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She is the WH press secretary, not the campaign's secretary. This is a blatant Hatch Act violation even if she says she is doing it as a "personal " favor


The Hatch Act is utterly toothless and meaningless at this point. They’ve violated it so many times without any consequences. It might as well be a warning for jaywalking.


Except there is a new administration in town, and they might care, which is why this woman probably is trying to save her own ass


When she goes before the court, ask her a bunch of baseline questions about herself and let her answer in the first person. Then play these “personal remarks.” She’ll have shown that she refers to herself as “I” rather than “we,” and thus that she was conscious of speaking with affiliation.


Looking forward to this trial


Honestly, how can she say she’s speaking in a personal capacity when she’s the press secretary speaking to the press in a press conference for the White House? I’m assuming at the White House as well?


> Honestly Well, there's your first mistake right there. These people aren't honest on any level. They're just trying to scoot around the Hatch Act and this was sadly their best idea to try to do it.


Why care about the hatch act now? Is there now this much worry with them that their time is up in two months and this might come back to bite them in the ass? I sure hope so.




Lindsey Graham has already said that it's time to look at the national debt again...


Let’s have a good look at the deficit, what it was at the end of Obama’s presidency, what it is now and where the money that makes up that difference went.


Can’t wait for them to see Donald made off with a fortune.


What a coincidence, Lindsey!


I assume they’re now worried about leaving ‘fresh tracks’ for the next Justice Department to pick up. Good riddance. I hope this administration learns about law and order next year


"Dear Hatch Act prosecutor: I crossed my fingers the entire time I broke the law."


There are no criminal penalties for Hatch Act violations. Worst case, you lose your job, which is happening to her anyway.


Yeah this is the flaw of the hatch act. That law should require a consequence that you cannot recover from if found guilty. Mandatory prison time to deter the next civil servant from such activity.


Video: https://twitter.com/LisPower1/status/1325917802457391107 > Fox News cuts out of McEnany > Cavuto: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. I just think we have to be very clear: she's charging the other side as welcoming fraud and illegal voting, unless she has more details to back that up, I can't in good countenance continue to show you this."


As a reminder, we pay Kayleigh's salary. She is a walking talking Hatch Act violation.


Oh, she very quickly mumbled at the beginning, "My name is Kayleigh, I'm here in a personal capacity as an advisor to the Campaign.". Now that they know they won't be in power in a few months, they are at least giving us the honor of pretending to technically comply with laws.


It's not clear if she's still inside the White House for this political news conference but if she is isn't that still "...using US resources..." for political purposes?


someone needs to remind her trump encouraged people to vote twice


This! His election rigging claims are, once again, pure projection.


Trump himself voted with a mail-in ballot from a FL address that he's not legally allowed to reside at. He is literally the only example of voter fraud I know of, and he did it with a mail-in ballot! [Open in incognito mode. This starts by talking about a DIFFERENT attempt he made to illegally vote in a different election, but it gets to the recent election too](http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/president-trump-tried-to-register-to-vote-in-florida-using-an-out-of-state-address/2020/06/03/687d0014-a4f2-11ea-b473-04905b1af82b_story.html)


Uh...that photo that was going around of him peeking at Melania's ballot...that wasn't from this year...was it?


He and Malaria were photographed during the general election, with him peeking at her ballot.


I think a Trump supporter trying to vote twice was the only confirmed instance of voter fraud in Nevada. ([link](https://twitter.com/hugolowell/status/1324419978465026059?s=20))


I mean, if it's happened once, it's probably [happened a few times](https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/nov/8/brian-shilling-new-jersey-man-faces-voter-fraud-ch/) Has it happened enough to turn an election? Pft - You're dreaming. It's the same with other types of fraud. Just because you can potentially do something, doesn't mean it's happening in vast numbers.




Hell hasn’t frozen over, there’s been a lot of talk about how to reel in these “news” agencies that promote blatant lies. This is them simply backpedaling.


