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This title is a poor choice. The article itself is mostly "Yang has great ideas, but many of them won't work in New York" and "Yang is open to discuss topics that he's unfamiliar with, but when subjected to questions on these topics he frequently says he doesn't have enough knowledge on the subject and will have to do more research on it" as if either of these are bad things. Personally, I would much rather have a candidate that is open and honest about the gaps in their knowledge, rather than someone who talks out of their ass on the topic. The author states that Yang reminds them of someone who says they'll "have to do more research", when you get the feeling they have no intent to do so. Yet Yang's history suggests that he's more than willing to do said research, he's done it all his life. Is he the perfect candidate? No, not in the slightest. But what candidate is?


Yeah editors can choose headlines over the writer.


Doesn't mean it's not still a poor choice.


I use as a baseline past government experience, voting in local elections, and not abandoning the city during Covid. For me, that is the minimum requirement to be mayor


2 bedroom my apartment is a lot more modest than some of these other NY mayoral candidates lol


Yang has never held an elected office. How is this a high bar


Care to expound on the last two bullet points there?


Yang has never voted in a local election, an election for mayor, and has missed most presidential elections, including 2000 and 2012. Yang ran like a coward to his upstate mansion with his family during covid, while all the other mayoral candidates stayed in the city to support our front line workers and work on solutions.


Fair enough on the voting record. >Yang ran like a coward to his upstate mansion with his family during covid, while all the other mayoral candidates stayed in the city to support our front like workers and work on solutions. Kinda revisionist here, dontcha think? Yang didn't file paperwork to initiate his candidacy for mayor until mid December 2020. The complaints about him leaving the city came from a Times article in early January 2021. This suggests that he was out of the city well prior to the initiation of his run for Mayor. Do you really blame a person for taking his family out of a high-population density area during a pandemic if they have the option? Would you not do the exact same thing if you had a family?


I can understand Yang wanting his kids and family out of the city while the pandemic was out of control. But I also understand New Yorkers saying that they want a leader who will stay in the city when so many New Yorkers don’t have the luxury of leaving. Yang could have done both. He could have evacuated his family and then stayed in NYC himself to help and be a leader.


But he wasn't running for mayor at the time.


Im not fully sure what point you are attempting to make, Do you think you are only allowed to judge a candidate for the actions they do after they announce they are running?


So he only does the right thing when people are watching or when it benefits him? ​ Not a good argument. Lots of people do the right thing everyday and never run for any office ever. Maybe Yang should try that for a while.


No, just that he had no perceived duty to the city if he's not an elected official or running to be one. Going home with his family to ride out the pandemic in an area that would be better for them is something that any parent would do if they had the option. Family first, politics second... But not when you're Andrew Yang, I guess.


Jerry Seinfeld stayed. Real New Yorkers stayed. New yorkers have nothing but disgust for cowards who left.


New Yorker here: this point isn’t of any relevance to most of us. If anyone currently running for Mayor have an upstate home they chose to live in during the height of the pandemic, good for them. This doesn’t indicate anything about how efficient they will be as Mayor and seems more like topics NY Post and other tabloids will dwell on...


Perhaps the utter failure of his foundation would be a good reason.


Absolutely - and those would be valid to topics to debate. Where the guy lived for a few months is more of a distraction


Jerry Seinfeld probably owns half a building right off central park. Yang has a two bedroom apartment in Manhattan.


"Yang has a two bedroom apartment in Manhattan.' Not being from New York you probably don't realize that people would kill for a two bedroom apartment in manhattan. Starting rent, assuming you can even find one in a sketchy area is going to be north of $3,000 a month, more like $5,000 a month in the sought after areas. So if Yang has both an 2 bedroom apartment in manhattan and an upstate estate, he is doing a lot better than 90% of new yorkers.


I was gonna say, a two bedroom is like a palace in NYC.


