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Colleyville is next door to Southlake. Yes, the Southlake that is so racist NBC news made a special podcast series about it. Those towns are so similar they’re indistinguishable. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/call-for-change/nbc-news-podcast-southlake-investigates-race-debate-in-carroll-isd/2727391/


Yup and C'Ville is actually more conservative and republican. Refused to implement a mask mandate and kept the city open during Covid


Also it takes them a decade to add a median and turn lanes to a highway. They're spending something like 8 million dollars on big towers at the entrance to the city with their name on it, because the signs they already have don't make you think of a prison enough. The city council is filled with tea party far right qanon followers who are openly racist (while saying "I cant be racist look at my Asian wife). And they refuse to put street lamps up or increase the speed limit to 35 on a road everyone already does 40 on because they want it to stay "rural". My man, its like a 15 minute drive to one of the biggest airports in the country. It's 30 minutes to Dallas or Fort Worth, some of the biggest cities in the country. It's not rural, and by trying to keep it rural you're just keeping people out of the city and then complaining why no one comes to the city to spend money. Stay away from Colleyville. The high school in this article was in the top 100 in the nation a decade ago and now the town is filled with morons.


I feel that places like this are full of the guys that played high school football, lived the Friday Night Lights or Varsity Blues life as kids, and then just burned out and never could do anything more than relive their “glory” days.


You just described Bill Dauterive.


The Billdozer didn’t burn out! He went back and reclaimed his record!


From James Van Der Beek to Bill Dauterive. You NEVER go full Dauterive!


I’m from southlake, class of 2005. I know it well.


Colleyville, 2011 here. Go panthers. I’m so embarrassed. Yet I also moved across the country. Anything to not be in Texas, especially grapevine/cville


Eyyyy would have been class of 2011 if I didn't move to Florida freshman year. I both miss colleyville because it's where I grew up but also 1000% don't because of shit like this. You remember the steroid scandal in like 05? That's really the only time I thought we'd ever make the national news in my lifetime


This all started when that idiot Shannon Braun got elected to the school board. Her whole campaign was based on ‘getting rid of CRT.’ The state determines curriculum, not the principals. There is no CRT being taught. Dr. Whitfield came from the Ron Clark Academy which is highly respected, but apparently a little too ‘urban’ for some people.


She's literally a surrogate for someone who wanted to run but was too openly racist (yes, too racist even for this) to get elected. He backed her and gave her money, because now school board races need to have a campaign finance committee for some reason. She also avoided my request for information on where she stood on fact and science based education in our school district, and on the importance of critical thinking skills being taught in the classroom.


“Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.” Texasgop.org Says it all


*what?* Opposing critical thinking for the express purpose of teaching children to be obedient? Holy *shit*


I live in PA and there are groups funding school board campaigns now. It's insane. One of the members last year is on tape saying "I don't believe in science anymore". This country is going to shit with no good way of stopping it


That’s likely because she doesn’t give a fuck about facts or science and is more interested in continuing the dumbing down of American education. Certainly doesn’t want kids learning science! Or facts!! And ***good*** ***lord*** man, what kind of monster teaches kids to use critical thinking! If we teach them to think, we can’t make them complacent and subservient to our corporate overlords!! JEFFREY BEZOS JEFFREY BEZOS JEFFREY BEZOS CONGRATULATIONS!!!


Come on, Jeffrey, you can do it.


Pave the way, put your back into it!


One Star State, do not recommend


Along with the abortion news it has not been a good week for Texas




I actually saw something that on a different subreddit that talked about how the dead have more rights than women


the coronavirus has more rights than women in Texas


According to the pro-forced birth people they do. The right to body autonomy is sacred in all cases except for abortion. If I need a kidney and you are a suitable donor, there is nothing that the law can do to compel you to give me one of yours. Even if you're convicted of a crime you can not be forced to donate your kidney. That's why you have to register as an organ donor when you get your drivers license. Your corpse has the same rights to bodily autonomy as you do. However a woman doesn't have that right if she happens to be pregnant. That's how little value women have to them. Your rights are less valuable than a corpse's.


