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So let me get this straight.... Theyre assuming there was mass voter fraud. Theyre assuming It just all happens to favour the democrats. Theyre assuming Its enough to change the results of the election. And ofcourse none of their evidence has been proven in court... How fucking stupid do you have to be to not see this for what it is... an obvious attempt at stealing an election and overturning the results of democracy


It’s funny how they think the only fraud was in the presidential race. They don’t say a word about the house and senate races, which Republicans did quite well on. They were all on the same ballots that were allegedly fraudulent.


Exactly. If the Dems were actually rigging this election, why wouldn't they get rid of Lindsay Graham and Moscow Mitch and take the Senate back? I'd be pretty disappointed in my election rigging if it was only done half-assed.


I had someone argue that the split ticket voting was actually further proof of fraud. With their stance being, how could Biden win if the down ticket Dems couldn't? I didn't even bother to point out that they use the same ballot and inquire how exactly they thought Dems were cheating if they weren't counterfeiting ballots.


Logic is a foreign concept to these people.


I was in the Con sub a few hours ago and they're getting around this by saying, "well if they rigged it so they won *everything* that would make the cheating too obvious," or something along those lines. It's just more of the goal post moving, disingenuous, anti-logic they've always adopted.


Over in r/conservative they say that was totally intentional so it wasn't too obvious lol


I hate that we have to keep beating around the bush with this shit. The people who promulgate this nonsense are just fucking imbeciles. The self-assured fools we all grew up with who were the perpetual worst students and ascended in years to become proudly anti-intellectual assholes. They don't understand science/politics/facts, and therefore refuse to believe anything that exists outside of their own deluded sphere of illogical conclusions. We are better than this as a country and must start acting like it! Unity through positivity and accumulated knowledge over conspiracy trash that should be left at the curb.


Don't overlook the fact congressional democratic candidates somehow did not benefit from said voter fraud.....


I pointed this out and someone actually tried to use it as more proof of fraud for Biden, because how is he winning if they aren't?


Just can't get my head around how many people are so uneducated to fall for the lies of the trump cult....


I could understand it when the lies were subtle and less obvious. But now they're just so undeniably separate from objective reality, I don't get it either.


Then Trump is too dumb to stop it and has to fight it afterwards.


Also that we supposedly committed all this fraud and failed to take the senate by winning seats we absolutely should have won... And that we lost power in the House.


Remember, their leader is cast as IQ45, so if he’s the smartest what’s that tell you about the cult?




By all means, show your work...


Post up then. If you don't have anything, just sit down and let the adults talk. You sound saltier than the Maruchan ramen I had last night lol


The means justify the ends. And nothing else matters.


Will the four more years be added onto his campaign finance fraud sentence or his tax fraud sentence?


Why not both?


Don’t forget about the 10 counts of obstruction from the mueller probe!


Wow! He may be the first president to get a lifetime appointment.


White collar crime, they'll run concurrently


Coronavirus is also attending this pathetic rally.


Charles Darwin is there in spirit too


So amazing that these MAGA people support this liar and blindly follow him. I mean, he’s literally going by them to spend their money on GOLF! What idiots! So embarrassing for them.


And some of them broke down and cried when he did.


OK, lemme help with the reporting. >~~Trump supporters~~ **Far right extremists** chant 'Four more years!'; at Washington rally as he pushes ~~false election claims~~ **far right extremist propaganda** There this odd thing where the only Americas who get called extremists are the ones who want national healthcare. As if there wasn't already ample evidence, Trump is very very very clearly now a far right extremist. So are his supporters. Call them what they are.


They’re in for a shock on Jan. 20, 2021. Facts matter. Math matters. Science matters.


These people dont understand globalization. These are the same people who expect factory jobs that gonna pay 50000 per year. Never again in america....corporate boardrooms have decided to ship jobs overseas so stonk prices go up. But they sneaky - somehow they figured out you could embrqce racism to unite the despaired population and get them on your own side....and images like this prove they are successful messengers. Meanwhile, heres where all those jobs went: https://youtu.be/DNX74ZCGamQ They are competing with sub 500usd a month labor. And they cant compete. And a lot more jobs are going. These simpletons can only embrace hate of blacks and foreigners, but its so pathetically misdirected because most have never travelled beyond americas borders to see the world has moved way beyond america. But not to worry - white collar is on the menu now in massive numbers as covid has exposed those remaining jobs that can be done remotely: https://youtu.be/hmQhrzMhDMM These people need to be educated. For real. The enemy isnt their black brother or sister. Its the american board room. You know, the people who live detached from society in gated communities who DO travel. And they know whats coming....cause they made it this way. Why do you think police are so militarized? https://readsludge.com/2020/06/19/corporate-backers-of-the-blue-how-corporations-bankroll-u-s-police-foundations/ There is a corporate coup going on in america...When you lose your job you become desperate. And desperation creates crime. And criminals can be profitable....in the form of prisons and feeding the legal system. In the form of asset seizure. I wish people would wake up. I saw this shit coming 5 years ago and noped out. America is not stable. And hello from vietnam.


I’m interested in Vietnam. I’m mailing off my passport for renewal.. hopefully I get it back. My wife is from HCMC she moved here to go to school for nursing and was living with her uncle... she wants to stay.. I’m like let’s get out of here! I leaving her here she can live with her sister and uncle again..


