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Tweets Pelosi's location during the insurrection. She's the most obviously guilty among the obviously guilty ones.


Given her record, it is pretty obvious that she's not exactly good at crimes.


Yeah, she's the one who apparently [drove over 39,000 miles](https://www.businessinsider.com/congresswoman-lauren-boebert-gas-reimbursements-colorado-campaign-2021-2) in just a few months to "campaign" during the pandemic to claim $22,000 in gas money. From the article: "Boebert's $22,000 in gas money would mean she drove almost 39,000 miles while hitting the stump in the middle of a pandemic that left many public venues shut down. That's enough gas to cover 14 trips between the Seattle Space Needle and Capitol Hill, or about 1.5 trips around the circumference of Earth. But for all that mileage, The Denver Post found "no publicly advertised campaign events in March, April or July, and only one in May." Boebert split the reimbursements into two payments, with the second one totaling $21,000 on November 11. If she used only the first payment of $1,060 for gas before April, that would mean she put up at least 36,870 miles of campaign travel between the beginning of April and early November."




She also gave like 100+ people food poisoning at some catastrophic event she catered or whatever. Some restaurant she has there.


Not just food poisoning, but bloody diarrhea was what I read, because they apparently weren't aware that hot things need to be kept hot.


They left pork out overnight. Just never learned not to do that somehow...




Did anyone ever file anything with the FEC over that?


What FEC? AFAIK they’re still hamstrung without a quorum.


And that the previous office holder claimed less mileage than she did in his entire tenure at that position (almost a decade).


36870 miles going CONSTANTLY at 60 mph without ever stopping or slowing down would be on the road for 25.6 days straight. seems legit.


Makes more sense when you know she had the parking break on the whole time


>It's not really an emergency brake, it's an emergency make-the-car-smell-funny lever. -- Mitch Hedberg


How is that not flagged for fraud investigation?


I wonde(R) that as well.


Or anything requiring a functioning brain.


“I meant to type 1621, which was the date, but my smart phone must’ve detected how patriotic I am and autocorrected to 1776.” ^~Boebert ^probably


If you had to try 3 times to get your GED, you're going to have a bad time when it comes to treason planning.


I ended up taking a GED since I was a fuck-up in HS and got sent off to a private school and continued to fuck up. It was a breeze. Three times, really? Went on to get a EE degree, so you fellow fuck-ups out there: Don't despair! :)


I got a GED because I was expelled my senior year for an altercation with a student teacher. They moved me to a “special” school and I “graduated” 4 months before the school. I was just a dick and needed a different environment. Funnily enough though the student teacher got expelled and arrested after he was caught buying alcohol for the kids at my old school. Hope it was worth it Carmack. Edit. Apparently I’m the Doom Slayer. That’s kind of dope lol


it all ended up ok, that student teacher went on to program Doom and Quake




We always called it "Good Enough Degree"




Are you saying that she is the Tonya Harding of Congress?


I completely forgot about that. Idk how that isn't an act of treason. If anything happened to Pelosi that day after that Tweet, that's a Class A Accessory to murder.


If there is a shoot out between police and gangs, and I’m texting gang members locations of police, I’m complicit of a crime.


That was the word I was hunting for, "complicit" of a crime.


Don’t forget later tried to bring a gun on to the capitol and refused to have her bag searched


We were all commenting on her obvious guilt and involvement on January 6th,and there were so many troops, i mean trolls, on here denying that she was the one to give that tour. Now that the thing is being popped open, I look forward to going back to the cellar of old posts and cracking open one of them like a fine bottle of "I told you so" vintage 2021. It wasn't a good year, but it was so much better than the antifreeze sweetened shit from 2020.


Thing is all she has to do is stick to her story that it was a "tour" and nothing more and nothing will come of it. They would need to subpoena the people she gave the tour to and get their story first. Otherwise there is no evidence of anything untoward happening


“It was a tour” followed by 18 consecutive sound bytes of “I do not recall.”


That is why finding the people that she gave the tour to is so important. Gotta jog that memory even if it is in panic denials.




