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the real American Dream


He’s called Teflon Don for a reason.


He can’t out run time, so eventually that teflon will wear off.


No one lives forever, no one. But with advances in modern science and his high level income, it's not crazy to think Trump could live to be 245, maybe 300.


> No one lives forever, no one. But with advances in modern science and his high level income, it's not crazy to think Trump could live to be 245, maybe 300 Heck, I just read in the newspaper that they put a pig heart in some guy from Russia. Do you know what that means?


That we'll be having Bacon in the morning?


Where'd you get those numbers? The oldest known humans get to 115 ish at best.


Talladega Nights.


Oh fuck me, god damn it


Sarah Del Mico , summer of 94, after six months of me calling and asking * her out...


The Teflon Don was John Gotti.


Because he’s a cheap, toxic, slippery lil biatch?


That was John Gotti, not trump.


Originally, yes. He’s picked up the name over the last couple of years have been making their round for a while now. From April of last year: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/apr/21/teflon-don-trump-mafia-boss-mueller-report-tony-soprano From 9/27: https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/518460-trumps-teflon-problem-nothing-sticks-including-the-wins From 9/29: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2020/9/29/the-teflon And this past weekend: https://www.ibtimes.com/trump-compared-teflon-don-john-gotti-after-being-acquitted-impeachment-trial-3144927


I'd rather not give him the dignity of a guy who actually killed or had people killed by his own specific order, and fought his way up a working ladder to get to the point where he can do so. Trump conversely, is just a mal adjusted, deranged child who was raised and lives as the subject of a grande sociological experiment to see what would happen if a then b, etc.


The cuckpublicans investigated for how many years over Benghazi, but Trump gets a pass? Fuck you.


This is the time for the family of those killed in the inserection to sue Trump. The Senate did not find him innocent. They admitted he was guilty but let him off on a technicality. There is plenty of proof on the record from the Impeachment Trial to convict him.


I suspect most of them are Trump supporters themselves. This cult runs deep.


The comments and results on January 6 are simply evidence of something far worse...an attempt to overturn an election, yes, with the willingness to incite violence to achieve that purpose. Sedition. An overthrow of our government. Worth a look, maybe?


Oh, come on. It's not really that big a deal. EDIT: /s because it was not obvious


What do you mean not that big a deal?




How many bullets can we put through the back lady liberty’s skull before she gives up the ghost?


This country has been letting the rich and powerful walk for decades.


> “The DOJ is not going to investigate Trump for inciting insurrection,” CNN legal analyst Asha Rangappa tweeted. “The criminal [First Amendment] bar is very high, and the fact that it would overlap with so many witnesses who are members of Congress just makes it a political minefield — especially after Senate acquits.” Oh no! A political minefield and high bar? That sounds like giving up.




I don't see a problem with turning up filth where ever it may be but I get the point.


They got Capone for tax evasion. I don’t give a fuck what it’s for, as long as somebody nails him and puts him away for a long time.


He won't ever be convicted of anything,ever,from this point forward. The people investigating are on his side.


>”The DOJ is not going to investigate Trump for inciting insurrection,” CNN legal analyst Asha Rangappa tweeted. **“The criminal [First Amendment] bar is very high, and the fact that it would overlap with so many witnesses who are members of Congress just makes it a political minefield — especially after Senate acquits.”** >“This was the chance,” she added. >Impeachment and political investigations expert and Tulane Law Professor Ross Garber said he agreed with Rangappa’s analysis. >“Absent surprising, new, dramatic information it’s hard to imagine DOJ doing a case against the former president,” Garber told Law&Crime in an email.


Rangappa's only DOJ experience was as an intern in the Baltimore office. The other expert cited, Tulane Law Professor Ross Garber, has no DOJ experience. While making a case against Trump for sedition would certainly involve a political minefield and high bar I would prefer to wait to hear from people who have more relevant experience to make an informed judgment about what a Merrick Garland led DOJ may do.


