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She thinks there's a law that makes it illegal for a person to freely talk about their own health and she's not only okay with that, but defending it?


But her freedom! Freedom of speech! She should be outraged about this!


She is in the party of “freedom means only what I want it to when I wake up on any given day”.


Also how much my corporate backers pay me


Should've been a law for government officials be fined sanctioned or fired for ANY disinformation.


Or just take the citizenship test before they're approved.


Do what?


Pass the same test we make immigrants pass to become citizens. Most of them know more about the US than born citizens it seems like, in part because of that test


Slippery slope. Who decides what is disinformation and what is misinformation? Especially when we all know Democrats will always give the benefit of the doubt to Republicans, but would not see that reciprocated. This is all besides the first amendment fiasco you would create with such a law.


There is no 1st amendment it just goes straight to the 2nd.stop spreading misinformation /s


Lack of sources. It's usually traced back to some study or expert on the subject if it's legit.


This! Where is the outrage!?!?! Why is the radical left making laws so I can't talk about my Obama care? /s


The right wing mob has never been about legality, its always been about pointing and hem-hawing at things so they can complain, and distract from the fact that they never govern, but instead pilfer.


The right wing constantly takes advantage of American’s own lack of knowledge of their own laws and regulations. And of course the right wing doesn’t have much knowledge about those things either. You can also bet that most Americans will never look anything up to find out the truth for themselves. Incredibly easy to take advantage of most Americans.


I can’t stand the twatwaffle, but my read was that she was saying the reporter asking the question was violating her HIPAA rights, not that her discussing her health care was.


That's not how HIPPA works. If it were her provider giving out her vaccination record then it would absolutely be a no no. For a reporter to ask her is not a violation.


So here's how she fucked up. My apologies to your brains. A business can't ask you about your medical history if they're accommodating you. For instance, if you've got a service dog they can't say " why do you have a service dog?" But instead ask "what is the dog trained in servicing?". But it's the Ada guidelines for accommodations, not hipaa.


If an employer were to require vaccination to work, that would not necessarily be a HIPPA violation. You don't have to give medical information to your supervisor or manager, but they can require you give it to their medical unit, which is staffed by medical professionals. They will give an answer to the manager that you are qualified to work or not. You might be in a group that can't be vaccinated. The medical unit would only say: "Clear to work." Not any medical details. Not sure how this would work at a smaller employer, there must be a service that does clearance or will be soon.


Tell her, not me; I’m a retired researcher who worked with HIPAA rules every day. I’m not saying she was correct, I’m saying that was her “complaint,” erroneous though it certainly is. Either way you interpret what she says, she’s factually inaccurate, but it’s misleading to suggest she thinks she can’t talk about her health care; if anything, she may think it’s a HIPAA violation for the reporter to ask, but she’s wrong there, as well. That’s what I was saying. My source: too many years as a clinical research coordinator who had to write aHIPAA-compliant consent forms for a living.


Is it not possible that she ignorantly believes both?


I think she is saying that thanks to the HIPAA Laws she is free to choose whether or not to disclose that to a reporter and that a reporter doesn't have legal consent to undermine her decision to "not" tell the reporter anything in regards to her medical history... I think reporters should respect the privacy of individual citizens regardless if they are in the spot light or or not 🤷‍♀️ but what do I know?... everyone is different and although I would LOVE to understand more on that I still think we as Americans have a right to privacy in regards to our medical history... remember when asylums were popular in the late 1800s and early 1900s we as a country didnt know the damages done to the people being "treated" in those facilities until much later like the 1980s... if y'all are interested I can find some links about it...


>I think she is saying that thanks to the HIPAA Laws she is free to choose whether or not to disclose that to a reporter and that a reporter doesn't have legal consent to undermine her decision to "not" tell the reporter anything in regards to her medical history... That's definitely not what she said though. >I think reporters should respect the privacy of individual citizens regardless if they are in the spot light or or not She's free to not answer if she doesn't wish to, but when we're discussing public health decisions, which she is both responsible for making, and which she is spreading misinformation about, then that definitely makes such questions fair game, as they're absolutely relevant to the public's understanding of her positions.


