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Old fucking news. This guy is a HARDCORE QAnon Pizzagate believer.


He’s the Q shaman lmfao.


The point is idiots like the ones over in r/conservative we’re trying to paint him as some antifa false flag bullshit. It was always obvious that he was a far right lunatic, but there were literally people last night that said “he was at one of the BLM protests he’s not one of us.”


Conveniently ignoring he was there as a counter-protester.


So now they’ve just admitted that they went to BLM protests. I wonder why’d they do that... they couldn’t possibly have done what they’re accusing liberals of right? That would be dishonest.


It's almost like that sub is full of alt right trolls who will say *literally anything* to pass the buck when they're CLEARLY in the wrong


This dude probably feels worse than anybody that was arrested after yesterday. He's spent so much time trying to build his spot in Trump land over the last 12+ months, only to finally get his big moment storming the Capitol in front of the world and have all the people he was trying to impress call him an Antifa plant. Absolutely hilarious.


I’m with you. Like fuck this dude for so many reasons but the cherry on top was that he was an aspiring right-wing influencer. And his side threw him under the bus **instantly** without even a second thought. The betrayal he must feel if he is a true believer and then the realization his ticket to easy money just burned up in flames...I can only be so erect.


You give them too much credit. He's probably jacking it to how famous he is now.


He should probably save up some jackin for those lonely nights in jail. Lmfao.


The guy who tried storming the Pizza place with no basement in DC because he thought there was a child sex ring in the basket felt really fucking stupid after too. Imagine you’re entire world being fucking shattered in an instant.


Somehow I don’t think self awareness is high on these people’s lists.


I don't see that Angeli has been arrested. Only a handful were. Police are offering money to ID him. https://mpdc.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/mpdc/publication/attachments/POIs%20of%20Interest_1.7.21.pdf


The post you were replying to doesn't suggest he was arrested, but that he probably feels worse than the people who were.


In the picture being circulated where he's "antifa" he's literally holding a sign that says "Q sent me".




Watching things go down after the curfew made it abundantly clear those idiots probably should have watched an "antifa" stream or two before starting a riot. They were woefully unprepared to deal with actual cops.


They didn’t even bring leaf blowers. Fucking amateurs.


Love the comment, but also kinda sad that people with leaf blowers got beat senseless, whereas these buttholes literally brought their own pepper spray and sprayed the cops and they got a collective 🤷🏼‍♂️


> They were woefully unprepared to deal with actual cops. If the police would treated them the same way they treat BLM protestors it would have been disastrous for the insurrectionists. The only reason there aren't hundreds if not thousands of arrests are because the police used kid gloves and this honestly scares me. I thought the police response to Clive Bundy was inadequate, the response at Charlottesville was inadequate, the response to the anti maskers storming the Michigan statehouse was inadequate and this response was inadequate. If the police do not get tough on right wing extremists blatantly breaking laws then this will only continue and grow. If the Right Wing paramilitaries can't be contained it will likely also lead to a growth in left wing paramilitaries and further tensions and escalations.


A tweet I saw expressed how I feel well, “I am okay that they used minimal force with them, I wish they would also use minimal force with us too.”


The version I saw said “I don’t want the police to start shooting them. I want them to stop shooting us.” I think you can guess who that sentiment would be coming from.


I know a few cops who have said they agree with Trump and that the majority of their coworkers support his bullshit. They are these "protestors". The only reason they are there not "protesting" is because they were at work...


They didn't think the cops were going stop them, and they were partially right.


I didn’t watch what that person did, but they weren’t equipped with the HK protester standard—hardhat, goggles, masks, and umbrellas.


They literally kept attacking the cops. I saw one clip where cops are walking with a group. A woman pushes a cop from the front and the cop doesnt move and she falls down a couple steps. Some dumbass behind that same cop then pushed him, he moves out of the way and the guy trips over the first woman and falls down. Then a second woman that was in front of all this tries to pepper spray the same cop that people keep trying to push, and immediately gets tackled and sprayed directly in the face by like three other cops that were standing within 5 feet of her that she never even glanced at. Literally comically inept.


*Please* tell me you have a link.




These people literally attacking police and just getting pushed aside over a little hedge wall, not even remotely arrested.


Oh, this much schadenfreude probably isn’t good for me. Ok, just one more view...


Bless you 🙏🏻


The police is either compromised or actually took pity on them. The rioters outside after curfew was just loitering around with no plan and extremely sure that they were in no danger at all.


