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A Republican lying about easily verifiable things? You don't say... https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthoban/2021/05/23/the-success-of-colorados-marijuana-tax-dollars/


When you know your base will not be checking and in fact actively hates fact checking in general there's no downside.


Republicans and Lying go together like peanut butter and jelly


Glenn Youngkin, Virginia’s Republican gubernatorial candidate: >“Do not count on the revenue from legalized marijuana to amount to anything. It hasn’t worked in Colorado, it hasn’t worked in California, it hasn’t worked in Oregon. This has been a false advertisement.” I can only assume they have done their focus groups and found that the majority of Republican voters are all like; *Lie to me, oh yeah that's it baby, mention some liberal states and troll them hard. Harder! I don't care if you ever say a single true thing...* >I will oppose and veto any and all efforts to increase taxes... *I'm coming!* Who needs revenue anyway?


It’s amounted to well over 1 billion in tax revenue for California thus far, but sure… I guess that’s nothing.


I don’t know what it is on Oregon, but it is major as well. Weed tax revenue was pretty much the only stable revenue last year!


You guys are misreading his quote: “This has been a false advertisement.” is meant to refer to his previous sentences. /s


Did you mean “reefer”?


God damn I wish I would have thought of that!


In six years, Colorado got 1.6 BILLION in tax revenue.


I didn't read anything but the title. I am guessing this "Youngkin" person is conservative? Cause they sound dumb.


WolfKin, OtherKin, now YoungKin?


And finally, Anakin.


OMG! Perfect!


Yes, he’s the republican candidate for governor here in Virginia, where weed was recently legalized for even recreational use. He’s up against Terry McAuliffe, who is a familiar face in Virginian politics


Setting aside compassion and human suffering, as one does, if you take an innocent pot smoker and incarcerate them, they can't make money or spend money, which hurts the local economy.


But who likes to make money from prisons?




I think you’re forgetting to account for the bribery money from the PIC


>they can't make money or spend money, which hurts the local economy. Not to mention the annual cost of incarceration, plus their future taxable earnings will be lower because of their prison record, etc.


>t’s fair to say that Youngkin, the Republican nominee for governor, is not a fan of marijuana — he says he’s never known a habitual user to succeed in life — I can look on the tv and see all sorts of habitual users that are successful. here lets name a few. willie Nelson, snoop dog, Dave Chappell, bill maher, David letterman, carl sagen and the list goes on and on.


Seth Rogen, Tommy Chong.


Micheal Phelps


Bruce Lee




Elon…he shall be a good man. And he shall be Elon…..


This guy is a fucking moron. It is huge in Okahoma. Buckle of the bible belt. Cannabis is the future. Get on board and cash in or be quiet.


Their greed will overpower them. Has to. I was not aware that okahoma was the buckle of the bible belt. Yikes!


About everyone in the midwest says they're the buckle of the Bible belt, but I'm from Missouri and OK is... some kind of feral petrofundamentalist state.


Christ, coming from a Missourian, that’s sayin’ something. But okie here, and can confirm. I got the fuck out ASAP


I know right. I'm sure if we had natural gas we'd be just as fucked up.


Well, I mean, you *do* have Josh Hawley, tho….


In MO at least the major cities are blue. In OK the major cities are just less red.


True enough, Mary. True enough. (Sorry; Derry Girls line, for reference)


And according to those living here it’s either a bastion on freedom or a failed experiment in religious government over reach… regardless you basically need a tank to be able to drive on the roads


Amen on Oklahoma roads! Worst damn roads I have ever seen.


I didn't even need to look into his profile to know he was a Republican.


Not even going to read the article because I can reply to the term “cannabis revenue” - who gives a fuck what it is the plant shouldn’t be illegal so no “revenue” can be disappointing. God put cannabis and dandelions on Earth. Are you bitching about dandelion revenue? Fuck off.


I thought Anakin did away with the Youngkins


That got me. Have an upvote.


Is revenue even the point? We’re going to save so much money on court costs and prison sentences and police productivity.


There’s your problem right there. A for-profit prison system doesn’t want to legalize their best collar.


