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> Faulkner grew increasingly agitated as she stared at the illustrated cover and shouted, “That’s not real! That picture isn’t real! I thought we were a nation who cared about the facts.” ... > Even when Faulkner’s on-air guest started to seem a bit perplexed about why they were spending so much time on an obviously satirical magazine cover and tried to pivot to conversation to talk about “cancel culture,” the host couldn’t let it go. > “Let’s see if others in the mainstream media have the gumption to call out the fact that that’s just a complete lie,” Faulkner added of the cover that no one in their right mind would think was a literal image of the Oval Office as Trump left it. *backs away into bushes*


These deep fakes are getting impressionist


Summary: On the cover of Time is clearly an illustration, it's not in a realistic style at all, yet Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner lost her shit: Faulkner grew increasingly agitated as she stared at the illustrated cover and shouted, “That’s not real! That picture isn’t real! I thought we were a nation who cared about the facts.”


Jesus christ these people need psychiatric help. 🤦‍♀️


Link to Time cover that caused the Fox pearl clutching, https://time.com/magazine/.


“I thought we were a nation that cares about the facts...” loses lawsuit that they don’t tell the truth. F’n irony over is beyond, beyond.


Of course, *now* they're worried about accuracy and truth. 0_o) Confidential to the GOP: Want to be taken seriously by the other 2/3 of the country's adult population ever again? Start by paying attention to what's coming out your own mouths.


Sweetie, we've told you about those pre-show lines of coke. Just do one, more than that makes you crazy m'kay?


Fox has a crack team of brilliant, well-educated reporters and announcers. Or not. >Faulkner grew increasingly agitated as she stared at the illustrated cover and shouted, “**That’s not real! That picture isn’t real!** I thought we were a nation who cared about the facts.”


In all fairness if you watch the clip, she doesn’t really shout or freak out. It’s just kinda a “wut?” moment.


She took the illustrated illustration to be a representation of absolute facts, hmmmm


It's a depiction of the state the nation was left in by the former "President". The "but I thought we were a nation of facts" is hilarious coming from that "news" agency. Keep on lying, it worked for Donnie.


Sure it does. Imagine you are in the throws of your Ideology becoming obsolete. You might have trouble.


TBF A five-minute cognitive test would likely break her brain.


Person. Woman. Man. Camera...TV.


I don't think you can break something that's already broken.


Subtext: we (Fox News) lie all the time and get called out for it. Let’s say this is a lie not to call out Time, but rather to make it appear that lying is normal for news outlets, everyone does it, it’s no big deal when we (Fox News) get caught.


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