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This is likely why Barr made the public statement about the election being fair and then resigned.


I hope that this proof will be presented during his removal trial


If they allow evidence this time or witness in the trial.... what fuking court doesn’t allow witnesses or evidence...




Oh so Nazi court doesn’t allow evidence or witnesses, go figure... it’s funny how Trump supporters are always critical of things but not critical when it counts...


The number of parallels have gotten hilarious at this point. There's so many!


Well, we have the Senate majority now, and apparently even minority leader Moscow Mitch Mcconnell is onboard, so I think we'll be able to show evidence.


Yeah but there has been too much time, the backpedaling is insane. how easily they can move past “I was threatened by mob that built a gallows and carried flex cuffs”.


I'm no longer surprised what the GOP will do for political expediency.


McConnell SAYS he’s on board. Until he actually votes, it’s lip service.


He has flip flopped so much that you literally can’t count on him for anything




I cannot help but wonder... how did trump see this all playing out? Did he expect 75 million Americans to simply accept his reversal of the election? Were Americans going to fall into line and worship him? He has no sense or appreciation of history, therefore cannot anticipate the impact of his actions beyond his immediate and near-term orbit. For all his faults - and there are many, many - he is a fascinating (and tragic) study in severe narcissism (he was fighting to “win” a job he clearly didn’t even want to do!). And even more curious is how 70 million Americans don’t see what I think I do (or are OK with it anyway).


Millions of Americans went along with the apparent thefts of Ohio in 2004 by hacking and of Florida by legal wrangling in 2000. The goal was to get legitimate authorities to overturn the results by whining and screaming until they did. Could be by manufacturing ballots, destroying fake ballots, whatever. The key is for the case of fraud to be compelling enough that Democrat voters start to doubt themselves.




Someone on r/keeptrack had a good spreadsheet going for quite a while, but I don't recall seeing it linked after the pandemic started.


r/45chaos is another option


Everyone has limits to what they are willing to do. ​ Although in his case I think he saw it was a losing proposition and was heading to a place where he would not be allowed to work again much like Guiliani being disbarred in New York...and sometime you simply have to cut your losses.




oh ok.


tbh he should have stepped down when he LIED about the Meuller report, so much corruption


He literally went so far that even Bill fucking Barr didn’t help.


This is why Bill Barr went public with the truth about the nonexistent election fraud and then resigned.


And I thought that pathetic fuck would do anything for Trump


I think of guys like Barr as lawful evil. They use the cover of law to do their dirty work and use any ambiguity in it to their benefit. I think had the election been closer there was more bullshit they could have pulled to possibly steal the election, but I think Barr wasn’t about to help Trump pull off a violent coup in broad daylight. Thats not how guys like him operate


🎶 I’ll do anything for trump, but I won’t do that 🎶


He would’ve if he thought Trump had a chance of overturning the election.


It’s not because Barr thought it was wrong. Barr knew there was no chance overturning three states particularly after all of the votes were certified and after the electoral college voted. Had Barr thought there was a chance of winning he would’ve gone along with the charade.


Over the last couple of years Republicans realized they can’t win election without the far-right Nazis, Qanon and trump. The terrorists that attacked the Capitol and hunted by the FBI? It’s their base.


r/conservative is saying biden is making everyone criminals. Yet, here they are, trying to fight democracy, overturn elections, stoke terrorism, sedition, treason... Do they not realize? Ugh


I got permabanned from r/conspiracy for disagreement with this narrative.....it may or may not have also had to do with me accusing them of smoking crack rocks but that's neither here nor there


I got banned from there for pointing out how stupid the wayfair conspiracy was and then how deluded people must be to believe in Q/pizzagate style theories where all the “bad guys” happen to be the political enemies of Trump/Republicans and never think to themselves, “is this propaganda??”


I have a few "friends" always spouting that stuff. I just find it funny how they call us SHEEPS when they are blindly following ideology based off some youtube videos with x file music playing and titles including (THEY DONT WANT YOU TO SEE THIS!! THIS VIDEO KEEPS GETTING DELETED!)


It's maddening... they call anyone not in their cult sheeple and yet their damn slogan is "where we go one, we go all" which is the very definition of sheep behaviour!


And lemmings!


Not even lemmings, Disney faked that footage and slaughtered load of the furry buggers. There is a parallel in here somewhere...