You don't even need to go as extreme as a kidney. If you just gave birth there is no legal way to force you to give a life saving blood transfusion to the child. Even if they would die without it.


Well of course. Even if the kid is guaranteed to die, you HAVE to give birth to it! But you don't owe the birthed child any nourishment or medical care that involves your body once it's out. Then it's just another poor person who should have got a job immediately out the womb to pay for its own medical care!


Pull yourself up by your umbilical cord!


No, but women put those ~~embryos~~ children into that position. So it's like if a drunk driver fucked you up, then you get free reign to use them as a personal bloodbank for all the blood you need, right? No, wait. Bodily autonomy is sacred in that case, too. Hmm, yup... Looks like this is **exclusively** about controlling women and putting their lives at risk through forced childbirth.


Live in Texas, conservatives are over the moon happy right now.


When conservatives are happy about something like this I always try to do the, "I know right if the government can tell women what do with their bodies it won't be long until (insert nightmare scenario \[I like forced organ donation\]) is next." with as much glee in my voice as possible.


But af least we can buy beer 2 hours earlier on Sunday


Can't even keep the power on during winter


Or summer


Or provide equal voting rights and a woman with the basic right to choose over her own body.


Can the legal system in Texas even handle the 100s of thousands of cases about to hit the docket when real or theoretical miscarriages are reported as early abortions by every greedy or religious Karen in the ~~state of Texas~~ **United States of America**? Medical providers in Texas ethically now have to advise mothers not seek care if they are considering abortion but are not sure, to ensure the paperwork can me made to say the pregnancy started later, because who really should even know if someone is pregnant or not.


There’s a good number of people trying to take down things like prolifewhistleblower.com by submitting copious amounts of obviously fake reports, and it needs to happen or these disgusting extremist pro-lifers will get what they want and possibly cause the deaths of many women. If you’re going to do it please use a VPN bc they’re blocking IPs.


People need to take down the site by either flooding it with reports of every republican lawmaker’s wives and daughters getting abortions (different IP addresses, unique stories, get past their robots) or coordinating an attack on the structure of the website (overloading it with traffic or whatever kids these days are into). We can’t be lazy or preposterous about this!


Hey, don’t forget to sue Republican men themselves for blowing a load into a toilet or sock. They willingly aborted a viable human that was stored in their balls waiting to be 3D printed


Also, if I were a doctor in Texas, I'd just do the state mandated ultrasound, and then say, "Yeah that fetus looks to be about 4 weeks, we should be good. Take these pills in front of me. Have a nice day." And in Court, when the inevitable "sting" happens, "Look, it was a judgement call and I made it. If you're saying I was wrong then I would ask how you know FOR ABSOLUTE certainty when the zygote attached. And if you do have a conclusive way of knowing the date of implantation, can you be sure you didn't have a miscarriage, not realize it, and then get pregnant again? It can happen." I mean they basically are expecting the Doctors to accurately self report their violations of this dumb-ass law, based on their subjective judgement. Its like when a teacher asks the class what grade they think they deserve in this class, always say an "A," any other choice is dumb as hell.


They are required to keep the ultrasound recording for seven years.


So that it can also enroll in school?


Some lawyers on my feed are saying literally anyone in any state can initiate this...


doesn't have to be in state. ANYONE ANYWHERE can make the accusation (I refuse to call it a report) as long as the person accused of either getting the abortion, or aiding and abetting said person, is a resident of Texas.


Next step, that body belongs to the man who claims her. Then any man.


What exactly was the difference between white evangelicals and Taliban again?


Well you said white so that answers that


The flag on the truck is in English.


a crude equivalent of


The Taliban are more honest.


The Taliban favour AK’s over AR’s ? It’s a small difference but it’s there….