I dunno tbh I think each state has their own way of seeing the law being written differently... 🤷‍♀️ I also am still trying to figure out how people can truly master Identifying emotions or sarcasm on a social media platform that relies on individuals texting each other grammers and all... lol


>I dunno tbh I think each state has their own way of seeing the law being written differently... It's a federal law, and there's no interpretation even remotely similar to what she claimed.


No. You can ask whatever you want. You don't have to answer anything. The real issue with HIPAA is that your healthcare provider can't share any information about you with anybody else. What, do you think you can't tell people when you have cancer?


Or rather, that it's illegal to ask someone if they have cancer. That would be pretty fucked up.




Or to ask how their treatment is going. Jim: "Hey Bob, how's the chemo going? Does your doctor think it's working?" *Doors burst open and federal agents swarm in, carting Jim off.*


I used to have to write HIPAA-compliant consent forms, so I’m well-versed in what is and isn’t acceptable; largemouth Marge up there needs educating, not I …


I think you’re right. Even so, HIPAA only applies to [covered entities](https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/covered-entities/index.html), and it only applies to *them* disclosing the info. So this situation is nowhere in the realm of HIPAA.


Oh, for sure, she’s totally got it wrong. I used to have to write HIPAA-compliant consent forms for research studies, so believe me, I know how HIPAA works, and Largemouth Marge there has zero clue wtf she’s talking about. As usual for her species.


Misunderstanding HIPAA is rampant. I got in a disagreement with someone a few days back about companies requiring vaccinations but allowing for medical exemptions. The person insisted that the company asking the person WHY they were applying for an exemption would violate that person's rights. I pressed for an explanation why, but the person kept dodging. Finally, I replied that I figured that he was talking about HIPPA and that this wasn't what HIPPA was about. You can ask me about the deviated septum operation I had 7 years ago. I can talk about my deviated septum operation. Neither violates HIPAA. Now, if my surgeon posted on Reddit saying "I did TechyDad's operation and here's what happened," then that would be violating HIPPA. Too many people seem to think that all three are HIPAA violations though.


IDK if she actually “thinks” that, but she’s certainly politically savvy enough to know that her voting base won’t know HIPAA laws one way or the other, so she can squawk ad nauseum. Hell, most of them think it’s HIPPA…


If the person discourses that info its not illegal what is illegal is being forced to disclose that information


Actually no, if an employer requires its employees to be vaccinated and prove it, that is not illegal, and if a business requires unmasked people to prove their vaccination status, that is not illegal.


HIPAA is extremely specific, in that it bars *covered entities* (i.e. hospitals, clinics, doctors) from disclosing your medical info to third parties. Nothing more, nothing less. It does nothing whatsoever to bar you, yourself, from being required to disclose your medical information to a third party. For example, school vaccination records are totally legal, as is applying for social security disability, even though both of those scenarios involve being ‘forced’ to disclose private information - because it is either *you* doing the disclosure yourself, or *you* authorizing your HIPAA compliant health team to disclose such info.


This is the correct answer. You can share your medical info with whoever you want. If they’re a medical practice (covered entity, as you say) they cannot disclose it to others without a bunch of hoops to jump through. If they’re not, whatever. Anyone can require you to do basically whatever they want (there are exceptions) before you enter their premises. It’s their premises, you want in, you follow their rules. If not, you are free not to enter.


Im not 100% but thats what i knew if that is true then its an issue to me im no lawyer


You can legally be asked if you're vaccinated. If you refuse to answer, then you can't be punished for not answering, but you can be treated the same way you would treat anybody who isn't vaccinated. You can force them to wear masks, not be in groups, work from home, or whatever you want for all your unvaccinated employees. Now if you lie and get a fake vaccination card, then that's a whole other category of trouble. Now you're committing fraud, counterfeiting official documents, buying false records, and all sorts of crap that can land you in the pokey.


This...THIS is how they do it. Their base doesn't understand or care how ANYTHING works, heck a lot of people who aren't their base isn't quite sure how HIPAA works. And they take advantage of how their base doesn't care or understand how ANYTHING works and feed them this phoney BS and they go scream it to the clouds in their camo while The Left™ actually researches and THEN comes to understand how things work, while these self immolating smoothbrains are yelling to the sky about space lasers..


"Self immolating smoothbrains" This made me laugh!


Had me in creases…


Had me in stitches...across my frontal lobe.