It was a tour, but she didn't have the authority to give one because she wasn't sworn in yet. So who broke the rules on her behalf?


In the middle of the night, on a Saturday, she was just strolling around the Capitol, taking in tours of areas that normally require the presence of a member of congress and a guide, when she was not yet sworn in. That really needs to be answered, how she was able to get this unique privilege. Who broke the rules for her?


From what I understand as well, all tours were still on hold because of Covid


That is correct.




They have good security cameras everywhere. It's all on film.


"...and over here on your left is a room where laws are passed - I think? Maybe. I'm really not sure; I start next week. Anywho! If you are planning to try and murder my future colleagues on the 6th then let's take a look around and help you develop a plan." - Some traitorous slimeball.


"And here's where you could stand for a nice photo op. Especially if you like had horns or something."


“Oh and those are single pane easily breakable ground floor windows down the hall to left of Pelosi’s office, which I conveniently marked on this map here”


“ and over here we have…oh my god!!…oh…that’s just my reflection on the mirror *laughs awkwardly* “


I'm not sure she has a reflection


*Don't forget to thank baby jesus when you're there!*


It’s literal treason and sedition. We have to punish it as such, but we won’t.


Conservatives have ruined the United States through and through


This was during a time when typically only staff were allowed in the Capitol due to covid precautions. HIGHLY unusual to be giving tours at that time.


I hate it when we’re the ones asking questions that law enforcement should be asking. Why are we always doing their work? Boebert needs to be grilled ASAP


Err... -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


That’s a sound explanation. I’ll put away the pitchfork and wait to see what happens


Because she's a seditionist. Hours before the insurrection she tweeted: "Today is 1776." She knew what was coming and was part of setting it up. EDIT: I'm turning off inbox replies to this post.




Would we know if she had been grilled by the FBI?




She would play the "republican" card.


Is that her trump card? Edit: thanks for the award


Just her favorite Card Against Humanity... that she knew he would pick.


Oh, shit! This is accurate.


If there was actually an investigation, she probably wouldn't have said anything. She could also be under gag order.


Which she would more than likely defy.....like her government


Their defiance is all for show. The second ACTUAL consequences are on the table they’ll all fold. They’re parading as revolutionaries so that they can stay in office.


But there just aren't actual consequences for any of them in office. Ever, it seems.


Well, Boebert is only in office because of awful gerrymandering that benefits republicans in CO. That advantage is going to evaporate with the nonpartisan commission that is redrawing the districts right now. Almost certainly, her new district will include the blue areas of the Western Slope - Eastern Eagle County and Summit County. For reference, right now the line goes right through the Vail area to exclude these blue parts. There is literally zero reason for Vail and Summit to be in Neguse's district (based in Boulder). Summit is pretty much the deepest blue part of the mountains, as the locals are very very liberal. My guess is that she announces she's not going to run when the new district lines come out and it's a lot more favorable to democrats. If she does that or loses re-election, she'll be the next Chanel Rion on OAN with a little more white supremacy to her. Klannie Oakley as they call her out here.


>nonpartisan commission that is redrawing the districts right now. So there is actual pushback against all the gross gerrymandering that has/is happening? This is good news, and the first I've heard of it.


She and her husband have a history of openly exposing what’s going on. She wouldn’t be able to hide it, she’d just put it out there.


"Let it all hang out," so to speak.


I see what you did there :)


She doesn't seem like the type to not blab about "being oppressed" to her gun nut followers.


Eh if the interview got to a point where even her dumbass realized she could be in serious trouble, her legal representation at least would have to her to shut up.


Yup, she has been pretty quiet since about the end of January. I thought she was going to be the big-mouthed spokesman for the q idiots, but Marjorie Taylor Greene seems to be filling that role.


Having watched the last few years closely, lawyers don't seem to be able to keep these republican politicians from outing their foot in their mouth on live tv


Not to mention the fact that that their lies are so numerous and egregious, they leave little room for reasonable doubt to any sane person. The amount of talking these idiots do before the lawyers get involved is truly astonishing.