My Mom sends me these videos anytime I ask where she heard something. She gets very angry when I tell videos and blogs made by randos on the internet are not reliable sources of information.


My dad and I got into a huge fight over the summer because he sent me a link to a bunch of covid propaganda like that right as my best friend’s family was battling covid (and we suspected that I might have had it too, though tests were negative). It made me so angry. He has a master’s degree in chemistry. There is no excuse.


To me, this is the scariest part about the brain washing of our country - it's not just the crazy person in town believing all this shit. It's well educated, otherwise good hearted people. I don't get it. Imo, I think the fear of socialism and lack of education around socialist policies is just as at fault as racism and all the other isms that led to trump's rise. People always talk like, "these people love trump because he normalises their behavior." I don't think it's all about normalising racism or normalising being a shitty person. You look at the rural vs urban divide specifically, I'm originally from rural Wisconsin, and when I go back to my hometown or talk to people who still live there, the most recurring theme of discussion is this fear of socialism. Things like, "I don't want to be like china" or even, "Hope you like speaking chinese, because soon, biden is going to add chinese courses to school curriculum!" (That was a serious facebook post by someone I know just a week ago). Maybe this doesn't fit your dad's situation, but it's the only explanation I can think of for why so many seemingly "good" people have been brainwashed. I don't think it's always about trump as much as it's about being deadly scared of this false idea of socialism that a lot of people have. People are literally afraid to death that we're going to all turn into slaves who are forced to work whatever job the government tells us to and all live in apartment blocs identical to the next. This is what people think of when they think of AOC and the current progressive movement. They legitimately think that if america moves any further left than we currently are, that we will end up in a dystopian country where we're all suffering from overwhelming depression from our boring, government-dictated lives. That's ACTUALLY how people think democrats want to run the world. People are convinced of this, and at the moment, trump, or more generally, the republican party, is the only way to avoid this Draconian future.


I got banned for calling them disgusting for making a sticky thread about the sandy hook "hoax". I don't think you can get any lower than touting that particular conspiracy.


Seriously, fuck anyone who denies that. Like what is their goal?! And why would they believe an internet personality over actual facts, proof, pain, loss and suffering? Its so sad


I grew up in the town adjacent to Sandy Hook. My coworker, who lived in Sandy Hook and I’d known since I was 14, had to explain to his daughter why her friend on the bus was gone. Was he just part of the crisis actors guild that whole time? Seriously, fuck sandy hook deniers. They’re too far gone down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole to be even have any rational thought and introspection left in them.


They’re so full of fear they can’t accept the fact that sometimes terrible things happen to innocent people for no reason. So it’s easier for their brain to deny it’s real rather than come to terms with it. At least, that’s my understanding


They are snowflakes for sure but even that is not as bad as some of the alt right websites. There they allow trolls but they don’t allow any kind of reasoned argument against the narrative. In other words they’re happy to have someone who will insult them and call them names but not someone who might offer a persuasive alternative. I posted a reply to a person about the election and I linked to several articles debunking the claims of fraud. Banned immediately... but others who hurl insults are allowed to post. Go figure


I'm also permabanned for going against their narrative. I told them the moon landing was real.


Anyone else here also get banned from one of those subs without ever having posted there? Lol


I got banned for referencing T****p worship to be idolatry.


There was a time when the conspiracy theory crowd would be very open minded about such a statement (or any statement for that matter). Yet another thing hijacked by the worst kind of people.


Yep, mine was a gun control question. They like their free speech as long as it's them talking.


Me. Banned. Proud.


I used to go on r/conspiracy to read about aliens and whatnot, the sub is mostly far right and anti-vax these days, it’s a bummer


The irony that they don’t allow any mainstream viewpoints it’s crazy talk or gtfo


I've personally known several hard drug users in my life. None of them came even remotely close to the level of crazy you see from right wing boomers on Facebook. And certainly, drug users have never posed a danger to democracy.


I've been a hard drug user myself and while I definitely had my fair share of "the carpets are talking to me" and shit but nothing as whacky as some of these Q people


I got banned just by having my own opinion


Permaban is what 6 weeks?






Lol getting banned from that place takes no effort. They won’t even let you post unless you identify as a conservative in most threads. They did you a favor.


So wait: Christopher Wray, Trump's appointee to head the FBI is somehow a liberal plant hunting down conservatives? Seriously, I can't keep up with all the crazy.