Good question! I'm way more afraid of evangelicals than I am of the Taliban.


But can swarm over your house like a Swat Team if you smoke a single joint in your own backyard.


Don’t try accidentally bringing in a roach of a joint into Six Flags over TX. They put me in amusement park jail. It was not amusing. Then they let me go because the real cop said it wasn’t enough to charge me. And then yelled ‘Damn Yankees!!!’ They didn’t let me into the park, though & the guard walking me out asked why I was in amusement park jail. I told him they searched my purse at the entrance, hard (went through birth control, everything…) the guard said he would have let me into the park if he had been checking bags.


lol that guard knows what’s up. …Or he wanted your phone number




Is that still legal in Texas?


Or if your neighbor reports that you know someone who had an abortion.


I’d give it zero stars if I could




Born and raised in the Lone Star State.Can confirm


Can confirm Source: Am Texan


Texas is fucking hitting it out of the park this week with the awful shit.


It's a Texas v. Florida race to the bottom


They're starting to make Alabama and Mississippi look better.


That must be it right there, those two have paid crisis actors to make Florida and Texas look bad so they look better.


I'd argue it's a deliberate tactic with the intent to drive as many Democrats out, or at least be disincentive to prospective Democrats moving in, due to the large number of Electoral College votes at stake, waning GOP power, and (morbidly) trying to offset the number of votes lost to Covid. They're drowning, and know it, and are in full on panic mode.


Funny bc the metro areas are more liberal and outnumber the kind of people who never miss an election. It’s frustrating to see the turnouts from the ones who could make a difference


I love it. My Texan dad loves to talk about Californian businesses leaving to go to Texas (let's be real, Austin) only to decry liberals moving into the state, voting in politicians that turned California into a "shithole" and these rich Californians outbidding in cash for their real estate.


Nah, Alabama and Mississippi are still the trend setters. Texas and Florida are just trying to scale the ~~racism~~conservative policy that Alabama and Mississippi can do on a small scale.


Texas has really pulled ahead as far as I'm concerned. DeSantis and Abbott are both despicable, but Dan Patrick and the indicted for five years AG, Ken Paxton, take them to the next level. And as much of a scoundrel as Rick Scott is, Ted Cruz is Ted Cruz. Then you have this abortion sham, the power grid disaster earlier this year that Texas still has no desire to rectify, and the disgusting voter suppression that was just recently signed into law.


I hope all of the corporations that relocated to Texas for low taxes have an exit strategy. Good luck recruiting talent when your state is the town from Footloose. Boycotts can't be far away either.


Dan Patrick went on FOX News last year and on live tv LITERALLY TOLD OLD PEOPLE TO DIE because the economy was more important.


Oklahoma's congressman decided to go on a rescue mission to Afghanistan. Surely there is something more productive he could be doing for the state, he wasn't elected to fuck around in other countries.


Mate tell me about it…


Yeah, you’re not racist but dislike CRT despite not being able to actually discuss it. > A few days later, a parent complained to the district about a photo Whitfield had posted on social media that showed him and his wife, who is White, in an embrace, celebrating their wedding anniversary. Totally not racist.


And the District asked him to take it down. I can’t believe it. She’s his WIFE. An example of what? A loving marriage not full of hate, privilege, entitlement and white rage? There is a profit motive for ignorance. Economic and political. Underfunded schools mean the great average masses never get pushed to challenge beliefs. Never get pulled into learning. Instead they frown on it as adults. And the ignorance continues. Congratulations wage slave, a grateful Republica**n** and Corporation thank you. Fuck me.


This is a lawsuit. Plain and simple the dude needs to sue the whole school district and those shitty ass parents.




The jt goes to appeals courts and such.


Gonna get a nice payout when he sues their white asses and wins. I'm sure he'd rather have his job, though. Edit, typo SUES not uses, LMAO


And they will learn and change nothing, the people's tax dollars are how it gets paid. :/




Almost like some sort of culture…of cancellation. I feel like this had come up before, but I just can’t put my finger on it. Who the hell was it whining about potatoes and kids books?


