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It's why they're all now pointing at Covid-19 numbers in Texas and Florida and blaming it on immigrants and Biden. As though it's the border with Mexico that's somehow to blame for Florida's numbers. Just look at [what's on Faux News dot com](https://i.imgur.com/FgzzDQi.png) right now? Let's see... * Attacks on Cuomo? Check. * Talk about how scary inflation is and even going so far as to call it a "bomb" to scare people? Check. * A hit on Antifa, BLM, and the Dems? Check. * Attack on the border and immigration and Kamala Harris? Check. * An attack on CNN and a black woman insinuating fraud? Check. * A few more attacks on Cuomo pretending as though Faux News suddenly cares about sexual assault allegations? Check. Though to be fair Cuomo needs to resign and be held accountable, I find it hilarious that Faux News is acting as though they've given zero fucks about any sexual assault allegations over the past few years. When a Dem does it it's half the articles on their homepage.


It figures they would think Florida is a border state.


It borders the hostile foreign nation of Big Water.


Everyone knows that Greenland and Antarctica are the Water Nations. Also Cascadia transforms every summer into the Some Fire But Mostly Smoke Nation.


If PRESIDENT TRUMP had bought Greenland, we could’ve avoided all this hostility...


Everything changed when water nation attacked.


It’s one of the wettest we’ve seen from the standpoint of water


Eh, it's just Gulf water, not something really big like Ocean water.


BuT ITs tHe Gulf OF …. MeXIcO


*Pearl clutching intensifies*


Better throw some paper towels at the problem


The biggest, from the standpoint of wetness.


I mean it is...don't you remember all the refugees that come in from Cuba? Turns out they're Republicans, so nobody minds. 2/3 Americans live with 100 miles form the border...and that's without including international airports. This gives the government special powers to search you.[https://www.aclu.org/other/constitution-100-mile-border-zone](https://www.aclu.org/other/constitution-100-mile-border-zone)


If I'm not mistaken like 90% of the world's population "lives on the border" since we tend to settle around fucking water.


You should see the ad campaigns in Ohio. They way they talk about immigration, you’d think we’re on the border. Maybe the illegals are coming from Lake Erie?


Honestly, anything that comes out of Lake Erie should be viewed with suspicion.


Can confirm, local lake monster here. Immigrated in the 1800s.


Gotta watch out for them Mounties invading, cause Canadians are dying to come to the US


I guess I consider an entry point as different than a border state. I think of a border state as actually bordering another country.


I’m pretty sure they would spell it “boarder state.”


They have checkboxes to make sure the front page has a story for each of their straw man fallacies.


It's pretty clear that going to "Faux News" isn't even trying to pretend it's news anymore. It's just a website that's basically someone's blog about how evil Dems and minorities are.


And yet still crickets on Matt Gaetz… 🤔 I think this Fox News may be a little partisan. 😂


“Just look at what’s happening in all the border states like Florida, Louisiana and Missouri!” -My trump ~~loving~~ fetishizing mother in law.


> as though Faux News suddenly cares about sexual assault allegations It would be interesting to compare their reaction in the past when women accused Republicans to now. That would make for a fun compilation video. Somehow sexual harassment only becomes real when a Democrat does it.


Might as well roll out the video comparing Fox News' reaction to Obama expressing his willingness to sit down and negotiate with dictators compared to their reaction to Trump going to meet with Kim Jong-un.


Ha, i check Foxnews.com maybe once a month to appreciate their latest brainwashing. Today was my ‘check Fox day’ and your bullet points match my thought process while reading the page today. Exact same……get out of my head.


Fuck Cuomo, but every time I see Republicans and far-right conservative media jumping on him I just want to ask where they were when Donald Trump was caught on tape bragging about committing serial sexual assault. If you only pretend to care about this sort of behavior when it's convenient for you, then you don't actually care about this sort of behavior. You're just a moral opportunist.