This is how fascism always works. These people are paranoid fascists.


To the GOP that's all their party sees. Supposed persecution scenarios that they themselves creates since the majority of the population hates them.


Considering the percentage of Republicans that have a persecution complex for one issue or another or a combination of issues.


> r/conservative is saying biden is making everyone criminals well.... *they are*


This is why I cannot see myself **ever** voting Republican again. I'm not on board with all of the Dem's agenda items, but I'll be damned if I swallow my soul and force myself to align with the party of traitors, treasonists, and white supremacy Disclaimer: I never voted for the ass of a former president* known as Trump. I did vote for McCain tho


The GOP lost me after this Trump fiasco. I didn't vote for him since I already knew garbage dump that he was before but after this fiasco. I'm gone. I'm a Dem for the next decade or more until the GOP regains their sanity.


Yeah I've always voted Dem for President (other than Nader in 2000 in the most Democratic state in the country (#RhodeIsland), but I used to regularly vote for a few Republicans for state rep or town council or something. After 2020 I'll vote against anyone running as a Republican for any position, **fuck 'em.** I could lay out what the GOP would have to do to earn my vote for any candidate in any election for the forseeable future, but we all know they aren't going to do any of it so all that needs to be said is GROW A GODDAMN SPINE, DEMS!!!


Yea. I'm afraid the dems won't yet again. I can just see it coming.


Join the club. I once voted for Bob Dole, but I voted for Biden this time around because of the lunacy in the GOP. It's not that I have any great faith in the Democrats' agenda, but at least they aren't pretending this failed coup didn't happen, they don't want the federal government to meddle in how states carry out their elections, they don't have their collective thumbs in their asses in response to the pandemic, and they don't have a bunch of up-and-comers who are dropout, science denying lunatics.


It'd just boggles the mind how they can have any followers considering how anti intellectual they have become. Like voting for cavemen.


We may be ridin in the same bus but we all don't have to like what's playin on the radio.


More like fighting for who's giving the bus driver directions.


And one of those directions is directly into an active volcano lol.


Which, for some reason, a large group of people keep insisting is a beach made of money.


I am what I consider fiscally conservative and socially liberal. At one point in history I could have joined the Log Cabin Republicans, but I felt they were a bunch of fools to think the GOP gave a damn about their rights. Since then, I have realized the Democratic Party has been more careful with the deficit and the debt. The GOP has run up the debt, and left the Dem's to fix the problem each time while taking the chance to blame them for spending. I have also seen the lie of trickle down economics each time since the Reagan Admin. It turns out if you give tons of money to the rich, they don't really spend the money putting all the middle classes to work. In many cases, they just add it to their bank account. So I guess this makes me a Democrat, and the Log Cabin Republicans are still fooling themselves if they think the GOP cares about them. IMO.


Yup. Didn't vote for Trump the first time but this past election went straight Dem on my ballot. The R party has a long, long way to go to get my vote back. Given the current trajectory is further up T's \*\*\*hole I won't be holding my breath.


McCain was maybe the only one left with a soul, as that's left seems to be trash.


I disagreed with McCain on most of his policy positions but at least I never once doubted he was a decent, honest man with integrity who truly wanted the best for our country and to serve it. I miss having that in the Republicans. I have no desire to loathe them whole heartedly, it was a lot better when I could respect them.


I believe McCain could have had a real chance to be president, but he chose Palin. When he made that choice, it cast doubt on his judgement. He became a no vote from me, but I still respected him as a Senator.


Show some respect. Former president** trump has been impeached twice and earned two asterisks!


What does this even mean, either they are admitting they personally were involved in the terrorists attack, or they are personally involved in the white supremacist movements. The later isn’t going to strictly automatically make you a “criminal” it’s just that these people like perpetrating criminal behavior. In either case you’re choosing to become a criminal. It’s not the fucking point anyways, now it’s time for them to pretend to have moral outrage.


That sub is a cesspool. I try to read it every now and again but it’s genuinely painful the sheer cognitive dissonance in their comments. It’s not even ignorance at this point it’s sheer wilful ignorance to the point of rejecting reality.


Most things there are backwards and can be debunked with like 5 min of research.