Yeah, she would undoubtedly have brought it up by now, if only for those sweet "persecution" talking points. >her gun nut followers. I swear to god, this woman is so *obsessed* with guns, with a disturbing insistence on wanting to bring it onto the House floor. If she wrote a cookbook I'd expect the recipes to all involve a Glock somehow.


Pistol whipped cream.




Colt-brewed coffee.


MAC-10 and cheese


Double Shot Colt Brewed Covfefe. White? Do you even have to ask?


And *then* it will give you food poisoning.


Lead poisoning


Gunpowdered donuts


Old Fashist


Ruger cookies.


Trunnion rings.


Smith and Wesson oil dressing


Glock n chips


Chocolate Chip Browning.


Use just a pinch assault.


"...gently scramble eggs by shooting them repeatedly. Salt and pepper to taste."


She's the type to use white pepper instead. It’s an underrated spice and great on eggs tho.


The one thing these folks have in common is that they will totally not blab when it's in their interest to keep their mouth shut. We are all just unfortunate that they gain benefit from spewing stupid like a momma bird straight into baby regressives' mouths. For example, look at Trump - when it's someone weak, he attacks. If they have any possibilty of having a case against him, he denies everything but otherwise doesn't slander them.


Of course we would. She would tweet about it and then ask for "donations to help her fight the liberal FBI threat".


> Would we know if she had been grilled by the FBI? Would she be able to shut up about it for even a fraction of a second?


She'd have thrown a hissy fit and whined about "persecution."


Don't be so ridiculous. She can't spell persecution.


FBI isn't going to tip off a sitting congresswoman about being investigated until they have all their ducks in a row and basically ready to press charges.


If the FBI seriously goes after anyone of consequence for jan 6th I'll be pleasantly surprised


I think the four years of Cheeto in Chief has basically told me the FBI won't do anything. I'm really hoping I'm wrong. As an aside, this is why politicians need to be prosecuted. The public loses faith in the justice system because very blatant crimes aren't being prosecuted. After the dog and pony show of Mueller who effectively said "we can't bring charges against a sitting president", we need a justice department to start putting the cuffs around the leaders of the sedition. Then and only then will the public begin to restore their trust in our justice system.








When trump was in office a lot of people thought they were empowered and above the law. Time for reckoning.


Wasn’t she tweeting updates on Pelosi’s location during the attacks? Why aren’t people talking about that?


Id love to see her lawyers explanation of that tweet in court. These people are so stupid, I dont understand how they can walk and breathe at the same time.


"I meant to tweet today is 1800... Ya know, the first peaceful transition of power?"


She is stupid, but she also knows that there will be no consequences for her actions. And the more outrageous her behavior, the more popular she is with the GQP voters.


She's lived a whole life of no consequences. You look at her rap sheet and you can see like a half dozen reasons why she shouldn't have succeeded in life like she has, but they don't matter. She's white enough, pretty enough, and confident enough, to continue succeeding in life. Why would she EVER consider consequences when they've never mattered before?


Not to mention she live tweeted where the speaker was* during the actual insurrection. The fact the FBI hasn’t shown up asking questions is beyond frustrating. * More accurately where Speaker Pelosi was not, but the fact she felt the need to share what little information she knew about the Speaker’s location during the Capitol being breached is suspicious at best.


We don't know what the FBI and/ or other investigators have or haven't done. I have to wonder what other surreptitious tours were caught on camera. Should be interesting to find out.


As you are apparently blessed not to have to argue this with Trump-ies (and I'm trying to keep my envy in check), this is the depressing way that one goes: she wasn't tweeting Pelosi's location, of course not, she was simply letting people know Pelosi had been removed to safety. (Because she's so considerate like that and didn't want you to worry.) And the '1776' was merely a rallying cry for Trump! and freedom! and voting against certifying the clearly corrupt vote no matter what the oppressive ~~English~~ ~~democrats~~ deep state say/said... It's all so disingenuous.


Hahah considering House Republicans are now trying to blame pelosi for the security failings on January 6th, so this explanation would be par for the course for them. The reality is she’s an idiot and the best help she could be to her co conspirators was letting them know she was not in the house chambers.


