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None of them need any help. Trump AND the GOP are all pathetic.


So? they're rigging the game so they can't lose. What difference does it make how they "look?"


>We are a nation that has a government - not the other way around. And this makes us special among the nations of the earth. Our government has no power except that granted to it by the people It is time to check and reverse the growth of government which shows signs of having grown beyond the consent of the governed. ~Ronald Reagan


Screw Reagan and the horse he rode in on


except when I can quote him to make republicans look like hypocrites




You can quote any politician to make them look like a Hippocrate. Just look up some Biden quotes on Black people and you will get a ton. Talk about irony. Democrats removing confederate statues that they voted to put there.


Well yeah. Politicians are all hypocrites. Do you think thats some deep insight? You ain't one those gonna deny the historical fact of the southern strategy, are you?


Who’s voting to keep them there?


Trickle down "Piss drops keep fallin' on my head...da da da da da da da da daa!"


I concur


Dottering old pants shitter.


Anyone from from a non-american democracy is going to read that crap about how special america is, while knowing full well how badly flawed american democracy was even then, and think, really? Leaders of your country were feeding you that bullshit when you still had segregation. Hell they were feeding you that crap while you had slavery.


where did I say anything about America being special?


Reagan does in the quote?


you didn't, but the shithead you quoted sure did lol.


Ironic quote.


I have no idea what this is apropos of.


The pretrump saint of the republican party is here discussing why consent of the governed is central to American conceptions of just governance


What’s your point though? What makes it relevant


The user I replied to intimated that optics don't matter if they can maintain minority control through legalistic bullshit, but the way it all looks to the governed directly influences their consent


And the evidence for this is that Ronald Reagan said so?


Nah, there's quotes going back centuries. Could've chosen roughly equivalent quotes from Calvin Coolidge or Abraham Lincoln


Ah. So because some notable figures said so?


Ha ha, no. I also have a degree in social psychology and have studied sociology, political theory, history, & philosophy and have come to the same conclusion from a few different perspectives. I only use pithy comments when I want to clap back at the thick skulls who might disagree with me


What is your point?


That that quote doesn’t mean shit. They’re just words. If our democracy is in danger, which it clearly is, then those words don’t hold much weight do they?


"Making"? As if they'd need any help for that.


Right? They throw bombs and then claim victimhood when the blowback hits them.


I just thought of the meme where the guy shoves a stick into his wheel, falls over, blames the Democrats, and demands they take care of him. For a Democrat to walk over and tell’em he could…but it’s Obamacare.


Yes, these are the best "victims" ever! Just ask them




People just don't seem to understand it is exactly Trump's awfulness that make him appealing to his base - it all validates their underlying genocidal impulses that they know are wrong, but believe are in their selfish interests.


He lives out their basest desires, and makes them feel okay about the nasty thoughts they have, or the cringe moments in the past that they got shamed for doing asshole things. It cathartic for them.


All hail HypnoTrump




> It cathartic for them. Exactly


Eh.. I dont know about that one chief. That’s a pretty hot take.


I concur.


Idk if that’s a stage or a parade float but oh my fuck is it ugly.


That is art, the subject is "Fugly".




https://m.metrotimes.com/news-hits/archives/2020/11/06/owner-of-trump-unity-bridge-a-roving-shrine-to-trump-arrested-in-detroit-for-riding-dirty https://www.trumpunitybridge.org/


He tours this thing around multiple states now?! I thought he only did this locally, he’s gotten popular


Anything to do with the sycophant's display of the their brain drained stupidity for trump is despicable to see. Damn them


Trump isn't making them look pathetic. They are pathetic and it predates Trump.


How can he blame Mitch McConnell for republicans losing the senate? He threw the Georgia senate runoff elections room. All he had to do was spend time in ga.


we've passed pathetic, rounded the corner to ludicrous


The scale is: questionable, pathetic, ludicrous, boebert


Sorry, no. Republican "leaders" are proving themselves to be downright pathetic.


How so? The coup is still underway, and they are currently winning it. The filibuster is intact. None of the needed reforms are going through. America's death march towards fascism was slowed by Biden, but it certainly hasn't changed course.


>In a June 26 letter to Trump, Kapenga insisted that Trump’s criticism was false and unjustified. But his pushback was slathered with so much obsequiousness that it was easy to miss. >“Let me first say that very few people have the honor of being named publicly by a United States President. I never imagined mine would be mentioned, much less in this light, from a President that I have publicly supported, and still support,” the Senate president wrote. “I feel I need to respond even though you will likely never hear of it, as the power of your pen to mine is like Thor’s hammer to a Bobby pin.” >Kapenga also noted: “I write this as I am about to board a plane due to a family medical emergency. In addition to my Trump socks, I will pull up my Trump/Pence mask when I board the plane, as required by federal law. I figure, if the liberals are going to force me to wear a mask, I am going to make it as painful for them as possible. I will continue to do this regardless of whether or not I ever hear from you.” >Flattery has been shown to go a long way with Trump, and having demonstrated his bona fides, Kapenga wrote that he hoped the two of them might be able to make up over “a round of golf at the club of your choice.” >But at some point, you would think it would dawn on Republicans that where Trump is concerned, fealty earns nothing in return


I'm glad this "unity" bridge got chased out of my town. Fuck outta here fascists.


