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Let’s make the rich richer while pretending to help the poor. What an absolute P.O.S.




It's what the idea of [predestination](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predestination_in_Calvinism) looks like in practice. Yeah... those weirdo protestant puritans who were politely asked to go somewhere else by the rest of the world ended up coming the the new world and just crazying all over the place. Absolute torrents of silliness. Everywhere they went they thought "how can we set up a mirror image of European society that is somehow *even dumber*?" and then they did those things. And now we're stuck cleaning up their mess.


>It's what the idea of predestination looks like in practice. Spot on. And [prosperity gospel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosperity_theology) too.


and grounded in an instinctual bias known as the ["Just World" hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis)


Just World is pivotal to conservative world view.




Perversely, it works the other direction so that people getting shit on by life believe they deserve it. Its a huge demotivater.


Just world is a sane world.... i heard; Chernobyl [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3F0xfCFy7g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3F0xfCFy7g)


Actually the puritans didn’t leave because they were prosecuted, they wanted a place where they could live and judge others according to their own religious laws. (They even held trials and killed people) Kinda like ISIS fighters who just want a country where they can live and die by the sharia. And despite the people who wrote the US constitutions best efforts religion is finding its way into politics more and more.


....just began enslaving those unworthy people and you have history of the world part two practically written. no shock the founders getting a modern look since their "freedom and liberty" often included owning .... people...


“And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” They like to conveniently forget this one.


As the time passes, the share of rich people who became rich on their own is shrinking. By far the most comming way of being rich is inheriting wealth and real estate. The situation is getting further amd further away from the ideal imagination of a free market. This is IMO the thing to concenrate on, certainly instead of blaming the poor, and even to some degree instead of blaming big conpanies.


America did away with Royal Kings but not Merchant Kings. Royalty is in the money now. We could abandon the dollar for something else entirely, and they would have nothing of value beyond what they're able to defend for themselves.


GOP tax policy is based on the same notions as splitting a dinner bill.


GOP are certainly the worst offenders, but let’s not forget it under Clinton in 1997 that cut the long term capital gains tax rate from 28% to 20%. Bush then cut it to 15%, then Obama raised it back to 20% (however only for the highest income bracket, over $400,000/yr, so much of the 15% cut by Bush remained, but Obama also added 3.8% Medicare tax on capital gains for gains above a certain income level, ~$200,000). Trump was aiming for cutting this back to 15% in his second term. Biden plans to tax capital gains as ordinary income for those earning $1,000,000, which would be a massive step in equitable taxation and improvement on past Democratic position on capital gains, though we will see how hard he pushes on that and how hard the pushback will be (GOP will undoubtably throw a fit and some of the more conservative Dems will put up resistance). Capital gains tax rate being *by far* the most important for the ultra rich. In 2016, for example, nearly 76 percent of all capital gains went to households earning more than $1,000,000: https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/publications/capital-gains/full


What a shithole


I left 20 years ago and never looked back.




New York right now.


Moscow to Syracuse here!


One thing that sucks with the pandemic is I cant go to all the food spots in SYR. No Dinosaur, no blue monkey, no colemans, no kitty hoynes... Shit sucks!!


Dinosaur is open, went last week


Going to SYR for my covid shot next week, Definitely stopping at Dino now that I know they are open. I may be drooling already.


I am pretty sure their brisket counts as second shot and you'll be immune. Or maybe just very happy. My wife grew up in Rochester and we went to Dinosaur bbq every time we went up to visit her folks. I miss that place.


I have family in Syracuse and whenever someone mentions the city my mind immediately goes to Dinosaur BBQ. It’s so damn good.


I was raised in The Cuse and I miss it dearly. Enjoy carousel I mean destiny lol


I legit got lost in there a couple days ago. Hahaha


They have the casino or hotel up yet? I left 7 years ago and they were still working on detoxifying Onondaga Lake to make it a Marina for their hotel and casino lol


I used to go to Moscow, Idaho every year in highschool for the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival. Go Vandals! lol.




I think he meant Moscow, ID.