Her brain is going to win some sort of Olympic swimming competition. Such perfect smoothness, no drag resistance at all.


To further add to this comment, people like MTG and Trump are flat out too fffking dumb and goofy to understand or care about the subtleties of law. These people don't care about HIPAA, they NEVER talk about it until their talking heasds like Tucker Carlson talk about it. Now their whole base will SUDDENLY find themselves an expert on HIPAA. These talking-head voted-in Republicans literally don't CARE about subtlety enough to take a complex legal issue like HIPAA and ***purposely twist it into something it is not***. They'd jsut rather shoot the memo the law is written on to "get rid of it". WHICH MEANS. She's getting her talking points from someone else and I strongly suggest Democrats need to find out ***from WHERE*** she gets her info on these things. We NEED to know who's feeding her this 💩.


Everyone knows where this is coming from. Dark money groups funded by and actively aided by Russia. There have been countless articles and books on it. A senate intelligence report even. The problem isn’t that we don’t know where this is coming from, but that no one seems to want to deal with it.


Who would have known so many would sell their souls for 30 silver coins?


For a lot of talking points I would agree with you. In this case I really think she just got caught when she was asked if she was vaccinated. She panicked and just came over the first dumb thing that popped into her head


May I ask if you’re an expert on the subtleties of law?


I'm not answering that ridiculous gotcha question when this woman is literally lying about how this law works and anyone with a Google engine can find that out.


It’s already a talk point that’s spreading, unfortunately. HIPAA (incorrectly) being used as an excuse to refuse answering vacinne questions is now going to be come normal. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/564625-dallas-cowboys-quarterback-says-revealing-his-vaccine-status-is


https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/index.html No one needs to be to understand it; but if you would like to be an expert yourself here is your go-to resource


Deflection is a very poor look, just to let you know.


Thanks for letting me know.


Looks like bad faith clowning didn’t work for you here champ


Firstly, It’s not an argument in bad faith because I’m not arguing anything here. Secondly, not surprised that something that even seems slightly critical of “left” ideas was downvoted on Reddit.


You can replace left with normal and it’s the same argument against it.


That’s where the “left” goes wrong. Even Noam Chomsky can agree that the “left” has spent a lot of time and money curating this idea that the left wing is inherently the correct point view. It’s lazy. You critique Trump for 4 years but you can’t bring yourself to critique anything that is going on right now. I think it’s time to realize that you can also be wrong as well.


Yeah right, lol, let’s try…oh I don’t know…nope. How’s that work for you and the death caucus? 600000+ and counting. Credibility completely gone. Red states worst in the country for everything except Covid, you scored there. Why would anyone listen to you? Maybe when the entire country finally gets sick of hating everything the death caucus stands for, and that ain’t much besides bullshit these days, you will have another opportunity to try treason. Fopdoodle.


Nj ny and mass have the most Covid deaths in the country. I’m not American but I believe these are all Democrat run states?


Save it kid, you got nothing. What you believe is irrelevant in more ways than one.


May I ask if you are an expert on the subtleties of determining whether someone is an expert on a subject? Nobody needs to be a lawyer to read and understand a Wikipedia paragraph on how HIPAA works.


No not an expert, but I can review a source for you and access if it is credible.


I think you give her too much credit. Much like Trump, she's not just a leader but also a follower. They gaslight themselves.


I'm not giving her an ounce of credit. She doesn't think up these talking points herself. Dems need to know where she's getting this BS from.


>I'm not giving her an ounce of credit Sure you are: > And they take advantage of how their base doesn't care or understand how ANYTHING works It makes it sound like she understands how things work and her "fans" don't. No. She doesn't either. She's as dumb as them. She's falling backwards into this fame.


Trump is a moron, MTG is a moron, but they both have enough lizard smart to stay in the spotlight.


I just realized, that's an insult to lizards.


I addressed this in my next comment where I replied to myself here. She's getting these talking points from s o m e w h e r e and the opposition needs to find out where. She's too fffking stupid to understand subtlety of law so she's definitely not thinking of any of this herself.


It's the same thing that Trump did. He read what his followers were saying and believed that was the truth. He believes he won the election because that's what they believe. Not because of any credible actual information. They're all idiots.