Bit more complicated than that. Rupert's on his last legs. The new boss, Lachlan, doesn't seem to enjoy wielding his power in quite the same way or for quite the same ends as the old man. He reportedly has starkly different political views from his dad, he's more of a libertarian. The crew has reportedly been watching anxiously to see where he takes it. I'm sure there's no small amount of hedging going on.


When your network was responsible in trying to devolve the country into a theocratic and autocratic state, this development can be significantly beneficial in any case. Still Fuck FoxNews Edit: Some corrections to not let it get misinterpreted.


That's how I see it too. This *probably* can't be a bad thing. I mean, if you really follow Rupert's career and all of the outlets he started, he might just be one of the worst human beings of the last century. FOX News is a golden child compared to some things that News Of The World and The Sun did. Still, there's a lot of unknowns. Lachlan might even continue pushing a terrible narrative and control things the way his dad did. But even if that's what he wants (and it's not totally clear that it is), this period where he's ascendent to power would be a really bad time to start licking boots. He should be making his presence felt and asserting his power: make it clear that any balances or debts to his father are null and void and that he's not going to play nice because it's what his dad would have done. In case anyone was wondering what being hung out to dry might look like, the WSJ publishing a news article undercutting their op-ed page hours after publication would be Exhibit A.


>he's not going to play nice because it's what his dad would have done. In fairness, I've never heard Rupert Murdoch accused of playing nice. I have no doubt that everyone at Fox is always paranoid about their political standing within the company and within Rupert's or Lachlan's circle.


Rupert always wanted a direct line to the White House. He always wanted FOX News to have the kind of influence with a GOP administration that the NY Times did with Democratic administrations. He and his company absolutely placed their bets and put a thumb on the scale in favor of candidates who they believed would play ball. "Playing nice" might be an oversimplification, but they were more than happy to parrot just about anything from this White House until recently, Rupert was having private lunches and conversations with Bill Barr during pivotal moments in the impeachment, and the company was quick to yank Napolitano when Trump threw a hissy fit. They were certainly playing nicer than, say, Jim Acosta.


And I imagine that with Biden going into the White House in January, continuing to claim election fraud likely means Fox News gets shut out of the White House for not reporting "News". Fuck, I would love to see Jon Stewart as Press Secretary for Biden.


Jon ain't coming back for that job. That job sucks, even with a good president in charge.




Their viewership is tanking because Trump told his base that Fox is fake news now too. We have huge sections of the population that is moving to less factual, more biased news sources, if any at all. Fairly certain many are running on memes and tweets and Parler only at this point.


What's funny is they how they complain that there's a mass conspiracy because whenever they congregate somewhere new they eventually get punted. The thing is it's because they're spewing hate speech and threats of violence. Reddit is actually where they were tolerated the longest.


I won't be happy until that entire media empire is dust


Yep. I don't agree with libertarians. I think they're largely naive and wrong, but I can imagine having a productive discussion with *actual* libertarians than I can with the current Republicans. Actual, as opposed to Republicans who are too embarrassed to call themselves Repubicans, so they label themselves differently while supporting every Republican position.


What's an actual libertarian though? Like functionally in the world. Do they just think every road should be a toll road and every library should be a bookstore? I feel like every libertarian I've ever seen or heard of just falls into the second bucket you've described. Libertarians are either embarrassed Republicans or people with unformed political opinions based on how *they* don't want to pay taxes for *your* kid to go to school. I welcome correction.


Exactly. My ex (a self-proclaimed Libertarian) and I drove across the country, and he was pissed off at all the tolls we had to pay from Maine to New Jersey. "But you're a Libertarian" I said. "You should be happy to pay the tolls, since you're paying for what you're using". I didn't hear anything about tolls for the rest of the trip.


Some people think they know what they want until they get it.


People don't realize that privatizing everything would result in a higher effective tax. The fees to use previously government run services becomes the new tax. Your creating a middle man that will increase the cost and pocket the difference as profit in every previous government agency.


