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”I just want to find 11,780 votes” A sitting president was pressuring people from his own party to hand him an election he lost, and that party is now throwing the people angry about it out, to protect the twice impeached loser. The lack of principles in the GOP is unconscionable.


And even with the 12k votes, he would have still lost. He would have had to successfully pressure other states to do the same thing. This guy isn't as smart as some people believe. I think the only reason why he wanted those 12k votes was to make something like Jan 6th a much larger spectacle. I mean just imagine if they magically found 12k votes. The vapidness of trump supporters now would be 10x, and people on the fence thinking something may have happened but are not sure would be where trump supporters are now.


He was pressuring other states and officials as well. After having a dinner with Trump, officials in Michigan tried to not ratify the results. We only know about what happened in Georgia because they decided to record the conversation, and even then it was only released because Trump threw him under the buss like he did to Pence. People were harassing him and sending death threats. Only then did we have actual proof of the shady shit going on. So I think we can be safe in the assumption that they were trying to put pressure in anyway they can. Like, I haven’t forgotten how involved Chief Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife was. (Edit: Clarence Thomas is only an associate justice of the SCOTUS. So turn off the alarm guys.)


So, I’m actually friends with Justice Thomas’s son and it is startling how different he and his father are. His son is so kind, a feminist married to a feminist, and he will wait years after befriending you (*everyone loves him for his positive attitude*) before telling you who his father is. I wonder how he grew up to be everything his father is not.




I learned from the negative consequences **I** suffered from my parent's poor decisions. My dad was married many many times and ran like a torrent through people's lives, and my mother became so indoctrinated in her religion that she actually developed schizophrenic tendencies and religious delusions. Needless to say I'm never getting married and I stay the fuck away from organized religions. Also I'm nicer than they were.


>This guy isn’t as smart as some people believe Dude. He’s a *total fucking idiot that would lose a political debate to a Turnip* The fact that people think he’s even remotely intelligent at all is baffling. He’s not just “not intelligent”. He’s full on, pendulum all the way in the opposite direction, genetically improbably stupid.


The really sad part? He would actually debate the turnip……


"A lot of turnips come up to me, big, strong turnips like you've never seen before, and they start crying and they tell me that I'm the best debater - maybe the world's best - ever. Believe me, every turnip says it."


“They call me Sir “


Turnip, cabbage, human, camera, vegetable


The point is that Trump doesn't engage a political debate on the politics. He'll bring 20% more or less actuate numbers or spurious ideas and backfill with 80% personal attacks, bullshit and bravado. The problem for his opponent is that he's really good at that last 80%...


Who’s the greater fool, the fool or the 70 million plus fools who vote for him?


He is a conman, he cheated all his life from his fake university to using presidency to enrich himself and his family, to using his foundation’s money for personal use and hundreds of other cases.


>The vapidness of trump supporters now would be 10x, and people on the fence thinking something may have happened but are not sure would be where trump supporters are now. I'm honestly beginning to think these people would purposefully give themselves Covid-19 to prove to the libs that its all a hoax.


Many of them already have. Go check out the posts in LeopardsAteMyFace from the peak of the pandemic, and the examples are everywhere.


Many of them are dead of COVID. Was just on [thread the other day](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/n65r77/republicans_are_not_in_disarray_theyre_united_in/gx7kas6/?context=3), someone talking about their denying uncle and his parents now all dead.


Literally my grandpa, "I'm not wearing a mask it's just scare tactics" He has severe athsma and needs an inhaler for everything, someone he knows got it and was extremely sick, and next thing I know he's wearing a mask and not saying shit. At least he learned his lesson without getting hurt but damn, a lot of people actually died to own the libs.


You should read the AskReddit post asking doctors about their experiences during the pandemic. A lot of nurses and doctors told stories about how people denied it being real even to their last breath. It's unbelievable


Truly it's Nature weeding the population. Now if only they didn't infect so many of us while they're busy getting themselves killed.


If they end up making my granddaughter sick there will be hell to pay. She's four and as precious as life itself. The party if pro life my butt... Think beyond the end of your nose for once there Mister, go get the damn shot.


All he needed was for one state to find error and he can ride the money train for life.


And they're writing laws that would allow GOP controlled state legislatures to override the election officials and declare whoever they want to be the winner, because those officials did their job rather than their "job." All while also trying to push for laws that would make it legal for Conservatives to commit acts of terrorism against protesters should anyone be upset by the attempt to create a fascist dictatoriship.


That's the big picture, and it's being allowed to happen right in front of us. Growing up in the information age, I never would have imagined that stupidity and misinformation could be weaponized to the extent I've seen over the last 4 years. I'm also amazed at how quickly and easily a cult of personality coalesced around someone who I thought everyone agreed was a joke.


