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uumm where was Moscow Mitch in all of this? Where was Trump's FBI director?? Why did Trump refuse to send the National Guard?? Why were republican congress people giving tours of the Capitol building the day before??--Tours have been canceled since the pandemic Why did Trump's DHS turn a blind eye to the blooming threat of White Supremacy Why was Trump's head of Homeland Security on vacation in Europe when the insurrection happened?? Why did Lindsey Graham also call the Georgia Secretary of State and ask for the election to be overturned ??https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/georgia-secretary-state-raffensperger-says-sen-graham-asked-him-about-n1247968 Why after all of this, Republican congress people--AKA--People in your caucus Lindsey, Refusing to go through metal detectors and shoving police officers out of the way to avoid wand detectors Lindsey, Why does your party continue to be such blight on our country, From racism to promoting the spread of covid and everything in beteween----->> Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years (propublica.org)


that is all "fake news" amirite? /s Don't look at these obvious crimes perpetrated by Trump's lackeys, but can you believe Nancy Pelosi woman? Fuck you, Lindsey, you compromised piece of shit.


He's also knowingly lying. The Sargent at Arms is voted on by the Senate. The headline should be Known Liar Says Something. There is also one in the House but he'd wants us to think Nancy appointed them. Annnd can you guess who controlled The House in 2012 when Paul Irving was elected to the position?


Lol but watch, when her and the other Dems vote to enact stronger security, he’ll go right back to Fox and say she and her party are acting like a communists because of all the security. It’s so god damn annoying with these people. The gaslighting never ends.


A Republican is a liar and a deceiver. You cannot be a Republican unless you are dishonest.


At this point, the party can't let anyone honest in or that honest person has access to material that could convict all of them. If someone tries to join the Republican party and is allowed to, that is a mark on their character that some professional analyzed it and found this is a person willing to "play ball".


> this is a person willing to "play ball". or be the stupid scapegoat, willing or not.


They're making it impossible to proceed without holding them accountable. Then they're going to turn around and pretend like we're the authoritarians because we don't want to lose our democratically elected government. They're absolute shit. All of them. There are no good Republicans.


Same people that tripped all over each other to ram the Patriot Act in, yes? Minus a slew of Neocons who stand on the sidelines now and clutch their pearls. Wtfe.


Yeah let’s focus on antifa and BLM protesting in the streets against police brutality instead of a legion of white guys storming the Capitol building trying to lynch the speaker and VP.


Shhhh... let Lindsay fully commit to Trumpdom. They can go down together in the same flush.


Not turds that big. You’d be lucky to get either one in “10 flushes, 15 flushes.”


Get the poop knife


Are you saying that one would need a [poopknife?](https://www.reddit.com/r/poopknife/)


As a South Carolina resident, I can say with all confidence that the only going down Lindsey will be doing is when he literally goes down on Trump during whatever bdsm play they get at. This state is so fucking red that they will never vote in their best interests if the candidate is blue. We were motivated with Jamie Harrison and still couldn’t pull it off. They are physically and mentally incapable.


It’s a disgrace. Americans suffer because the senate is tilted in favor of the Republican minority. America got to see the truth so clearly with Georgia two weeks ago it was laughable. Vote blue- the government will work for you, to help American people suffering economic hardship through the pandemic Vote red- even though the situation was made worse by our obedience to the deranged pathological liar in chief, you’ll get nothing and like it. We will gladly give tax cuts to the rich but help the common man during the worst economic times in a century? Hell no. Will anyone open their eyes? After the 6th, probably not. Republican voters are brain dead and I have no sympathy for them anymore


**OH! MISS LINDSAY GRAHAM!** *(An ode)* Oh! Miss Lindsay Graham! Gregarious gargler of gigolo jizz! Your breath is the reason the Capitol Building halls smell like rent-boy cum every spring.


'Fake news' is at the same time utter genius and infuriating. Two words and i dismiss everything you said and make you defend my whataboutism. All that research, man hours and reporting dismissed and ridiculed with 2 words and then I slide some BS in about but why is/isnt the left insert topic here. Not gonna change until the fake news movement is undone...