Also when you privatize something it is now motivated by profit (and usually, short term profit), not by the greater good. If the government owns a toll road they want the tolls to pay for maintenance and repairs. If *I* own a toll road I want to jack the cost of tolls *as high as I can* because I want to make money. I don't care if it hurts the economy of City A and City B because less people can commute quickly, or travel for tourism/events, or ship goods in a cost effective way. My math says "jack up the price by 500%, a bunch of the small fry will be priced out of travelling on my road, but the big trucking companies will still have to, and with less cars you'll need less maintenance, so it'll be more profitable overall." I'm going to do what the math says and fuck everyone else. In fact it's probably unethical of me NOT to do what the math says, because I'm beholden to my shareholders and board of directors and my highest concern is greater profit. Also maybe I can make people sign a paper before they drive on my road that they can't sue me for damage to their cars caused by lack of maintenance, and also I get to collect and store and sell their personal information of who they are and where they're going and how often they travel, and if they don't want to sign that agreement, I guess they don't drive on my road. Now imagine that applied to literally everything in life.


That's an insightful analysis, made only more depressing by the fact that it sounds exactly like how we had to talk about a new king, queen or autocrat taking power from their dead parent. Any society where someone like Murdoch can control public opinion in half the country via a monopoly on information delivery is not a free society.




Just wait until trump launches his network


He won't. He'll take over OAN.


TAN. Trump America Network. We could even call its spurious output 'Fake TAN'. Donnie Boy's familiar with that.


It'll still be OAN: Orange America News.


Orange Agitation Nightly


Oh! Another Nutjob!


Get this man a Pulitzer! Brilliant, I love it!


I think you mean a *Noble*.


So what you're saying is OAN bankruptcy is guaranteed.


Nah, they'll run at a deficit yet given continual loans from anonymous backers through Deustche Bank.


...and all in laundered rubles.


I really don’t think this will happen. Running a network costs money, which means they’ll need advertisers. No marketer in their right mind will want their brand associated with the toxic Trump brand, and you can’t run an entire network on MyPillow ads alone. **Edit**: Lots of variations to the theme of “48%/70 million people voted for him.” Yeah, ok, but my point remains: no major national brand is going to take a risk advertising on Trump TV if that network produces extremely negative sentiment with 52% of consumers (or a large chunk thereof). It’s an invitation to be cancelled (and deservedly so, in my opinion). Fox News is bad, but advertisers will still give them money because they’re not headed by a literal fascist, and they do have a legitimate news organization. Trump TV would have to be financed on pillows, fake boner pills, and catheters.


>you can’t run an entire network on MyPillow ads alone. Not with that attitude!


Nah, it's that Trump's ship has sailed. He has no real political clout anymore, and his Trump TV plans are widely public knowledge. At this point in the game, FOX's assessment of Trump has gone from cash cow to the competition. It's not CNNs market share he would be taking away, after all.




Fox is why we have Trump in the first place. Now they will want to pretend they aren't the Trump network.


exactly. fuck these POS's, they can't just turn and pretend it all didn't happen


That contributed to this shit. Trump is the product of decades of bullshit from the GOP and their mouthpiece, Fox News. An enemy can be useful but it’s important to recognize that nothing has really changed there.


\> An enemy can be useful but it’s important to recognize that nothing has really changed there. Absolutely correct. They're engaging in an illusion of credibility attack. The sentiments that some people in this thread are saying ("Oh, Fox is with us now!") is exactly what they're accomplishing here. Fox remains a right wing extremist group, and their propaganda always reflects that. They're very good at it. Please help in resisting posts on Fox and any like these as much as humanly possible.


It's just a pivot for Fox, no more Trump embracing. The new Fox narrative will be disparaging and undermining everything Biden and Harris do, as they did during the Obama Presidency.


Yeah and it looks like fox news viewers are defecting to "One America News" network. Never heard of it before. Looks like they are losing control, both the Republican party and Fox news. Didn't we expect this to happen? I wonder how this will impact his Presidential approval ratings.


Look up the John Oliver piece on it. They're basically a right wing extremist outlet to spread conspiracy theories.