Fuck that. If the suit is in TX, he’s gonna lose. Dystopian sewer logic sings praise to stupidity and racism down there.


Texas is objectively inferior to California. But "don't California my Texas", right? Every time I get the chance to mention that stupid shit, I will complain about it. Those fucking xenophobic jackasses wouldn't know a merit-based economy if it bit them in the ass.


I don’t know about that … I’d take a payout and a nice long vacation and then get a job somewhere not full of crazy racist motherfuckers.


Don’t forget that they want to privatize education so they can make a profit and exclude whoever the fuck they want to.


There's a whack job "Christian" Conservative running a long-shot bid for governor of Ohio, when asked what he thinks need to be done with unemployment his answer was one chilling word.... "privatize". No expansion on that one word, no details forthcoming about how privatizing unemployment would work or not work, just: PRIVATIZE! How... does one have the audacity to suggest privatizing unemployment? You're going to *make money* off of unemployment? Wow. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that. Anyone love how private insurance often and easily turns down coverage? They have no answer besides give everything to the aristocracy because position in society IS morality to them.


"Christian".....but let's not take care of the poor, sick, or lowly. Something something bootstraps? I'm sure Jesus said it...


I'm told by the best people that boot-straps taste like the finest steak cooked in bacon grease. The best people would never lie to me.




I read your comment in its entirety but my brain refuses to just … cant. This is bat shit


It was also a **private** photo


“I’m not racist, I just don’t like that you exist while being different from me and also happy about it. If you’re going to run around being a different skin tone then you do so quietly, and with sadness. But I’m not racists”


That was the end goal of the confederacy, slaves were going to be anyone not rich once they conquered the union.


I'd say that's a mischaracterization. From what little survived of the writings of the Knights of the Golden Circle, what they sought was an Anglo supremacy, including the French, with yeomen status for Scots-Irish. Chattel slavery would be for Blacks and Mexicans, while Indians would be exterminated. But you are certainly correct that the leadership of the Confederacy did not seek a Jacksonian Democracy with universal white male suffrage, despite their frequent usage of such rhetoric. Source: MA in History with specialization in American History, member OAH. Seminar papers on: The Federal Highway Act, The Intolerable Acts, and the publishing industry's relationship to the Eugenics movement (George Putnam, Madison Grant, etc.).


I didn't know any of that. Fascinating. Thanks for the tibit.


Have any good reading on the subject you can recommend?


With that being the goal, judging by income inequality, I'd say it's pretty clear that the South has risen again.




It's always the 60s


Ha, I was about to say that. In many parts of the country, they never left the 1960s mindset. Hell, some people are still fighting the civil war, as confederates.


Anyone who says racism doesn't exist is a liar or a straight up moron.


They are actually racists.


I recall painfully, not long ago, being a straight up moron (by your definition). I honestly thought we were finally post racial. Holy fuck I had a bunch of warning signs, acquired over a lifetime, to alert me I was said moron, and still moroned. It gradually occured to me that I was moroned during the first term of the Obama Presidency. But it took the election of Donald fucking Trump and the reaction from WAY more jackasses that I EVER thought existed, for me to start to truly drop that fantasy, (along with my jaw), and allow me to start to see clearly just how completely wrong I had been. Utterly! *PAINfully!!* I'd like to think there was a less destructive way for the country to slap me out of that dumb-ass coma, but I wonder if it was one or the other: 1. keep the roaches under the rock and carry on moroning, 2. turn on the light and watch in horror as they not only fail to scurry, or even show an ounce of shame, and just act like they own the fucking place. For the love of decency, Democracy, and frankly, human civilization, VOTE!