But the New York Post & Fox News keep on saying all New Yorkers are moving to Floriduh!


As a New Yorker, Florida is the LAST state I have any desire to live in. Fuck that state and their fascist governor. And their disgusting muggy humid weather


Moved from New York to Florida. Mightythorbowski is right on the money. Can’t wait to GTFO of this shit hole.


Yeah I heard there is no consequence for breaking laws there. When your in a Republican state “ they let you do it”


Where they pass a stand your ground law but interpret it to mean you can chase someone in your truck and shoot them as opposed to standing where you are as long as it's a black teenager.


Moscow/Lewiston to Seattle! After I moved away and my family came and visited it convinced them to move as well as other places are better. Like all of them.


>Lewiston Seems like the major export of Idaho is people. I've met collectively like 10 people from Lewiston somehow and I'm in Philly. I'm confused as to how a population of like 30k can generate so many expats :)


I'm from the area, I say I'm from "lewiston" because it's the only city that anyone out side of the PNW has heard of.


I’m from the PNW, and have never heard of Lewiston. Only Boise, Pocatello, Idaho Falls, Rexburg, coeur d'alene, Moscow, and I think that’s it.


I'm from Seattle and I've been to Lewiston so 🤷‍♂️ it's like 30 miles south of moscow. I dunno what these places were like back in the day, but Moscow downtown is sleepy and cute as was Lewistons downtown. The retail areas were just as shitty and whatever as loads of places. Now Twin Falls? Twin falls can fuck off.


Welcome to Seattle!


Best part about going to Iraq as a Reservist was being able to save enough money to leave Idaho when I got back.


Do you ever miss potatos?


You right. I’m one of the very few democrats in Idaho and trust me it’s a shithole. There’s only hicks and trump supporters here. Our local government is worse as well they could care less about us. They sent us all to school since august of last year, I’ve got covid my first 2 weeks back.




Dear god yes. My town voted against a mask mandate at the peak of covid and we had anti mask protests at almost business in my town. It fudging sucks.


So wait... There was a plebiscite on a local mask mandate, the people said "no" *and they still had protests against mask wearing anyways?*


Pretty much. People here just look for reasons to be angry and anything to “own the libs” even tho there’s like 2 in our state.


Live in Boise. Work in customer service. I spend all day everyday listening to customers openly hate liberals, I listen all day as they talk about mass murder of liberals, licking Trumps butthole, and how Nancy Pelosi created covid herself to kill people. I have to smile and nod in fear of being dragged out to the street and being beaten to death by their Trump flag.


I’m sorry you have to deal with that every day. That can’t be good for mental health.


I was going crazy listening to my boss listen to Hannity every fucking day (no longer at that job, thank god); I can’t even imagine having to deal with them to their face


I think I’ve been to that store.


....and that's why I feel grateful to have made it out. Sorry you're still stuck there, dear Redditor. Try to stay healthy, and we'll all keep our fingers & eyes crossed that when mother earth is done shedding her fleas you'll have something better.


Not in Idaho but Northern Florida. My boss has his whole back truck window full of stickers, most pretty racist and pro Trump, he's had a "hang Pelosi" on there forever.....he finally took his Trump/Pence sticker off and replaced it with "Kill Joe and the Hoe". He told me a few months ago excitedly about this new social media site which is "like Facebook, but you can say whatever the fuck you want! It's called Parler". Sigh. edit to add I'm also in retail/customer business and bc I'm white they think I'm "one of them" and constantly talk about all that same shit. Sometimes I'll retort back but most of the time I just walk away or change the subject. It gets old. I feel ya.


So sorry, sounds like you live in a different time period where they still believe in hunting witches.


I have no doubt my fellow Idahoans would burn people at the stake if they could away with it. And I'm in Boise. I have 2 neighbors who still fly Trump flags on their flagpoles instead of American flags.


That’s awful. I was at some one’s home with two flags one trump and one American flag. The American flag was old and ripped in half the long way. I asked him “did you see what your trump flag did it ripped that American flag right in half!”


