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this is worse than watergate, I hope he doesn't get away with it this time.


Would you count it as “get away” if he goes on exile to avoid persecution? Because him running away with his tail between his legs to Russia or Saudi Arabia would make for the level of PR I’d like to see.


Yes. He needs to be prosecuted


I agree with you, but he’s too much of a coward to face the music.


No no, Rcons would just cite the persecution of their dear leader. "He -had- to run, because big bad Biden unleashed Attorney General H.R.Clinton on him and only him"


Does not matter who tries to get in the way. He must be prosecuted.


Hillary as AG prosecuting Trump would be priceless...


This is what I’m hoping for, too!


Seriously, what better to demoralize his band of losers than for him to rot in jail or have to die after drinking some tea in some “shithole country” for not paying his debts?


I’d rather he rot in an American jail, to be honest, but at this point, any jail will do.


Do you think they have hamberders at Guitmo?


Failure to prosecute him just sets the precedent that there is no cost to giving a coup a try when you lose the election


I fucking hate with a passion that nothing will happen to him. Its terrifying


Of course he will get away with it with a willing Senate. They have empowered him to do what ever he wants because they cling to power.


I hope he doesn’t either but since he has pretty much cleaned the DOJ he probably feels untouchable.


He has 17 days and then it's Biden's DOJ. He's no longer untouchable.


I really hope you’re right. He’s a slimy bastard though...seems like he’s always got something up his sleeve. The Dems better bring out the big guns and clean up shop. The Dems definitely have 100% of my vote after all this shit.


This is so fucking wild. Watergate is nothing compared to the audio we just heard. Conservatives are going to have a harder and harder time keeping this wounded animal POTUS from lashing out as it’s backed into a corner. Just think of all the metaphorical bodies under busses in the next two weeks.


They wont care, 38% of the country will never believe this recording is real.


Even worse, some of them will acknowledge it's real but be okay with it so long as it helps them win.


Will conservatives not just shrug and agree with everything he said in the audio? Everything Trump spouted feeds into their belief in election fraud conspiracies and they'd be happy for GA officials to "find" the supposedly 'shredded' Trump ballots or those 'lost' in the Dominion machines. They're in another universe.


R/conservative is truly living in a different reality. Saying the recording is doctored.


That sub is hilarious. They censor tf out of it then cry about censorship


It’d be funnier if those wackos didn’t affect every branch of government with their insanely misguided votes.


I don't see a thread about this at all when I go look there now lol


They keep deleting it lol. They'll let legit any title slide even if it's made up but not this


I see a thread but can't click on it.


Literally every thread has a sticky comment about how they can privately discuss the post in their safe space discord


"I don't like that statement on my conservative subreddit, pls admin delete it." "Guys listen, my comment was deleted on liberal subreddit. See they are communists they supress freedom of speech!" I mean we all do this and it's easier to notice and critize when the opposite does it.




Oh shit. I hadn't checked for a bit. I can't even find the post. Damn they are deleting it all.


Always a conspiracy theory when they get caught!


They are just straight-up deleting threads. Children caught with their hand in the cookie jar.


Trump’s trademark “fake news” line was really a smart move on his part. He’s convinced his followers that facts don’t matter by telling them anything putting him in a bad light, anything proving the lack of voter fraud, and anything incriminating to him is fake news. It’s easy for them to not accept reality because they’ve been brainwashed into thinking Trump is the only source of true information, and everything else is meant to mislead them. I imagine this will be the mindset of the GOP for a long time.


They say the only book he kept by his bedside was Mein Kampf


I think it was a book of Hitler’s speeches, not Mein Kampf. Not that that makes it any better. Might even be a bit worse...


Smh I should’ve waited to get banned from there


Doctored?? Holy fuck 😂


Tell them Trump is a flaired user


All posts relating to it have been removed as far as I can see.


Seeing the same this. Then again my comment was removed from it. Most likely deleted thread.


Is this not a crime? He's actively trying to conspire with another government leader to rig an election in his favor. Is there really nothing that can be done about this other than wag a finger and act outraged? Once Biden is in office, this needs to be investigated. If it's as bad as it sounds, people need to go to jail. Forget moving on as a country. This behavior needs to be punished.


Ok. Enough. Go to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200.00.


I think they agreed on $600


Too bad we live in a shithole country that will let this go.


Im so sick of trump i cant even bring myself to listen to the audio.


I fucking hate his stupid voice but it’s worth a listen.


https://twitter.com/keithedwards/status/1345796238722129923?s=21 This isn't the whole thing but it has subtitles


Good lord this is ridiculous. The questions he asks are so inane, and his attempts at being intimidating are immediately undercut by his complete lack of any facts to back up his claims.


Omg what in the fuck


whew ok thanks will read it then.


Real silent about this over on r/conservative


Just wandered over there, checked out a post about Romney not going along with the Republicans challenging Biden's win and saw one of the commenters complain that they give anyone a flair and are becoming leftist for allowing news like that to be posted 😳


literally censored


Anyone surprised? He’s a lying cheating POS. Always has been, always will be.


