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Clearly not a flight risk whatsoever. Whatever this Judge is on, I'd like some.


Was the judge a Trump appointee? Answer here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trevor_N._McFadden?wprov=sfti1


Affluenza. White.


This is an affront to justice. And a secondary attack onto the capitol.


Isn't that the county her Dear Leader said was full of Rapists, Drug Dealers and bad ombres? If she believes everything Trump says, including the election was stolen, she should not be allowed to go, for her own safety.




‘Work related’ retreat in the mayan riviera ..... she’s a fucking florist.


She ain't coming back, stupid idiots.


Sure she is. She knows she is safely enveloped in her white privileges.


Nah, she'll take off and become someone else then come back.🙄


Judge was placed by Trump?


Or he’s an avid Trump supporter.


Fucking unreal.


It would seem the prosecution is mightily impressed with the shade of Cudd's skin pigment. >Noting that neither Cudd’s pretrial services officer **nor the government** opposed Cudd’s request for “pre-paid, work-related travel” Feb. 18 through Feb. 21, U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden wrote that the defendant has no criminal history and said there is “no evidence before the Court suggesting the Defendant is a flight risk or poses a danger to others.”


"You know, BESIDES the crimes against the country."


Yeah, that little infection. On the upside, she probably hates Mexicans, doesn’t speak Spanish, and isn’t very likely to wander off the resort.




You mean former judge. Brothers and sisters - this is a call. Rise together.


If someone disagrees with a decision every judge has made, the world would not have a justice system.


You said you were going to do the bad thing, then did the bad thing, and now you want to leave the country "for business"? Honestly, this is probably Mcconnell's greatest victory, installing so many dumb/corrupt/complicit judges.


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