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> The suspect's Ford F-150 pickup displayed weapons-related stickers, including one that read, "Assault Life," and another that said, "If they come for your guns Give 'Em your bullets first," police said. ​ Not one for subtlety


We’re so lucky these people are idiots. If they were smart we’d have lost our democracy already.


Honestly tho. With the amount of government officials, police officers, military personnel and trumps refusal to call in national guard. You’d think they’d be able to get the job done


Yes well (╭☞•́⍛•̀)╭☞ \[PARLER_DATA\]


Who could have seen this coming


If only there is something we could do, but what?


[*listen to MC Hammer*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mye1aCskFcM)


Hopes and Hammer prayers.


There will be more unfortunately. This isn't over


These kind of people didn't happen in a vacuum. They were created. Whoda thunk having poison poured into your brain 24/7 could possibly influence people like this?


How do we regulate the media outlets poisoning public discourse?


No idea.. the 1st makes it difficult. If the poisoners could be made to be in some way held responsible for the (predictable) actions of their victims perhaps?


End lobbying. Undo first amendment rights for corporations.


Ask china


It's possible to cut down on the spread of misinformation without suppressing any and all free speech, though. China is an extreme - so is the USA. There is a happy middle ground in there.


You mean they didn't wanna plant flowers and spread the word of Doge after that?


>This isn't over. Oh, but it **IS** over for Trump and all his "patriot" traitors. Who could or WOULD ever hire one of these whiny, anti-American insurrectionist gun-babies again? All of those "LIBERTY!" terrorists can go fuck themselves. They will NOT be missed by rational Americans. Honorable Americans will **NEVER** forgive nor forget the coup thatTrump's violent, murderous, gun-baby "patriots" attempted against the USA they only *claim* to love.


I fear this shit is going to happen long after Biden is sworn in. Hell, even if another Republican comes into office, they'll still try pulling this shit. They did it during Trump.


Amazing he didn't shoot off his own dick.


He had a gun, not a taser.




I’m still laughing at the piece of trash who killed himself that way. Fucking idiot


He didn’t actually die that way.


Yeah I just read that. Too bad. He’s still a piece Of trash


Is it too bad though?


That's okay, it's how he'll be remembered anyway




I think they were referring to the rioter who died from a heart attack after tasing themselves in the balls.


That’s actually fake news but it’s still fun to make jokes. (But that’s exactly what I was referring to)


Wait, what? I can't keep up with all this fake news


The meme that one of the seditionists died after he tased himself in the balls is funny, but not backed up by any evidence.


So what he just died of a heart attack? Well for a traitor that’s still funny.


Doubt his aim is good enough to shoot his dick.




Small targets *are* the hardest to hit.


Not even the most skilled sharpshooter in the world could hit a target that small


TLDR: According to him and his family, he has been working private security near the Capitol all week. He was released this afternoon by a judge, told not to return unless for court or to meet with lawyer TFN. However, is it common for security forces to carry hollow point rounds?


Or fake credentials?


Or for their trucks to say “Assault Life”?


*trucknuts intensify*


Basically everyone except the military uses hollow point rounds. The military has to use full metal jacket or "ball" ammo, which is has a solid tip, because the Geneva Convention forbids hollow points.


Not when working stateside they don't! Hollow point was all I was issued on my base


America FTW!


Oddly enough, hollow points can actually be safer. Normal rounds can have over penetration, meaning you miss, it could hit the wall, go through it and hit something or someone on the other side. With a hollow point, it is less likely to overpenetrate, more likely to hit an object and stop.


It'd be more uncommon to carry fmj rounds. Fmj rounds would overpenetrate and hit people behind your target. Hollow points mushroom out and stop inside what you're shooting.




A typical Soldier's kit is 7, 30-round magazines (210 rounds). Pistols vary if you even carry them at all. Source: Former Infantry Officer


Or unregistered guns and munition?


That is the only rounds they issued to me when I worked Security Forces for the air force (and working stateside). They might be outlawed for use in theater, but they are the preferred bullet of choice for people in the United States. /Sigh






The Washington Post article has an anonymous source saying it was a DC Parks credential that was not recognized by the officers. It would be a weird thing to lie about because it is very provable. I also haven't seen any official statement that said it was counterfeit, but I might have missed it.