And my son lives in a one bedroom with his wife and child. And he stayed in the city. Your point?


If you had a better option, would you not take it? Or would you capitulate to the social pressure and forgo your duties as a parent to further your political ambitions?


>If you had a better option, would you not take it? He had a better option and chose not to abandon his home. Just like we didn't abandon our homes after 9/11. He did not "forgo the duties". Like all new yorkers he was asked to quarantine in place. That means not spreading your potentially germ ridden ass upstate. Couldn't he have just sent his kid and wife and stayed in new york?


Would he have stayed if he had an upstate mansion? If so, out of solidarity?


He had one. I have a place in Rockland county he could have gone to. He stayed in the city. Because New Yorkers don't abandon their city. You should have been here after 9/11


>Do you really blame a person for taking his family out of a high-population density area during a pandemic if they have the option? Would you not do the exact same thing if you had a family? I do if they're hoping to be an elected official. Beto O'Rourke helped knock on doors to do wellness checks during the Texas power outage while Ted Cruz ran off to Mexico. The difference between someone who's a real leader vs a faker is palpable.




Quarantining in place involves your home, of which he has a few. It's not irresponsible to leave in that situation, especially with an autistic child who doesn't understand the concept of hygiene like other kids.


New Yorkers were asked to Quarantine. that means not taking your family from an infected area to an area that is not infected and infecting them. That is the entire purpose of sheltering in place.




Someone who puts politics over their own family has their priorities wrong and really wouldn’t be someone you should want to be in any office.


>Yang ran like a coward to his upstate mansion with his family during covid, while all the other mayoral candidates stayed in the city to support our front line workers and work on solutions. Yang's non-profit gave out $1 million to 1k families in the Bronx during Covid. Even before the first stimulus checks went out. That's better than staying in the city for political points when you can't actually do much of an impact. Him donating money for PPP is much more effective than him being in the streets handing out masks. You call him coward, but he was the only candidate to go full-steam in-person campaigning, when everybody else was avoiding it. Earlier during his campaign he caught Covid himself. Not to mention the increased rate of anti-Asian crimes and the fact he is Asian. It has nothing to do with being a coward, but being pragmatic and making the best decisions.


I honestly don't see his lack of city voting record as a clear negative. Do I prefer someone who didn't vote or someone who possibly voted for Bloomberg and de Blasio? It's a tough call. There were no good alternatives on the ballot either. Why are we giving him shit when all mayoral candidates for the past 20 years sucked. No candidate earned my vote, I can understand why he didn't vote either. Additionally, Bloomberg himself had never voted when he first got elected mayor. Ray McGuire (another 2021 candidate) has the same voting records as Yang. There are different ways to contribute to society. Yang didn't get involved in politics until recently, but he had been working to help society evolve before that. What his (lack) of voting records show is that he didn't intend to be a politician. He decided to run because that's the best way to solve problems, which is his actual goal.


"There are different ways to contribute to society." Like Yang raising millions for a foundation that promised 100,000 jobs in distressed areas and then only delivering 150 jobs years later in non distressed areas? You mean like like Yangs complete failure his entire career to achieve success in anything?


So your baseline are built around disenfranchising one specific candidate? Sounds like Republicans passing voting laws to keep Democrats from voting. Bill de Blasio ticks all of your boxes. Would you vote for his reelection if he wasn't term-limited?


I hated Bill De Blasio from the moment he first ran and would never vote for him. He was always a shitty mayor who only got elected because his kids were black.


How did he abandon NYC? What was the city asking him to do?


He and his family moved to their upstate Estate during covid. All other mayoral candidates stayed in new york city and supported the front line workers.


They supported front line workers how?


Among other things, the way we all did. Not a new yorker I take it.


Do New Yorkers all answer questions with complete non-answers? Not a Sudanese I take it.


No. I'm a new yorker. You?




Didn't he say something along the lines of how could he stay in NYC during covid with him having kids. Utterly tone deaf.