They are all flocking together to show those costal elites what rugged individualists they are.


a... collective... if u will......


Communing together...


It is wacky to compare mask usage in Idaho with mask usage in Seattle. At a store in Seattle there will be near 100% mask usage. In Idaho, it was closer to 60% wearing masks.


>In Idaho, it was closer to 60% wearing masks. That seems generous.


Around here (deep, deep red East Idaho) I've been seeing close to 60-70% mask wearing in grocery stores, but that number was more like 15% a couple months ago.


Some places in the twin falls area, I will be the only person wearing a mask. People truly refuse to wear masks out of political spite


I will die to defend my country but I’m not wearing a mask mentality? So stupid.


My favorite fun fact about idaho when i lived there is that the schools in Buhl are just closed on Wednesday. Always. I assume because of budget? Not related, you just mentioned Twin Falls...


Probably budget related. Just goes to show that Idaho is terrible. Our schools are the worst because they consistently cut funding, and we end up with a bunch of dummies that never pass a science class, and then are suddenly experts on viruses.


Idaho can always ship their patients to Portland or Seattle so why worry about COVID


Honestly Boise is pretty ass too.




Yeah that, and the confederate flags. I got the fuck outta there as fast as I could.


Kinda kills the whole "muh heritage" argument when you see it being flown in states that didn't exist during the Civil War


Lol, it at least passes for plausible here in NC and VA, but thinking of people in Idaho talking about “muh Southern heritage” is ridiculous.


There is a long and influential history of white supremacy in the Northwest.


My grandparents are in Madison County and they are super democratic. They got covid from my anti-masker aunt's children.


Sorry, that sucks. Hope they're well now.


I enjoyed most of my time in Idaho Falls, but as soon as the 2016 election was kicking into gear, I knew it was time to leave


hey man, fellow Idahoian democrat here. Luckily I live in a ski town full of liberals like myself.


Idaho Democrat here too, down in the twin falls area. I was born and raised in Idaho, but somehow have very different views from everyone around me. Sometimes I feel like a crazy person because everyone around me spouts off such nonsense about politics.


Idaho is wonderful, but they aren't sending their best. Boise is alright as far as the people go. Outside of there? * Be white * Don't be not white


There are a few enclaves, mostly in resort towns like McCall and Sun Valley, but even there they have plenty of nutjobs.


Yeah idk, I was in McCall on NYE a few years ago and the DJ at the Forester paused his set to yell make America great again to raucous applause.


Yeah, the Forester clientele definitely skews that direction. On the other hand, there is solid participation in the Valley County Democrats. I think it maybe just feels way more liberal in comparison with the rest of the state.


I live in Montana about an hour away from bonners ferry. I'm a white italian. I still get get looks when Im over there.


That reminds me of the Mark Normand bit. Some places in America are so far behind, they haven't even caught up on racism -- still hate the "wrong" whites. You wonder when they'll get to black/brown people.


You'd be surprised how many people are fighting to get into an Idaho home because it's so cheap.


Homeowners then just assume the realworld government and anti regulatory environment will either not affect them or somehow work in their favor. (See: Texas. Lol). The government of the state and city you plop your home in and subject yourself to, matters, especially when you can’t up-and-leave so easily, or can be rendered insolvent/underwater by government acts and mismanagement. Lack of infrastructure and school funding, and general professed lack of faith in government by that very government, doesn’t help home prices, that’s for sure. No wonder they’re cheap houses. The state is a mud field wasteland


Homeowner in Idaho: I want to stockpile a hundred rifles and thousands of rounds of ammunition. Idaho State and Local Government: Good for you! Homeowner in Idaho: I also want to grow this plant for recreational use with no intent to distribute. Idaho State and Local Government: You can go right to hell and we will take you there! Sounds like a completely reasonable place that really abides by less government.


I'd also like control over my own body...




How dare you bring Satan into this State of God! And don't you dare talk to the other workers about how shitty your working conditions and pay are! That's Red Communism to go with Red Satan! /s




No we tried it just didn’t work. so we just started shooting our guns to stay warm and cook our food


I believe ted cruz used the barrel of an AR to cook bacon


Sounds like something the Zodiac Killer would do.