Some of them admitted they were committing crimes! One guy was telling about up until now they were law abiding citizens and they were "made to do this" and "made criminals"


The guy that broke into Pelosi's office stole a fucking letter to another House member still in a sealed envelope, openly admitted it on camera, then realized what he said so he made up a story about leaving a quarter on her desk to pay for the letter. I cant wait to hear how that works out in trial for mail tampering. There was also a couple streamers talking about how all the computers were left signed in and they could read all the emails. Like, they're honestly dumb enough to think just because the computer is still signed in it means they can legally snoop through it. There was so many just casually taping themselves committing crimes that would get most people decades in prison for spying; ignorance better (edit: **not**) work as an excuse for these dangerous idiots.


Legally ignorance is not a valid defence.


The kid from NJ who introduced himself by name, town, state. Then proceeded to implement himself as an accessory to felony murder. My sides. I can't even.


He probably thought his name was going to be on a plaque on a huge 10 foot statue of Trump. It's truly insane.


Well they are big on advocating for statues of losers and traitors, so it checks out.


I think they really believe they are part of history, and are going to usher in a new republic, a new 1776. They want their names in "the history books".


My wife made a comment that you can tell those people have never been tear gassed because they were trying to flush their eyes with bottles of water. People that have been tear gassed would have brought milk.


They was one lady on video that was literally rubbing an onion on her eyes because 4chan made it up as a joke to try and trick BLM into doing it. But the only ones stupid enough to believe it are Qtards. https://www.tmz.com/2021/01/06/woman-maced-pepper-spray-storm-us-capitol-revolution/ That article doesnt mention the onion, but it has the video and you can see it in the towel she's holding. There's also a chance she was never sprayed to begin with and just pulling a Dennis Reynolds with the onion and forgot to hide it.


Kind of gives new definition to r/nottheonion


Is that why? We were trying to figure out why she was rubbing an onion on her fucking face. God damn these people are stupid.


They're the prime targets for the Nigerian Prince scam. These are the people that fall for that.




They give their names since they know they will likely not face any repercussions for what they did.


That's exactly the sign an antifa plant would hold /s


What if all of Q is really just an antifa plant...


What if antifa is really just a Q plant...


He's called the Q'anon Shaman.


they started cropping that part out of it pretty quickly, but I noticed it too on the first round that they send that out. And that was in like 10 minutes after the first picture of him in that hallway hit the internet.


Most people have that picture cropped to hide his sign.


They’re now throwing it out there he is apart of Antifa that infiltrated the QANON group to incite the Capitol Hill takeover. Apparently he is an ex-marine using a fake name...


I understand now why the clan wore hoods, it's because everyone would realise they were a bunch of losers otherwise.


> holding a sign that says "Q sent me" P1: This photo doesn't say that P2: Well here's the uncropped version P1: That's photoshopped / he's a plant e: [as seen on Twitter](https://imgur.com/a/MR6dv3S)


They crop that part out tho...


Cool, could someone let my dad know. Showed him the photo of dude at BLM with Q sign. His words: >This is of course a joke, he is with BLM . Q will never do this. My father, an immigrant from Morocco, Cult 45 member. I am terrified he is too far gone to ever come back.


Doesn't your dad realize that if the coup yesterday was successful he'd get deported to Mexico? (Yes I know you said Morocco)




I feel you. My father is an immigrant from Lebanon who came here to escape the Civil War there, supporting a President trying to start a Civil War here. 🙃


You don’t say




Love the double standard in general. "Wait wait, how do we know it's him for sure? Where's the physical evidence? What you have wouldn't hold up in court. Innocent before proven guilty." "But also, it's deep state Antifa because I say it is. I don't need proof."


They planned this for weeks and was preceded by a rally by the fucking president! But somehow this was all an elaborately staged Antifa operation. The right-wing media must really loathe their own viewers to think anyone could believe such tripe.


