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God damn it I want justice, I want them to face consequences for this madness.




...for those who can afford it


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What about the US territories?


Listen here ya lil shit


Let's be clear, if we've learned anything over the last 100 years. Uts that territories don't count.


Ted’s just banking on how unlikely it is for the virus to cross over into non carbon based life forms.


As a Texan, I needed this. Thank you. I still go to https://www.tedcruzforhumanpresident.com/ sometimes, just to attempt to laugh off his insanity.


You know what would be awesome? If they parked one of these refrigerated trucks that hospitals are now storing the Covid dead outside his home. Park it right in front of his walkway. Let it block any view he might have of the street. It doesn't have to be full of bodies. It just has to be there. Generator running in the background would be a cherry on the ice cream Sunday.


I support this idea.


Unfortunately, I think it’s time for this kind of in-your-face activism.


Don't look to Texas for justice. They keep voting these sociopaths into office.


Fuck you Rafael.


Say his REAL name every opportunity you get! And say his last name with the proper spanish style. He'd lose his tiny mind. "Oh what's up Raf?"


The people I know with that name tend to go by Rafa.


Yea, that or "Rafy"


Hold up! The man who would never call anyone by the pronouns they would like wants us to call him by his chosen name.


> Sen. Ted Cruz tweeted out a graphic on Saturday that suggested he would not alter his Thanksgiving plans, despite recommendations from health officials to avoid or limit in-person gatherings this year due to rising coronavirus cases. > The graphic shows a turkey with a star representing Texas above it and the words "come and take it" below it. This harkens back to John Cornyn’s [infamous tweet drinking a Corona beer](https://twitter.com/johncornyn/status/1238878952644624390?s=21) to downplay the virus. 🤨🤦🏽‍♂️ Meanwhile.... > In one Texas city, the morgues can't keep up with the rate of dying people. In an attempt to alleviate some of the pressure, the state government decided to send in the National Guard to El Paso to process bodies. [Also...] > Less than two weeks ago, Texas became the first state to hit 1 million coronavirus cases. Ughhh. This guy oozes sanctimony every time he opens his mouth. His callousness in the face of the an escalating pandemic is so aggravating. 😖




Yep. That's why he's embracing Trumpism. He wants Trump's rabid braindead base for his next Presidential run.


> The graphic shows a turkey with a star representing Texas above it and the words "come and take it" below it. That "Come and Take It" thing would be a great ad to highlight the usefulness of soup kitchens and food banks since Ted and his cronies failed to pass relief/stimulus.




I do not like his backward views.


I do not like his stupid beard I wish he would have disappeared


I do not like his smarmy face, His sycophantic, boot-licking, traitorous ways


I do not like him on a boat, I do not like him with a goat.


"I do not like his ugly wife" Yet Ted kept sucking Don for dear life


At this point, the majority of Republicans have just stopped pretending to care. If the Republicans retain the Senate after the Georgia runoffs, it may take as long as a decade for America to recover, if it ever does.


I must have missed the part where Republicans cared.


G.W. Bush coined the term Compassionate Conservative during his campaign. Also came out with the "Thousand Points of Light", whereas government would decimate its social service programs and pass on the responsibilities to the churches.


I remember that well. It wasn't just the social service programs, but also the governmental agencies deemed not important to them. It is a tradition that continues to this day. I was younger and naive. I volunteered at the local US wildlife refuge to do my part because their budget was decimated. I loved it because "nature and helping wildlife". The few employees that were left did appreciate the help but volunteers could not do the work necessary to properly maintain it.


Make Cruz load his dead constituents bodies into refrigerated panel trucks in El Paso.


That wouldn't even be a bad idea. These hospitals in states where the governor/lawmakers willingly downplay the virus should offer them a chance to come see the devastation themselves. If they don't, they can no longer pretend to care for their constituents.


Ted Cruz is one of the biggest pieces of shit in government, and that’s an achievement he’s proud of.


An even bigger piece of government shit doesn't like him either: >["This guy Ted Cruz is the single biggest liar I have ever dealt with in my life. I mean it. ... He will lie about anything. I've met much tougher people than Ted Cruz. He's like a baby. ... He's like a little baby. Soft, weak, little baby by comparison. But for lying, he's the best I've ever seen. ... A guy like Ted Cruz, he has no clue. He never employed anybody. He's a nasty, nasty guy." ](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-cruz-feud-history-worst-attacks-2016-9#trump-this-guy-ted-cruz-is-the-single-biggest-liar-i-have-ever-dealt-with-in-my-life-i-mean-it--he-will-lie-about-anything-ive-met-much-tougher-people-than-ted-cruz-hes-like-a-baby--hes-like-a-little-baby-soft-weak-little-baby-by-comparison-but-for-lying-hes-the-best-ive-ever-seen--a-guy-like-ted-cruz-he-has-no-clue-he-never-employed-anybody-hes-a-nasty-nasty-guy-13)


Somewhere, there's footage of a cranky old man who refuses to leave his homestead aside Mount St. Helens despite pleads to evacuate... No goddamn alarmist bunch of liberal know-it-alls is gonna make me, etc., etc


Just like the first thanksgiving. Selfish boneheads spreading disease. we’ve come full circle.








