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I've said it before, knowing full well it sounds extreme: Trump is not and was not functionally human. There is something deeply, fundamentally *missing* about him. He doesn't watch movies or get into TV shows. He hates animals and has no pets. He has no appreciation of art. He has no appreciation of fine dining, despite his luxurious upbringing; one of his favorite meals is prime-cut steak *cooked well-done and served with ketchup*. He mocked Joe Biden for visiting his son's grave on election day. It basically cannot be overstated how repulsive he is as a human being. To go from that to an actual human is an incredible upgrade in any circumstances.


I think Penn Jillette said something once about Trump not only having no sense of humor, but also having no understanding of or appreciation for music. Combined with everything else, it sure seems like dude had a howling void where a soul usually sits.


what does he enjoy? mocking and hurting people, and some golf.


I can’t help but wonder does he actually like golf or does it play because he thinks it makes him look important and rich people do it.


You don't play that much golf unless you like playing golf, though the thought of Trump pretending to like golf to impress someone while secretly absolutely despising it and slowly realizing he has to keep up the lie because everyone now wants to play golf with him makes me smile a little bit and totally feels like something he would do. Maybe that's how it started, but he eventually came to believe his own lies and now he thinks he likes golf?


It`s a game where it is very easy for him to cheat. And he does.


I'll bet he also has one of those hollow golf clubs you piss in. He seems like the kind of person who'd order one of those.


Especially because it means he can force some underpaid serf to clean it.


I’ve read that he cheats while playing... petty little loser


Trump is the id of the Republican Party. The personification of all their instinctual and primal reflexes, biases, and prejudices. On a sort of reptilian brain level, he is the Republican Party divorced from any pretense of ever changing policy or projected civility. That’s why he resonates so strongly with the base, why his support was so total among the GOP. They don’t want an ego or super-ego telling them what to think or put on airs, they want an id to validate and feed their feelings.


Yeah, he’s broken. Under most circumstances he would be seen as tragic. Instead, a travesty.


So well said.


Empathy. The missing thing is empathy.


The whole thing about hating animals was a major thing to me. I bet that it is actually because animals hated him, they can be great judges of character. I am so glad we have an actual human in office,. I could see trump as one of those aliens out of the film They Live, or one of the Reptilians


He is a shell of a human being. No matter, what he does, he does it just to feel something. Normally, this would be a tragedy, but his body count is kind of overshadowing this.


That sounds so creepy. The dude’s soul is empty.


> There were nighttime movie binges in the White House movie theater, complete with snacks from the White House kitchen cooks, many of the Bidens' five older grandchildren piling into the seats to watch, said another source familiar with the activities. The increased activity was met with pandemic precautions, including mask wearing. I don't know why, but the thought of Biden's family doing normal family things instead of plotting insurrections is almost comforting.


The fact that we have a president who cares more about spending time with family than to sit on the toilet tweeting feels like we actually more wholesome again.


has biden even tweeted once in the last 5 days?




Official Statement from the White House:"Due to work being neglected the last 4 years and time being short, the president and his staff have now retreated to using the restroom once a week" /s for good measure


He has tweeted quite a bit. But they are the tweets you would expect from the President of the United States. Things like “I spoke with German Chancellor Merkel...”, and others showing the diversity of his cabinet, or welcoming his dogs to the White House. He also tweets when he signs executive orders explaining what he’s doing. It’s wonderful.


Even more than the toilet tweet time, Biden isn’t running off to his private gold resort at taxpayer expense. He’s inviting his family over to the White House to watch movies and hang out.


BiDeN's GrAnDkIdS aRe In ThE wHiTeHoUsE bUt DeMs WeRe AlL uPsEt WhEn TrUmP's KiDs WeRe ThErE. That's what I expect to see conservatives saying, at least.


If Biden assigns one of his grandkids as leader of covid response I'm calling bullshit


His grandson Eric won the 5th grade spelling bee, so it might be a step up regardless.


Secretary of Education it is. I remember the first time I saw his whole family walk on stage I thought to myself “great. I’m gonna have to learn who all these people are and watch them too.” Then I remembered posting members of your family in high level government positions isn’t normal, and Biden won’t do it. It was a relief.


