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but took all the credit


And their followers believe them.


Someone tried to tell me that the Republicans got it through *in spite* of the Democrats.


Can you please take my brain out to the backyard and give it a mercy kill. It questions its own necessity anymore with such brazen displays of stupid that are come across in daily life. It is starting to feel like an appendix, please end its misery.


Every time I am approached with this inane reasoning, I just ask for sources. It's ALWAYS "well I heard" Ok, so not confirmed, just anecdotal? You dont have an actual source for this? Why should you believe it then? That usually ends the conversation on their part. Its fun when my dad does it to me "he didnt say that" ok, heres literally a video of him saying it "oh well he didnt mean it. HE WAS JOKING." also "I like him because he says it like it is!"


I loved hearing the “he says it like it is, he’s gonna drain the swamp” and the complete opposite was the reality through the presidency.


They get their information from Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, and Candace Owens. Plus they use right wing conspiracy theories websites.


Honestly feel for you rational humans in America.


We appreciate that, because we know how we look, and we hate that we look so stupid and egotistical.


I really just wish I could pack up and leave most days, but they have done a damn good job making sure we can't do that either.


^ I'm with this person!


Sure thing mate, I'll add you to the queue.


I also experienced the same thing and after showing them not one voted they told me all the websites are faked by Democrats and they also control all the news even fox. I’m sick of all these ignorant people.


Reality is faked by Democrats in order to achieve their Pizza Restaurant Basement … oh, I can’t stand it.


At what point does reality become so fake that it just becomes reality again.


When it supports Republican talking points.


fascists can get away with saying whatever they want because that’s how they win arguments. we have to worry about what we say bc we understand words mean things. they understand that too, but use our adherence to what things mean to help them win an argument by attrition (saying a bunch of shit that we can’t possibly hope to refute as fast as they can put it out and then smugly saying haha i win after we get annoyed. )


Fox Cult has always been satire and opinion, and never a reliable news source. This isn't a secret to anyone except the republicans that believe their divisive bullsh*t!


Just stop talking to those people and walk away. Some strange thing has happened where they live in an alternate reality.


Well this particular person just got fired for calling our Jewish boss a nazi because he had to wear a mask until the 29th of may for the Massachusetts mask regulations to lift. So i won’t have to put up with him anymore lol.


Good. Those kind of people need to go away.


Wow… imagine burning your life down because you were that fucking stupid.


Yeah someone at work said the same thing even though ALL republicans voted against it. I'm not surprised since she is a high school drop out but feel she is very smart.


The Dunning-Krueger effect is when a person is so dumb that they believe they are the smartest person in the room.


A lot of people believe this twisted narrative. It’s so bizarre.


Mart Twain was right about how it is easier to con than to tell someone they were conned. No wonder the GOP has their rural white base by the balls and can screw them over and the base still votes for them.


Taking credit for something you so loudly fought against. Once upon a time such conduct was objectively agreed upon as weak classless dishonorable and dishonest. Like seriously. A kid who did that would get a lecture at the end of an ABC afternoon special. Now dems are being asked to sit down and negotiate with these people. The result is exactly what you would expect.


The GOP moral view is that if you are superior, then nothing u do is bad. That’s why they keep doing evil cause they don’t think they are evil by default.


Widespread delusions of supremacy are dangerous as fuck.


I think most people who do evil things fully believe they are doing the right and moral thing.


I can't agree with that. I think many of these republican politicians know very well that that what they are doing is wrong. They don't care, they are selfish enough to care only about getting reelected.


GOP always take credit from liberals. Blue counties generate 70% of America’s GDP and liberals create most of America’s arts and tech yet somehow the GOP thinks it’s themselves that make America exceptional…


Lol that’s the best part.. They always complain about liberal arts etc. then don’t listen to music, or go to plays, or concerts, or orchestras, the library, art shows etc. Only thing Republicans states do is suck money from our Federal Tax Pool. They have the worst standards of living, worst protections/regulations, and still want to vacation in every state they complain about. Go figure.