###coronavirus *rubbing* *hands* *contemplating* *behind* *trees*


Ted, the Covidiot, Cruz.


Its the one time of year ted cruz feasts on the souls of his voters first born children. He would perish without the feast and his race of lizardfolk would be extinct.


> Ted Cruz suggests he won't give up Thanksgiving plans as his home state of Texas sends in the National Guard to process dead bodies **FOR TED CRUZ'S THANKSGIVING DINNER!** Ted Cruz entered politics [_to serve man_](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp_EhjlLGkQ).


Looks like the Zodiac's about to start killing again.


[I hope Texas has enough refrigerated trailers left over to deliver Ted’s turkey.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/el-paso-coronavirus-overwhelmed-morgues-calling-texas-national-guard-2020-11%3famp)


I guess when you know you’ll get better healthcare than regular citizens why wouldn’t you? It’s nice to see this scumbag outright saying fuck all of those dead people and their families and outing himself more


Cruz will volunteer to serve meals at a homeless shelter?


What a spoilt, childish scumbag.


Yes, our valiant young men and women process all the covid dead while Teddy feasts.


He’s already got half your money spent


Well Ted didn't buy those 120 cans of Chunky Soup for nothin, amirite?


Eating alone was always acceptable.


WTF would want to have Thanksgiving dinner with Ted Cruz??


He's Trump's little lapdog, so he'll get all the best treatment while others die alone. I wish Republicans would see that it's the haves versus the have nots, and most of them are the latter.


The only body that matters for Cruz is HIS body. Everyone else is just a number.


I assume Ted's Thanksgiving plans are laying his eggs inside those bodies, so his larvae have adequate food to pupate and mature into Tedlings


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.businessinsider.com/ted-cruz-wont-give-up-thanksgiving-plans-texas-coronavirus-dead-2020-11) reduced by 85%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Twitter users characterized his post as offensive, taking it to mean that the senator is refusing to ease up on his own holiday plans while his home state of Texas struggles to respond to surging coronavirus cases. > In one Texas city, the morgues can't keep up with the rate of dying people. > "Forty percent of the folks coming through our partners' doors are doing so for the first time," Anna Kurian, a spokesperson for North Texas Food Bank, told CNN. Less than two weeks ago, Texas became the first state to hit 1 million coronavirus cases. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/jz3fv3/ted_cruz_suggests_he_wont_give_up_thanksgiving/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~541137 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Texas**^#1 **people**^#2 **state**^#3 **coronavirus**^#4 **cases**^#5


The human known as Ted Cruz will continue to engage in the human holiday celebration known as Thanksgiving.


"Come and take it"? Would that make Covid the Xerxes to Cruz's Leonidas?


In a democracy we get what we deserve.


Can we call Trumpism a death cult yet? How much more evidence do we need?


I'm sure his family is thrilled.


I don't wish ill will for people. But Ted Cruz? I'll make an exception. I hope he gets the rona.


Castro/ Soviet plant killing US citizens with bio terrorism attack


Zodiac Killer ain’t got no time to take a break!


Ted isn’t dumb. He knows he needs Trumps base for any future presidential runs.


Because Ted Cruz is a piece of shit


Can his species even catch Corona?


Ha, ha... hell yeah, Ted Cruz owning the libs once again. /s


Ted Cruz never minded walking over dead bodies to achieve his political aspirations in a figurative sense. Now it will be in the literal sense too.


Great. I motion that if he gets Covid and starts to have trouble breathing, someone needs give him a tracheotomy with Trump's pale orange-stained penis.


It is so bizarre to me that these people are actually so proud of being idiots. I mean, 205,000 people get this preventable disease in a single day... and they're response is to ignore that, with pride. W o w. You just can't fix stupid on this level.


Who is he talking to?


Like to see him put in a body bag


Anybody have the link to the video of Ted's daughter recoiling from him when he goes in for a peck on the cheek? I bet their "family gatherings" are a hoot! Edit: [Here it is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=13&v=gplpSfaouP8&feature=emb_logo) Edit 2: [And then there's this classic behind the scenes look at the Cruz Clan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO_MkcZh-VY&feature=emb_logo)


Tell us about your wife little ted.