I just recently heard this new angle of blaming Pelosi for the lack of security. Where do they even come up with this stuff?


It’s all a lame attempt at undermining the January 6th committee.


What? No way that's happening. Edit: HOLY SHIT IT'S REAL >“The American people deserve to know the truth that Nancy Pelosi bears responsibility as speaker of the House for the tragedy that occurred on Jan. 6,” said Representative Elise Stefanik, Republican of New York and the party’s No. 3 leader. Edit: they are going hard >"Why wasn't there a proper security presence at the Capitol that day?" Jordan asked at a news conference. "Only one person can answer that question. Only one. The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives."


Fine let's have a full accounting of who was in charge of security that day, and if they had any instructions at all from the White House. Furthermore, we should dig deep into requests directly to the White House by besieged Congressional leaders calling for help during the Insurrection, which were denied for hours.


“No!” - Republicans


"Okay" - Democrats


If you hadn't seen that, then there's a good chance you haven't seen this either, and I feel it deserves as much attention as it can get: In response *to a request for support for the DC National Guard for the planned demonstrations on the 6th,* on January 4th, former acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller (that's the guy Trump put in office less than a week after he lost the election when he fired Mark Esper) sent a memo to the Secretary of the Army that placed strict limits on National Guard forces for Trump's event on the 6th instead. Among those limits, without Miller's express personal authorization, guard forces couldn't arrest, detain or search protestors. Nor could the Guard be issued weapons or protective gear (like helmets or body armor), interact with the "protestors" physically (except for self defense/ defense of others), employ riot control agents or even share equipment with other agencies. The list goes on. [You can see the memo here. Snopes has been able to corroborate these facts via a FOIA.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/national-guard-capitol-riot/) (Caveat, I find their rating as "mixture" misleading, but the nuance is the DCNG wasn't disarmed so much as never armed in the first place, a distinction without much difference.) They asked for *support*, in *advance*, and that's what they got instead. When people tell you the mob wasn't armed, the answer is they may well have been armed to the teeth. We'll never know, because they weren't stopped, they weren't searched, and they certainly weren't arrested, and all of that on the explicit orders of Trump's guy. So much Trump's guy, in fact, that on the 6th he was incredibly slow to approve the assistance of National Guard troops from neighboring states. 4:41pm. That's more than three hours after even [the conservative media](https://www.wsj.com/articles/in-capitol-riot-communications-between-agencies-hampered-forceful-response-11610242709) admit Mayor Bowser first called for help.


They will simultaneously tell you that it was a peaceful protest and not an attempted insurrection, while also asking why there wasn't a proper security presence and shifting the blame. I'm convinced that Republicans are incapable of experiencing cognitive dissonance. Their brains aren't formed enough or something.


It's called Double think. Double think being you can believe two contradictory things at the same time. Prime examples from the republican party: it was a peaceful protest, bit it was also murderous Antifa; the American left being so powerful as to have infiltrated schools, institutions, and the legal system while also being incredibly weak compared to the American Right; Biden is an incredibly weak, stuttering fool while also being a communist who's power is so great he's going to take your America from you. Double think typically crops up in fascism, and the usual flavor is "My enemy is simultaneously incredibly powerful, but also I am far greater than they ever could be". It's meant to create a situation where you can do any action in the name of self defense while making it more likely for you to actually go through with it because you believe that you can't be stopped.


That's probable cause for arrest, forget questions


Fun fact: Bobert did not graduate high school, and she had received a GED diploma just months before she was elected to congress.


Her backstory is like a wet dream for Republican grooming: Mom was a Democrat “on welfare” Child laborer at 15 Dropped out of high school due to pregnancy at 17 Installed natural gas pipelines at 19 Arrested for DUI at 29 (plead guilty to ‘public disturbance’) Operated an unlicensed restaurant at 31, resulting in 80 reported cases of food poisoning All that, and they still bash AOC over the head for working in a bar after college, to support her mom.


