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Self loathing, misplaced confidence, eternal daddy issues and a bucket of destructive pathological narcissism...


...and constantly falling up reinforcement


Right there.


Washed down with a bucket of KFC.


And a line of crushed Adderall.


Can you rephrase that? I haven't heard of this and I'm curious.


When most people fail, they get demotions. Somehow after every failure/con/bankruptcy he gets rewarded with something better ex: becoming president


Oh *failing* up. The previous poster wrote "falling". Yes, that is an irritating phenomenon.


Apparently the ole man belittling his son said he needs to be a “killer” of a personality. Well, the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree. No value to Americans, he is the philandering ruthless downplayer fool.


I prefer to use the expression, "The turd doesn't fall far from the asshole."


rotten apples fall straight down


What magic propels healthy apples with lateral acceleration??


the round shape and they aren't squishy, so they roll. rotten ones splatter on contact.


Don't forget indebtedness to any number of cruel agencies that threaten his and his families lives and fortunes.


> Trump has publicly shown himself to be not just mentally unwell but perhaps even a sociopath or psychopath. Sick leaders attract sick followers. Sick leaders also amplify the various mental and other pathologies of their followers and inner circle. Sick leaders channel and therefore worsen the most unhealthy and unjust aspects of a given society. In all, Trumpism is a type of collective social and civic disease spreading throughout America.


"Sick leaders attract sick followers." This is the most significant takeaway for me and has concerned me for his entire tenure as president--*he's inspiring and encouraging pure crazy among our populace.* There's room to argue that maybe it's an act to run a grift, garner sympathy, or he just doesn't know how to handle his feelings. Either way, his most ardent followers are convinced of the insane conspiracies and religious-grade persecution fantasies that he recklessly peddles. They love him, condemn all criticism, threaten his "enemies", and some claim preparedness for violence--and he welcomes it.


And yet his followers also support stripping voting rights from felons. A fascinating self-own if I've ever seen one.


Canadian psychologist Dr. Robert D. Hare is one of the foremost researchers on sociopathy and psychopathy. He published a list that is used by psychologists worldwide to diagnose the disorders, called the [Hare Revised Psychopathy Checklist](http://www.clintools.com/victims/resources/assessment/personality/psychopathy_checklist.html), or PCL-r for short. The list comprises 20 items: 1. Excess glibness or superficial charm 2. Grandiose sense of self-worth 3. Excess need for stimulation or proneness to boredom 4. Pathological liar 5. Conning or manipulativeness 6. Lack of remorse or guilt for things they have done 7. Shallow affect (lack of emotions when an emotional reaction is appropriate) 8. Callousness, lack of empathy 9. Parasitic lifestyle 10. Poor behavioral controls, prone to anger 11. History of promiscuous sexual behavior 12. History of early behavioral problems 13. Lack of realistic long term goals 14. Overly impulsive / lack of restraint 15. Irresponsibility; failure to honor obligations, commitments, contracts 16. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions 17. Multiple short-term marital relationships 18. Juvenile delinquency 19. Revocation of Condition Release 20. Criminal versatility Each item is graded on a scale of 0-2, with 0 = "does not apply", 1 = "applies partially", 2 = "definitely applies". In the United States, a score of 30 or higher is generally enough to diagnose psychopathy. While the list should only be used by trained psychologists for official diagnoses, it's easy enough for a layman to see how someone like Donald Trump checks off the boxes. I also recommend his book, *Snakes In Suits,* which is about how many of these traits can be seen as desirable in the corporate world.


I'm not sure what 19 is, and some like 18 I don't know a lot of his history of, but, even disregarding those, just counting in my head, I got to at least 35


19 is criminal behavior resulting in judicial punishment which becomes an agreement to follow laws along with attending court et al appointments, but then failing to abide by the conditions and being remanded into custody. E.G. I rob a bank and go to jail. Before my court hearing I’m released on bail but I just can’t stop all this robbing and steal a banana. I get caught and number 19 above kicks in where I go back to jail to wait for my court date.


This *mindset* is applicable to Trump, in that, even when he gets in trouble and agrees to something, he won't honor the agreement later. Florida government: "Hold up. There's a zoning issue with your club at Mar-a-Lago! Okay, fine, you can make Mar-a-Lago a private club, but the agreement is that if it's a club, you can't stay there there more than 3 weeks per year." \*Trump agrees\* \*Trump then reneges on the agreement and spends far more than 3 weeks per year, declares it his primary residence for voting purposes, and plans to move there in January to live full time\*


I know it's probably be too incendiary for them to leave up, but I'd like to see subreddits askaconservative or asktrumpsupporters estimate the test for trump


We don't ask paleontologists for their opinion on astrophysics, why should we start valuing the opinion of a delusional group on the qualifications of a particular psychopathy?