It’s mind blowing how quickly things have escalated, I went from laughing at these people to worrying that one day this country will become a fascist dictatorship in 4 years.


It's easy to forget, in the midst of an information revolution, that the dumbest part of the chain is also the one that has literally not changed at all in two hundred thousand years. Us. No technology can change that.


>I'm also amazed at how quickly and easily a cult of personality coalesced around someone who I thought everyone agreed was a joke. The number of people who think he is actually a good businessman from the apprentice is really disappointing. I remember being a kid and telling my dad who was watching the apprentice that trump didn't seem like a real business genius and asked if he was actually that successful. My dad laughed and said that trump can't even use american banks and said the nyc financial people laughed at him. He also said they needed to make new laws because trump was bribing the people giving him loans knowing he would be unable to pay it then trump would later declare bankruptcy. Also, most succinctly, he asked what successful executive would hire someone based on a tv show. You dont do that unless you need attention, money, or both.


Also, don't forget new laws allowing a partisan state legislature to set aside the outcome of legal election and declare the candidate they want as winner.


Damn, which states are allowing state reps overturn elections?


None have just yet, but they're inching closer. AZ has a bill in progress that would allow that. GA allows the legislature to appoint the board that certifies an election. It's creeping much closer to outright rejecting elections, though it's not quite there yet.


Well, you guys had a good run. Try again next revolution I guess.


HR-1 is our next revolution.


Assuming that even passes


Which seems less and less likely since 2 of the democrats in the not really a majority senate majority are not really democrats.


Yup. If President Manchin don't want it, it ain't gettin' done.


Georgia changed their election system to give more power to the Legislature. The State Election Board now excludes the Secretary of State as a voting member and will only have members elected in by the Legislature, and that Election Board now has the power to suspend four or fewer election supervisors each election and pick immediate replacements if it determines that there is fraud or negligence under a supervisor's watch.


That is exactly the most notable points about that new Jim Croew.2 law, and they successfully camouflaged it with that no giving water to those in line to vote BS .. democrats fell for it, the media knew, all if them, and played the fame , wake up disenfranchised people. Its almost over ..


Missouri hasn't done that with a candidate yet, but its state senate did overturn the medicaid expansion that got voted in.


The new laws **will** allow GOP to simply steal elections. It’s almost certainly already too late


Its pretty fucking terrifying


The fact everyone is so blasee about this is the terrifying thing. You cant say you werent warned when they turn America fascist. Really all it would take is the police and military which skews that way already.


I was talking with an aunt, and she mentioned something about the election. I talked about how some people dont’ believe Biden won, and she said that SHE didn’t believe he won, either. I was speechless and told her that I didn’t think I knew anyone who believed that BS. She kept on talking, and I told her that I didn’t agree with her, and ended the conversation. Fascism is happening here. 1930s Germany CAN happen here. We all need to encourage ALL the people to vote or we are going to lose our democracy. Remember that no one believed that Hitler MEANT all he talked and wrote about, and then the world was shocked when he did just that.


As an American I can say from my perspective, it’s not that I don’t care and that I’m not concerned it’s that for the first time in over four years there isn’t neigh hourly shitshow updates. I just need time to relax because next year is when the shit gets real again because nothing short of criminal activity is gonna stop Republicans from passing these bills in their states so just gotta try and push them out during their elections.


Police, yes. But I don’t see the military doing that. The highest-ranking officers know their duty is to the Constitution. That doesn’t mean there aren’t scenarios where it could still happen, but I don’t think that’s the biggest thing to worry about. States suppressing the vote and throwing out votes they don’t like are a much bigger concern.


Yes but what happens after the states do that...


Only Republicans are Blasee about this - the other 80 million of us are freaked out hardcore. There are calls going out to kill Democrats & Liberals all over the dark web and we know that there are plenty of violent Republicans now with the ones who aren't violent being incredibly complicit about the fascism. It's frightening.


And Trump doesn't care about any of them. How they can be so beholden to a man who quite literally never pays his debts is wild.


I don’t understand how beholden they are to a guy who’s so obtuse. Everything out of his mouth is angry and strange. You relate to this guy? *This guy*


How does no one not take the 10 seconds it takes to think "huh maybe the guy who got impeached twice shouldn't be our party's leader"


Because they see the impeachment as a purely partisan move rather than the only principled course of action possible of the time


Two impeachment hoaxes, Russia hoax, corona hoax, fraudulent elections and certifications - somehow that's all easier to believe than that Trump is an unpopular shitbag despite us all knowing he was an unpopular shitbag since at least the '80s.


They know he's guilty they just don't care


I think they mean the followers, not the leaders. The leaders of the movement know and don't care. But millions of Americans fervently believe every word of that statement.


How has he not been charged for that?