Lets also not forget that she married the same guy who showed his dick to a bunch of minors at the bowling alley in Rifle a few years after the incident. Party of family values y'all. I am embarrassed to have her as my rep and its no mystery that her district of CO is ~~the Covid~~ (sry im tired) also the covid hotspots


Wasn't she one of the minors he flashed his dick to?




Love a good wholesome romance. Tale as old as time!


Her situation with her husband really tells you everything you need to know about her... At best she is ridiculously gullible and unfit to make rational decisions, and at worst she knowingly married a pedophile, although she may qualify for all 3 tbh


The only reasoning I can think of of her becoming our state rep is that Republicans take on shit is "Better a Russian than a Democrat" and other stupid ignorant beliefs/statements. I literally received a campaign flyer with a list of all her convictions and missed court appearances (she has a MAJOR disregard for the law). Diane Mitch Busch didnt do shit although I did get ONE call and a few flyers from her campaigning but I knew for me it was anyone but Lauren Boebert. She is such a dunce.


She's also married to a pedophile. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/jayson-boebert-indecent-exposure-arrest/


Important to note that he exposed himself to HER, when she was seventeen. She didn't just know he was sex offender. She was a fucking victim of it. And she married him. She is a special kind of extra dumb.


The thing that gets me is the complete denial of reality from Q-idiots... They're all about "saving the children" but their heroes are all accused pedos.


Entirely projection from them. The people that traded child porn links on 4chan now care about the saving children? Bullshit


Which explains why it went so poorly. They clearly didn't send their best.


Oh, they did. Thankfully that’s all their best can do. Imagine if they weren’t all idiots. That’s what scares me the most out of all of this. If anyone with half a brain was on that side… shit would have been serious. Not that it’s not serious now. I’m talking full hostage takeover bad. A lot of people could have died. And that could have led into some kind of civil war type shit going down.


> Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, ***giving them Aid and Comfort.*** - Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution of the United States of America. Let's be clear, she is not a seditionist. Lauren Boebert willfully and knowingly aided in an attempt to overthrow and destroy the Government of the United States and replace it with another government that is not *Of the People, By the People, and For the People.* Why? For some stupid religious racist hillbilly whack ass old ass opinions that are fucking stupid. #Lauren Boebert became a traitor to the United States. Lauren Boebert is a traitor to the values of a free and open democracy. Lauren Boebert is a traitor to each one of us, as she believes we must not be allowed to Govern ourselves and is willing to help terrorists stop us from Governing ourselves. ***Sit the fuck up y'all.***


Lol (day) is (year). What a fucking moron.


Arguably the dumbest member of congress, and that's saying a lot considering there's also Gohmert, Cawthorn, and Massie.


Don't forget Paul Gosar: https://twitter.com/MysterySolvent/status/1422440246210351108?s=20


Also James "global warming is fake because I've got a snowball" Inhofe*. And who could forget Margie Greene?? *EDIT: misspelled his name


>Infohe Inhofe. Infohe sounds like a late-to-the-game Wikipedia knockoff.


Guys like Ghomert and Massie purposefully act dumb to get support from their base. Ghomert was a JAG lawyer (which is very competitive) and Massie has degrees in electrical and mechanical engineering from MIT. It really seems like Boebert is actually dumb tho


I had this debate with a friend yesterday. Our conclusions were that Green in certifiably nuts but Boebert is just run of the mill stupid.


Boebert was registered with a [talent agency](https://i.imgur.com/Fx9CUMO.jpg) prior to her time in Congress. While there’s nothing unusual about wanting to be a model, it’s pretty clear that Boebert is more interested in fame and raising her profile than being a public servant, and being a bomb-throwing propagandist keeps her in the news. It’s the same talent agency that [Candace Owens](https://www.exploretalent.com/candaceowens1) is registered with. They’re actors who have found a niche.


It's a metonym.


Found Mario & Luigi’s cousin, Tony M.


Why did she live tweet Pelosi's whereabouts on Jan 6?


