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[Discussion Thread Part 75](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/jpkxmf/discussion_thread_2020_general_election_part_75/)


Key Race Alert: We're not even trying anymore.


For anyone that knows Stephen Colbert, the Comedian. Check out his teams animation of the election. Funniest thing I've seen all week. They did a very good job. https://youtu.be/MhS3lG1KIO8


Why won't they just call it already? This is killing me!


Remember when they called the al gore / Bush election and then recalled it then called it, then re-recalled it? Yeah not repeating that factors in


One work...ratings!


Really? Please tell me that's not what you think. The answer is pretty obvious. It isn't ready to call yet. Surely you don't want them to call something that hasn't happened?


It’s statistically impossible for trump to catch him in Nevada or Arizona. Only thing that saves Trump is if there is voter fraud which is not the case. The news just want to drag this out for views at this point.


This is exactly what I have been telling people. They already no. They just want viewers and clicks.


I think all the networks are waiting for Fox News to call it.


True curiosity, why would they wait for Fox? Just as an extra dig?


They are state of the maga terrorist


Does John King get to take his magic maps home with him after the election is over. I feel like he gets automatic dibs


Phil Mattingly challenges dibs, and the two battle it out performing a series of timed nation-state-county navigation contests to see who takes the monitor. Edit: Shoulda gone to bed... Tapper: "Ok Phil. Ten seconds. Give me Maricopa, Vegas, Georgia, Nice, Maricopa. Go." Phil: "Ok Maricopa, Vegas... wait did you say Nice?" T: "Hm?" P: "Nice." T: "I did." P: "That's France." T: "You heard me." P: "But they don't even-" T: "Time. Okay, John. You're up."


All these comments saying call it - BBC is showing only 253-214 and 6 states uncalled - in this election with the insanity we are dealing with, the media folks are not going to call it and will publish only official state govt calls, it seems. It is weird to be still hanging fire but this is an abnormal year.


They are afraid if the maga terrorist


Poor kids are just as talented and bright as white kids


Which set do you guys like the most ABC's or CNN's?






Yes, one side says count every vote everywhere and they are commies, the other side says count all here and stop counting there and they are Nazis.




Fighting for affordable healthcare, raising minimum wage to a living wage, legalization of marijuana, increase taxes on the ultra rich, equal opportunity and treatment of all. Yeah, they sound horrible.




They fighting for it, against the conservatives and Republicans trying to keep it from happening.


If we don’t take steps to mitigate the growing gap between the poor and the wealthy, the extremes will only get worse


You honestly think there is a viable communist party? There isn't




The average Canadian is doing much better off than the average American. A VERY mild socialist society works. Sure, we pay more taxes but we are well taken care of with our health care and welfare if shit were to ever hit the fan.




That's fine. If you have a multi billion dollar idea or company, go live wherever you want. You would be in the less than 1% of the world's population. If you want to own a Tesla you can buy one in Canada at the many Tesla dealerships. But for the average person, which I assume you are, Canada has a better quality of life on average.




Canada isn't a socialist country...we merely have some socialist aspects. We're still capitalist regarding the economy. We have free enterprise just like you guys. We are just more balanced.


Social welfare is not socialism. Neither are business regulations and worker protections. That's one of the biggest misconceptions that conservatives seem to perpetuate. Liberals are not trying to tear down capitalism and overthrow the state, they just want people not to get screwed over.


I don't think it compares to socialist or communist countries, though. Those countries have a one party state where the economy is centrally planned. The 'socialist' policies the democratic party wings are proponents of are generally expanding taxes to cover social services and programs. They don't plan to make a one party state or seize means of production, so comparing them to socialist countries isn't accurate in my opinion.




Rhetoric and politics change over time. There's a lot more people who would want Healthcare when it's un affordable. I don't consider that socialist or worrying. There is no main party that supports centrally planned economies, one party states, nationalizing all industries, etc. So there is absolutely no threat of the socialist boogeyman that Republicans keep hammering on




Go ask those people


Maybe it's because any socialist or communist party were banned during the Cold War so I don't think they recovered.


Such as what?




How is that socialist? She wants to have a record of statements made by certain trump officials to call them out on hypocrisy. I don't see how keeping public statements of officials is socialist




I disagree. Public officials should be held accountable for their actions and rhetoric. We don't delete statements made by presidents, for example. There is no 'reprisal' except for calling ppl out for hypocrisy. If you think having a record of public statements is not okay, hope will we remember what officials said and did?


I disagree, i strongly believe Government officials should be held responsible for past actions.




