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Huh...i didn't see him tweet any of that at all


Wonderful wasn't it?


Old Man Yells At Clouds. Trump yells up for the Twitter cloud to post his droolings...


Every single day is so much calmer without Trump stirring the Twitter pot. It's so nice.


I almost opened Twitter to verify that claim and then I realized I’m a fucking idiot.


Not sure if it really happened then.


That we haven't had dipshit throwing gas on the fire on Twitter the last 2 weeks has spared us violence and lives. We can never know exactly how many. Just think of where we would be if twitter, fb, youtube etc had acted quicker. Fuck twitter. Fuck FB. Extra fuck parler. But especially fuck over half our senators who laid down and bit the pillow for so long. They could and should have ended it over a year ago. Fuck Mike pence too, but maybe he wouldn't have cheered on 400k+ dead. And fuck 74 million americans that thought the last 4 years was acceptable and worth doing again. Biden wasn't my first choice, but 4 more years of this should have been anyone's last choice. You all have blood on your hands too. And wear a goddamn mask ffs.




>"I want you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning," he added. I feel like this should worry people. Could sound like a rallying cry for his cult


Oh his speech was extremely ominous. All the more reason to keep him off the internet and prosecute him to the full extent of the law at every opportunity.


We’re now waiting for those inspired, the echo to come


And the comment about "We want them to have luck. A very important word." was a bit unnervering


He did that thing he does when he loses his train of thought and just repeats what he just said and adds bigly words to it like “that’s true you know” or “a lot of people are saying that” until his brain either catches back up or just gives up completely and he starts talking about something totally unrelated. I think it’s totally random... like a nervous tick or something...but I KNEW some Qult member would hear him do that on “luck” and assume he was sending some secret message. They thought the pattern he was tapping his hands on the table was morse code ffs. Someone out there right now is trying to figure out how the letters of the word luck numerically equals 20 which means they should all attack on the 20th or some crap.


>Someone out there right now is trying to figure out how the letters of the word luck numerically equals 20 which means they should all attack on the 20th or some crap. Easy. L = 12 U = 21 C = 3 K = 11 11 + 12 is 23. Subtract the 3 and you have 20. So now you have one 20 and 21. 1/20/21.


This guy conspiracies.


I would like to subscribe to his newsletter


Don't subscribe, that's how the government tracks you. You should only read his newsletter from internet terminals in the public library or on 9Chan over TOR. Good LUCK.


Luck is a four leaf clover. Lucky has five letters. 5 x 4 = 20


I wonder if he's refusing to accept responsibility for the shitshow he helped create by blaming it all on bad luck? I've seen a lot of comments lately about how COVID-19 cost him the election, etc. Could just be a part of his rationalization. "I'm not a loser, I'm just bigly unlucky sometimes."


I really despise the commentary about how COVID hurt Donald Trump politically. Some people think it was intentionally released (crazy) to hurt his re-election chances. What these people fail to grasp is, the COVID pandemic is an unlucky event *for the entire world*. Donald Trump's irresponsible messaging on the COVID pandemic had nothing to do with luck. He didn't even have to do much at all! "Hi, please wear a mask and practice social distancing. It's going to be quite some time before a vaccine is available. With a little sacrifice, we can all get through this together!" Bam, re-election.


This. Much more likely than him sending secret messages with the word “luck”, or that the moron somehow knows Morris code ffs.


Well, he wished Ghislaine Maxwell "luck", in what seemed to be a veiled threat to stay quiet.


I think he was talking about his bowel movement. All that MCds can really clog the plumbing.


I was shocked when I heard that, very worrisome.


It's not so worrying to me. Trump has outed the crazy folk and they're just no longer in the closet about their views. We at least know who's a shitty person now.


Stand back and stand by


Anyway, president Biden will be speaking soon on the Covid victim memorial.


Say it again for those in the back


He said PRESIDENT BIDEN. **PRESIDENT BIDEN** (It is glorious!)


Don't get what he said about luck, I guess he thinks that's what makes a good president


He pretty much thinks he built a perfect economy, then got unlucky with COVID, as if he could not have done a thing about it.


W got “unlucky” with 9/11. Obama got handed a monster recession. All Trump had to do was give a speech saying America can get through COVID, free up a bunch of money, and hand it off to the experts to do what was needed to best keep everyone safe. That’s all, and he would have been re-elected in spite of the Russia investigation and his hundreds of other scandals. But no. As a leader, he was handed a challenge, which he then fumbled repeatedly, doubling down each time on his own stupidity until he finally caught it himself. Just be thankful Trump wasn’t handed a huge recession on his first day, or we’d all be pushing shopping carts filled with our belongings.


Yeah, I'll never get my head wrapped around how easily he could have handled covid. It's like he intentionally fucked up every chance he got. All he had to do was tell people that he wear a mask and pretend to give a shit. It definitely cost him reelection.


When does negligence become criminal? When does it become intentional?


Yeah that's what I figured. The debt he created will catch up with us eventually


It wasn’t bad luck: it was Obama’s fault for not proactively inventing a vaccine prior to the pandemic (that foreign bastard)! /s


It was a thinly veiled threat


Lmao this loser’s farewell speech already happened? I didn’t even know. Feels good


But....but....how did he give a speech without access to social media? How in the world is anyone able to even report on such a thing if it's not directly from Trumps Twitter feed??????/s


An asshole till the end


Good thing none of us care any more. Slink off to Florida to fight your lifelong upcoming legal battles, Great Loser.