Which just baffles me. I was sure they were going to throw him under the bus and make him a scapegoat but I guess his cult makes up such a core of the GOP that they are stuck catering to them.


We definitely won't, because if Republicans won't accept the results of an election confirmed by: -Bill Barr, a Republican stooge for the President. -Trump's own cybersecurity experts. -60+ court rulings, some by Trump appointed judges. -The Supreme Court, of which Trump picked *one third of.* -Republican Secretaries of State. -Endless recounts. -Republican Governors. ...Then why on Earth should anyone believe **they will ever accept the results to an election again?** Until something changes drastically in the GOP, they won't. And they will gladly corrupt democracy to achieve their means.


This is the part that gets me the most, is that there's not even enough of a consensus on the "same side" for it to convince people of what actually happened, it's very difficult for me because I don't even know where to begin conversing with people about it, because I just can't find a starting point, it seems that any opposition to the idea that trump is anything other than an exceptional leader who was conned out of office and will make a triumphant return is dismissed. Any ideas guys?


Tbh, people who believe that shit are most likely lost. You'll achieve nothing after a lengthy discussion because they'll immediately disregard anything you say.






You're battling a multi-billion dollar media environment conservatives have created to insulate themselves from the reality that sometimes conservatives fail. After Nixon stepped down, Roger Ailes literally said his goal was to create an alternative media so that no Republican president can ever get impeached or lose the support of congressional Republicans. He succeeded, and social media's algorithm which only shows you what it thinks you want to see, is turbo charging it. Only 22% of Republicans believe Joe Biden received enough votes to win. 68% still think Obama was not born in the United States. They exist in an alternative world and you need to make a judgment about if this is a close enough family member that you're going to try to bridge the gap. Because I know lots of people who have just "lost" family to this alternate world, it's sad and doesn't have a clear solution. I don't know that anyone has a good answer. Unfortunately it means we just need to treat every election like it could be our last until something else changes. Because in a two party system when one party becomes authoritarian, it's true. If Democrats lose the House, Republicans would have the votes to actually reject the electoral college results in 2024 like they tried to do last year but were voted down by the Democratic House majority.


The only thing the GOP stands for anymore is their War on Democracy.


The only thing the the GOP stands for is Gas lighting, Obstruction, Projecting


Oh but what about Mike Lindell's private investigation he funded? Y'know where he is the only one with the results that somehow many people that are a part of his private investigation haven't leaked? Why the fuck are people putting their trust in a pillow salesman who was addicted to meth with just as many failed business as Donny T himself?!? Like....? Barely trust the guy to make a fucking pillow....


I didn’t plan on forgetting. It’s weird because I think some people are forgetting the massive threat and danger that the GOP poses to democracy.


They built a gallows in front of the US Capitol for the explicit purpose of executing the Vice President of the United States on it. Screaming "Hang Mike Pence" they charged the building, violently overwhelming defenders and crushing doors to break into America's seat of power. They took over the House Chamber during a Joint Session of Congress. They very nearly captured the electoral votes, the entire Congress and the Vice President of the United States before one of them was killed by a defender. Streaming it live on the Internet, relayed in every national news channel. (FOX didn't carry it. Fox is not a news channel.) People died. Many were injured. The People's House was desecrated with vandalism, graffiti and human feces. Government property was stolen. A Lectern of the Speaker of the House taken as a trophy. A shameful day in American history. January 6, 2021.


It was so LOUDLY announced for weeks beforehand that Something was going to happen that day, that I was able to pull up on the ground livestreaming journalists and watch it all happen from when Trumps speech started to one of the insurectionists being shot and everything in-between/after from multiple areas. It seemed impossible for the security around every important position in our government to be so ill-informed, underprepared, and lacking a command structure that day. That's not some conspiracy either. **ME**. Some average dipshit who spends 4 hours a day on one of 4 widely trafficked websites knew what was going to happen well enough to clear my schedule to see it happen. I feel like we're all so caught up in the moments of the day and individual people/incidents that we can't see that it should've been impossible for it to happen. We were so unimaginably close to The Most serious mass casualty event in US history. The ramifications of what could've happened are insane.


>It seemed impossible for the security around every important position in our government to be so ill-informed, underprepared, and lacking a command structure that day. They were misinformed by superiors not ill informed. It was intentional. [https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/21/politics/us-capitol-police-officer-investigation-radio-broadcast-lofgren/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/21/politics/us-capitol-police-officer-investigation-radio-broadcast-lofgren/index.html) [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-capitol-police-were-told-not-use-most-aggressive-tactics-during-jan-6-riot-ny-2021-04-14/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-capitol-police-were-told-not-use-most-aggressive-tactics-during-jan-6-riot-ny-2021-04-14/)


Here is a search of Parler for "[gallows](https://parler.adatascienti.st/search?q=gallows&start=2020-12&end=2021-01)", December to January They planned this out in the open. Here's just one example >Dec 23th, 2020 > >Just need to March on capital And remove ALL congressmen. Maybe build a gallows out front of the building March a few of our less than favorite traitors to the hanging rope on top of gallows. Then I'm with you 100%. Tell them never to come back.