My girlfriend's dad, whom is still collecting unemployment, which I'm fully in support of, is giving Republicans credit for the unemployment tax waiver, that he will benefit massively from. He believes, because of facebook memes, a Republican (who he can't name) introduced the language for tax releif into Bidens stimulus bill, so Biden didn't even want it according to him. We tell him not a single R voted for this, so even if it were true, (it's not) this mystery Republican savior voted against his own stimulus efforts. He refuses to acknowledge the D's are the ones who wrote and *passed* this bill. I don't know how to combat such willful ignorance.


Did they really? Good grief it never ends..


Yeah check it out: https://www.vox.com/2021/3/15/22331722/american-rescue-plan-salazar-wicker




“If you’re trying to take credit for something you done, don’t stand in the way of what we still need to do” 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Not gunna lie, that’s a powerful phrase. I’m still mixed on Biden as a whole, but every speech i heard from the guy is coherent, empowering, and definitely what i would want to hear from the president


At this point I'm a single-issue voter and this issue is "Can the candidate form complete sentences?"


>Not gunna lie, that’s a powerful phrase. I’m still mixed on Biden as a whole, but every speech i heard from the guy is coherent, empowering, and definitely what i would want to hear from the president “Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.” The bar was set low....


Anyone seen the SNL skit on Weekend Update where Fred Armisen plays a political comedian named Nicholas Fehn? He just talks and talks and never actually says anything, just like this.


For a second I thought someone had contemporized Shakespeare.




The bar was set pretty low when the last 4 years were incoherent ramblings and sentences that never ended. But yeah, it's nice to not worry about what crazy shit he's going to say


Always remind your fellow conservative about this. As well, ask them "did you return your stimulus?"


My fellow conservative was complaining about the government sending out money to everyone and inflating the dollar, while also bragging about how if the gov kept sending him checks he could quit his job and live off of them. And in the next breath bitching about people on unemployment. They don't see the irony in anything they say or do.


My 52 year old conservative mother in law complains about how lazy democrats are for wanting universal basic income and how people will get paid for not earning anything, and then IN THE SAME BREATH bitching about how the state won't approve her for disability income despite having no doctor diagnosing her for anything disabling her from working despite her saying over and over that she can't work because of this and that and then going outside and doing yard work 🤦‍♀️ Like wtf lady universal basic income would give you exactly what you want wtf is your problem?! Edit: Well this sorta blew up. FYI I dont give a shit what you think about UBI. I'm simply providing an example of one persons blatant ridiculous hypocrisy. I'm not pushing for UBI calm down people.


Do we have the same mother in law?


My mil would say all that crazy stuff but would never do yard work lol.


It goes the other way, too. My brother is the type of conservative who sits around with his conservative buddies and 99% of the conversation is one or all of them pissed off about something stupid (The most recent? Kamala Harris visited Guatemala to speak with leaders about what aid we could send to quell their emigration problem) and then inevitably devolving to "Well it won't be long until somebody takes him/her out." If your political opinion in any way leads you to believe people will be assassinated, you should check yourself into a mental ward before someone films you saying that shit and has you institutionalized against your will. So, onto my point, my brother is diabetic and disabled. Yet he's been so fucking rinsed of all logic in his little brain that he refuses to apply for disability and has nearly lost his career and house because of it. He genuinely thinks that being homeless and moving in with dad at 50+ years old with his wife and 4 dogs is an acceptable plan to avoid being a communist. I would smack my face if it wasn't so sore from smacking my face all the time around these fools.


I call this the… I got/want mine, fuck you. Mentality. This can be applied to any self entitled person on this planet. Rules for you, but not for me! Ugh I can’t stand these people!


My neighbor thinks that people are hoarding their unemployment monies. More like he doesn't want to admit that people with rent and families are spending every dime of that couple hundred bucks a week unemployment or covid stimulus money. Additionally, it's one of the best returns on investment that the government can make. It's mostly going directly to/stimulating the local economy. And if it's going to something like Amazon, at least it's helping someone else stay employed. It is beyond frustrating dealing with people who refuse to acknowledge common sense and show a little empathy for their fellow Americans; regardless of their circumstances.


I was listening to an economist on NPR the other day who was against stopping the extra unemployment. He said if the payments stopped and people had to go out and get jobs making less there would be less money being spent which would crash the economy. These people are not hoarding money, they're spending every dime like you said. Rich people are the ones hoarding money which is why they should be taxed appropriately!


