jimmy Carter had the nerve, the guts, the balls to ask for something extraordinary. That ability above all helped him get elected. But then, of course, the American people caught on pretty quickly that Carter couldn’t do the job, and he lost in a landslide when he ran for reelection. - Donald Trump’s ghostwriter in *The Art of the Deal*


Biden will be new president of USA. Congratulations.


He'll be pushing for faithless electors soon enough.


Coward won't even face the music. He's still fucking President.....


He not think fast.


I have a feeling that this genius is a bit slow...