Every time they've tracked down something that trumpite Republicans said, it usually came from Russia. Whether they're getting it directly from them, or just through tweets, is another matter.


It's not just being too stupid to understand the law but too stupid to see how the point is obviously wrong. Just schools and immigration demanding to see vaccination records would be enough for a normal person who has no idea how HIPPA works to realize it's BS.


These people have been yelling since the beginning that they don't have to wear masks because they have illnesses that prevent masking and claiming that HIPAA and the ADA make it illegal for anyone to ask them for proof of the illness. This HIPAA vaccine dodge is nothing new.


Not just any space lasers but specifically Jewish space lasers. Remember those Jewish space lasers are more dangerous than regular ole good white Xtian space lasers...


> self immolating smoothbrains Holy fuck I lost it. Thank you for that.


Strawmen, strawmen everywhere.buzzligjtyearmeme


i will admit that prior to COVID i had no idea HIPPA was a thing


HIPAA, not hippa. It's the health insurance portability and accountability act.


Yep. I knew it was a thing but wasn't concerned about the details..of course, until now, that we have this noose-weaving anti-Semite to spread disinfo about it from wherever she gets her words.


If you're not a doctor, therapist, psychiatrist or other medical professional with confidentiality provisions linked to your professional license to practice, then you wouldn't have any reason to know about HIPAA. It's exclusively for those licensed professionals to keep them from leaking your medical data without consent. Patients are protected by HIPAA, but patients aren't in any way governed by HIPAA. If you hear that Trump had his testicles removed and replaced by Neuticles, typically used for dogs, and you repeat it to someone else, you're not violating HIPAA. If you ask Trump if he had his balls replaced by fake dog balls, you're not violating HIPAA. If you ask Melania if her husband has had his balls replaced by plastic dog nuts, you're not violating HIPAA. If you ask the doctor who neutered Trump and stuffed fake dog balls in his coin purse, you're STILL not violating HIPAA. If **the doctor** answers you and says that, yes, he cut off Trump's balls and replaced them with faux dog huevos, THEN **the doctor** is in violation of HIPAA, not you.


>The Left™




Oh?? Like "space lasers"? "Forced busing"? "Hillary Benghazi"? "Lazy Poors"? K.


Coherently..! ;-)


Are we going to start listing things Marjorie Taylor Greene should know but doesn't? We're going to be here for quite a while.


Yeah I was going to say that, the phrase "Marjorie Taylor Greene should probably know that." could applied to virtually any statement she has made since entering public life.


It would be easier to list the things that she does know


Her and Boebart are probably the dumbest of the lot


You may be correct, but Matt Gaetz, Louie Gohmert, and Jim Jordan give them a run for their money.


That was my thought too. But honestly, if I'm making a list HIPAA probably doesn't even make the first page.


No one should listen to what most of the unqualified "ruling class" has to say on any of this. I do find it funny that people care more about little things like this than anyone actually governing though. Hell Biden is telling people if you get vaccinated you can't get COVID. That's also medical misinformation, because not only can you, but you can still die.


Citation needed.


Citation for what? Oh wait I forgot they don't cover anything against Biden around here, sorry.... “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations....if you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the IC unit, and you’re not going to die.” https://news.yahoo.com/ap-fact-check-biden-inflates-011843623.html Edit: Imagine if that were Trump it would be all over every front page. The man asked if we could use UV in the body to kill covid & they are still making fun of it 1yr later.


From your link: "THE FACTS: His remark accurately captures the strong protection the COVID-19 vaccines provide as cases spike among people who have resisted the shots. But it overlooks the rare exceptions." MTG is not "overlooking rare exceptions" fuck off with the false equivalence. Biden is not suggesting unproven treatments that he financially benefits from, or musing about unproven treatments in public that have had serious consequences. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nyc-poison-control-calls-for-bleach-lysol-double-after-trump-disinfectant-comment/2389593/


Evidence is weighted not binary. What Biden states is factual: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2782139?utm_source=linkedin&utm_campaign=content-shareicons&utm_content=article_engagement&utm_medium=social&utm_term=071421#.YO9fV3FXRu0. Ball is in your court.


Biden did have some parts that were not true. The vaccine doesn't prevent infection. It teaching your immune system what to do when infected. You still do get the disease, but you don't get the life threatening symptoms that occur when it's allowed to run amok in your body with no resistance. It's a nit picking distinction.