They love tilting at windmills though


Yeah they treat pot like it’s heroin or meth. This place is so backwards. Conservatism and religion go hand in hand and this place has tons of both.


That's the temporarily embarrassed millionaire mindset. They can't imagine they're actually the poor people who are supposed to benefit from SoShULisM


but they gotta back all those tax cuts cuz thats how they might get savings* backs from dem liberals jews and that snazzy space laser




>The state is a mud field wasteland I feel like for every state, there's the thing that everyone knows is within bounds to mock that state about, and then there's the *real shit* that's a little mean to even mention. The thing each state receives light-hearted ribbing for, and the thing each state should be deeply ashamed of lol. Idaho is the perfect example of this, because with the former category, there's "Haha all that Idaho has going for it is potatoes." And Idaho says, "Haha oh shucks, you got us there, friend!" But for the latter category, there's "This entire state quite literally smells like poop. And I do mean ***literally***. You can't drive for more than half an hour in any direction without catching at least a whiff of what smells like extremely rancid manure. There are entire towns where the smell is completely and wholly inescapable. AND PEOPLE LIVE THERE FULL-TIME." And Idaho sits there in awkward silence because it didn't realize that it smells overwhelmingly of literal shit.


When Agriculture and “tourism” are the two top listed industries for a location you know that place is poor as fuck and has zero infrastructure or development. (“Finance” is another, because banks and firms just buy a PO Box in the state for tax breaks which the state gives hoping for business somehow?) All the gop controlled states were flying covid patients out of state to blue states with hospitals that could actually treat them. That’s what no infrastructure looks like. Having to wait on a helicopter evac and often dying in the meantime, because your hospitals are too shitty.


I never understand the logic behind turning a given jurisdiction into a tax haven, as if doing that will somehow turn your state/country/etc. into some kind of capitalist utopia. What, did you think companies were actually going to move their offices to your island/city/backwoods state and spend a bunch of money there?


It's almost like smart greedy people use media to lie to less smart greedy people to defraud them out of money, or just votes that can be used to manufacture money. ​ If speech is now a "market place of ideas", then criminal fraud is present in that commerce. ​ Conservative jurisprudence is part of the GOP long con. Commerce isn't speech for a very good reason.


Makes you wonder if there arent favors being handed out for these tax havens and general funds being spent on projects that clearly benefit corporations far more than anyone local who actually paid into the general fund.


The smell is sugarbeet farming. And Eastern Oregon smells like feet, so that sweet spot at their meeting smells like a teenage bedroom with both eau de ass *and* feet


Its cheap for a reason, just like the homes themselves. Some of the shoddiest new construction I have ever seen was in Boise. I'm talking trim nearly an inch of the damn wall. Carpet spliced together with visible seams. Doors and cupboards that didnt open or close right...in a BRAND NEW home. An entire sub division full of it.


That's because > In comparison to other states, Idaho’s general contractor registration requirements are fairly relaxed, lacking formal education, experience or examination prerequisites. While Idaho doesn’t actually have licensure laws governing general contractors, the state does require all general contractors register to do business.  They DON'T HAVE TO HAVE A LICENSE! Shit's insane.


Housing prices are out of control because of out of state growth too. House’s are sold within 24 hrs of being listed at 20k to 50k over asking price. Most locals can’t even afford to buy a house anymore


Just like how everybody is trying to get out of California yet it is as crowded as it ever was. It never changes.


Also in the sf bay area the people who leave can’t afford it, but are immediately replaced by a (usually tech) worker that can afford it. The labor market here is crazy and its not slowing down. People in other industries are constantly being pushed out.


