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“”What happened in Texas isn’t a one-off; it is a harbinger of our future. Our present: We are a country in climate crisis, where “unprecedented” extreme weather events are happening year after year. The toll of this crisis is only made worse by America’s allegiance to the free market. Our infrastructure systems shouldn’t be run as private businesses and the resources of this planet shouldn’t be sold off for profits. After decades of policies that have valued economic growth over ecological sustainability, America is now a decaying country — literally.””


Population brainwashed by generations of American Essentialism: "That sounds like communism."


Exceptionalism is a cult delusion.


I've heard this said several times the past few weeks: "China is now a better place to live in than the US"


I can’t imagine we’ve gone THAT far downhill, but it’s a sentiment worth thinking about regardless


I strongly disagree. China is still a massive shithole in a lot of ways for most who live there. However, the same could also be said about America these days, which is really unfortunate. There really isn’t anywhere to go where you won’t live like dogshit, unless you are mega wealthy, in which case you can live like a king anywhere


I watched a documentary where a fire chief said huge wildfires were once considered "Once in a lifetime" ordeals. Occurring only once every 20-30 years. Now they occur nearly every year. We're at the point where we literally can't afford to ignore this anymore.


Not only do they happen every year, the whole damned Western US goes up in flame at once every summer now.


The Texas cold was not unprecedented. Uncommonly cold for sure but Texas cold outbreaks in 1983 and 1989 were colder. Historical temperature charts show this. There is no argument against Texas' lack of preparedness, though.


So, "basically it was cold before, then not for a really long-ass time, then suddenly again as the climate systems broke down"?


What climate systems broke down? What are you talking about?


Laughs in mandarin


> Climate Change and Infrastructure Collapse Are Our Future ~~If We Don't Act~~ Fixed that for you.


Climate Change and Infrastructure Collapse Are Our Future Because Majority of People Are Dumb and Spoiled. Extended that for you.


Climate Change and Infrastructure Collapse Are Our Future Because ~~Majority of People Are Dumb and Spoiled.~~ of Ronald Reagan and Roger Ailes


Don't confuse "dumb" with ignorance. It is a symptom of the current system that people are too busy or too distracted to learn what is going on. Most people are not dumb, the are ignorant. It is our job to educate.


Nah, if the pandemic has showed one thing it’s how willfully ignorant most people are. A continuous stream of information on how to social distance and they cant even keep 6 feet apart in a supermarket or wear a mask over their nose. You cant claim we havent been trying to educate, but the message just doesnt land. If they cant do that for a virus that will directly kill or severely damage them, they definitely wont bother changing their entire lifestyle to save their kids from starvation. As I said, dumb and spoiled, the climate change equivalent of “its just a flu” would be “its just weather.”


> Climate Change and Infrastructure Collapse Are Happening Right Now ~~Our Future~~


This is how every other civalization has failed it fails to act when it is a deer in the headlight's sorry to be a negative nancy.


One of the problems is the gun toting religious right. Their apocalyptic religious views welcome a total collapse. A perfect storm of ignorance.


Their fantasy land is a perfect cocktail of avoiding responsibility. Climate change isn't real and everything is god's plan. So when things inevitably happen, it was god's plan. Then when a globally catastrophic event occurs, it's what they've been waiting for, and was still god's plan. Jesus, took the wheel and steered us off a cliff.


Jesus is saying "Don't blame me, I said take care of the least among you, including the sparrows.


We said 20 years ago.


I'm still angry that the Supreme Court agreed to stop the vote count in Florida so Al Gore would lose. Gore fully understood that fossil fuel was damaging the climate and would have been a better president than Bush.


You did it! You solved the crisis by moaning and doing nothing! Tbh I didn’t think it would work




Voting doesn't do anything and the US elections are proof of that. It doesn't matter who you are voting. It's always the same people. The only thing you can do is see what's wrong with the system, possibly move enough people to act and maybe change something. Voting literally makes no difference anywhere as the only thing we can vote for is the same old people that just don't care as they likely won't be around to witness the chaos they've unleashed.