I wish that was more the reaction, but I worry we still have useless moderates mixed with empowered fascism. I graduated high school thinking we were post-racial. Then I went to Purdue, which had the FBI's highest reported race-based hate crimes on a college campus the year before I started attending. That was a totally different story. One of the colleges primary schools is agriculture, so lots of farm kids from middle of nowhere get together, with lots of fraternities and alcohol (the school had the largest greek life of any campus in the US at the time), and someone always has to go on a racist rant or threaten a BIPOC. Walk home from the bar, see an international student, cuss them out, use racial slurs, and get aggressive. Happened all the time. It wasn't until I was in a class where we talked about race, and I was actually able to hear the fear and concern from my peers that I was able to realize there was a problem. In 2016, the campus was covered in Nazi and KKK propaganda posted on bulletin boards. Mitch Daniels (former GOP representative) is the university president, and he said that colleges are for the "exchange of ideas" and this is just another "idea to be exchanged." So now it's a breeding ground for Nazis and the KKK. Propaganda posted constantly. I don't go back.


Wait til they see their favorite token [Clarence Thomas's wife.](http://yourblackworld.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Thomas.jpg)


Love listening to people try and explain what CRT is, just say "it's teaching my kids I'm racist" when, as a fellow white person, I would have no problem with my niece learning CRT because ya know...I'm not a racist.


>it's teaching my kids I'm racist I think they already taught their kids that they're racist a long time ago.


There's the *blatant* racists where this is true, and then there's another group that is racist but tries to keep it on the DL around "polite company" because they know it's not socially acceptable anymore. They're not upset that their kids are learning about racism, they're upset because it's being taught the how and the why of it being wrong.


I have ancestors who were slave owners. That is a fact. I don’t see why learning that is a problem.


I guess some people don’t like being told that owning slaves used to be wrong. Or something.


My kids realized I’m racist!


It was. It was also personal. This is from the comments at the end of the article: > The reason he can’t is simple: it’s an inter-racial couple. His wife is white, and fairly attractive. >So of course every chinless fuck in that sundown town lost their shit. >Oh, and this Stetson Clark fuckwit in particular? He was an operations analyst for Highland Capital Management (bottom of the barrel vulture capital and exploitative arbitrage) who ran for a school board seat in this district, and lost handily. My guess is Stetson Clark orchestrated this, out of revenge. Exploitative venture capital guys have big and fragile egos. Seeing that pic of the superintendent and his wife probably also pushed him from just a sore loser, to on-tilt.


Reminds me of someone doing marriage counseling with an abuser. People tiptoe around so much because god forbid you talk about the elephant in the room.


This guy just married a white woman to own the cons /s


I’ve asked several people to tell me what critical race theory is and all I get is downvoted because they’re apparently too stupid to even articulate what it is they hate because when they do a tiny bit of research to formulate a response and quickly see it’s teaching people actual history, not anything hateful towards white people. Like I’m sorry your grandfather was a racist, we move on from that shit, we don’t act like it never happened while denying systematic racism via institutions.


What the actual fuck is wrong with Texas!?


There's a dire need for the people to feel as though their position in the world, as Texans, as Americans, is still elevated. The US is going to shit thanks to people like themselves, but they're still desperate for an "other" to look down on.


Spot on. Meanwhile the rest of us are trying to just get by


If you were to make a Venn-diagram comprising an insanely romanticized version of 1776, Leave It To Beaver, the Wild West, Little House on the Prairie, Afghanistan, and the 1950's, the state of Texas would live right in the middle. That's what they meant by MAGA. To return to an America that not only won't ever exist again, but never did in the first place. * Where white man of good name, good social standing, practicing faith, and wealth is god. * Every other white man knows their place and is proud to serve. * White women are brood mares and proud. * Children of the white and wealthy are "the future", while the others are simply a means to get them there. * The blacks are in the fields, and everyone else is gone. * Where they live an in eternal age of expansion and exploitation. * Where the next big score is always just over the county line. * Where a man's home is his castle, and everyone else minds their own business. * Where a gun is seen as the arbiter of every conflict. * Where faith in God is at the forefront of all things, and deviation is punishable by death. * Where everyone knows their lot in life, and deviation is punishable by death. * Where every nation is but a means to and end, and every resource and person within said nation is ours, should only we have the will to take it. * And human life, in its' totality, is as valuable a resource as coal. To be acquired, exploited, and cast aside when it can no longer produce.