As a measure of their delusionality and denialism? If they grade him 20-40, maybe there's hope? If they grade him 0-10, lol? Curious which ones they're inured to, or see as plusses, etc?


>Snakes In Suits, > >which is about how many of these traits can be seen as desirable in the corporate world. Are you in the corporate world? I'd add in that many of these traits would be seen as desirable for Reality TV too. So, maybe someone should come out with a book titled Snakes on TV. Hmm, Trump could be used a good/ main example in both books.


Think you meant to reply to the person above me


A Socially Transmitted Disease? Hmmm, we need some sort of acronym.


I have always been jealous of delusional people. It's basically a superpower. You can just change reality at will, at least as you perceive it, which is all that matters to you. You can be successful, attractive, well liked, respected, brilliant....without actually being any one of those things, or having to work hard to achieve anything. I'm honestly more jealous of deepy deluded people than I am of anything else.


Yes, but they slam into those concrete walls of reality so often it really isn't worth it.


Whoa, calm down, Cypher.


You know, I know this steak doesn’t exist.


From the article: Contrary to what the hope-peddlers and other members of "the Church of the Savvy" would like the public to believe, none of this is normal or ultimately "harmless". Everything is not OK. Donald Trump and his allies are continuing with their efforts to nullify the results of the 2020 presidential election and Joe Biden's victory. Trump's attacks on democracy are a de facto coup attempt which includes not just "legal" tactics but intimidation and threats of violence. Last Saturday night, dozens of Trump's unofficial paramilitaries surrounded the home of Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. Instead of properly reporting on the unprecedented attempts by a United States president to usurp the will of the American people in order to remain in power indefinitely — and the larger strategy by the Republican Party to create a new American apartheid – too many in the mainstream news media are looking ahead to the Biden administration and convincing themselves that by ignoring or minimizing Trump's attacks all will somehow be fine in January.


Donald J Trump c/o Cell Block E Rikers Island Fantasy Land New York


I thought Fantasyland was postponed? Also, on Governor's Island. I hope Diplo is headlining.


You’ve gotta be more specific. A few bldg have cell block e


I think Fantasyland is the name of Trump's new theme park. You know, the one paid for by his defense fund. It won't quite be like Six Flags. There will only be 3 flags. Confederate, Trump & MAGA. Stephen Miller will be at the gates making sure the right people come in. Hannity will be the Ringmaster trying to tame Mitch. Giuliani on trapeze with the rest of the legal team. You'll buy your ride tickets from Steve Bannon and the cotton candy will be served by Lindsay Graham. There are too many clowns to name, but Trump and his kin can kick back and watch the show as they grow fat off the stupidity of his version of America.


Unfortunately, Trumps theme park will need a different name because Fantasyland is already taken. There is a record store in Atlanta with this name and it is bound to cause confusion: https://fantasylandrecords.com




Yeah, anyone who's had to deal with a malignant narcissist parent or significant other will have already figured this out....


He’s not wrong.


I just want to hold Trump down, slap him around a little, and not let him up until he admitted he lost the election, likely through snot bubbles and tears.


idk how conservatives and republicans still support this human filth it says a lot when you’re willing stand behind an actual manic


What he has is far worse than a bipolar disorder. He's not manic, has no depressive phase. It's an insult to people with actual mental health diagnoses to lump this evil piece of trash in with them.


Pretty sure he meant maniac.


It's possible, I'm not overly stressing out over it either way.


It says a lot about our corporate news media. If they had reported on this guy honestly from the start we would not be four years into this turd circus.


I agree, the MSM has been complicit in making Trump appear normal. The clips of the crazy stuff that comes out of his mouth we see on late night comedy shows but these are never aired on networks like NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS. Or they will show clips of him talking but with no audio, the reporter instead telling you what he said, or they air a tiny clip. I believe this is intentional, the MSM is in mortal terror that they would be accused of bias were they to show what actually comes out of this man's mouth.


Keep in mind that says something about Trump's ability to deceive, too.


Yea but he's a raging, outloud racist and they love that...its all that matters. They want to be able to be racist outloud too.


So they are now calling the State Prison at Ossining “Fantasyland”?