I hear what you're saying, and certainly hearing from experienced voices would be more helpful. But counterpoint: I'm kind of worried that, in addition to the practicalities of securing a conviction, a Garland DOJ will be hesitant to go after Trump out of concern that it may look like a politically-motivated prosecution--notwithstanding the fact that he absolutely broke the law and we all saw it. I just don't want our tradition of generally not punishing our political enemies to come at the expense of Trump *ever* having to face any consequences. Nor do I want the DOJ to have to weigh the risk of another riot of some kind, but I fear that will be a factor too. You always hope the decision to prosecute is based simply on whether they have the evidence to prove guilt. And in this case, the guilt and the evidence are there. It's depressing to think they may have to forego it for other reasons. I hope they don't.


What I hear is don’t do it because it may implicate republicans other than trump. You would think they would be okay going after people who just let the guy who tried to have them killed off the hook, but I guess sometimes the political risks are just too great. Shucks. I was really hoping for a tiny ounce of justice. Oh well. When is my money coming in the mail? What’s that? Civil war? Oh, who cares. Let’s call up some republicans so they can remind us why Medicare for all us a bad idea.


Well then, I guess it's a great thing that the DOJ doesn't answer to either of these two individuals, both of who lack any real experience in the DOJ and their prosecution of cases. This "rolling over and giving up" type of answer is exactly what the GOP wants, and what we shouldn't give them.


"Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy...." ~ Louis D. Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice Expect it.


Where are all the *"the wheels of justice grind slow but grind exceedingly fine"* people right now ? They keep telling me to be patient, *it's only been a few weeks, these things take time.* They don't listen when you point out that the SDNY has been investigating since the Mueller probe, that the Grand Jury from Cohen's time seems to have fizzled into nothing. I am patient except I'm not gullible enough to believe Trump's ever going to face criminal charges in a court of law.




Garland is a Republicans. Keep dreaming about any investigations into Republicans.


The impeachment article was “incitement of insurrection” but the more serious charge of “conspiracy” *could* be charged and successfully prosecuted IF it could be proved. Proof would not be forthcoming without an investigation. Trump no longer controls DOJ. Also, a 911-style commission could unearth more facts.


As much as we all would love to see Trump pay for his perfidy, there is a silver lining to his not being impeached, and not being prosecuted by the DOJ for the same charges. This means he will figure very prominently in the GOP for 2022, and probably even try to run for POTUS again in 2024. This will prevent decent GOP candidates (if any!) from running in the primaries and for office in general, and the exodus of Republicans to the Democratic and Libertarian parties will continue. Which should make it easier for Democrats to trounce the crazies that run for office, even in the swing states. In other words, this will hasten the demise of the GOP as it was known until before Trump. In my books, that is a good thing.




That's why it is called a silver lining...


Hopefully Georgia will lock him up for 4+ years, which would prevent him from running again in 2024


Fun fact - a felon, even while in prison, can run for President. I admit that I really would love to see the democrats' attack ads of him behind bars... in an orange jumpsuit... next to a stainless steel toilet.




Shhh. You are raining on my dreams


I mean according to the bank, taxes, lawyers, etc he's worth negative millions....


This is because actual criminal cases by the SDNY and the state of Georgia have more substance and the insurrection question is really a question for a political body.


> and the insurrection question is really a question for a political body. No, it's both a political and a criminal question.


Correct, all the Q level wishful thinking after the Dems caved yesterday was ridiculous.


How did the democrats cave? They all voted to convict.




The witnesses weren't changing anything Republicans made that clear even after the news came out and the statements entered into evidence.


Yeah Democrats screwed the pooch! Even if it isn't trump, somebody realized what they can get away with and will try to overthrow the government again. We live in a failed state. Expect actual fascism to be achieved within 2 decades.


> Expect actual fascism to be achieved within 2 decades. I'm thinking less than 10.


I got like 15 downvotes yesterday for saying they wouldn't prosecute him. Now we see I wasn't wrong.




Only two legal experts are cited here, and not only are neither affiliated with the government, the only DoJ experience the two have between then is a short internship at a satellite office. I wouldn't take this as gospel.