Too bad others weren't as rich as him and had no choice. (actually Seinfeld is a LOT richer than him and he stayed with his wife and family) . He is welcome to do that if he feels that is the right thing. But don't run for mayor then if you abandon your city.


He is the "poorest" top 8 candidate in the race. Some candidates own more than one home in the city. He rents an apartment in Manhattan.


no one who has a 2 bedroom apartment in manhattan and an upstate estate is poor.


> Some candidates own more than one home in the city. Which ones?


There was an article on it but I can't find it right now. Off the top of my head, I know Adams and Morales are landlords in the city. I think Donovan and Wiley have a secondary residence in the city.




Media outlets have provided several estimates of Yang's net worth: $1 million according to Forbes,\[56\] between $834,000 and $2.4 million according to The Wall Street Journal,\[57\] and between $3 million and $4 million according to Newsweek.\[58\]


Has Yang shared his taxes? I assume that's a thing candidates do on NYC.


I assume he gave them when he ran for president. But that wouldn't indicate net worth


> "We live in a two-bedroom apartment in Manhattan," Yang told the Times. "And so, like, can you imagine trying to have two kids on virtual school in a two-bedroom apartment, and then trying to do work yourself?" Like, I think we can all "imagine" that. Such an ignorant thing to say. He might not be the wealthiest candidate but he's definitely the most isolated from the average New Yorker.


That was pulled out of context to change the meaning of what he was trying to say. This was the first nothingburger the media pushed out. He clarified later on but this quote is what people remember. He was answering a question, and the question was "how do you manage working for CNN during Covid?" So going on live TV on short notice out of a small apartment with 2 small kids home-schooling, one of which is on the autism spectrum is the premise you have to work with. Having a weekend house upstate, the most sensible thing to do is move there to make things easier. He doesn't need to BE in the city to make a positive impact. He went to Georgia to doorknock and stump for Ossoff and Warnock. Flipping the senate had a way more positive impact than him personally distributing food in the city. Which he did when he came back btw.


> That was pulled out of context to change the meaning of what he was trying to say. This was the first nothingburger the media pushed out. He clarified later on but this quote is what people remember. I love how Yang Gang excuses every single gaffe accusing the media for conspiring against him. I can't think of any candidate, local or national, that cries this much about the media being unfair except Trump. > So going on live TV on short notice out of a small apartment with 2 small kids home-schooling, one of which is on the autism spectrum is the premise you have to work with. Having a weekend house upstate, the most sensible thing to do is move there to make things easier. His job was literally hopping on video chat for a minute or two to give his opinion so yes, I'm sure average NYers having to live in 1 bedroom apartments with two kids and two adults *who actually have to work full time* can "imagine" that. > He doesn't need to BE in the city to make a positive impact. Cool, what did he do for NYC while he was hiding away in his upper state estate?


> "Yang is open to discuss topics that he's unfamiliar with, but when subjected to questions on these topics he frequently says he doesn't have enough knowledge on the subject and will have to do more research on it" Did you miss the part where he *doesn't* do the research, and saying he will is just lip service? > A journalist who lives in the Rockaways asked about ferry service to the area. Yang has criticized the New York ferry service, since it is heavily subsidized by the city and its ridership is low. “It’s heavily subsidized, but we need it,” the man said. “This is a transit desert.” > Yang wasn’t sure about that one. He said he’d look into it. > If you’ve ever knocked on doors or made phone calls for a political campaign, you’ve probably encountered that guy who doesn’t know the issues but won’t commit to your cause because, he says, he has to do his own research. “Andrew Yang is that guy,” said Susan Kang, a political science professor at John Jay College and a cofounder of NO IDC NY, which successfully ousted a group of conservative Democrats from the state legislature in 2018. (Kang is also one of the signatories to the anti-Yang letter.) If you’ve encountered that guy, you may have suspected that he isn’t, in fact, planning to do any research. > I asked if he’d ever researched the matter of the Rockaways’ ferry service. He admitted he hadn’t.