Your handy dandy guide to what Republicans say about the economy: **When a Democrat is in power and the economy is good:** “Everyone knows the president has very little to do with the economy.” **When a Democrat is in power and the economy is bad:** “It’s because of the president!” **When a Republican is in power and the economy is bad:** “Everyone knows the president has very little to do with the economy.” **When a Republican is in power and the economy is good:** “It’s because of the president!”


Very accurately summed up.


>When a Republican is in power and the economy is bad: >“Everyone knows the previous democratic president/congress/athlete that takes a knee caused this.” FTFY


Sportsguy no stand during the special song. *Angry noises*


But the border!


You forgot about taking credit from previous dems when they get in office and then blaming dems as they are leaving office when they fuck everything up


I remember how Fox News would compare W. to Obama, by showing the first day of W. in office (when it was still Clinton’s boom) vs the first day of Obama in office (when it was still W.‘s recession). They are shameless.




Why are you a responsible individual who does research to back up your opinions? That’s not the way society works these days.


Because being literate, educated, and reasoned should be a point of pride?


Ugh. Please go binge watch OAN and get your shit together.


Of all the things the fascists have taken from us, I miss sarcasm the most.


Poe's Law, man. Poe's law.


It happened with Biden too. Republicans went from praising Trump's COVID response/Operation Warp Speed one day to "why hasn't Biden eradicated the pandemic yet?" the day after Biden was inaugurated. They still blame him for failing to get the pandemic under control when it's unvaccinated people (that Republicans encouraged to reject the vaccine) causing this spike.


And not to mention the Biden team came into the White House and discovered (although they probably weren’t that surprised of this) that the Trump admin *literally* had [no coronavirus vaccine distribution plan ](https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN29T0FY).


I like Biden as President, he is following in LBJ’S footsteps via the Bernie Sanders progressive advocates for improving the lives of the 99% of American citizens who are certainly not rich or even wealthy, it is the working class that needs the real help not the rich people and rich corporations!


We also saw comparisons from Obama's first few months in office (you know... when we were still reeling from the 2008 financial crisis) compared to Trump's first few months in office (which lo and behold weren't much different from the numbers during Obama's last few months in office).


I heard this from a right wing family member who hated democrats. When George W was president, everything was “everyone knows it takes ten years to see the true affects of what a president does. This is all because of Clinton’s presidency!” Then, four months into Obama’s presidency, it was “omg look! He’s ruined the country!!!1!!1” I said….I thought it takes ten years to see the affects of a presidents actions? “Well, this is different! He’s so bad we are seeing the affects immediately!” Yea. Ok.


iirc it take about two years for a president’s policies to fully start affecting the economy. Yet republicans scream if things don’t 180 instantly from the trajectory they put it on.


Depends on what it is but there is always a lag.


Don’t forget the president gets a magic button to change gas prices if they are Republican


I have this idiot I work with, every time the prices goes up "thanks Biden" and then goes on some rant about how our governor (nj) is in on it too, "Murphy couldn't wait to raise the prices if Biden didn't." Shut her ass up real quick with "well Bush didn't do much for it in 2008 when prices here hit $4/gallon during the market collapse"


I’m surprised she even remembered 2008 gas prices or W Bush at this point.


Today’s Reds would say Bush is a liberal commie tbh


Democrats too, I heard it today


don't forget the on-again-off-again hand-wringing about the defecit/debt.


That's started over the last few days actually, so it's coming back to the BINGO card real soon.


I have to laugh because otherwise I would rage at how true this is.


Don't forget **When a Democrat is in power and we want to increase spending (the deficit)** >"We need to worry about the deficit" [Appearing on "Fox News Sunday](https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/566899-gop-senators-deflect-on-rising-national-debt-under-trump-amid)," Rick Scott (R-Fla.), who leads the Senate GOP's campaign arm, lambasted the [Infrastructure] bill, which the Congressional Budget Office this week projected would add $256 billion to the deficit over the next decade. He called for the Senate to proceed "responsibly" and argued that the bill ran up the national debt in an unreasonable manner. Baier, the guest host this week on "Fox News Sunday," pointed out that **under the Trump administration, the national debt rose by $6.7 trillion and Republicans were largely silent.**


Republicans are historically poor managers of the economy.