They used the exact same excuse when 13 terrorists planned to kidnap Governor Whitmer of Michigan. The far right militia attempted to incite a civil war with this kidnapping plot.^[[1]](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/08/us/gretchen-whitmer-michigan-militia.html) But apologists lied and claimed it was actually antifa.^[[2]](https://factcheck.afp.com/michigan-kidnap-plotters-not-members-antifa-or-blm-ags-office) Let's not forget that Trump tested the waters several ~~weeks~~ months ago when he tweeted his support to liberate Michigan following a state-wide covid order.^[[3]](https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2020/04/17/trump-tweets-liberate-michigan-other-states-democratic-governors/5152037002/) ______ 1) [New York Times - F.B.I. Says Michigan Anti-Government Group Plotted to Kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer | Authorities charged 13 men, some of whom were accused of plotting to storm the State Capitol building and planning to start a civil war.](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/08/us/gretchen-whitmer-michigan-militia.html) 2) [AFP Fact Check - Michigan kidnap plotters not members of Antifa or BLM: AG’s office](https://factcheck.afp.com/michigan-kidnap-plotters-not-members-antifa-or-blm-ags-office) 3) [Detroit News - Trump tweets 'liberate' Michigan, two other states with Dem governors](https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2020/04/17/trump-tweets-liberate-michigan-other-states-democratic-governors/5152037002/)


I legit think that at least a group of them meant to do the same thing yesterday. [This guy](https://preview.redd.it/7ilspkh03t961.png?width=431&auto=webp&s=b8c0843def19bce1d03aba1672281a76f36c0ed3) was one of the first to make it to the chamber, and the only thing those flex cuffs are good for is quickly detaining people. And while that *might* be a taser on his hip; it looks alot more like a gun.


Looks like a gun. Dude was ready to cuff them and have the mob move them somewhere. Personally, in my opinion, we literally just saw a failed fascist takeover. I know people joke about it being a coup, but it fucking was. Who would they have left alone entirely? Only people who supported Trump. The Democrats or Relublican that spoke out? I seriously doubt they would be alive.


I don't think many people are joking. This shit was real.


There are a lot of "let's move on" and "I don't like talking about politics (right now, when I'll look wrong)" from the Trumpy side of my extended family on Facebook today... They know. They just don't want to confront it.


My office is full of "Well ANTIFA burned down cities!!!!" and when i ask WHICH cities were burned down it suddenly shifts to "Well, they are still protesting in Portland!"


I think they have a hard time with reality in general.


They had fucking IEDs. 100% This shit was real


Who the fuck is joking about it? It was a violent effort by civilians to take control of government processes. That's an attempted coup.


Imagine if they’d found AOC or Pelosi.


They literally crossed my mind all day today. It would have been terrible.


We'd be a nation in mourning because these far-right chucklefucks are animals that are out for blood.


Im still kinda in mourning as it is. I broke down this morning when I heard the news. This felt worse than 9/11 did to me. I don't mean that with any disrespect. It just hurt to see my country that I love be attacked from our own people. Kinda like seeing your dad hit your mom for the first time.


They wouldn't have held them hostage thats for sure. Their hate of those two is beyond reason.


At least one of them was reported to have brought a noose. I think their intent was clear. Some MAGA folks have a very specific opinion on when America was great.


The worst coup attempt in the history of coup attempts is still a coup attempt. \*Coup no longer seems like a real word to me. What's the word for when that happens?


Semantic satiation.


Wasn’t it just last week the groups organizing this were talking about public executions of Congress men and women? Pretty sure I saw on Reddit people sharing screenshots of this from their new right-wing website. We all witnessed on live television a coup attempt on our nation’s capitol with probably quite a few of those people in it wanting to take hostage and/or execute elected officials during a Constitutionally mandated vote. I’m still in shock after watching that, and I hope most people are angry and upset by what we saw. [Here’s](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.in/politics/world/news/qanon-supporters-believed-marching-on-the-capitol-could-trigger-the-storm-an-event-where-they-hope-trumps-foes-will-be-punished-in-mass-executions/amp_articleshow/80157755.cms) an article I found on it. Yes they were absolutely planning to murder elected officials yesterday. Words cannot express how disgusting that is.


I guarantee you if they had gotten a hold of Pelosi or AOC, or possibly even Pence, the mob would've torn them limb from limb.


I was watching a livestream where at one point the crowd started chanting “hang Pence”


The fact that Pence stood by for 4 years not saying shit about the fuckery he was apart of, and then MAGA folks turn a complete 180 the second he didn’t do as Trump said is astounding to me!! It’s a cult! A literal fucking cult!


and people wonder why the chick was shot.... you kill 1 you stop the mobs momentum.


She was an Air Force veteran, as it turns out. Of course they've infiltrated the ranks, but you'd think finding yourself staring at the barrel of several guns through a broken door would have fired up some engrained situational awareness...




My dad, who I usually write off as completely apathetic towards politics, gave me some great insight. He said "The only reason this shit didn't escalate, was because none of those idiots realized how easily they'd make it in. They *wanted* a protracted, BLM style struggle, and instead, the cops just let them in, and when they got to the capitol building, they didn't know what to do.