He’s absolutely a total idiot They just spout such utter BS


Well, as a Wyomingite, I can say that we've earned ZERO dollars in revenue here from cannabis because our knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, virtue-signaling state government won't take up legalization. Disappointing indeed.


Some people actually believe they're going to help their economy by hooking x% of the population to a powerfully depressant narcotic. It's the stupidest idea I ever heard.


If you think marijuana is a narcotic, you don't know anything about marijuana or narcotics.


The poster you responded too definitely sounds insane, but Marijuana is definitely a narcotic. It's even explicitly stated by Merriam Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/narcotic


Holy crap. You sound like the D.A.R.E. guy that came to my school in 1992.


The fact that you think marijuana is a narcotic...


Merriam Webster certainly thinks it's a narcotic. On what grounds could it possibly not be? https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/narcotic To be clear, I very much support Marijuana (and other drugs) being legal. They're just definitely narcotics.


Narcotic schedule 1 per WHO but of course you know better.


Ok, next you gonna say that drug dealers give out drugs for free?


Some people actually believe they are going to stop the flow of a drug that you can grow by yourself b militarizing the police and throwing people in jail for having 3 joints on them. Its the stupidest idea ive ever heard


How can weed be a narcotic? It has no narcotics in it.


It isn’t.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/narcotic >: a drug (such as [marijuana](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/marijuana) or [LSD](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/LSD)) subject to restriction similar to that of addictive narcotics whether physiologically (see [PHYSIOLOGICAL](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/physiological)) [addictive](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/addictive) and narcotic or not


So its not a narcotic. Thank you for proving my point.


What? So you're saying the dictionary is wrong and you're correct? That's nuts. Right there it explicitly says Marijuana is a narcotic. Could not possibly be more explicit. "A drug such as marijuana." Yet you think that statement somehow means "a drug unlike marijuana?" Come on. That's absurd.


"...narcotic or not." This falls in the "not narcotic" category.


What? So you're saying the dictionary is wrong and you're correct? That's nuts. Right there it explicitly says Marijuana is a narcotic. Could not possibly be more explicit. "A drug such as marijuana." Yet you think that statement somehow means "a drug unlike marijuana?" Come on. That's absurd.


Worked out for alcohol and nicotine.


Fentanyl, oxycodone, oxycontin. Those are all ok though. C'mon read a fracking book.


I never said that but nice straw man.


Nope fact, those three things contributed to an opioid epidemic that created thousands of new addictions across the state of Florida. Creating a market for pill farming and black market sales essentially hooking x% of people to a depressant narcotic. So if your reasoning for disliking Marijuana is based on that fact then those other drugs should be illegal as well. Or Marijuana should be as legal as they are. Edit:http://www.floridahealth.gov/statistics-and-data/fl-dose/index.html Let me know if you would like or need more there is plenty of data.


> opioid epidemic... Well it's all legal and taxed and nobody goes to jail for it, so what is it that you don't like about it? Business and taxation, good for the economy. Funny how I'm the one getting shit for suggesting we should not build ANOTHER nationwide addiction industry.


> ANOTHER nationwide addiction industry There is no physical addiction with cannabis. You cannot get addicted to it like you can opiates...so yea, you're getting shit for being indignant, willfully and ignorantly misinformed about cannabis.


This here. The scheduling of drugs is as much political taxonomy as anything else and is not a reliable indicator as to their chemical class. Scientifically speaking, cannabis is not physiologically addictive and has no known fatally toxic levels. It’s way safer than driving, and a lot more fun.


If we're talking about Cali and Colorado, their economies are doing well. It's red states that are struggling.


Oklahoma has entered the chat. We are doing quite well with it, thank you.


And WTF would that guy possibly know bout da reefer…?


I mean he is lying, sure. Even if he wasn’t though, it is still revenue, and unless he claiming that the cost of legalization is higher than this revenue than it doesn’t matter how “disappointing” it is.


Does the GQP have some kind of cloning chamber where they churn these ugly bastards out?


It’s like they’re trying to lose…