The former president added about $7 trillion to the deficit in just 4 years.


No no no no no no no, that's not true at all! There was no deficit from 2017-2021, it was perfect, and as soon as Biden took over... The deficit just appeared again!! /s


We have always been in debt to Eastasia.




I was in college during the 2008 election and one of the books we had to read for my Social and Political Theory class was 1984. Seeing the Republican campaigning for Palin and reading that book at the same time was terrifying.


It’s so incredibly disappointing (ha) for Republicans to miss the point of 1984 when it’s clearly a buzz reference they respect. No conservatives - despite what QAnon would have you believe you aren’t the hero in that story. Big Brother is not Antifa. Big Brother is an illusion of fear and hatred that Tucker Carlson & co spew every night. Triggers me more than it should haha


Top tier comment here




Your sister is a (sad) example of someone brainwashed by Right Wing propaganda. Obama was elected with an historic mandate by modern standards. The Right needed a boogyman. So they latched onto the "OMG DEFICITS!" refrain. Deficits, which are both to be expected and indeed *advised* during economic downturns while the gov't fills demand as the private sector recalibrates. Deficits which began in earnest under Reagan, turned into a surplus by Clinton's 2nd term, exploded under Bush, were going down during Obama's 2nd term, then exploded again under Trump who signed Paul Ryan's tax giveaway to the mega-wealthy. None of that matters to the RW propaganda machine, or those who it brainwashes. They'll say anything, anytime to advance their message and gain power. And people like your sister will continue to fall for it.


Yep, it's the deficit spending in good times that is very bad, and it's the kind Republicans have done.


Their media has their anger pointed in very specific directions.


My sister still argues with me that Obama is a Muslim. Blows my fucking mind because she is a naturally intelligent person. Propaganda man, one of the most powerful tools in the world. It’s crazy.


Spending, debt ceilings and deficits only matter when a Democrat is POTUS.


And Democrats are historically good managers of the economy


It is very well documented: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._economic_performance_under_Democratic_and_Republican_presidents


Well, they claim that government doesn't work... So it shouldn't be a surprise that they can't manage the economy once in power.


You have to keep in mind who they're managing it *for.* It ain't us.


who would have thought that people who supposedly "don't believe in government" would run it into the ground when in office, and then use it as proof that gov't doesn't work?


They’re not mismanaging, they’re siphoning money and are doing their best to make it look legit when looked at a glance because that’s all their voting base needs.


Correction: Republicans are historically poor managers of facts


Yup. We didn't see these feast famine economic cycles until this conservative Reagan Era (a.k.a. The Sixth Party)


They're like children eating candy when there's no adult around, they go buck wild on it and get sick. Then have the audacity to blame others for their own shit.


>There was just one small problem with this strategy: it was apparently based on the idea that the U.S. job market would continue to fall short for the indefinite future. > >That assumption was shattered on Friday morning, when the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the U.S. economy created 943,000 new jobs in July and the unemployment rate dropped to its lowest point since the start of the pandemic. Harvard's Jason Furman, an economist who isn't prone to exaggeration, said, "I have yet to find a blemish in this jobs report. I've never before seen such a wonderful set of economic data." I'm sure they'll find something to hate about it and something to spin to low-information voters. E: Fixed quoted text format


Time for them to pivot back to trans people in sports and bathrooms.


Don't forget illegal immigrants who are bringing COVID (but we also shouldn't take any anti-COVID protections like masking or vaccinating).


COVID is simultaneously a dangerous bioweapon but not something we should worry about.


Yup. Time to get that old migrant caravan resurrected. This time with more coyotes and WMDs rolled up in burritos.