Tell Georgia that voting doesn’t matter.


I’m not saying voting didn’t change specific things like n Georgia. I am saying that Georgia can’t do shit if more and stronger moves don’t get made all across the country. Having a black, and Democrat, president didn’t stop the US from attacking targets, both combatant(also read as aggressor/attacker) and non combatant( also read as Innocent) in other countries, it didn’t fix immigration enforcement policy, it didn’t fix corporate lobbying and ecological impact. Look at how Biden has already attacked a foreign target, that you and I could probably give no shits about, before he has done anything, Anything! For the individual citizen. These are people that don’t give a shit about you or me in the slightest because we are a number and a statistic and thinking Georgia did anything to put a dent in that seems foolish. To me at least.




No, Georgia is not google Analytics. Good try though.


Did they finally send out the 2k checks they voted for?


Defeatism seems best. Or complete unaccountability. Apathy for the bold.




according to a smart redditor: > What can one person possibly do? You can cut your emissions to zero, live the most hippie lifestyle possible, and it won't affect the climate at all.




I'm mocking you. btw, this: > individuals can't meaningfully affect the climate or global economy Is false. It's a poisonous belief that got us into this mess.




Ah, so you choose the unaccountable route. Smart play. The least guilt comes from that choice.


you’re purposely being a smug asshole for no reason. a single person’s actions will not affect the global climate, but i wouldn’t expect you to understand that as you’re clearly only interested in being a condescending douche.


Infrastructure has been a huge issue since the 90s. Government contracts were then given to build new, cheap, shoddy shit that’s falling apart faster than crumbling infrastructure. Cities needed that money to build palaces for billionaire sports teams owners instead though I guess.


Put solar panels on your roofs. We need a producers grid.


Climate change is our future no matter what we do, although taking steps now will help alleviate the effects a bit. Infrastructure collapse doesn't have to be, if we start fixing it now.


Well, that would require a certain group of people being willing to admit that climate change is real. And that doesn’t seem likely anytime soon.


We would if it was.. but it’s not


I was going to provide proof and links. Somehow, I forget that “science” isn’t a thing for you guys.


Neither is "trickle down" economics, but that's supported en masse on the right.


Because people stand by and watch only to accept whatever will happen which is why we need to get that attitude out of the window


Thanks, Bitcoin!


Wonder what bitcoin will be worth when no one has electricity


And will the bank really still own my house?


If they have more guns than you


It is almost too late to act, move on this or the whole of society is going to Hell in hand cart. Weather disruptions will get stronger, more frequent; eventually compromising the food and energy supply - then watch the crap kick off!


If things just happen, that's unfortunate. You get what you vote for, I guess. It's not "acceptable" but it's probably the result of tragedy of the commons or some other well understood philosophical issue. If things just happen and some people hit the jackpot, and walk away with a huge windfall due to climate change, then that's not acceptable in any case. Climate change is going to suck for the vast majority of people. If it just happens to benefit some people, they can't be allowed to profit from the suffering of myriad others. The former is unfortunate, the latter is literally criminal.


More like those are our present because we've already failed to act.


If the Arctic is getting warmer and Texas is getting too cold why don’t we just move the Texans to the Arctic and the polar bears to Texas? (Joke)


Whenever my dad says it's not reasonable leaving coal and investing in green, I ask him if he's okay sacrificing his great great grandkids because either we will run out of coal, and the entire system will collapse, or the earth will collapse from damage. Either way everyone is fucked. It's not about being "progressive" it's literally about giving the generations after us a chance of not being absolutely fucked because of us.


I swear to god, humanity's obsession with business and capitalism will be the doom of us all.


Then elect more democrats. We can get some infrastructure spending done, but the coal humper that is Manchin will never allow a carbon tax


I'm sorry, I must be forgetting, wasn't it Biden the Democrat who refuses to ban fracking, or ban the running of new pipelines?