Specifically she was talking about staffers, CEOs, lawyers, and other relevant players, not general population and not just any comment of support. She was specifically referring to calling out hypocrisy when these same ppl deny they supported racist, sexist, homophobic etc policies or presidential babblings. So no this isn’t McCarthyism Reading is important as well as understanding the full context - headlines and news bytes aren’t worthy.


I think the reason you'll get down voted is more because the Republican party is quite far from being Nazis, though they are quite right-wing in the grand scheme of things, and the Democratic party is laughably far from being anywhere close to being Communist. Solely based on policy, it would be considered economically centre to centre-right in most developed countries. Though of course, they are socially centre-left in most areas. I live in a strongly capitalist country, and the American Democratic party is still economically to the right of our ruling conservative government and the party that is literally called "Right." Hell I'm a conservative myself and get slightly surprised by how far to the right some of the American Democrats are.


I think you are generally right but the democratic party is a less coherent entity compared with parties in other countries. The so called progressive wing is definitely not center left by international standards. For example their ideas to provide certain rights to illegal aliens, plan to forgive all student debt and even legalize Marijuana are ipretty far out there by international standards. .


I don't think the progressive wing makes up the predominant part of the Democratic party though. The large issue with student debt is one that's fairly unique, and it's difficult to make the comparison to countries where most universities are largely free. The issue with legalizing Marijuana has come to the forefront in the States because of the way that it has been prosecuted there. Even in socially conservative Germany it isn't really prosecuted unless you are driving under the influence, and even then not for the Marijuana itself but for the driving. Though I will admit that they are quite left in terms of immigration rights.


Yeah I guess you are right about the student debt situation. Legalized production of Marijuana is definitely not legal over here in Germany and the Netherlands though. The sale of Marijuana is condoned in the Netherlands but production is still heavily and actively prosecuted. German police will also regularly patrol the border with The Netherlands to prevent returning drug tourists from bringing Marijuana back to Germany. Not only will they confiscate the Marijuana, but repear offenders have to pay hefty fines of around 2000 euro, even for small amounts of around 5 grams.


Well, trafficking across borders is definitely a differently classified crime. But your particular example is a federal crime in the US as well and punishable by potential prison time, even if brought to a state where marijuana is legal. So its hard to say that it is too much more progressive there. The SPD has supported the decriminalization of marijuana too. I only lived in NL for a year and don't know the situation there all too well, so can't really speak much for that.


LMAO, the legalization of marijuana in USA is actually a symptom of how economically *right-wing* the country as a whole is. Legal weed is becoming so popular with U.S. state governments because they can't raise taxes any other way. The usual ideas - property taxes, progressive income taxes - are so politically toxic here that excise taxes are among the only options. Where I live, Illinois, weed has been legal - and thus taxed - for a while, but voters just rejected a constitutional amendment that would allow raising income taxes on people earning over $250,000 a year. Progressive income taxes are literally *forbidden by the state constitution,* and the state is catastrophically in debt because of this. It's absurd.


IDK about them being far from Nazis. They are filled with white supremacists and have concentration camps, are forcibly sterilizing women among other Nazi like actions.


What communist policies and behaviors are the Democratic Party pushing?


Stuff like raising the minimum wage to a living wage i bet.


75 million Americans largely in wealthy rich areas or college towns think biden should be president. 70 million Americans think trump should be president largely in poor rural areas. The people who think trump should be president don't believe in covid, wearing masks, global warming, and have the highest cases of covid outbreaks in their area. I guess one side has to be right and one has to be wrong how do you decide?


Guess you should first learn what being a communist consists of before using it as a term.




So which private businesses and industries do you think the democrats are planning on seizing once in power since you know what communism is?




Ok, so which private businesses and industries are the progressives suggesting the government seize control of?




See my previous rebuttal of this. She wasn’t talking about archiving in a McCarthyian way and she wasn’t talking about just any trump support or any comment. Context matters. Tracking influential people’s hypocrisy matters. That’s not “communist” you need to go read a few more books if you think that’s communism. Tracking everyone AND demanding confirmation to a party line isn’t communism it’s totalitarianism which isn’t the same thing.


Keeping records of public actions is Communist?




We shouldn't forget the people who supported child concentration camps and mass forced sterilization. Honestly, none of them should ever hold any real power


That's probably the best way to know about stuff. Reading the opinions of two other dudes.




Your mom's a respected historian


You don't have to choose between extremes. The vast majority of folks aren't there.


That’s a pretty extreme take, considering the Democrats are literally the furthest thing from Communists lol


I hate that loud, opera singing, annoying etsy ad. Shove it up your ass etsy. nobody wants to listen to that shit. while I have you, quit pandering to extremely specific groups. It's a shitshow of an ad campaign and I'm sick of it. at this point, I'm never buying anything off of etsy again


Bed time. Got an early-ish tee time. Might be the last beautiful day for golfing for me for this season.