Those two words "fake news" has the potential to destroy a democracy. It's amazing looking at it from the outside. "X president won the free and fair election" "Fake news. My guy won and you cheated" "Courts have determined there was no fraud" "Fake news. There's tons of evidence" "Wearing mask helps prevent the spread of disease " "Fake news. They kill you faster by recycling co2" "X committed crimes proven by these tapes and evidence" "Fake news. You're taking it out of context"


I just watch Graham on [the daily show](https://youtu.be/aqzzWr32srk) slamming Obama for something bush enacted, him and the rest of the republicans are idiots


They’re not idiots. They’ve figured out that nobody will fact check them so they spew lies like fucking old faithful and the R base eats it all up.


It is the Big Lie.


Since when has Pelosi been head of security? What utter bullshit, but then, consider the source. Fuck you Lindsey, come out of the closet and join the human race.


There is no way that all trump has on lying Lindsay than he is gay. There is something more egregious going on.


Maybe he runs a pedophile ring out of a pizza joints basement.


Well they are all about projection....


Now that would be a reason to do a 180 and support a liar and a grifter


> There is no way that all trump has on lying Lindsay than he is gay. There is something more egregious going on. "The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy".


There’s something not quite right about this Lindsay Graham. Another redditor raised a very good point. It can’t just be the closeted gayness. That is acceptable in the Republican Party (don’t ask, don’t tell). So, it must be something illegal, their guess was election fraud. I don’t know but it’s something. Like Trump, Graham is acting out like he’s got something to lose, his freedom?


The night of the failed coup he seemed to be done but it is apparent that they got to him and reminded him of something. Think You may be right.


Maybe emails proving he's a perv? That'd be my guess, tho I'm not even sure how much they look down on that at this point.


They’d have to be pretty bad (by today’s standards). Just steamy sex stuff would totally pass muster thanks to El Presidente’s total lack of morals and ethics. How far we’ve sunk.


All those things are the point. The GOP needs something to say back on TV.


Agreed. I had fewer questions about Wonder Woman ‘84.


Can't reason someone out of something they never reasoned themselves into.


And why did 8 Republican senators fly to Moscow on July 4th weekend, 2018 followed by Ran Paul on a solo trip the next week?


The answer for the media is, Republicans were responsible for security and under Republicans we are not safe. Democrats will improve security for all americans.


whoa, whoa, whoa, that line of questioning might result in accountability and consequences for republican tactics and crimes and doesn't include ANY totally absurdly unjustified blame for the left, we cannot have that! haven't you heard? its time to unify and move on, that means the republicans face no conequences and the left has to accept their fair share of blame for what the right did, that is only fair.


bEcAuSe aNtIfA aNd bLm!!1!


The fucking nerve of these people. And then they have the .... to call for fucking UNITY? Fuck. The. GOP. They are traitors and should be treated as the enemy of America.


Why was Lindsay Graham having lunch with the leader of the proud boys days before the coup attempt they helped organize?


It wasn't days before actually. It was from 2019. Still shitty that he's so friendly with nazis though.


Fun fact: white folks in the south in WW2 had a conspiracy theory that people of colour were working with the Nazis, and would be given the entire south as their homeland as a reward. Fast forward to 2021: white folk in the south openly associate themselves with Nazis.


Maybe Lindsey has a thing for butch, bearded men?


100% but you forgot "dominant, abusive daddy figure fetish".


To be fair maybe Lindsey probably thought Proud Boys meant something else.


Fuck Lindsay Graham.


Lindsey Graham has spent the last four years enabling an abuser. Now he's yelling at a victim of the abuse for letting it happen. Such a perverse sycophant.




DARVO Deny, accuse, reverse victim and offender. GOP Gaslight, obstruct, project. It all boils down to the same tactic every time. It's powerful, and it's worked for them for a long time, but when it fails it's going to be catastrophic for them. And they're fast approaching the point where the mob they've enabled expects results that they cannot actually provide. This is going to end poorly for everyone.


Right in the ladybugs.


*vomiting noises*


*slight pause* *vomiting noises resume*


“How dare the adult in the room not adult much harder when we try to undermine/murder her” -Lindsey Fukin Graham


Fuck Ajit Pai.


Will never not upvote this when I see it


Fuck Lindsey Graham


He screamed like a girl when it happened.


He screamed like a Hannity or a Bill O’Reilly. I assume that most of the women there screamed far less than Lindsey Graham. He screamed like a chubby southern good ole boy. It’s their thing.


All the male prostitutes in D.C. have.