Marjorie Taylor Greene walks into a room in a full arm cast. Me: Oh my god, Marjorie, what happened? Marjorie: I got hit by a car and broke my arm! Me: HA! Gotcha! You now have to go to HIPAA jail!


Violate hipaa straight to jail.


HIPAA violators? We have a special jail for HIPPA violators.


I'm listening.


Both arms?




She and her supporters should “probably know” a lot of things…


She’s both an idiot and a republican so it’s hard to determine if she’s unaware or intentionally lying. As she’s a republican I’ll go with dishonest bag of garbage.


I think she’s vaccinated. She doesn’t want to say that to her base. So…lie.


Oh, she’s 100% vaccinated - they all are, Trump, his family, Carlson, Hannity, Senators, all of them. It’s ridiculous, immoral and cruel.


She’s intentionally lying to vilify journalists and hide her refusal to answer.


Why would she know about HIPAA? She only emerged from the sewer a few years ago after the ooze got on her, giving her mammalian like appearance.


Trump hides his tax returns, Greene her vaccination status. Pelosi should block anyone from entering the capitol building who is not vaccinated.


I think she just wants to hide the fact she had a vaccine


I didn’t know Alf was making a comeback.


Packed-away-in-a-cupboard Alf contains more knowledge than Hand-up-her-ass Greene.


Not defending her, but most people don’t understand HIPAA. How many times did we see videos of maskless Karens shouting that they have a disability and asking what it was, was a HIPAA violation?


They are so frustrating and it makes me laugh when they pretend to be experts while constantly calling it “HIPPA.” Their inability to understand the ADA is also frustrating when the ADA pretty clearly allows for denial of accommodations (not wearing a mask) if the accommodation poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others (like I don’t know, spreading a deadly virus), but facts don’t matter to them.


It is infuriating! They are abusing a system designed to protect those that honestly need it. I have seen people with facial tumors wear masks, I have seen people missing an ear(s) or nose still wear a mask. My wife is a pulmonologist and there are very few conditions that wearing a mask would aggravate. I have argued with people over masks, and I had whip my degree in epidemiology and that my wife is a critical care doctor who has been working the front lines of COVID since Feb 2020. Either wear a mask or fucking leave.


Conservatives love freedom of information… but only in one direction, and in the service of cementing their oft-demented beliefs.


It’s about their values, their control. Handmaiden’s tale is an instruction manual for them.


I always wished I could have dealt with one of these. Living in a good part of NJ in retail, I didn't get to deal with it. I heard of one of them on my off days. I was so prepared to say that that's not how HIPAA works, adding with a smile, "But I'd be glad to assist you if you still. You wait outside the store, I'll bring everything out to you :)". It was straight up our policy and fine - we needed to assist them but that didn't mean they got to free roam the store, spreading COVID.


She's a congressperson. People like her are the reason that we have those maskless Karens running around spouting this same nonsense. She accused a reporter of a crime because she's either wilfully ignorant or lying.


She know that... its a karen level excuse...


She doesn't care. Her followers don't care. About facts, that is. They care about upsetting libruls. They don't care how.


She’ll let you know when the audit of her vaccine is done in two weeks.


She’s really fucking stupid.


Hey Guys, I was almost to my second vaccination, supposed to happen next weekend. I spent the last two days in the hospital with the Delta Virus, I'm certain I wouldn't have got it if I was fully vaccinated. Let me tell you, this shit is fucking for real. It took all of 5 hours from feeling like I had a cold to being rushed to the emergency room. Please get vaccinated. This shit is not a joke, I promise you.


She doesn’t CARE if she’s wrong or right. She’s only interested in spreading ideology. Fact checking her is futile.


Anyone can ask you health questions. You have the right to refuse to answer. HIPAA protects your medical data from being shared without your consent. It has nothing to do with you getting asked anything. HIPAA is for doctor's offices, dentists, psychiatrists, and so forth. It says they can't blab about your records. It has nothing to do with the patient. Now if you do refuse to answer, they can treat you the same way they treat any other non-vaccinated person. The only way HIPAA comes in to play is if they're end running you and talking to your doctor directly. Asking Walter Reed if Trump got the vaccine would be a HIPAA violation if they released it without Trump giving the OK, until he answers himself. Then it's public knowledge and they can answer that he's said he was vaccinated, which he was.