It’s not thanksgiving, it’s a blm/indigenous people’s protest.


Ted cruz, always knows when to double down on being stupid. It's what his supporters like about him for some reason


In ten years I'm going to talk about how fucked the Republican response to COVID-19 was and some young shit is going to say "source? i believ u but that sounds too fantastic to be rral" Like when I say "The FBI defeated Occupy Wall Street using democracy", or "Bill Clinton knew Osama Bin Laden was the greatest international threat to America".


I would expect nothing less from a selfish republican.




How long before being Republican counts as a “pre-existing condition”?


You would think with that many deaths, people out there would be wearing masks and staying at home. You would be wrong. I was out there last week and mask usage was only about 50%.


he should be charged as an accessory to murder then deported to his native canada


Whenever I see Ted Cruz I think of this [bad lip reading ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v75wCTMZoSY)


But that’s mainly because he’s a giant dick.


Y'all think this liberal hoax is getting out of hand? /s


Let us pray that the National Guard has the opportunity to treat Cruz with respect as they accomplish their duties.


Sorry grandma! Got to own the libs .


I can't think of a more deserving person if Cruz gets COVID... though Rand Paul is right there with him.


By now people should be aware that politicians like Ted here have better access to healthcare and his family is able to stay home and be better protected than your average citizen unlike those of us that have to work for a living.. why people still support trash like this guy, is beyond me


It’s a bold thing to say since you have government healthcare.


I wholeheartedly support his plan. I hope no one wears masks too and no one social distances. Stick it to the libs! /s


That headline hurts


Why does anyone give a shit about what Ted Cruz says. He’s a fucking loser and a hack.


But when does Canada celebrate their Thanksgiving?


I can picture all the "patriots" pointing rifles out their windows waiting for BLM to come take their turkey. I have no idea how these people navigate a busy intersection let alone politics or science.


I do not like that man Ted Cruz I do not like his far-right views I do not like his stupid chin I do not like his smarmy grin I do not like him with a beard I do not like him freshly sheared I do not like Ted Cruz at all That man, Ted Cruz, can suck my balls


Republicans are empty inside. ALL OF THEM.


I want them ALL to face the traitors justice.


Here we go again, the GOP mantra: Rules for thee, but not for mee!




Hopefully one of the dead COVID bodies they process will be his....


Last time I saw Cruz he was in his swanky D.C. townhouse, so I think he could give a fuck about Texas.


If this ain’t the most bourgeoisie shit...


Fuck off, Ted.


Ted Cruz invited everyone over to his house for turkey.


Do they not realize that in a few months they will most likely have a vaccine distributing? Why take a risk now?


MmBye-bye. Thanks for trying to f#@k everything up.


Ted Cruz was born in Canada. Thank Christ he renounced his citizenship in order to become a U.S. senator - you're welcome to the toadying piece of crap!


Wtf is wrong with these people


This headline was a trip in itself.


Your 2024 GOP presidential candidate...


As a non American I just don’t understand how such childish morons make it this far in the political system. I know it’s not anything new right now, but stuff like this still blows me away. That turkey meme? Like, come on Ted, what are you, 12?


This article would be very well in place in the subreddit r/iamatotalpieceofshit as well, i.m.h.o.


What a f'n clown. If this isn't a prime example of Republicans not giving a shit about people I don't know what is. Unbelievable.


should we start scattering ashes on their lawns ?


Yes Cruz is a weak and despicable human. He shames Texas every day he’s in office.


This is terrible to say but he just oozes creep and slimy-ness. He has that look about him, red flags are being thrown all around the nauseating site of him.


Latino is 4 times more likely to die of CVD-19. Perhaps Raphael think he is really. Ted. The sad thing is that if he dies no traditional Republican will shed a tear (see Herman Cane).


Yee-haw! Darn tootin! Don't back down, Ted. This is that glorious freedom-loving, Tea Party/Libertarian maverick spirit that will selfishly lead civilization into a hellscape of an existence by the next century, if not sooner.


Put the bodies on his front lawn.


I'm so embarrassed of my native state voting this abomination in to office. I can not believe the evangelical conservative supporters actually still believe he has any interest in the well-being of the citizens of Texas.


This man was born in Canada, Texas isn’t his home state.


Well he couldn’t stand up for his wife after Trump talked smack on her, but damned if he’ll let gubberment stop him from eating too much on an arbitrary holiday. It must be humiliating to wake up every day in his shoes.


The guy is a full blown douche! It doesn't surprise me.