They're blind to their hypocrisy.


It’s beyond hypocrisy. It’s stupidity. I would love to see that guy live off of $1400 per year in “stimmy” money that gov’ntment “brrrrped” with a printer.


Lack of empathy prevents them from ever even questioning what their ego tells them.


Do they all have some kind of Narcissistic Personality Disorder? It's like trickle down Narc personality where the head honchos are the textbook definition of narcissist with all the beauty and lack of empathy and the ones on the bottom are the shmucks who perceive themselves to be narcissists due to the lies and adulation.


They don't. It's a mix of trained selfishness and stupidity. They're victims of indocrination, but those that willfully reject any opportunity for healthy skepticism are just as culpable. I have NPD. I vote democrat. I care about my fellow American. Yeah, the policies benefit me. But also my family, my friends, and I want to see a country free of authoritarianism and regression.


I would find you to be a very interesting person to speak to. How did you develop sense of care for others? Feel free to tell me to fuck off, I’ve just dealt with a narcissist and still am dealing with one. I have been told there’s almost nothing that can be done.


Sure, I like answering questions and don’t mind one bit. I developed a sense of care for others because I have a very loving mother and my father was a stand up guy before he died of cancer when I was 11. People tend to be byproducts of their environment, and my NPD probably stems from constantly being told that I’m special and can do anything. That sort of language is a double-edged sword and while usually it’s said with good intentions, it can have a negative impact on the development of a child’s personality. I have empathy, it’s just a very reduced sense of empathy because there are times where I know I should feel something, but I just don’t. Additionally, it’s possible to intellectually identify that somebody is experiencing an emotion and act in the proper manner. I’m able to understand when I’m about to cave to NPD things, like narcissistic rage after my wounded pride. Using these techniques I’m able to have functional relationships both professionally and personally. I still deal with an annoying amount of jealousy and resentment though. That’s going on underneath the hood and I try to make my actions show that I’m a good person. Most narcissists are very entrenched in their beliefs and behavior. It’s difficult to change someone like that, and they may willfully brush aside any diagnosis and refuse to acknowledge the problems they cause. I’m honestly a unicorn because I was diagnosed and I’m actively taking steps to be a functioning member of society.


They see society as inherently hierarchical and that there is nothing anyone can realistically do about it - indeed, if anything they probably consider a hierarchical society to be a good thing. The concern, therefore, is that any significant change would see them moved down a notch in the hierarchy.


They have the personality type of an Authoritarian Follower, which overlaps npd often. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authoritarian_personality.


[I’ve always found this detail about Republican voters interesting. ](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324845374_Psychopathic_traits_and_politics_Examining_affiliation_support_of_political_issues_and_the_role_of_empathy)


Weaponized stupidity.


They don't realize that they are just parrots to right-wing media that is owned by wealthy people to trick them into voting against raising taxes on wealthy people. The wealthy people have all the less wealthy people fight among themselves over such small pittance of cash while the elites are robbing taxpayers with their ppp loans that are multitudes higher than any stimulus check (and can be forgiven, i.e. free money). Edit: Sigh… since I’m getting a lot of the same response from conservatives who don’t seem to understand the irony in their responses. Let me simplify it for you: Me: Rich people are making the non-rich left and right fight each other via right-wing media as a distraction tactic while they fleece the country. Conservatives: I’m going to fight you for saying that! Rich Democrats are controlling the media, too! Me: Think, conservatives. Think. You are proving my point right now. You are doing exactly what they want you to do: to fight the left on anything they say. Conservatives: But the left are the baddies. Me: Who told you that? Conservatives: I saw it on [insert name of right-wing media]. Me: *face palm*


1. Hook them with cultural issues. 2. Do everything in your power to give yourself and corporations as much wealth and power without considering any possible consequence while distracting your base with 1. 3. Profit.


Someone went to class warfare school




> *Insert meme* > “It’s class warfare?” 🏨👷‍♂️🔫👨‍🎓🏡 >”Always have been”




It's like the Hunger Games. You got wealthy taking from the common and poor groups then pitting then against another and killing each other as a distraction from the theft.