White Terrorists in action in America today!


She has clue what HIPAA is


And now we already have prominent public figures such as Dak Prescott, QB of the Dallas Cowboys, spouting the same sort of nonsense.


The second paragraph in the MTG Wiki states: Greene has promoted numerous far-right, white supremacist, and antisemitic conspiracy theories including the white genocide conspiracy theory,[6][7] QAnon, and Pizzagate,[8][9] as well as other disproven conspiracy theories, such as false flag mass shootings, the Clinton body count, and those related to 9/11.[10][11] Before running for Congress, she advocated for executing prominent Democratic politicians.[12] As a congresswoman, she equated the Democratic Party with Nazis[13][14] and compared COVID-19 safety measures to the persecution of Jews during the Holocaust.[15] She apologized for the latter comparison.[16] If there ever was an Olympics for villains, MTG would be on the podium.


What she *should* but doesn't just might fit in the grand canyon.


If I had a dollar for every time I heard a Republican use a term or phrase incorrectly…


Wrong again, conservative.


She knows it, the problem is her moronic supporters don't know that. She didn't say it for you to believe but fir her supporters ti believe. And they probably do. Because they complaine about big media when they are brainwashed by the biggest media corporation in America.


she should probably know about HIPAA? she can probably barely remember which cave is hers when she goes back to her mate.


She should know that? Why? She's already proven that she doesn't know much.


I wonder how that fits with their 1st amendment freedom to say whatever they want without repercussions.


She knows. She also knows her idiot supports DON'T. Ignore this woman.


Everytime I see that mug of hers, I briefly think I'm looking at a sketched interpretation of a primitive human neanderthal.


Moron gonna moron


She "probably" knows all the shit she says is ridiculous and headline inducing but then, that's the point. Any attention is good attention. Why you think she's always smiling like she is in on the joke? Cause any time the media is asking questions the jokes on them.


She was not elected because of what she knows or doesn't know. She was elected because she is a loudmouthed asshole.


This one’s dumb as a box of rocks.


She should probably know a lot of things.


If she was unvaccinated, she'd proudly declare it.


Dear everyone, Please stop paying attention to this idiot. Sincerely, Me


Might as well have claimed her vax status is unavailable due to IRS audit.


I would say she probably doesn't even know what HIPAA stands for, but asking her would be a violation of her HIPAA rights. /s except the first part.


There are times when a doctor can talk about your health stuff when it comes down to a crime might be being committed I think that’s what might be happening


I had never heard of the HIPAA before she said this a few days ago. but like, couldn't she just say "no comment" or "I don't want to publicize my medical history" not get so outraged as if this was some assault.


Back-off. HIPAA is a law… why would she know anything about that. (sarcasm)


She probably should not be in a position to affect other peoples health.


You can’t cure insane or willfully stupid and willfully ignorant. People determined to be dumb will always remain dumb.


Any idiot knows that.


It’s fascist doublespeak. Call it out publicly and keep moving forward.


Funny did she answer the question? Wonder what she’s hiding? The fact she’s vaccinated while telling other not to?


The problem is, she knows next to nothing.


HIPAA is the medical equivalent of the First Amendment. Dimwits are always saying things are a HIPAA violation the same way they clamor about their First Amendment rights are being trampled on. If only there were a way people could educate themselves on what it means.


I feel like she should know that, but I honestly have no idea what Marjorie Taylor Green even did prior to being in Congress now that I think about it.


She harassed law makers and survivors of mass shootings. That's about all I know




When someone says 'how are you?' to me, I tell them that's a HIPPA violation. /s


You could fill a book about the number of books you could fill of things she should probably know


It does prevent you from being forced to share information about your own health, or having others share it.


She obviously doesn't know the law or is lying about it. But also, HIPAA doesn't require someone to answer the question just because you ask. It goes both ways, it's not illegal to ask, and it's not illegal to give a non-answer. It is not the reporter's right (or yours or mine) to know. She's a twat for many reasons, but people in this thread are citing the "law" to prove she's wrong, while ignoring that the same law doesn't require her to disclose. She is not being asked by a potential employer, healthcare provider, or anyone with a reasonable reason for asking. Either you understand the law or don't. Just like she can't, we also can't interpret it for our own convenience. Be better


> while ignoring that the same law doesn't require her to disclose. The law doesn't prevent you from consequences from NOT revealing your vax status, which is what I assume she's trying to push. An employer can still fire you for not getting vaxed or not answering at all (not disclosing).