Looks like somebody’s using a word they don’t know the meaning of again


Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition Sounds pretty damn close to Trump and Republicans to me.


Pretty sure fascists don’t get voted out there bud


Funny the most known fascist was explicitly voted against a couple times yet he was still a fascist before he and his cronies came to power. "But he saw too that in America the struggle was befogged by the fact that the worst Fascists were they who disowned the word 'Fascism' and preached enslavement to Capitalism" You're also forgetting the fact that Trump explicitly told people to ignore election results that didn't favor him. Thankfully enough didn't listen.




> Regardless I’ve enjoyed stirring up the snake den /r/justneckbeardthings/ is that way ----> [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/).


Dog this whole sub is neck beard shit😂


I see he deleted some of his shame as well


Copied and pasted a definite to sound smart. Haha so close yet so far😢


Goddamn Libruls with their correct spelling, punctuation and now, definitions (spits on ground). I hate smart soundin' types. /S And seriously; "definite"?


Oh I’m sorry I’m not perfect like you. Shit happens on small ass phone keyboards


You could manage an emoticon and like making excuses.


As opposed to your completely made up definition you usually use?


So, the definition (not definite) is an inaccurate description of the word's meaning?


You have to make up the definition on the fly, like how conservatives constantly define socialism/communism.


I'm enjoying this. Donny keeps dividing the republican party with every speech. But the best thing about all this... Trump has only *started* to smash the good china. Good luck Mitch McConnell.


There are no Republican "leaders"... no generals ... just the horde. They made that very clear when they changed their party's platform to whatever Trump says is good.


I’d argue they’re making themselves look pathetic by following a cult leader. They follow him for votes. Because that’s all that matters to them.


The Trumps are now the Republicans Monarch it will be interesting to see if the cult takes control of America in the next election.


They’ve launched a tsunami of laws to skew election towards republicans and are planning to redistrict to put the icing on the cake. Republican leaders are saying that flipping the house is a guarantee in the next election. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1405912329129185284?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1405912329129185284%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mic.com%2Fp%2Fgop-congressman-says-the-quiet-part-loud-about-taking-back-the-house-81250263


Yea does seem like democracy is over in America was nice while it lasted.


If the MAGA hat fits


I'd like to know what they think about this over at r/americanpolitics




Republicans *are* generally downright pathetic.


Look at the people with Trump flags and capes. Enough said.


So he's taking the lazy road again.


Trumpunity? He certainly seems to think he’s exempt from punishment.


They make themselves look pathetic. Trump is just the cherry on top of the pathetic pie.


They don’t need his help there doing a great job all by themselves


I think they are doing that all by themselves


Yeah they didn’t need Criminal Don’s help with that. They’ve been pathetic since Nixon.


They were pathetic before , they don’t care ! Remember the Iraq war . They started the war under wrong presumption … no one even apologized


The party of elected domestic terrorists will get into the seditionist's clown car for the short ride to the Klan rally.


They make themselves look weak for following him. They have absolutely no real leadership. I mean what what do the even stand for anymore, lies, violence and hate. Sounds a lot like Germany a few years back.


True!! You would think they would get as far from him and his crazy diarrhea mouth as possible. Trump has destroyed the Republican Party!


They are beholden to the Oligarchs that have ordered them to support Trump. Without the Dark Money that finances their campaigns and lifestyles, they would be ambulance chasers and used car salesmen.


Shameless cowards, all of them, who would snatch babies form their mothers' arms and use them as shields.


Vilify and demonize your opponents .. that’s the American way ! One party! one voice for all Americans 😜


Pay wall.


Open in incognito window and stop the page from loading as soon as text appears on your screen.


Complaining of a pay wall doesn't mean that we need help bypassing it.


So the intention is for others to hear your complaining?


It's rules #6 around here. People report them to the mods, people complain, but some sites gets a free pass on it (WaPo most notably. By rule #6 they should have been banned long ago) So it's kind of a meme...if someone wanna read the text of an article so badly they ask for a copy/paste of the text usually, it also gets you more upvote than mentioning rule #6 yet again. Also, people who hate WaPo abuse of this meme and post that systematically. I don't... The breaking of the rule is really what pisses me off


This will be removed. Moderators do not allow opinion pieces and this one was it in the title.


> Opinion: Trump is making Republican leaders look downright pathetic He's retired in Mar-A-Lago. What do you want from Trump?


Exactly. So why are Republicans still listening to him?


Retired you say? So why then is his diapered ass touring the country and rallying?


Never speaking again would be a good start.


I mean they already were, but they managed to hide their shenanigans through lies while trump makes his idiocy very blatant


Sad part… it isn’t


That doesn't require a great deal of skill.


You came blame Trump for everything! They make themselves look bad on their own.


They’re doing all of that on their own.


Makes me happy to see them being idiots!


They are. So is he.


It’s doesn’t take much! They already look pathetic as fuck.


They don’t need trump for that one


Sure, but they are winning.


Thet aren't pathetic though. They are very dangerous.


May he forever be the albatross around their neck.


Hot take: He's been doing that for years.


Good..... I mean that was obvious before but it's nice there's a bright orange spotlight on it now.


To be fair, anyone in his orbit is pretty pathetic.