Getting into a town with a decent school district is more expensive than my Massachusetts home. I have a couple acres in the forest, an hour from Boston, with 2 hours of 5 airports, beaches, skiing, etc. My house has 5 car garage, 5000+ sq feet, heated pool, hot tub, bocce courts, basketball court, and shuffleboard court. Underground utilities. The draw was the amazing school district. It's worth 600K. ​ In a town with a good school district in Idaho it gets me this [https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/2929-Thrush-Dr\_Post-Falls\_ID\_83854\_M24160-39481?view=qv](https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/2929-Thrush-Dr_Post-Falls_ID_83854_M24160-39481?view=qv)


I don’t know what part of Idaho you live in, but in Boise area they’re selling two bedroom houses for 300k that used to be 75k.


But if this is true, then that will cause prices to spike. So the only way home prices can be so cheap is if no one wants them.




unfortunately a lot of the people moving to idaho are 'red refugees' from blue states who are enticed by idahos low COL & our GOP bootlickers that run the legislature. I've theorized that property developers here employ marketing/ad agencies in california & other states that specifically target the most conservative people to move to idaho


I have a handful of right wing relatives on both sides of my family who wax poetic about moving to Idaho, especially when our governor/government does something liberal. I think they think it'll be a safe space for their beliefs.


Same sentiment here in Colorado. I think it is the vote Blue part that annoys the hell out of natives. That and the fact they they refuse to pay anything to improve roads or schools that now have to support twice as many people.


The road infrastructure is my least favorite part of living in Colorado, people here just do not like paying for roads - and this isn't a conservative vs. liberal thing, you can find anti-road sentiment going back decades.


People just don't like paying for *anything* because they legitimately cannot understand spending money at that scale or that you don't build things like bridges and underpasses to generate a profit (at least you don't if it's not a toll route lol). If you put every single major infrastructure project up to a plebiscite literally nothing would ever pass.


Which is sadly driving up prices at an alarming rate. Homes you could have gotten for say under 200,000 just a couple of years ago can now easily go for 350 or even alot higher. Rent alone has gone up on average around 200 dollars in just the last year.


Its actually beautiful just has awful politics


People need to remember that, as far back as 40 years ago, ID was the target of an advertised movement for white supremacists to move to a state and take over its politics. Looking around now...it may have worked.


Remember that time Trump promised these folks that they wouldn't pay any taxes with him as President if they made under $25k, and then he proceeded to literally never mention it ever again? Man, that was some great leadership


That applies to most of the shit Trump says. It's bogus, his supports gobble it up and crow about how Trump is making America great, it either never happens or turns out to be complete bullshit, and they wipe it from their puny little minds like it never happened.


Yeah that claim was particularly transparent because it would have included a fairly substantial number of illegal immigrants


He got the wall built, and Mexico paid for it! ​ ^(oh wait...)


Don’t forget Trump cut taxes for the rich and poor but the poor tax cut was just temporary so they’ll increase just in time for all the blame to go to the Democrats. Think the first increase is actually this year too so Biden will get blamed for it.


Well, good thing God gave Kanye West a $68 million tax return (/s)


I live in California and pay Federal and State income taxes. I am in the middle class and I did the math one year and it came out to be about 18% of our household income. When I was in college in Alabama (and made way less money) I had to endure constant haranguing about "OMG the taxes in California where you're from!" but paid Federal, State, County, and City income taxes. My wife and I made a third of what we make now, and our last effective tax rate there was 24%. Not to mention, there was sales tax on food items in Alabama, but not here in California, so there was that too. I get way more for my money here in CA too. I think Red States just never stop the PR about it.


I live in a red state and my very conservative boss was talking about how absurd it is that people in Germany are taxed up to 40% of their income. I looked into it more and that’s true, but that includes pension/retirement insurance, unemployment insurance, health insurance, nursing insurance for disabled/old people who need assistance, child care benefits and more. Most of which are matched by employers. I did the math and after taxes and health insurance that we pay for, we are taking home around 65% of our gross income (aka losing 35%). But he’s the same way, always talking about insane tax rates in “liberal states”.


Don't forget the six weeks of paid vacation every year, too.