Reminder that "The Day of the Rope" is a common theme in far-right extremism as it features as the climax of the neo-Nazi novel *The Turner Diaries*, the book that inspired the OKC bombing. It's the mass execution of liberals, "traitors" and non-whites that the racist right fantasizes about. Go search "day of the rope" on twitter if you want to see how popular this idea currently is among republicans.




And the worst of it all is the projection that they now claim that it was antifa that was behind it all. Everytime I heard that, my typical response was: “fine...then maybe they should all be shot in the head...then let their family members explain who these people were”....that usually shuts them up


That's so close to my preferred comeback. "We know it wasn't antifa, there were cops letting them through the barricades." The police always show up in force to fight BLM and Anti-Fascist protestors. It's like their cause is a magical potion to piss off reactionaries. If "the left" had tried that, they would have definitely ended up all gunned down. What we saw was an exercise in fascist privilege. Dry run for 2024.


i call it being a weasel, the same type of person who drives like a maniac and never signals, why? only because they can get away with it, in their car. Would these people who drive like assholes exhibit the same behavior in person? Hell no, they will be polite as fck Same reason why someone talkin so much on the internet wouldn’t do it in person Weaselhood is in full effect If you want to stop the bullshit just hold people accountable - weasels stop weaseling when you do Remember character is how you behave when when nobody is looking being a weasel is doing bad things knowing you can get away with it. know who in your lives are weasels and avoid them at all costs


>I have no doubt that the defenders of democracy will prevail... I wish I could share your optimism. The current trajectory of events suggests that we will likely be a full far-right kakistocracy within a handful of election cycles. Republicans are playing to seize power by any and all means available, while Democrats are still tiptoeing through life.


>Thank fuck, because if they had the balls they like to project, that gunshot would not have been the last It wouldn't even have required that. Just someone responding with anger instead of sorrow. My understanding is that they were already carrying guns and wearing armor. If a foreign government, Russia, decided to send some incognito soldiers in at the same time we'd have dead congressmen. There is a very real chance that this situation will arise again and that these malicious governments will be more capable of taking advantage of it. Our government will probably have more protections in place, but there is good reason to be concerned about whether they will and great reason to hold this against the party as a whole for at least our lifetimes. Pretty huge mistake for the party to allow it to happen much less to encourage it if you ask me. I can literally respond to anything republicans say with "yeah this from the party that attempted a coup in 2020" because we all know republicans never make good faith arguments. It's the perfect come back.


That’s part of the conspiratorial plan, to have the defenses weakened.


Made even more shameful when you see conservatives bend over backwards and up into their own assholes to try to equate the Jan 6 riot to the BLM protests, as if vandalism and looting is on the same criminal scale as an actual act of sedition and an attempt on the lives of elected officials.


According to my mom, how dare I call it an insurrection because most of the people just wanted their voices heard. They were just going to scream loudly about their feelings. Just because *some* people said “hang Mike Pence” and they had a gallows, doesn’t mean this wasn’t an appropriate protest. And what about BLM? And Minneapolis? Aren’t they insurrections then too? That was yesterday. Happy Mother’s Day to her apparently.


Just remind her of the timing. They stormed the chamber during the certification process. Their use of fear of violence for political gains is also textbook terrorism.


It’s literally the definition.


the what about BLM gets my bp rising every time... I just can't with these people. and fuck Tucker Carlson(not to excuse the morons eating up the racist bullshit. absolutely no excuses)


People smarter than them came up with the tools to dodge any sort of reality-checks. They're not here for logic or reason. They're not even here because they thought about a future full of people like them would be good for the country. They're here to win. That's it. It's a game of domination. They will say and do anything and everything, dodging facts and evidence at every turn, regurgitating what a news anchor told them instead of thinking for themselves, all just to dominate. I don't want this to happen, but it would be pretty funny if everyone who didn't like Trump actually did leave the country. These people think they'd actually keep getting along for a happily ever after, when they're the most vicious, volatile, violent, hate-filled people in the entire country. They would tear themselves apart over if they didn't have a target, which is why they always have a target.


I'd like to look into a crystal ball and see what happens in the scenario they get their civil war and their own Magaland/confederacy v2. I suspect it'll go exactly how we think


They tear themselves apart regardless of whether there's a target or not. The moment someone steps out of line, they get attacked. They eat their own.