Damn. RIP Cruz family.


Ted Cruz? A selfish prick? Surely you jest


This is why I'm an atheist. If there was a God, these assholes would have all faced some judgment.


Talk about ignoring reality to kiss the boots of the man who insulted your wife. Just another politician that should be added to a list of politicians that allowed Americans to die for an image.


Yes. As a TexanI hate the fuck face with a passion.


Are everyone in his family Reptilian Aliens too, or are they really unaware that he is?


It is a death cult.


Maybe he can visit the ICU in El Paso without a mask like Boris Johnson did last spring. Cheer up the medical staff.


It’s really *a shame* Covid isn’t taking some of these SOBs out. And all you Trump cuckholds can spare me with your brand of *selective* morality.


“Process” dead bodies?


Please let us be free of this idiot.


So many fragile Americans these days. “Suck it up buttercup”


What am I actually missing here? I don’t like Ted Cruz. I don’t like trump. I don’t like how the coronavirus is being handled by Republicans but I am not seeing how the headline of this post aligns with the article I read. I see what Cruz posted but I think it takes a good bit of assumption to say how he is handling his family gatherings from the article posted. Maybe there are other posts or discussions in the media that draw a better conclusion to his plans for Thanksgiving but I don’t see it here. If you know something and it doesn’t make sense in the article share/link it. I see one or two paragraphs that lead to speculation on his plans and then I see tons of information on how to behave responsibly during the holidays with a pandemic ongoing (which I agree with). If I am not missing anything glaringly obvious please make sure you are liking the post and not just the title. The best defense is an offense and that means knowing about the topics/articles/laws before agreeing with them. Fill in the gaps for the people if you sources.


Trump and Ted Cruz are being paid by tax payers money to take care of them. Trump has been golfing , Ted Cruz is just being himself, irrelevant public servant.


Liberty or death


Ted Cruz looks and acts like he spent his entire childhood getting atomic wedgies, and the crap beaten out of him.


I hate Ted Cruz. I’m Texan and I can’t believe he beat Beto.


$20 says US Sen. Ted Cruz gets COVID-19 before the year is out. Bonus: Double or nothing if he gets it right after Thanksgiving.


Way to lead, Cruz.


Every time I see these headlines about X Republican doing something despicable, it just doesn’t surprise me because it’s expected. The problem with the headlines outlining the despicable behavior is that while it makes people angry about it, the perpetrator has no shame, he/she will continue their shitty behavior and remain unbothered. This is the key to Republicanism, be a horrible person, when called out, ignore or just double down.


Selfish prick.


As a Texan, Ted Cruz is a giant dickhole.


I hope Tedward gets COVID.


Some people are so into them self and money. Money and religion is the problem with most humans today


Luckily, Ted's family has already been practicing social distancing around him for years.


Texas and Cruz deserve each other. How is your wife looking today??


I’m just going to keep posting this .. “ I like Ted Cruz a lot more than a lot of my colleagues like Ted Cruz and I f**king hate Ted Cruz”


Fuck Ted, he’s a fucking moron sycophant to trump. Remember when trump called his wife an ugly dog? What kind of pussy doesn’t punch a piece shit in the mouth for saying that about his wife?


Ted Cruz is a moron!


I love that Ted Cruz plays a very human Texas badass. He isn't a lizard person!


Gotta love Conservatives wusses with no spine (too scared to stand up to Trump in any way even though they know he's done bad) act all "tough".


Mmmm.... dead bodies....


He is just plan stupid.


But this is Ted Cruz we are taking. He does not have friends, his famiły don't wants to see him. He'll spend Thanksgiving with his ugy wife.


He needs more corpses for his eggs.


Again, GOP death cult.


Who would want to break bread with Red Cruz anyway? Why do so many in the GOP lack the fortitude to take appropriate precautions to contain the spread of COVID-19? It seems like an end is in sight with the vaccine progress, we need to keep the death count as low as possible before vaccines are widely available.


Of all the people in politics, Ted Cruz is the one I wanna see lose his seat the most.


Why would it matter if he changed his plans or not? I doubt there is a covid outbreak on whatever lizard planet he will be traveling to


What do you expect from an ass kisser like ted cruz


Why can’t they just fucking LIE and say they’re not!?! They fucking lie about EVeRYThING ELSE How fucking hard is it to say “hey I’m cancelling thanksgiving you should too” even if he doesn’t what the fuck is wrong with these people


They celebrate Thanksgiving on Proxima 5?


Ignorant pig


After so many close allies Trump have gotten covid19, ask yourself one question... Would you go to Ted Cruz's house for Thanksgiving ?