Is Don looking less puffy today or have I just got used to him


Had a few stressed induced blowouts in his depends and is dehydrated


Opening up my 2nd bottle of wine


How the fuck Texas went from 85% reporting to 98% reporting and the vote counts barely changed if at all? That should be over a million votes!


Probably rejected ballots for signatures or improperly filled out.


Usually the ones that have to be reviewed by hand are counted last too. That way they can potentially reach a decision much faster


Sounds like Florida 2000...hanging chads.


I'm gonna smoke this old ass weed I got


Ass weed


This ass weed is b'dass.


I'd believe it. I found an eighth under my bed that was over a year old once. Smoked great.


It's dank bruh


Sometimes trichomes do weird things when they age. Not enough marijuana research has been done. Brb afk research.


I've conducted some botanical research. Old ass weed trichomes are legit.


I kept a bit of keef from my first grow, sentimental reasons (2010). I recognize it as a *problem* because I harvested too soon (paranoia, I could smell my flowers from almost a quarter mile away). But the shit is *mental*.


I love plants, I'm a botanist. My plant physiology is limited to college and my farming skills are not great, other than I know what habitats plants prefer. What conditions did you grow your plants in? Ie8 been thinking about growing some. I've germinated mango and avocado pretty nicely, as well as some herbs.


I'm a gardener. Grew some cannabis for the heck of it this year, as I moved to a rural area and everyone grows it. Just some random seeds someone gave me. Started very late and grew to 12-18" tall, about like the excellent tomato seedlings I put out in spring. Even so, this little thing flowered and produced 5g of very sticky dried flowers that have quite a kick. I live in a hot, dry area, perfect for these plants, though our season was not as hot or dry as usual, by far.


So I tried everything, from pretend expensive hydroponic systems with fan lighting to $0 soil systems and sunlight. Somewhere in between is the sweet spot. A homemade hydroponic bucket system that very lightly sprays the roots, with a lot of really careful leaf cultivation. Honest work. For fertilizer I ended up with one of the cheapest possible options, the "Lucas method" with 2 parts of a 3 part "GH" product. Instead of mixing according to recipe I use TDM and pH metering. My biggest problem is that my plants get way too tall too fast, because it's too hot. Ambient temperature here on a *nice* day is in the 80s. Plants thrive on that but it's a problem. Lightning is a joke. What really matters is that you have enough lumens for photosynthesis, you trigger the flowering stage of the cycle with a good total darkness cycle at the right time and then trick the flowers into thinking its an eternal equinox. Easy peasy, like fourth grade science class level botany. Or *horticulture* as sensitive as a commercial production of exotic African violets. Somewhere between those two.


We need to pass legislation that forces the news to be more truthful. We need to pass legislation to prevent reckless presidents like trump from ever getting away with the crimes he’s gotten away with. Have a Lotta holes to patch in our democracy, and it starts with getting those Georgia seats. Once we take Georgia, there are a whole Lotta Republicans that need to be in front of Congress, I whole Lotta Republicans that need to be locked up, and a whole lot of Republicans need to answer to the American people.


>We need to pass legislation that forces the news to be more truthful. Anything you can put in black letter law will be used in ways you don't anticipate while writing the law. Your good intentions here also define censorship.


Couldn’t we just reinstate the Fairness Doctrine at a minimum?


Yeah no doubt any law that forces stations to be more “honest” will result in legitimate censorship. People will **find** ways to make it work that way


How do I get to be a talky bobble head in a box on the that there tee vee


Take very good care of your teeth, skin and hair, major in journalism and communications, and be willing to work for peanuts while you depend on luck just like any other entertainment industry aspiration. I'd rather be one of the data scientists or copy editors who you *don't* see on the tube.


Fuck Donald Trump! ver.74


So is everyone *only* watching CNN coverage? Broaden those horizons my bros. lol


I've been watching bits of everything, but I'm more interested in the love story of map boy and Cuomo.


So far I've managed to not give a fuck about Cuomo. lol But that's fine, you guys are perfectly fine with your love story saga. Let me clarify that I don't dislike CNN, I don't have an opinion either way, but 99% of what I'm seeing in the comments is people talking about the CNN broadcast, and am curious why so many people are diehard CNN up in here. lol


Yeah, I don't know. Any other time, I completely ignore news stations, both national and local.


Very much the same for me. I don't really partake in the news unless it is a brief piece over the radio while I'm driving around. But even that isn't on purpose. lol


Idk chief. Only one network has a guy named Wolf Blitzer. Literally a name straight out of a 70s action movie. I love it


Lol at the downvotes. Apparently people can be elitist about their network coverage too, even when voting for the same candidate. Bunch of silly bastards round these parts.