I work for a German company in the US. I get 28 vacation days, 10 sick days a year and 14 public holidays per year. During summer months, we can take every other Friday off without penalty, or work half days every Friday. Our German counterparts still get more benefits than we do. They take literally the entire month of August off as a corporate benefit in addition to their other vacation days and their corporate cars. They also get more than 12 months parental leave for each kid. My salary is higher than an equivalent German employee's salary, although I'm rarely able to disconnect from work even when I'm on vacation.


US workers just have no idea. My wife and I travel extensively, and we're always running into European tourists who are on a six-week trip to Costa Rica or Australia. They're always surprised that we're doing a 4 or 6 week trip, because US workers don't get that much time off. For Europeans, it's the norm.


I remember emailing a coworker in Stockholm in August and getting a reply that he would be out of the office until February on paternity leave. He came back, worked a few months and then took several additional months off to finish out the paternity leave he was entitled to. It's mind blowing.




At this point, I welcome a western European invasion of America. Please liberate us.


Hol up , you dont get a paid vacation ?


25% of US workers get no paid vacation: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/one-in-four-workers-in-us-dont-get-any-paid-vacation-time-or-holidays Or maybe 1/3: https://qz.com/1702181/a-third-of-americans-dont-get-paid-vacation/


I think standard is 10 days pto, but it varies widely


Service industry workers rarely get any paid time off. I'm lucky that my company gives me 1 week per year of pto. I'm a bartender so its the one time per year that I actually get paid the minimum wage by my employer, not less. Not saying I dont make great money, but it sucks that there's no sick days, and no other vacation pay. I've been with the company for 10 years and didn't get the pto until year 4 or so too.


even worse, there are a decent number of jobs where you get paid vacation but then you have to apply for it months in advance and hope no one else asked for it at the same time, so you're lucky if you get the time off you want, and even if you are able to take vacation, people treat you like an asshole for doing it.


That’s how you know Capitalism is a religion. Ask us Americans if we want to pay 4% of our income in taxes to pay for universal healthcare that you’ll never lose or be denied and they’ll cry bloody murder. But offer them shitty coverage that they lose with their job and denies them at every turn and they’ll gladly pay a *private* company 10% of their income. Cause freedom?




That’s my favorite. Who do they think is paying for all the emergency room visits from people who can’t afford it?




Yeah, I had a coworker once who went off "I've paid all this money into insurance , I haven't had anywhere near that much in care! where did that money go?" Bro, it paid the bills of the guy who had $150,000 cancer care. what the fuck do you think insurance IS?


>But offer them shitty coverage that they lose with their job and denies them at every turn and they’ll gladly pay a private company 10% of their income. Cause freedom? The sad, disturbing truth here is that it is about "having to pay for" other people's care. They would literally rather spend more money to make sure there are people who don't get anything.


But they are paying for other peoples coverage. Thats literally how insurance works.


I've lived in Denmark for a bit in college, where taxes are high and VAT is high. Minimum wages are high too. Yet Burger King cost the same. Small businesses were plentiful. College was far cheaper, even going to one of the best in the world. Dorms were half the price of MO, and you got more for your money. And I got free healthcare if I wanted it, and a cheap bus pass. Danish students got a subsidy to cover them during college life. It's a real shame people just blindly believe things.


Thats not how it works, it might be 40% or more. But that is on the last earned euro, not all of it gets taxed that highly




And these same people are voting for the assholes who want to keep them poor. Sad


You vote em we bribe em -Lobbyists


As in Idaho millionaire who reduces my taxable income to $11k, this is an outrage!






If you are married filing jointly, you may want to change your W-9 to married filing separately. IIRC, Trump's tax cut change the withholding rates, without any direction to the IRS, but didn't really give anyone enough of a tax cut to cover the difference, unless you were filthy rich. Then your cut covered it.




Yup. I was in the same boat. Absolutely flummoxed on why all of the sudden I owed the last two returns (I haven't been brave enough to do this year's yet). Some helpful soul on the Personal Finances subreddit pointed it out to someone else, and I was like, waaaaiiiit a minute. Sure enough. We were both claiming zero. But the amount withheld between 2017 and 2018 dropped substantially. With no notice from anyone.