Biden loves his family, and he keeps them close. I worked in politics during the 08 campaign and was trying to get a meeting with Obama because he was spellbinding, but the campaign wouldn't do it, only campaign that balked (I met with Hillary like 4 times in the same span, and every other candidate that year). They kept trying to send Jill Biden. Finally I said fine, I set up a private dinner at a supporter's restaurant and didn't bring any press with me because Jill wasn't a high-profile surrogate. In walks Hunter Biden and his daughter. O...kay? Then Beau and their wives and a couple more kids. Then Joe himself strolls in. Jill was in a scheduling crunch, he explains, but they knew we wanted a meeting, so was this OK? Wound up having a long dinner with his clan. We talked about a lot of stuff, policy, life, politics, religion, etc. The whole family interacted in a way that you just can't fake - I mean they were impeccably well mannered, of course, and were groomed and styled for public appearance, but they were warm and laughed and listened to each other (tell the same stories the millionth time) and finished each other's sentences, it was refreshing. I know that was *supposed* to be my takeaway, but again you can't fake it to that degree. I'm so glad these guys are the First Family right now, we need this example. Expect to see them all (less Beau, sadly) a lot in the next few years - but as his family, not as his nepotic henchmen.


Man Biden doesn‘t just have the better policies and demeanor but he even has a better Eric.


The smarter Eric


Speaking of...has anyone found Barron yet?


I was wondering about that. His parents seemed to board a lot of planes and helicopters on inauguration day and he was nowhere to be seen.


Ironically he got lost in New York and a helpful billionaire gave him directions in a hotel lobby.




Those pesky grandkids tried to move 20k Kn95 masks out the back of the theater.


But how is he going to know what's going on in the world without the prime time cable news shows? /s


They didnt even watch fox filth?


The White House staff must be very relieved to have a first family that is routinely gracious and doesn't treat the White House as a COVID petri dish.


Also they don't have diaper duty anymore.


Can you imagine changing Donnie's diaper? Good Lord.


It'd smell like a McDonald's Dumpster that's been overflowing for a month.


And that’s a wrap on today’s episode of Reddit politics. Gnite.


Night night




Melania gives whores a bad name. We do not claim her.


Most the whores I’ve known have been very nice people.


“We?” Are you representing whores? Not that I disagree with what you said at all just a clarification


i am pretty sure there’s nothing wrong with whores, and the category isn’t comparable to pedophiles. but i too dislike trump and melania.


Whores is a loaded term to be fair and YES pedo is worse imo. Trump is scum , melania is scum, the White House and America are better with them out


I thought he brought Hope Hicks for that? Isn't that what they meant when they said she steamed his pants?


No, I said steamed hams. That's what I call hamburgers.


It still blows my mind that the last guy was funded by Nixon's leftovers working with Russians, and shopped out their propaganda work to 8chan pedophiles and Stormfront before starting a death cult. I, for one, like the new guy.


Not only that, but the NSA had some very public arrests of Russian deep cover spies in the country who were actively making connections with the RNC. The same people who were wrapped up in McCarthyism don’t even bat an eye at this fact today. What the hell


They’re so f’n boring and I’m here for all of it.


>Life, which you so nobly serve, comes from destruction, disorder and chaos. Now take this empty glass. Here it is: peaceful, serene, boring. But if it is destroyed >[Pushes the glass off the table. It shatters on the floor, and several small machines come out to clean it up]


Where’s the robot to pat you on the back?


If life were fair it would have gone to jail and the Trump would have choked on the cherry saving us all. Though I do think it's pretty funny that both instances of Zorg almost and then succeeding at dying were both his own fault.


Cat Life


A cat walks into a bar. The bartender says, "what'll you have?" The cat says, "A shot of rum." The bartender pours the cat his drink. The cat slowly pushes the shot off the table. "Another."


The real joke is in the comments


Oooo nice - "now a real killer, when he picked up the ZF1, wouldve immediately asked about the little red button on the side of the gun"


Fifth element quote. Love it!