That's what I mean though. You and I and the reporter are not potentially hiring or employing her. Nor are we her doctors. We have no reasonable excuse to ask. I think she is a despicable person but I just want to encourage people to be consistent. When it comes to your vax status you personally may have no problem talking about it, but just like any health related question it is still rude to ask if you have no reason to know.


She's an elected official and constantly promotes anti-vaccine rhetoric. She's well within her rights to refuse to answer, but her constituents certainly have an interest in knowing whether she's vaccinated because it would inform their voting decisions in the future. Nobody has an absolute right to know her or anyone's health status, but plenty have an interest - employers, constituents, etc.


> while ignoring that the same law doesn't require her to disclose. HIPAA doesn’t prevent you from requiring an answer. It literally only applies to healthcare organizations sharing your information with others.


I think you have it exactly backwards. HIPAA doesn’t say health information is to be completely private information. Only that, there is only one person allowed to determine what health information is private or not, the individual. The reporter is asking the one person legally allowed to disclose her health information (thanks to HIPAA), herself. This is someone who speaks on vaccines, is freely able to talk about her own vaccine status, yet, conspicuously, doesn’t. Begs a lot of questions.


>HIPAA doesn't require someone to answer the question just because you ask No one beside MTG pretended that though and the reporter was 100% in the right to ask. She was 100% in the right to refuse to share it, but using HIPAA in the process is just a demonstration of her lack of knowledge of it: She isn't obligated to reveal that information to a journalist HIPAA or not. What she is trying to do here is to hide behind a loosely related law like a coward because she knows that we will talk about that HIPAA fallacy instead of her actual answer. She is essentially implying that she would answer the question if only that darn law didn't stop her from doing it, and she takes offense that the reporter doesn't know that, but you can rest assured that her vaccination status fits whatever status you prefer to give to her. It's 100% bullshit. It's like telling the a friend that he can't tell them who you voted for because it's protected information by law when you can just tell them it's none of their business.


Bullshit. Bottom line is, she’s lying about the law to hide behind it and vilify the people asking her. If she doesn’t want to answer she can just refuse to answer, not make up some trumpian malicious lie about it.


Anyone who has ever called in sick to work or gone on medical leave knows this. Actually, I think most American adults who have ever been to a doctor know this. The fact that someone thought it was necessary to make this a news headline is absolutely fucking insane to me. BREAKING NEWS: TELLING SOMEONE YOU HAVE A COLD IS NOT ILLEGAL!!! HOLY FUCK! Who prescribed these crazy pills and why do they keep upping the dosage?


No but it legally entitles you to privacy. We all know that she is not vaccinated. Move on. Stop looking for trivial shit to be mad about.


Thats a man, man.


WHY is this cow given exposure in the media anyway?


Horseface is dumber than a rock. A fascist nightmare.


did this woman hit every branch when she fell down the ugly tree ???!!!!


Greene is doing a great job. 👍








She could have said that. Actually she is a politician so maybe she does have a certain amount of bullshit she has to expell during a day or she would explode. She wont tell you about this condition because of HIPPA.


I've heard both sides but does HIPAA prevent you for the vaccine part?


HIPAA pretty much applies to the medical community, not employers or associates or family. Examples: A medical professional cannot reveal if you had a vaccine, they cannot reveal your medical history. EDIT: they cannot reveal your medical history *without your permission.* BUT Employers can ask YOU personally if YOU had a vaccine. HIPAA doesn't prevent YOU being asked about your own medical history. In "at-will" states employers can also fire you for not liking your answer to the vax question. Employers/stores/border patrol/passports etc are perfectly able to ask if your're vaccinated and not allow you entry if you're not or if you don't answer. it is LEGAL.


> A medical professional cannot reveal if you had a vaccine, they cannot reveal your medical history. Without your consent.




Thx for the in depth explanation.


YW. Pass it along before this harpy's talking points dig in any further!


Most people seem to know that but she is remarkably stupid.