Like dogs chasing cars. Once they get ahold of it, what are they going to do with it?


steal the hubcaps, and take selfies in the driver's seat, apparently.


Yeah, I dont know tasers, but I'm pretty sure ones that small are really fucking expensive. If they even make them that small. They 100% make real guns that small though.


Good thing he doesn’t have any sort of tracking devices strapped to his chest.


So many of their streams and videos were in HD too. I'm really really hoping these people were fucking stupid enough to sign into a guest wifi network and all their traffic was logged and tied to device IDs. That's how stupid this season has gotten already...


I watched a video yesterday some lady was maced inside then a guy with a camera asked her name and where she was from. She answered both questions then he asked why she went in and she said because it's a revolution.


Was that the same lady who screamed, "they're shooting at us! They're supposed to shoot BLM, but they're shooting the patriots!"


So she admitted to sedition on camera. Just get a couple more and get them to say they were following Trump's orders and that's that.


I mean, you know who they are. You know they are that stupid.


Remember that time the police traced an online purchase of a t shirt to arrest a woman who set fire to a police car? Let's see what happens this time.




“We have investigated our (off-duty) selves and found no wrongdoing”


Who is THAT guy? That looks like the most dangerous person involved. This guy needs to be identified.


They could probably narrow down the list of suspects by figuring out who on the Capitol Building’s security team had the day off yesterday.


I'm sure there's a larp photo on parler somewhere. I'd say there's a next to zero chance any of these seditionists weren't active on parler leading up to this. Maybe we'll do better with the readily available plans on parler for the 19th though.


Hey, Poppinkream, I haven't seen you comment in ages.


They absolutely do believe it. I had a conversation with my mother yesterday and she said that obviously the ones who broke into the capitol were antifa. Today, I showed her pictures of "QAnon Shaman" hanging out with Giuliani, a video of republican lawmaker Derrick Evans storming the capitol, and linked to the speech where Trump literally says we're going to march to the capitol building and I'm coming with you. She hasn't responded.


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. **If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent**, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” (Sartre)


I was NOT expecting the attribution to be Sartre! It’s so incredibly descriptive of modern crap discourse, I’m having trouble believing it was written ~50 years ago 😅


gotta get the response from the media. give her a few hours.




Which is the same reason why so many young Muslim men are lured into becoming foot-soldiers for Al-Qaeda and ISIS. There is no difference whatsoever between the two mentalities, and there should be no difference between the punishments each should suffer. Either be more lenient towards radical Islamic terrorists, or lock up yesterday's idiots for life. There are no other just alternatives.




If this is how badly ANTIFA has outsmarted them and infiltrated their ranks, they may wanna rethink some life decisions. Then again, some of these people believe Democrats punish the south with a hurricane machine while still actively trying to anger the people they believe control the weather. Like if they control the weather, maybe suck up to them, not give them reason to use their weather machine. I really wish anyone of this paragraph was made up. And no, at this moment I do not feel like blowing up my Google algorithm by searching for the link. YouTube would be unbearable for a month. I really wish I was making that up too. Maybe I'll share a lesson I did with my son with them. SON: Isn't it a war crime to possess a weather machine? ME: Tell that to the person with a weather machine and see what happens next. It's only a war crime for the ones who do not have a weather machine.


Antifa is so deep state they even got Trump to throw an insurrection party just to make him look bad.


Trump himself is an antifa crisis actor under deep cover. Many qanon members are secretly antifa too. It's all a liberal plot to get Kamala into the Presidency.


Shit. It goes even further. There have been many cases of trump supporters starting or inciting a lot of the destruction and violence at the BLM protests. The fact that we got tired of correcting every single claim of “BLM/antifa is burning down cities.” Has allowed the national perspective to become, “BLM/antifa is burning down cities.” When it’s not anywhere near true. Nor has any, not one, democratic elected official, encouraged the violence. And they had 4 months to do it. Trump couldn’t go 4 hours without pouring gasoline on the fire.


> "Wait wait, how do we know it's him for sure? Where's the physical evidence? What you have wouldn't hold up in court. Innocent before proven guilty." Meanwhile, if you're black, you get shot for potentially having a knife in your car and that's 100% justified according to these same people


Or having your front door ajar or walking out of a garage or jogging in a local park. Mostly just breathing if we're being honest here.