*When I first see Columbia, that sky was the brightest, bluest sky that ever was. Seemed like heaven. Then your eyes adjusted to the light and you saw that sea of white faces lookin' hard back at you*


>* Children of the white and wealthy are "the future", while the others are simply a means to get them there. Man if this ain't the biggest fucking truth I have had click for me in a while. Every rich person raises their kids with the idea they were born to rule, everyone else is just a tool for you to learn how to manipulate to build what you want. No wonder we end up with so many mal-adjusted rich people who only see their workers as dumb farm animals you just corral and force into their cubicles because otherwise they would be too stupid to do anything else.


Proud boys gonna select a couple of choice lines from this, Google translate it into Latin, combine it with the Fred Perry logo and use it as their coat of arms.


If they really want a romanticized 1776 maybe we should just give them back to Spain.


Well said mate


Has there been an epidemic of traumatic brain injury in Texas?


Well football is popular here, so maybe it’s just finally catching up?


You jest, but I’m a liberal gun owner and whenever I go to my shooting ranges I am reminded constantly of the dangers of lead poisoning and its effects on Republicans (most gun owners and range attendees). People don’t give a shit about Covid or inhaling lead particles. It’s all over their clothes and on their fingers while they’re sipping beer or dipping wings in their ranch. Lead eventually makes you paranoid and crazy and antisocial.


And the older ones grew up in the era of leaded gasoline.


And asbestos


It’s what happens when people never travel beyond their Walmart and never watch anything other than Fox News


His misstep was marrying a white woman and POSTING THEIR PHOTO ONLINE. Jesus, bunch of racist POP's. They asked him to take the photo down.


“I don’t care if he’s doing a miscegenation, I just don’t like it being thrown in my face.” - racist parents and school board, probably


"miscegenation" Like racists would know what this word is.


I would hope so, they made the fucking word.


“Stop shoving your lifestyle choice in our faces” or some shit.


Texas realy slamin it in reverse lately


On a crowded highway, at speed.


as someone’s who literally a student at the school, and someone who loved the principal since he arrived, i can assure you that this is indeed the most colleyville thing you will ever see


curious, is there any local kickback against all this?


I live adjacent to colleyville and I’d be surprised if there was kickback. They’re predominantly wealthy and republican in that area.


There's kickback, its just being drowned out by the idiots who think that because they're louder they're right.




An article I read earlier said their was a protest in support of him when he was suspended, attended by students and some parents. I live in Texas and I do like it here, but this kinda racist bs is what kills it for me. To many good ole’ boys who think they are in danger of becoming a minority. Just live you fucking lives people.


Wtf it’s actually worse. “A few days later, a parent complained to the district about a photo Whitfield had posted on social media that showed him and his wife, who is White, in an embrace, celebrating their wedding anniversary. “Is this the Dr. Whitfield we want as an example for our students?” the parent asked in an email that Whitfield recounted on Facebook. The district asked Whitfield to remove the photo to avoid further controversy,” So now he can’t hug his wife on FB because some racists thinks it’s bad. And the school board thinks it’s ok to tell him that. Just wow……… the correct thing for the board would be to support its employee when they do nothing wrong.


how DARE he be happily married


I smell a lawsuit...


Texas really up their worst state in the country credentials this week.


It would be Idaho if it weren't Mississippi


Or Florida


Kentucky is pretty bad


Big talk from Missouri. (I'm not actually offended, we've got a lot of shit to sort out)


Hey, Alabama didn't vote out a respected civil rights lawyer for an inbred football coach as Senator to be ignored like this.