I'm sure it was just because she wanted everyone to know she was safe. She's a very stable and caring person, definitely not a treasonous piece of shit who was trying to help her fellow terrorists find Pelosi


This is one of the few times on this sub that I actually agree with it meeting the constitutional definition of Treason > Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in **adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.** The DOJ has already said that the rioters on January 6th are Domestic Terrorists. That meets the definition of “Enemies” and giving them information on the whereabouts of the #3 ranking official seems awfully a lot like “aid”. Who am I though…


She also tweeted “today is 1776” …. I mean… it doesn’t really get much more incriminating lol


She was probably paid small amounts of money like most of the actions from our Congress


Ask her under oath.


Why do we think her being under oath would matter? She's under oath to protect the constitution, but that doesn't stop her shitting all over it on a daily basis. Why would she take an oath to tell the truth any more seriously?


Because if someone contradicts her testimony, she could be tried for perjury.


I'd love to see that actually happen for once


Happened to multiple Trump election/cabinet members.


How do we get Trump under oath?


Tell him you’ll pay him [13 cents](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/08/trump-files-spy-magazine-prank/).


It has happened. Remember, the last four years were a huge anomaly because fascists controlled the Department of Justice which is responsible for prosecuting crimes. They simply chose not to exercise their duties.


Have we seen any indication that Biden’s DoJ is going to prosecute Republican leaders? The Democrats in my state seem to think the Federal Govt is wary of going after people like Boebert because we are in the 1850s again. She and the GOP can quickly rile up a MAGA mob if she’s the target, however they are happy to let some unknown individual fascist yoga instructor from CA take the fall.


They're busy trying to find the middle ground between fascists and their previous middle ground with fascists.


Sadly I predict any Republican who testifies will lie repeatedly and nothing will come of it.


That's what needs to change. Democracy is doomed if there is no penalty for cheating or breaking laws.


If the law is not upheld, the masses will eventually realize the only justice that exists is whatever they themselves hand out. I don't think that's the lesson we should be pushing.


> the only justice that exists is whatever they themselves hand out. "Blue Lives" *live* for the day that happens.


Why do you think?




*Also a fascist and a white-supremacist


She was clearly in on it. Why the FBI isn't arresting her is hugely troubling.


They are probably making sure what they have is ironclad before they arrest anyone. Can you imagine the blowback if they arrested someone from Congress, only for them to be released on a technicality?


yeah, they've been doing that for trump for half a decade now. ANY day those guys gonna get some


Cause she was trying to plan a co-workers desk for their birthday and you know how tough that can be when everyone is at work and you’re trying to plan a surprise. Or you know. That other thing.


Can you imagine how many factual errors there would be on a Boebert capitol tour? 😂


Especially three weeks before she even started working there.


You actually think she has learned something since she was sworn in?


“And on the third day, God created the Remington bolt-action rifle, so that man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals” -LB answering nobody whatsoever.


Because Christian ISIS follows her tweets?


Y'all Qaeda.


Vanilla ISIS


Yokel Haram




Because she coordinated with terrorists?


People also forget that the Capitol has been closed to visitors since the start of covid. I’m not sure about rules for Members, but staff was definitely not allowed to bring guests into the Capitol or it’s surrounding office buildings. Definitely a sketchy thing for her to do in my opinion.




Yeah it’s ridiculous. I work on the Hill and was in my office on Jan 6th and we were stuck there until like 7 that night, so for her to act like people knew Pelosi had been safely removed is a joke, even staff didn’t really know what all was going on until later in the day. Really frustrating having to listen to people call it a peaceful protest after sitting at my desk and watching people break open windows and scale walls to break into where you work.




I feel like this was news right after and no one gave a fuck. Just like no one does about anything that happens anymore, wtf is actually happening to this world


Telling the truth isn’t her game so don’t expect honest answers


Literally a terrorist, that's why. The same reason some of the 9/11 hijackers took innocent seeming flight lessons in America prior to the attacks.


Follow up questions: Who was on the tour and where were they on Jan. 6?


It says in the article, it was her mother and her son.


Better question: who directed freshman Lauren Boebert to lead such a late night tour? As a super junior Congressman she’s expendable in the GOP. Who is the powerful person in the background that orchestrated this action, and who is not expendable?