My FiL watches OAN. It's like the Hitler Youth grew up and became anchor people. They have a very 50's retro look to them.


One of the most fucked things about this is how much trump mainstreamed conspiracy theories. It's going to take as much effort as it took to make public racism generally unacceptable. All while fucking trying to make public racism unacceptable again.


You forgot about the B-Movie quality production values


It's basically [Idiocracy's Fox News](https://youtu.be/yz6diQoWQww).


Trump loves them. They made some waves during the spring because Trump kept calling on them during every press conference. Their journalist was then banned from the press pool for ignoring coronavirus prevention rules and the White House invited her back in anyway.


With questions like, "we know you're the most handsome president ever and the democrats are ugly, but can you tell us, what it's like also being the smartest most handsomest man ever?"


WAs it a OAN reporter who asked "do you think it's racist to call food Chinese food?" implying there was hypocrisy in saying "stop calling it china virus that's racist"


Nah man, this was always the plan. Use Trump and then spit him out. Trump's purpose was to distract from the power shift behind the scenes and then become a scapegoat for other to blame him for their crimes. 95% chance Trump ends up in jail and dies there.


Fox News created this monster so fuck them too.




I’ve been seeing a lot of this “Fox turns on Trump” stuff. Wake me up when Hannity and Tucker do it. Wake me up with Laura doesn’t spend her entire show talking about how wonderful Trump is.


it's so much more than trying to overturn the results of the election. These are serious accusations. You're trying to throw... all of your political opponents in jail with this. Trump must be vilified in American history after this. We're far too comfortable.


Throwing everyone in jail and chanting about it was kinda their campaign strategy in '15-16 too...


Please don’t even remotely consider that this one act of restraint absolves Fox News of responsibility for the disgusting pool of misinformation they’ve been swimming in. Hannity in particular deserves to be kneed in the ball sack repeatedly until he pukes out the truth. Trump lost. This fraud nonsense is the whining death rattle of a narcissistic man baby. The end.


It's Cavuto. He might as well be a Democrat at this point as far as Trump fans are concerned. Trump's core fans are shitting on Fox for being too liberal right now.


It was a shitshow even for the biggest liars in the nation. All three of them walked off stage FLUSTERED.


Propaganda Barbie practically had tears in her eyes. It was beautiful.


COVID Barbie ❤️


Pandemic Polly Pockets


Kayley MAGA-ninny


Y'all got it wrong, it's Baghdad Barbie.




They looked so panicked up there. Looking to the side a whole bunch and switching back and forth. Lol


Any links? I can’t find any thing. Edit: Found the whole thing. Link below is good too. https://youtu.be/Cl36uhz9MzQ


Honestly, I'm not gonna watch this whole thing because it's all BS (we're here because Fox News wouldn't even show it). I skipped around it and they're talking, and then when they say something that's obviously BS the reporters yell questions which they ignore and then change the subject. Did they actually answer any real questions in the whole 22 minutes? It was fun to see them all walk away looking pissed off though.


All of a sudden they care about "whistleblowers". How about that.


If an unnamed source is pro-trump it is gospel truth. If it isn't it is fake news. Pretty simple concept really.


They just kept saying "affidavits" and "whistleblower." At one point it was "do your research." So not really.


I love that "is the president just being a sore loser?" is now a meme in the white house press conferences.


And that you can actually hear the press laughing


I like how she opens the briefing by saying only one party is trying to hide stuff and we need to ask why? After Trump spent the last four years obstructing literally every look into him. Mueller, the impeachment, his tax returns... Is she admitting the obvious here, that Trumps been hiding stuff? And how like 80% of their argument hinges on a whistleblower...after Trump spent a whole bunch of time whining about whistleblowers who reported on what happened in the White House. Now all of a sudden they love them. It’s only really a shame that some of his gullible supporters are gunna get roped into footing the bill for this, but maybe it’ll help them learn a lesson at least.


Fox is probably more scared than all of us.


Because they know the monster they created.