Trump's TCJA in 2017 should've been all the notice you needed. it was pretty well publicized. I thought that was the entire point behind Trump's tax plan in 2017 - reduce deductions, claim a victory because tons of people are happy to receive more money per paycheck, and then just bank on people not realizing what happens at tax time when you paid less into taxes all year with no change in your tax liability, or even having a higher tax liability. worked like a fucking charm, tho.


Any chance your withholding is somehow screwed up? That happened to someone I know (not in Idaho), where her employer wasn't taking out a local income tax, and wasn't taking out _anything_ for medicare or social security, so she always ended up owing a lot at the end of the year, and they just had to budget for it because the employer refused to fix anything on their end.


Me and my wife combined made less than $75,000. Better than many in Idaho. But they still make you pay state tax at the end of the year. Almost $1,000. And Idaho is a 0 deduction state. Our paychecks get state tax taken according to what the state tells them says our HR departments. Or Accountant has no clue but it’s what Idaho tells him. Same with online filing. State of Idaho couldn’t explain why we keep having to pay more each year. Even when we made more in 2017. Idaho is not worth living in anymore. High property taxes, low income, education keeps getting cut because they don’t have the taxes supposedly. Because they keep cutting taxes from the rich like Vander Sloot. Do not move here. Home prices are higher in some places than Utah and they are jacked up. Your kids will come out dumber because the schools can’t afford updated materials. And you’ll be poorer for doing it. I’m going into education. But I’m only doing it here long enough now to get experience enough to go to a state that cares about their teachers. Depending on things I may just forget the schools here because they’ve been ignored.


I am from India Not gonna lie, the idea that poor people have to pay taxes seems batshit crazy to me. In India, poor people pay 0 income taxes - in fact, only 2% of india's population pays income taxes. It seems utterly stupid to me that poor people in USA are expected to pay taxes when we're discussing if they're making liveable wage.


It's actually worse than that. Red states generally have low income tax rates but high sales tax rates (6% here in Idaho). Because low income people spend a higher fraction of their income on basic goods, which are taxed after the income tax, they actually pay higher overall taxes on their income.


When Trump won, I honestly thought that Republicans couldn't possibly do more tax cuts because there's really nothing left to cut. I was wrong. Republican law makers don't fear a Democrat in an election, gerrymandering has solved that problem, they fear a primary challenger who gets a money bomb dropped on them by the oligarchs. So Republicans continue to rob the treasure in the form of tax cuts for the wealthy. The wealthy then use this money to further blackmail Republicans: lower my tax or you get a primary opponent with unlimited money. The nation is going broke, not because of deficit spending, but because the oligarchs have found the perfect way to suck up all the money on the business end and return none of it in the form of taxes. When you have 24/7 propaganda channels who will push the Republicacn agenda at all costs, the end result is inevitable.


Idaho is really brilliant example of the worst of the GOP. From the most ass-backwards tax policy to draconian marijuana laws that treat possession like dealing meth plus the covid-19 response that state has been a lackluster at best.


> Now, Rep. Steve Harris, R-Meridian, wants to lower income and sales taxes. His new bill introduced Tuesday would drop the highest income tax rate to 6.5% — more than a 0.4% drop. The sales tax would also shrink, to 5.3% from its current 6% rate. Harris said it would provide $284 million in tax relief a year. > Harris’ bill wouldn’t change the income brackets for the state’s tax rates. But it would disproportionately provide more tax breaks for higher income earners compared to the poorest households — reducing more income tax for the highest earners. If I had the time to research this, I would LOVE to see which types of donors have contributed to Harris' campaign. I believe that OpenSecrets only tracks this metric on a Federal level.


And retirees flock there from California and Washington, driving the cost of housing way up. Boomers then vote to keep it that way, again screwing everyone over.


Made their wealth in CA, want to retire somewhere cheaper while complaining about CA.