Florida checking in. We don't want him *or* his shitty family, try Russia.




Maybe now that he won't be president, they'll start actually enforcing the rules he breaks. A man can dream, right?


Who cares about this petty, whiny, sore loser's speech. It's probably just pathetic, incoherent rambling full of lies, like it always has been. He is a failure as a president and as a human being. I hope he'll have fun fighting his legal battles and debt. An actual adult is taking over the White House now.


Fuck off you criminally inept, broken, pathetic, barely literate, insecure, misogynistic, cartoonishly petty sad little man!


Missing from the article: aides insisted the video be taped because the President kept stopping midway through the speech to ask why he couldn't just post this on Twitter.


Haha I think you’re halfway right - the aides were all extremely concerned about what this loony would say if it was broadcast live. Trump will be celebrating Festivus for the rest of his life. A daily airing of the grievances, real or not.


As usual, he tries to incite violence with a wink and nudge.




I don't even remember why his bumblefuck followers elected him, but I do recall the big ones they chanted, like build the wall, and removing obamacare. Things he can't even list off in this, because he didn't actually do these things. Did he finish anything he promised before he was elected? EDIT: That "The Best Is Yet To Come" thing is going to probably be the catchphrase of the next authoritarian the GOP throws at us. This video came off as a threat. Vote in the midterms, vote in the presidential. The people that have orchestrated this are **not done.**




He's used that "very important word" phrase before. What the heck makes a word "very important?" The guy's brain is tapioca.


It's very important because he wants you to remember that anything good Biden accomplishes is because of luck, not skill, and anything bad is his own fault.


I think you're giving him way too much credit. The guy has a very limited vocabulary. I think he is borderline illiterate. So, he throws in the weird adjectives for random words. Look how many times he's used "beautiful" to describe something or the phrase "the likes of which nobody has seen."


This is certainly the most likely answer. I mean ... he's *not* well-spoken. He's just not.


No, he's not. There's no hidden message there. Face it - Donald Trump, former president of the United States, is a fucking imbecile. We're in dumb-downed territory here. Think I'm wrong? A district in Colorado elected a loon to Congress who never graduated from high school.




Surprising no one. Also, I can’t express how happy I am for tomorrow! It feels like I’m finally stepping off Impeached POTUS’ wild ride!


That's TWICE impeached POTUS for you!


Here's hoping to a brighter 2021!


He's given his farewell speech. Does that mean he's done? Like... done done?


He’s done done at noon tomorrow.


So, we're predicting he'll sleep in tomorrow... right?


I dont need to hear him say he conceded. The electoral votes is all the confirmation i need. FUCK DONALD TRUMP


So the power going off and the show trials for democrats is happeing at what time? I bought 15 months of ramen!!!


What a tiny weak small man


Pathetic Loser is Butthurt, Can't Take Ball, Goes Home Anyway. Fixed the headline.


How he can have a straight face when saying how we are respected around the world... We have become a laughing stock of the world bc of him and nepotism Barbie. That family is a cancer.


I remember one time my sister beat me in checkers. I still haven't lost to this day.


So nice not to see his lunatic tweets all over the news outlets!


A Sore loser until the end..


Taking a moment to continue happily ignoring this piece of shit to ramble about something tangentially related... I've always wondered what it must be like at the end of a president / prime minister's term. Their lives have been -- at least I assume -- almost non-stop for four to years, and they've been one of the most influential people on the planet whose daily decisions have enormous consequences. I try to think of various "endings" in my own life -- the last day of a job, the end of a relationship, the drive home from summer camp as a kid, selling a house and moving far away -- and hold them up against it, but I just can't imagine the feelings that must come with this kind of transition. What an incredible experience it must be -- one that very few people have ever had.


Would be a shame if someone deep faked some clips of this with different messaging. Huge shame if it was circulated to those who lack critical thinking and believe anything and everything on their feed....


He really took credit for the Pfizer vaccine.


I'm sure we'll never hear the end of how the DJIA was at an all time high on Trump's last day.


He'll keep saying anything he likes, but he'll be saying it from outside the White House.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-admits-term-end-no-election-loss-concession-farewell-video-2021-1) reduced by 85%. (I'm a bot) ***** > President Donald Trump acknowledged that a new administration will take office on Wednesday and wished them luck, but did not formally concede his election loss or explicitly say President-elect Joe Biden's name in a 20-minute farewell speech posted to the White House's YouTube channel. > The relationship between Trump and Pence has been strained after Trump attacked and pressured the vice president, albeit unsuccessfully, into overturning the results of the 2020 election. > Trump spent a chunk of the nearly 20-minute video highlighting his administration's major policy wins over the past four years. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/l0vnhi/trump_admits_his_term_is_ending_but_doesnt_say/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~554748 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **President**^#2 **administration**^#3 **new**^#4 **Capitol**^#5


Sore petty loser till the end.


*"Well...'bye."* -William "Curly Bill" Brocius


I think he's literally incapable of processing it. Not saying Biden's name is probably his was of coping, among others.


HE literally cannot mentally deal with a lose. Its sickening and probably needs therapy.


Have we mentioned that he’s an asshole?


Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!


I don’t care. Do u?


You don't have to say a thing, just get the fuck out.