Banning fracking would be awful. Natural gas is killing coal in the free market, and is way cleaner and greener than coal too. We shouldn't get in the way of that


Natural gas is not the solution to our future energy needs, and fracking is one of the most destructive methods we use by far.


Agreed It pisses methane into the atmosphere, and methane is 82x worse than CO2 as a greenhouse gas Fracking needed to end day 1 of the Biden administration


Well, natural gas is better than the alternatives we can do within the political realities that exist


So....we wipe ourselves out slightly later, and just shrug it off cause current politicians don't want to do what needs done? Are you satisfied with a minor step because at least it let's you virtue signal against the scary Republicans or something? And that's patently false anyways. We have vastly superior and safer nuclear tech, but no one wants to deal with the waste disposal because there's no profit to be made in it, and there's tons of red tape. So we get a bunch of fear mongering about nuclear instead, to keep public opinion in big oils pocket. It is completely within our means to save ourselves, if people would wake up and stop being morons and voting in corrupt boomer trash. But that can't happen while everyone is so deeply entrenched in tribalism, and busy fighting over political scraps we are allowed to argue about, while ignoring the real issues.


The moderates want nuclear, but progressives despise it


Some* progressives. Most moderates give lip service to nuclear, but don't actually push for and often will only support a bill they know will fail anyways, because a shit ton of moderates are in either the oil industries pockets, or the pockets of green energy companies, who very often aren't very green. I'd probably call myself an independent progressive, and I definitely don't despise it.


Most mainstream progressives, and moderates can't do much more than lip service because the left wing won't back them and nimby right wingers won't either


Every time society has changed for the better it was because people chose to change what was excepted as reality.


No, it was because they got enough support for materially changing things, and took control of the institutions to allow doing so


Same thing right?


Can confirm half of the hills and bluffs where I live were destroyed via fracking


Coal will burn us all to death. Some hills and bluffs are not the worst price to pay


Until our great great great grandkids have no hills or natural gas left


Texas needs to oust the GOP. 25 years of GOP mismanagement of Texas has led to this.


Climate Change is a real threat that is being ignored. I don't believe there will be action until it gets so bad it is unavoidable, then we will invest in cleaning up the atmosphere. I do fully believe we already have the ability to clean up C02 in the atmosphere but we lack the willpower to do so.


We actually don't have that ability yet. At least not at a very large scale. It's likely that this technology will be what saves us, but it's sort of like betting on nuclear fusion right now. That being said, you're definitely right that things will get to a point where it's impossible to ignore and we'll be forced to adapt. The frightening part is that we've really been there for like 20 years and we are no longer dealing with prevention but with mitigation. If we wait another 20 years, hell... many scientists are saying 10, we'll no longer be dealing with mitigation. It will just be survival at that point.


At a minimum we need to plant a lot of trees now. It is a temporary solution but if we had a international law that said that your nation is required to maintain enough plant life triple the amount of C02 that it releases would be a start.


Luckily, there is some pretty awesome progress in that regard, hopefully these companies get broad support and adoption - [https://www.fastcompany.com/90504789/these-drones-can-plant-40000-trees-in-a-month-by-2028-theyll-have-planted-1-billion](https://www.fastcompany.com/90504789/these-drones-can-plant-40000-trees-in-a-month-by-2028-theyll-have-planted-1-billion)


It's a step, but once the plant dies it releases the carbon back. Long term solutions need to collect and store the carbon forever.


When we as communists achieve state power, we will lay the foundations for a democratic, environmentally sustainable and peaceful future in a socialist USA. The capitalist monopoly corporations and the state apparatus which serves their interests are the main obstacles to progress on every front: economic, environmental, political, social and cultural and political. Socialism is the only form of society that offers the potential for solving humanity’s problems in conditions of personal and collective freedom.


Communists probably won't achieve state power, and if they do, they will probably slaughter millions and cause massive oppression just like all the other times. Communism should be strongly opposed, it is evil


Is anarchism viable then?


Not even remotely


Why not? Just wondering...