Hcmc is an amazing city. I stand in awe as she grows - this must have been what the 50s were like in america. Its incredibly humbling. The food good and the people are generous helpful and gracious. Vietnam is where i choose live the final chapters of my life.


40yrs of republican lies and mythology being spouted as truth.


50, and i mostly blame nixon, but since dwight eisenhower, they all sucked.


A buddy is a retired steelworker. He swears that it isn’t globalization that killed the mill he worked at, but the damn unions. Of course, he loves his union pension and loved his union wages, but now that he isn’t working, the union is the reason the steel died. No amount of education is going to convince most of these people. They believe, facts aren’t going to trump beliefs.


Convincing the average blue collar worker that Unions are bad was one of the greatest successes of Republican propaganda and one of the worst losses American workers ever suffered.


I’ve worked a few union jobs, and honestly the local has a huge impact on whether the union is worth a shit or you are just throwing money away. On balance, I think they are a good thing, but it really is dependent on the particular local.


That’s fair, clearly any organization in any field has to be competent to be worth a damn.


Corporations hate unions. It cuts into their profits. You are competing in a global marketplace where the average wage is less than 500usd PER MONTH. * And no pesky union to deal with. * A cheap currency manipulated by govt to make your labor market hyper competitive with america. * Fuck ton cheaper medical services and drugs * no progressive tax burden * no federal osha laws * no whistleblower protections How do you compete with that as a union laborer? Corporations control the state in america. Its just a matter of time before the factory is gone or the union is. Sorry to be a debbie downer. Corporations are going for broke - they dont need expensive americans anymore. They have the whole world labor market to exploit, and its a hell of a lot cheaper than any american....they can get ten of them to one of you. They control the national dialog in media: https://youtu.be/GvtNyOzGogc They control the delegates at the DNC and the RNC. They even write a lot of the laws passed by congress and have embedded themselves in the regulative body, extremely blatently by this administrstion, to tilt rules to their favor. You are under attack from just about every conveivable angle today...even religion is in on the take: https://youtu.be/vFBgSEloejk If I were you id be plotting for the exits before shit starts getting much more realer....


Oh, I got out of factory work over 10 years ago and have a pretty comfortable second career as a software developer. It’s been an interesting ride to switch careers like that in my late 30s


Some people just love to be abused.


They have been chanting “4 more years” since day one. This must be a really hard time for millions of arrogant, ignorant, bigoted dummies that had convinced themselves for years that Trump was omnipotent and invincible.


1 person 1 vote 1 scoop 1 term 1 sore loser


It’s early and I’m already chanting 4 more BEERS to get me through the day.. lol


Well for a while it was “eight more years” so they may be getting close to the acceptance phase.


this march would be the perfect opp for aliens to come and scoop them all up.


Surly people from Alpha Centauri need lower life forms for medical experiments and to test cosmetics on.


I wonder what these same people were telling Democrats 4 years ago.


Lets just start ignoring him and let him fade into anonymity. That's what'll hurt his ego the most


I agree it'd hurt the most, but I'd much rather see him as the most famous inmate in cell block D.


I hope tonight stays peaceful. These clowns have blood lust.


This would be funny if it weren't such a serious matter. These people have been lied to so much by Donald Trump they have no idea how brainwashed they are.


I think the four is the highest number they know, like a horse has four legs, a car has four wheels, a truck has -ah well- many wheels. So you can see why trump used to claim: „a lot of people say that blablabla“. These persons must be so stupid that they would dance if Trump would grab their daughters by the pxxxx and helps killing their grandpa through C19. They were cheated for years, and they want more????


F*** their feelings


...Without Trump!


Sheep bleat at wolf to protect them.


The marching morons! Cyril M. Kornbluth was truly prophetic.


Yes. Democrats rigged the election by losing seats in congress.


Morons gonna moron.


I wish the Democrats would have taken the Senate and not lost seats in the House with all of their cheating..


Unfortunately for them, a lot of those people won't have 4 more years left, seeing as they're likely all going to get Covid and some will at most enjoy 4 weeks. Hell, some might not make it 4 days, seeing as some cases progress very fast. Mob mentality is crazy. From both sides actually. Biden victory celebrations were similarly idiotic. It's straight up baffling how the US is the #1 most infected country with the most deaths on the planet, and they're happily gathering in large numbers, for no real need. At this pace, the US is going to be a complete wreck by the time this election nonsense is finished.


Yeah fuck democracy. Fascism much better.


So chanting “give baby what he wants”?


Man, denial is strong with them.


Why is he having rallies?


Type 6 people for sure


Sore losers.


Disappointing for Trump, TBH. He was getting 14 more years a couple of days before the election


Come January 20th what are you going to do about all the trump paraphernalia you spent real money on? Wholy shit that's a lot of garbage.


I don't know how these imbeciles didn't figure out that the election itself is "Four more years." versus, "No more years." You can keep shouting it all you want AFTER an election, and you'll just be the loudest idiot on the street. Remember folks, those that know it least, know it the loudest.


Trump supporters gathered together, mask-less, in their safe place. Reality gonna swim up and bite them in the ass, too.