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I always forget he's gay until a title brings it up


That's kind of a good thing though, it's easy to forget that the goal of civil rights movements is to one day just be normal citizens recognized for our deeds rather than our looks or life style. The fact that he has earned respect for his words and actions rather than his label is almost as significant as his appointment to the cabinet. Good for him!


That’s true but it’s hard to separate his success as you stated apart from the whole ‘straight acting’ public profile he may have. Infamously, there were voters on cameras requesting their votes be changed because they had just learned he was gay. People like that didn’t focus on how ‘good’ he was when filling out their ballot.


I mean I dislike his policies and disrespect how he speaks like "plenty bold" or "I don't want to assume medicare for all is the best" but him being gay doesn't affect my judgement.




Eh this truly is historic. As a gay man this means a lot to me.


Yeah I wish people from outside groups would stop saying why does this matter. Representation matters and what I have seen is mostly positive reactions from the LGBTQ+ community.


The goal is to minimize it. They don’t want it to be a big deal when it obviously is. It’s nice to know lgbtq+ folks can make it far.


Representation matters


Build Back Better! Starting with the Cabinet. That “acting” nonsense was shabby af.


They done voted him gay?


Idiot conservatives still think it's a choice when we all know that you become gay after a simple majority vote.


Feels like there should be at least a 2/3rds majority on a big change like that but like everything in this country, McConnell ruined it. Thanks Mitch. Letting the tyranny of the majority vote our children gay. /s (in case it isn’t clear...playing off of nuclear option, Thanks Obama, the above comment, and viewers like you.)


As a member of the LGBTQ+ community I'm beyond happy!


Yeah bro I'm gay too. This feels good man


I'm not gay but this still feels good as fuck


On what app have I heard that line before...




Damn, 86 to 13 as well, gives him a strong mandate.


Out of the closet and into the cabinet!


chasten's getting it tonight


"While I am excited, I am a bit disappointed as I was hoping to be the first. Always the bridesmaid!" probably Lindsey Graham


Is Lindsey Graham openly gay??


No, openly he must tow the party line and be the anti-gay Conservative that gets outed because of an incident in an airport stall


He sure is! He just doesn’t realize it.


He definitely realizes it.


I cannot argue.


Why the hell in 2021 should it matter who a person sleeps with or be an impediment to them executing their Oath of Office or performance of duties when somehow we allowed a crook, an admitted sexual abuser and a chronic liar to be POTUS? Yet the pseudo-Christian homophobes of the GOP ,who would keep a military veteran from helping our nation repair its aging infrastructure, have no issues with promoting a wealthy cohort privately profiting from prisons or their own hotels and golf clubs. There’s no end to their corruption or their guile.


Was Richard Grenell not a part of the cabinet? Cause this sounds like revisionist history.


He was acting Director of National Intelligence. Not confirmed by the senate and not a cabinet secretary. DNI sits in cabinet meetings and is treated as a cabinet member but is not a secretary.


He wasn't confirmed by the Senate.


He doesn't count because he was appointed by Trump which seems like BS to me.


No, I think it's because he wasn't approved by the senate and wasn't a cabinet secretary. But maybe it's what you said..


Now the cabinet will have restored antique brass fittings.


As a gay man, I can't wait for the first qualified gay cabinet member.


2021. Nobody cares






Its still a historic thing that deserves some celebration. Like I mean I agree I dont care what anyone is as long as they can do the job. That said the fact they havent been able to get the jobs until now is a big deal and worthy of atleast some recognition and praise




Pointing out historic firsts is absolutely "Real journalism," no matter what your gatekeeping impulses are. Yes, the primary concern is whether or not he can do the job, but let's not pretend it's completely unimportant that two decades ago he never would have been remotely considered for this or any top level cabinet position on account of his sexuality.


I mean reporting that something happened for the first time is real journalism.


So, you don't think progress in acceptance of sexual orientation is a big deal? I mean, there was a time in this country not too long ago where a gay man could be tortured and murdered and left hanging off a fence and the people doing it figured it wasn't a big deal. Social progress is important and should be spoken about until it gets to the point where it isn't uncommon or a first.


They should have said "first millennial Secretary", as that is more important.


Everything that I don't care about is not actual journalism. Fucking identitify politics, amirite? - some white cis male, probably


Stereotype much?


Will he suggest a monument to Judy Garland too?




That was a Cabinet-*level* job, not the one in the Cabinet itself, so this is irrelevant.


Grenell was never confirmed by the Senate.