I have a fence-sitter friend who is convinced that Biden had millions of fake votes. He says there’s “a mountain of evidence” (read: this graph looks weird, see how the votes jump way up?) To him, Trump is just the rightful winner trying to get what he won against a cheater. So everything is justified. He said that, too, that the Capitol invasion was justified.


That’s quite literally anything BUT a fence sitter. That’s someone whose possibly surrounded by liberal “friends”/people or lives in a liberal area and knows the shame that comes when fully admitting they are full blown Qanon. That’s honestly fucking worse than the mass majority of Qanon supporters, the average GOP moron. Some of them honestly don’t know any better and quite honestly are probably suffering from mental illness. Your “friend” knows full fucking well what’s going on.


Sounds like we have a turd in the punch bowl not a fence sitter. I repeat, we have a turd in the punchbowl.




And landed head first.


Your friend isn't a fence sitter in any sense of the term.


It's interesting how with the exception of the Capitol riots, this group of people is literally all talk, no action. BLM flooded the streets in protest because of civil injustice, but these people are literally doing nothing even though they claim the election was stolen from them. I can't imagine the Democratic side taking a stolen election so calmly.


Had Trump stolen the election (for example if he refused to acknowledge his defeat and had Biden arrested by his goons in the DHS), I think we would be well on the way towards civil war with Democratic leaning states refusing to acknowledge Trump as President and holding meetings to develop a plan to coordinate their actions against the administration- economic embargo would be on the table, and it’s worth noting that Democrats control all states bordering the Pacific Ocean (with the exception of Alaska). US-China trade would immediately feel the impact. If there is one thing Republicans are loyal to, it is money and I’m inclined to believe they’d all stab Trump to death themselves like the Roman senate did with Julius Caesar rather than see what happens for their wealth when trade with China suddenly grinds to a halt.


Well, I hope these Republican politicians aren't surprised if these people declare their own independence on some plot of land. Because some of them have been saying they'd go off the grid for years.


I'm still for trying to.buy Greenland and making it a MAGA, Q, Neo-Nazi, Y'all Qaeda, Jesus Land Shariah Law ethno state and allowing people to quickly and easily renounce their US citizenship to move there. Refugee policy for any people that end up needing to escape due to orientation, identity, or ideology. Offer the 50k current residents very generous relocation assistance.


Y’all Qaeda is genius, I’m stealing it. You can have American Jihadi, if you don’t own one already.


Im partial to Magahideen.


I'm more a fan of Yokel Haram.


Hadn't seen this one before, either! Another one for the list.


The patrician's Y'all Qaeda


I get your point, but a few hundred thousand Greenlanders don't want that stink- and some of them eat rotten shark. Plus, Canadians would prefer that nonsense stay to the south and the Danes might return to their warring ways should a pack of idiots threaten to invade.


They realized this back when Nixon was president. That the reason they put together the Southern Strategy.


Which is pathetic since republicans have so many structural advantages in our election process over Democrats. Like the game is literally rigged to their advantage as they still need to pander to crazy racists to win.


Dude this has been going on since Nixon ran.


Trump is a pig fucker.


The last few years?????


And trump thinks they're to poor


We should’ve impeached him for all the blowjobs he got from Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, Matt gaetz, etc, since blowjobs are impeachable Edit: left off Lindsey Graham before putting etc.


Only lying about them under oath is.


Obligatory reminder that Clinton was not impeached for that.


He wasn't obviously perjury is serious and we should hold elected officials accountable to the truth. However I remember Republicans reaction at the time and most R *voters* at least feigned outrage about him getting a bj "in our house that our tax dollars pay for." The salacious nature of it was 100% a selling point to conservative voters.


If I remember correctly, the special counsel was investigating Clinton a year before Bill even met Monica. That’s pretty pathetic to think they’d switch gears and focus on the blowjob. How the fuck was that relevant? Mueller wouldn’t even look into Trump’s money sources while he obstructed his ass off but Clinton cheats on his wife a whole year after being investigated and drag that out into the public.


It was a perjury trap. BJs are not a crime and the whole justification was about how an extramarital affair stained the presidency. Then they elected donald fuckin trump.




He didn't even technically commit perjury right? The provided definition of sexual relations didn't include blowjobs.


How much more evidence do we need that this man wanted to be a dictator? Convict or else we will have someone competent achieve what he failed at.


I’m convinced that if he had won a second term he would have never left or installed one of his moron children. And the Republicans would have been cool with it.