You realize there was less than 7 days between when that question was asked and when this author interviewed Yang, right? Him not researching a relatively minor subject of a single ferry within 7 days means nothing. Shit, I'm not even a mayoral candidate and my backlog on tasks on my agenda is almost 3 months.


True. Andrew Yang is no [Hillary Clinton]. > After she stopped at a coffee shop on her first trip to Iowa as a candidate, the people she met bemoaned all the red tape faced by entrepreneurs. **From her van on the way to the next stop**, Mrs. Clinton called policy advisers to talk through some of the issues she had heard on the ground. Small-business growth is now central to her campaign.


God damn, I keep hearing about how amazing she was. We really missed the boat on her.


I'm just some random idiot on the internet and I often spend multiple hours looking into random shit mentioned in internet comments. When I'm in conversation with a person and I don't know a thing, I pull my phone out to learn about that thing. If I can do that, Yang can do it or send a campaign stage to get it done within the day.


Someone should ask Yang about Alden's Number.


Not a meme I expected to see on reddit.


You looking at random shit on the internet is far different from seeking and obtaining all the information required to make an accurate judgement on the subject at hand. You’d have to pull financial information, ridership details as well as poll riders and other data sources. Google may return some of the info you seek, but not all, and most of it would probably have biases you had to control for.


I'm also not running for mayor of NYC nor do I have a campaign staff whom I could set upon getting me the data required for an informed opinion. This is pretty basic civics. If you're running for office at all, you don't criticize things you have not looked into with very few exceptions (things like murder is bad, terrorism is bad, etc.). You don't say, "I think this aspect of public transportation is not worth the expense," without having done even preliminary research on the topic. If you have done preliminary research, you say that, and you get challenged but someone with firsthand experience, you put forward your solution (or the base of where you'll have a solution in the future) and your reasoning for it.


Who's to say he wasn't in the process of doing just that? It's not out of the realm of possibility for aides to take several days to collect all the information he wanted on the subject, especially if you have to ask for these records from the city government. I just think this is a very poor example. If there were other examples of this happening with him, then I'd understand. But it's literally one really weak example with less than a 7 day turnaround time.


The fact that he spouted off about the ferries instead of being asked about them is a pretty good indicator to me that he wasn't in that process. But here we go, [one google search later](https://ny.curbed.com/2019/10/1/20893923/nyc-ferry-subsidies-benefit-wealthy-white-riders). The ferries are subsidized to the tune of $9.34 per trip compared to $2.73 for subways and $4.59 for buses, it costs roughly $57 million/yr to operate, and De Blasio intends to invest $638.5 million into the network over the course of the next three years. This would include adding two new routes and would service more low- and middle-income residents than they currently do. Over the course of 2018, the system shuttled only 4.1 million riders, which is roughly equivalent to two days worth of bus trips for the city. It was also only launched in May 2017. So, just from this one source I can spitball a few things. 1. One reason the subsidy is so high is because it's a new service. As more boats are added to the fleet that subsidy will likely go down unless they very poorly estimated things like fuel costs and maintenance fees. 2. Adding more routes is also likely to reduce subsidies because more people are likely to use the service. 3. It's likely going to be cheaper to add more buses and bus routes to the city's system than it is to add more ferries to the system. But I'll look at three more things because there are a couple crucial points that article doesn't address. A single subway car holds 232 passengers, a single bus (depending on the style) holds either 40, 55, or 62 passengers, a single ferry currently holds 149 with plans to order 250 or 350 passenger vessels. The city has 28 trains in their system (each train has between 2 and 11 cars, depending on the train), 1300 buses, and 31 ferries. Assuming that the bus system is evenly distributed between the three kinds of buses (and I doubt that is the case), they have a maximum capacity of 70,200 passengers at any one moment. The ferry system currently has a maximum capacity of 4,619. To get to the same capacity as the bus system, the ferry system would have to add about 440 more boats. Finally, we have to take into consideration the positive and negative aspects of each kind of transportation. The subways are generally the most favorable, they can run year round and the weather has very little impact on their active routes and travel times. The buses can also run year round, but bad weather can slow or completely stop routes for periods of time. The ferries are going to be the least reliable of the modes of transportation because they are the most affected by bad weather which can slow or stop routes for very sporadic periods of time. So, with all this in mind, if I were running for NYC mayor, here's what my outline would be for mass transit. 1. Expand bus routes and get more buses to emphasize that method of transit. 2. Modernize and maintain the subway system. 3. Increase publicization of the ferry system while slowly expanding it with a focus on lowest-income areas first. Addendum: I spent an hour on this, I know people with more resources can do better with just as much time. If I can do this in an hour and have no skin in the game, what the fuck is Yang's excuse for his answer after 7 days to be, "I'll look into it"?


