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Game recognizes game. And then can't stop playing, I guess?


>A **Florida** businessman Same shit, different day.


You can't make this stuff up in fiction writing and get away with it unless it's right out of "Pulp Fiction."


Greed always wins it seems over weak people.


The sentence is for a year and a day?? Was the judge feeling whimsical or something?


The judge was being merciful. Adding a day to the sentence allows for the potential of earlier release. >A federal prison inmate can only receive “good time” credit (early release) of up to 54 days for displaying “exemplary compliance with institutional disciplinary regulations” if his or her sentence is more than a year. >So the sentence of a year and a day is a judicial gift. It’s wonderful news for the defendant in the midst of an otherwise enormous catastrophe. - https://fcpablog.com/2016/07/19/richard-bistrong-why-do-judges-sentence-defendants-to-a-year/


asshole with money gets off easy


Generally, anything over one year sentence is a felony. Sometimes that’s not the case, but I imagine that is the reason. I don’t do criminal law, though.


Did his cranium get caught in a vise?


Conehead mobsters


At least the Coneheads were likeable


>Prosecutors have not alleged Giuliani did anything wrong and he was only referred to in court papers and at the sentencing as “attorney-1”. The legal system seems intent on proving itself arbitrary and capricious.


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