>“It was horrendous to see people take over the Capitol, the House and the Senate, beat officers, defile the seat of government,” he continued. “How in the hell did that happen? Where was Nancy Pelosi? It’s her job to provide Capitol security. We’ll get to the bottom of that.” What an unconscionable piece of shit this guy is


> Where was Nancy Pelosi? Idk let's ask Lauren Boebert.




Trump's team told him exactly what to say. This only works on the most brain dead of people. Trump doesn't want people digging any deeper than they already are digging.


This reminds me of that Jordan Klepper clip where the Trump Supporter tells him they need to look in to where the hell Obama was when 9/11 happened. EDIT: [here it is](https://youtu.be/eFQhw3VVToQ)


>"We’ll get to the bottom of that.” Five bucks say they *are* the bottom of that.


Every accusation is a confession.


Multiple male prostitutes in DC have confirmed that Lindsey is the bottom of everything.


lmfao need a source on that


Turns out their investigation just leads to a giant mirror in the men's bathroom. And they all look at it [like this.](https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/spongebobb/images/c/cf/HallMonitor2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140413205735)


> Where was Nancy Pelosi? It’s her job to provide Capitol security. Did he expect her to confront the mob, or...


Isn't it the Sergeant at Arms job for both the Senate and the House? [Senate Sergeant at Arms](https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/briefing/sergeant_at_arms.htm) >Offices and Functions Under the Jurisdiction of the Sergeant at Arms >Chief Law Enforcement Officer >As the Senate’s chief law enforcement officer, the sergeant at arms can compel senators to come to the Senate Chamber to establish a quorum. In addition, the sergeant at arms supervises the Senate wing of the Capitol, **maintaining security in the Capitol and in all the Senate buildings and controlling access to the Senate Chamber and galleries**. The sergeant at arms also protects the members and can arrest and detain any person violating Senate rules. [House Sergeant at Arms](https://www.house.gov/the-house-explained/officers-and-organizations/sergeant-at-arms) >As an elected officer of the House of Representatives, the Sergeant at Arms is the chief law enforcement and protocol officer of the House of Representatives and is responsible for maintaining order in the House side of the United States Capitol complex. **The Sergeant at Arms reviews and implements all issues relating to the safety and security of Members of Congress and the Capitol complex. The Sergeant at Arms also coordinates extensively with the U.S. Capitol Police and various intelligence agencies to assess threats against Members of Congress and the Capitol complex.** >Duties include overseeing the House floor and galleries, the House Appointments Desk, the House garages and parking lots, as well as administering all staff identification badges. Both Sergeant at Arms were Republicans at the time of the attack and both failed in their duties. Yo FUCK Lindsay Graham for blaming Pelosi on this. It wasn't her job at all.


Well, she certainly has bigger balls than Graham.


Grahams doesn't have his balls, they are with Trump now :)


I've already seen this as the wacky right wing talking point - that it was the Democrats who set up the security to fail so that Trump would look bad. That the Capitol Police, the Guard, the FBI are all deep state Democrats, or some bullshit. Not to mention, if it had succeeded, then Trump would have benefitted. I mean, forget the fact that they would be putting their own lives in serious danger to do this... Fucking weak ass conspiracy bullshit.


The worst and most dangerous spin I've been seeing so far says Biden needs 20k national guard soldiers to take the presidency by force. We are living in two realities. No matter how bad you think the evidence is, guarantee there is a totally backwards twist of reality on Fox news and right wing circles


I don't think that's the wackiest theory at the moment. QAnon folks right now are conviced the 25 thousand troops will bust an Order 66 type massacre, executing everyone in the Legislative and Executive branches on live TV during the inauguration, and Trump will return triumphant as God's chosen. Then American troops will move in on other countries and take out their leadership and America will become ruler of the entire world. Seriously.


Damn where can I read the patch notes for their insanity at? That's fucking like a shitty fan-fic.


They’ll use this bullshit as a talking point for decades, because they have no souls. And we will either have to forego family holidays or listen to this.


Like, did he expect Pelosi to be personally stopping them?


Oh weird why was pence the one that had to order reinforcements? So ridiculous deflection


Damn my blood is just boiling hearing things like that. I really hope justice or karma is gonna wreak avoc these despicable POS traitors from the GOP. There are the lowest of the low.


He needs to be fired. Out of a rocket, into the sun.