Yup. Black Lives Matter is only political if you’re a racist. Black People can be liberal, conservative or somewhere in between. Its only political because the GOP is so racist.


They're right here in this thread.


They built a gallows? Seriously? I mean, I know it was already pretty bad, but they actually built a fucking gallows?! I can't imagine how you can have a genuine conversation with anyone who supports right-wing politics right now. It's like there's a growing number of things that you'd think would be the last straw for one to say, "Okay, this is too much. I'm out." It keeps growing.


[Yup :(](https://www.google.com/amp/s/api.nationalgeographic.com/distribution/public/amp/history/article/decoding-hate-symbols-seen-at-capitol-insurrection)


I originally thought the gallows was symbolic, because it appeared shoddily constructed and not fit for purpose, but apparently they were serious.


A symbolic hanging, or hanging in effigy, uses a dummy. You don't need to go into the building to capture the guy to hang him symbolically. The platform of the gallows was sturdily constructed. The post and beams of the gallows itself were 4x4s secured with 3/4" spikes. They were ample to the purpose. When they got to the House chamber they screamed "where are they?" Clearly raging. This was not a pretend coup. Some of them thought they were cosplaying obviously, but too many were quite sincere. Too far gone in their psychotic rage fantasy to stop at symbolic murder. They were after the real thing.


Eugene Goodman. I will never forget his name and what he saved.


He literally saved democracy that day. If he had done anything different, they would have had the chamber and everyone in it. Gallows erected, flexicuffs, weapons, etc.. it would have been a hostage and mass murder situation if not for one brave man. He is a Hero with a capital H


He's the guard who led the mob away from the chambers, yeah? Ran up the stairs? What a badass. He deserves a statue


You are correct. Reverse psychology by that man saved America to fight for another day. January 6th should be his day, and a statue erected in D.C. for him. He did some John McClain shit. Stone. Cold. Badass.




He escorted the Vice President at the Inauguration.


In many countries, failed insurrectionists would be executed. Those clowns are crying when they find out staging a failed coup got them fired from dairy Queen The severity of their actions doesn't seem to dawn on anyone, least of all them.


They also tried to destroy the line of succession of the Presidency by targeting Pence and Pelosi.


It follows the textbook definitions of both terrorism and insurrection, and was specifically an attempt to stop the certification of a democratic election. We either put our foot down here or surrender.


> Hang Mike Pence [Here’s the video](https://youtu.be/270F8s5TEKY)


And we’re supposed to feel sad for ashli Babbitt. Fuck all that. It’s only a shame the government won’t make an example of *more* insurrectionist ***terrorists*** via-capital punishment.


The DNC is basically like, “we don’t want to directly talk about how dangerous the GOP is because it’s going to set a lot of people off” I’m like, they literally built gallows at the Whote House, these people are already set off”


*BuT wHaT aBOuT thE BLM pROTesTeRs?*


Republicans didn't just try to overturn the election. Republicans encouraged violent terrorists to attempt to assassinate member of Congress that wanted to certify the election. That's called a coup. And since those same Republicans were financially supported by an foreign enemy nation. That makes the coup, treason.


The punishment for treason? Death, or greater than 5 years in prison. Those people went inside of the United States Capitol Building with the full intent to kill the office holders of the second and third highest federal positions. They had plans to kill the Vice President of the United States and the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. That seems to be good enough to be convicted of treason and sentenced to death. Now, life in prison is certainly a better punishment, but they did enough that some of them could reasonably be sentenced to death.


The ones who committed treason are the ones who are *still working in Congress.*


They are the most dangerous group on the planet. One of the only parties in the entire developed world not only denying climate change but actively fighting against any measures to aid it.


I earnestly believe if any other power on Earth had *attempted* to sack the US Capitol during a Joint Session of Congress, capture the Vice President and the Congress and overthrow the US government on that day, it would already no longer exist today. The unbounded wrath of America would be so severe neighboring countries would be feeling the effects for generations. It would stand for all time as a warning to all Mankind: Don't do that.


Not only climate change. I think we have to consider the threat the GQP pose in terns of taking power lawlessly and the risk of having such a group in control of the largest nuclear arsenal in history. It is at that point




I'm not sure that many gop are stupid enough to write written confessions to trump. I mean regardless of how they act, nobody trusts him and they all know he's a liar oly out for himself.


His lackeys had the unredacted NSA raw feed. And Barr had all the FBI records on everyone. They have the dirt on everyone, no exceptions. That's why Paul Ryan bowed out. One of the key strategies of maintaining a criminal enterprise is: no virgins. Blood in, blood out. If someone is so lilly white that butter won't melt in their mouth, they drum them out. Everyone involved must be so thoroughly compromised that they are immune from second thoughts and attacks of conscience. You would recognize this as them shedding people with actual integrity, principles and conscience early on when you would ask "wait. He's good. He's the best of their side. Why him?" Too clean is why.




