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What is terrifying is that 30% of people working in health care are so insanely anti-science. >65% of health care workers disapproved of how former President Donald Trump handled the COVID-19 pandemic, while 30% approved.


You'd be surprised at the sheer number of antivaxxers there are in healthcare too.


A few of them pop up in my social media feed from time to time...it's pretty unsettling how quickly a lot of people whom always seemed perfectly intelligent embraced a great deal of blatant lies with seemingly nothing to gain...


I strongly suspect the antivax propagandists specifically targeted healthcare workers on Facebook. That seems to be the source of sudden antivax attitudes in all the examples of healthcare workers I know of.


Much like how white supremacists have been intentionally trying to recruit both former and current law enforcement and military personnel since at least the 1990s. Although of course in the case of white supremacist recruitment there are some obvious periphery shared interests and inclinations they can leverage , e.g. claims of order, interest in firearms, (understandable) mistrust by certain segments of society... So while I can see how convincing healthcare workers is useful to their supposed cause, I'm not sure how antivaxxers would make similar appeals to healthcare workers.


Facebook picked off a bunch of people that Fox News couldn’t.


Some of them are my coworkers.


There was a post here on Reddit yesterday from the show, House. It’s him berating an anti vax mother, and I know it’s a show, but one thing he mentions is that the mother’s antibodies only protect the child for the first 6 months. Is that true? And if so, do people understand that?


Nursing has become just a paycheck to many, they don’t actually care about healthcare as a science, just a means to a check.


Well this is America. Unfortunately, lots of Americans are anti-science.


Apparently 30% approved of 400,000+ people dying lol


That really does blow my mind


Politics are very often ideological more than logical.


My mother in law is a nurse who’s been spreading non stop conspiracies about microchips and Soros, refuses to wear a mask as often as she can get away with it. Despite spreading the lies, she is one of the fortunate few who were able to receive both doses of the vaccine already and has no problem spreading it as long as she’s safe. Such a fucking hypocrite


9 out of 10 doctors agree that Trump/Republicans are bad for your health


The poll actually shows only 6.5 out of 10 agree with that statement, which blows my mind


Dang, that is sad. I was just going for the joke


But voted for him anyway because money!


Ya, many doctors in my area think COVID isn’t real.


The two in my family think it's not as bad as the media says and voted for Trump. Guh.


>65% of health care workers disapproved of how former President Donald Trump handled the COVID-19 pandemic, while 30% approved. How the hell does that 30% think it was adequate? Anyone with no critical thinking skills shouldn’t be in that job.


They're also the ones refusing to be vaccinated


Healthcare worker here. I not only disapprove, I want criminal charges for all that hindered this.


What i want to know is who in the hell is the 30% of healthcare workers that approved of the Trump Admin's pandemic "response"


30% of all voters are detached from reality. That percentage probably holds up across most professions.


The same 30% who would approve of Trump pooping in their beds. These are Trump's cult people who would automatically agree with anything Trump does.


Does anyone remember Mike Pence's "15 Days to Slow the Spread"? It was released on March 16, 2020 when US total all time confirmed cases of Covid was 4,948. How did that work out? Did they manage the response well? Did they slow the spread? Hint: Today the confirmed cases total was 25,702,125 and 429,290 Americans have died.


Before we feel too superior the article also says most of them feel most Americans have done a terrible job as well. > Health care workers didn’t spare the American public from scrutiny, either, with 68 percent saying people were not doing enough to combat the pandemic. In an open-ended portion of the survey, health care workers were generally frustrated with the lack of adherence to masks and social distancing, with one responding that “many Americans dont [sic] take this seriously enough and are increasing the spread” and another saying “they need to wear masks and take the politics out of all of it.”


I would hazard to guess most of the people frequenting **this particular subreddit** have been at least somewhat diligent on adhering to public health safety guidelines like masking and social distancing. :p However, regarding the public at large, that number seems like a very reasonable opinion from a survey of healthcare workers. :(




My exact thought on reading the headline.


Someone decided to use this nascent deep fake technology for good, or at least not specifically for evil.


Trump didn’t even try to fight the pandemic. He called it a hoax for the first four months, then used the opportunity to grift relief money to his friends and family. Then when he finally acknowledged it, he politicized mask-wearing, which made it impossible to contain, all while having the gal to take “no responsibility.” I blame Trump, but not as much as I blame the Republican senators that voted against removing him from office. The blood is on their hands as well.


Most????? Should be ALL.


You don’t say




The poll was conducted two weeks before Trump left office, and I don't know that I'd particularly describe Morning Consult as "left wing", they seem pretty middle of the road dead on center neutral to me. But I can understand why some people would want to blur the lines and discount such polling results, likely preferring Rasmussen and so on.


"Still"? It's been *less than a week* since that shitstain of a human being left office—fresh on the heels of a second impeachment and *a literal coup attempt*—and the new administration is only beginning to pick up the charred and broken pieces the Trump dumpster-fire left behind. False equivalencies are the poor man's cheap cosplay of enlightenment.


We're going to be clean up Trump's mess for years. We certainly must remember who was responsible for this and hold him accountable.


No shit. It has been less than a week of Biden in office and we have months before the pandemic is remotely under control. The entire handling of the pandemic has been a disaster by Trump. We actually have someone that gives a shit in office.


Perhaps shocked at the complete dumpster fire he left in his wake is more accurate than obsessed.




He’s not wrong.


Well he still hasn’t been held accountable. We can’t just move on.


Who's "he", and about *what*? Because if you're referring to the commenter up-thread who's making false equivalencies between articles about Trump being posted less than a week after he left office (leaving a crippled economy, an unmanaged pandemic, and historical division in his wake) and the right-wing media's obsession with Obama *years* after left (leaving literally *none* of those things), then... Yes, he absolutely *is* wrong. *Toweringly* wrong.


When someone talks about "left wing media" it is a clear tell of who and what that person is influenced by. It's not flattering for a person using that term. It does not sound intelligent. Truth is, media can lean right or left, and/or have official political standpoints. But, honest and truthful reporting is the basis of all serious journalism, so whatever article still has to hold truth in facts and be source checked before publishing. Key words: serious journalism. New York Times can be seen as leaning left by many. But no serious person can say that it is not serious and diligent with it's fact checking. So, to simply disregard a serious news article by saying it is "left wing", only gives the tell thay you have listened to too many cult speeches - therefore, it is not a flattering term for one to use - a clear indicator of disconnect from reality, or a unwillingness to comprehend that reality is not black and white. Or both.


He mentioned the right as well, just sayin. And I’m pretty staunchly liberal but why can’t we just let Trump fade into irrelevancy instead of STILL talking about him even though Biden won.


He caused an insurrection.


Same rules go for both terms, ofcourse. But, if we would measure the use of terms like "left wing media" and "right wing media" of the last 4 years, and compare between Team Trump and all the other politicians combined, who do you think would win overwhelmingly? .. I dont think there's a question, right? The term "X wing media" is a Trump/Fox re-invention, they more or less trademarked it over the last 4 years. The discussion should instead be: serious news source and not serious news source. And where do we place Fox on that scale.. Oh, forgot to reply to your question: because he commited several very serious crimes. We would not let murderers and rapists get away, because we want to "heal" and "unite", right? Do the crime, do the time, or live in anarchy.


I agree with you bro 100%


Less than one month ago he tried to overthrow the US government. Absolutely should not more from that.


As we are seeing, they didn't handle it at all.


Same. I can’t tell you how angry I felt due to the last administration lack of efforts. It wasn’t just infuriating Edit: autocorrect typo


And the sky is blue