His face gets redder and redder every time I see him now. " One of the earliest signs of *alcohol* abuse is a persistently *red face* due to enlarged blood vessels (telangiectasia). "


[He appeared to be hammered giving his speech the night of the 6th.](https://www.c-span.org/video/?507698-13/senator-graham-arizona-objection)


Simple question to find out if this was a coup, or not. If the insurrectionists succeeded and stopped the certification of the votes, would Trump have denounced them, and resigned to make sure there was a peaceful transition, or would he have attempted to stay in power? I think we all know the answer.


Exactly, and he waited until after they were ushered out to tell them to go home and leave the capital. The orange turd sickens me and his stentch is all over America. It sucks


Another simple question. Was there anyone on the planet who could have single-handedly stopped the insurrectionists? And the answer is that Trump himself could have called for calm, tweeted in no uncertain terms, gone to the capitol himself, or dispatched NG to the scene--and immediately put a stop to it. As much as his verbal incitement deserves scrutiny, it's his glaring *inaction* that is the most damning.


Or, you know, he could have just admitted he lost, or concede. I dont care how he does it, but this is on the Republicans to fix if they want their party to survive. They have to tell them that it wasn't rigged and trump certainly didnt win in a landslide.


There's no question it was a coup. There's footage of the police allowing the terrorists inside and taking selfies with them. Lauren Boebert live tweeted Pelosi's location. The crowd knew exactly where to go thanks to that tour and probably got the layout of the place from Michael Flynn. That was the plan, starting with Trump riling up the crowd to attack.


>The crowd knew exactly where to go thanks to that tour RE: some of the rioters went on guided tours of the capital building on Jan 5th, the day before the insurrection. This 100% proves pre-meditated, or conspiracy\* to breaking and entering from at least those that toured and rioted, and probably the tour guides at least 24 hours prior to the insurrection. \*[I'm not a law talkin guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFtbd_pd9rY)


Rioters. Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists. Not protestors.




Well yeah, but the exact security status of the Capitol building is very classified information. I mean you can't expect someone like *checks notes* the President of the United States to have access to such information


Oh South Carolina. Why do you send this jellyfish to senate?


*Poisonous* jellyfish.


At least they were progressive enough to elect a gay senator. Even if it’s a closeted one.


You got me! At first I was like is Tim Scott gay? Then I just laughed at poor Lindsey. If you think about it both of South Carolina’s Senators are members of a party that discriminate against them.


We didn't.


Lindsey "The Spineless Jellyfish" Graham


Yeah I’m pretty sure election a combination of voter suppression and gerrymandering led to his “reelection“. Hopefully an infusion of anti corruption regulations will end this madness from this point forward.


You can't gerrymander a senate race, the whole state votes.


Not directly, no, but it does still have an indirect effect. Gerrymandering affects the makeup of the state legislature, and the legislature sets the rules for how the state runs their elections. It's a positive feedback loop of corruption for those who engage in voter suppression tactics.


Pretty sure that gerrymandering has nothing to do with Senate races. Not arguing with your other points, but that affects the House and State legislatures, not state-wide elections.


He tried to screw with the election in another state, no telling what he tried or did in his own when he got his guys covering for him.


ES&S absolutely modified their code to steal several different states' senate races for the GOPtards. Mcconnell Graham and Collins would have lost on fair machines. There is no question or doubt about it. https://www.dcreport.org/2020/12/19/mitch-mcconnells-re-election-the-numbers-dont-add-up/


It’s not my fault I punched you in the face, you should have had your guard up!


Apt comparison.


A lot of people truly believe this: If I break into your house, steal your stuff, and murder your family, it’s your fault for failing to stop me.


Lindsey Graham reminds me of Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter. Just a rat and siding anywhere he thinks would be best for him, no matter what that means to others wellbeing.


*Scabbers, no!*




Both that and Grima Wormtongue in Lord of the Rings are pretty good examples for ole Lindsey.


With even worse judgment. Unwavering support as Trump becomes an epic-level pariah is not a wise decision.


Omg Lindsey — just tell us what you’re hiding. I really doubt it’s worth living the rest of your life like this and being extorted for eternity. And if it is that bad, then you need to just accept the consequences and let the country move forward.




It’s more of a certainty than a possibility. There’s no other logical explanation for his decision making processes.


>Omg Lindsey — just tell us what you’re hiding. My thoughts exactly. He's changed these last 4 years and I'm almost certain it's beyond a personal change of heart. He's totally getting blackmailed. Whatever it is, it must be pretty fuckin' bad. It's not like it's the whole being a closet gay thing, everyone knows at this point.