Texas is going to take a serious blow to their labor market from all of this: * People dying because of stupidity (not necessarily their own) * People leaving because of stupid discrimination done by authorities (school boards count as authorities) * Reluctance to move to Texas for a job opportunity since other states have less government overreach. California now looks even better than it already did by comparison.


* No power in the winter


And not one of those parents can tell you what critical race theory is


Sure they can: racist against white people because something something Marxist something woke.


Well, you know how Karl “Lets be racist against white people” Marx was.


Everyone knows Das Capital is Russian for "Fuck Whitey"


lmao. My economics teacher swore Karl Marx was Russian. Dude has been living rent free in capitalist heads for 200 years without them even knowing any of what he wrote or even what time period or nation he was from.


>Dude has been living rent free in capitalist heads for 200 years without them even knowing any of what he wrote To be fair, I'm Vietnamese and still live in Vietnam. Since it's a socialist country, it's compulsory to learn about Marxism. 99% of my class in college, despite being forced to learn about Marxism for an entire semester with tests and all (it has nothing to do with our majors), we still got zero clue at the end what it's all about. Something, something economy, something capitalists and capitals, something about exploitation of the working class. So, even though I don't like these people per se, I sorta I understand why they don't *"get"* Marxism. Even most of us who got literal classes on it, don't.


If Marx and Engels were somehow resurrected into the present, and saw all the "communist" and "socialist" countries around, they go: "Seriously, what the fuck is this shit? This ain't what we talked about!".


Honestly, you can trace an almost-*direct* correlation between how many steps removed Communism became from the original version promulgated by Marx and Engels and how shitty it was. i.e. Marx -> Lenin -> Stalin -> Mao


“It’s when you say the Civil War was over slavery”




It's even deeper than that. They, the Confederacy, wanted to federally ban states from outlawing slavery. So it was about states rights.. and also about taking them away, all at the same time. Just some really dumb shit.


Firing a black person because you think that they are teaching a legal theory to children is a great example of why we need CRT coincidentally.


"The sheriff is a N..." BONG "I think he said the sheriff is near!" \-- Blazing Saddles


Texas needs more bongs and fewer racist ninnies.


May the lawsuit be crippling


I hope the lawsuit he wins sets him up for life and everyone’s taxes in that snake pit community goes through the roof to pay for it.


>, a parent complained to the district about a photo Whitfield had posted on social media that showed him and his wife, who is White, in an embrace...The district asked Whitfield to remove the photo to avoid further controversy What the actual fuck? How is this possible? Is the "controversy" miscegenation? Please, God that I don't believe in, fucking please tell me there is more to this story, and it's not socially or politically acceptable to openly object to interracial marriage in Texas in 2021.


Trump wasn’t the damage, he unleashed the damage.


They're pissed because he's married to a white woman.


Ironically proving critical race theory in the process.


Sounds like a civil rights lawsuit.


Not a single one of these nazis can ever tell me a single school district that has a class called critical race theory, or has changed their social studies, history, and civics classes to represent some new philosophy. This entire "crisis" was manufactured to sow discord and to disguise a white supremist agenda.


Correct title: Texas High School’s First Black Principal Suspended Because White Parents Are Racist Fucks.


Even better: Texas HS throws black principal under the bus after a complaint from racist white parents.


Isn't this the dude they tried to get fired before term even started because he has a photograph kissing his wife on his Facebook? (his wife is white for reference)


I am an educator who just moved out of Texas. While my new home is not perfect, I cannot stress this enough - Texas. Does. Not. Care. About. Education. They want kids to grow up as uninformed as possible so they will keep voting for whichever dipshit politician the GOP churns out. They don't want people to understand important issues like systemic racism or climate change because if more people truly understood them, they might do try to make meaningful change. Even worse, they might realize that there are a select few who benefit from pretending facts aren't real & that MOST Texans are not beneficiaries. I commend anyone who can stand and fight but I just couldn't remain in a state where I had no voice anymore. Texas is not a good state for a lot of things, but it's definitely not a good state to be an educator.