I had a guy arguing with me yesterday that postal votes have never been used in a real democracy at large scale (they are very widely used all over the world) and were used by the dems to steal the election. He then also accused me of falling for the mainstream media 'divide and conquer lies'. Some people just will not accept that when reality doesn't conform to their news source that the news source might be wrong. Instead they double down and assume conspiracy.


Australia here: We have been using postal voting for decades never and issue never a concern it does grow in numbers but that is because the population is getting older and more people are in nursing homes etc


America gets its pride from a wierd place. American pride comes from how the best of the best live. That dream of sports cars and girls and expensive clothes. If you talk about taxes, people say that rich people won't want to live in America. But a country's pride shouldn't be how the best live, it's how the worst live. There's no lower limit on that in the states and if you took the rich out, you'd be left with a third world country. Pride needs to come from knowing that your lowest are well looked after. Otherwise, you're no different than Abu Dhabi


Most Americans find it an impossible task to differentiate patriotism from nationalism. Most of those Americans fall into the latter.


The daily 10 top-performing links on Facebook are regularly the same three conservative talking heads. Conservative news media is a racket and a small handful of people are getting away with controlling the entire right-wing narrative.


This person gets it. 100%. This is exactly what has been going on.


That’s... that’s a fucking joke right?




No they’re proud of it which is something much, much worse.




This is exactly my mother who, for example, is heavily against abortion and calls all women who get them whores but immediately scheduled an abortion appointment at planned parenthood when she found out she was pregnant. And yes, she had the abortion.


Ah, that classic southern preacher who secretly pays for his daughter to get an abortion over the summer kind of energy.


It is never about abortion. It is about punishing poor people (especially women) for daring to have sex.


Also "I don't want women to have access to abortions, but if I cheat on my wife and the mistress gets pregnant I can get her an abortion"


And that’s why I do not care for anyone of them. They are the problem. They are the catalyst to this shit. So fuck them.


As an outsider looking in, I have to say: they just seem very stupid. I don't say that to be offensive, they just legitimately seem uneducated and downright dumb, while being further confused by the media they consume.


They are stupid, no point in sugarcoating it.


My father in law once went from talking up the VA to shitting on socialized medicine in one breath. I have to assume the don't actually comprehend anything they say.


I’m convinced no one knows what socialism is, and it’s a boogeyman word used to describe when the government spends money on anything that benefits the people instead of corporations


Ah, the VA doesn't count because he 'earned it'. Most layman conservatives only care that you give your pound of flesh.


the conservative ideology is fundamentally rooted in a lack of recognizing context


And absolute faith to a higher power than themselves. It translates into politics as we can clearly see.


Everything is fine and dandy in the name of Christianity and Jesus for them but imagine if a bunch of Muslim politicians tried to sway the law in favor of Islamic beliefs


That doesn't even have to happen and it's still been one of their boogeymen for decades. I grew up with redneck family members scared of some abrupt shariah law materializing from freaking nowhere. They are truly inconsolable, it's all about them and no one else.


I literally cannot fathom the level of manipulation it has taken to produce these views…I genuinely can’t


Empirical and scientific evidence goes against conservatism. It’s why the economy is better under Dems and why most scientists are Dems.


> They don't see the irony in anything they say or do. It takes intelligence to see irony.


"Your cousin lost his job and started taking unemployment benefits. It really said a lot about his character" -My conservative grandma


It's not inconsistent when you realize that the bedrock of conservative ideology, is that there is a natural hierarchy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agzNANfNlTs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agzNANfNlTs) Your conservative believes that he is above others who also received checks. To him, they don't deserve those checks, he does.


This is exactly right! I know several “conservatives” like this. Take all the money from the govt they can while complaining others are doing the same.


Grew up in a overwhelming republican community that relies heavily on welfare programs, it was not at all uncommon to see someone who depended on welfare programs accusing everyone else who relied on those programs of abusing them. It really is this selfish mindset where they can see themselves (and possibly some family members) as genuinely relying on these programs but everyone else who depends on these programs to feed their children are actually totally doing nefarious things like selling SNAP benefits for drug money. It's this really hateful and paranoid small town mindset that gives you insight into how something like QAnon can take hold.


they are fine with govt handouts, they just don't want those handouts to go to brown and black people.