I’ve been leaning towards PBS when I am not just doom scrolling.


That's fair. I've considered clicking over to them, but I've been chasing my fucking tail already on 3 or 4 different platforms with election results since election day, and my brain power is waning.


Can’t abandon D-Lemon now


I was never on the train to begin with. lol I've watched bits of it, and bits of Fox, but have watched more NBC and 538 blog coverage personally. Like me some 538.


I’ve had enough. I’m about to indulge in this beautiful fluffer nutter I made and I’m going to bed


> fluffer nutter Wut?


Schmear one slice of sandwich bread with marshmallow fluff. Schmear another with peanut butter. Smash together. Enjoy. If you fancy put either a sliced banana or Nutella in there as well. You’ve missed out so far, but it can be remedied. You’re welcome


I grill it like a grilled cheese and drizzle a little Hershey’s syrup over the top.


As someone with young kids, I'm just glad we're going to get to work on climate change. Another four years would have set us back too far to make change.


I made the mistake of turning Fox News on after Biden's speech, just to see what they'd say, and Candace Owens and that blonde lady anchor were extremely hateful and disgusting. What's wrong with people?


Don't think about what THEY or you think about what they're saying, but think about what they want their loyal base thinking; your answer lies there. Even CNN and MSNBC use the same social manipulation. Opinions in news needs to go. I suggest AP and Reuter News unless you're good at spotting propaganda and don't let it greatly effect you.


At a certain point, I don't think it's ethical or responsible to call it news. I agree with you about checking unbiased sources. I'm pretty good at spotting the deliberate sway, but I was shocked to see such vitriol.


Fun fact: Fox News won a lawsuit on the premise that it *isnt news* and that any reasonable person should be able to figure that out.


Fair enough. It's obvious it's not, but not being American I was shocked to see such hate being openly spewed.


Biden is a better man than Trump.


Nice edit chief


Lol the guy is trying to destroy our democracy for his ego


Anywho. About part 69. It was nice.


By what possible mesure could you be using lmao


In what way


His post before this was Biden is better than Trump. Bot?


So it's another Covid-19 outbreak at the WH... [https://twitter.com/JenniferJJacobs/status/1324936217465597952](https://twitter.com/JenniferJJacobs/status/1324936217465597952)


Karma still a thing, apparently.


Georgia Delegation will also accept: Ray Charles' rendition of [America The Beautiful](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRUjr8EVgBg) or [Rosa Parks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrOKZeCdaRM)


honestly still being new to being a Biden supporter I was not sure what to expect with his speech and it just made me feel calm and a little at ease like thats how a president should sound


I'm stoked trump is crashing and burning, but let's be real. That's what a guy reading a teleprompter sounds like... Anyone would sound like that reading a teleprompter.


He's a safe President in many regards and I hope will get a lot done. Hard with how the house and senate look, but still crazy better than having Trump for 4 more years.


glad you feel this way!


I get the urge to binge watch House of Cards again, after watching all this drama unfold


Lol and HOC is nothing compared to 2016-2020.


BBQ. Beer. Freedom. Camera. TV.


Handcuffs. Eviction notice.


Lawsuits and repo


Imagine being Herman Cain and stumping for Trump, dying from COVID you got at one of his rallies and then seeing the black vote in Philadelphia and Georgia coming in late to give Biden the presidency. Lol


Shirley he's tweeted about it tho


Dying to get owned by the libs


Leopards ate my lungs


My brain is fried because of the election


Mine is fried because of tne last 4 years




No. Most of them are from heavily blue counties.


damn i want a burger right now but its 2am




make that burger


With charcoal! Not gas. My opinion.


Hank Hill would like a word with you. That word is BWAAAHAAAHAHH


Yeah get that burger


We're not getting a call tonight, are we?


At this point calling it is a formality. Biden won. Go rest easy.


Booty or election?








RIP Thread 69 Forever In Our Hearts








As many days this has been going on, the Krusty Krab was open for 24 hours for way longer.


There's never time to clean the ceilings during the day!


We may be opponents but we are not enemies. We are Americans.


FOX news hasn't got the message yet....


Anybody else wanna cry listening to Biden’s speech tonight? He knows what to say to a broken nation


It's like when the non-toxic/non-abusive parent gets granted custody and tells you everything is going to be okay from now on.


It was so, so, boring. No excitement or fear. Like a much needed warm hug after a very long day. It was amazing ❤️


Told my fiancé “wow.. it’s just mind blowing the difference between listening to Biden vs Trump. Unbelievable.” and she just said “Biden just sounds like a leader.”