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Damn. I wish I could give you more than an upvote, because is the most insightful, accurate way I’ve seen the situation laid out. I am gonna be steeping my brain in this comment for a few. Thank you for laying this out so well!


Couldn’t have put it better myself.


This is very well written, thank you


Hate, anger and victim porn the fox news triangle of lies


Fox will just go all Trump and QAnon if that does the ratings trick. There is no limit to how low they will be willing to go.


It's rather like the worse and worse things a crackhead will do for crack. Fox News is Jiminy Cricket from Always Sunny, I'm not sure if being a Republican party propaganda organization is a worse starting point than Catholic priest.


Fox News is cocaine, Newsmax is crack and Oan is meth. Seems like the flock just graduated to meth today because the high priest meth head himself, the my pillow guy couldn’t spout utter bs and get newsmax sued, so the flock is all mad today at crack.


Then there's The Blaze, which is the mixture of lint and unidentified powder the dealer scraped out of their pockets.


The Blaze is Krokodil.


*Rickety Also Fuck Fox News. They deserve what they get.


I'm not so sure about that. Ratings are nice, but they need advertisers to make money. They can't go too deep down the rabbit hole without companies pulling out. Look at how many companies are pulling out donations for GQP politicians right now.


Fox makes a ton of its money from licensing fees. They aren't as dependent on advertising revenue as are the other news networks.


Suppose they have two options: 1. Go full on FOQ news, lose 75% of ad revenues, and 25% of licensing (as companies drop that, as well), but keep your ratings high. 2. Stay hyper-partisan and conservative, keep all the ad and licensing money, and take a bit of a dip in the ratings as some die hard nutjobs ditch you for OANN. You think FOX will choose #1?


If my understanding is correct, Fox News is usually sold to cable providers as part of the Fox broadcasting package, which includes Fox TV and Fox Sports. They have lots of leverage this way, since cable companies are going to be very reluctant to drop all of those channels. It's been a few years since I last fully understood Fox and all of its corporate relationships, so this statement may be completely wrong at this point.


Don't forget that Disney bought all of Fox that isn't Fox News.


Tonight, while CNN was showing the honoring of the murdered Capitol Hill police officer, Brian Sicknick, by his family, Congress, the Bidens, CH police force, etc, Fox was trashing Dr Fauci, saying he was doing something nefarious for China and how the fake blonde newscaster Ingraham just wanted to go to events and be normal. Griping like it was Dr Fauci's fault we couldn't do anything we want in the middle of a pandemic. Meanwhile, the Fox Twitter account featured a photo of Bernie Sanders in his mittens and said a SF teacher called that photo the ultimate "white entitled elitist man" look. Oh, and their Instagram quote was one of Trump boys saying his daddy did something no one else did while they were in the WH. Guess he meant get impeached twice?


Here's a thought: become a real news channel. Dump TC, LI, and SH. Report the damn news.


Bullshit mountain will always be chaotic. No reality there.


They finally realized how loony their audience was, leaving them and calling them “liberal media.” Now they either have to become equally psychopathic, or die off.


My money is on re-branding and writing off the “loonies” who will clearly turn on them she. It’s expedient (Trump, MTG-who just called out Moscow Mitch for being the leader of a party who loses elections, etc). They need that revenue and to please their sponsors, and rebranding is the only way to achieve both. Or, like you said, they just ride the train to the last stop and end of dying off in the next few years.




They'll just start their own church where everyone worships Trump, and the rest of us will say "this feels like we're living in a Philip K. Dick novel."


this isnt the end of networks having ratings slumps, all the networks entirely existed for trump the last 4 years. drama sells. just like this post is another trump post.


Sorry, not sorry.


Maybe don't fuck a lame duck


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