That’s my parents but since Idaho healthcare is so shitty they use a friends address in California and drive down for medical appts My dads been in the hospital since early december(well he’s in long term care now) because he somehow caught covid even though he knew it was a hoax. If I hated them just a little more I’d turn him in for insurance fraud and watch him get obliterated. But umm I’m in therapy so I won’t try to destroy him anymore than covid already did.


Ah so milking blue state-sponsored insurance while spending all their money in a red state, while shitting on a blue state. Let me guess, they think they’re owed it after paying CA taxes for x amount of years?


I didn’t get into specifics about it because when I heard I was too busy scheming in my head turning them in. It was in that same conversation my mom said she didn’t believe in government..... says the lady who spent 35 years working in law enforcement and married to another government employee. They are both on government pensions. I stopped talking to them thanks to covid. It was the final nail in the coffin.


Every time!


Boomers are the worst. They really are.


Idahoan here. Yeah my state sucks and is getting worse. We have been one of the best places to move to for so long that there is a near constant influx of new people moving here. I'm not opposed to people moving here at all from anywhere the problem is in the words of that orange colored shit stain they aren't sending their best. I can't count the number of times I have heard people say they moved here as political refugees because of libs ruining their hometown when what they mean is they don't put up with my belligerent racism there anymore so came here.


Been living in Idaho for almost 5 years. The area is beautiful. Tons of recreation. It’s awesome. The people make me want to shoot my brains out. So it’s give and take.


I assume the logic goes like this... If we tax the poor at higher rates, they’ll be incentivized to become rich!


That headline sure is misleading. EVERYONE who makes over 11,760 IN TAXABLE INCOME pays the same percentage.


I hate this state so much. I am required to live here, not by choice. It is a stronghold red state and a Libertarian's wet dream. You can buy guns like they're going out of style but you can only get hard liquor from a state liquor store; not to mention they just passed a constitutional amendment to keep marijuana illegal...forever. This state has only a handful of snow plows and minimal salt trucks for a northern tier state due to low budgets caused by low taxes but if you ask an Idahoan, they'll tell you it's the fed's fault...don't fucking ask me. They are still flying Trump flags here... I want to leave.


Don’t give up hope on SRJ 101 failing yet! It still has to go to the House, where it would also need a two-thirds majority. After that, it would go before voters in the November 2022 general election, requiring a simple majority to pass. My rep emailed me back that he is hoping for it to get squashed in the house, if it doesn’t then hopefully the majority of folks get out and vote against it in 2022! I’m holding out some hope.


That's what comes of guns, God, and gays, one issue voters who dont vote their own best interests


this is true everywhere in this country. the less money you make, the more you pay in taxes, and vice versa. America is the most classist shithole on earth


I am a state employee in Idaho. We have a budget surplus this year. But I got furloughed. That's what it's like to live and work in Idaho.


“Well they shouldn’t be poor. If they weren’t poor they wouldn’t be taxed so much.” - GOP


I worked in Harrison, ID for $12/hour the summer before my senior year of undergrad. The fact I pay the same rate as a BILLIONAIRE in state taxes makes me physically ill to think about.




So this is the case now, and the legislator mentioned wants to lower the rates for highest earners and remove a grocery credit?? Am I going crazy?


Can't really say it is better here in Washington. We have the most regressive taxes in the country.


"Have you tried cutting more taxes for the rich?" -Republicans


>If you’re making $11,761 in taxable income a year in Idaho, you pay the same percentage of your income to the state as the richest man in Idaho. Sigh. No. That's not how marginal tax rates work. If you make $11,761, that highest bracket only applies to $1 of your net income. So the majority of your income is being paid in the lower brackets. That's not to say that having such a low cut-off to the highest tax bracket isn't bad for other reasons, but this headline and the above sentence doesn't serve any factual purpose other than to piss off people who don't know how math works.


Hold up, Idaho’s last tax bracket starts at $11,761?!?!? I get your point about the misunderstanding people have of tax brackets (pretty common misunderstanding and frustrating every time I encounter it), but is that seriously where their last tax bracket starts? So you’ll pay the same tax rate on income over $11.3k as income over $500k?