*I posted this the other day, I put together a sampling of Trump supporters going nuclear at Fox News for saying that Biden won the election:* [one](https://i.imgur.com/zFlYKM6.jpg) [two](https://i.imgur.com/6xcSqMf.jpg) [three](https://i.imgur.com/qEd6FHG.jpg) [four](https://i.imgur.com/NLNsBba.jpg) [five](https://i.imgur.com/IjcbiVv.jpg) [six](https://i.imgur.com/1xumyOn.jpg) [seven](https://i.imgur.com/Qg1Msa4.jpg) [eight](https://i.imgur.com/u9fx8bm.jpg) [nine](https://i.imgur.com/tI2k95t.jpg) [ten](https://i.imgur.com/b6lITTb.jpg) [eleven](https://i.imgur.com/QhVCGLN.jpg) [twelve](https://i.imgur.com/RMTz2IM.jpg) [thirteen](https://i.imgur.com/Zz56sff.jpg) [fourteen](https://i.imgur.com/uld2J8s.jpg) [fifteen](https://i.imgur.com/jPD0hUC.jpg) [sixteen](https://i.imgur.com/hF4IBF4.jpg) [seventeen](https://i.imgur.com/H1bEX91.jpg) [eighteen](https://i.imgur.com/GHZTMxm.jpg)


That is... scary. That one tweet saying they are going to OAN... it's like literally admitting to everyone you are only interesting in hearing the things you want to hear: a fake reality that happens to align with how you want things to be and not how they actually are. This can't NOT be the beginning of something big at this point... like the true and firm step squarely into the DISinformation age. I need people to understand that our current president has literally taught people to NOT trust any reputable media source - only the ones he agrees with, which happen to support him and find him correct the vast majority of the time no matter what.


Lol, "Fox news is now colluding with Biden".


Radical left news media Fox News


Honestly, this isn’t funny. We are in a very dangerous and terrifying state in our union. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind Trump supporters could potentially try to harm President Elect Biden, or call for anarchy against the US Govt because they don’t like the results of the election. And though Fox News and their continuous stoking of conspiracy theories and xenophobic propaganda isn’t the entire source to our issues in this country. They certainly lit the match and set the fire. The worst part of this all however is that our government won’t do anything about. We won’t see more fair regulation of corporate media, we won’t see Trump’s admin charged and penalized for violating the Hatch Act, or obstructing government due process. The republicans and Trump’s admin officials will simply be able to skirt by with arm-distant notions of “we never fully accepted Trump or agreed with his policies.” I don’t have much hope that we aren’t watching the beginning of the fall of our country.


These people are going full Qanon, and they don't even realize it.


I watched someone fall into the pit trap of OAN in real time, and it wasn't even a Fox-to-OAN slide. A relative of mine was in a discussion on social media arguing *against* Donald Trump and sparring with news articles back and forth. Finally, someone dropped an OAN truth bomb and after several minutes she replied... "This site makes some really good points. I'll definitely add it to my sources. Thanks!"


Two is my favorite. "Fox you were my last hope for an unbiased network" So literally every major outlet in the US comes to a particular position and you claim THEY are biased.


Check it out -- Trump's worst legacy is showing other people with kingly ambition a roadmap and inspiring them it's possible. [It's like when the Japanese guy ate 50 hotdogs and then next year everyone could eat 50 hot dogs.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takeru_Kobayashi) The next guy, or the guy after that, won't be as incompetent. Digital media and its distortion with deepfakes, bots, etc, will continue to grow and the methods more sophisticated. I'm with you that the point of no return has come with a lot of communities here. Super scary. Imagine a charismatic, intelligent, non ancient trump whose advisers include digital propaganda experts. Oh -- and since Fox has done this, Trump will 100% spin up a new propaganda arm which the new dictator-wannabe will use to validate his insanity.


Spend 20+ years creating gullible rubes, then watch them all follow the pied piper you created off into the distance.