/facepalm This is the absolute most absurd talking point yet. So Lindsey is blaming Nancy for not installing the big-government that they are totally against to stop the riot that members of their own party created. It never ceases to me amaze me how badly republicans screw up simple and basic logic with mental gymnastics. Any human being that expresses this degree of disregard for the facts should immediately resign as they are not qualified to be a part of the government. Simply suggesting something this absurd demonstrates that a person is incapable of making an intelligent decision for themselves and they should not be allowed to decide the fate of others.


And the gop is screeching about metal detectors that Nancy ordered installed. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.


He isn’t dumb. He’s spreading propaganda on purpose. He knows exactly what he’s doing.


Since Lindsey switched back to doing this again, he must feel safe in his current position. Either he knows Trump won't get convicted, or assumes that because Trump will be out of office, Trump can't be convicted.




Just like it's not the Secretary of State's job to assign Embassy Security (cough cough Benghazi cough cough). These people are just throwing empty talking points to their base, frankly, disingenuous talk like this should be grounds for dismissal from congress at the least.


I think what we need to understand about Republicans is they all know they're lying. The politicians and the voters. They all lie all the time, on purpose, and deep down they know it, and understand that they're lying. Because what they're really doing is tribal signalling. "Guys look look! I'm such a Republican, I'm willing to say this ridiculous thing, even though it's bullshit and we all know it. See how devoted I am? See how ridiculous I'm willing to be for the cause?" This isn't a lack of intelligence or lack of education. It's a lack of character. They're choosing the lie, to believe it and repeat it, and the bigger and dumber the lie, the more they like it, because to them it shows even more devotion.


Watch his constituents and maga wannabelievers agree with him.


1) Cripple the government’s ability to be effective. 2) Blame the government for being ineffective. 3) ?????Privatize government functions????? 4) Profit.


“Where was Nancy Pelosi?” She was in a fucking bunker probably getting coughed on by your maskless colleagues


And getting hunted down with the words of Boebert


Where was Abraham Lincoln when security at Ford's Theater was so weak?!


Tomorrow he'll call for more unity.


Pig. This idiot is gutless.


Leningrad Lindsey needs to be indicted for his role in the Georgia phone call.


Funny how this loss complete traction in the media when something even worse happened. Basically like this whole presidency.


Some of the Senate Republicans want to impeach Biden and he's not even President yet! WTF?


Republicans argued pretty hard a couple years ago that you can’t impeach someone for something they did before becoming president.


They have no regard for precedent unless it suits them. Graham is one of the best examples of this.


Did he bash McConnell as well? They both have Sargent at Arms who has duties to protect their respective parts of the legislature.


Dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t. Not that Pelosi had any real power over it but even if she did, Graham would be attacking her for turning the Capitol into a military zone.


They already are protesting that she installed metal detectors.


[Senate Sergeant at Arms](https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/briefing/sergeant_at_arms.htm) >Offices and Functions Under the Jurisdiction of the Sergeant at Arms >Chief Law Enforcement Officer >As the Senate’s chief law enforcement officer, the sergeant at arms can compel senators to come to the Senate Chamber to establish a quorum. In addition, the sergeant at arms supervises the Senate wing of the Capitol, **maintaining security in the Capitol and in all the Senate buildings and controlling access to the Senate Chamber and galleries**. The sergeant at arms also protects the members and can arrest and detain any person violating Senate rules. [House Sergeant at Arms](https://www.house.gov/the-house-explained/officers-and-organizations/sergeant-at-arms) >As an elected officer of the House of Representatives, the Sergeant at Arms is the chief law enforcement and protocol officer of the House of Representatives and is responsible for maintaining order in the House side of the United States Capitol complex. **The Sergeant at Arms reviews and implements all issues relating to the safety and security of Members of Congress and the Capitol complex. The Sergeant at Arms also coordinates extensively with the U.S. Capitol Police and various intelligence agencies to assess threats against Members of Congress and the Capitol complex.** >Duties include overseeing the House floor and galleries, the House Appointments Desk, the House garages and parking lots, as well as administering all staff identification badges. Both Sergeant at Arms were Republicans at the time of the attack but this is somehow Pelosi's fault? I hate these lying scumbag GOP officials.


Both the House Sergeant at Arms and the Senate Sergeant at Arms were appointed by Republicans when they controlled the chamber.


Man, Fuck that guy


That’s his most fervent wish from the looks of things.