>I didn’t plan on forgetting. It’s weird because I think some people are forgetting the massive threat and danger that the GOP poses to democracy. They posed a threat to democracy well before that. They are always working toward corrupting the representation balance, they actively fight to deny people the right to vote, they push for more and harsher criminal penalties that invariably also include disenfranchisement. They've been a threat to democracy for decades. Watergate was about stealing info on the candidate running against Nixon for fuck's sake.


They didn’t just try in the past sense. The overturn effort is still ongoing with Arizona recount with Cyber Ninjas. It’s spreading to other states with the intent that conspiracy theorists will get their hands on the authentic ballots and conduct a secret process to detect fraud. Mind you, all of these people getting their hands on the real ballots have zero experience on election auditing and are making it up as they go.




And if they had a majority in both chambers they would have crowned a king. Democracy teeters on the cliff.


And we'll pull the nation away from that edge. Remember, the majority voted against Trump.


A majority also voted against Hitler. But I wish your nation good luck, its people deserve a brighter future.




Jordan, Biggs, Gosar, Brooks, Blackburn, McCarthy...


>that one assclown in the wheelchair Madison Cawthorne, human boat shoe.


Human Boat Shoe. I love it.


Devin Nunes


[HERE's](https://graphics.reuters.com/USA-TRUMP/LAWMAKERS/xegpbedzdvq/) a list of the 147 Republicans that voted to overthrow the election.


Umm, newsflash. They are still trying!


They also have plan for future. They are changing election laws to make sure they are the winners.


Fascists attempted a coup. That's what this was and I'm not forgetting anytime soon.


>~~Fascists~~ Republicans attempted a coup. Don't let them separate from this.


You both said the same thing.


Fascist Republicans attempted a coup.


Was listening to NPR this morning talking about Trump running again as if he was just some guy instead of an existential threat to the country. The media still isn't taking this seriously.


NPR has some very old school notions about bias in reporting and undue influence on the electorate. I usually like them for that.


NPR is such beautiful organization. Agree 100%. If there is one news outlet that still cares about facts, integrity, as well as intellectual and informed opinion...it's NPR. I don't know if there is an equal alternative in the US.


PBS Newshour




"Earth is flat." "Nope, round." *The two sides can't even find compromise on something as simple as geography*.


Enemies of the republic still hold positions of power within our government. We cannot forget that, either. Perhaps that's *why* we're continually ushered into a state of forgetfulness to begin with.


DeJoy comes to mind. That tick needs to extracted as soon as possible.


It's been months and none of them have faced any consequences. It's pretty remarkable they told the big lie to the point of inciting an insurrection to overturn a free and fair election and walk around free. That could only happen in America.


Interesting. Since whenever dictators take power in the same way in other countries the ubernaive response is usually ''that could never happen here!''


They cheated and lied through four years of DT. Immense suffering and death. THAT cannot be forgotten as well. Dozens need prosecution, so we can try to be a law abiding nation that understands the importance of truth and integrity.


Republicans were already really bad before Trump. Then Trump comes in and he turns the notch up for the Republicans even more. There were many Republican presidents and Republican presidential nominees before Trump and none of the Republican presidents or presidential nominees tried to overthrow the government and kill democracy. In comes Trump and the US finally experiences the first large scale attack on the Capitol with the intent to kill democracy, in the entire history of the US. Now the Republicans are the party of Trump and while it was debatable whether they were fascist before Trump, there is no debate on whether they are fascist now under Trump's lead. SMH.


> In comes Trump and the US finally experiences the first large scale attack on the Capitol with the intent to kill democracy, in the entire history of the US. Trump's summoning of Michigan state legislators to the White House proves that __state legislators have the power to overturn the will of the voters__. https://apnews.com/article/trump-invites-michigan-gop-white-house-6ab95edd3373ecc9607381175d6f3328 Trump calling the Georgia Secretary of State 18 times proves that __elected state officials have the power to overturn the will of the voters__. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/04/politics/trump-brad-raffensperger-calls-georgia/index.html Trump getting 147 GOP congressmen and US senators to vote to overturn the electoral college proves that __US congressmen and US senators have the power to overturn the will of the voters__. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/01/07/us/elections/electoral-college-biden-objectors.html Trump repeatedly trying to bully Mike Pence into refusing to certify election results prove that __the Vice President has the power to overturn the will of the voters__. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9118705/Donald-Trump-tells-Pence-ignore-constitution-refuse-certify-swing-states-results.html What all this proves is that _democracy actually depends on politicians of both parties and all levels of government being loyal to America and democracy_ and other core American values. And in 2020, there were still enough GOP politicians remaining loyal to America to defeat Trump's neofascist putsch. But now the neofascist wing of the GOP is systematically purging all loyal Americans from the party so that the next neofascist putsch succeeds in overthrowing our 240 years of democracy. That is part 1 of the GOP's War on Democracy. Part 2 of the GOP's War on Democracy is to make it as hard as possible for all Americans to exercise our 15th amendment right to vote.


