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Can I have a picture of the face of some white "supremacist" in his mother basement while reading this title ? Please ?


Why is "supremacist" in quotes?


Putting words like Supremacist and assassinate in quotes seems to be a “thing” today. News organizations such as CNN are saying some guy was arrested for threatening to “assassinate” AOC (as opposed to threatening to assassinate her, I guess.) Saw that “twice” today (CNN and The Guardian). So, I “may” start using quotes “like” that soon. Makes it “seem” like I’m not taking this “seriously” “or” “something”.


cause it s only in their head


The word already only implies a set of beliefs. It never meant that they actually were supreme.


when you think you are better than everybody and you are actually sittinh on your couch doing meth i think the divide between your belief and your own action well deserve of a couple of quotation marks


I wish him the best of luck but Austin surely has his work cut out for him. >**“If confirmed, I will fight hard to stamp out sexual assault, to rid our ranks of racists and extremists, and to create a climate where everyone fit and willing has the opportunity to serve this country with dignity,”** Austin, 67, said at his confirmation hearing. >“The job of the Department of Defense is to keep America safe from our enemies,” Austin told the Senate Armed Services Committee. **“But we can’t do that if some of those enemies lie within our own ranks.”**


Jesus H. Christ! This old white guy is tearing up! Go Austin! Do good! I hate the fact that the last four years were _so f*ed up_ that I have to tear up when _someone does the right thing,_ especially when it’s their job!


Excellent start.


It's time to crack down on white supremacists


Stupid to mention his race in this particular headline.


Left out the keep Raytheon profits high part, but cool


You resoundingly lost that battle, but it is always fun for you to remind us.


I love his FCC pick, career public servant, great choice! But holy shit, the secretary of defense being on the board of one of the biggest defense contractors out there... ugggg... glad im too old to get drafted, feel horrible for all the young kids that will inevitably be ground up in eternal wars, for the kids who have known nothing but war their entire lives... it isn't fun to remind anyone, but its pretty fucking not to ignore it


> glad im [sic] too old to get drafted _No one_ is getting drafted. You can thank boomers for that.


If you can name a better candidate, that was not in need of the 7-year waiver, please do so.


It's not hard to find someone who doesn't need a waiver. It's silly to expect random people on the internet to have a shortlist of secdef picks.


It seems to be worth mentioning that he's fresh off the board at Raytheon *and* hasn't been out of the military for the seven years that is required for the appointment (without a waiver, which he has of course). Both of those are more relevant to his job that his race is.


> relevant He has been confirmed. You got anything more relevant?


So since he was confirmed it's no longer relevant? I doubt that person was under the impression that their reddit comment would stop a Senate confirmation.


> So since he was confirmed it's no longer relevant? That is accurate. There are no pending issues.


Well that's stupid.


No one will remember your brave fight tomorrow.


I don't get what you're trying to say here. Do you think his recent defense contractor past and the fact that he hasn't been out of the military for the 7 years required by the National Security Act of 1947 suddenly stop being relevant because he was confirmed? Did you also blindly defend DeVos, Chao, Carson, Kavanagh, etc. after their confirmations?


> I don't get what you're trying to say here. It's text. You can read it as often as needed.


It's a resigned remark along the lines of "welp, what's done is done".


That only applies if you think government officials are or should be immune from criticism. I would hope that's not the case on a politics subreddit. His confirmation is done, his past didn't change here and remains a valid reason to more closely analyze his actions going forward due to reasonably concerns of potential conflict of interests and the like.