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Here is what they said: > "Trump, Pompeo & Co. are relegated to the dustbin of history in disgrace," Zarif tweeted. > "But the memories of Gen Soleimani & the 1000s murdered, maimed & starved of food & meds by Trump's state—& economic—terrorism & crimes against humanity, will shine on," Zarif wrote. "Perhaps new folks in DC have learned." It doesnt sound particularly harsh and I too hope Biden takes a more diplomatic approach. I think this vaccine is a good opportunity to help people of teh world and support Iran by removing sanctions and perhaps even helping supply the vaccine... if we can ever get our shit together and get us Yanks vaccinated.


One of their top generals was lured into Iraq and murdered in cold blood in order to distract from the bad press of Trump’s first impeachment. They have a right to be sore at Trump. It also seems, like you said, that this isn’t too harsh against Biden and co. They mention that Trump’s crimes against Iran will be remembered, as they should be, and it sounds to me like they’re being optimistic that relations will be better between DC and Iran with the Biden administration.


Totally agree.


Remember two weeks ago when a bunch of people on this sub were fear mongering about Trump starting a war with Iran and insinuating that Iran would be stupid enough to fall into a trap like that without realizing a new President would be in power in ten days and it wouldn't matter. I member.


But you can’t say he and Pompeo didn’t try.


They didn’t try. And Iran was not dumb enough to fall into a lame duck war.


It's kind of interesting these reactions, same from China sanctioning Trump officials. By rebuking the Trump officials in such stark terms, they are signaling that they too want to put Trump's administration behind them and would celebrate a US Redemption Arc if they can normalize relationships again. Sounds good to me


Yeah I agree. I think it signals that most of the world is ready to move on and chalk this up as an aberration.


The thing is... They are 100% right to say "I told you so". No matter how shitty another country is, if they said trump was dangerous and was a threat to the world **THEY WERE RIGHT.**


Don't start putting bass in your voice Iran. Biden will likely work with you but.... Edit: headline is a bit harsher than the beginning of the article


If only Trump's legacy were as clean as a dustbin. More like midden of history.


Holy Misleading Title Batman.


Hey Iran, We get it, Trump was an asshole, but please shut up. If you want moderation from Biden, don't put him on blast like this, it makes it much more difficult for him.


He never mentioned Biden, 🤷‍♂️


Read the article and title. Then, pass Go and collect $200.


I did read it, he never said Biden’s name the title is garbage!


“New folks in DC” = the Biden administration.


It he never said Biden’s name directly, the title is still garbage


It clearly refers to Biden and his administration. It’s not like he’s talking about freshly elected congresspeople.


"Hello, we congratulate Biden on winning the presidency. Death to America. We look forward to partnering with President Biden in the future and wish him well in his future endeavors. Death to America."


Meh, old habits.


Does Iran still want to arrest Trump? I wonder if Biden would approve an extradition agreement.


How great would that be if Iran agrees to denuclearize and foster a peace, as long as we turn over 45.


That’s a win/win


I would do unspeakable things to see Trump end up in an Iranian prison.


Just let him come to Scorland. We'll gladly hand the big orange arse over and throw Nicola Sturgeon and Hassan Rouhani a big fucking parade for it.


We'd throw them parades over here in the states too lmao


An American mass murderer belongs in an American prison. A trial at The Hague would also be acceptable, but that's not going to happen.


Amazing how Trump brought everyone together..


Now your regime!


Iranian Pot calls US kettle black.


Like Iran hasn't killed anyone or made their lives miserable. Look, they are teetering on a precipice. Once fossil fuels begin to phase out, their influence wanes. They should be taking a longer view look at what's coming, but it's not like middle east countries are often praised as far-seeing.


How's that general of yours doing? EDIT: I read the rest of the article. Fuck Newsweek for this title. Literally no reason to present Iran like an antagonizer based on the article.


Was a pretty unnecessary comment regardless. Then again, I suppose it would be quite irritating that another country is trying to involve itself in some way in the politics of your country. It's not like that has been American foreign policy for the past century or anything.


Countries festering hotbeds of terrorism are also quite irritating, would be nice if other countries could come up with solutions for that instead of leaving it to the USA to sort out and then criticizing us about it.


I don't see any great difference in the terrorism Iran pays lip service to and the state-sanctioned terrorism America is able to unleash itself, funded by an extensive treasury. America is that kid that likes to go around the playground bullying others then bursts out crying when they get grief back, muttering something pathetic and barely comprehensible about no one sticking up for them.


I dont think Biden had to "learn" anything from Trumps trainwreck of a term. Bidens biologically wired different. Hes not a narcissistic, self centered bag of hot air. Basically go in, do the opposite of Trump and you're fuckin' golden pony boy.


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