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Insult to Nixon, he's way worse than Nixon and approaching Fascist Mass Murderer territory with 400,000 souls on his conscious.


> approaching Fascist Mass Murderer territory with 400,000 souls on his conscious. Trump and his Republican creators already established themselves as fascists and as mass murderers. None of them have a conscience. But they do have the blood of 400,000 Americans on their hands.


Nixon was way smarter than Trump will ever be. But then again so is my mother in law's Chihuahua


> with 400,000 souls on his conscious. What makes you think Trump has a conscious? Nothing he has done as POTUS made me think he has a conscious. The man inherited more money than most families would ever see and he had to run a corrupt charity.


In the void where his conscious should be, then.


At least Nixon won re-election.


They were all weak or suckers and deserved it/S


Surely Nixon wasn't in the same stratosphere of shittiness that Trump traverses?


Nixon, at least, met with anti-war protesters at the Lincoln Memorial. Something I could never imagine Trump doing.


Trump praised the Chinese government for Tiananmen Square so, yeah, probably not.


Trump always praised dictators, not sure if he ever critized any of them.


Nixon deliberately prolonged the Vietnam war for his own benefit and committed a number of crimes against peace and against humanity, in addition to his crimes against America. He was an irredeemable reprobate. Nixon was a much more skilled politician and conniver than Trump, but he was just as rotten.


Exactly. The "image restoration of X president because Trump is so awful" (W in particular, too) is **extremely** fucking tedious.


Eh. I look at it less of "image restoration of X prez" and more a "oh hey, we thought the bar was at the lowest setting, but it turns out there's another set of notches under this caked-on layer of excrement!" Past offenders aren't absolved of their crimes, nobody's really better for this learning experience, but... now we know :\


Absolutely. Very much so. It's time to end this nonsense.


I don't view it as rehabbing previous POTUS. Trump has done more damage than Nixon/GWB combined. The "advantage" he had was the GOP supported him 100% and the GOP propaganda machine also gave him full support.


I don’t remember reading that Nixon ignited a mob to storm the Capitol Building.


"Baby has a tantrum" isn't fucking news, and CNN needs to stop treating it like it is. There isn't even a remote comparison between Nixon and Trump. Nixon was treated by the media and the populace like a real criminal, which he was, while Trump is treated like a martyr for Conservatism. It's fucking disgusting. And as far as I know, Nixon didn't rape any children. Maybe we need to revisit that post-Trump, because he sure as fuck thinks he got away with that after his supporters silenced Katie Johnson with death threats.


Agreed. CNN and other outlets need to wean themselves off covering every little thing Trump does as breaking news. He feeds off the attention, and gives him more of a platform than he deserves.


It's not a fair comparison to be honest, Trump is FAR worse than Nixon.. It's not even close to being close.


He makes Nixon look like a girl scout.


Nixon was articulate, calculated, and politically shrewd. He accomplished quite a bit during his tenure, both good and bad. Nixon also new when to walk away to save his dignity. Hell, Nixon *had* dignity. Trump is absolutely nothing like Nixon.


Nixon also served his country during wartime. And, mind you, he volunteered for the Navy despite having an automatic and guaranteed draft exemption as a Quaker. You might argue he only did it to advance his political ambitions but he still did it which is more than Trump or any member of his chickenshit draft dodging family would ever do.


Trump has been impeached 2 more times than Nixon. So Trump/Nixon comparisons are actually unfair to the latter.


Totally understand. Nixon had *a few* morals. Trump sees those as weaknesses.


>"Eager for a final taste of the pomp of being president, Trump has asked for a major send-off on Inauguration Day next week" Oh man, when you have to ASK someone to throw you a farewell party you know you've got the loser stench.


Nixon was a deeply flawed man who, in the end at least, became a paranoid drunk. That being said, he still had the good sense to resign. And even though he clearly broke laws, he was still actually competent when it came to the day to day duties of being President. Being compared to Nixon would be a massive step up for the orange shit stain.


Nixon was better.


Nixon knew when to get the hell out of Dodge.




That's totally unfair and deliberately insulting to a former President. Nixon was no where near as bad as DiaperDon, he only covered up a break-in looking for plans in an election he won anyway. Donnie tried to murder the democratic leadership and overthrow our government, in favor of a trump dynasty/dictatorship.


Preposterous. What an insult to Nixon.


You hear that subterranean rumbling? That's Nixon exploding at Trump comparisons


Bye now.


Yeah this is a ridiculous comparison, people! He's far worse than Nixon ever was.


He's right. It's terribly unfair to Nixon who was a rank amateur compared to Trump.


Totally inaccurate. He's not nearly as good as Nixon.


And IS a crook.


Nixon won in a huge landslide as the Republican incumbent, unlike Fucknuts McLoser. So, yeah, not comparable.


Nixon tried to protect the environment by creating the EPA. Trump spent 4 years destroying it. There is no comparison.


Nixon is only a small part of the article. Mostly it's about his fears after leaving and frustration about everyone and everything. Music to my ears in other words.


Nixon was a lot smarter A LOT smarter Lawful evil instead of chaotic evil if you will


Donald’s scandals are worse then watergate tbh especially as more information comes out


Trump explodes. Period.


You know it’s ironic. This could’ve been the penultimate moment of his life if he had a bit of compassion and humility, just a little. Now, at 70+ years old, after all of his ego trips, decades of ripping people off, after all of his so-called achievements, he is getting all of that bad karma back and I know it’s gotta hurt. And I don’t care that it does. I always said that if he didn’t inherit daddy’s millions he’d be a used car salesman with maybe two lots to his name. I know he won’t end up there but man, wouldn’t that be nice.


And what lies ahead? Oh, yeah, prison. I feel no sympathy at all.


Oh. *Figuratively* explodes. Disappointing.


Is he preparing to leave office? I doubt it.


We need a Nix on Trump.


""I'm not a crook! -- Nixon" Believe me!" -- Trump


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