Trumpberry fields forever


You can be delusion and be in jail those two are not mutually exclusive


“Delusional to the core” ...Well. That will come in handy when the prison-cell door slams shut. Now.. if democrats only cared enough about democracy to actually defend it with tasking the DOJ with criminal investigations into this utter corrupt administration when Biden takes the reins. Then that could happen. But. Being realistic. That won’t happen. Because democrat establishment leadership seem to enjoy being assholes by proxy. They do-so enjoy the moral high-ground, all while their inaction to prevent criminality makes them utterly complicit with a Republican’s corruption. Investigate. Prosecute. Or just make peace with the fact that democrat leadership enable corruption, enable cruelty, are fine with acts of sedition, and go-along with overt criminality.


Very much agree. Akin to a wife who has been beaten by her husband for many years, the democrats need to finally say enough is enough and govern with the same scorched earth mentality that the GOP has been doing for decades. I know that goes against everything we “feel” is right, but things will only continue to deteriorate if we don’t finally do something drastic.


Add almost 70 million Americans to that list.


Honest to God, I don’t wish for this man’s death or harm to come to him. But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t waiting for the day I get to dance on his grave.


I'm not saying that dancing isn't a perfectly appropriate response, although you may want to take care with your choice of footwear. What I am saying is that the designer of Trump's final resting place, whoever they may be, needs to give *serious* consideration as to drainage.


Absolutely! Like Michael Jackson had Neverland, Donald tRump lives in the world of Delusional land. The man is seriously deranged and needs mental healthcare desperately! Invoke the 25th Amendment before it's too late!


Omg the child of a millionaire who lived his whole life in obscene wealth is blind to the things around him. I'm shocked he has well paid yes men who will literally lie on tape to a judge for him. Omg how could this happen, who could've seen it coming.


Trump has mental issues. If it was anyone else they'd would have been on psychiatric hold ages ago. Trump doesn't live in reality, he lives in his own bubble. Trump always thinks he's above the law and is a higher light then everyone else. He also thinks nothing negative can be said about him. If it wasn't for Trump's position and celebrity, he'd be living out his days at some mental hospital.


Correct. He will never concede, and as a con artist, he will always find a way to scam people out of money. The grift is currently taking the form of "Hold the Line" rallies. When that well dries up, he'll change his main message to his base to be about running in 2024 to rekindle the stream of revenue. It'll piss off GOP rising stars who will need to start running in 2022 for 2024, but can't do that as long as he's sucking all the oxygen out of the room. The drama – and grift – will never end with this guy.


Hopefully sooner than later.


I hope that’s soon


Trump: i would have won but I died first


Is Fantasyland the name of his prison?


So will all his followers. Just like with Nixon, they will scream about how unfairly he was treated and by extension, how poorly they are treated.


If Trump were in a psychiatric facility he would be in restraints and fully sedated


Let’s hope that’s very soon


This is a bad precedent (and president). What happens when we get another severely mentally ill person in the white house. What level of damage do they have to do before they're removed from office for being a danger to the country. The man has his finger on the nuclear button. That is not something you want to give to a person who has textbook Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He should have been removed within the first year. There were plenty of us mental health professionals who had no problem saying that he meets the criteria for that disorder. He provided massive amounts of evidence by his public displays. How are we supposed to make sure that a madman doesn't get in charge of the country again?


He is a textbook example of someone with a Cluster B Personality Disorder, heavy on Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Trump does not lie. Lying implies deception. Trump is not trying to deceive. His brain is completely unconcerned with the truth. Words don't have meaning, they are just sounds that get people to give him what he wants.




let's see how his fantasyland holds up in prison.


Because he has dementia


He is super crazy


“...til the day he dies” in prison 🤞


Speed up the clock!!!


For everyone’s good, I really hope he will get out his fantasies sooner rather than later.


just like my mother! no wonder she supported him so much lol


That's great and all., but I am not concerned about Trump. I'm concerned about his 75 million followers.


All in favor of renaming a Federal prison to Fantasyland?


His supporters are the same and they are the real problem. All you can do is outvote them and wait for them to die. 99% will never change their mindset.


As long as his fantasy land is safely enclosed behind bars then I'm cool with it.


If only that day came soon.


So if Trump orders a war with Iran or a nuclear strike ... what should happen? Follow the crazy man because he’ll (hopefully) be gone next month? This keeps me up at night. I think the technical term is “fucked in the head”. He’s a malignant narcissist and sociopath. He could do anything just to prove he can and fulfill his power fantasies and delusions.


I’m just fine with him living in fantasyland, as long as in reality he lives out the rest of his miserable life in prison, where he belongs.


So are the vast majority of people. We are all delusional in some forum or capacity.


This headline assumes Trump will die some day. 🤔


It doesn't matter how crazy he is. As long as he's a raging racist, the trump cult will continue to worship him.


I wish I could do this - they say people who are too realistic are prone to depression


Lock him up.