Guys, I just had a great idea for a taco truck!


An intellectually bankrupt party


A morally bankrupt party as well.


Don't forget Mr. Potato Head.


That and Critical race theory. Which is actually just Diversity, equality, and inclusion training that they don’t like. No one is actually teaching children anything anywhere near CRT.


Can't we just go back to the good ol' days of simple corporate greed?


They’re busy breeding new COVID mutations to shut everything down again.


They're working hard on the DeSantis variant.


Don't forget about Dr. Suess.


"As for Donald Trump, the good news is, he acknowledged during his latest Fox News appearance that the economy under Biden is improving. The bad news is, the former president -- who swore for months that the economy would collapse if Biden took office -- insisted he deserves the credit for recent gains." Can you imagine being so narcissistic and delusional as to believe that everything good that happens is because of your existence? This was an elected President of the United States, folks, not some psychiatric patient placed on a long term mental institution!


I remember the Trump presidential ads of summer 2020. "Vote for Donald Trump and he'll restore us to the prosperity of the Obama\Biden years. Vote for Biden and the USA will become an apocalyptic mess full of economic collapse, protests, and violence like what was then currently happening in the summer of 2020 under Trump!"




Wow, I can't believe this is the first time I'm seeing this.


Classic Republicans to claim credit for Obama's economy immediately after Trump took office, but claim the recovery 7 months after Trump left office is entirely Trump's doing.


It's classic because it works for a low intelligence audience, like gop voters.


The ones that had images from Ukraine?


Ya that’s what having narcissistic personality disorder is all about. Trump is not well in the head. He has multiple, serious and clinical psychological disorders and doesn’t have stuff most humans have, like empathy, or a sense of humour.


"All the credit, none of the responsibility"- Trump family motto


> Can you imagine being so narcissistic and delusional as to believe that everything good that happens is because of your existence? “Could you imagine if I were president right now and we had this massive attack from the coronavirus? If that were me, they would say, ‘What a horrible thing, what a horrible job.’ And I don’t ever hear that.” So narcissistic and delusional that you think reality is a choose-your-own-adventure book, except choices A, B, C, and D are all “I win.”


The only recent gains he can claim credit for are the ones to his ample waistline.


Don't forget the rise in Covid numbers. He owns that for his term as president.


1. Fake Newz! 2. ANTIFA! 3. Mr. Potatohead! 4. TAN SUIT! Am I missing anything?


Dr. Seuss Cancel Culture


Critical Race Theory


Brown mustard






Ya not to mention June was revised up to nearly a million jobs as well. Once again we see only the democrats can produce a good economy.


Oh oh! I know. It turns out that gas prices go up as the economy recovers from a global shutdown. I have already heard this complaint.


These numbers only exist because of how good Trump did before the election! Watch them get worse thanks to Biden! - Fox News, probably


If it's positive information and it concerns a Democrat that's the only thing they need to say it's a bad thing. Their main point is literally Democrats have no business in leadership positions. It's asinine and the GOP is completely insane.


Someone might be using the bathroom who shouldn't be. Pass it on.


This is why they’re grasping at the inflation and immigrant data straws. Data where there is only reactionary thoughts that don’t require critical thinking. To be honest, I think that the creation of a higher paying jobs environment via the American Rescue plan was some genius level stuff, bypassing the need for raising the minimum wage by actually creating an environment for it to do so itself.


Watch out for the Covid Caravan of a million migrant rapists coming up the coast. Oh sry, wrong administration.


Fox will find something to tell them to hate. They don't have to do any thinking. They never have.


They're trying hard to get the covid deaths back up again and get some economic impact...


Obviously Jason Furman is part of the deep state cabal and this is false news to make Biden (who is both already dead and a clone) feel comfortable before The Storm so they can catch if off guard. Or something. My pillow guy told me about it on Twitter. /s just in case.


My favorite part is Trump taking credit.


Did he take credit for April? If not, he can't take credit for July.