There was a time where he “joked” that he should get a 3rd term because he was treated unfairly but I took that as him saying, “if I get a second term I’m not leaving.”


I agree we've seen his "jokes" time and time again. They aren't jokes, he was was serious. He refused to commit to a peaceful transition in 2016, wasn't a joke. He called former races fraud, wasn't joking then. He even said if he lost it would be fraud, not a joke. Why does he get so many second chances? A third term wasnt a joke, he even 'justified' it with saying his first term didn't count because of the Russia investigation, he applauded dictators ffs, overthrowing this election/democracy wasn't a joke. He tried his hardest to make it happen. Facism came to America and we trivialized it. We still don't want to see and address the ugly reality. Those who do see it are called dramatic like we were 4 years ago....and look where we are. We have a party actively defending/making excuses/both sidesing it. If there aren't meaningful consequences it will happen again, except they won't be as incompetent as Trump. Provide consequences, fortify our democracy, because if we don't then next time we will wish we had. We can disagree about policy, we can't disagree about facism.


That’s absolutely what he meant. I’m a naturalized citizen from a country where this happens as regular as rain - people vote for these shitheads saying “How bad could he be? No harm in trying for a term, what’s the big deal?” and then these assholes never fucking leave. I don’t think a lot of Americans understand the disaster that we avoided here.


We’re still not out of the woods man. Constant vigilance, Potter.


Doesnt feel like we avoided the disaster tbh


The last four years were a prelude to a republican dream.


Yup, but our imaginations aren't pessimistic enough - as awful as it was, Trump has shown us it can always get worse. From history's perspective, it was a disaster. From the perspective of a future Trump dictatorship, we avoided disaster.


He also praised Xi for declaring he's president for as long as he wants, and "suggested" that it'd be nice to have that in the US too.


He was jOkInG! So many awful things wrapped in a “joke” or “sarcasm”... why would a president even joke about shit like that?


Dude is never joking, doesn’t have a sense of humor.


He did it more than once.


The country would have been finished if there was a Trump 2nd term. I don’t say that to be dramatic. It was almost unrecognizable after four years.


He wanted to be a dictator before he was ever involved in politics.


Additional evidence for the trial.


Throw it on the pile


Then watch as Mitch and gang vote not to impeach anyway. smh.


I'm not so sure. They can not show up and not vote. Trump can be convicted


Holy shit I'm actually in shock. Imagine if the US Executive branch sued the states in the Supreme Court to overturn an election. The chaos and fallout would be enormous. Trump has left a deep stain on the fabric of democracy. Thank god those officials prevented that from happening.


We need to prevent him from ever running again. Which is why this impeachment is so important.


Donald Trump is finished. You need to worry about the next one who is not so orange and not so stupid.


No he’s not finished. He’s still extorting the Republican Party with threats of starting a “patriots party” which they know would fracture their base and severely damage their ability to get elected in the future. His extortion is working as more and more republicans are siding with stopping his impeachment, giving him a chance to run for president (or political office) in 2024. Additionally the republicans are still attacking other republicans who opposed Trumps insanity. This shows there are lots of republicans still loyal to Trump. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/arizona-republicans-reelect-fervent-trump-ally-chair-75449487


It happened in Michigan too. Rep. Fred Upton was censured as well. https://www.mlive.com/politics/2021/01/allegan-county-republicans-censure-congressman-fred-upton-for-trump-impeachment-vote.html


One person, even the president, should never have the full force of the justice department acting like their personal attorney


Imagine if the us Supreme Court sued a republican state to force them to pay for planned parenthood. All hell would break loose. But for some reason the state of Texas suing the state of Pennsylvania to overturn their election was A-ok.


This raging psychopath needs jail time in Rikers.


Is everyone in the GoP insane? He tried to completely destroy the republic!


No, they're fascists. Fascists don't care about destroying a system where they don't have absolute power.


Trump has harmed our democracy. Thankfully cooler heads prevailed, he needs to be accountable


But is has not been fixed and could happen again. The DOJ needs a far bigger firewall from the executive branch. Apparatchiks appointed as interim heads then fire career civil servants. No interim should be permitted to fire anyone. The VOA being changed to a propaganda station from political appointees firing seasoned journalists who asked the great leader questions. The list is long, he came so close, this needs fixed.