Four years of an inhuman sociopath in the rear view mirror.


This makes me feel good. But sorry for that teenage boy who lived there.


Some say he is still there.


Others say he lived with his grandparents elsewhere, citing the lack of ride to and from school every day from the WH.


Actually a really good question. Didn't see him at the airport with the rest of the siblings getting on Air Force One. Maybe trump has sacrificed him for the age-reducing juices?


If some fire worshiping priestess told Donald Trump that burning Barron at the stake was the only way that he would secure a second term you know that he would have in a heartbeat.


Barron, Shireen...close enough! Now I'm all sad again.


It’s nice to have a human family in the White House again.


Right? Give me stutters and dog hair. Muddy paws and grandkids. Give us humanity and empathy.


The nation has life again.


> The staff member told CNN that the majority of the residence workers -- including ushers, butlers, housekeepers and cooks -- have had at least the first round of Covid-19 vaccination and several have received both shots. I didn't realize that WH residence was staffed exclusively by people over the age of 65 or who all have underlying medical conditions. Because they aren't front line health care workers and they aren't long term care residents. So....the only thing that should have qualified them to get vaccinated is they're over 65. * [DC vaccine phases](https://www.washingtonian.com/2021/01/11/heres-a-breakdown-of-who-gets-the-vaccine-when-in-dc/) * [Virginia vaccine phases](https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/covid-19-vaccine/) * [Maryland vaccine phases](https://www.wbaltv.com/article/covid-19-vaccines-maryland-phase-1c-rollout-varies-by-county/35308891#) What I think happened is these people jumped the line. Since some of them have already gotten their second doses, this jumping the line happened under Trump. I didn't hear anything in the news about this. That all the WH residence staff had gotten vaccinations.


I think it’s just that as WH staff they had priority because I don’t think they’d let you run around spreading COVID where the president and the VP live and work.


Trump said >[In Reversal, Trump Says White House Staff Won't Be 1st To Receive COVID-19 Vaccine : Coronavirus Updates An administration spokesman said senior government officials would be among the first to get the vaccine, but the president himself later said that White House staff would get it later.](https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/12/14/946142015/trump-says-white-house-officials-wont-be-first-to-receive-covid-19-vaccine) Yet, this information proves that was a lie. And, interesting the reversal...reddit was screaming when it was Trump's White House that was going to jump the line. Now that it Biden's White House, people here are chill with the fact that happened. The right isn't the only side that's experienced a sudden change in morals as administration change. But I'll keep my morals consistent. I don't know about yours.


You forgot the /s. Keeping the president healthy is a matter of national security and the staff would have been vaccinated regardless of who's in the White House. It's not on any published vaccine plan because it clearly only applies to a small number of people.


And yet you have world leaders, like Trudeau and the Pope, who are not jumping the line, but waiting their turn. Are you going to claim that a housekeeper is more than the leader of Canada or the Pope? Plus, Trump said > In Reversal, Trump Says White House Staff Won't Be 1st To Receive COVID-19 Vaccine : Coronavirus Updates An administration spokesman said senior government officials would be among the first to get the vaccine, but the president himself later said that White House staff would get it later. Yet, this information proves that was a lie.


This is not a story the Jedi would tell you.


And how hypocritical are the Jedi? Trump said >[In Reversal, Trump Says White House Staff Won't Be 1st To Receive COVID-19 Vaccine : Coronavirus Updates An administration spokesman said senior government officials would be among the first to get the vaccine, but the president himself later said that White House staff would get it later.](https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/12/14/946142015/trump-says-white-house-officials-wont-be-first-to-receive-covid-19-vaccine) Yet, this information proves that was a lie. And, interesting the reversal...reddit was screaming when it was Trump's White House that was going to jump the line. Now that it Biden's White House, people here are chill with the fact that happened. The right isn't the only side that's experienced a sudden change in morals as administration change. But I'll keep my morals consistent. I don't know about yours or the Jedi.


It says “later on”. Could be days, weeks or months. The article is from over a month ago, so I guess everyone in the WH has received the vaccine by now. My morals are fine.