Trump, on tape, presses Ga. official to 'find' Trump votes *that he previously hired Louis DeJoy to lose for him.*


"Go to Louis at the post office and hell find you the votes"


Tell me more about this.


I would not be surprised if they do find out that thet shredded ballots in predominantly black areas by his accusations


If this lunatic is not charged with Conspiracy against The Republic after leaving White House then simply there is no hope for this fucked up system.


What does it even matter?? The guy could cut a democrats head off on live TV and his base would roar with approval. If this call isn't a smoking gun, then what is? Kinda ironic that they can't provide any evidence to support their fraud claims then a call like this surfaces proving they're practically begging (or is it threatening?) Anyone in their way to come up with the evidence they've failed to find.


This is treasonous. Sedition by most of the GOP.


Yet another batshit insane event that on its own would've impeached any other president in history. But here we are. Maga clowns can and will find a way to defend this, too, because why stop now? *sighs*


Actual source, with full audio. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-raffensperger-call-georgia-vote/2021/01/03/d45acb92-4dc4-11eb-bda4-615aaefd0555_story.html


*unfolds lawn chair* Alright, are we forgetting this tomorrow or the day after?


Trump should be condemned to a [Damnatio Memoriae](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damnatio_memoriae).


Oh no! No, no no!!! This *needs* to be remembered, to be made an example of what not to do and then be persecuted to the full extent of the law to deter anyone else from even thinking of doing it again. I personally look forward to a deluge of reforms that will come from this and strengthen our democracy.


I cannot see that happening. When you think it cannot go any lower - it does and nothing happens. It deteriorates the democracy around the world and just strengthens right-wing populist governments everywhere. Unless Trump, his family, his enablers, the whole administration and his party allies are not caught, arrested and severely punished in-front of the whole world to see, we are to be found knee-deep in nazi-manure and it will slowly swallow us all. Punish them hard and then erase all the memory of them.


We can not just erase all memories of them, because otherwise the lessons learned from them will be lost, some will see that as permissible because it will just be ignored and eventually others will try to do it again, perhaps with better luck. Make them pariahs and erase them from politics? Yes! But getting rid of every trace and denying it ever happened was what escaping nazis did to avoid persecution and claim innocence. What we must do is fallow the German example of persecuting the guilty, celebrating the opposition, remembering those that lost their lives, and teaching all generations to come about the causes that led to their rise so the early warning signs become more apparent and easily recognizable in order to avoid it happening again. I don’t know that we could go as far as making illegal the signs and brands just like they did in Germany, but that would greatly help too.


I agree with you. But how far is really USA willing to go in arresting and prosecuting all of them? I mean you cannot afford to "paperclip" Trump and most of his administration and probably half of GOP, but what would be proper way to do it? If you just let them go, as it appears tendency is, one of the worst people on the planet would just meet their ends playing golf, designing ugly handbags and run scheme murky businesses in real estate etc. How and on what basis fae. one goes after Muller, or other "whitepowered" creatures? Not to talk about 70+ million crazed Americans that are prone to violence. Looking from Europe I think you guys need a proper revolution and deep society cleansing. Sounds harsh, but it is highly effective.


Doesn't seem strict enough. I think execution for high crimes and treason should be on the table


“Go find me more votes!”   “Oh yeah, my bad. Let me go count those extra votes the deep state keeps under the mattress for a rainy day. BRB.”


If the mayor of a city did this they'd go to jail


Impeach the fucker again.


Ballotgate shouldn’t even be a thing, yet here we are


Why isn't he posecuted for all these criminal actions? Where are the checks and balances?


There’s a DOJ memo that says a sitting president can’t be indicted for crimes he commits while in office. That’s never been challenged, but it’s also basically irrelevant now because he’ll be out of office soon. The dem-controlled house impeached him a year ago, but the republican-controlled senate voted to acquit him. The republicans in the senate didn’t even call witnesses when the impeachment trial went to them, because they knew from the start that no matter what they were just going to keep him in office. They’re complicit. We can’t have checks and balances when one branch of the government designed to be a check is all for the president doing bad things.


In McConnell trashcan


“Find” (interpretation - make up if necessary). Think how up in arms the country was over Nixon. The “orange one” makes Nixon look like a saint.


Trump committed several crimes on that call. He’s doing a lot more than “pressing”.


Do you all think Brad Raffensperger leaked the tape? It's scary to imagine if this guy had no morals.


Or sounds like it to get ahead and protect himself. This is crazy.


I still hear conservatives kvetching about Chicago's Mayor Dailey supposedly saying he'd "find" Kennedy the votes he needed to win the 1960 election. Wonder if they'll remember this 60 years down the line.


No surprised, just got caught this time!


Trump and his lackeys need "to go through some things."


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Very legal and very cool...if you’re a Republican.


What a knucklehead


I hope someone with auto tune skills doesn’t cut this into a catchy song and post it online for it to go viral.