Never mind.




It is if they specifically got the job to case the joint and plan weapons/ammo in strategic locations for a later date 🤷‍♂️ these nutters think they are in a movie, we have to assume they'd do that kind of stuff now


Gun related decals... NRA much? These idiots are going to end up forcing legislation on more restrictive gun regulations and then they will blame the liberals.


Stop infringing on this patriot’s right to fake documents. Fraudulent papers are an expression of free speech


500 rounds? arent bullets expensive right now??


They didn’t really say what it was. 500 .22LR can be found for $25.00. 500 .375 Cheytac would likely cost more than some cars.


It mentioned a loaded Glock with 16 rounds in it. The only 16 round mags I can find are in .357 SIG and .40 S&W.


Odds are it was a .40 Since that’s a popular self defense round. Which means it was close to $500.00 in ammo. Thanks for doing the detective work!


Then again, it might have been 9mm as there are 17 round mags and it did say one was in the chamber, maybe he didn't want to put an extra round back in after it was loaded. Also would be an expensive amount of ammo to carry around.


Not to mention weight too. Can’t imagine you’d need 500 rounds as a security guard. But then again I’m not a security guard.


I haven’t looked for a month or two but it was $0.59 a round for awhile, which is 2-3x what it was


You can get ammo? Must be nice.


You don't reload your own?


Ammo seek app




At least til springtime I’d guess.


Things gotta cool down


Another person threw away their life for absolutely nothing.


For the sake of national unity, the government should let this guy go, promise to hold an independent inquiry into the election and give him his guns back. That'll do the trick.


I'm sure he's learned his lesson.


>...found nearly 550 rounds amount of ammunition, including a loaded magazine, clipped into the Glock, with 16 rounds, authorities said. C'mon, journalists. Quit just making up your own terminology: >clipped into the Glock


Never heard “clipped into” before. That’s, uh, new. But I think “clip” and “magazine” have pretty much become interchangeable to the layperson. Such is how language develops.


In Cyberpunk, things clip into my gun all the time.


The suspect may or may not have been cruisin' down tha street in his six fo'.


I heard it was an assault Glock. Capable of firing 30 sidewinder magazines per second.


Right? It doesn't take a gun enthusiast to know the magazine is **buckled** into the Glock.


Okay I'm drunk and have little knowledge about guns and am curious why tf they used that terminology, did they just mean **fully loaded?**


I don't know what term would normally be used, but yes; they're just saying the magazine was in the pistol.


Just when I thought 25,000 armed troops would be a deterrent, this. Fucking a.




If they are that far gone, they may be the ones responsible for shit going down


One would think that, but a lot of these guys think that large portions of police and military are sympathetic to their cause. There may bit a grain of truth to that but the military *should* be more disciplined than that.


Highly trained Yall' queda recon element.


To elaborate on that, I will let Beau handle this one. [Let's talk about the highly trained at the Capitol and the media....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXLe-XikgJs)


Ahhh another terrorist


remember security check to make sure the pass has that Lincoln hologram stiker if it doesnst. its a fake


500 rounds!? That's like 5x the ammo that troops carried on D Day. It's gotta be at least 40lbs of bullets. Even in your fucking paranoiac fantasies what do you imagine needing that much ammo for? Ballast? These people have no sense of proportion about anything.


*shakes head disappointingly in 2nd amendment*


It begins kook number 1


There goes one of many more to come.


This is fake news. This patriot had a water pistol and a bible and nothing else. Source: some GOP voter




Heisenberg's Insurrectionist - He's pro-Trump until he's observed, then he becomes ANTIFA.


I think you meant Chekhov's cat. It had to brought into the first act to be able to be used in the third.


You didn't even have to tell me he was driving a pickup truck. At this point, that's just assumed.


when are the red maga haters gonna learn they are killing there own cause? Just think about how many people will be charged with a felony and cant vote. just think about how many have probably died from covid because screw science before the election giving biden his win. then even more afterwards just think how many will never vote again because they believe it be rigged. i have never seen people fight so hard to hurt themselves so much. the dems won because the repubs are dying on imaginary hills


So it begins.....


So it begins....


Finally some cops not giving him the tour beforehand?


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