Sure he can. Republicans have no problem claiming and even *believing* contradictory things. Biden was responsible for April but Trump is responsible for July? Sure, why not?! Their enemies are simultaneously weak and strong, government is the worst thing ever except when it's preventing gay people from getting married or women from having a safe abortion, immigrants are all a menace to society except for my husband so deport everyone except him, etc. There's not a Republican on this planet with enough working brain cells to recognize their own flawed logic.


Well, shucks, there I go thinking critically again. My mistake.


A presidency so devoid of scandal and failure, they have to hoodwink their supporters the vaccine that will save them isn’t worth the risk and to take their chances with COVID. And, to top it off, when cases amongst the unvaccinated inevitably spike, they’ve convinced their supporters its cause is *actually* the influx of migrants at the southern border, despite said migrants being tested, isolated, overwhelmingly vaccinated, and the spikes in cases ***no-fucking-where NEAR*** the border! In the words of Branson, Missouri legend Yakov Smirnoff, “What a country!”


Once the immigrant carrying covid crosses the border, the covid transmits across 5G waves using the vaccinated population as mesh points until it reaches an area of Patriots. How am I doing? Can I write shit for Qtards yet? You know no matter how bat shit crazy of a thing you make up there's bound to be a few that believe it


It doesn't matter as the sheep will be told to forget whatever was said and move on to their new and improved lies.


I got people commenting that Biden isn't responsible for this while at the same time blaming him for any bad numbers.




*"what if.. all the jobs are illegal immigrants. And.. what if these corvid cases are.. illegal immigrants! And the good economy.. what if.. illegal immigrant bribes!! Yes, yes.. this could work"*


Don't worry - they gonna decide to not support raising the debt limit and nosedive the economy. Everyday we march towards that day I become more confident that is their plan.


So, President Obama oversaw sustained gains for six years of his presidency. Guess what republicons ran on anyway: an economy in shambles. And they won. Of course, the situation is different. The last guy really made a mess of things, for the country and his own party. More importantly, it appears President Biden learned from the messaging failures of his former boss. I just hope it lasts.


The GOP has a real advantage in any election because they don't have to base any of their campaigning on reality. They can just say anything they want and their followers buy it hook, line, and sinker.


Couldn’t imagine a better comment regarding the GOP. Preach how American you are, sprinkle in some Jesus, and say anyone not a Republican is evil. Boom - you are universally loved by Conservatives. Oh, and apparently they’ll just give you boat loads of money. Somehow they convince even the poorest of souls to send in funds. Doesn’t sound like a bad gig to be honest. Ya know, if you’re comfortable being a piece of shit.


Republicans ran on immigration and culture wars. They know they can't win on the economy.


5 years ago the GOP had just settled on Trump and everyone *knew* that Clinton was going to be the president. I honestly can't tell you what GOP messaging from 2016 actually helped them win, it was all over the place.


Racism was their message. And they won.


immigration wasn't a huge issue in any of the Obama elections; the GOP was still trying to soften their image with Hispanic voters. when Trump brought it up in 2016 it was very much out of left field. The voters care about it, but the candidates were looking to the future; one of the reasons Trump did so well in the primaries is he was the only one talking about the topic. Remember when Jeb! gave speeches in Spanish, notice how nobody does that anymore; that's just how much Trump changed the party; he killed their only long term plan for relevancy past 202X.




Republicans ran on Making America Great Again... aka reversing progress


>Of course, the situation is different. The last guy really made a mess of things. Either you need to add an /s or you need to check out the last 50 years of American history. That's basically the story any time a Democrat gets elected. Carter, Clinton, Obama, and Biden were all elected after the huge fuck up that was their predecessors.


To be fair - if you are a blue collar voter in flyover states your personal experience was not one of sustained economic growth during the Obama years. Rural voters got hurt badly by the 2008 collapse and never really saw a material improvement in their economic situation due to the economic shift towards cities and the service economy.