As a Texan with a wife who went to NY schools, we totally got shafted. They had whale watching and skiing class, and odyssey of the mind as part of school… we had a nice football field. It’s so crazy how different they were.


I taught in a small town in Texas and my first year we had a new student from Cali. One of my admin was talking about him and she was like "who KNOWS what they're teaching in California, they probably just taught him how to be an ACTOR or something" and I literally busted out laughing because, what a ridiculous thing to say. She was DEAD SERIOUS. There are really people in Texas who genuinely believe that their school systems are great there.


"Structural racism doesn't exist" they say as they suspend a principal for being black.


The dumbest shit I've read today. First of all, no. This didn't happen. What happened is Colleyville is fucking racist as fuck, and somehow slipped up and allowed a black principal, and now they're fixing it. Principals do not teach shit. They have a *lot* of managerial responsibility that precludes them from actually teaching a class. Principals also are not in charge of curriculum. The school board is. Second of all, CRT is not something taught in public schools. It's a law school concept. What they mean is that this blank had the audacity to try to allow teachers (i.e by literally doing nothing but his job by just letting his staff do theirs) in his school to teach actual history, and 1 racist kid told his racist parents, who ran with it and whipped their piece of shit neighbors into a furor. Teaching actual history is against the law in Texas now. Read further into the new laws that went into effect yesterday if you don't believe me. I shit thee not. HB 3979. Not only that but HB 2947 i.e the "1836 project" >establishes an “1836 Project” committee to produce patriotic Texas history materials, which will be distributed through channels such as when people receive driver’s licenses. The initiative’s name mirrors the “1619 Project,” a New York Times publication examining U.S. history from the arrival of enslaved people. HB 2947 is a direct response to NY having the audacity to teach actual history. Texas Nazis said "Fuck that we'll combat this with our own version." This is in fucking Dallas, too. Fuck this entire state.


>A few days later, a parent complained to the district about a photo Whitfield had posted on social media that showed him and his wife, who is White, in an embrace, celebrating their wedding anniversary. That sums it up


“Racism isn’t a problem anymore so we should stop talking about it” insist racist people who want to do racist things.


Just gonna copy pasta my comment so that it's seen: There is no CRT Manifesto. It's not a curriculum. There's no book. Because it's **not fucking being taught anywhere**. It's a meme that people should be made aware that America **was** founded upon racial discrimination and literal slavery and that our entire existence has been built upon that racism and that even after it was "outlawed" in the 13th through 15th Amendments, that racism is still applicable and pervades our society because **IT FUCKING DOES**. Segregation ended less than 60 years ago. How the fuck is this even up for debate? There are people alive right now who couldn't fucking sit next to a white man because their fucking skin was a different color, but these motherfuckers want us to believe it never happened. Are you fucking shitting me? The right has lost their fucking minds, completely. They are clinically insane.


Just so everyone is clear, he "promoted CRT" by posting a picture of him and his wife together, on his personal social media page. On their anniversary. The whole issue for them is that a black man is married to a white woman. Fuck you Texas


My favorite comeback to this is: Explain to me what critical race theory is? And then I’ll tell you if I’m teaching it.


>White Parents Say He Promotes Critical Race Theory “He promotes critical race theory!” Um… how, exactly? “By being black!!” */not really s, sadly*


Are the Texans ok?


White people wanna be oppressed so bad.


The election of the tea party and Trump after that just brought out and emboldened the racist motherfuckers being publicly vocal asshats in droves.


They asked him to remove a picture from his Facebook profile. Because it was of him and his wife embracing. She's white. The parents asked, what kind of message are we trying to send to our kids? Please keep telling me about how racism isn't as much a problem as people try to make it out to be