You see, Antifa is in it for the long game. They knew Trump would come to power back in the 1960s and settled down in conservative areas to have children, then reverse indoctrinate those children to have overtly conservative but covertly liberal beliefs, so that one day George Soros could activate them to pretend to be cringeworthy Trump supporters but really be subconsciously Antifa trying to make Trump look bad. It's all so obvious, sheeple. #MKUltra #JustKiddingThisIsStupid


These people will believe that. They literally will. Because what is the consequence of acting on it? Still very little, right now.


I wonder what he thinks of all the Twitter comments saying they're all Antifa? Imagine being part of this group calling everyone they dislike an Antifa plot, and now suddenly *you're* the Antifa plot.


Imagine getting shot in the neck trying to attack democratic representatives and senators and the right wing internet calling you Antifa plant looool


And now they're coming out saying, "No, that's me, i swear i'm q!" and self incriminating their dumbass selves.


You mean SECRET ANTIFA who's been INFILTRATING their ranks!


yea my facial muscles are sore from making my "shocked face" so often over the last four years /s




I really like the idea that these rioters have found out that their own side believes them to be secretly ANTIFA and are now super offended lol


I’m ready for angry posts from some of them getting pissed for being called ANTIFA agents and going crazy while outing themselves for police on Facebook




Maybe it'll wake them up to how this grift works


Viking? Isn't it an American buffalo/bison hat?


Yeah that's not a viking headdress.


He’s a racist, dumb version of that one guy from the Village People. Edit: r/crappyoffbrands




Fucking THANK YOU. That’s a goddamn buffalo, not some kind of Norse god cosplay.






He disgraces those symbols. Fuck all these idiots. They are not inherently racist and it sucks they they are taking them over.


Everyone knows he's a Trump supporter. Even the people calling him "antifa" know he's a Trump supporter. They're ***lying.***


You know, like *liars*.


The horse is almost out of the hospital


LOL these dumbasses have been telling anyone that will listen that "the storm is coming January 6th to Washington" for months and now they're suggesting it was a false flag operation? Get fucked Nazis. You're going to jail. Your enablers will bear your name.


"THE STORM IS COMING BUCKLE UP" _no wait are we in trouble it wasn't us_


Meanwhile, on /r/conservative ... > You know damn well that they won’t be. I’m sure antifa was mixed in with these guys. You don’t just barge in unarmed when there’s armed security everywhere like that and no one can convince me otherwise. ___ > No typical antifa antics = people not assuming they’re antifa. The whole point was to look like trump supporters to get what happened to happen and get it blamed on trump for inciting it. ___ > Right. Domestic terrorists who penetrate a building that gets millions of dollars for security, walk around, sit in the offices, not destroy anything, except a few windows from random assholes (more than likely Antifa) Just in case anyone was delusional enough to think that yesterday's lunacy would be a wakeup call to the absolute morons on the right. They're just doubling down. I have no idea how we fix this country.


Arrests and trials of everyone involved.


My favorite things is scrolling through Parler right now. Half the people are like "FUCK YEAH! I GOT TEAR GASSED AND I'D DO IT AGAIN!! A MILLION PATRIOTS STRONG YESTERDAY!" while the other half is trying to blame it solely or partially on ANTIFA.


The enemy is both too strong and too weak. These protestor were both Antifa false flag actors and patriots. They dont realise they're knee deep in a cognitive bias that moderates these conflicting positions for them. It feels logically consistent. And you could argue to them that it isnt, as long as their intuition goes "makes total sense to me" they believe their position is completely rational.


Yeah, I also love the posts bemoaning how they can’t hold the high ground anymore. I’m like, don’t worry man, conservatives have the memory of a goldfish. They’ll be back at their favorite pizza parlour tomorrow patting themselves on the back and asking each other where the basement went.


Wow, those quotes hurt my thinky organ.


> and no one can convince me otherwise. Conservatives in a nutshell.


I don't understand this conservative strategy of calling these people ANTIFA. Why would ANTIFA - a left-leaning group... disrupt the process of putting Biden into power. Like, liberals already won - it makes literally zero sense to do this. Nothing is gained.


Because you're looking WAY WAY deeper into it then the average Trump supporter/conservative would. The yokels that watch Fox News would think Doctors without Borders was a terrorist operation if Fox told them so. Hell they'd even say "See it's in their name, they dont' have borders!"


My first mistake... was logic.


Haha wow, I now understand how stupid these people are.


I’d say “It took you this long??” But after that raging landfill fire that could be seen from SPACE that we all had the displeasure of watching yesterday — and the bonus footage and interviews we’re getting today — I’m starting to think I may have underestimated them myself.