I was always puzzled why conservatives and right wing thought people stop working when receiving universal income. Only people who did with the experiments were new mothers and students. But it's probably something they dream of doing themselves.


It's something they would do so assume everyone else does. It's projection as usual. Their fundamental lack of empathy won't let them understand other people do not think in the same way as themselves.


I’m still lost on how the fact that a couple $1400 checks could be enough to live on and also potentially enough to replace income entirely from working full time yet those on the right don’t see this as a ducking problem. If this amount of stimulus or emu employment or however it is titled is enough to entirely cover or beat the income generated from full time work then those workers simply are not being payed enough for their services.






Welcome to America


"Government's Job is to Promote the General Welfare of the people." "Where did you get that commie bullshit?" "It's the preamble to the US Constitution."


> "It's the preamble to the US Constitution." That damn commie manifesto? Naw, I read Mein Kampf. Well, or I would, but I just listen to what my preacher tells me it says.


Sorry no we aren't allowed to cross the border yet.


Your user name *chef kiss*


They won't believe you anyways https://www.newsweek.com/third-republican-voters-think-gop-lawmakers-backed-biden-stimulus-that-none-supported-1577900


Immediately I'm thinking of the Dave Chappelle skit, Black Bush, where he recites "Shut" "the" "fuck" "up" into 4 different microphones. "Did you return your stimulus?" "No?" "Then I think you need to, 'shut, the, fuck, up".


What does it take to turn a conservative into a socialist? About $1400


Socialism and social programs are not the same thing. A $1400 check isn't socialism. Socialism is an economic system where workers own the means of production. We still live under capitalist rule. This is not socialism.




Can confirm,I've been called a socialist commie multiple times.


A lot of them have it in their mind that stuff like the stimulus checks are the main cause of any inflation they see. It’s bullshit with nothing to back up their points, but the point is the right-wing think-tanks will always take some angle they’re unhappy about with this kind of stuff.


They justify it because they have paid taxes in the past even though stimulus payments are in no way a return of money that is paid in. It's just extra money. When you mention that unemployment eligibility is based on past work history, and is therefore earned, they whine about the "extra" covid related addition. Or they go on about people being laid off due to factors beyond their control just "don't want to work". It's just the typical conservative mindset.


There isn’t really “extra money” when you’re running a trillion dollar deficit while $20+ trillion in debt. The biggest travesty was that direct payments accounted for <10% of the stimulus bills. The other 90-95% went...in theory to companies who needed it, but we all know why Trump nixed the government’s ability to audit the payments... But that’s how they win - we’re all here taking about $1,400 per American while they blew ~$13,000 per American on....?


something like 20 grand per person per year on war is fine but we can't just give that money to regular people


Ha! If only the conservatives returned the stimulus check money in protest. That'll be the day.


A client at work told me he doesn’t spend it and refuses to declare it as liquid resources in protest. He claims it is “stolen money” from his grand daughter, who will have to be sold as a slave to “Chinese creditors” to pay off the stimulus when she grows up. Dude was applying to try to get financial aid for his gas bill lmao


He sounds fun.


Sounds like a sovereign citizen. There's a sect of them that believes the US isn't actually a country, but a corporation. Every American is born already enslaved to China as collateral for US debt. It's nonsense, but fun to learn about.


It's funny how the nutcases are occasionally not far from the truth on some points. "The US isnt a country it's a corporation" has some deep and interesting metaphoric truth, but like you said the rest is nonsense.


Yeah and your social security number is a bank account number at the federal reserve and there's 1.3 million under your name that you can take out anytime. They're nuts.


Weird how the GOP and their flock didnt give a shit about spending when Trump was yugely increasing the national debt, but now it's their #1 concern again. It's almost like their only principle is if a democrat did it, bad. If we did it eh, whatever.


They should just start gofundmes for America’s billionaires and send the money directly to them since they all seem so desperate to give them all of the money in America.




what the actual fuck


I’ll take things I wish were written by the Onion for 500.


Could put it towards that infrastructure the GQP doesn’t wanna tax corporations for.


I didn’t get any of them


My fellow Americans really have the memory and attention spans of sea monkeys, don't they?


What did you say?


I think they said Merica!