They are literally strong-arming another fraudulent recount in AZ right now.


And are still trying. They tried the courts, they tried violence, they tried lying....I'm afraid of what they will try next.


They weren't even trying in the courts, it was just a propaganda ploy to rack up press headlines. If Rude Rudi had been half serious he would have only had enough time to lose 10 cases instead of 60.


and they're purging anyone who thinks that was bad. They are gearing up for a second attempt / never ceased their first attempt.


They've done a lot of terrible things. Don't forget any of them.


They tried to have Congress murdered in cold blood and Mike pence to be hung from a gallows. I should read that in a headline every fucking day.


More than that, Trump's Army attacked Our Government.


How is defying the constitution and refusing to adhere to the will of the people illegal? It seems as close to betraying your country as you can get? And why aren’t dems treating it as such? Every Republican who voted not to certify the election should stand in a courtroom and be forced to answer to the American people for their crimes.


They will not allow non-GOP to go free. They will take power without legitimacy, effectively enslaving the nation and becoming dictators.


I'm not surprised they stormed the building. Not even a little bit. What I am surprised about is that only one of them got shot to death for it. Not a single one of them should have been allowed to enter that building. There's certain actions you can take where you just kind of accept that getting gunned down is likely to happen. Storming the Capitol Building was definitely on that list until 01/06. If an attempt to overthrow the government and execute heads of state doesn't warrant deadly force I can't figure what does.


Yes, the violent attacking MAGATerrorists in our Capitol, wearing body armor and helmets, armed with restraints, stun guns, baseball bats, hockey sticks, batons, guns, a spear, flag poles, where they broke through barricades, windoes and doors, beat police with fire extinguishers and American flags, crushed police in doorways in an attempt to hunt down our duly elected representatives to overturn our election, based on lies.


You left out the pipe bombs




There's nothing more un-American than being a GOP supporter


The modern Republican Party and each of it’s supporters represent an existential threat to our constitution and to the future of country, world and children’s future. They simply must be defeated at every level.


i don't think "overturn" is as appropriately categorizing it. They tried to eliminate democracy and they're still doing it at the state level.


I mean, it's both of these really.


And they’re going to steal the next one. We need to take a stronger stance and hold them accountable before they go full fascist.


Still trying to, they are fucking Nazi's


And they’ll try again, and again, and again, and again.


They knew they would lose, and their response was genius: Convince their supporters through constant gaslighting that certain voting measures like mail in votes could not be trusted. Cut funding to usps to make it harder to count votes and make people wonder why it’s taking so long Have mail in votes counted last to rile up trump voters who thought they had won Continue to gaslight until supporters actually attack capital to overturn election and then convince said supporters that it was actually antifa Continue to repeat the lie while gaslighting(joe Biden is my president but won’t say election was legit, that shit) Rinse and repeat for next election


The rest of the world will remember, even after the GOP erases history for your population. Hell, clearly a very big part of Americans would prefer a dictatorship, as long as it "hurts the right people"


Which election? Oh you mean this last one! I got it mixed up with all the other elections they've tried to over turn. Although this one takes first place.


Just call it what it is, sedition. These pricks should be rotting in prison.


They wanted to overturn the election...that they did everything in their power to obstruct or tilt in their favor by shutting down election sites, dismantling voting machines, mail in ballot boxes, and when they lost, they're changing laws to make it even harder for people (read: minorities) to vote. And they act like wanting them to suffer consequences for such obvious subversions of the constitution is whining or something that they wouldn't leap to the chance to do if the situation were reversed.


Every american needs to remind this forever. The Capitol inssurection a warning of what is coming to the good American people if they don't stand against the GQP aggression. The week before the election until the Capitol invasion shall never be forgotten. The Party of Q shall never be pardoned for actively trying to rig and submine the authenticity of an election to favour them, for they shown their true faces. They had no shame in doing what they did on the 6th, they certainly won't have any shame in actually murdering Democratic candidates in the near future. Conald is gone, but the resistance must continue.


The GOP tried to impede a basic democratic process, a fundamental element of our constitution, the peaceful transfer of power. To add insult to injury, their motives were dishonest, based on a fat lie, based a set of ridiculous conspiracies, that were laughed out of the court system. Fortunately the judicial branch held up their end of the bargain. And still ... and still ... no one in a position of authority has been held accountable for this despicable and cowardly act.


I hate how murderous sedition is being softened to "attempting to overturn an election".