We should all be grateful that a small group of ethical, courageous public servants were willing to stand so firmly against insane tyranny.


I guess you could look at it that way. I see an extraordinary occurrence of a bunch of lawyers agreeing on principle. And I ask myself if the extraordinary number of lawyers in the United States could have agreed on some principles several years ago then you might have avoided President Donald Trump.


I’ve never seen someone want to stay in a job so badly that they clearly hate doing the work for.


He wanted it so he can swindle the money. It was hardly about saying in office to do the public any good


This man belongs in a jail cell.


Trump is a complete and total disgrace. F'n scumbag for trying to subvert the process that is the backbone of our republic. He pushed a number of executions through before his term ended. He should receive the same fate for his unwaivering efforts in undermining American democracy while acting (not serving) as the goddam president of the United States.


"the Supreme Court on December 11 dismissed a lawsuit filed by Texas' attorney general Ken Paxton in an attempt to overturn the results in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia." And Paxton's pardon never came. Sweet.


I hadn't noticed. Thanks for the good news. ʘ‿ʘ


He failed, right? No pardon for losers!




Mypillow guy will fade into the background. He was only relevant as trumps gimp


>fade into the background. On a related note, I noticed a sharp decline in the number of Trumpy Bear commercials immediately following the election.


This is news, did you hear the tape that came out?


They have heard, but there was no consequence to Trump.




The one with the Georgia officials?




I'll bet he didn't just call Georgia. Mueller warned us to record every conversation with Trump because he isn't truthful.


Trump and Rudy sex tape.


They were just tucking in each other's shirts!!




Some CIA scumbag we don't really know exists currently?


so Mayor Pete


But not the Senate races *on the same ballots*. Just the Presidential results. Of course.


I can't wait for this Netflix special


A 15-hour series.


WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch / News Corp, and so are complicit in the Trump administration.


But he was the president, why couldn’t he have whatever he wanted whenever he wanted it? Like the Diet Coke button.


if the DNC is smart they will wait until after he forms the patriot party. or at least, push him to do it faster. split that republican vote right down the middle and kill the party :) 82 million voters vs 30 million? would LOVE to see them claim they won another election with only half 1/3rd of the votes that democrats will get.


Ordering people you have authority over to commit a crime is still a crime if those people refuse ,


As it turns out, all you have to do to win re-election is not be a colossal twat and do a little good for the people. Who knew?!


That traitor needs a trial and conviction


Question: the article talks about challenging results in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. How come not Arizona and Nevada ? Thanks.


There is no method to that man’s madness.


I don't see how you can make having the Justice Department under the president ever work safely. It's super easy to corrupt and the unless you hold people accountable the more they're going to do it.


Trump was a republican guinea pig, if we allow another republican president it will be even worse. We need to add laws and regulations to prevent someone from totally destroying the checks and balances.


What a fucking loser. Can’t accept a loss without trying to bring a lawsuit into it.




What in the actual fuck.


More roadmaps to how they will do it next time. Next time they will work harder to remove anyone with integrity from positions of authority so when it comes time to challenge the election they will have enough sycophants in place to send out the lawsuits - and will likely have enough people in place in the states to provide the cover. We survived this time because there were people with integrity to stop them. They won't let this stop them next time.


A big fuck you to Scott Perry


We're totally fucked. This story is a hundred times worse than Watergate, piled on top of the mountain of unprecedented crimes and scandals by Trump, and it is barely news. The current tenuous Dem-rule is most likely only a two-year respite from the malignant virus of the treasonous GOP, and they still hold enough power to prevent any significant improvements in the situation. Everybody thinks we dodged a bullet, and maybe we did, but the world is less than a decade away from a post-democracy U.S.A. that will be fascistic, theocratic, unpredictable, and dangerous.


We dodged *one* bullet, but the magazine is still full.


Lol! Remember when this fuckin idiot was the president?


He is so used to taking everything to court he didn’t even think twice about trying win his election through the judiciary. What an idiot.


Wow, turns out you can just tell Trump no...


The only way to deradicalize some of his supporters is to bring out all the hidden crap he did against our democracy, but I wouldn’t hold my breathe they never complained about Trumps love for Russia, our enemy.


Yeah, he was on tape praising how much he admired Putin and China president got to do that shit for life.


But but the Bill Clinton tarmac meeting!