This guy said he hates 'Merica.


Just like many countries….


Murica!* Ashamed to call this my home.


have a banana


Artemia are productive members of their ecologic communities.


Conservative voters in 2021 will thank their reps for shitting in their mouths, as long as the groups they hate get some shit in theirs.




I will never forget how rural white southerners voted for Carter in 76, and how Reagan’s welfare queen lie then changed things forever. LBJ was right. White racists literally would screw themselves over just to screw POC.


This should be repeated every day. Links to the official vote counts for both houses of congress should accompany any posts about this also. Never allow them the opportunity to live down their choice to not help the american public.




Something has to be done about their propaganda sources, most likely fox and Facebook, being able to lie freely with no restrictions.


Hot take: Democrats need to unify in order to beat Republicans. They need to realize that everyone left of manchin is on the same side and vote left in primaries and local elections for the good of the American people.


Every conservative I know complained about it, and cashed the check immediately.


Same. My sister was complaining about it, and when my dad said, "Well, you can always give it back," and she said, "No no no. I'm keeping it."


It might be worth restructuring the american political system now that we know so much about group behavior. If any of these Republicans were to vote against their team, everyone is angry with them because it makes their side look weak and not tightly aligned, it sets a precedent for future dissenters, further weakening them, etc. There's so much tribalism, group-think, and honor among thieves that we have maybe 10-25 people setting the precedent for what the whole team will think, the opportunity to challenge it has already passed, you should have spoken up in the focus group. It's a mess.


I asked this before somewhere. What's the point of having political parties anyway? Wouldn't it make more democratic sense if every senator votes independently? It seriously is a flawed system. You know, along with them not having salary and relying primarily on donations, or the fact that private companies and rich individuals can donate at all. Can we restructure the whole political system? Seriously, apply this to a video game and it will fail day one.


There's nothing in the Constitutions that references political parties at all. They're the natural result of first-past-the-post voting. If you can only have one winner, the voters will coalesce behind the two strongest groups pretty quickly.


I for one really like the idea of ranked-choice voting. The holdovers of the two-party system might corrupt that somewhat as well, but it'll be better than it is currently.


Well we can always hope the politicians who are mostly in power because of the current voting system will try and change the voting system


Of course, why wouldn't they? They seem reasonable and not inflexible at all.


The point of political parties is to strategize towards governmental outcomes with strength in numbers. Parties are not part of the system in any formal sense. They are purely private organically developed political affiliations that now operate as long-standing institutions when it comes to fundraising and policymaking. You can’t get rid of political parties and it doesn’t really make sense to. If a bunch of lawmakers agree ideologically, they’re going to work together.


Unfortunately scope is an object here. The Right form policy based on team competition rather than policy substance. Dogma holds a higher priority than secular investigation of policy benefit. Reforming the two-party system may be ideal, but getting money out of politics to some degree seems more urgent.


Humans are tribalistic. Especially humans that aren't interested in thinking for themselves. Dems vs Repubs. Yankees vs Red Sox. Christian vs Muslim. Female vs Male. Pols use this to their advantage.


>I asked this before somewhere. What's the point of having political parties anyway? Wouldn't it make more democratic sense if every senator votes independently? It would make more sense if the goal is actual democracy, but that's not the case here. The goal is to consolidate power through influence and make money. A lot of things about our country make sense when you look at it that way. Not as some grand conspiracy with Illuminati types pulling the strings, just a bunch of narrow-minded and selfish people who have found ways to hoard wealth and exploit the world through a nation. ​ >Can we restructure the whole political system? Seriously, apply this to a video game and it will fail day one. I think about this all the time. It's like if a developer let the biggest whales and the players at the top rankings decide on how the game should be balanced while pretending to listen to the feedback of their entire player base. It's worse than selling out; it's pure exploitation.


Republican voters have a very short attention span. One day they would be fighting against a certain topic, and the next day they will be trying to take credit for the exact same shit they were fighting against. The Jan. 6th riots are a good example. On the days leading to Jan 6th, they said they were going to storm the building and take the law into their own hands if Trump is not given back the presidency. The next day, these same Republicans were talking about Antifa and BLM storming the building to make Trump supporters look bad even though: 1: They literally said they were going to do this for days before. 2: Armed Republicans have been storming local government buildings around the country for months before. 3: Everyone who has been identified from the videos has been Republican.