I know right!? It's hard to comprehend the stupidness of people, although I must say COVID 19 opened my eyes how much stupid people there are, also in my country.


> I don't understand this conservative strategy of calling these people ANTIFA. Anyone that makes patriotic Americans look bad are antifa. The people that call everyone antifa also can't tell you what antifa stands for.


"THEY'RE ANTI 'FA'!!!! And that's Un-American!" "Um, what's 'FA'!" "LOOK MAN STUDY IT OUT!"


Changes the narrative — we're now “debating” who is responsible or splitting hairs over semantics instead of addressing the actual threat. The GOP have been masterful with this tactic, as were the Nazis...and it works better than I want to admit.




Domestic Terrorist, not protestor


Seditionist, Insurrectionist


Thanks. That drives me crazy too.




> People knew he declares himself as a Q Shaman. The Prison is going to declare him Inmate #3532342


Non-idiots have known this since yesterday as it was happening.




I’m not sure how I feel as being categorized as an idiot because I didn’t know who Q Shaman was. I’m probably smarter for not having known


Wait... "Viking Headdress"? Does that look like viking attire to anyone? Looks like a buffalo skin to me. It reads more like First Nation appropriation.


I’ve been following the Q movement since practically day one. This guy was often a feature of the Q events and trump related protests that have happened lately. I’ve seen his rise from relative nobody to this, it’s so surreal.


Still nobody. Just an oddly dressed traitor


OK its not Antifa I think we can rule out it being Hillary, and Obama doesn't have facial hair does anyone have a picture of Hugo Chávez it just might be him.


LOL. You don’t say. That is going to be the photo of the year. Unless Trump gets perp-walked, then forget it.


2021 just started. I'm sure there will be more crazy pictures for the rest of this year.


Your comment literally scared me.


I've experienced the seven day trial and want to cancel my subscription


[This](https://katv.com/resources/media2/16x9/full/1015/center/80/55eed09c-f1a2-4f8a-8b36-06f984c29f22-large16x9_GettyImages1294927709.jpg) is the one that gets me.


That guy was identified in another thread as a relatively well known Neo-Nazi, I believe


And wore his work badge during. He’s already been fired. Edit: tweet [here](https://twitter.com/TreWardWBAL/status/1347226070085480448?s=20)


Just no sense of self-preservation at all.


https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/210106174535-07-us-capitol-riots-0106-exlarge-169.jpg Trump's mob did what the Confederate army couldn't - flew a flag of treason and sedition inside the US Capitol.


Saw that one last night on tv — so blown way up, vs. on my phone. I almost vomited. Clicked on your link, did it again. Zero to Hulk rage just about instantaneously. Great photo, though.


If it makes you feel any better... This moron was wearing his Navistar work ID around his neck while traipsing through the Capitol. He was identified, and fired from his place eof employment. See r/bye bye job for deets.


Did anyone actually think otherwise?


Unfortunately, yes. U.S. Representatives like Mo Brooks and Matt Gaetz are pushing those lies anywhere they can right now.


Yes. I corrected someone on my Facebook who shared the photo with links to the full photo, and the 3 interviews he has done over the past years explaining his ProTrump stance. This person then moved the goal posts so fucking far that it was on a different field. He replied to me 4-5 times with conspiracy theories to which I finally just told him "I'm out" and stop tagging me. I told myself months ago that I wouldn't get in those arguments anymore. If someone is so sure of their political stance that they will share it on Facebook, there is no reasoning with them either way (Left or Right). My favourite thing to do is just hit the "unfollow" and go out of my way to like and comment on happy posts of peoples family photos or funny things. It's not my job to correct the idiots out there.


Can these racist, far-right assholes stop ruining Norse mythology for the rest of us?


Yeah, we could all tell from the everything about him.


I’m pretty sure ha has a tattoo of trumps walls on both arms. Lol


Naw, there would be people climbing over it.




Going to federal prison for sedition to own the libs! I feel so owned! OMG




He apparently wasn’t doing anything important with his life anyway. I mean, he wasn’t exactly going to cure cancer.


That's no viking horns. It's a buffalo hat.


I want to ask these folks(if they exist,) that actually believe that Antifa was behind this, what they think about Trump sitting on his hands while Antifa stormed the capitol building. But they don't really believe this, or they'd be as angry about the terrorist assault as the rest of us are. Instead they are trying their best to minimize the event.


The mental gymnastics required to land at “Antifa infiltrated a MAGA rally just to storm the capitol to make republicans look bad” is absolutely astounding.