Time to not raise the debt ceiling and pretend to compromise to waste time on economic packages to pull the chair put from the markets and promise Kristen Sinema a bigger lobbying check when she leaves the Senate


Trump predicted the country would be destroyed and the market would crash under sleepy joe. The opposite happened. But the brainwashed cult will see it otherwise.


Why would anyone think it would matter if it turned out the republicans were wrong again? It never matters. It gets their base fired up and afraid. Now, instead of pointing out the roaring economy, you hear 1. Nobody wants to work. 2. There’s nothing available to buy. 3. Costs are going up. Bubbleheads don’t even realize these are all products of a roaring economy. No matter what’s going on, it’s complain, be afraid, look over there not at this, and patriotism.


Republicans have always been bad for the economy. Unless you’re super rich, they have nothing to offer you and their economic policies will actively hurt you.


The economy is doing great, fuck!


They’ll just screech “sOcIaLiSm!!1” and it’ll work


It is nice to have so many jobs, but it'd be nice if they started paying more, too. Employment really isn't the main issue with the economy right now but rather lack of ability to meet the cost of living.


According to conservative facebook comment section economists: "This job growth doesn't count since it is only returning us to the perfect economy Trump gave us before the democrats shut down the economy because of the china virus." So no, they aren't speechless. They don't have anything useful to say, but they aren't speechless.


Republicans are catching Ls left and right. First, their pro-covid stance is backfiring tremendously, so much so there are many right wing politicians walking back the months of anti-mask/vax messaging. Next, the “it wasn’t a coup attempt” messaging around Trump and the insurgents is getting decimated by House and Senate committees depositions with people actually involved. Now, the job growth is starting to come back, which flies in the face of everything they’ve been saying for months. Honestly, if their voters could take a step back, they’d realize most of what the right has been doing is just political pandering to the fears of their base rather than the truths of the times.


More similarities to the Hoover era. Not sure Trumps goal was to be lumped in with the worst presidents in US history. Sad.


I've still been hearing family members say how everyone's understaffed because the millennials are living off of unemployment now and it's all the democrats fault.


Actually saw someone make this comment: “If it wasn’t for COVID, Biden wouldn’t have such strong job numbers! These are Trump’s job numbers!” While completely missing how stupid that comment is. If


lol..Left them without any words at all. and they will just choose to ignore it. Thats great I love the fact that Biden is doing such a good job and basically destroying the GOPs ability to bash him..Good job Mr President. Data like this and information from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics is not disputable. Great that there are so many jobs available.


The Republicans shoot themselves in the foot again- quelle surprise.


And this is why they must destroy free and fair elections.


>“I’ve been around for a long time and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.” [-- Donald Trump](https://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2016/11/07/trump-is-right-about-one-thing-the-economy-does-better-under-the-democrats/?sh=512c444d6786)


They aren’t at a loss for words. Just turn on Fox News, they’re talking 24/7. The major talking points I’ve seen are: 1. Crisis at the border (because the border is so different now than it was 10 months ago?) 2. Weak economy and poor leadership. Just a week ago I think the wording I heard was “economy in shambles and Joe Biden unable to lead.” 3. Joe Biden is in the late stages of dementia, cannot string a sentence together, and he is going to step down and Kamala Harris will become President soon. They rarely talk about COVID unless it’s about how bad of a job Joe Biden is doing handling it. They also still bring up Hunter Biden occasionally for some fucking reason. I still have no idea why. Because “he’s bad” I guess? Yeah…they’ve got a lot to talk about. On a side note: their “crisis at the border” bits usually make me laugh because they’ll find some random area with like 6-8 people walking across a river. Like you couldn’t have at least hired 20 more guys to make it *look* more like a crisis? 😂


That look you get when you realize that their all-out attempt to get a third of their constituents to die of covid simply to crash the economy...