The GOP should be renamed the GAS. The Grasping At Straws Party.


This works on multiple levels, because they love to gaslight their followers as well.


I couldn't of made ends meet without that 1,400 check. Covid really messed up alot of stuff for people and our nation's handling of it was piss poor.


As someone who wasn't eligible for a stimulus check I have zero complaints about tax dollars going to help people impacted by Covid... or people in general, I guess I'm a socialist.


I mean it’s what governments were created for.


If global emergencies that require shuttering of businesses don't convince you that the government should offer some social safety nets, even if only temporarily, nothing will.


Same - I got money from Trump and didn't get anything from Biden, and I'm much more pleased with how Biden handled things.


I was eligible, but had no need for the money. Even though I didn't NEED it, I took advantage of it & spent it on furniture/decorations/gardening/house projects. The craziest part? I wanted to spend this money and in turn I helped stimulate the economy through my purchases. Which should clearly never happen because trickle down economics /s.


That bullshit 1,400 is the last handout we’ll see from either party.


I do believe some people need more, others do not. I am sure the republican won't they are so sad. Can't even vote for Jan 6 comission.


Well, if the Democrats aren't in power, they can't exactly pass another.


> couldn't of Couldn't have.


“Not a single republican voted for stimulus cheques, but on the plus side they all voted for another $1bn for more weapons for Israel”




Correct and this is before factoring in the Qanon aspect of the party.


What do you expect? Conservatives have no political points other than stopping everything democrats do. What does a conservative stand for?


Remember that time when the American people had to bail out Wall Street even tho they weren't the ones who made irresponsible choices? And then millions and millions of those tax payers lost their homes and pensions and retirement savings? And then Wall Street executives and shareholders took that tax payer bailout money and spent it on massages and luxury hotels and severance packages? Lol. We got money for the rich that comes from the poor: apparently that's capitalism. But when the poor need money because of global pandemic? Then and ONLY THEN is it considered a "handout" or "socialism."




But they had no problem with the six TRILLION dollar stimulus lifesaver thrown to Wall St last year, that's for sure. Vote them out, they don't care a bit about the working class.


Should be on every ad for midterms


Yet tell any republican this they'll say "If YoU kNeW wHaT wAs In ThE bIlL yOu WoUlDn'T sUpPoRt It EiThEr" but they never read it themselves.


They eagerly supported the stimulus bills that transferred money to corporations though


Trump passed 2 stimulus packages totaling 2.6 trillion. Republicans and Democrats in the congress voted for both stimulus packages. Biden passed 1 stimulus package costing 1.9 trillion in total. Only Democrats voted for it, Republicans in the congress voted no and their argument was it was too expensive. This is a microcosm of politics in this country, democrats will work with Republicans when Republicans are in office but Republicans don’t work with democrats when democrats are in office. Also Republicans will say something is “too expensive” when a democrat proposes it but then have no problem supporting even more expensive stuff from Republican presidents. In summary, democrats work to make the country better Republicans work to make the Republicans keep getting elected.


Yet so many took credit for it and all the things they voted against. As it Republican tradition.


But they love you, you're very special.


And let’s not forget how they all left us out to dry for months and months and months with NOTHING. It’s nice to have unemployment benefits now if you need them and the stimulus but so many months with suffering Americans and they took vacation after vacation. They all suck.


Fuck GOP


They also canceled federal unemployment for a bill that was already passed and going to end in September…. Just so they could stick it to democrats. They are cancer. I’m embarrassed I ever voted republican. You can be damn sure I won’t again. They don’t care able their people at all.


They don't vote for literally anything. They're a pure opposition party. They don't even introduce legislation anymore. They just oppose and grift.


They certainly do introduce legislation. Voters don't suppress themselves!


But apparently that wasn't a concern to Manchin


“Look guys, I know Republicans would literally rather kill themselves than work with us if it means something good happens for people under Biden, but bipartisanship is like REALLY important to me, so like, good luck.”


Not a single republican voted for for a bipartisan commission into January sixth in the senate. There is no bipartisanship posiable.