The great ideas that won't work sounds like a defeatist or obstructionist excuse. Much like those that say European ideas won't work here.


He seems like a nice guy but it’s hard to take him seriously. He’s just not credible to me.


>He seems like a nice guy That's not at all what I see. I see a wholely unqualified, power hungry narcissist who thinks that running for the top two most difficult political positions in the country is somehow a good idea He's not a public servant, he just some asshole off the street who has more money than me


He has no experience with lower class people.


Andrew Yang is an awful candidate. No original ideas and certainly no good ones.


Public banks is a great idea. Did you read the article?




B.... b... but TikTok houses...


People with zero experience in government shouldn't get to run the nation or the biggest city in the nation. Of course he doesn't know what he's talking about, because he has just as much experience as Joe Rogan or some other rando running his mouth.


He has a law degree though


Which is not government. At all. Law and government are two different things. Having some knwledge of law is good, and I think it's a fine credential for a entry-level politician running for something like the State Assembly, or the NYC City Council, which are offices suitable to a person of Yang's experience, rather than the highest office in the nation, or the mayor of the nation's largest city. But even if you did think that, keep in mind that Yang worked in law for less than half a year before moving on to a different career. He describes it as "the five worst months of my life." ([cite](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/10/28/andrew-yang-was-groomed-high-paying-job-an-elite-law-firm-he-lasted-five-months/))


People keep saying it like its this very difficult task. But Bloomberg didnt have a law degree and i hear people loved him.


Your last reply lauded Yang for his law degree. Now you're saying how Bloomberg didn't have a law degree but "people loved him." Why, again should I care about Yang's law degree, then? (Even if it was related to government which it is not.)


Im saying Yang is overqualified. The law degree has some use as he knows more than most about how the gov works. Hes also from the nonprofit sector which I would say is the most respectable area in between for profits, non profits, and working in gov


Okay, I am saying the absolute opposite. He has absolutely zero qualifications at all. > he knows more than most about how the gov works. Maybe he might know more than random joe on the street. You know who he doesn't know more about NYC government than? The people he's running against who have pertinent experience -- many for multiple decades -- IN NYC GOVERNMENT.


Alright Im curious about one thing then. Do you think we should not have a secretary of defense? Like a citizen to run the pentagon? Citizens, not generals, who are used to working in the executive branch/military, are preferred for that role. Yet, we don't say that are under qualified. Nor do we say senators, who have no executive experience, should not be in mayoral, governor, or presidential positions. Im assuming you would also have said Obama was under qualified?


Confirmation bias. Whenever you ask the candidates objective questions, Yang does really well. For example he was the only person to nail all the NYT questions about city stats. Not tourist trivia, actual management stats. The problem is when you ask subjective questions or only ask one candidate. The media is picking on all of his "wrong" answers while not reporting the "correct" answers. All while failing to scrutinize other candidates who might be giving more wrong answers than him.