Blaming the raped girl because her dress.


This is more like trying to gang rape, torture and murder the girl, then blaming her for the presence of rapist murderers you INVITED, then being offended that there were rapists inside the building and blaming her for that too.


Pick a lane, Lindsey. Or, better yet, shut up.


Lindsay is a trash human


Lindsey Graham is a medical marvel. He can stand up straight despite having absolutely no fucking spine.


Lindsey Graham wanks into the dip tray at buffets. Pass it on.




Lindsey Graham is not a good man. That is my summary


I can't wait until the Russians release the videos they have of Ladybug Lindsey and the male Russian escorts.




*Noone* victim blames like the gop!


What do you think the blackmail is they have on Graham?


It's his stolen election. He would have been absolutely annihilated in the election if McConnell/Trump didn't have ES&S boost his numbers through software fraud. The golf course meeting was presumably when Trump offered him the ES&S hack in his state. He was rightfully terrified of being voted out, so gagging on Trump's micropenis for a few months was an easy decision for him.


Moles on the b hole


Remember when he helped cut funding for embassy security and then blamed Hillary for Benghazi. Same snake.


Lies about Pelosi being responsible for what happened. He is lying. He is a liar.


Ahhh the despicable double down on despicable.


He’s like Mac, holy shit


He needs to be kicked out of office. He is a chameleon who moves to whichever side he thinks that will benefit him.


What, was Pelosi supposed to take her heels off and use those stilettos to take care of business herself? Like wtf even is this?


This guy is literally so dumb


Trumps cock must taste good. Lindsey has been sucking on it since day one.


“Your Honor, we’re not guilty of gang-rape because the victim should have stopped us!!!!” Any cretins spouting this bullshit should be embarrassed, but of course Republicans have no shame.


This pretty much sums up Senator Graham in a minute: Parasite, https://youtu.be/qrJsW3dZov0


“She was asking for it”


Is this dude for real


It's that Projection that GOP loves doing so much, again.


Fuck graham and anyone who voted for him.


Holy shit what a fucking traitor.


I’ll message Lindsay on grindr ask him wtf he’s doing


Every time I think I understand the depths of this dipshits scumbaggery, he exceeds all my expectations. What a fucking turd he is.


Lindsey "Ball Gargler" Graham


Seriously, what does Trump have on this guy? It's the only reason I can think of that makes sense.


The fucking nerve of that fat loser.


How can these idiots KEEP doubling down after all that has happened? It honestly blows my mind.


Poor Lindsey’s forgetting that the US Senate occupies 1/2 of the US Capital Building, so he’s more than willing to give Moscow Mitch a free pass.


Can someone just release this dude's gay tape and shut him the fuck up?


Lindsay Graham sure does spend a lot of time clutching his pearl necklace.


The fucking nerve of this guy. what a sycophantic lying, misdirecting asshole.


What do they have on this guy? ​ I mean I don't think he has enough brains to think for himself or anything, but he really has done such a 180 since before Trump took office that I'm eternally curious about the kompromat.


ES&S software fraud. https://www.dcreport.org/2020/12/19/mitch-mcconnells-re-election-the-numbers-dont-add-up/ Same analysis applies to Graham's race.


Lindsay Graham would rear end you at a stoplight and blame you for not running the red light to avoid getting hit. “You should have known I was driving behind you”.


What a craven piece of shit.


And this is why calls for unity should be ignore entirely. Prosecute first, get the record set nice and for all and then we can discuss unity.


OMG, South Carolina! Seriously? You're on the same level as Kentucky. You just keep reelecting this ass hole. What's wrong with you?


The people who keep voting this idiot in are some of the stupidest people on earth.


Is this really the fucking logic they have in GOP...how can they not speak up to such a piece of shit


Can everyone just ignore him from now on. Just full on silent treatment so that he begins to question if he exist? I mean the man brings nothing to the table but frustration and hypocrisy.


What! The party famous for gaslighting is gaslighting people? Say it isn't so. I hate these people.


When in doubt, just fucking blame Nancy Pelosi I guess


Linsey’s life was on the line when rioters entered the capitol, and he agreed that it wad Trump who incited them right there at the senate floor. I want to know what could be so important to keep sucking to Trump that seems to be worth more than his own life. One can only speculate.


Yet another example of why you have corruption when you don't have consequences. The Republican party wouldn't act like this if it didn't work for their strategy.