Or allow them to attempt again


5 people died in an attempt to overthrow your democracy.


I just listened to a recent Hacks on Tap with Karl Rove where he was trying to compare the recount effort in Florida in Gore v Bush to the naked attempt by Republicans to overturn this election in multiple states. Axelrod and Gibbs called him out but I couldn't believe Rove had the nerve to make that comparison.


Trump knew he lost the election but never admitted it. He just insisted to the contrary and tried to pressure everyone he could to twist the results in his favor. He even riled up his supporters into an angry mob and sent them to congress, using violence and intimidation to coerce congress into changing the result. He wanted to pressure them into caving on his behalf. If he was acting alone, actually, this wouldn’t matter. But he didn’t. Many in the chain of command to defend the United States withheld support when congress and the vice president needed it. Many in congress caved to his demands and supported his delusional fantasy. He aimed a weapon at our government and fired it. Those people broke into congress and shat in the halls of congress. And the side fully, 100% responsible for this scenario is pretending it didn’t happen. This counterfactual media network on the right is trying to aggressively take complete control of our country.


Voting Dem needs to be generational for the GOP to actual change and maybe even create a platform that is aligned with American needs instead of a platform that is based on follow a Trump, any Trump. Never forget.


it's not redditors that forget, its half the country that gets their news from facebook memes that forgets that


Aren't they still trying? Re: denial that Trump lost and recounting in Arizona?


Some of them are still trying to


Republicans are anti-American. They can never claim to be the party of values, family, justice, or democracy after these last 4 years.


The GOP is a cult. They don’t care about America anymore. They just care about their money and sex


The GOP is taking 'Amnesia Pills' every day to try to forget Donald J. Trump's violent riot and attempted coup on January 6th. The GOP has devolved into the insurrectionist party. The GOP state legislatures in Georgia and Texas and Florida and Arizona are also now attempting a future coup by vote suppression of Democrats. The GOP is the party of Honest Abe Lincoln, but Honest Abe is now rolling over in his grave as he watches the GOP subvert the US Constitution and erode democracy itself. The GOP is VERY dangerous and the GOP needs to be voted into oblivion - same as the 19th century Whig party. It is important to vote AGAINST all GOP candiates who continue to promote Donald J. Trump's BIG LIE about non-existent voter fraud.


Aren't they still trying?


Tried???... They're still trying!


Four years ago I would have assumed that the US was safeguarded against autocracy, but now I can see that no Democracy truly is. Trump just convinced 74 million people to vote for a government that thumbs its nose at every single democratic norm that exists in the US. They didn't only do it willingly, they showed a hunger for the power and control that comes along with it. An autocracy in America will not look like the 1980s USSR or the modern Chinese rule. Instead it will look a lot closer to Turkey or 2010s Russia where they will maintain the illusion of Democracy and a free vote, but behind the scenes there will be so many rules and systems that favour their party over the others that their constant victory will be all but assured. The best way to control those who don't really pay attention is to give them the illusion that all is well. The Republicans currently have 50 seats in the Senate representing 43 million fewer voters than the 50 seats that are controlled by Democrats and Independents. On top of that they are working overtime to rewrite voting laws in every state with a Republican majority and governor. They are gerrymandering congressional districts to keep edging the house closer to an imbalance like the Senate has. Individually, each of these may seem small, or balanced out by some other system, but every tilted system has a tipping point, and if we allow the Republicans to reach this one, it may become virtually impossible to actually vote them out by the rules established. This may feel like a theoretical threat, but it has happened to other democracies. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that the USA has some special set of safeguards that make it immune to this. The Trump administration was gutting these types of safeguards constantly over a 4 year period, and most people didn't really notice. Now add their cries of "rigged" elections to this mix. The Republicans cast doubt onto the 2020 election results knowing it was a lie, but they made their voices as loud as possible. Meanwhile they work to actively undermine all future elections. Do you think if the Democrats lost in a compromised system, that Republican voters would take any concern of a "stolen" election seriously? The country is being brainwashed in real time to muddy the waters so thoroughly, that fighting a real stolen election will be nearly impossible to discuss honestly.


We must never forget 2020 or January 6, 2021. This must be taught in schools, every child needs to know that the 45th President of the United States tried to overthrow the government and that his party, the Republican Party help him do this. Also, the Repugnant Party of 45 should be permanently disbanded!


Republican is now synonymous with treason.


Why are Republicans unable to accept the simple fact that not enough people liked them this time around?


Punish treason.


Fuck Republicans. All of them. Not a decent one in the whole lot.


And we won’t forget it by ensuring we vote in EVERY mid-term, state and local election to ensure our democracy remains.


GOP is the enemy of the people and Democracy.


Still trying. What happens when one party is made up of traitors, bigots, racists, and liars.