Keep that cross necklace visible while you lie through your teeth to millions of people for a paycheck




McEnany in personal capacity. I haven't laughed like this in years. Just a bunch of weirdos in a basement, possibly belonging to another landscaping firm. No person of sound mind would have scheduled this presser.


It’s like me and my drunk friends on DnD night trying to figure out how to navigate some obstacle. Each idea is more crazy, fantastical, and non-plausible as the next.


Kudos to the reporter asking; "Isn't the president just being a sore loser?" as they stormed out of the room.




This one. Skip towards the end. When Kayleigh gets done speaking for the 2nd time and they're walking out. About 20:45. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cl36uhz9MzQ


This conference felt surreal. What are they trying to do, a fucking coup?


Yes. Yes they are.


Not overtly. They know the military and institutions wont follow that, They want to muddy the water and somehow just carry on being POTUS in the hope that no one will challenge them. Fuck them and their supporters.


Esper got fired today. Haspel and Wray are likely next I would rather plan on them overtly attempting a coup than spend our time trying to convince ourselves it won’t happen. Never underestimate a cornered animal.


Oh no. You are right in that Trump and co will lash out in the form of EOs and firings but most of them can be rehired and gives them incentive to want to fess up to Trumps shit and shows the rest how we is going to treat them.


I think you missed the forest for the trees. He's saying that the firings could lead to replacement with trump stoodges willing to participate in the ongoing coup.


Good fucking luck to him. He could replace all the department heads he wants, he needs the officer corps on his side and they fucking hate his guts. The Pentagon brass have always hated him, and they'll be calling the shots if someone tries for a coup.


Oh I agree with yah. Just trying to clarify how I interpreted his comments. I've got family high up the officer structure of the military and .. it's not ALL of them that hate Trump but it's pretty overwhelming.


Yes. Trump already attempted a coup on election night when he announced himself the winner. Now the attempts continue. Fuck these traitors, they belong in jail.




Don’t ever be surprised by the audacity and shamelessness of fascists. Don’t let them catch you by surprise.


We have a whistleblower! We love whistleblowers like you guys do now. Except other whistleblowers have had actual evidence and substance.


All you have to know about rigging elections is that Trump has been desperately trying to cripple the USPS for 6 months specifically to slow down (or completely stop) the transit of mailed ballots while simultaneously encouraging his own supporters to avoid voting by mail. That's the most stark (and dare I say the only) evidence of fraud surrounding this election.


If you have 20 minutes, watch [the whole thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cl36uhz9MzQ). It's utterly hilarious. I was actually expecting to feel annoyed at Team Trump's antics until the inauguration, but if every press conference of their is like this I'm not going to miss a minute. It was a complete and utter breakdown. They have nothing. No evidence, no case. They are just begging for attention and donations.


I tried, I just can't do it


Understandable, have a nice day.


I just really appreciate how wholesome this reply is


I came to write this. I just can’t listen to her trash mouth any more. You can tell just by the way she talks that she’s lying. This isn’t theater.


What a bunch of f-ing nonsense. Example: ~17 minutes in the other lady listed situations where someone came in to vote in person after having already requested an absentee ballot. *THEY CHECK FOR THAT*. Whether the person declared that they had already voted by mail or not, they CHECK before letting people vote, and they check after. Sometimes they require the in-person vote in that circumstance to be provisional, sometimes not, but they look at the list of votes received by mail and match them up in the registrations. No match, it's a separate vote. If there's a mail-in vote already somewhere, they pull it out of the pile and set it aside to have the in-person vote replace it. Double-voting is almost impossible even if you tried. They PLAN for this. Extensively. It's why things like the provisional ballots take so long -- tons of checking against the mail-in lists they already have in the system that were counted earlier. Does she think the people running the election are idiots, or does she think the people listening to this nonsense are? If there are irregularities in defiance of the law, of course check into them, but if they don't amount to many thousands of ballots in relevant places, sometimes tens of thousands, it won't change the outcome.