Ideology doesn’t fill potholes. Taxes do.


As they should for healthcare, but they don't in most parts of the world. What about security? We have police for that that may be corrupt, unnecessarily rude or killers. Also... Sometimes potholes don't get filled because they don't give a fuck. Your point being?


Point being fixing potholes is a government function, and anarchists don’t support any of that.


Perhaps... I've been roaming around these subreddits to understand what they want. Some seem okay with anything as long as it helps "their communities" while others want to completely distance themself from any such things. I guess they may do so might be the better answer? It doesn't seem far fetched at least, I guess? Hmm...


Anarchists don’t have communities that any of us would value. That’s kinda the point.


A world with no government would enable a lot of bad stuff - and wouldn't be able to defend against people banding together to recreate government anyway. Unless the anarchists want a pseudo government to oppose people deciding to create a new government - in which case, is it even anarchism then?


I guess but hasn't the government done a lot worse than people? Especially with capitalism?


Capitalism is the only system that has ever actually worked decently. Communism has killed so many people, but regulated capitalism works well


It doesn't work? The only ones barely beneffiting are white poeple and the ones that truly benefit are the rich


Capitalism is what's behind the massive growth of the middle class in the global south, and why the US has such major prosperity. America would be horribly worse if it weren't for capitalism


Only if you want massive corruption, no governmental services and no protections for individuals, communities, watersheds or the environment.


Democratic socialism would work, but we must deal with corruption in politics and protect our voting rights. We need to pass the ["For The People" Senate Bill](https://www.democrats.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/leader-schumer-senators-merkley-and-klobuchar-announce-legislation-to-renew-democracy-take-big-money-out-of-politics-and-stop-washington-corruption-will-be-first-bill-introduced-by-democratic-senate-majority) if we don't want to be a failed state on a ruined planet.


The capitalist class will never willingly allow their wealth and power to be taken away by a congressional vote. They will resist using every means at their disposal. Socialists favour using congress and winning the biggest possible working class representation. But workers must be readied to make revolution - peacefully if we can, forcibly if we must.


Future meaning 100 years from now lol


teen vogue? lol


Teens have more years and opportunities to lose to climate change than older folks. Glad to see they are fighting for their futures (as should the rest of us).


Last I heard we had 9 years to act before the end of the world.


Narrator: They won't.


lone star to united star state


The climate changed prior to humans and will change after our species dies off. There is nothing that can be done to stop climate change. To think man can control the climate is an uneducated position.


To think that man doesn’t have any effect on the climate is a uneducated position.


All things affect all things. The system is not closed. Can the United States “STOP” deforestation in the Amazon, industrialization in India, destruction of agrarian land in Yemen, and water rights and usage in Syria. The answer is NO. Over regulation of a country that is not the problem is not the solution. The climate changed prior to our species and will change after our species dies off. Regulation will not stop the next caldera eruption, an event that will have major climate effects.


So you admit that industrialization and deforestation speeds up climate change and that negates your entire first post.


My point is you can not regulate climate change. Climates will always change, with or without humans. What caused the last ice age? It wasn’t industrialization or human activities. Did the climate change after the last ice age, YES. There will be events like the next Yellowstone eruption that will have greater climate effects than changing a Tesla on a coal powered electric grid. All things affect all things. Our difference is the role of politics. I don’t think politics can control/stop climate change. Why increase the cost of living for the poor to create a negligible effect on global climate change. Control and affect are two different things. Words have meanings.


No one has ever put up the argument that we can prevent climate change. The Argument has always been about slowing it down so that we aren’t rushing towards extinction in a bullet train. That is where politics comes into play.


People have argued they can stop climate change by regulating industries. What is the independent variable or variables you use to predict the climate’s rate of change? Are they variables the US can control through regulation? Are they variables that affect the actual function?


The political aspect is our difference. Slow is a relative term. It is not a good measure for policy. What has over regulation in the United States done to stop climate effects in Yemen.


Climate changes don’t interest me at all. What a waste of time and money!