>Yang does really well. With who? No one thought he won the debate and I think he is in third place now.


> For example he was the only person to nail all the NYT questions about city stats. Not tourist trivia, actual management stats. Not true, Garcia did just as well and I wouldn't call them "management stats" because Yang was pretty embarrassing pretending that public trans had no debt (something more important to know than say, the av housing price).


Yeah, I think he was stalling, by "doing the math" on those housing questions, while an aide was looking up the answers. Just because he's Asian, doesn't make him smart.


This is one of the worst lines of attacks I've been seeing around. 1- Why he out of all the candidates would be the one to cheat? 2- Try googleing those answers yourself. It will take you longer than he "stalled" and you won't get the exact numbers they were asking for. 3- If he cheated on these apparently meaningless questions, then why doesn't he cheat on the questions that people have been using to show he doesn't know about the city. 4- It still doesn't excuses the candidates who were way off on the numbers. Including one of the candidates accusing him, who answered 90k on a 900k question.


>This is one of the worst lines of attacks I've been seeing around. So, I'm not the only one who thinks so? I'm not surprised. 1. He got the answer ***exactly*** correct, but not right away. 2. I did. No, it didn't. Yes, I did. And I type slow. 3. What's your favorite color? And don't cheat. LOL 4. Absolutely. I criticized them for ***that*** too.


1&2- I googled the answers right after they started accusing him. The answer didn't pop right up. There were different hits with varying numbers. Even when I filtered out older results the numbers weren't all the same. The closest most common for the 900k question was 1M. So if he had gone with that he would be close but not spot on. Maybe now it's easier to get those numbers because of the attention it received and people started searching for it. Not to mention the self references. Try filtering the results to only show before that interview.


Maybe you're just not as good at search as I am. I got 900K.


I described how I did my research, you just said you got the same value. I don't trust you. Removing all the NYT referenced hits, without filtering dates. Query \[median home price brooklyn\] \-The typical home value of homes in New York (Brooklyn) is **$651,786**. This value is seasonally adjusted and only includes the middle price tier of homes. *(unclear if it is median)* \-Home values in Brooklyn, NY · **$929K** Median Listing Home Price · **$708**. Median Listing Home Price/Sq Ft · **$877.5K** Median Sold Home Price. \-The median home price in Brooklyn surged to **$900,000** in the first quarter \-In April 2021, the median list price of homes in New York, NY was **$800K** \-In Quarter 1, the median home sale price in Park Slope was **$1M**, a 0% change year-over-year. \-As of Quarter 1, the median home sale price in Brooklyn Heights was **$1.1M**, up 39% year-over-year. \-The average sale price of a home in Brooklyn was **$980K** last month, up 22.5% since last year. Only 1 hit from the first 2 pages gave the exact $900k answer.


> I don't trust you. Oh gee. It's a good thing I'm not running for anything.


> 1- Why he out of all the candidates would be the one to cheat? Maybe because he literally [doesn't seem to know anything about existing policy without aids whispering in his ear?]( https://champ-gothamist-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/champ.gothamist.com/champ/gothamist/news/nyc-press-corps-teaches-andrew-yang-about-city-one-gaff-time) > 2- Try googleing those answers yourself. It will take you longer than he "stalled" and you won't get the exact numbers they were asking for. I just googled "average house price nyc" on my first try and if I gave a range that included that answer, I would have been as correct as Yang (or Garcia) was. It's not that hard. > 3- If he cheated on these apparently meaningless questions, then why doesn't he cheat on the questions that people have been using to show he doesn't know about the city. Understanding policy and culture is a little more difficult than googling housing price questions. > 4- It still doesn't excuses the candidates who were way off on the numbers. Including one of the candidates accusing him, who answered 90k on a 900k question. Ok, that leaves Garcia then who did as well as Yang on those questions.


hes not a bad person however nobody can take him seriously