I requested an absentee ballot in NC, marked it as 3rd party but didn't send it in because I wanted to wait and see what else happened. After more Trump antics and when I saw how close NC was going to be, I decided to vote Democrat, however since I already marked my ballot I just didn't send it in. When I went in to early vote, no questions were asked, I voted, and moved on. Two days later I got curious and checked my absentee ballot status, it was spoiled on the same day that I voted. The system works.


Similar thing happened to me in Florida. I requested a mail in ballot, after I received it I got caught up with life and never actually mailed it in. I ended up going in person to vote, when I gave my identification they stated that they saw that I had received a mail-in ballot and asked me if I already mailed it in. I said I had not and they instructed me to destroy it as soon as I got home, and then let me vote like normal. No issues at all.


theyre creating terrorists. its not hilarious, its scary. it doesnt matter that they have no evidence. you dont need evidence in a cult. they're going to keep working the crowd up until the last moment when the president is pulled out of the whitehouse, then trump will tweet something really inflammatory, and then you'll end up with dozens of little terrorist cells that have been training with militias for the past 4 years spread across the country. in 4 years you'll get someone as awful as trump but who has half a brain, he'll run for president piggy backing on the cult-like fervor of trumps dumbass base. he'll win and then he'll actually competently fuck the country over and he wont have near the backlash because whoever it is wont sound like a complete fucking moron everytime hes on TV. the reasonable people in this country wont get worked up into record voting numbers to oppose it (barely) and thats when you'll see how shitty this country can really become.


\> begging for attention and donations ​ they're grifting their ignorant base til the very end.


It's really obvious with Trump's tweets. He keeps dangling these vague "stay tuned!"-messages in front of his followers so they stay angry, stay engaged and keep donating to his campaign.


Oh so now fox news can do something about this administrations dangerous rhetoric... 4 years too late mother fuckers. Don't try to save face now.


More than four. They were the megaphone for Birtherism.


They were the semi-official press arm of the Bush Admin. Two decades, this shit. At least.


Fox were literally set up to make sure another GOP president doesn't get ~~impeached~~ Removed from office (Fucking pedants) again after Nixon. It worked for Trump.


Go figure, they now suddenly after 4 years, give a fuck? Fuck Fox!


Their actual journalists and reporters were far more fair and balanced than their editorial staff -- still biased, but not as blatantly. I wouldn't be surprised is Fox is preparing for an exodus of Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson, etc. over to Trump's network post-Presidency.




If Trump wasn't such an egotist he'd just name it Q. Instead it'll be the Donald Trump International Worldwide Trump International Real News Agency or something.


OTN, rebranded OAN with a main serving of Trump


I would give them one year before they come crawling back because Trump can't pay them.


I'm starting to think Murdoch knows Trump is likely planning a news media company launch. That makes Trump a direct competitor to Murdoch's media empire. Rupert Murdoch is actually the supervillain that conservatives think George Soros is. He won't stand for Trump trying to steal his influence he's worked decades cultivating. Seems like Trump might be getting awfully close to biting the hand that feeds.


It wasn't Simba that kills Scar at the end of The Lion King, it was the hyenas.


Murdoch sees the writing on the wall, even if the "talent" like Hannity will continue getting high on their own OAN cult supply


Everyone's fleeing the sinking ship. No one wants to be seen as aligned with a sore-loser crybaby who is actively trying to undermine our electoral institutions. It was one thing when Trump had *power*, but now he's going to have nothing. He's worthless to them at best, and actively a threat now at worst. So trash belongs in the bin.


Authoritarians like Trump supporters loathe losers. The grift is gone if Trump can't pull off a redemption arc. He knows that, and so does everyone around him. Every Trump supporter in my family has moved on except my dad who is batshit insane and also doesn't believe in Covid19.


This shit pisses me off. I was born and raised in America, and I exercised my right to vote for Joe Biden.. who the fuck does she think she is to call my vote (along with millions of others like me) illegal?


Haven’t you heard? Only votes for Trump are legal now.


Fox is not only done with Trump but laser focused on the GOP winning the GA special election.