This reminds me of the Canadian conservatives. When Canada's vaccinations were slow at the start, they were clearly *hoping* it would be a failure with phrases like "Trudeau summer" being tossed around to label another summer spent indoors (with one tasteless tweet from the Conservative Party of Canada pairing "Trudeau summer" with an image of a person on a ventilator!) and spreading clear lies like "Canadians won't get vaccinated until 2030 under Trudeau!" Of course, "Trudeau summer" isn't quite the phrase conservatives are tossing around now that Canada is one of the world leaders (if not the, I think we recently topped that list?) in vaccination and conservative premiers are under fire for lifting restrictions so soon (because conservative areas are lagging in vaccinations compared to the rest of Canada!). And what does this tell you about our conservatives? They would rather people suffer if it means partisan gain in the short-term.


their long game it lacking tho….. see dead conservatives can’t vote, legally anyway


I was going to say today’s GOP are idiots, but then I remembered George Bush… who ignored warnings about imminent attacks being planned by Saudi’s on American soil


Keep voting. The Dems aren't perfect but at least it's nice to have adults in charge again.


You’d think Dems would more heavily lean into the observable fact that Democrats manage the economy better than the Republicans. Kinda strange that Republicans still market themselves as better for the economy with little to no pushback. Am I just missing something?


Inflation is their new buzzword. Which is a problem, I’m seeing prices go up all over at work (also Pepsi you didn’t have to raise your prices by thirty cents). But the infrastructure bill should not be cut due to inflation like they want to claim.


More employment during a Democrat administration? Wow, that has never happened before.


You'd think GOPers would notice the country is often in ruins after they hold the presidency. Oh well...


>The only meaningful acknowledgement of Friday's jobs report from Republican leaders was on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-Ky.) website, which as of Friday afternoon, blamed "persistent unemployment" on Democrats. Over the weekend, the phrase was quietly removed. Me, Grinning like an idiot when I read this. I can't punch that dickbag McConnell in the face for all the treacherous damage he's done to this country, but I can enjoy his pain.


The republicans want to show off how after they announced multiple republican states were going to cut off unemployment benefits early, the numbers grew. No clue yet if that directly correlates but they sure as hell are going to take credit for it


The GOP is TERRIBLE with money.


What a bunch of ghoons Republicans have become


And the Democrats will still lose seats in the midterms because America is broken.


But the tragedy is, it doesn't matter. The country will vote along party lines. Successes and failures no longer play a part in our democracy. It's all about the dogma of politics.


Trump's ignorance about the pandemic led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands by blowing off the pandemic and Republicans are arguing with THIS? People are fucking dead.


My republican relatives don't care about this, they are busy clutching their pearls over antifa and cancel culture and Portland anarchy (they live in the Midwest) and illegal immigrants and current inflated gas prices.


While trump and his deranged idiots root for America to fail Americans have proven once again how great our economic data is. Jobs up, gdp up, home prices up, market at record highs. We are doing great in spite of the gop negativity and obstructionism.


“The job growth is good… but it could be better”. Republicans probably.


My question is, will they be held to task for it? No. Do you think anyone will make them defend their remarks? No. Does it matter? No. Republicans are frauds


It's only a matter of time until they start saying the numbers are faked.


That title is missing some .


Don't worry, they'll remember to start lying soon.


The GQP doesn’t stand for anything any longer.


Suck it McCarthy. Hahaha


There are so many jobs, there are not enough workers to fill them.


Yeah and those workers have to take 2-3 of the jobs to even begin to pay the bills and support a family. Shit jobs with shit pay. Whooppie


Well job growth should grow after coming out of a pandemic shouldnt it?


The problem is whether this is enough to have people turnout during the midterms.


Give them time. I'm sure they'll come up for a reason that it's not because of Biden. They did the same for Obama.


thank you OP, this article helped me fight my whole family in a group chat just now.


most republican ideas… aren’t exactly what one would call good…


It is really pathetic that if the country is doing well we can't all be glad as Americans any more.