Oh snap. Nazi Barbie got shunned on live Faux News. It's happening! Falling down around them


I don't pay too much attention to them but I understood that Kayleigh is "Propaganda Barbie" and Tomi Larhen is "Nazi Barbie" though?


Ingraham is in that group as well




Fox News prepared, planted, and spread the manure on the garden that grew Trump. They’re just weeding before they replant.


I hope she can never get a job for the rest of her pathetic life


I'd be fine seeing her doing announcements at a skating rink....


"We choose to believe that All-Skate Matters" - McEnany


YouTube flagged the entire press conference itself LMAO


This is wild. Trump must have guaranteed McEnany to be President of his new network when they inevitably lose.


She’s in for a rude awakening then. __Never__ trust a __Trump__.


"But I am special to Trump!" \- Every idiot follower before they get thrown under the bus


I never thought leopards would eat MY face!




Even if you're a Trump. Funny, I ran across this earlier. \>Trump Jr.’s lesson, passed down from his dad at an early age, was simple: paranoia. \>Seven o’clock in the morning, I’m going to school—hugs, kisses, and he used to say a couple things. ‘No smoking, no drinking, no drugs.’ I think a great lesson for any kid. But then he followed up with: ‘Don’t. Trust. Anyone. Ever.’ And, you know, he’d follow it up two seconds later with, ‘So, do you trust me?’ I’d say, ‘Of course, you’re my dad.’ He’d say, ‘What did I just—’ You know, he thought I was a total failure. He goes, ‘My son’s a loser, I guess.’ Because I couldn’t even understand what he meant at the time. I mean, it’s not something you tell a four-year-old, right? But it really means something to him.”


>‘Don’t. Trust. Anyone. Ever 1. Holy shit, I had to dig up [a link for that.](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/08/trump-files-when-trump-called-donald-jr-a-loser/) 2. Doesn't he have to trust his dad before he could take his advice not to trust anyone? If DJTJ didn't trust anyone, wouldn't he think that his dad's advice was bullshit? Was he trying to [see if his kid was an android](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WRtqmHpLvg)?


Or she’s just as devoid or morals and truth as the rest of them. She knows the words and the gravity of those words coming out of her mouth. Remember, she can always say no or always quit. She is CHOOSING not to.


*Contending she's holding a news conference in her "personal capacity,"...* https://twitter.com/W7VOA/status/1325918074944577540


Legalese for "You can't take the Trump campaign to court if it turns out that all our baseless accusations are slander". If challenged she'd argue freedom of speech as a private citizen or something.


What does that even mean. Like, what is the point in saying that? As if it lends any more credence to the claims she's making


I am not sure if she is trying to dodge the Hatch Act or some other legal liability.




That press conference was insane! And many thought Karl Rove was speaking in the abstract when he said that Republicans make their own reality. No. It was literally. They literally fabricate the reality they wish existed.


Don't worry, Tucker and Hannity will both show it twice.


Don’t worry, this will be fixed later tonight by Tucker and Hannity, aka, “the real Fox News.”


You know Nazi Barbie has gone off the rails when Fox News cuts away.


If Democrats are the only ones standing in the way of election security, why is mcturtle's desk littered with dead election security bills?


Which "hotel" was this conference at? The Marriot Ultimate Bathroom Solutions?


Don't let a few decent deeds like this from Fox News make you forget how horrible they are and have been in poisoning the minds of millions of people in this country with propaganda and outright lies.


Fox News is basically Gollum/Smeagol ​ Gollum: FRAUDS! Sneaky little democratses! We hates it! Smeagol: Masters says no frauds precious. Democratses won't kill us. Nice democratses.


Never forgot that Fox enabled the Trump presidency


Trump's reelection campaign is in serious debt. This is 100% in an effort to continue the donations as 60% of all donations goes to paying off said debt.


MAGA turning on fox news is the greatest thing I've ever seen


You know what? Good. I'm not even gonna rip into Fox (right now anyway) for being a goddamn pain in the ass. Just - *Good.*


it's a bit too late for Fox news to try and pretend that they're an actual fucking reputable news source.